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Sandbox / Nario

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Page to be cut. This used to be an area used by Nario.

...At least that was what I said in March 4th, and this page is not cut yet. So this will be the place for me to prototype my planned pages.

If you want to edit this page, you can with the following rules:

  • You can't make a new page from this. I am the one to do so; if you want to upload your own page on it first, put in your own text, or check if there is a # in the name; those you can launch with those exact text.
  • This is not a place for prototyping your own pages; please make your own Sandbox pages for this.
  • I do what I want on this page; if I don't like it, it will be removed, or vise versa.

Works that is/was there: (- means that it will never release as a dedicated page)

Magic The Noah #
Magic The Noah is a Youtube channel run by a Magic: The Gathering player Noah. Before 2023, he mostly did either Vlogging or Magic: The Gathering content before moving into game shows in a Stylistic Suck Google Slides presentation (played by many Youtubers) that he is known for today.

Magic The Noah, and the Youtubers in his videos, provide examples of:

Chiki's Chase
ā˜… Pocket-sized runner ā˜…
Chiki's Chase is a video game made by dvdfu, made for iOS & Android. It is a Roguelike combined with Shoot 'Em Up and Endless Running Game. Players control a continuously running character with 2 controls, being Jump and Attack. Along the way, players picks up stars and coins. As with any Roguelike, players once in a while get to a shop, with two things to do, to pick a Upgrade out of 3 choices (unless your invertory is full, which this step is dismissed), then choose to buy 2 items, either an apple or one of two unique items that the shopkeeper will sell you; most of the time you pay by coins, though it can also be your HP, upgrades or your power point. Then you get 10 stars (most commonly gotten by kill enemies), you turn into something like a Starman from Super Mario Bros; Getting stars in this state will instead give you more time in the state.

This game have a Spin-Off in Chiki's Chef.

The game's website is here.

Chiki's Chase provide examples of:

  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Before version 2.0, there was no area other than the grass area, no upgraded versions of an Upgrade and an older version of the soundtrack that sounded more chilled out than the new soundtrack.

Vernias/Kirby The Movie

Kirby The Movie is a Youtube Let's Play series on Kirby by Vernias; a member of Party Crashers and Sidequest Party. The series is split into 2 types; a solo playthough that Vernias plays by himself, and a multiplayer playthough, where Vernias plays with 3 other people; KirbyKid/Luke, HarryBook, and Dukerino. Right now, this is his best series in terms in views, as most of them do better than other content that Vernias puts out.

This is part of Vernias The Movie, which have it's own playlist.

Kirby The Movie provide examples of:

  • Butt-Monkey: Vernias plays as Bandana Waddle Dee in Kirby's Return to Dream Land playthoughs and to fit with that, tries to get the group to not kill other Waddle Dees. They don't listen to it.
  • Character Catchphrase: Vernias tends to shout "His ass is not listening!" whenever someone misses critical information.
  • Gosh Darn It to Heck!: Vernias tends to substitute his swear words for more family friendly ones, such as "frick" or "fudge" in place of "fuck".
  • Large Ham: Vernias' energetic personality, lack of an indoor voice, and tendency to Emphasize EVERYTHING, make him come off as quite hammy.
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: KirbyKid did a major change during the Kirby's Return To Dream Land Deluxe to 'Luke Warmer' (likely his real name), however, he still plays Kirby in multiplayer playthoughs that is not Kirby Star Allies.
  • That Came Out Wrong: During their Kirby's Return to Dream Land playthough, Vernias got mad at Kirby(Kid) for sucking a Big (Waddle) Dee, but his choice of words is not the best:
    Vernias: No, not the Big Dee, no! I hope you choke on that Dee!
    Dukerino: Vernias!
    Vernias: What? Wait... wait, NO! NO! NO! NO, THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT! NOOO! [...] THAT ISN'T WHAT I MEANT!

Character.Super Mario Odyssey Hide And Seek

Players from the original video

Other Names: Tanner, Smant
The player to gaslit the other players the most. They also known for the player to hide in some of the best hiding spots.
  • I Lied: As SmallAnt commonly tend to tell lies to gaslit seekers, or just being in a great spot, he often says this then he gets founded by a very mad or confused seeker.
Shorten Names: CJ
Very loud player and hates Fir for some reason. He also plays a lot of speedruns that the others don't do.
The player that hides in the best spots compared to other members overall.
Shorten Names: Crafty
The creator of the mod; at first worst than the others by a long shot before being one of the best players of the game.

Other major players

Shorten Names: Poo
The player that is known for hiding in a bush.
One of the best speedrunners in Super Mario Odyssey before version 1.3.
Other Names: Amy
The creator of Freeze Tag.
Shorten Names: Mars
The player that would be the contender for best hiding spots behind Fir.
Shorten Names: Katie

Minor players

Shorten Names: Alpha
To see more info about Alpharad, check out his page.
Shorten Names: Bytes
Shorten Names: Platicorn
Shorten Names: Tyron
One of the best Any% speedrunners in Super Mario Odyssey since version 1.3.
Shorten Names: Samura or Samu
Was one of the best speedrunners in Super Mario Odyssey, before other players got better.
Shorten Names: Fail
For more info about FailBoat, check out his page.
Other Names: Crow or Eric

One-off players

Shorten Names: Simple
Shorten Names: Linkus
Shorten Names: Doug Doug
For more info about DougDoug, check out his page.
Other Name: Dave
Creator of Trolled! and Uncleared 0.00%.
