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Headscratchers / The Bourne Legacy

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  • Why is it so necessary for Byer to kill everybody involved in the program? (And as the movie states, set back a whole series of espionage programs back years). I mean, I get why Jason Bourne had to be put down. He was a rouge agent, which to the CIA may pose a threat in coming years. But as far as I can see, all the outcome agents were still loyal to the program.
    • I assume it's because of the old saying, "Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead." With Landy exposing all the top-secret organizations, the public would want evidence. Now, even if the agents were still loyal, Landy could point to their very existence as being evidence that the programs were still up and running. Dead, there would be no one to confirm anything. Plus, with the program falling down around their ears and it only being a matter of time before their lives would be over, some of the agents might try to go rogue, go to the press (as Cross pointed out, it was a valid option if they could do it fast enough), or just plain desert. As ham-handed as the tactic was, they were trying to cut off any loose end that might still be out there and do it before the agents got any bright ideas.
    • It was established that Dr. Shearing was at least partially aware of the full scale of the project she was involved with, Byer's entire role was to establish that there was a lot of infrastructure keeping projects like Treadstone running. If Treadstone was going to become exposed that group could have easily been subpoenaed and it would have been a BIG smoking gun. And it was already made pretty clear that they know they have created genetically enhanced Super Soldiers and they don't have complete control over them, it seems like Larx-3 was designed to iron out loyalty issues.
  • Dr Shearing said there were nine original OUTCOME operatives, then six. In the movie we see five - Cross (Five), his contact in Alaska (OUTCOME 3), the operative in South Korea (OUTCOME 4) , the one in Pakistan (OUTCOME 1), and OUTCOME 6, the one that Shearing examines in the lab (and who dies in a yacht-related incident.) Sooo - who was the fifth agent, and what became of him/her?
    • Jason Bourne, and the other assassins he kills over the previous three movies, are all the likely suspects.
      • Bourne is Treadstone, not OUTCOME.
    • There is a chance that Dr. Foite might be an OUTCOME agent. An implanted killswitch, to clean up loose ends at the lab.
  • How do chemicals allow the Outcome scientist to do all that stuff? Picking a door in several seconds, efficiently killing all but one of his colleagues without any prior experience, and then offing himself. Seriously, I know the guy was brainwashed, but at least that implacable Larx-3 had prior training to complete his missions, this was just some researcher with no military experience or espionage smarts whatsover.
    • The door picking can be taught by the brain washing guys, but most of what the Dr Foite does is not tactical or clever. He just came in and started shooting at people. None of the other scientists fought him, and since the doors was locked he just had to walk around, find another surviving scientist and shoot them.
    • For all we know, Dr. Foite was a well-trained operative who was inserted into Outcome to serve as a kill-switch for the lab personnel. This is an organization that is so ethically bankrupt that it would be willing to do that.
      • I figured they pushed him over the edge with chemicals and by ruining his work. Marta says she has a numerous restrictions on her work and the guy was ecstatic when she approved his work but when we first see him before the shooting he is looking at his work and now needs to do a murder/suicide. It's likely his handlers drove him over the despair event horizon with the orders and the chemicals.
  • What exactly does wiring a passport to a disposable camera do to it? I mean, it looks very clever for Aaron to be going all MacGyver on those forged passports, but I was just wondering why exactly he had to do it.
    • It lets him track Marta in case he loses sight of her.
    • I don't think he was tracking her. I'm pretty sure he was just using the capacitor to short out the RFID chips.
  • Why didn't the "keep it quiet by killing everyone involved" rationale apply to LARX? This implies that no one in the LARX program is potentially threatening to Byer et al like those involved with Treadstone, Blackbriar, and/or Outcome.
    • Because they're further down the chain. Those involved in the Bourne mess had direct connections to those three programs. LARX wasn't under their watch. Byer wasn't trying to destroy everyone who could possibly be a threat, but only kill off as many as is necessary to dead-end any investigation into their activities. Due to the high-profile figures in the Treadstone/Blackbriar mess, that meant wiping out Outcome.
  • At the beginning, when Aaron is hiking, he is shown counting his pills, and later before he meets the contact, he is shown hiding his pill container in his boot. Then he tells his contact that he lost his chems, and tells hima story that doesn't fit with what we have just seen. . Is it ever explained why he was misleading the other agent, since he still had chems?
    • The implication is that he trying to acquire more pills to stash. He has however many in his pill container, and being restocked by Outcome-3 would mean he has his "controlled" amount and his back-up. A deleted scene shows that Outcome agents have a "developed level of paranoia", and were hoarding resources in case they had to go off the grid.
  • Why was Pamela under such scrutiny after leaking the information when in The Bourne Ultimatum she clearly was sending it to Congress rather than the media. She was sending the information from one secure facility to another, even calling to ask for a secure fax line.
    • Because classified information is just that: classified information. Even though they are members of the Congress, they still do not have the authorization to read those documents, and therefore Allen gets penalized for that.
