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For my own benefit (and for the benefit of others who care to check), I'm going to use my sandbox to track YouTubers' political stances. I'm a bit exasperated with finding out I've been supporting a YouTuber and eventually finding out that they, say, may agree with the Alt-Right when they casually work it into one of their videos.

Overtly political YouTubers are welcome (and is a great resource for checking where most of them land), but I am more interested in channels that are less overtly political (say, are pop-culture or hobby focused) but let their politics bleed in.


  • "Woke": A term originally used by progressive and left-leaning individuals to refer to being alert to racial prejudice, as in "waking up to injustice". The term has also been appropriated by those on the right in general to refer to anything even remotely progressive or inclusionary, but some moderate individuals have used this term to describe media that they view as marketing itself as progressive or diverse at the expense of quality or through talking down to the audience. It is a very popular word amongst right-leaning or at least anti-progressive YouTube channels, often getting emphasized in their video titles or thumbnails by using Caps Lock. e.g. "New WOKE movie flops hard at the box office".
  • The Fandom Menace: A loosely aligned group of YouTubers who are very anti-feminist, anti-woke and anti-affirmative action (with some of them being very right-wing partisan). They focus on geek culture (specially sci-fi and fantasy) and their videos tend to be outrage-fueling and mostly targeted against creators with progressive beliefs and/or corporations that push agendas they don't support or are vehemently against. They tend to cooperate or — at the very least — reference each other.
  • #IStandWithVic: People that use this hashtag highly support voice actor Vic Mignogna after he was fired from all of his roles in 2019 when he was accused of sexual harassment by groups of fans plus some of his fellow voice actors who either joined in the accusations or simply supported them. Many of his fans believe that he was targeted for his conservative religious beliefs due to what they perceive as anti-conservative bias in western media.
  • ComicsGate: A campaign that picked up steam in the late 2010s opposing forced diversity (which for the most part boils down to "diversity", at least in practice) and progressivism in comics. Generally argue that diversity leads to declining quality and sales, and tend to have particular issues with Affirmative-Action Legacy characters.
  • BreadTube: A loosely-aligned group of essay, commentary and analysis YouTube channels that promote leftist thought and ideas as a way to counteract anti-SJW and far-right personalities and the ideas they promote. However, some of its personalities consider the label to be more of a meme or an idea rather than a group or a collective. The name "BreadTube" comes from the book The Conquest of the Bread by anarchist Russian writer Peter Kropotkin.
  • Go Woke, Go Broke: An anti-woke slogan originally coined by author John Ringo, himself a conservative, used to describe franchises, companies, or even products openly embracing political correctness at the cost of "losing their core audience" and/or finanical gains. These words have since been associated with the alt-right.
  • M-She-U: A derogatory phrase meant to criticize the Marvel Cinematic Universe for supposedly supplanting male leads with female ones, often in a way that's viewed as ham-fisted and damaging to the male characters.
  • NPC: Named after the video game term "non-player character", used to describe people who generally follow opinions blindly rather than thinking for themselves. It has since been used as a slur by the alt-right to describe liberals.
  • Make America Great Again: Also known as "MAGA" for short, this was the slogan for Donald Trump's presidential campaign in 2016. It's now a common phrase for the alt-right.
  • "Griller": A derogatory though sometimes endearing term used against centrists of the apathetic kind. It refers to the phrase "I just wanna grill", signifying how they don't really want to pick a side.
  • GunTuber: A You Tuber who focuses on covering guns. Politics can go all over the spectrum but most tend to lean center-right.

Please feel free to add your own:

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    Creators A-M 
  • The4thSnake: YouTuber best known for his critiques of the writing in Netherrealm's fighting games. While he tends to take potshots at certain progressives such as Anita Sarkeesian, Snake himself doesn't particularly align with any political party or cause.
  • A Different Bias: Card-carrying socialist who supports the monarchy.
  • Academic Agent: Far-right tradcon who infamously made a video about how women with abs are a sign of the fall of western civilization.
  • Acheeto: Anti-woke commentary channel.
  • The Act Man: A rising gaming YouTuber best known for his 'Why is [AAA Videogame] so BAD/GOOD/AWESOME/MEDIOCRE?' and for his fun-loving jock attitude. Tends to be center-left politically as he's very pro-workers' rights, dislikes greedy executives in control of the gaming industry and has made fun of the conservative moral panic but has a tendency to use the R-word constantly to refer to things he finds stupid which some may find offensive. He also seems to have an Enemy Mine or at the least friendly relationship with anti-SJW types and has reacted negatively to progressive criticism of games.
