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WARNING. As this talks about previous ranger series, beware of spoilers below for the uninitiated.

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     Future episode guesses 
Teaser/analysis guessing platform for future episodes

Sentai predictions

  • If Hasbro adapts Ressha Sentai Toqger next:
    • He will point out the Megazord's Unfortunate Character Design (where the forward section of the red Ressha lowers, making it resemble an erect penis).
      I think I got one of The Cinema Snob's porn parodies by mistake.
      • Alternatively, he'll play the Boner Gag from his Top 10 Comics I'll Never Review video.
    • He will joke about Greeta's PR counterpart looking like the Grimace in drag.
    • He will cut to a clip of SPD when the first ever orange ranger appears.
    • Given his er... distaste with the car theme of Turbo, the train theme of this season probably won't go over well.
    • He will bring in Crazy Train sometime in the review.
    • He will dislike the megazord design, and might point out how there are better train megazords in previous seasons, even the one that is comprised of 5 zords.
    • All these theories are Jossed, as Saban will NOT be adapting Toqger into a Power Rangers series.
      • He could, however, do any of these in his review of Ninja Steel when talking about Saban's decision to skip Toqger; given that he didn't have a problem with the cars in RPM, he might very well be indifferent towards the train theme overall, but he might praise the Zord designs for using different train themes instead of just being animals, and odds are very likely that he'll praise the morphers for not being cell phones and like the idea of switching colors. Bonus points if someone convinces him to watch Kamen Rider Den-O note  before the video, causing him to make comparisons between the two (especially since they have the same writer).
      • However with the surprise news that Go-Busters will be adapted anything is possible.
    • He'll note that the source material was where Cosmo Royale's costume came from, and might comment on if he preferred the original design of the mask (which he probably will, since the design in Ninja Steel will probably remind him of Elgar).
    • He'll probably like the color changing gimmick, since not only does it let him see ranger colors worn by a gender that normally doesn't wear them (i.e., female green/red, male pink), but also actually has a reason behind it, liking that the weapons are linked to each color.
      • However, he might get annoyed that they never do an Orange color change, or the Orange ranger never does any color changes either.
    • On the topic of the Orange ranger, there's the matter of the morpher. Assuming they don't change his morpher, he'll either get irritated that it's yet again another cell phone, he'll be fine with it since it's not the main morpher, or he won't have a problem, noting that it's a smart phone, which hasn't really been used as a morpher.

  • If Hasbro adapts Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger next:
    • He'll bring up the Masters from Jungle Fury again, much to his annoyance.
    • He'll either praise the uniqueness of the zords or decry the design.
    • He'll note how the suits are reminiscent of Lost Galaxy and Wild Force while the super modes are reminiscent of Dino Thunder's Super Dino Mode.
    • He'll either praise and/or be annoyed by the Zyuoh Changers. He'll praise the uniqueness or joke about how a Rubik's Cube is used for ranger functions and he'll most likely be annoyed that the morpher is also another cell phone, much like the many other morphers before it.
    • He'll bring up how this is the sixth team not to have a Pink Ranger, the third with a female Blue Ranger and the fifth with a male Yellow Ranger.
    • He'll state the Gorilla mode the Red Ranger has seems like the Red Ranger designed by Rob Lefield.
    • He'll compare PR!Zyuoh Bird to the Quantum Ranger, due to having very similar outfits to the red rangers of their respective teams, and being the Sixth Ranger.
    • Technically speaking, PR!Zyuoh Bird is the seventh ranger, not the sixth (that being the PR!Zyouh The World), but he might make the comparison for the other reason you mentioned.
    • He'll like Zyuoh The World, not only for having a unique morpher, but at the same time wonder what color he should consider said ranger.
    • He'll note that this is the first time that a Sentai anniversary isn't being adapted for a Power Rangers anniversary series, pointing out that it won't be until the season after the next onenote  that a Sentai anniversary will be adapted for a Power Rangers anniversary.
    • He'll complain about the lack of second and third modes for the rest of the main Rangers

  • If Hasbro adapts Uchu Sentai Kyuranger next:
    • He'll note Bandai of America was involved in the production of the source material, and speculate what elements were made for use in Power Rangers.
    • He'll snark about Power Rangers in space... again.
    • He'll make a reference to Saint Seiya (take your pick as to what it is - he'll play the theme song, he'll call the red ranger Pegasus Seiya, he'll wonder why the red ranger isn't using Pegasus Meteor Fist, etc) when he sees the Red Ranger's Pegasus armor.
    • He'll mention Magna Defender when he sees the black ranger's design, and make an even bigger comparison if they keep the backstory.
    • He'll compare the series to both SPD and Dino Charge, due to the large team size. And if PR!Shou Ranpou has the same role as his Sentai counterpart, he'll make a comparison to Doggie Kruger (and possibly Xenowing) as well.
    • If the constellation theme is keptnote , he'll like that they aren't going with the most well-known constellations.
    • He'll state that if Saban had just waited 20 years after they had made Turbo, they would have ACTUALLY gotten a space-themed sentai instead of the video game and device themed Denji Sentai Megaranger.
    • He'll be impressed by the morphers.
    • He will declare the PR version of the Kyu Weapons to be the best in the franchise, since they are guns by default, but they take his line of "Guns that transform into swords are awesome" up to eleven, since they can also transform into rapiers, lances, axes, claws, scythes, crossbows, and knives.
    • After seeing the Yellow Ranger use the horn on his helmet as a weapon, he'll wonder if someone at Hasbro watches this series, and jokingly suggest something else he'd like to see in a future series.
    • He'll be impressed by the suit design, noting how uniform it is while still having something unique for each ranger.
    • If they end up keeping Koguma Skyblue's PR counterpart as a child, he'll compare the PR counterpart to Koguma Skyblue to Justin from Turbo - he'll either be irritated by them using the concept of child Power Rangers again, or he'll like PR!Koguma Skyblue more because the ranger actually LOOKS like a child this time around. However, he will probably like the fact that Koguma Skyblue represents both Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
    • Given how he felt about Jungle Fury having a Violet ranger for the first time, he'll like that this team is the first one with an Orange ranger, ranger wannabes not counting.
    • Speaking of Jungle Fury, when he talks about the theme song for this season, he'll play the theme to In Space or Lost Galaxy instead, and apologize, claiming he got the two seasons mixed up.
    • He'll be forced to update his definition of a "Sixth Ranger", due to the fact that the rangers who are the sixth members to join the team (the PR! Counterparts of Balance/Naga Ray) are part of the core team, whereas the first one who joins after the core team is assembled (the PR! counterpart of Shou Ranpou) is the 10th ranger.
    • With a total of Three Sixth Rangers, he'll wonder who is the team's official Sixth Ranger, noting that Dino Charge only classified the Gold Ranger as the Sixth Ranger, despite the team having 4 other rangers who joined afterwards. He'll likely lean towards saying that either the PR! Ryuu Commander or the PR! Houou Soldier fills this role, noting that the PR! Koguma Skyblue has the same morpher as the rest of the team, and his Zord can be used on either the PR! Kyuren-Oh or the PR! Ryutei-Oh, whereas Ryu Commander's and Houou Soldier's Zords can't combine with the PR! Kyuren-Oh outside of the regular combination Megazord.
    • He will compare the uniforms to those of SPD and Zeo, noting that the star on the chest and color design is similar to that of SPD, whereas the helmets are similar to those of Zeo due to them having the sculpted lips not be on a separate mouthpiece.
    • He'll note that due to the way the Zords can be configured, the PR! Kyuren-Oh has the most combinations of any Megazord in the franchisenote , and understand why they don't show every combination. He'll note that it gives a bit of motivation for fans to actually buy the Zord toy, noting that if there's a specific combination they want to see that doesn't appear in the show, they can just make it themselves. He might even post a few pictures of his favorite combinations if he ended up buying the toy.
    • If the team genderflips 1 or more of the male rangers, he'll note that this is the first time since Wild Force where a ranger has been gender flipped, and the first time since the series was sold to Disney where this happened. He'll point out that the only reason none of the other Disney series did that was because either they featured more than one female ranger (SPD, Mystic Force Operation Overdrive, RPM) or followed the Three Plus Two formula (Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, Jungle Fury), for the Neo Saban era, with the exception of Dino Charge, they all featured 2 female members on the core team, and for the Hasbro era, technically had 2 female rangers (1 heroic and 1 evil) in Beast Morphers and had 2 females on the core teamnote .
    • He'll appreciate the fact that they didn't limit themselves to the 12 constellations in the Zodiac despite having 12 rangers, noting that it avoids Small Reference Pools. He'll also note that he's the zodiac sign of the Red Ranger as he was born on August 19th, 1987.
    • If Hasbro doesn't include cockpit armor, he'll understand why, pointing out that because each ranger has their own cockpit as opposed to a shared cockpit, not to mention that they can be seen from the outside, it would've been very expensive to include the armornote . If they include it, he'll be baffled, pointing out that Hasbro is wasting money by filming their own megazord footage as opposed to just using Sentai footage like normal.
    • He'll be upset that none of the zords have a combined cockpit.
    • It's a coin toss about how he'll feel about the Red Ranger getting the majority of the power-upsnote . Either he'll get irritated, wondering if Saba-er, Hasbro learned anything from Megaforce, or he'll say something along the lines of "At least it's not as bad as it was in Megaforce", pointing out that Gosei handing out so many zords/powers in Megaforce was due to them using 2 different Sentai.
      • None of Lucky's power-ups (Shishi Red Orion aside) are exclusive to him, Spada has used the Pegasus Kyutama and Hammie used the Hikari Kyutama, so Linkara might not even mention this. Not to mention how the Hikari Kyutama also gives more power to Balance (Taiyou Mode) and Garu (Tsuki Mode), so if Linkara does mention it he'll probably enjoy that the Red Ranger gets the power-up, but it also gives more power to other members rather than just Red.
    • He'll note that this is the third space themed team (the first being In Space, and the second being Lost Galaxy), but note that this is the first time Saban is adapting a sentai that's also space themednote .
    • He will note that this is the first time Power Rangers has had a real Orange ranger on the core team.
    • Might wonder why the team has 2 blues, but not a white ranger, noting that it's odd that they have every other color that hasn't been used as a one-off.
      • Though he'll probably understand the absence once they get to ShishiRed Orion. He might also notice it's the first time that a Ranger's Super Mode changes his color.

  • If Hasbro adapts Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger:
    • He will bring up Hexagon again to compare the premise.
    • He'll compare the suits of the PR version of the Patrangers to SPD.
    • Might be confused why the blue ranger isn't on the PR version of the Patrangers, noting that blue is a color associated with police.
    • Will probably get annoyed that the majority of the powerups go to the PR! Lupins (assuming they don't shoot any original footage of the PR! Pats using any otherwise Lupin-exclusive powerups), comparing it unfavorably to Gosei handing out powerups, albeit slightly worse, since at least Gosei gave powerups to more than half the team.

  • If Hasbro adapts Mashin Sentai Kiramager:
    • He'll be impressed by the suits.
    • He'll say "Well I'll be damned! It is glitter!"

  • If Hasbro adapts Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger:
    • He'll be impressed at how mobile the Kikanoid suits are.
    • He'll either like the mecha for trying something different or consider them too different.

  • If Hasbro adapts Avataro Sentai Donbrothers:
    • He'll make a Sonic The Hedgehog joke in regards to Inu Brother's counterpart.
    • He'll be impressed that they went with a male Pink.

  • If Hasbro adapts Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger:
    • He'll bring up Beast Morphers changing the names of the bug zords to make it easier for American kids

All Jossed. Hasbro has announced an original reboot without the need to adapt a Sentai series.

Linkara will end the Once and Always/Cosmic Fury video with "And that was the history of Power Rangers"
Jossed again. Because of the reboot, there is a possible chance HOPR will continue past that review.

For an unconventional episode, he'll do a review/mini-Let's Play of Chroma Squad
Because it's heavily inspired by Power Rangers, not to mention he gets a shout-out in the game. Plus, who wouldn't want to see what Linkara's Power Rangers squad would look like?

At some point Saban or someone high up will find and watch the videos and like them enough to name a future ranger after Linkara.
  • This is just something that I've had in my head for a while and it would be nice.
    • Well, Linkara did become a member of the "Power Force", which includes at least one person who's had a monster named after him. And "Lewis" would be a pretty good ranger name.
    • Or maybe Saban will just bring him in Super Megaforce as the Green Nostalgia Ranger from the Turbo episode of The Nostalgia Critic.
      • Jossed regarding the Super Megaforce cameo; Super Megaforce aired, and not only did Turbo not get a tribute episode, Linkara didn't make any cameo (although considering how he felt about that season, it's probably for the best). However, Saban HAS said that they are OK with the videos being made as long as Linkara uses footage from legit sources (hence the reason why, even though Dino Charge had finished airing, he was still waiting for the DVDs for the series to be released).

Once he reaches all seasons, we'll get a retrospective series where he counts down favorite Rangers, episodes, storylines, etc.
Basically, like an epilogue to the series, of sorts.
  • And some of the components will include best season, most underrated season, best fight, best stand alone season, coolest costumes, best villains, best character, worst (insert thing here).
  • Given that there's an unproven fact that Power Rangers is unkillable, this may never happen depending on if Saban can keep the series going indefinitely.
  • Alternatively, he will do a retrospective to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Power Rangers
    • In his Mystic Force review, he has said when he finishes that he'd try to do a video to correct any mistakes he had made.
    • So far, he's redone his reviews of Mighty Morphin' up to Time Force to bring them in line with the quality of his later videos and updated or added new information that he found out during that time.

  • Linkara will point out how Spencer in OO was Butterbur in the Fellowship and in RPM Dr. K's actress showed up in The Two Towers. Hopefully he'll find someone who was in Return of the King.
    • He'll also point out how Master Mao in Jungle Fury had a supporting role in the latter two Matrix movies. Why? Rule of Nerd.

Some of the Patreon reviews will be for Super Sentai seasons
Not all of them, but specifically the ones that either accomplished their ideas better than Power Rangers did (Goseiger, Gokaiger), were completely different (Gingaman, Go-onger), or skipped (Dairanger, Go-Busters, or anything before Zyuranger).
  • Well, part of this happened — he reviewed the first five episodes of Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger as a Patreon-sponsored episode.

Linkara's next awesomely tearjerking End of an Era AMV in HOPR will be set to:

One of the older seasons Linkara had mixed or negative opinions on will eventually be Vindicated by History
Linkara has decided to remaster his old videos (up until Operation Overdrive, and after that, he'll just edit the footage and audio), so it's not a stretch to imagine that Linkara might rewatch some of the older seasons as he remasters the updates, and given that he's seen the seasons that are considered the "worst" in the fandom (as well as found one to replace Turbo as his least favorite), it's not a stretch to imagine that he might be more positive about one of the seasons he'd previously had mixed/negative feelings about. My money's on him giving Lightspeed Rescue or Ninja Storm more positive reviews in the remastered versions.

     Predictions for how Linkara ranks various aspects of Power Rangers 
A list of Lewis's favorite Power Rangers Series.
Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Here's my guesses on what are his current favorite series's are. Will be updated as more reviews come out. Feel free to post your own speculations below. -Eric W
1.Power Rangers in Space (He stated this was his favorite season in the Time Force review with strong villains, a theme on the nature of evil, memorable fights, a superb ending, and all around more epic than the seasons before it).
2.Power Rangers RPM (A difficult call on its positioning as the shaky cam, odd plot points in regards to the apocalypse, and the Astronema parallels do hold it down, along with borderline issues with Ziggy, Gem and Gemma. But with different filming techniques, interesting and understandable rangers, a premise that is mature, epic and funny, one of the best mentors, serious stakes, and a ton of ambition, it really felt like Linkara enjoyed this series. Not as much as In Space due to that series having better villains overall, but still possibly the best standalone season).
3.Power Rangers: Dino Thunder (A recommended series. Despite bad payoff over so many different ideas, and some anticlimactic final battles, there are good characters all around both good and evil, they are all well-developed, mostly fantastic action, and good humor. He also enjoyed Tommy's characterization, including his subplot involving him being a Shell-Shocked Veteran).
4.Power Rangers Cosmic Fury (A strong season with a great narrative, respectful fanservice for the 30th anniversary, and some good twists and original ideas that Linkara enjoyed watching. However, the lack of real drama and removal of some subplots weaken it compared to the top three seasons.)
5.Power Rangers Dino Fury (Like Time Force, Linkara feels that the season is a little overhyped with a weak first season and too many lore additions that makes it feel that the series is trying to pander to the older fans. Still, Linkara considers Dino Fury a strong season with great characters, sympathetic villains, the return of Lord Zedd and a much improved second season).
6.Power Rangers Time Force (Despite being overblown by the fans and oodles of time travel plot holes, there are good villains, great acting, strong action, time travel themes, and almost all the characters are interesting).
7. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (Despite nostalgia value, too many fillers to place it any higher).
8. Power Rangers Zeo (Triumph and another step forward with more complex magic/technology balancing, but growing pains with the machine empire, some writing issues, and of course, character flatness keep it from placing this season any higher on the list).
9. Power Rangers Lost Galaxy (For its strong themes and character development as well as a mostly solid story after it got going, but numerous behind-the-scenes problems hit the show hard).
10. Power Rangers S.P.D. (A recommended series, with good character development, a good storyline, and villains... but not all the characters got the development, and a decent bit of time was devoted to discussing technical problems)
11.Power Rangers Jungle Fury (Great rangers, interesting lead villains, fantastic kung fu action and great character development with good acting. However, it still carries some technical burdens, has some writing issues, and the story, while interesting, wasn't as well developed as say Lost Galaxy).
12.Power Rangers Dino Charge (While not a groundbreaking season, it's still great season that fixes all the problems Megaforce had: better villains, story arcs that go somewhere, and actual Character Development. However the finale is very confusing timeline wise.).
13.Power Rangers Wild Force (Underrated with excellent team ups, a fantastic theme song and complex villains, but with a very iffy story and plot points that felt translated from the original Sentai).
14.Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (Decent with good characters, cool zords, and a different feel compared to other seasons, but its hit hard with a lack of good villains compared to In Space and Lost Galaxy).
15.Power Rangers Beast Morphers - (While Linkara didn't say how he felt about the season, he considers it a step forward from Ninja Steel due to giving development to every Ranger, having some decent crossover episodes, and having a huge improvement of fanservice compared to Megaforce. However, it's bogged down by a bad theme song and mediocre villains.)
16.Power Rangers Ninja Steel - (Overall, Ninja Steel is mediocre at worst, but average at best. The plot is simple, not many characters get too much development even though they are likable, there's no real dynamic villains, and there's an overuse of gross out humor).
17.Power Rangers Mystic Force (Like Ninja Storm, good when great, bad when bad, with less likable rangers then annoying ones, a sub-par theme song and too much focus on the world-building. Even so, Linkara gave it an overall recommendation).
18.Power Rangers Ninja Storm (A "flawed" series that is great when good, awful when bad, and has only one good villain out of a much larger stand alone evil group).
19.Power Rangers Samurai (A bad season filled with cultural mistranslations, bad acting, parental and Child Soldier issues with the main rangers, a mentor In Name Only, unsatisfying subplot conclusions, and a main villain that's even less intimidating than Lothor. However, it still has good moments such as the opening music, the HD resolution, the teamup, and the return of Bulk and concluded that it's at least watchable).
20.Power Rangers Turbo (Until Operation Overdrive, this was, in his opinion, the worst season ever with a destruction of the old order in a horrible way with a stupid archenemy, and no easily identifiable theme. Still, it did still have great music, fights, an epic ending, and even some ambitious episodes)
21.Power Rangers Mega Force (Suffering MASSIVE backlash from being the 20th anniversary season, Megaforce as seen by Linkara isn't so much bad as it's lazy. With bad acting, only 1 character arc, too many continuity issues to count, poor writing, anticlimaxes, and overall, just a bad experience. Despite this though, his least favorite is still...)
22.Power Rangers Operation Overdrive (Bad music, bad pacing, mixed acting, kallish-splosion addled fights, a horrible teamup, and bad characters, though with some redeemable qualities such as Spencer, the iMack reveal and some nice back story for the 6th ranger).