  • Actual Jake: Leftist and anti-theist Twitch streamer.
  • Actual Justice Warrior: Center-right because he defends a lot of right-wing policies and his stance towards controversial news tends to be more in alignment with those of conservatives. However, he isn't afraid to call conservatives out when they did something wrong or horribly stupid.
  • Adam Neely: A highly left-wing music theorist and bass guitarist who grew infamy for linking music theory with white supremacy.
  • Adam Ragusea: Food and cooking channel, has progressive leanings with several videos dedicated to social justice in food resources. When asked about why he occasionally mentions "political content", he goes into more depth in his podcast's 25th episode.
  • Alastor Hacon: A largely anti-woke reactionary pop culture review channel, generally doing content based on whatever similar channels like and dislike at the time ("My Problem with Shipping: Everything is Gay Now"). This includes defenses for The Critical Drinker, Eric July, and MauLer ("Organized In Bad Faith"). They express genuine interest in Doki Doki Literature Club, but the videos hardly get comparable views. He has a smaller side channel, Alastor's Gun Channel, doing informal reviews of his arsenal.
  • Alex Hefner: An anti-woke reaction channel who praises Ben Shapiro on his debates as well as Matt Walsh's transphobic propaganda documentary What is a Woman?
  • Alex Hexagon: A conservative socialist who equated the LGBTQ community to "degeneracy" and said it would eventually die out. Considers progressive societies to be doomed and conservative societies and values inherently superior.
  • Alternate History Hub: An alternate history YouTube channel run by Cody Franklin, who covers various alternate history scenarios such as events not occuring. Does not inject his own political views into his content but is generally seen as centrist, if not slightly center-left.
  • A pro-capitalist self-help YouTube channel best known for their videos mocking poor people.
  • TheAlmightyLoli: A right-wing, anti-woke YouTuber best known for his recap on Berserk.
  • The Amazing Atheist: Highly controversial commentary YouTuber, on-again-off-again member of the skeptic community, who discusses religion, politics, and current events, known for his aggressive, confrontational style and edgy, intentionally offensive humor. He generally skews in favor of left-wing views and is extremely critical of any form of right-wing conservatism (including organized religion as a whole), but he's also known for being equally caustic towards many subjects on the side of left-wing politics. He has a torrid relationship with feminism, infamously declaring it to be Political Overcorrectness masking a female supremacy movement comparable to the KKK. He's also infamous for his comments on denying the existence of "rape culture" — following an argument on Reddit in 2012 over the necessity of trigger warnings, he made various insults towards a self-described rape survivor, with the heavy backlash leading him to delete his account. He does show consistent advocacy for some causes, including support for Black Lives Matter movement, Bernie Sanders, border abolition, bisexual pride (he himself identifies as bisexual), and oddly enough, transgender rights, but given his incendiary approach to everything, it's tricky to pin down any exact patterns within his politics.
  • American Krogan: Self-proclaimed "pro-white" Neo-Nazi that discusses "anti-white" themes in video games. Infamous for attempting to create a mod that removes all people of color from Fallout 4.
  • The Angry Joe Show: Joe Vargas' Caustic Critic persona who reviews modern AAA games and strongly opposes monetization features such as microtransactions and expensive-yet-worthless DLC. He has condemned anti-woke sentiment in the gaming community but has also gone into anti-woke rants (most notably with The Last of Us Part 2, as he hated both the story and the character of Abby) and made light jabs at woke/feminist causes, but he tends to lean left-of-center.
  • AniMat: A Canadian animation reviewer and historian. His opinions tend to be quite left-leaning when discussing social and cultural issues (sometimes supports or even encourage far-left organizations).
  • Annamarie Forcino: Lesbian YouTuber that covers numerous toxic personalities online. Considering that a lot of her targets are anti-LGBT, racist and misogynist, it can be safe to assume she leans left.
  • AnomalyInc: Highly anti-woke YouTube channel complaining about wokeness and feminism destroying Star Wars and the MCU. Unironically uses the phrase "M-She-U". They also infamously harassed the suicidal Dishonored Wolf for not liking the Phantom Menace. He has recently stopped talking about the MCU due to growing increasingly disinterested in the franchise.