  • I would switch Zeo and Wild Force due to him speaking generally positive of Wild Force at the end and with no noted positivity or negativity towards Zeo. Although I could be biased as a Wild Force Fan.
    • You are a biased Wild Force fan, even if he said it wasn't AS bad as fans say he still criticized it a lot. He was much less critical of Zeo.
  • Zeo and Wild Force may rank higher than Galaxy due to Zeo's themes of triumph and having the added bonus of continuing the story from the previous season with returning characters whereas Galaxy had such troubled production, the first quarter of the season was noted as being slow and many of its characters received little to no development, especially Maya and Damon.
  • Mystic Force will probably be No. 10.
  • Seems like Turbo should rank above Samurai - while he isn't fond of Turbo, he specifically stated in his Operation Overdrive review that there is a lot of stuff he liked about it, while the best thing he's said about Samurai is that it's watchable. Also, he's stated that while he does find Time Force to be very good, it was a bit overhyped in his opinion, so it should be a little lower.
  • I think Ninja Storm should be at least a place higher since he compared it to Lightspeed Rescue, saying they were both decent seasons with weak villains.

Linkara's favorite ranger from each season
Sometimes it's really obvious who his favorite ranger is and other times it's a lot more difficult to tell.
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers - No one is particular, he might have a soft spot for Billy for obvious reasons but he seems to like them all equally, at least the original cast. In the updated review, he says Zack is his favorite for his fun loving attitude, weird but effective fighting style, and is the only one of the original five to have a story arc (trying to win over Angela's love).
Power Rangers Zeo - Same as MMPR. He didn't really start analyzing the rangers until Lost Galaxy so it's hard to tell. Bulk and Skull are his real favorites. It's still anyone's guess as to who his favorite is, since he doesn't give any real analysis in the updated review.
Power Rangers Turbo - Cassie. He singles her out the most and is the only one of the four replacements he takes time to analyze.
Power Rangers in Space - Andros. He likes character development and Andros had plenty. However, this is his favorite season so he probably loves everyone.
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy - Kinda vague. Maybe Leo who became a true red leader, overcame his impulsiveness and destroyed Trakeena (the first time).
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue - Carter. Obviously, surely by now, we all know this, he might even be Linkara's favorite ranger in the franchise.
Power Rangers Time Force - Katie. He says so in the review. Twice actually.
Power Rangers Wild Force - It's very hard to tell. Probably Taylor for her neat character development thanks to the team up, differing attitude to the rest of the team and strong demeanor.
Power Rangers Ninja Storm - Cam. He likes his selflessness, despite his rudeness.
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder - This is clearly in his top two/three seasons so he may love everyone equally. One of the main reasons why likes this season so much is that none of the rangers are left out in development. But if he had to pick a favorite, it would probably be Trent (for his great character arc) or Tommy (for being the awesome mentor and coming up with a neat little character arc for him despite it being fan wank).
Power Rangers S.P.D. - Since he likes to see characters develop and grow his favorite is probably Sky but this another favorite season of his, so he could like everyone (except maybe Sam).
Power Rangers Mystic Force - Chip. He says so in the review.
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive - Rose. He say's she's probably his favorite in this season, if only because she isn't as much of an idiot as the rest, although he dislikes that she doesn't have an arc (despite the set-up for one). Non-ranger side, however, he loves Spencer, and even considers him the best character in the season.
Power Rangers Jungle Fury - He doesn't really seem to have a definite favorite between Casey and RJ.
Power Rangers RPM - Overall, Linkara liked Doctor K the most, saying she was his favorite character (in fact, he called her his favorite character in the franchise). Among the Rangers, while he didn't have a explicit favorite, he seemed to really like Ziggy and Scott.
Power Rangers Samurai - He seems to like Mike the most, calling him noble despite his antics (it also helps that in his character analysis, Mike seems to have the least issue). He also praises the acting prowess of Lauren's actress. Non-ranger, he still likes Bulk.
Power Rangers Megaforce - Robo Knight, citing that he was the only ranger to have a real arc (namely his progression from caring only about protecting the environment to valuing humans enough to make a Heroic Sacrifice for one) and finding his Robocop voice endearing. Of the core 5, it's Gia, as evident by him calling her "the coolest member of her team" in his review of Ninja Steel.
Power Rangers Dino Charge - It's hard to tell, but it's possible that he liked Shelby the best for her complex personality in regard to her background, early relationship with Kendall and gets "quite a bit of development."
Power Rangers Ninja Steel - For the rangers, Linkara admits Sarah had more development than the other rangers, but not by much. Non-rangers, he likes Victor for being an enjoyable Jerkass despite disliking the overuse of gross-out humor.
Power Rangers Beast Morphers - While Linkara notes that Ravi had the most development due to his story arcs regarding his mother and Roxy, Steel seems to be his favorite of the Rangers based on his live tweets due to the latter's one-liners.
Power Rangers Dino Fury - Izzy. Linkara loves the mature storylines Izzy got, the romance she had with Fern, and considered her the best acted of the group.

Speculation for future seasons:

Linkara's least favorite ranger from each season
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers - No one in particular but he does criticize Tommy for hogging screentime and while he doesn't dislike the replacement rangers, he does give them grief for having little to no personality. And he also hates the Aquitian Rangers voices.
Power Rangers Zeo - Again, no one in particular. In the updated review however, he did explain the problem with Tanya's presence after she took Aisha's spot after the Alien Ranger saga. He doesn't hate her, it's just that the time travel stuff is confusing.
Power Rangers Turbo - Justin. He admits that he doesn't really hate Justin as a character, going as far to call him the only competent character in the season, just the concept surrounding him.
Power Rangers in Space - Zhane. He calls him an arrogant and smug bastard but as mentioned before, In Space is his favorite season, so he doesn't really dislike anyone.
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy - Maya. For being kinda weird and unrealistic but he doesn't seem to hate her either.
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue - Dana. Refers to her as the blandest of the group.
Power Rangers Time Force - Lucas. Probably the first ranger that he flat out dislikes.
Power Rangers Wild Force - He didn't seem too fond of Merrick, calling him the lamest sixth ranger yet as his plot line made no sense.
Power Rangers Ninja Storm - Hard to pinpoint. Even though he thinks Ninja Storm is a flawed season, he doesn't seem to have a problem with the rangers themselves. He did snark that Hunter soon became as bland as the rest of the group, implying that he may not think they develop much. Even then, Hunter at least had a bit more abrasiveness at first. So his least favorite is probably Blake for being the blandest of the team.
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder - Conner. He basically and bluntly calls him an idiot. Even still, judging by how much he liked Dino Thunder, he may still like Conner and just called him an idiot because he is one.
Power Rangers S.P.D. - Sam. Because, you know, he's freakin ball of light!
Power Rangers Mystic Force - Nick. He is one of, if not the only, Red Ranger to actively suggest simply giving up, an attitude that Linkara can't seem to abide in a leader.
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive - Dax. He's stupid and annoying and doesn't grow out of this. He even says so.
Power Rangers Jungle Fury - He enjoys all the rangers for the most part, but he seems to dislike Lily the most with a lack of a character arc and less of an intricacy compared with the others.
Power Rangers RPM - Difficult to say. While he mentions that Summer is underdeveloped and possibly not as awesome as Flynn who was in the same way, I think that due to the twin talk, Gem and Gemma get the bottom of the barrel, though not without their interesting components on being like children.
Power Rangers Samurai - He mentions that Mia gets the shortest end of the character development stick. Non-ranger, he really hates Mentor Ji due to him barely being a mentor at all and how he takes Antonio's morpher just because he isn't supposed to be part of the team.
Power Rangers Megaforce - Most probably Troy, due to his robotic acting and being the series' usual mouthpiece for shallow 'never surrender' and 'humans are awesome' platitudes. In terms of non-Rangers, he finds Gosei a useless mentor who exists only to hand out a ridiculous number of power-ups with no effort on the Rangers' part.
Power Rangers Dino Charge - Linkara doesn't exactly hate any of the 10 Rangers, although he does admit the extra Rangers get the shorter end of the development. Most notably Zenowing (who admittedly arrived very late in the game) and James (who's personality is only told by us, and isn't happy about him moving around a lot even after reuniting with Tyler).
Power Rangers Ninja Steel - Hard to say as Linkara does not hate any of the Rangers, but if he had a least favorite, it might be Hayley due to having no real character development or plot lines.
Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Again, hard to say as Linkara never outwardly disliked any of the Rangers. But by default, it would probably be Zoey because she gets the least development.
Power Rangers Dino Fury - Once again, this is another season where Linkara likes all of the Rangers, but if there was one he liked the least, it would be Zayto as the latter was flatyl acted and had the least focus episodes of the Rangers that were not connected to Rafkon.

Speculation for future seasons:

Linkara's main villain scale

Since we've been taking time to think about Linkara's favorite Rangers, let's now ponder who his favorite (and least favorite) villains are. Post your guesses below. Due to sheer numbers, lead villains only, though you're welcome to guess favorite underlings in a separate WMG too.

1. Lord Zedd/Rita Repulsa (MMPR): Likes Lord Zedd's design, and notes the pair together had more victories against the rangers than any other villain in the franchise. Lewis actually confirmed in a PO unboxing video that his favourite villain was Zedd.
2. Astronema (In Space): Loves her no-nonsense attitude, plans, and her story arc throughout the season after her reveal. He also likes the fact she returns next season to become the new pink ranger.
3. Heckyl (Dino Charge): "A delight." Intelligent, patient, manipulative, wonderful acting combination, and a nice character beat before his redemption.
4. Venjix/Evox (RPM/Beast Morphers): He likes his voice, his robot bodies, and calls him "The darkest and most effective villain in the series history" since he almost won before the series even began. As for his return in Beast Morphers, he liked the foreshadowing that was built up, but did not like how Evox did not do much until the finale
5. Trakeena (Lost Galaxy): Complex, emotionally "deeper" by comparison, had a great sendoff with her father, and a solid final battle before the team up.
6. Sledge (Dino Charge): Great Design, an interesting character dynamic with Poissandra, a great base, and he's a different kind of villain in the sense of him being a simple minded brute with great power compared with so many of the others.
7. Mesogog (Dino Thunder): Menacing, dark, with great work on his jaw, and the first villain definitively motivated by racism.
8. Dai Shi/Jerrod (Jungle Fury): Always growing, willing to take on the rangers himself, and an interesting duality between who Dai Shi could be and who Jerrod turned out to be.
9. Emperor Grumm (SPD): Legitimately dark, with a serious empire and actually blew up planets. But a little boring, with some issues in storytelling, and not even the biggest bad of his series. But on the other hand, he's among the most effective villains in the series, with diversionary tactics to gain things he wanted and almost accomplishing his plans.
10. Ransik (Time Force): Despite some interest in his motivation, his love for his daughter and his power, not nearly as sympathetic or interesting as some other villains.
11. Master Org (Wild Force): Psycho, but with an interesting backstory. Mystery in his development, and an awesome final battle with his overwhelming power.
12. The Machine Empire (Zeo): Due to growing pains, never quite made the impression they needed to for Zeo.
13. The Villains of Overdrive: A bit on the weird side. He said that he liked Flurious the most for waiting until the end when everyone else is gone, and even liked the sibling rivalry between him and Moltar. However, he found Kamdor and Miratrix's motivations odd, and dislike the Fear Cats for being evil for evil sake. He concludes that the main problem with the villain factions is that each of them lacked depth.
14. Lord Archenon (Dino Super Charge): Has some power, is the guy who set things in motion, and his ending scene seems to imply some kind of weakness in his character that adds a slight bit of interest.
15. The Master (Mystic Force): Unfortunately despite his presence behind the whole show, he didn't do much until the end. Imperius had the most potential out of the villains, but didn't go anywhere.
16. Queen Bansheera (Lightspeed Rescue): Boring and needlessly cruel, though at least somewhat intimidating.
17. Galvanax (Ninja Steel): He much preferred Cosmo Royale for the villains as fun and lively minion. Galvanax was just a generic villain on the lines of Xandred, and while Madame Odious had more competent plans and was both cunning and crafty, she was not very interesting.
18. Emperor Mavro (Super Megaforce): He prefers his son, Prince Vrak, and considers Mavro to barely be a blip on his radar. He does admit to being impressed by the Emperor being able to fight Troy and Orion while still seated.
19. Snide (Dino Super Charge): Aggressive, Impatient, and kinda dumb.
20. Lothor (Ninja Storm): Finds his comedic preference terrible, and disliked how many dumb moves he made. Although he did praise him on his fighting skills.
21. Divatox (Turbo): The one he hates the most out of all the villains. Whines a lot, has a confusing reason for taking over the world despite being a space pirate, and is frustrated that it's her that ends up destroying the Power Chamber and beating the Power Rangers. However, he at least found her intimidating, and she did get her comeuppance in In Space, which leaves the bottom spot to...
22. Master Xandred (Samurai): Of all the villains, he's called the most boring/generic. Even if he hated other villains, at least they had some intimidation factor, but Xandred gets the bottom of the pile.

Linkara's favorite mentor scale

1. Dr. K (RPM). Linkara did not mention her mentoring capabilities (he probably did not expect much from a Teen Genius with No Social Skills), but he praised her tragic backstory, her Character Development, and her actress' performance. In the Beast Morpher review, Linkara said that Dr. K was his favorite Power Ranger of all time and her focus episode was his favorite. He was also overjoyed when K came back and showed just how much she had grown from her tragedy and mistakes.
2. Zordon (MMPR-In Space). The classic talking head. Zordon was a wise, Crazy-Prepared mentor yet he was genuinely concerned about the Rangers who pulled a Heroic Sacrifice at the Grand Finale to save the world.
3. RJ (Jungle Fury). A funny, friendly guy who the Rangers could easily relate to. His Eccentric Mentor tendencies set him apart from the more serious mentors. Despite this, he was genuinely wise and badass and his advice actually worked.
4. Tommy Oliver (Dino Thunder). Linkara questioned Tommy's dinosaur research but he ultimalely liked how he had grown since his Mighty Morphin' days. Linkara also liked Tommy's subplot involving him being a Shell-Shocked Veteran.
5. Doggie Kruger (SPD). He wasn't as well developed a character as the above characters, and not showing the PTSD as often as he could. But he was still wise, patient, awesome and willing to get tough with others when needed (most of the time).
6. Udonna (Mystic Force). Showed her stripes by teaching magic to total novices, and often pushing her students, with some interesting character beats.
7. Keeper (Dino Charge). Nothing special, but solid, helpful, capable of fighting, and not using platitudes for cheap writing. But a step in the right direction especially after the previous two disasters of mentors.
8. Mick (Ninja Steel). Although Linkara notes he really isn't a mentor, he did like the analogous lessons he gave to the Rangers and was pretty enjoyable. Although he felt the plot about him and being separated from his parents could have been fleshed out more.
9. Captain Mitchell (Lightspeed Rescue). Sometimes got a bit evasive with his instructions to the rangers at first, but he got better, and despite having to follow on the tails of Zordon, proved to be a capable mentor with personal connections to rangers and the mission.
10. Andrew Hartford (Operation Overdrive). Linkara is baffled why Hartford did not hire an army instead of recruiting five people with attitude, As for his capabilities as a mentor, he found Hartfort to be unnecessarily shady and secretive but liked how Hartford was willing to join the team as the Red Ranger. Linkara also liked the subplot involving him creating iMack.
11. Sensei Watanabe (Ninja Storm). Bizarre mentor for Linkara, and the whole Guinea Pig thing didn't exactly help.
12. Dimitria (Turbo): Didn't like in the beginning how she spoke in riddles to the Rangers early on, but admitted she got better as the season continued.
13. Princess Shayla (Wild Force). The Load.
14. Gosei (Mega Force). A glorified plot device with no characterization. Gosei only existed to provide exposition (which he failed) and pull random power ups out of his, uh, mouth. However, there were at least possible reasons why he acted the way he did (granted, nothing concrete), which makes his least favorite mentor...
15. Mentor Ji (Samurai). An uppity, snobby dickhead who rejected Antonio because Antonio did not come from a Samurai heritage. He contributed less to the team than Spencer, a butler and his advices were crappy and inconsistent.
  • I think that he'd probably rank Ji below Gosei, since he at least came up with an explanation for Gosei handing out powers for no real reason, and he didn't condemn any specific actions not related to that. Also, where would he rank Dimitria? I do know that he'd rank her in the bottom half (at the bare minimum, he'd rank her below Watanabe), but I have a very hard time imagining him ranking her below Ji or Gosei.

Linkara's favorite Team Up Episodes

Linkara has been looking at team up episodes for awhile, so he should have some favorites, and hated ones. Anniversary Team Ups count as well.

1. Reinforcements From The Future (Power Rangers Wild Force - Power Rangers Time Force): The best definition for a team up according to Linkara. It gives development for both seasons, has great fight scenes (morphed and unmorphed), and contains great foreshadowing for an anniversary team up. The one tiny flaw he has with this team up is that Time Force's theme song isn't anywhere in the episode.
2. Forever Red (10th Anniversary): Loves the fact that there are 10 previous Red Rangers fighting together, it answered all the big questions that were left hanging for awhile, and that it shows the love for a franchise that has reached its 10th season. He even admits in the Ninja Steel review that it's the best anniversary team up of the series overall. Though he admits there a few plot holes there (regained powers for instance) it was heavily burdened by Disney's Executive Meddling, and doesn't like the Product Placement at the end.
3. To The Tenth Power and The Power Of Pink (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy - Power Rangers in Space): As the first team up episode of the series, Linkara praises the fight scenes, the return of the Psycho Rangers, and a good lead up to the next story line of the season. He is however stunned at the Downer Ending at the end though.
4. Thunder Storm (Power Rangers: Dino Thunder - Power Rangers Ninja Storm): Likes the fact that the two teams have conflict with each other at the start (The Wind Rangers were brainwashed but same idea) but notes that the Wind Ranger's victories over the Dino Thunder Rangers makes the current team look weak in comparison, and doesn't like the kalishplosion effects in the climatic fight.
5. History and Wormhole (Power Rangers S.P.D.. - Power Rangers: Dino Thunder): It's a tough one to describe. He likes the story on History having the main three Dino Thunder rangers return and fight with the S.P.D rangers, while in contrast, he prefers the fights in Wormhole since they aren't restricted in a quarry like the rest of the Disney ones. However, they don't have that much impact when compared to other team up episodes.
6. Time for Lightspeed (Power Rangers Time Force - Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue): LOVES the fact that the teams spend more time together, and also that the teams work so well. The only real complaint he has is the theme songs they used, wishing that they had used the more orchestral ones.
7. Finders Keepers and Grid Connection (Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Power Rangers Dino Charge / Dino Team Up): Although he finds it to be an odd team up and notes how the current team didn't team up with the previous team, he ultimately concluded that it was overall okay and fun.
8. Dimensions in Danger (25th Anniversary): Ultimately Linkara puts this as a So Okay, It's Average team up. On the one hand, he felt the fan service was not handled very good, it could have been fleshed out as a two parter, and he did not like the Tommy worship shown. On the other hand, it's miles better than Once A Ranger and Legendary Battle as it did featured a couple of Rangers from different eras, the Master Morpher itself being a great feature, and being a nice and serviceable anniversary episode.
9. Clash of The Red Rangers (Power Rangers Samurai - Power Rangers RPM): While he liked that it confirmed that RPM took place in an alternate universe and he also liked the team-up between a team heavily entrenched in technology and a very magic-based team, he disliked that it only showed the tech-heavy team reacting to the magic based team, and didn't give any screentime to the Samurai Rangers who went to the world of RPM.
10. Trakeena's Revenge (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue - Power Rangers Lost Galaxy): A misstep in every way compared to To The Tenth Power. The main criticism he has with this is that it focuses on a little girl instead of the two ranger teams. Oh, and it contains what Linkara calls "The Dumbest Person in Power Rangers History".
11. Once A Ranger (15th Anniversary): Linkara calls this the worst team up ever of the franchise. Terrible pacing, too much kalishplosions, the teams don't even interact that much, Fanservice with no substance, and having the Overdrive rangers quit over the loss of their powers is considered selfish when compared to other ranger teams who never gave up when things were at it's darkest. However, it wasn't given nearly as much build-up as his least favorite...
12. Legendary Battle (20th Anniversary): The ultimate example of wasted potential, noting how the battle feels so underwhelming for all the build-up that it had, due to the fact that it focused more on just showing that "this part of Power Rangers existed" instead of giving it more depth.
  • He actually stated in his Megaforce review that the series as a whole makes "Once A Ranger" look competent, so he might rank the Legendary Battle lower than Once A Ranger. Also, he was pretty positive about Time for Lightspeed, so odds are that one would be higher - if anything, seems like that should be above Forever Red.
    • I didn't think he had a strong opinion on Time for Lightspeed compared to Forever Red. But if you want to make the change, you can go right ahead.
      • Fair point, although I do think he'd at least rank it (Time for Lightspeed) above Clash of the Red Rangers, if only for the fact that all members of both teams in that crossover showed up, as opposed to one entire team and one representative of the other team in the crossover.

     Predictions for looks at Power Rangers-esque series 
Linkara has stated that if he reaches the goal on his Patreon account that he will look at series in the same vein as Power Rangers (i.e., Masked Rider, Beetleborgs, VR Troopers), so, fellow tropers, let's hear it - make your predictions for these similar series.

Predictions for his look at Masked Rider
  • He'll mention how if the series had been successful, Saban would have eventually have had to have gone backwards for footage, since Black RX was the most recent Kamen Rider series, and it wouldn't be until the year 2000note  that they would have been able to use a new seriesnote . He'll find himself wondering how they would have adapted the extremely gorey Kamen Rider Amazon. He'll also wonder how they would have explained the costumes looking different if they had kept Dex as the main character, noting that while they might have been able to pass off the suit from Black as being Dex's (since the Black RX suit was an upgraded version of the Black suit) , they would have had a VERY hard time passing off any of the pre-Black suits as Dex's.
  • He'll wonder why Saban chose to start with this series anyways, noting that the source material was actually a sequelnote , and wonder why they didn't start with Kamen Rider BLACK instead, noting that while Black was older than Black RX, it would have been a lot easier to buy the suit from Black transforming into the suit from Black RX instead of the other way around, and that it would have given Saban at least 2 series worth of footage they could have used if they had done this.
  • He'll mention other times that there were rumors about Saban attempting to adapt Kamen Rider a second time - the first time being around the time that Samurai airednote , and the second time being when Dino Charge was announcednote .
    • When he mentions the first example, he'll note that the rumors about what the Power Rangers Samurai counterpart of Decade were that he would either be Dex Stuart himself (who would have become the king of Edenoi after Count Dregon was defeated, and the Masked Rider suit changed to reflect his position as Royalty), or Dex's son (who would have inherited the powers from his father, and the rider suit would have also transformed into new powers).
  • He'll mention that, originally, Kamen Rider's English title was Masked Rider (i.e., Masked Rider V3, Masked Rider Black), but the official name was changed to Kamen Rider to avoid association with this series, and how when Steve Wong produced the other American Adaptation of Kamen Rider, he had to convince Ishimori Productions to let him keep it as Kamen Rider instead of use Masked Rider, like they wanted him to.
  • He'll recreate the Masked Warriors scene using various other members of TGWTG, and have them screw up their names on purposenote . Most likely using cameos via cutaway gags, but if he's able to, he'll recreate the scene with all of them in-person.
  • Ferbus will make him miss Lerigot.
  • If his review of A Friend in Need is anything to go by, he'll be negative towards the series, but not to the same degree as his reviews of Super Megaforce or Operation Overdrive - he'll probably be about as negative to this series as he was towards Samurai and the first half of Megaforce.
  • He'll bring up how Black RX's creator did not like the adaptation, and basically prevented Saban from adapting any more Kamen Rider series in the future, noting that the only reason there's more than one American adaptation of Kamen Rider is because a different company was responsible for the second adaptation.
  • For both his review of this season and of Dragon Knight, he'll do a crossover with Marcosatsu, who does a "History of Kamen Rider" series of videos.
  • He'll note that with the exception of A Friend in Need, none of the series has been released on DVDnote , and very few episodes have been released on home video at all, and as a result, he had to break his rule about using official sources. Alternatively, he might mention that Saban doesn't consider this series canon anymore, pointing out that aside from A Friend in Need and one time in season 3 of Mighty Morphin, it's pretty much Canon Discontinuity, so he doesn't follow the rule he has about using official source material.
  • Will dislike that there's no ending to the series, possibly noting that it's also a problem with Beetleborgs and VR Troopers. He might even wonder why they didn't have Dregon just give up and leave the Earth if they really needed an ending.

Predictions for his look at Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
  • He'll give a rather positive review in comparison to his Masked Rider review.
  • He'll mention that the producers originally wanted to adapt either Kamen Rider Blade or Kamen Rider 555, and speculate what it would have been like if Dragon Knight had been successful and they had adapted other KR series, looking at clips of both series. And he'll be irritated when he sees that in 555, the Transformation Trinket is a cell phone (maybe even making a few puns about it being a Smart Phone, given that it's made by Smart Brain), but then happy when he sees that in Blade, it uses cards.
  • He'll snark at the fact that the transformation phrase is "Kamen Rider", and show clips of various Power Rangers transforming that he's dubbed over - first he'll start off normally, simply saying "Power Ranger" when they transform (using a clip of a season he loves or likes but is aware of it's flaws), and he'll use a few more, dubbing over more goofy lines (maybe ending it with a ranger he dislikes, and instead of saying "Power Ranger", he'll say something insulting - bonus points if he ends with Dax, and says "Guy who needs to shut up").
  • He'll note that if the company responsible for Dragon Knight had adapted any series made after Kamen Rider Kiva, they could have worked with Saban to adapt the crossovers between Super Sentai and Kamen Ridernote , and note that Power Rangers and Masked Rider crossed over first. He'll also wonder how they would have handled the crossovers between Gobusters and Fourze or ToQger and Gaim if Fourze or Gaim had been adapted, since the Sentai series in those crossovers were skipped by Saban at the time.
    • He'll also wonder if any of those other adaptations would have had a character watching an episode of Power Rangers Time Force as a call-back to the scene in that series where one of the villains watched an episode of Masked Rider.
  • He'll note that the last few episodes were posted online instead of aired on TV, and note that it was only because of the CW's rule at the timenote , saying that the network did actually really like the show, choosing not to cancel it despite it's low ratings, but then wonder why they didn't just marathon the show's last few episodes instead of releasing them online and leaving TV-only viewers in the dark - especially since it was only a handful of episodes.
  • He'll bring up that Jason David Frank was originally considered for the part of Len. Whether or not he would have preferred this is anyone's guess. On one hand, he might've liked it more if Tommy was Len because it would've made the joke about Tommy being Batman in Dino Charge a sort of meta foreshadowing; on the other hand, given that he's disliked shows that "worshipped" Tommy (although he doesn't hate Tommy himself), he might prefer what we got for the amount of screentime that Tommy would've gotten.
    • Speaking of Len, he'll probably use the "Batman's a scientist" clip as a joke, saying that "We're introduced to this show's version of Kamen Riders with a bat-themed hero clad in black" (or something along those lines).
  • Given his fondness for Yu-Gi-Oh as well as how much he loved the Megaforce morphers, he'll love the use of cards in this series.
  • He'll compare Kit Taylor to Peter Parker, both because the two are young heroes who are finding their ways in the world and know that With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, and both gain a black suit to temporarily replace the red one.
  • While he might not have a problem with how short Incisor appears, he might dislike that Camo has such a short appearance, and his Final Vent, Advent Beast, and his Copy Ventnote  aren't shown.
  • Will probably bring up Dragon Knight winning an Emmy for Stunt Coordination, and wonder why Power Rangers hasn't at least been nominated for said category.
    • Might compare Camo's situation to the unused Deathryuger suit from Dino Charge.
  • Might note how it's easier to tell when they switch over to stock footage, due to the source material being filed in 2002, whereas the show's original footage was filmed 6-7 years later.
  • Will like that the show has an ending, and note that it's open-ended enough so that it could've started it's own franchise if it needed to, but provided enough closure if it didn't get a sequel.
  • There might be a few jokes at the expense of 4Kids for how much they hated the show and actively screwed it over for telling a mature story while also bringing up other shows they've Bowdlerised like One Piece.

Predictions for his look at VR Troopers
  • He'll most likely mention the Cybertron pilot, and how it was originally supposed to star Jason David Frank.
    • Additionally, he'll bring up that Brad Hawkins was originally was supposed to be the White Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, but Saban decided to bring back Tommy.
    • Actually kind of confirmed. In his updated review on Zeo, Linkara mentions Cybertron when going on how Brad Hawkins voiced the Gold Ranger and was originally planned to have VR Trooprs's universe merge with Power Rangers, but never went through. There's a good chance he'll talk more about it when he reaches VR Troopers.
  • He'll be confused as to why Saban decided to use two (later three) different Metal Hero (Chōjinki Metalder, Jikuu Senshi Spielban, and Space Sheriff Shaider) series to adapting VR Troopers when their group appearances are limited to American footage.
    • Bonus points if he ends up using that to take a cheap shot at Megaforce/Super Megaforce.
    • On that note, he'll mention that the footage looks old because all three of the Metal Hero footage was released in the 80's.
  • When he talks about the theme song, he'll note that there was an original version that the crew loved, but later on they changed it to the current one (and it's rumored that the crew hated the one they used). He will say however that unlike Mystic Force and RPM, they did use the demo theme for fight scenes.
  • He will hate the Battle Grid fight scenes since they look terrible and cheap.
    • Might mention that the helmets are the MMPR Red Ranger repainted.
  • Might not like how the series ended on a cliffhanger, and notes it will be a recurring problem in other series.
    • He might bring up the fact that there's reports that they planned on continuing it at one point with Blue SWAT, but decided to make Beetleborgs instead.
  • He'll make at least one Code Lyoko reference.
  • He'll note that if this series (or, for that matter, Big Bad Beetleborgs), had been successful, Saban would have either had to have stopped making episodes or switch over to original footage at some point, since unlike Super Sentai (which did not have any hiatus at all during the 90s) or Kamen Rider (which, while not airing any new TV series during the 90s, did have 3 movies, and eventually had a revival in 2000 with the aforementioned Kuuga) Toei outright stopped making Metal Heroes series after Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack, since that series was what killed the franchise. However, if he reviewed the aforementioned Masked Rider before this one, he'll mention that at least it looked like the Metal Heroes franchise was still going strong at the time V.R Troopers was still airing.
  • There's a good chance near the end that he'll mention the spoof dub the cast did after the series cancellation.

Predictions for his look at Super Human Samurai Syber Squad
  • Will give a brief mention that Matthew Lawrence would later appear in Boy Meets World.
  • Might like the design of Xenon and Drago as Megazord Esq figures, and how they can convert to armor for Servo.
    • He'll note that the cockpit footage was all original as to give the three supporting characters more to do.
  • He'll make another Bill and Ted reference when discussing how Sam uses an electric guitar to morph.
    • He'll also bring up Ninja Storm's electric guitar morpher again.

  • He'll cram it full of as many references to Dragon Ball Z Abridged as possible. For the stinger, he'll use the clip from episode 19 and go "Huh, that's a real show''.
    • Bonus points if he gets the entire cast to narrate the review, only using his regular voice during the introduction, and only reading a few lines using the same voice he used for the elder Namekian in episode 16.
  • He'll make a joke about Power Rangers Megaforce at least once when talking about Orion.
  • Will most likely mention that MarzGurl did a review of this already, but he's going to do it anyways for a more inclusive analysis
  • Might mention that DIC also created Super Human Samurai, which aired a month before this series.
    • Tying into the below guess about Andromelos, he'll note that Denkō Chōjin Gridman, the series Syber Squad was adapted from, was made by Tsuburaya Productions, and wonder why DIC (the makers of this show) didn't just use one of the Ultra Series spin-offs for footage, pointing out that the 4 main characters would've had a corresponding Andro if the below rumor was true.
  • He'll wonder why they call the show what it's called, noting that they aren't even called "Alien Fighters" in the shownote , and they are usually called "Galactic Sentinels", wondering why they didn't just use that name, noting that it at least sounds better than the mouthful the actual title.
  • Might reference Operation Overdrive, and call this team more obnoxious and selfish than that team.
  • Will call this the worst Power Rangers-esque series ever.
  • He'll note that there are rumors that it was originally planned to be an adaptation of the Ultra Series spin-off Andromelos. It's anyone's guess how he'll feel about that.

Predictions for his look at Big Bad Beetleborgs
  • He will probably start this review by explaining that there are rumors that VR Troopers would have used the suits as a continuation, but Saban decided to cancel the other series and use the B-Fighter footage for a new series.
  • Will openly wonder if some of the aspects from Beetleborgs (kid heroes, the Mega Blue Beetleborg, and even the civilian powers) inspired Saban to add these features to later Power Ranger seasons.
    • Confirmed in his updated review of Turbo for the kid hero aspect.
  • It's a toss up on how he feels that kids are the heroes. He'll either hate the idea in the first place, or be the same neutral stance as with Power Rangers Turbo (not bad actors, but bad concept).
    • If his updated review of Turbo is anything to go by, it doesn't bother him as much in this series as it did in Turbo, since it was established from the beginning that the heroes were kids in Beetleborgs, whereas Justin was a kid hero brought into a series about teenage superheroes. However, there's nothing to suggest how he feels about it.
  • Given his love for comic books, he'll love that the powers were from an in-universe comic book series.
    • He might even like that because of it, the kids know what the monsters are, and what their arsenal is in the start.
  • May not like the comic book effects during the fight scenes.
  • Will definitely mention the "Curse of the Shadowborg" multi-parter.
    • Might express some disappointment that Shadowborg wasn't around more, and note that his Japanese counterpart was actually a recurring character.
    • Will mention the Phantom Ranger when going over the White Blaster Beetleborg.
  • Might make comparisons on the "Metalix Rising saga" with Power Rangers Zeo's "A Zeo Beginning" in terms of the new power switch.
  • Might bring up Sam from S.P.D. again when he gets to the Astral Borgs.
  • He'll once again hate how this series, like others, ended on open ends.
    • He'll note that much like with VR Troopers and Blue Swat, they could've continued this series with Kabutack, but note that since that series ended up being even more kid-friendly than Beetleborgs, as well as how different that series was in tone from the 2 series Beetleborgs was adapted from, that probably made them decide against that.
  • He'll note that like with VR Troopers, there were talks of a Power Rangers crossover, noting that nothing was filmed, but a comic that was a crossover with Turbo and Metallix was eventually released - possibly reviewing said comic on his main show to tie into this episode.
    • Subverted. He did review said comic on the main show, but it's nothing but a stand alone episode with no ties to a possible review.

Predictions for his look at The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nóg
  • Given his love for Arthurian lore, he'll love the premise off the bat.
  • Will find it interesting that this series uses all original footage.
    • Will also mention that the show was shot in Ireland, and will like that they hired actual UK actors.
  • Actually like how each knight had to earn their armor.
  • While he'll like the armor modes, he'll dislike Deirdre's armor for being too fanservicee.
  • Will note that there were plans for a second season, but the budget had to go to Lost Galaxy. Whether or not he'll like that choice is up to debate.
  • He'll contrast this series with Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters, noting that the two are the only entirely American Tokusatsu shows.

Predictions for Kamen Rider Fourze note 
  • He'll start off by saying that a massive earthquake early in the planning stages for this season prompted the production team to create a hero that would cheer up and bring smiles back to kids, and potentially their parents, that watch the show.
    • He might also note that Gentaro's actor took the role so his parents could watch.
      • Jossed
  • Additionally, he might bring up the fact that Fourze landed on what was Kamen Rider's 40th anniversary, and there were plans to make it a full anniversary season by having previous Kamen Riders appear and fight with Fourze. Although he will add on that the idea got scrapped when the crew felt they were copying from another Kamen Rider series Kamen Rider Decade that already did an anniversary season (the 10th season for the Heisei era).
    • Jossed.
  • Loves Gentaro for the fact his main goal in life is to befriend everyone he meets.
    • Semi-confirmed - he loves Gentaro for being cheerful yet badass, although he does scratch his head at some of the people Gentaro tries to befriend (Kengo, Miu).
  • He'll find the random bikini scenes odd for a kids show but mention that different cultures have different standards.
    • As a possible callback to his review of the first 4 episodes of Gokaiger, he might say something along the lines of "But then again, this is the same culture that finds a giant robot standing in the middle of the city to be boring, so what do I know?"
    • He doesn't mention the bikini scenes. Instead, it's Yuki randomly stripping down that he focuses on.
  • Given the fact that Fourze's suit has been a bit of a Broken Base, he might like some aspects, but will probably dislike the helmet.
    • Jossed - he does mention it's a bit bulky, but he doesn't seem to have any real opinion on it.
  • He'll point out that if Fourze had come out a few years later it could have promoted the Nintendo Switch given the switch gimmick of the show. That being said, he'll like the gimmick if only because of how unique it is (much like how he loved the morpher from Megaforce).
    • He might even incorporate the belt or something similar to the Arsenal of Freedom.
    • Surprisingly jossed.
  • Due to one of Fourze's primary switches being a drill, he'll throw in at least one Gurren Lagann joke. He might even mention that the writer of GL wrote this show.
    • Jossed.
  • For the opening he'll use:
    • Fourze's Early-Bird Cameo during the summer movie for Kamen Rider OOO, saying "Huh. Japan's space program is weird".
    • Gamou watching Gentaro join the school as his eyes glow red, saying something along the lines of "Wait, his eyes glow red? You're in the wrong series! You're a perfect fit to be a Power Ranger!"note .

     WMGs for previous episodes of "History of Power Rangers" 

  • SPD
    • Something regarding Bridge's over-analysis.
    • "No one gets inside our circle!"
    • The "you'd be psyched to be the Pink Ranger" bit, which he mentioned in the commentary for his Power Rangers Zeo comic review.
    • I think in the teaser he'll show that scene from RIC where the Monster of the Week presents Grumm slime and Linkara voices in a pitch that it'll make his bones sheen.
      • Sadly Jossed, though he did use the "you'd be psyched to be the Pink Ranger" thing as The Stinger.

  • Mystic Force
    • Linkara getting in on the whole "Who's Madison?" trend.
      • Conversely, Madison will get the largest amount of character analysis (behind Nick).
      • Or giving everyone but Nick one sentence, and after covering Nick, who has ten paragraphs, does a long and lenghty rant about how unbalanced this is and how it makes for a bad season.
      • None of the above- Nick had a longer character study, but Linkara was mainly noting that Nick was mostly useless and tended to give up the most. The "Who's Madison?" meme didn't come up at all.
    • Commenting that Nick looks nothing like either of his parents and offhandedly saying that he looks more like Daggeron before realizing the Unfortunate Implications and quickly changing the subject.
    • He'll note that the magic creatures for the zords seem to be In Name Only, as they're all pretty humanoid.
    • In regards to some of the more implausible aspects of the Mystic Force powers, he'll respond by saying it's magic, you don't have to explain it.
    • There has to be a mention of the chessboard cockpits! Even if it's just a Flat "What".
      • Or he loves it.
      • Nothing about the cockpit outside of wondering why there was one when the Rangers otherwise became their Zords.
    • He'll groan when it's revealed that, on top of Mystic Force not getting a team-up episode with SPD, the only character from the latter series to even make an appearance is Piggy, his least-favorite character from SPD.
      • While its inclusion in the review is yet to be determined, he did end up tweeting about this moment as he was watching it. He was downright gobsmacked by Piggy's random cameo, his reaction being closer to a Big "WHAT?!" than a groan.
      • He was more calm about it in the review, admitting that Piggy's cameo was alright as it helped a character develop.
    • While he's not the kind of person to make gay jokes, I could see him at least pointing out the odd look of agreement Vida gives to the "Leelee's mom is hot" line.
      • He didn't comment on it, but he did show the clip in full.

  • Operation Overdrive
    • The Strange Minds Think Alike scene from "Once a Ranger".
    • The scene where Mac shows up to a fight wearing various 'good luck' items from his team mates over his suit and getting run over by a boulder out of nowhere.
    • "Will! Do not steal anything on your way out." from the College Humor sketch will be The Stinger.
      • Maybe a minor comment about that unfortunate case of Life Imitates Art.
      • He doesn't make a minor comment: he fully explains about the banner-stealing and says Benta can go to hell for it.
    • He'll make at least one reference to the Miser Brothers.
      • Confirmed
    • He'll complain about the villain pile-up.
    • He'll either have a mild dislike of the theme song, or rip it apart.
      • He's commented in a few places about hating the theme song.
      • He doesn't just hate the theme song, he absolutely DESPISES it...
    • Aside from "Once a Ranger" and maybe Mack's storyline, he'll completely hate this season.
      • This is all but confirmed at the end of his Mystic Force review, when he remarks that Operation Overdrive is probably the worst that Power Rangers has to offer- even worse then Turbo, Linkara's personal least favorite season.
      • But how can he say that when he's only seen one episode? Is he basing his opinion on the fact that several fans don't like the season?
      • I believe that he once said that before making the videos, he also makes sure to watch through the *next* season, so he knows what to look out for once he starts analyzing that one.
      • This only used to be the case- he stopped doing it because it was just slowing things down.
      • He hated Once a Ranger and outright called it the worst team-up (he even says it barely qualifies as one), but he did praise Mack's storyline for its very well-done Foreshadowing and the good acting and writing involved.
    • I get the feeling that he might try to marathon this season, to get it over with as soon as he can, making this episode come out sooner.
    • He'll rant about Mack being another case of the Spotlight-Stealing Squad and being a God-Mode Sue given how easily he beat Flurious when he got the Corona and the jewels after the rangers spent the whole series trying keep the villains from getting them.
      • While he doesn't rant, he does complain about how easily Flurious is defeated and how Mack gets more-or-less all the character development.
      • Not to mention the scene in Once A Ranger where he beats a monster unmorphed... You all know the one...
    • He'll express annoyance with Flurious being the Final Boss. In past he's ranted about ineffective villains, and of the 4 sets of villains in Overdrive, Flurious was the least active and effective, and only got his hands on one of the jewels because Norg stole them.
      • Jossed, he praises Flurious for playing the waiting game, since doing so left him the last man standing.
    • Commenting on how it's a bit disturbing/creepy that Andrew Hartford built himself an adult aged son.
      • He probably won't say anything about it, but he probably will imply that he thinks it's odd, because most fans don't really need the concept to be explained.
      • Both confirmed and Jossed. He didn't say anything about it, nor did he imply anything. However, it's entirely possible that he didn't see Mack as an adult since he appeared to be around 18-19, which to Linkara (who was born in 1987) could still be considered a kid.
      • Technically your late teens is being an adult, so that's a bit of a moot point.
    • He will dislike Once A Ranger for being a poor and weird team up. He will also dislike the music and morphing sequence they use for Adam.
      • He disliked OAR for many reasons but he didn't dislike the music they used for Adam, he just lamented that they couldn't use the original.
    • In a massive twist of faith (Since Linkara hasn't seen anything from Overdrive outside of the team-up), he'll love this season.
      • Judging by his tweets from the few episodes he's watched so far, Jossed
      • Oh so very Jossed
    • Linkara will probably either hum "When You Wish Upon a Star" or make a Pinocchio joke when Mack is made into a human at the very end.
      • Jossed, although he said that 'Mack is a real boy now'.
    • Saying that Spencer seemed like the mentor figure to the Rangers while Andrew Hartford was more like a financial backer.
      • Not in as many words, but he does say that Hartford was shady and sneaky, while Spencer was the better mentor figure.
    • He will start the episode with an absolutely epic rant aimed at the fans for dissing him and essentially demanding he make more episodes, reminding them of what his rules were at the start of the series.
      • Jossed, he instead rants about how it is merely his opinion on how much he hates the series. No mention of the fans whatsoever.
    • The Stinger will be a quote from Alpha or Sentinal Knight in Once A Ranger; or even better from Thor...
      • Jossed, it was a Spencer clip.

  • Jungle Fury
    • I think that the theme of the season will be about putting our faith in others which after giving it thought happened a lot in the series.
      • Either that, or about escalation and hope.
    • He will speculate about who this "guy who knew a guy who had an uncle" who gave RJ the morphers is.
    • One of RJ's early training sessions.
      • Confirmed, he does go into the whole three-legged stool lesson RJ gives to Theo.
    • He'll go into some detail over how Casey is treated like a rookie much harsher than other rookies like Wes and Cole, and probably incorporate that heavily in the character section.
      • Semi-confirmed. While he doesn't go into detail over how harsh Casey was treated, he does discuss how justified Casey's situation and overall character arc is in this season.
    • He'll mention the Eel monster as a teaser moment, on him "being a freak" and Linkara says, "No comment."
      • Jossed.
    • In light of some of the Arbitrary Skepticism displayed in previous seasons, the scene where the rangers first get their morphers will win a lot of points with him. Reason being that, when RJ asks the team if they've heard of the Power Rangers, Casey immediately responds with "Yeah, who hasn't?".
      • Confirmed. And he snarks about the teams who haven't heard of them even though their presence on Earth had been well established previous seasons.
    • Given his track record with the handheld morphers, he probably won't like the Solar Morphers.
      • Debatable. He has voiced a preference for morphers that are unique, and he has said that he has grown tired of both wrist-strap and cell-phone morphers, so he might enjoy them based on novelty factor, if nothing else.
      • He might mention that the morphers in the original sentai were the Battle Claws and voice his thoughts on if that. I know he doesn't bring up the Sentai often, but this would seem like one of the times for him too.
      • Jossed with the whole Won't like the Solar Morphers bit. Linkara has said that he doesn't mind the Solar Morphers a whole lot. He finds them a bit goofy, but he does praise the Disney-era Power Ranger seasons for trying new things out, like the morpher types.
    • With how bad Overdrive's theme song was, he will enjoy this one.
      • Alternatively, he'll hate the theme song for being an Expository Theme Tune.
      • Or he'll say that it's a breath of fresh air after the horrible hip hop and rap, but not have the same energy of themes like Wild Force or SPD.
      • So far, he's said that it's much more enjoyable after hearing Overdrive's but didn't elaborate on how good it is in comparison to other seasons.
    • He'll at first criticize the initial three suits for having hardly any white in their designs, and then criticize the Super Mode for having too much white.
      • He might also complain about how they (the initial three suits) look rather cheap compared to most ranger suits.
      • Or he'll think they are unique and praise that.
      • Jossed with the whole Criticizing the initial three suits and their Super Mode bit. Linkara states that he rather likes the suits, but finds it weird that the initial ones have White around the collar when the main colors are the ranger-color and black and that the Super Mode suits have Black around the collar, when the primary second color was white.
      • He also said that, while he is kind of pleased that we have the first Purple Ranger in the series, he finds the Purple Ranger's suit to look a little too too-many-parts-at-once and almost looks like a track suit.
    • Noticing the naming scheme of the Pai Zhua masters and wondering why RJ is the odd one out.
      • Or he might theorize a justification for RJ's name, for example it kind of sounds like a wolf growling.
      • Jossed.
    • Commenting on Theo gaining about a foot in height whenever he morphs and, to the people who were annoyed about it, pointing out that something like that is nothing new.
      • Jossed.
    • He'll talk about this season being like the last 2 seasons in terms of villain structure, but done differently, what with a Big Bad who starts off weaker than many, and having his growing strength being the framework of their actions.
      • On the same note, he'll call it a combination of Ninja Storm, Mystic Force and Wild Force. Also, like Wild Force, he'll call this a severely underrated season that was overlooked just because it was between a really bad series and a really good one.
      • Semi-Confirmed. He does say that this season is really underrated and gives it praise, and he even talks about how having Dai Shi and Camille's development gave them great villains to follow over the course of the season.
    • He'll comment that for the first time in a long time, the supporting cast for the rangers is reduced to being either mentors, or Fran. For that matter, he'll talk about Fran as what Cassidy and Devin should have been. Growing in character, learning the rangers's identities, and even providing support in a limited fashion.
      • Confirmed, Linkara said they could've (and actually should've) done this with Fran.
    • He'll grumble about how after all the wonder of New Tech City in the Future, the mystic realms and traveling the world, being stuck at a pizza parlor with the headquarters upstairs in a city with only the hills around them will feel like a big step down.
      • Jossed.
    • He'll wonder if the Jungle Fury rangers are younger than other rangers due to their rather childish fears from being taught by Masters Rilla, Lope and Gwen.
      • Jossed. Though he does comment on how ridiculous their fears are.
    • In talking about the villains, he'll have trouble distinguishing between Jarrod and Dai Shi due to the difficulties of the demonic possession and the confusing ways that people like Carnosaur tried to train him.
      • He does bring up the Jarrod/Dai Shi distinction during his character analysis, saying that it wasn't always clear how much of what was seen was purely Dai Shi and how much was a mixture of Dai Shi and Jarrod.
    • He'll mention this is the first time a traitorous villain actually held onto power for a while, and talk about how this played well into Camilla's arc for her Undying Loyalty.
    • He'll call this a hybrid season between the Kalish era and other seasons, with the same multiple villains, explosions and the like, but also a focus on martial arts and stronger characterizations than the last couple seasons.
      • Confirmed in a way. He notes that Jungle Fury does share several elements with Operation Overdrive (serial episodes, multiple villain factions, etc.), but further notes that Jungle Fury used them much more effectively.
    • He will despise Flit the second he shows up.
      • More to the point, he'll call him the next Jenji, only more annoying since he has to talk over the megazord battles. Even with his bit on being a prisoner of Camile won't win him enough points to count him as bearable, but he will mention that it does make him more sympathetic than Jenji since it wasn't his fault he got stuck as a fly.
      • Jossed. He just says he's flat aside from it all. Although, he does mention that it was annoying to have flit talk over the fights.
    • He'll get annoyed with the constant use of new power levels among the villains, often with no foreshadowing or mention before the reveal.
      • Jossed.
    • Saying that this season is pretty decent, especially coming off of Overdrive, but had the bad luck of happening at the time where Disney just stopped caring about the show and ended up being overshadowed by the following season.
    • In the final episode he'll go for the joke on how "Dai Shi reveals his ultimate form...King..Ghidorah. Huh. Well, considering that the monsters Power Rangers fight all inevitably turn into Kaiju, I suppose the beast leader would be something like this, though perhaps it would make more sense if he turned out to be Godzilla instead."
      • Jossed, though he does make a King Ghidorah reference with him.

  • RPM
    • Starting off snarky after emerging from "the Kalish era" on this big new series, only to see the doom, death and HSQ clips, saying finally, "OK, that's interesting. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Power Rangers RPM!" (Kinda in the style he did Time Force which he had great respect for as a "very good series.")
      • Alternately, he will do the inversion of his Power Rangers Turbo review opening. While in Turbo he opened by showing the show's more epic parts, he will open RPM by showing the show's sillier and funnier parts.
      • The first few minutes of "Ranger Blue".
      • Or the beginning of "Ranger Yellow, Part 1".
      • He ends up going with The Fridge Cannon.
    • I think except for Dr. K he'll go over the character episodes when he analyzes the rangers and their character development at the end of the episode, though he'll go over plot points from those episodes such as new zords.
      • He might include her episode alongside the others, since she is a very important part of the season.
      • Confirmed, though he does have a character recap at the end as well.
    • Linkara will go on a tangent like he did in Turbo about the zords being animal/vehicle hybrids.
      • He'll likely reference how in Go-Onger (the Sentai that RPM is based on) the Zords (called Engines there) were sentient and could speak, whereas in RPM they were just machines and thus it makes no sense to omit their voices and personalities while retaining both the animal designs and the moving mouths/eyes. And then remind us that he has no interest in the Sentai.
      • Or he won't mention the Sentai at all because, as he's established, he's had no interest in mentioning the Sentai unless he really has to. More than likely he'll give a short laugh at the Lampshade Hanging Dr. K gives about the Zord's eyes.
      • Confirmed about the zords having a difference, but he doesn't give the "no sentai" speech again.
    • He will probably like the abundance of helmetless shots and unmorphed civilian fights present in RPM, but probably won't like the shaky cam recording (and given how he pointed it out in Mystic Force he might have a full rant for it like he did for the back explosions) additionally he will probably like how the Military in RPM actually works with the rangers on several occasions and isn't just in the background waiting for the rangers to defeat the monster like it is in most PR seasons.
      • Shaky Cam is indeed an issue, though he does mention surprise that the military's actually working some, but not doesn't focus on it too much.
    • He will probably like Dr. K given that she seems to be the type of mentor he is constantly pushing for: she is usually very open with her team, doesn't waste time giving vague instructions or having the rangers solve a problem she knows the answer to when the city is under attack, nor does she ever needlessly put them in danger just to get a point across, and also monitors the fight as it happens and gives advice to the rangers as it happens.
      • He does one better. He calls her the best character in the entire series. (whether this is the whole of power rangers or just RPM is never explained).
    • He will probably like how almost all the rangers get a backstory that takes place a few years before they become rangers allowing us to get to know these characters better and making sure that all of the characters get a chance to shine and don't feel left out despite some getting more focus than others.
      • Confirmed, though he does say summer and flynn were underdeveloped by comparison.
    • Will probably mention the bizarre choice of using a baby carriage as a weapon when the baby is still in it, as well as how the heck a shielded city is broken into so often, and likely won't like the fact that it takes place in a different dimension (might even try to retcon it somehow)
      • Confirmed on several aspects. Linkara says he doesn't like alternate continuity because he enjoys seeing the continuation of a story and not a re-telling of the same story. He also says references the baby carriage from Season 2 while pointing out how Scott is using it as a weapon with the baby still inside and how he's helping in dwindling down humanity's population even more.
    • His review might be similar to DT in that he praises RPM for having pretty good writing, acting, genuinely funny jokes, great fight banter and pretty good characterization however he might criticize that while RPM is good at building things up it doesn't always have a very good payoff such as how Dillon's virus is resolved rather quickly with Dr. K just conveniently coming up with a cure, or how the hybrids barely do anything in the finale despite that chilling scene where they're all activated.
      • Confirmed, though he actually doesn't do the direct dinothunder comparison.
    • Will also likely draw comparisons to In Space with Dillon and Tenaya's story, which was very similar to Andros and Astronema (whether this will be a good thing or not is still TBD)
      • Confirmed.
    • He will mention that while the demo theme song is pretty good, it doesn't really fit the season and notes that what we did get was okay (lyrics aside).
      • Alternately, he'll agree with the above comment but still hate what we did get.
      • He said that what we got was rock overload, and that even though it did fit the tone, the theme song should stand on its own. He did indeed like the demo better.
    • He will probably like the Nitro Blasters as they are guns that fold into swords which he has stated is awesome on several occasions.
      • Not mentioned.
    • Whether he likes the ending or not he will likely point out and praise that Dr. K only took the morphers but not the jackets like Shayla did in Wild Force.
      • He does make a joke about it, but doesn't seem pleased one way or another.
    • When he gets to the scene of Ziggy commenting that he dreamed that he was on a date with Dr. K, he'll mention that after the season wrapped the two actors started dating and are now married.
      • That wasn't mentioned, but he does bring it up at the end when Doctor K. and Ziggy go to start a school together.
    • He'll bring up the Venjix from Forever Red. Either in passing or as part of a theory.
      • Jossed.
    • He'll dislike the narration before each episode like in Ninja Storm
      • He actually like this because it's important the help center the audience on a weekly basis on what they're going into.

  • MMPRRemastered
    • He'll take his original video, cut it down to remove mention of episodes 33-60, add goofy effects, and post it as a joke.
      • It would be a VERY short video if he did that. Like, maybe 8 minutes.
      • More likely, he'll bring it up briefly at the beginning of the Samurai video as well as summarizing how Saban regained control of the franchise.
    • Given that RPM is coming out in March he could do this as an April Fools joke
      • CALLED IT!
      • Either he reads this site or you are psychic...

  • Samurai
    • He'll start before the teaser addressing an unfortunate elephant in the room.
      • Jossed He doesn't reference this
    • The fight with Negatron will be used as a teaser.
    • Linkara keeps referring to Deker as Cole.
      • On that note: calling Mentor Ji, Grumm.
      • And whenever he mentions Mike, he'll show scenes of Mike from Lost Galaxy. Any reference to the Green Samurai Ranger or Super Samurai Mode will be accompanied by footage from Ninja Storm.
      • He mentions the actors are the same but not the names for Mike. Also no Ninja Storm footage is used
    • Keeps referring to Xandred's medicine as booze.
      • Add to this, he'll point out that in Shinkenger, it was booze.
      • Confirmed! Not directly, but still confirmed.
    • He'll bring up the fact that a lot of fans seem to dislike it, but point out some of the best parts of the show.
      • Though it's also possible that he agrees with some of that dislike. Several comments he's made on his twitter feed heavily imply that he'll eventually declare it to be a below-average season overall.
      • He'll likely touch on the fact that Samurai Sentai Shinkenger had an effect on opinions of this season, due to people watching that instead of the remixed MMPR that Disney put on.
      • Though considering that he said Operation Overdrive was the worst season he's seen, even after watching Samurai, he'll say that while it's an average season, he won't consider it as bad as everybody else says.
    • He'll use this review to talk about translation issues. He hinted at this being a general problem the first years of Neo-Saban had in translating ideas point for point whether they make sense to be translated or not. Since Samurai has all kinds of Cultural Dissonance for America vs Japan, he'll use Samurai as the perfect example of how NOT to do a direct translation (much in the same way he had issues with Wild Force being done with this.)
      • Linkara admits that the script basically being a translation of the original Japanese script has caused some scenes or lines to come across as strange to an American audience, but doesn't go in-depth about translating.
    • He'll Call-Back to his Time Force review when he sees that the Samurai Rangers use their swords to pilot the megazord.
      • Jossed
    • Following from previous mentions of swords that turn into guns, he'll note how the Fire Smasher and its cannon mode take the idea to its logical conclusion.
    • He won't be happy with how the first two episodes weren't aired for most of the season.
      • Confirmed
    • He won't be too happy with how little screen time Lauren is given near the end of Super Samurai especially since her time as Red Ranger has the rest of the team shilling Jayden.
      • Confirmed
    • He'll have to hate Clash of the Red Rangers- even if he's not an RPM fan, he'll have to be pissed at how none of the other RPM team-mates show up.
      • Given how he ripped into Once a Ranger for barely being a team up this is very likely.
      • He may even talk about how there's a even better teamup on the other side of the portal and saying something along the lines of why couldn't they have made that teamup
      • Overall he seemed to find it okay and glad it happened if only for the purposes of making clear that RPM being an alternate universe doesn't mean that their fight is meaningless.
    • Considering how much of a Bulk and Skull fan he is because they had characterization (He criticized a lack of Bulk in Lost Galaxy), he'll probably not like how Bulk and Spike are used, and may bring up how some fans thought Spike would be the Gold Ranger (Speaking of, he'll probably make a nod to Zeo when Antonio first appears.
      • He'll question who Spike's mother is.
      • Jossed/Confirmed He enjoys Bulk and Spike though mentions they could have been used better and brings up the rumor of Kim being Spike's mother
    • When/if he talks about the opening credits he'll play a bit of the Mickey Mouse club intro to mock the name role call part.
      • Jossed.
    • In talking about Jayden, he'll contrast this with Nick of Mystic Force, talking about why he was so important as the original ranger on the team.
    • He'll mock the mega mode suits as useless and question why they even bothered making them if they only show up in the zords.
      • Semi-Jossed. He likes the mega mode suits, since he feels that Samurai should have armor, but he does question why they only use them in the zords.
    • He'll be annoyed at how the theme song is just a remix of the MMPR theme.
      • Jossed. He said he still loves the song, though he does find the yell out rather annoying.
    • He'll question the logic and limitations behind Symbol power, especially after Jayden creates a horse using it.
      • Jossed, though he does question it with regards to the Bullzord.
    • He'll make a call back to the origin story of Alan Scott when he hears Deker's name
      • Jossed
    • He'll praise Deker's character arc as one of the stronger points of the series.
      • Jossed
    • He'll note that Mike and Emily's romance is rather subtle and downplayed altogether, but still believable given how often they got paired together during the season.
      • Jossed he says it was forced
    • Similar to Wild Force, he'll like Samurai but see it's problems.
      • If memory serves, while Samurai was airing he had commented somewhere he was enjoying it. He'll probably say his beef with it like the show telling traits about the Rangers but not showing them, Ji being a horrible mentor, and the insufferable puns and constant sounds but he'll mention his enjoyment of Bulk returning (even as a peripheral character), the story or at least concept, maybe Deker and his story with Dayu, and aspects of Jayden's arc. He said several time he doesn't care about the Sentai so he won't take issue with it being Shikenger USA like half the fandom does.
      • This I can see happening. The backlash given to Samurai was because after RPM, Disney gave the re-cut of Mighty Morphin and disappointed many fans enough that they turn towards Shinkenger and started liking it, so when Samurai actually aired, they have been spoiled by Shinkenger and they hate it. Given that this is Linkara we're talking about, more likely that he didn't even watch Shinkenger during the Mighty Morphin re-cut era, so he's probably gonna give a fair review untainted by watching Shinkenger. If anything, he may even PRAISE the fight scenes, even if it's taken from Shinkenger, a lot of it looks awesome. Another hint, unlike Operation Overdrive, he did not give warning about how he has 'words' for it at the end of the RPM episode.
      • Overall, he says it's a bad season, but that it does have its merits.

  • Megaforce
    • Linkara will probably make some snarky jokes about Troy's acting being very robotic, especially after dealing with Mack and Robo Knight.
      • Confirmed, he even starts cracking jokes about how robotic Troy seems compared to the actual robot.
    • If the series piles on the environmental aesop, he'll probably call back to Wild Force.
    • After Samurai he probably won't hate this season too much, especially with the Legend War in Super Megaforce.
      • Judging by the Samurai review he still has plenty of hate for this season.
      • While he does still think Operation Overdrive is the worst, he does consider Megaforce inferior to Samurai - noting that he was a lot more understanding of Samurai's flaws due to the various difficulties it faced.
    • He'll dislike how bulky the new morphers are but enjoy the card angle.
      • As with Jungle Fury, there's a chance he'll like the morphers, since they aren't cell phones or wrist-straps.
      • He's seen using the morpher in Atop The Fourth Wall. Chances are he likes them.
      • He likes the base Megaforce morpher, but dislikes the Super Megaforce morpher.
    • Considering how he tends to like a lot of the Disney cast so far (SPD in particular), he'll probably get angry at Saban for barely using any, especially since most of the Disney cast still live where the shooting was happening (Depending on his opinions on Samurai and Jungle Fury, he may not like the inclusion of Casey and the Samurai Rangers). He'll probably be surprised that they got Danny Slavin back, and will be happy to see Tommy and Carter back.
      • He does rip them for not bringing in any New Zealand cast members yet wasting money by bringing in other actors from America, but he considers Jungle Fury the best of the tribute episodes (though that's not saying much).
    • He'll probably be annoyed at how many times they do the whole "Humans Are Special" and "For the Earth" drivel that he'll be reminded of Wild Force's "Never Give Up!" overuse.
      • Confirmed, he gets quite annoyed at the repetition of the shallow 'never surrender' and 'humans are awesome' platitudes.
    • Linkara will snark at how Gosei is Zordon's student and how he's been watching the Earth, and proceeds to ask where he's been the last decade.
      • Confirmed. He points out all the various crises the Earth has faced since the end of Turbo, and even points out that Dino Charge will have aliens yet again as the main villains.
    • He will do a side by side comparison of "Mega Mission" and "Day of the Dumpster".
      • He notes that it feels like it's trying to call back, but he doesn't go into detail. He does note that does shake things up a bit by having the quirks of each character used in their pre-morph fight scene.
    • He will make a joke about how the series ends in a cliffhanger like Turbo did.
    Linkara: (in text form) To be continued in Power Rangers Super Megaforce...
    • Jossed.
    • Linkara will make a joke about how Saban pulled a Street Fighter by putting in "Super" for Super Megaforce.
      Linkara: What's next? Super Megaforce Turbo? Super Megaforce Arcade Edition? Super Megaforce Hyper Edition?
      • Confirmed. Not exactly Street Fighter jokes, but he does say something similar.
    • Linkara will make a joke about how "pirates are in this year" for Super Megaforce.
      • Jossed, he only comments that he has no real problem with the pirate theme not being acknowledged.
    • He'll play clips from "Countdown To Destruction" anytime Gosei mentions this being the first time Earth has faced an invasion.
      • He doesn't quite play clips, but does acknowledge that it's stupid when CTD happened.
    • He will likely go ballistic when the "are you some kinda superhero" line is shown, might even declare the lady the new Dumbest person in power rangers ever
      • Jossed - that line isn't even brought up.
    • He will complain about the pre-Zyuranger teams that appear throughout Super Megaforce.
      • Confirmed, he furiously rants about the Sentai-only teams, in particular because they're given no backstory and explanation to contextualise them.
    • He will use audio from RoboCop when Roboknight is introduced.
      • Likewise, he will use audio from Terminator when Dark Roboknight is introduced.
      • He doesn't use it for Robo Knight's introduction, but he does use a clip from the famous scene of Murphy castrating a rapist in the first film when Robo Knight is freed and confronts Vrak.
    • He will point out the lack of creativity in the names, especially the whole Emily/Emma Mia/Gia thing.
      • Confirmed.
    • He will question why the Megaforce suits are even needed when they are shown to be able to morph straight to the Super Mega suits.
      • Confirmed - he notes that while an explanation is given in-universe for why they can't stay in Legendary mode for a long time, no such explanation is given for why they can't just go straight into Super Mega mode.
    • He'll make a call back to Zeo, specifically the Machine Empire and how the Armada is what the Machine Empire could have been.
    • Whenever they get a detail about a past season wrong he'll ask "Did you even watch that season?"
    • Whenever a Sentai only suit shows up he'll ask "Who the hell are you?" At first in confusion but by the end in rage similar to "Shut Up Dax" from Overdrive.
      • Jossed for the 3 previous ones - he makes no comparisons to Zeo, he just points out what they missed whenever they get something wrong, and he doesn't mention Overdrive at allnote  - ironically enough, neither does Super Megaforce, as they never do a full-team morph into that series.
      • Alternatively, he'll defend the Pre-Zyuranger suits by pointing out that there are Rangers all over the galaxy and that they have been around for centuries on Earth alone, so a group of previously unseen Rangers won't seem too out of it. However, he will wish they explained them better.
      • He is furious about the pre-Zyuranger suits specifically because they're not explained.
      • Amusingly enough, the suits from Dairangernote  are the ones that he spends the most time complaining about, since while Dairanger technically was adapted into Mighty Morphinnote , the core 5 have never appeared in Power Rangers before note . He does, however, note the irony of the series's full name, Gosei Sentai Dairanger.
    • He will be disappointed by Super Megaforce's final episode, considering that the hyped-up 'Legend War' is nothing but a fight between past rangers and a bunch of X-Borgs. He might even compare it to the Sentai version (he did mention that he watched Gokaiger's legend war).
      • Partially confirmed - he does mention that the final episode is a let-down, but he doesn't compare it to the legendary war.
    • He will note how the rangers are getting savvy in 'Love is in the Air', albeit a wrong kind of savvy.
      • He will also point out Billy and an Aquitian's romance (or Andros and Ashley's) when the Super Megaforce rangers think lowly of a human-alien relationship.
      • Moreover, he will call out the rangers for being hypocrites when later it was shown that Emma had a full crush on Orion, going so far as to kiss him (on the cheek, though) before he headed back to his home planet.
    • He will point out the scenes with the villains' dead bodies (Vekar's body taken by Damaras and Vrak's body shown after being destroyed), wondering how they managed to get aired.
    • He will praise Vrak for out-gambiting his brother and the rangers.
      • He'll also praise Prince Vekar for being the Anti-Divatox. While he tended to throw tantrums like her, there were times where he showed competence as a villain. He'll also praise him for having an actual backstory, unlike Divatox.
      • He pretty much sees all the villains except Vrak as nonentities.
    • He will be even more annoyed by the theme song. "Neo-Saban has done the impossible: make me sick of Go Go Power Rangers."
      • Jossed.
    • He will finish the review with a rant to rival Overdrive.
      • Confirmed. Oh so confirmed.
      • Really, the whole review is one long rant.
    • No matter what his feelings are for the season, he'll end up calling Megaforce a wasted opportunity.
      • Maybe he'll even give a few of his own ideas of how they could have done it better
      • Confirmed.
    • Like the Operation Overdrive example below, Lewis has words for Gosei. If the nature of the reference in the Jungle Fury videos is anything to go by, Lewis'll probably make mention of how helpful Gosei is as a character.
    • Maybe mention that the actors themselves, in particular Cameron Jebo (Orion), were extremely critical of their season after it ended.
      • Confirmed.
    • He'll comment on the continuity issues (the Disney Era are concerned in Tzachor's mind when you know this is supposed to honor every season in Power Rangers which is the purpose of an anniversary season) since he had said before he does like continuity.
      • Confirmed.

  • Dino Charge
    • For the teaser he'll use one of the following:
      • The scene where Rexie charges in out of nowhere and tosses Iceage and the aftermath.
      • The Baby Carriage rescue from episode 5
      • The Oviraptor charger in episode 8.
      • The costumed morph from episode 10.
      • The Knights of Amber Beach scene from episode 12.
      • The scene where Beauticruel is created.
      • All jossed, it was the scene with Koda showing the others his cave drawings.
    • He will talk about how Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters, the season before Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, was skipped and bring up the theory that it was because of how poorly Gobusters did in Japan.
      • Tying into the above one, this, in combination with the fact that some elements of Go-Busters are used in Super Dino Charge, will cause him to actually watch at least some of Go-Busters, subverting his usual nature regarding sentai note  if only to see the amount of Power Rangers references in the show, as well as saying "Hey Dr. K - for once, you're right; they aren't spandex!" note ; he will also have a flashback to his review of Megaforce, specifically the line where he says that Saban could not skip Goseiger if they wanted to adapt Gokaiger. He'll also bring up the proposal for Power Rangers Cyber Corps. Regardless, he'll cap off the section mentioning Gobusters and say "I guess it's not time for Buster".
      • He'll make reference to the above very briefly and may comment on how Go-Busters is supposed to be referenced in Dino Charge BUT that aside from one villain there isn't much actually borrowed from that Sentai. He may lament the fact that Go-Busters was a homage to Power Rangers, but since he doesn't watch the Sentai this is not likely. If he did go into detail Power Rangers: RPM might get a passing mention since Go-Busters has similar story elements.
      • Alternatively, he'll do something similar to what he did in his review of Zeo when he was recapping the finale of MMPR, where he'll ask if there was anything of note in Go-Busters, then play some of the epic moments and Power Rangers references from Go-Busters and then sarcastically say "Nah, we didn't miss anything".
    • He will compare the season to SPD. Both seasons have a higher number of Rangers than the usual six (with Dino Charge having ten if it goes by the Sentai footage). Also, if Torin is given a PR counterpart, then it will also have the non-human mentor that eventually became Rangers.
      • He won't compare Xenowing to Doggie Kruger as a mentor, since Keeper fills the role as Mentor, but he will still likely make the comparison between Xenowing and Doggie Kruger, since both are non-human extra rangers.
    • He will be very impressed with the casting choices.
    • He will bring up Lerigot and E.T. after looking at Keeper, and might point out that he is what Lerigot should have been.
    • He will point out the necessity to use ranger weapons instead of mundane ones when fighting a monster, as demonstrated by Tyler's poor shovel.
    • He'll theorize that given what happened in the last dinosaur series, there's a chance the dinogems contain some energem energy, and that mixed with the asteroids that fell demonstrates that the powers found this season are among the oldest in the whole series, since they predate the dinogems and other powers are more ambiguous in their creation/attachment to the morphing grid.
    • He'll call Tyler the new Cole, in that he's searching for a parent again.
    • Upon watching the role-call less opening of Dino Charge and the vast improvement of the theme as compared to Samurai and Megaforce, we'll get this:
    • He's gonna have a field day when he sees Tyler single-handedly destroy a Vivizord on his own. He might compare it to Carter and Mack.
    • He will compare Sledge and Poisandra to Zedd and Rita. For bonus points, he might compare Wrench to Finster and Fury to Goldar.
    • He'll be tired of Koda's caveman speak quickly.
    • He'll call Kendall kind of like Cam in being Mission Control, smart but also rude and well as becoming a ranger later in the season.
    • He'll say that Tyler went to Carter Grayson's school of ranger tactics when he sees him ramming a monster with his jeep.
    • He will joke about Wrench sounding like Abridged Tristan Taylor. He'll probably even use the My voice gives me super strength sound clip in one of his fight scenes.
      • Jossed - Wrench is barely mentioned.
    • He will compare this season to Jungle Fury, since both seasons have a megazord that is comprised of 3 zords with red as the major component and is controlled via motion capture, rangers that work at a fast food restaurant, and a Mission Control that eventually becomes a violet ranger.
    • He will not be happy that pretty much everything the Rangers do has a Super Smash Bros. Narrator announcing what they are doing. He may hearken back to other mysterious narrators we've gotten.
    • He'll have a flashback to the infamous stroller chase during Episode 5.
    • He'll talk a bit more about how fandom now considers Judd "Chip" Lynn to be the best of the series producers, on his previous involvement in the franchise, and he'll comment on whether his presence here has any of his fingerprints for how things have or haven't changed for the show.
    • He'll note that this is the first time Power Rangers doesn't have a yellow ranger.
      • Following that, he'll note how the suits, weapons, and zords have plenty of yellow anyways.
      • Surprisingly enough, he doesn't mention the team colors at all - which is odd, since he normally mentions when a series has a new color for the first time; he doesn't even note that Phillip is the first grey ranger (although in this case, it could be because whereas in Jungle Fury, RJ was a part of the core team, Phillip is an auxiliary ranger).
    • In comparing this series to other ones, he'll say that this series combines aspects of Overdrive, RPM and Time Force to finally create plausible, legitimate reasons why Sledge only goes after 1 city, and why he only sends 1 monster at a time. He only goes after 1 city because he only cares about the energems, and so only cares about going after the rangers, who are only in one city. And then since he's transporting criminals, it's too dangerous to send out more than 1 or two just like with Ransik back in Time Force. He'll say that with combining these, it creates a villain who not only has legitimate motivations beyond mere conquest, megalomania or racism (though not unlike Broodwing but with REVENGE!), but also plausible reasoning for his means and a nice alternate play on what RPM did on why the villain only went after 1 city.
      • Prisoner similarity? Confirmed.
    • At some point, he'll wonder if Tommy ever found the fossils of energem dinosaurs, and just decided to name his zords he built with Mercer after them, given the high amount of overlap between the series's in terms of dinosaurs used.
    • Given the size of the chargers, he'll wonder if the rangers ever lost them in the wash, given their extremely portable size.
    • He''ll discuss how refreshing it is that the morpher both serves a purpose (being the Ranger's main weapon) and are the MacGuffins of the series.
      • He'll also just love the guns, as they are different from what we've gotten and thus instantly recognizable.
    • He'll notice the Ho Yay between Riley and Chase, and at some point will Call-Back to his Time Force review.
      Linkara: KISS, YOU IDIOTS!
      • Or use it for Tyler and Shelby.
      • both are, sadly, jossed
    • There will be WTF facecam shots whenever something appears out of left field, e.g. Rexie beating up Iceage, the Megazord farting/ bad breath via the Oviraptor charger...
      • Jossed.
    • He will cheer at the fact the rangers don't have to dance to morph, unlike their sentai counterparts.
      • Unlikely, given that Linkara hasn't seen the sentai but he may have heard how the morph went.
      • It was unlikely he'd do this anyways (since he only turns to the Sentai Footage if it's some weirdness left over from it), and he didn't mention it anyways, so jossed.
    • He will like the fact that, after going quite a while with us having rangers that were "trained for the duty" and "assholes" that the show stresses that these are good people willing to help others, making the team once again feel like the original Mighty Morphin' Team
    • If the show has Tyler and Shelby get together he'll be happy it wasn't out of the blue and they did hint at it.
      • He'll also evaluate its effectiveness depending on how long it takes for them to admit it, given how interested they were in each other from the start.
      • He might complain that CHASE got more romantic development compared with those two, given how his involvement with Kaylee got 2 focus episodes and changed him for the better compared with all the dancing around Tyler and Shelby did.
      • He notes that while they never became a couple officially, they were acting so much like one that they practically were one, so he considered them a couple. He liked that they actually had development in their relationship.
    • When it mentions the immortality component, he'll probably snark that this just means they'll be able to swap stories with people like Camille who have lived over 10,000 years already, and still look great.
    • It is a coin toss what he thinks of Keeper. On one hand he may not like how Keeper just wanders around offering fortune cookie advice and not providing assistance to the Rangers. On the other hand, he may love the fact that the mentor isn't heavy-handed and the Rangers have to learn on their own and come up with strategies without his aid, as well as make their own tools; he may even comment that this is the first time the Rangers truly felt like a Superhero team, working together to solve threats and problems.
      • He might also use the tennis ball clip when talking about Keeper's mentoring, as showing that he also has something of an unconventional and yet still awesome side to his mentoring styles.
      • He might be...angry at Keeper for prioritizing destroying the dark energem over destroying Sledge's ship when that's something they could've easily done with all their Zords.
      • He actually likes Keeper simply because Keeper is actually a mentor this time around (As opposed to Jii, who was a dick, and Gosei, who basically was Santa Claus for powers/Zords).
    • He'll praise how the Dino Charge rangers often think outside the box.
    • When Moana appears he'll make a joke about the then-released Disney movie of the same name.
      • Jossed.
    • He will compare Sir Ivan to Merrick, in that they are both sixth rangers who are trapped inside a villain's body for centuries.
      • But he'll say that in contrast, he likes Ivan better, because he's not all over the place in characterization compared with Merrick.
      • Similarly, he'll take a cheap shot at Power Rangers Samurai by saying "And this time, our gold ranger is actually Hispanic".
      • Both are jossed.
    • He'll try to figure out the logistics of the series taking place over the summer, yet still managing to have 2 Halloween and Christmas episodes. He may jokingly explain the first Halloween episode actually taking place on Summerween.
      • He'll use this as a chance to bring up his theory about a year in PR being longer than an actual year.
      • Both are jossed.
    • When he gets to the Super Royal Punch that the Graphite Ranger does, he'll call it the "I am a Man" punch.
      • Jossed.
    • In response to Ivan's "What's a Dolphin?" comment in "World Famous (in New Zealand)":
    • He'll love Albert. Not just because he is a fun character but because the Rangers are so open to him being a Ranger (unlike other shows where they would have been insulted that an old crazy man was chosen) and also because he proves that it takes something special to become a ranger.
    • He'll mess up his "It's time" catchphrase to go along with Shelby messing up the morphing call, and after they get it right he'll go "Okay, now it's time."
    • When discussing the themes of this series he will point out how, unlike some other seasons like Operation Overdrive, much is made of the idea that it takes someone special to be a ranger. He will point to Prince Phillip's failed attempts, Albert being selected but realizing he isn't a good choice, the test the rangers due with the Purple Energem, and Ms. Morgan becoming the Purple Ranger showing how just not anyone can be a ranger.
    • He will praise the Gold Ranger Arc for not being a retread of Green With Evil (something so many other seasons tend to do) while also presenting a logical reason for Ivan to be reluctant to join; namely that while he respects the team his values as a knight won't let him make such a life-altering decision without thinking about it.
      • Linkara may also theorize that Ivan is suffering from PTSD and that his refusal to join at first, while kind, is his attempt to have control over his own life, fearing that by accepting he will merely be giving himself up to another 'prison'.
    • When opening up the series, he'll say that it begins with a battlecruiser chasing a smaller ship trying to capture it. And then cut over to footage from A New Hope. After which he'll then stop it to say, "No, No, but good guess."
      • Jossed.
    • He'll take time to compare how effective Sledge was vs how effective Heckyl/Snide was and which was the better main villain.
      • On that note, he might say that he likes Sledge's crew more then he ever did with Samurai or Megaforce. Both for longevity but also for the interplay between each other. Particularly the Fury/Poissandra rivalry.
      • He'll also talk about whether he would have wanted Arcanon to stay as the final villain, or whether Sledge coming back made for a fitting Plot Twist.
      • He'll comment that in general, most of the villain's plans are pretty good. He might also mention that the villains actually did score a few solid victories in the first half of the season, and further, mention that several of their plans were really well thought out and could've worked under different circumstances.
      • He might say something like that each of the villains had their own style of plans depending on who was in charge. Like Snide's plans were more straight forward, Poissandra's plans involved misdirection, Sledge and Heckyl had 2 stage plans when they get involved, etc.
    • He'll comment that Sledge's ship must've had it pretty good if he had 2 monsters that could cook for him.
      • Jossed, but he jokes that Sledge had a good health care plan.
    • Much like with SPD, he'll include a counting gag whenever a new ranger is introduced. However, he'll use a modified version of the It's Over 9000! clip when the 10th ranger is introduced.
      • Jossed.
    • He'll mention that many of the monsters get an Early-Bird Cameo due to how the prison is set up.
      • Jossed.
    • When he gets to Xenowing as the Silver Ranger, he'll make a theory that the morphing grid can change a non-human ranger into a human based form, since it's only explanation to how his beak, wings,and plume can fit into a ranger suit. He might even bring up Doggie Kruger as an example.
      • No theory, but he does mention Doggie Kruger. Odds are that if the Kyuranger adaptation keeps Shou Ranpou's costume, he'll make this theory.
    • He'll mention that it's probably the series that reuses monsters the most since the Zordon era, given that the reanimator keeps bringing them back.
      • Jossed.
    • Even though it's not a whole lot of competition, he'll inevitably call it the best of the Neo-Saban era to date. He'll then compare it to other seasons he also likes, commenting on its place relative to them.
      • Add to that, he'll call it a step in the right direction for the series but will point out that it's not completely perfect and might rate it slightly above average overall.
      • He doesn't outright say so, but he does say it's a very good show, minus the ending, which he states is a total Mind Screw.
    • During the characters section, he'll mention how Koda's actor, Yoshi Sudarso, is a huge Power Rangers fan, and even bring up how he became the first Power Rangers actor to appear in a Sentai series, mentioning his cameo - and tell viewers to keep that in mind for the next installmentnote .
      • Jossed.
    • He'll either love or hate the finale for multiple reasons.
      • He'll compare the finale to that of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)'s third season.
      • Jossed. TMNT 2k12 isn’t even on his radar.
      • He'll once again bring up his theory of Power Rangers have been existing for a long time after seeing Sledge exclaiming Power Rangers 65 million years ago.
      • He'll note how the rangers finally beat the bad guy from day 1.
      • Jossed.
      • He'll come up with his own theory/headcanon saying that the previous ranger teams might still exist, and the only difference in the new timeline is that the dinosaurs didn't go extinct.
      • He doesn't mention a theory of his own, but he does mention a few theories.
      • He brings up the theory that Time Force was responsible for fixing any inconsistencies.
      • Confirmed.
      • He'll use the timeline alterations to justify several other weird time discrepancies that have popped up over the course of the franchise.
      • Or he'll just completely lose it. Remember when he saw Robo Knight return? It'll be like...five of those. Combined.
      • He will DEFINITELY talk about how he's upset his fans spoiled a big ending twist AGAIN for him. (As seen on his twitter feed before the video's release)
      • He doesn't hate the ending, disliking it because of how much it messes with continuity, but he states that the build up is insane and he likes that aspect.
    • He'll make a Shout-Out to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure when Tyler stole Sledge's "Magna beam" line.
      • Jossed.
    • He'll make a Shout-Out to Jurassic Park after seeing the Amber Beach Dinosaur Zoo.
    • Ultimately he'll say that Dino Charge and Dino Super Charge should be taken as two separate shows, due to the noticeable dive in quality in the second half of the series.
      • He might also wonder if there was some sort of behind the scenes stuff that got in the way, particularly since Judd Lynn seemed to be supervising all the episodes, so he'll wonder if he was forced to take his hands off that resulted in quality issues.
      • Or much like other Nickelodeon series, he won't consider them seperately because even with all that's happening, it's not enough plot wise to split them up.
    • If enough people convince him to watch the crossover between Kyoryuger and Go-Busters, he'll be disappointed that they didn't adapt anything aside from the villain from that crossover, noting that if they had adapted it, they could have had teams from all 3 eras on screen at the same time, and even if they couldn't have gotten the actors for the Mighty Morphin or Dino Thunder teams, they could have recorded voice-overs over the phone. He might come up with reasons why they didn't adapt it, and then suggest ways they could have incorporated the Go-Busters as a team into Dino Charge.
      • Jossed. As of this writing, that particular crossover isn’t even on his radar.
      • He will, however, either be okay with the fact that there isn't a team-up with Megaforce since he wasn't fond of that season (despite team-ups practically being a staple of the Saban era) or he won't mention it at all, since Megaforce didn't have an official crossover with Samurai (unless you count the tribute episode to Samurai).
    • He'll compare the theme song to the one used in Power Rangers Zeo, noting that like Zeo, Saban overhauled the theme while keeping the tune after 2 seasons adapting 3 different sentai (in the case of Zeo, the two season were the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the Alien Rangers spin-off, and the sentai were Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger, Gosei Sentai Dairanger, and Ninja Sentai Kakuranger; in the case of Dino Charge, the two seasons were Power Rangers Samurai and Power Rangers Megaforcenote , and the sentai were Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, Tensou Sentai Goseiger, and Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger).
    • He'll either bring up the blink and you'll miss it shot of Kamen Rider Wizard in the Power Morphicon trailer and say that he's glad that nothing ever came of it, saying he didn't want a repeat of "A Friend in Need", or he'll mention the shot but not give his opinion on the matter.
    • He'll like that Dr. Runga immediately understands what a Zord is, and that he refers to "Power Rangers" in general instead of "the Power Rangers", demonstrating that people know of other Ranger teams and don't need these concepts explained to them... followed by a remark about how the ending will ruin that continuity.
    • In looking at villains, he might comment that of all the villains, it's actually WRENCH who has an actual story arc, as he starts a nervous wreck, but once he got some positive encouragement with Sledge praising his adapting his blaster to the purple energem, he seemed a lot more assertive and confident after the changeover.
      • Jossed - Wrench only gets mentioned once, and he lampshades that Wrench hasn't done much.
    • He might think Heckyl's redemption arc is a little rushed, thinking the writers might've thought it up at the last second as "we can't destroy human looking villains!" And as such, not particularly like it.
      • Jossed - he does like Heckyl's redemption arc. He's actually upset that they didn't keep the dynamic of him being under the noses of the rangers for long.
    • He might think the Heckyl/Snide parallel to Jekyll/Hyde is a bit on the nose.
      • Jossed.

  • Ninja Steel
    • For the teaser he'll use one of the following:
      • The scene from episode 2 where the rangers introduce themselves only for the monster to introduce himself as well.
      • The megazord's finisher from episode 3, specifically the chainsword.
    • He will be taken aback by the gold ranger's appearance.
      • He'll compare the suit to Antonio's in appearance
      • When Levi gets introduced and his occupation gets brought up, he'll cut to the clip from Dragon Ball Z Abridged of Future Trunks saying "Did you know country music is actually awful?"
      • If this unboxing video is anything to go off of, he will be disappointed by the fact that they did not adapt the Burger morpher.
      • The morpher has been brought over, in the form of Levi's camera/camera phone. He may poke fun at it a little for how they had to justify the stock footage of the Gold Ranger's finisher.
      • He might also wonder why they changed it at all if they had to bring it over anyways, noting that it's tradition for the Sixth Ranger to have a unique morpher.
      • He might ask why Levi has a habit of taking selfies with the monsters, asking if the Gold Ranger has his own Instagram account.
      • He'll address the fact that the ranger uses a guitar as a weapon. Either he'll start adding a second Running Gag to his show related to ninja electric guitars (in this case, he'll say "Modern Ninja Electric Guitar") or he'll retire the Ancient Ninja Electric Guitar Running Gag.
      • He'll note that Levi is the first ranger explicitly stated to be a high school dropout.
    • He will snark about Cam making his own ninja ranger team judging by the costume design.
    • He'll be confused about the differences in the zords and try to come up with a theory behind it.
      • He may or may not like the hints to the zords early on, and wonder why Redbot didn't become a zord if he looks like the Red Robo Zord.
      • In addition, he may argue that while the Red Robo Zord, Dragon Zord, and Kodiak Zord can be considered ninja like, he will ask why a truck and train are there if they aren't even close to ninja like.
    • While talking about the zords he'll make a TTGL reference
    • He'll say something about how similar the name was to "Ninja Storm" and at one point say that name by accident.
    • Like the Dino Charge WMG, he'll also talk briefly about the skipped Toqger.
      • Tying in with one of the Jossed theories about that nonexistent season below, he might say it was for the best given the not-so-promising theme.
      • Bonus points if he brings this up.
      • He'll note that if Toqger hadn't been skipped, he would be looking at the first orange ranger, something he will be doing in his review of whatever comes after Ninja Steel.
      • Alternatively, he might say "But given what happens in the next series, I might just have to play the waiting game instead".
    • He'll joke about Surf Ninjas when the surfer zord is introduced.
    • Thanks to all the complex technologies present at the beginning of the series (thanks to audition sides leaked online), he'll comment that the PR universe is starting to drift away from our universe in its composition and become something closer to what was in SPD. That all the aliens attacking, zords being developed, borrowed Ranger Tech from different people, the private sector starting to share ranger tech from Hartford, etc, etc, have finally made earth into a tech powerhouse as well, meaning that the continuity is going to transition seamlessly from our time to SPD without the same problems he thought it would have.
      • Probably jossed just because what was in the audition sides turned out to be... different from what was presented so far.
      • Given what happened in his Dino Charge review, it's more likely that he'll instead bring up the theory that starting with Dino Charge, all series have been taking place in alternate universes, pointing to the absence of dinosaurs as evidence.
      • Him bringing up said theory is jossed, since unless Saban does something to push Dimensions in Danger into Canon Discontinuity within the last half of Super Ninja Steel, Ninja Steel takes place in the main dimension. He might instead wonder just how much time passed in this dimension while the events of Dino Charge occurred.
    • He'll mention how the Blue Ranger is played by Peter, the brother of Yoshi, the actor who played the previous actor, and even bring up the cameo Yoshi made in Ninninger.
    • He'll talk about the pros and cons of using the Ninja Star Morpher instead of using the sword to transform like Ninninger did, comparing it to Jungle Fury. He'll even mention as to why it happened.
      • Regardless of whether or not he likes it, he'll at least note it isn't another cell phone morpher, and that it feels similar to the Dino Charge Morphers.
    • If the series has a crossover with Dino Charge, he'll be happy to see crossovers return. If there isn't one, he'll understand why, explaining that there is no Ninninger vs Kyoryuger that they could have used, and it would have required all original footage.
      • It's possible we might get a crossover, seeing as how Sledge is confirmed to reappear in Super Ninja Steel.
    • In Victor and Monty's introductory scene where Victor takes a joyride on Sarah's hover board and loses control, he'll remind us that too much pink energy is dangerous.
    • He'll probably be happy to see Kelson Henderson on screen again, and playing a supporting role to the rangers.
    • Will note that the show uses costumes from past seasons in the first episode, but reminds everyone that the show has done it numerous times in the pat. Although he'll be confused as to why Venjix is in this universe.
      • Bonus points if he mentions that the Cosmo Royale suit is actually from Toqger.
    • From the first episode alone, he'll make a Shout-Out to A New Hope (the scene where Redbot and Brody escapes via the garbage chute, he may even compare Redbot to C3PO), Back to the Future Part II (Sarah's hoverboard), and Beauty and the Beast (Victor and Monty's introduction, he may compare them to Gaston and Lefou).
    • He'll call Victor and Monty the "Bulk and Skull" of this season.
      • Or he'll call them unworthy of the title of "Bulk and Skull"
      • He'll despise Victor and Monty for stealing time and focus from the rangers.
      • His livetweets show that he likes them but isn't happy about the farting, he might bring up the fact that the juvenile comedy was mandated by someone higher up and forced into the show.
    • Upon saying the name of the third episode, Live and Learn, he'll switch to the song of the same name from Sonic Adventure 2.
    • Upon seeing the megazord's finisher he'll say "Ah yes, the ancient ninja technique of a chainsaw" or something like that.
    • Just as he liked the Mega modes from Samurai, he'll probably like the Ninja Master modes as an extension to their powers. Or, he could be annoyed that this is the third season to use this idea, and ask why they can't use the Sentai footage for the cockpit.
      • Alternatively, he'll be annoyed not by the fact that it's being used for the third time, but rather, that it's being used for a ninja themed team, explaining that ninjas rely more on avoiding attacksnote , pointing out that in most video games with ninjas, they're explicitly meant to focus on speed and evasion (something armor along the lines of the Mega mode would hinder), and stating that while he could overlook the Battlizer in Ninja Storm (and this series, for that matter) for being a franchise staple, and in the case of Dino Charge, there was no reason he couldn't think of them not having the armor, the same can't be said about the Master modes in Ninja Steel.
    • He'll grumble about the ninja prism giving the team advanced powers, bringing up that he's not fond of civilian powers.
      • Since it seems like Preston was the only Ranger that got powers at all, he might not dwell on it too much.
    • Depending on what happens, he might find Galvanax's excuse for not taking on the rangers himself to be something we've never seen in power rangers: a villain trapped at the whims of his public image.
    • He'll probably make a joke about how Brody's father and brother will Neeevvveerrr show up in the series again.
      • Even funnier is the fact, after the first episode of the second season, Dane completely disappears from the show until the finale.
    • The farting subplot from episode 5 will cause him to go into a rant about comedy relief characters.
      • Especially when it comes up again in the finale of the first season.
    • He'll note that that this series has the earliest debut of a Sixth Rangernote , noting the coincidence of the previous season holding the title before this one.
      • Following that, he'll note that despite having an early debut, they take time to introduce the sixth ranger's megazord, and even more time until it combines with the main megazord, and how rare it is for them to combine megazords.
    • He'll theorize that the reason hover boards are commonplace is because of how close the show is to Power Rangers S.P.D. chronologically.
    • He'll like that they don't just gigantify every monster, giving the season the potential for a little variety.
    • Be pleasantly surprised the show outright states that Calvin and Hayley are dating and that there are background moments of them being couple: holding hands, cuddling, etc.
      • He'll mention about how their actors had tried to get a kiss on the lips into the show during the season finale, and that the director was supportive of it, but it was cut out.
    • He'll either be irritated that the Transformation Trinket from Ninja Steel is yet again a MacGuffin like the Energems, or he'll be indifferent, pointing out that at least it's not as lazy as reusing names like Megaforce did.
    • He'll compare the plot twist of Levi being Brody's brother Aiden to that of Nick Russell being the son of Udonna - either he'll say that he likes it here since they actually using a different family relative this time, or he'll complain that it was just as obvious here as it was in Mystic Force.
    • He might comment that the "evil family member" plot of this season is interesting in that it's done in reverse. Instead of the family being introduced as a villain and revealed to be the sister/brother, this time they start out seeming normal, only to be revealed to be working with Madam Odious
    • He might find it refreshing that we have a traitorous villain again after 4 seasons without one in any major capacity.
      • On that note, depending on how the series goes, he'll comment on whether he enjoys Odious or Ripcon are the more interesting villain.
    • He'll question why multiple episodes have previous theme songs playing during Megazord battles instead of Ninja Steel's theme. Although he'll probably won't react with too much anger like he did in Megaforce.
    • He'll say that Mick is one of the better mentors for actually mentoring the Rangers at times and might compare his methods to R.J.
      • He might react with surprise on his Dark and Troubled Past, and noting that slavery isn't something Power Rangers covered beforehand.
    • He might feel a bit... uneasy that Power Rangers tackles homelessness in the first season, since it's technology to the rescue for it, skipping over the complexities of the problem.
      • On a related note, he might like that for the first time in years we have an alien monarch who's not a conquering maniac. Maybe even theorize that KO-35 is in the Lion Galaxy given the "human alien" trope.
      • Although, he's going to be extremely annoyed they didn't just make Viera a Queen since otherwise that adds nothing to what's going on.
    • He might be mixed on the Lion Fire Battlizer, liking the lion motif, but might complain that it makes Brody look more like a samurai than a ninja. He might even bring up the Ninja Storm Battlizer by comparison.
      • On top of that, he'll note that this is the earliest a Battlizer has ever debuted on Power Rangers, but notes that it was actually because of the Sentai footage (even mentioning that Tyler's Battlizer from Dino Charge was also from the Sentai).
    • Despite how mediocre much of season 1 was, he might actually admit he enjoyed the finale for the themes of self sacrifice, the twists and turns, as well as the fact that it finally gave the rangers a much more interesting villain switch. Although he'll also comment that the overall ending feels way more definitive compared with Dino Charge, saying he might've actually preferred a new team altogether since things closed up so clearly here.
      • He might even say that he would've been fine if they had ended up making Ninja Steel only one season, stating that they could've finally stopped skipping seasons.
    • Overall, depending on how Super Ninja Steel goes, he might say that he doesn't like Ninja Steel as much as Dino Charge as the story doesn't go nearly as many places as it does. Also, he might compare it to Lightspeed Rescue. Revisiting the Roots with High School antics, and with some interesting technical aspects with the rangers, but overall dragged down by less interesting villains or involved story.
      • He might even comment about how Power Rangers has a Star Trek Movie Curse in regards to milestone seasons.
    • He'll mention that the series got delayed because of the movie. While he has stated he likes the film, he'll either be annoyed by the fact that it got delayed, pointing out that most of the kids who were watching Ninja Steel probably weren't seeing the movie in theaters, or he'll shrug and say "At least the delay had a reason this time", referring to how Nickelodeon forces Power Rangers to go on hiatus midseason.
    • He'll address Power Rangers Hyper Force at the start, stating that while he won't be covering it for similar reasons why he didn't cover Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie or Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, he did follow the events, and were it not for the fact that it would've been too much of a hassle for him to move just for being a member, he does wish he could've participated.
    • Make the obligatory joke/comment about Mick becoming a Red Ranger.
      • He might get irritated that Mick became one of the three reds, wondering why they couldn't make him the Gold Ranger, saying that it would've worked better for Levi to become one of the other 2 reds, so that the family theme could be played up.
      • On the other hand, he might be happy that Kelson Henderson finally became ranger even though he did not get orange. He'll probably post a clip from S.P.D regarding it.
    • With the first episode of Super Ninja Steel confirming that Dino Charge takes place in an Alternate Universe, he will be happy that they did answer a major time question, and might be happy to see Sledge come back.
    • He will compare the Galactic Ninjas to the Psycho Rangers or the Five Fingers of Poison.
    • For the end of this episode and hook for the next one, he'll say something along the lines of "next time, I eat my words as we look at Beast Morphers''.
    • He might call Odious a much more interesting villain compared with Galvanax. Both of them are constrained by the nature of their position as head of the show, but Odious by comparison is much better in coming up with plans behind the plans, making her much more like Heckyl, who he preferred to Sledge last season.
    • Somewhere in the review (mainly the beginning or ending), Linakra will note that Ninja Steel was the final season of the Neo-Saban Era, and that Hasbro took over after buying the rights in 2018.
    • He will probably call the Ninja Blaze Megazord's finisher the Carter Grayson finisher. But with swords.
    • Regarding "Dimensions In Danger"
      • He'll like that the returning rangers had some diversity to them, and that more than one ranger from an era came back..
      • He'll either joke that Wes, Gemma and Koda shop at the same shop that Andros buys his cloaks from or that Andros opened up a store selling cloaks in the years since we last saw him.
      • He'll be glad to see Rocky and Kat back, especially since they haven't been seen since Turbo.
      • He'll have mixed feeling about the implication that Tommy and Kat are married with a son; on one hand, it means he never reconnected with Kimberly and the Replacement Goldfish got treated more legitimately; on the other, this means a relationship between Rangers went somewhere, that they respected continuity, and that it opens up the possibility of other Rangers having kids as well (if Tommy, who is still active in some way can, why not Rangers who we haven't seen in years who are probably living in peace?).
      • Regardless on how he feels about this special, he'll at least call it a step better than Once a Ranger and especially Legendary Battle.
      • When he gets to regained powers, he'll probably make some multiple theories as to why they came back (copied from other sources, the Ranger Keys from Megaforce recharging them temporarily, or he could bring back the "There's a simple explanation for that" gag for shits and giggles.
      • Will love the idea for a Master Morpher for Tommy as it makes the most sense for his ranger career, but will wonder why he was not seen with the Red Turbo powers. He will even ask Hasbro where he could pre order one.
      • Alternatively, he might speculate that the reason Tommy doesn't have the Red Turbo powers is because they belong to TJ now.
      • He'll also speculate who else may have a Master Morpher, like suggesting Jason has one to switch between Mighty Morphin Red and Zeo Gold. Additionally, he'll suggest that the Master Morphers and the Ranger Keys are based on the same technology, thus allowing Rangers to access their lost powers.
      • As this special officially confirms that Dino Charge is in an alternate reality like in RPM, he will be at least happy that the space time continuum has not drowned in it's own blood, and that the ending for Dino Charge is a little more bearable.
      • He might speculate on if this means that there are other dimensions aside from the ones confirmed, noting that it would make sense for the 1995 and 2017 movies to be in their own dimensions.
      • He may then suggest that some Ranger powers were restored by taking them from other universes that didn't require them at the time.
    • If they adapt Midoninger, he'll find it odd that they skipped adapting Talon Ranger (who was from a movie in Kyoryuger), but had no problem adapting a suit that has less footage. He'll probably note that this is the first time we've had a female green ranger (not counting Emma using the Green "New Powers" in Super Megaforce). If not, he might wait until Beast Morphers to go into detail about them not adapting said suit.
      • Midoninger was never brought over but he may still mention it.
    • He'll raise an eyebrow on Calvin considering dropping out of school to be a professional car mechanic, saying that's not something you normally see on kids shows.
    • He may not like the Gold Ranger's Superstar mode as he feel it's the laziest battelizer he has seen so far, although he will admit that at least its not glitter.
    • In regards to the writing and overdose of comedy, he'll point out that Judd "Chip" Lynn claimed at PMC 2018 that Nickelodeon pushed the writers for a more light hearted season than what he originally wanted, even using In Space as a reference. Whether or not Linkara will like it is another story, but considering he enjoyed RPM despite it being based off a silly sentai season, he'll note that it could have worked.
    • One of his rants will most likely be about the amount of morals used for Ninja Steel, feeling that it was trying to pander to younger viewers. He will even point out that some of the morals contradict with each other (for example: Live and Learn's moral was "You don't need outside assistance to succeed". While he'll agree that it works with school work, he'll point out that it's a whole other story when facing off against an unknown monster.)
    • He will make a crack about how Odious took a page from Venjix in her final plan of the season.
    • He'll refer to Brody as Ben Shapiro due to his catchphrase.
    • He won't be happy that the Galaxy Warrior ship blew up because of Victor and Monty's usual silly shenanigans instead of the rangers taking it down.
    • Overall, Linkara will deem Ninja Steel as a whole bad... but Turbo bad. Poor writing, pandering to the younger audiences, and not interesting villains, but there is still some good stuff that keeps it Megaforce and Overdrive bad.
    • He ended up deeming it mediocre at worst and average at best

  • Beast Morphers
    • He'll talk about how Go-Busters was originally skipped for Power Rangers and bring up the change from Bandai to Hasbro for the toy line. Then, he'll add on that latter in the year, Hasbro bought the entire rights from Saban.
      • He'll add on that Power Rangers has been through a lot of owners in the last 25 years with Saban, Disney, Saban again, and now Hasbro.
      • He'll also probably bring up how when Haim Saban brought back the franchise, he tricked Disney into lowering the price by claiming he'd take it to Discovery Family (which, at the time, was known as The Hub), and say something along the lines of "Well, Hasbro might be able to do that really soon" (or, if the DVD release is delayed long enough, he might mention how it just took a while to do so).
    • If he mentions the skipped seasons (Zyuohger and Kyuranger), he might make some theories as to why Hasbro skipped them at the time, citing that Zyuohger's cubic design may not work well with Western audiences, and Kyuranger's gigantic number of twelve rangers would have been too expensive to pay that many actors for each episode they were in, on top of having been developed by Bandai of America (who had made the toys before Hasbro brought the franchise).
      • Might speculate if Hasbro plans on adapting them at all, noting that the only thing preventing Hasbro from bringing the series over to Discovery Family was the contract that they had to fulfill with Nickelodeon after buying the franchise from Nickelodeon. Depending on what Hasbro adapts after Beast Morphers, he might say "It's just a matter of time before I talk about those adaptations".
    • For the teaser, instead of using something from the show, he'll play the clip from the Dino Charge review where he talked about how Gobusters initially had to be skipped, and say "...Well, looks like I was wrong".
      • Surprisingly, he has seen the news and based on his reaction, even he was surprised.
    • Given the suits using leather instead of spandex, he might be impressed that this is the first time a main team using something different for the series (not counting the movies as they're not canon to him).
      • Might speculate that leather was the reason Hasbro chose to start with this series, noting that they make the action figures for Marvel, whose heroes use leather suits.

      • No speculation, but he likes the leather-based suits, calling them the most practical versions he has seen.
    • He'll note that this is the first season that does not overboard using any extra zords, or extra power ups like the Power Stars/Dino Chargers in a long time.
    • He'll mention the Red Dragon Thunderzord after looking at the Red Rangers Zord.
    • If they adapt Dark Buster, he'll compare Dark Buster's PR counterpart to the Quantum Ranger. If they don't, he might mention it along with the Talon Ranger from Dino Charge (and Midoninger's PR counterpart), discussing if he would've wanted those suits adapted.
      • Since Dark Buster is adapted, he'll note that it's rare that an evil Ranger is a general, and is more impressed that there are Rangers turned evil that were supposed to be the original candidates.
      • Might speculate as to why said suits weren't adapted, wondering if it was a lack of footage for Midoninger, and bring up rumors that Nickelodeon didn't want to adapt a ranger who was originally called Deathryuger.
    • Will definitely compare the finished product to Cyber Corps, going more in-depth about it (and mentioning if he would've preferred Cyber Corps to Beast Morphers).
      • He'll at least point out that it was written by Amit Bahumik long after he'd left the franchise and is basically fanfic.
      • Jossed, he doesn't even bring it up.
    • If they end up using some of the Broken Helmet footage from the source material, he might talk about how he feels about it, possibly liking it since it adds more tension, or he might dislike it since it's much more prevalent in Gobusters than other Sentai. Alternatively, he might not talk about how he feels about it, but might note that it's a lot more prevalent than other series.
    • Depending on if they pull a Titanium Ranger (either with Dark Buster, one of the alternate universe Gobusters, or an entirely new ranger suit), he might debate on who he considers the Sixth Ranger(s), noting that the 4th and 5th members have the colors (gold and silver) and normal attributes of a sixth (different morpher, their own Zord).
    • He'll like that they are using a team of three at the start, due to that not being done since Jungle Fury.
    • He won't dislike the suits, but will find at least one Ranger to look a bit off putting, and possibly attribute it to it not being the spandex he's used to seeing.
    • He'll compare Evox to Venjix. Even if it is negatively though, he'll like Evox's snake avatar and motifs given that this series is called Beast Morphers.
      • He'll also bring up that his Sentai equivalent is called Messiah, and make plenty of jokes about what Moral Guardians would do if Power Rangers of all franchises had a villain called that.
      • There will be an Indiana Jones "Why did it have to be snakes?" shoutout when Evox first shows up in his cobra form.
    • He'll like that they worked around the "GB" present throughout the designs by naming the agency the Grid Battleforce, since it's putting in effort to have the designs make sense in-universe and is comparable to the badges in SPD.
    • Considering he's not a fan of civilian powers, he'll be glad that they're limited to the morphed forms. Although, it will be a toss up on what he feels about the weaknesses.
      • Though he'll bring up how cheetahs aren't particularly afraid of dogs in reality.
      • Then he'll concede that the Sentai version (chickens) is even sillier. (Also guard dogs in Africa are used to keep predators away from livestock).
    • When talking about the zords, he'll call them Transformers due to the fact they have a vehicle and animal mode and playing off the fact the show and toys are being made by Hasbro now.
    • He'll make theories about connections to other seasons like the following:
      • Suggesting that the Grid Battleforce may have been inspired by or otherwise connected to the Silver Guardians.
      • Going off of that, he may suggest that Andrew Hartford may have been the one to provide the tech needed to develop the DNA altering technology, which Nate would of perfected.
      • He may draw a link between GB and SPD, like suggesting Space Patrol Delta absorbed Grid Battleforce in the future for its technology. He may also suggest that the green Morph-X technology is what leads to the creation of Newtech City.
    • Might be impressed how they don't grow the monsters this season, as some of the battles forces one Ranger to deal with a Gigadrone, while the others deal with the Robotron.
    • Will like the Morph-X Morphers if only because they are wrist morphers, and are hidden in watches like the Zeonizers and the Turbo Morphers. For the Morph-X keys, he'll note that they remind him of the Turbo Morphers.
      • He'll be divided on the Gold and Silver Morphers since they're technically phones but can be turned into guns.
      • If anything he liked both sets of morphers.
    • He may or may not mention the Blake Foster incident note but if he does, he'll remind people that there are people who did not look like they were made to be Power Rangers (such as MMPR Billy and RPM Ziggy) and that he respects people who do the right thing even if they do not have the powers. However, he will add on that Foster apologized a year later for his comments.
      • Jossed.
    • Regarding Steel, he might ask how a bulky robot could slim down into a human body when morphed. That's when he'll go into a theory that the Morphin Grid changes a user's body into what they see fit. He might even bring up Crugar and Xenowing when he gets to Steel.
    • He'll have a field day when he finds out why they changed Gold to a mantis instead of a beetle note 
    • He'll make comparisons to Evox and Grumm, noting that both had plans work despite their monsters getting defeated.
    • He'll like the simplistic design of the Red Fury Mode.
    • He'll be happy that Hasbro dropped the "Super" suffix for the second season, noting that "Super Beast Morphers" wouldn't have sounded grand.
    • Will reference Mesogog and Anton Mercer when talking about Evox and Mayor Daniels. Although, he might be impressed that it's Evox in full control and using Daniels to trick the Rangers.
    • Like with Lightspeed Rescue, Linkara will not be upset with the number of weapons and power-ups made as Grid Battleforce is a government-owned branch, and having new weapons makes sense in an escalating fight. He might even mention that a majority of them are American-made.
    • He either won't like Betty for being downgrades from Victor and Monty, not contributing much to the plot, and/or just not be as funny, or enjoy them for the opposite reasons stated.
    • He will be fond of the Beast-X Modes due to their simpler design, and that they're the first team-based power-up that isn't limited to the cockpit since Megaforce.
    • Regarding Grid Connection, Linkara might be on the same lines as with Dimensions In Danger; a nice serviceable episode with some good moments, but too many problems keep it from being perfect.
      • For one thing, he will be happy that Austin St. John returned in this special as it gave someone from the original series to come back other than Tommy. Although he will be confused why he was given the Tyranosaurus Power Coin considering he had it back in Forever Red.
      • While he will note that it sucks that none of the main trio from Dino Thunder came back in person, he will make mention as to why (more specifically, how James Napier and Emma Lahana no longer want to be a part of the series). At the same time, he will explain the same situation with Shelby and Riley, but at least mentions that their actors did voiceovers.
      • Regarding Making Bad, he will like the idea of the clip show, but will not be happy that they had to redub the stock footage. In addition, he will be disappointed that Kerrigan Mahan was not called back for a voiceover when Goldar returns.
      • He might compare it to "Legacy of Power", commetning that its an interesting twist on the concept in that its the villains recapping previous series, and how rare it is for the clip show to focus on the villains.
      • He might be happy to see the Original Megazord again after 25 years.
    • As with a lot of folks, he will be shocked to find out that Evox was Venjix this entire time.
      • Jossed, he mentions how the reveal was spoiled for him long before he even began watching the season
    • With the season making callbacks to previous seasons, the storyline regarding old villain relics, and the big reveal in the end, he will be shocked that a standalone season treated the Ranger legacy than Megaforce.
      • Confirmed, he flat out states he views it as a redo of Megaforce.
    • Given how much the Ranger's parents are involved in this series compared to other seasons, he'll say the main theme is family, specifically the relationship between parents and their grown up children and what they expect from each other. He especially look at how important it is for the Rangers parents to be proud of them.
      • Confirmed, he expands this to include other familiar relationships such as siblings and aunts.

  • Dino Fury
    • He will bring up a lot of comparisons to Dino Charge.
      • Might even note the lack of a yellow ranger this time, noting that while Dino Charge also lacked a yellow, the suits had a significant amount of the color. Alternatively, might note that you can also refer to Gold as "Metallic Yellow", so he counts the Sixth as an unofficial Yellow ranger.
      • Might get annoyed that they have yet another gold ranger for the Sixth, noting that all the post-Megaforce series have had a gold Sixth, and note that of the skipped Sentai, only one of them (LuPat) had a Gold Sixth, but even then only technically had one since said Sixth was also a Silver Ranger.
      • He doesn't really bring it up
    • He'll praise the use of suits vs CGI in the mecha battles.
      • He gives the suit credit for being more active than the usual bulky suits
    • Due to his admitted love for King Arthur lore he'll love the knight theming.
    • He'll note how the zords have Lego connectors, and make jokes out of it.
    • Might note that this is the shortest amount of time since the previous Dino Sentai (Dino Charge)note , and might note that while he doesn't pay attention to the source material, there were similar complaints of how recent the theme was for Sentai fansnote .
    • Will probably compare this to the 4 series (Toqger, Zyuohger, Kyuranger, and Lupinranger vs Patranger) that have been skipped so far, and might speculate on why Ryusoulger was chosen instead, noting Kyuranger was made with involvement from Bandai of America so it would be awkward for Hasbro to adapt said season;, the train theme of Toqger wouldn't have appealed to American kids (might also bring up his note about the train episode in Megaforce), and might speculate that while Zyuohger and LuPat both have themes that have been used before (animals and cops) that dinosaurs were seen as more appealing. He might also speculate if Toei has a different contract with Hasbro than the one they had with Saban and Disney. Given that the next season will be airing by the time his episode comes out, he might say "But I'll talk about the adaptation of (insert whatever season is adapted after Ryusoulger here) next episode" if Hasbro opts to adapt one of the skipped ones next as opposed to moving onto Kirameiger.
      • He might note that LuPat would be a bit ackward given today's climate, and bring up the fact that Kyuranger had too many rangers in Hasbro's eyes. He also might say what one he would've chosen if he was in charge (not going into too much detail aside from "It's a pity that one didn't get chosen, it would've been neat").
    • Will note that this makes Dinosaurs the first theme all 4 eras have a team themed around. Might also note that all of the skipped Sentai have also been for teams that were used in the pastnote .
    • He'll joke about after Beast Morphers having leather suits, the series is back to Spandex, saying "Doctor K must be pissed".
    • Might comment on the fact that Hasbro announced what Sentai would be adapted before the name of the series was revealed, noting that while he didn't check out the Sentai, it does show a difference in how Hasbro operates from how Saban operated.
    • He might note that Saban's original contract with Nickelodeon that Hasbro inherited expires during the show's runtime, and might comment on if Hasbro opted to stay with Nickelodeon or jump ship to Discovery Family. If the former, he might get irritated that they're restricting themselves to 20 episodes per season. If the latter, he'll compare the situation to Wild Force, noting that the circumstances were completely different.
      • Since the show is moving to Netflix, he'll probably comment on whether or not this was a smart choice, and how this will impact this series going forward.
      • He points out that it's too soon to really tell how it'll impact the series.
    • He will comment on how Izzy is the first female Green Ranger in the series, as well as how she's the first genderflip since Wild Force. He may or may not wonder why Dino Charge didn't do the same thing with one of its Rangers, seeing as the Purple Ranger had such little screen time.
      • If he gets to the iconic skirt rip scene, he will comment something like "I guess that's one way to match Sentai footage".
      • Jossed but he does snarkily wonder if she has to do that every time she morphs.
      • He'll be happily surprised at the revelation (if it wasn't already spoiled for him) that she's the TV shows' first canonically gay character and that the show and characters in-universe don't make a big deal out of it.
    • He'll be annoyed that the theme song has been forced to be around 30 seconds by Nickelodeon mandate.
      • If his comment about the theme song in the Beast Morphers review hints at, Linkara cares more about the quality of the music rather than the length. He might bring it up again if need be.
      • He calls the theme song worst than Beast Morphers.
    • He'll theorize about various teams the Morphin Masters could have had a hand in creating.
    • He'll joke about Void Knight being Mr. Freeze after seeing what's inside his locked room.
      • He plays a clip from BTAS of Mr Freeze during the scene.
    • He'll snark about the forced Gen Z lingo. Possibly showing a clip of Izzy saying "cringe" and responding with "She's not wrong/You got that right."
    • Will probably note that there's no team up for the first time in a while, and might speculate on what it could've been.
    • He'll wonder how Mucus, a Sporix Beast, was active throughout the whole show without growing giant when every other beast grows giant when they are active for less.
    • He might ask why Void Knight never bothered to tell the rangers that he wanted his lover to awaken.
    • Mostly likely Linkara will talk about how Dino Fury had the misfortune of filming during the Covid-19 pandemic.
    • He'll say that while he understands the obvious reason why he'll still be upset Zedd had a new voice.
      • He discusses in detail why he finds the new Zedd voice disapointing.
    • He'll consider Void Knight a great change from previous villains due to his motivations
    • Will compare Zayto unleashing the Sporix Beasts to Dr. K creating Venjix/Nate releasing Venjix, commenting that its the second season in a row where one of the team is directly responsible for the villain's rise to power.
    • When commenting on the revelation about the Sporix, he'll make a callback to the "You're rich, buy an army!" joke from Operation Overdrive, commenting that maybe that's not always the best idea.
    • He'll like how the reveal of Santaura and Void Knight being Amelia's parents was handled, commenting that the hints were much more subtle than in previous seasons with similar twists.
      • He praises the story arc for these reasons.
    • He'll wait until Power Rangers Cosmic Fury wraps up to release the video, combining the two series into one retrospective.
      • He's mentioned that Cosmic Fury will be its own video.
    • The video will have a "in memorium" message for Jason David Frank.
      • The video indeed begins with one.

Once and Always & Cosmic Fury

  • For Once and Always:
    • He will be happy to see Billy and Zack again, the former because it features David Yost appearing after the behind the scenes drama from Zeo, and the latter since Zack was his favorite of the original five.
      • Confirmed.
    • Although Linkara will be disappointed that Austin St. John, Amy Jo Johnson, and Jason David Frank did not return, he will explain why and understand the situations they were in. On the flip side, he will be happy that Steve Cardenes and Catherine Sutherland resumed the powers as it let to a mixture of representatives of the first three seasons.
      • Confirmed.
    • He will express confusion how Aisha is around due to the time travel shenanigans during the Zeo Quest, but he will admit that it's not the worst thing Power Rangers has done to science.
      • Or he'll point out that she would have aged naturally since she only went back like a decade so it's not a big deal.
      • Jossed.
    • He'll get a hoot out of the "Too much Pink energy" line.
      • Oh Linkara got more of a hoot about that line. He had a complete mental breakdown over it.
    • He'll like how there are some references from the original Mighty Morphin seasons that caters to the older fans, such as Zack's Hip-Hop Kido routine, though he will admit that some of the younger fans will not get them.
      • He touches a bit on this in his opening speech about nostalgia.
    • While he will be shocked at how Trini died, he will respect how they treated her sacrifice and how this special was dedicated to Thuy Trang.
    • Like many fans, he will not be fond of the CGI Megazord fight as it looked cheap.

  • For Cosmic Fury:
    • Linkara will bring up how the fandom was not happy how Hasbro handled adapting Kyuranger (using original suits instead of the ones in the sentai), but he will remind people that seasons 2 and 3 of Mighty Morphin did the same thing and how production decides to use the Sentai footage is up to them.
      • Confirmed.
    • He will be surprised to see Amelia as the Red Ranger, but he will not mind it and give praise to having a female Red Ranger lead the team for the majority of the season (While Lauren and Charlie were female Red Rangers in the past, the former only led the Samurai Rangers briefly while the latter led another team of Rangers and not the main one).
      • Confirmed.
    • He'll point out how Zedd's voice actor was changed due to fan backlash
      • Confirmed. And he also calls out the toxic fans for doing so.
    • Since this is the final season, he'll end the video with one big tribute to the franchise.
    • He'll either hate the suits or justify them as Billy having limited time and resources.
      • Jossed. Linkara loves the suits.
    • He will be shocked to see Javi lose his arm and like that they took time to address the difficulty of using his new robotic limb at the start.
      • He was indeed shocked they went through with it but felt they could have gone further in addressing the issue.
    • He will comment how Fern became the first Orange Ranger and express surprise that it took thirty years to get that color.
    • Much like how Cosmic Fury was the grand finale of the original Power Rangers continuity, the review of the season will be the finale of History of Power Rangers, barring the reboot series being a possible Patreon request.

He'll like one of the Kalish-era series much more than the fan base does.
  • Probably Jungle Fury, since it does have some parallels to Power Rangers Wild Force (his current choice for most underrated season), has one of the better theme songs of the Kalish-era, and there are fans who regard this series as finally starting to make a comeback.
    • All good points. Plus it has the first Violet Ranger, and partially deconstructs the Rookie Red Ranger trope with Casey and his insecurities about being the leader yet also the least experienced Ranger. Plus there's Fran.
      • Confirmed - he gave Jungle Fury a recommendation.
  • Confirmed, he liked SPD, though granted that was already by far the least-hated and most-liked Kalish season.
    • He gave Mystic Force a recommendation, but noted there was a lot of flaws. In particular, he liked the Stranger Within and Dark Wish arc.
      • Really, the only Bruce Kalish season he didn't like was Overdrive, which is his least favorite season.

He'll come up with his own "Once a Ranger" team, and it won't be the same as the one that was used.
  • We'll have a better idea of who he'd replace when we get there.
    • Of course, we can speculate... Its likely that Carter is going to replace Bridge as the team's Red, and either Jen or Katie taking a Girl spot of the team. T.J. might be put in as the Blue Ranger, Adam kept as the Black Ranger, and possibly Karone as the pink (for weirdness factor) or Kat/Tanya (replace with whether he picks Katie or Jen respectively). Or for comedy reasons, Green Ranger Tommy, White Ranger Tommy, Zeo Ranger 5, Red Turbo Tommy, and Dino Thunder Tommy.
      • Jossed, although he does state that he wishes he could watch a season of Power Rangers consisting of the team used in "Once a Ranger" instead of Operation Overdrive.

Megaforce will be the final History of Power Rangers video.
With how the Power Rangers seasons are nowadays, I don't think Linkara will bother waiting two whole years just so he could review one entire series' storyline.
  • Jossed He has mentioned that he already plans on doing videos for every series, even though they will be far apart since the seasons will be spaced out. In fact he even mentions being open to doing more "History" style videos via his Patreon for copycat series.

He won't like RPM
  • Citing the Darker and Edgier plot, and the season's Lampshade Hanging on some of the clichés that the show uses.
    • But, on the other hand, he doesn't exactly have a problem with Darker and Edgier as two of his favorite seasons are In Space and Time Force which are certainly darker than the average season. What's important to him is that the story makes sense, moves logically at a good pace, and has good characters. As for the Lampshade Hanging, that might be something he's not as fond of, since that kind of humor is kinda similar to Ninja Storm which he didn't like as much. Regardless, I expect him in talking about Power Rangers RPM to bring up Power Rangers Turbo and compare them on whether or not they're any different in adding silly material to a serious story.
    • Whether he ultimately approves of it or not, he's almost certain to get some Hype Backlash like he did with Time Force.
      • And, similarly, even if he likes it, he'll most likely point out that having a 'darker story' has nothing to do with whether it's good or not, seeing as that's something that comes up on AT4W all the time. While he may ultimately like it for its strong character development, legitimately funny jokes, interesting plot, explaining Ranger technology and for having its own identity, expect him to qualify his praise with a statement along the lines of, "And, no, it's not because it's 'dark'. Making it 'dark' does not make a story better. That's not how storytelling works."
      • Alternatively, he'll love the Darker and Edgier stuff, but criticise the humour. As much as he claims that Power Rangers is "supposed to be cheesy", he tends to be quite critical of the more comedic aspects of the series, such as Turbo and Ninja Storm.
      • He could be mixed on the different types of humor though. For example, he may like meta humor that pokes fun at the show, but not any of the other humorous bits like Ziggy's schtick.
      • It should probably be noted that he DOES like self referential humor, as he did say in one of his MMPR videos that he loves those bits and then showed the "What is it this time, a monster that blows itself up?" bit from Zedd. It seems likely he didn't like the humor in Turbo because it was a 100% mood whiplash in the earlier parts of the season, and didn't like it in Ninja Storm due to his dislike of Lothar (who made a good chunk of the lampshades) as a villain.
    • When has Linkara's overall opinion (not individual things like liking Carter which he made a thing) strayed that FAR from the fan consensus? He hated Turbo but commented it got better and (retroactively said) it had a great finale, Turbo isn't a popular season but even fans who hated it said it got better in the second half way before Linkara. He loves In Space, Time Force, and Dino Thunder all popular seasons. He said Lost Galaxy started out slow but got better which is the general consensus. His "So Okay, It's Average" feelings toward Lightspeed, Ninja Storm, and Mystic Force which is pretty much how the fandom feels about it. He loathed Operation Overdrive, which most of the fandom already did. He really likes SPD and SPD was a well liked season by a good ton of the fandom. Perhaps his most unpopular opinion on a season overall was liking Wild Force but he still noted its problems and really the fandom was warming up to it before he got to it because Overdrive and Samurai happened. At most RPM will get some Hype Backlash from him ala Time Force (how can he not when most of the fandom touts RPM as the greatest thing since sliced bread?) but he's still really like it.
  • Jossed. He did like it. He did mention that he might've even liked it more if Eddie Guizellean had managed to finish the series, but he did find the season to his liking.

He'll love RPM
  • He loooves Power Rangers taking itself seriously so he will probably dub RPM one of the best Power Ranger seasons
    • He doesn't go that far, but does appreciate that the series combines a mature, different kind of style compared with other Power Rangers series's, and yet also enjoys the fun of the series as well.

He's been saving up an epic rant for Operation Overdrive
  • He keeps alluding to the infamous parts of "Once A Ranger" where the Rangers give up their powers, pretty much from the earliest episodes of HOPR saying that "I'll get into this again in a later episode" or that something similar will be relevant in a later season, which makes me think Linkara will compare the scenes from "Once A Ranger" where all the Operation Overdrive Rangers give up on their quest and no longer have any intention of helping out in any way at all with the scene from Mighty Morphin Season 3 with Ninjor, Lightspeed Rescue's Cyborg Ranger episode, Billy in Zeo and other examples of previous Rangers expressing every intention to keep doing the right thing and keep helping out even if they no longer have Ranger powers and criticise this episode for making the Operation Overdrive Rangers look at best like they're inferior to the other Rangers who showed up and at worst like they're just in it for the glory. He'll probably also assess that this kind of behaviour and how it influences fan perception of later Rangers is one reason why these episodes and seasons aren't as beloved as the more idealistic earlier seasons. He'll also comment on the EXPLOSIONS and the over-the-top civilian powers all the later Rangers have.
    • Semi-confirmed in Mystic Force and with follow-up on Rangerboard- Linkara hasn't seen much yet outside of Once A Ranger and the opening, but he's already made it clear that he hates the theme song and the costumes, and he has "Words," for Overdrive.
      • When did he say he hated the suits? Sorry, but this troper cannot see how in the name of hell anybody could hate those suits.
      • It was during a Super Sentai/Power Rangers podcast where they were discussing all the suits from the beginning until now. He commented that for the main team, the combination of the chrome, the white to color ratio, and the large chest symbol just rubbed him the wrong way and for their sixth ranger, said that suit had too much going on with having four colors and having siren lights as shoulderpads seemingly slapped onto it.
      • But does that necessarily mean he hated them?
      • He outright stated that he did during that podcast when they got to the Overdrive suits.
      • Confirmed. Oh so beautifully confirmed.

He'll include Megaforce before he even gets to Mystic Force.
  • Let's face it: he's been putting out videos less and less frequently since it began, and the gap between Dino Thunder and SPD was over 9 months. It's been about 8 months since the latter, and Megaforce airs around February or January of next year. Which means that, at the rate he's going, he'll release the review for the next season then at the earliest.
    • This is most likely the case since Megaforce is set to air February 2nd and Linkara has commented that he hasn't been able to get further than the first few episodes due to his schedule.
    • In January 2013 he put up a post stating that he would attempt to review all the series from Mystic Force through Super Samurai by the end of the year.
    • Confirmed. As of his Mystic Force review, Megaforce footage appears in the opening theme. (Though the original poster probably meant that there would be a video covering Megaforce before the Mystic Force video, which proved not to be the case.)
      • As an add-on, maybe including bits of Super Megaforce in whenever he gets to Overdrive.
      • He ended up including Dino Charge when he got to Megaforce.

Samurai will get 2 videos like early seasons did
It did have two seperate seasons
  • Doubtful, if only because it's one continuous story with the exact same characters stretched out over two years, rather than being two separate stories working into or playing off each other.
  • Linkara mentioned on Rangerboard that Samurai and Super Samurai would be separate videos, similar to how MMPR was three parts. However, since the seasons are half the length of an older season, they likely won't take as long to make, and he might just put them up on the same day as if they were two parts of one review.
    • Recently he's mentioned that he'd most likely combine the two seasons since there just isn't enough story/material to have them be separate but might have more than one video if it ends up running long.
    • Jossed. The Samurai/Super Samurai HOPR is a total length of 4 episodes.

     Guesses for the updated reviews 
Given how Linkara has started doing updated looks on seasons, it's possible that he might find more info that was brought up since the original episodes. Feel free to add in info from In Space to Mystic Force and RPM.

In Space:

  • In the beginning, he'll mention about a pre-production notes on What Could Have Been (a few examples include Justin staying, Divatox being the main villain again, and the Goldgoyle suit being used for Dark Spector instead of the Maligore suit).

Lost Galaxy:

  • He will mention that in order to raise their budget, they had to cancel another toku based show (Mystic Knights).
  • Will mention that the "Ancient Ranger" proposal would have used the suits from Dairanger.
  • If he uses a scene where Damion called Trakeena cute, he suggests he marry her before adding on that they did in real life.
  • May mention how Danny Slavin originally deemed his time on Power Rangers an Old Shame.

Lightspeed Rescue:

  • Might go more into the Titanium Ranger, even mentioning that the suit was actually recycled from Turboranger. In addition, he'll note with irony that Rhett Fisher originally audition for Carter as the latter failed to morph into the Titanium Ranger.

Time Force:

  • He'll note that the original plan for Time Force would have involved a lot of time travelling, but it was scrapped after watching more of the sentai footage.
  • Will note that head writer Judd Lynn wanted Jen to stay in the past with Wes at the end, but when it did not happen, he left the show, until the second half of RPM, and coming back for full time on Dino Charge.
  • The Time Force suits are the only suits that he has not talked about yet, so chances are he will give his opinion on whether he likes them or not.
    • Confirmed
  • He might end the revised review admitting that while he still thinks it's a little overated, he still calls it a recommended season compared to some of the others he saw.
  • Mention Gluto, even if to mention he was the main boss in Sentai (It doesn't give too much away) or talk about his comedic relief only status.
    • He brings him up for being forgettable.

Wild Force:

  • Will go more in-depth about the original plan for Forever Red, and compare what was plannednote  to what we actually got, noting which he prefers, and might explain why we didn't get that in-universe.
    • Confirmed
  • May or maynot mention the Ricardo Medina, Jr. incident.
    • Unlikely. He didn't mention it during the Samurai review, which was released when the incident was more prominent, unless he really feels the need to discuss the importance of distancing actors from their characters.
    • Confirmed
  • Talk about his thoughts on the villains (we only know he doesn't find Mandilok interesting, but not much on how he himself thinks about them).

Ninja Storm:

  • Will mention that the Wind Ranger Vs Thunder Ranger subplot was actually suppose to be longer according to the promotions.
  • Will mention the sudden passing of Shane's actor Pua Magasiva.
    • Confirmed
  • He'll bring up Austin St John's arrest
    • Unlikely, he's stated that he prefers to only talk about pleasant trivia concerning the Power Ranger actor's (the only reason he brought up Ricardo Medina Jr's arrest is because he knew he'd get comments asking about it yet again) and only wanting to bring up unpleasant stuff when it concerns the show. And considering Austin St. John has nothing to do with Ninja Storm I can't think of when he could (or would even want) to bring that sorta thing up.

Dino Thunder:

  • He will either mention or dedicate the video to the passing of Jason David Frank
    • Confirmed

    • He may redo this one next instead of Ninja Storm, since his passing was more recent.

  • Give his thoughts about Trent's ranger outfit as it was absent before, minus the Super Dino Mode part. He may also comment on how the gold triangles on the Triassic Ranger outfit feel like the more focused colour scheme that the core outfits should've had.


  • Go into more information on Sam and why he's in SPD.
  • He'll mention the change in how the public views law enforcement following real world events since SPD originally aired.
  • His discussion of the female red ranger will be completely rewritten with the benefit of hindsight. In the original, he made a passing reference to Shinkenger, and this was before Samurai aired.
    • Especially in light of Cosmic Fury

Mystic Force:

  • Mention the passing of Udonna's actress, maybe bringing up the supposed "PR Curse"


  • Unlike in the original review he likely won't mention that Doctor K and Ziggy's actors ended up getting married in real life due to them getting divorced in 2016 for unspecified reasons.
    • Or he'll bring it up still and mention the divorce.
  • The tribute montage will get cut.