  • Appabend: An Indonesian YouTubeer who uploads monthly commentary vlogs on pop culture media, video games and coding. Claims to be apolitical due to not being well-informed on the political sphere, but consistently talks about anti-woke sentiment in media due to its "large influence" (with some jabs at right-wing sentiment in small cases).
    • That being said, he was very convinced that the anti-Democrat "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory had some "substantial proof", and believed the mainstream media denouncing it was comparable to the treatment of Gamergate (a movement he supported regarding "ethics in gaming").
  • Arch (Formerly Arch Warhammer): A European YouTuber that does lore videos about Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k and news about the Total War games. Already a polarizing figure in the Warhammer fandom, in 2020 he was exposed as an alt-right, anti-SJW, racist and sexist when screenshots from his private discord revealed him and his moderators spewing racist and sexist views. As a result, YouTubers who used to collaborate with him no longer want to work with him and Games Workshop even sued him to drop the name Warhammer in "Arch Warhammer" since the company didn't want people to think he was related to the company, which he had criticized in the past for supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement.
  • The Aristocratic Utensil: Anti-woke commentator who defended the similarly anti-woke HeelvsBabyface after the latter's pronoun breakdown.
  • Armoured Skeptic: Anti-woke centrist.
  • Artur Rehi: An Estonian soldier whose videos mostly center around military history, equipment, and strategy. He mostly avoids getting involved with politics, but has described himself as a proud Estonian nationalist on a few occasions, mostly in the context of how many times his homeland has been subjugated by larger European powers, especially Russia. Perhaps unsurprisingly, given Artur's feelings toward Estonia's old imperial overlords, he became a vehement supporter of Ukraine during Russia's 2022 invasion of the country and immediately shifted his channel toward pro-Ukrainian coverage of the ensuing war.
  • Asaratha HS: A media analysis channel focused on anime and manga content. He covers Re:Zero and Chainsaw Man, but My Hero Academia tends to be his well of commentary. If relevant to the topic, he will bring a progressive critique into MHA's worldbuilding. Whether its praise ("Worldbuilding Is Good, Actually") or criticism ("How MHA Fumbled One Of Its Most Anticipated Arcs").
  • Asmongold: Very openly a centrist who despises the extremes of both sides. He believes the term "centrist" shouldn't be a pejorative. Eventually shifted to anti-woke content somewhere around 2023. He took the political compass test in 2024 and got the result of Libertarian-Left.
  • Atun-Shei Films: Liberal historian with a focus on US history, particularly Puritan New England and the American Civil War. Has several videos dedicated specifically to debunking common myths promoted by Confederate apologists.
  • Atop the Fourth Wall (Linkara): Identified as conservative very early on in his career, but by 2012 was more comfortably a liberal, and was a vehement opponent of Donald Trump during his presidency, although he usually kept it out of the show. Has always been quick to call out Islamophobia (as evident in his reviews of Holy Terror) and homophobia/transphobia.
  • AvE: Tech You Tuber focusing on mechanical engineering and tool teardowns. Seems to lean right; he likes guns, and he made supportive comments about the Canadian trucker protests while they were happening.
  • Baggage Claim: YouTube channel described as analysing "all things love, relationship, and happeniness in shows, movies, and public figures". Originally, the hostess focused on applying body language analysis to The Office (US) and 90 Day Fiancé''. In the early 2020s, they shifted focus to tackling loads of culture war videos on "woke culture", "narcissism in women", and Meghan Markle, applying their self-help and body language material.
  • Beau of the Fifth Column: Floridian leftist commentator in spite of his bearded, hillbilly appearance; the appearance is intentionally misleading in order to potentially help inform folks from the other side of the political aisle.
  • Become The Knight aka "Mike the Music Snob": A right-wing liberal musician and music reviewer though he is pro-LGBT.
  • Bedtime Stories: One of the more famous horror channels, known for its foreboding narration and exceptionally well-drawn (and occasionally deeply horrifying) illustrations. Known for his fairness and his unbiased representation of all sides and theories in the stories he narrates, owner and narrator Richard While has also never indicated his political views even once in his years of content creation, and the channel is enjoyed by people from all walks of life and politics.
  • Benzie Johnson: A self-described "young liberal" who covers international and US television channels, such as their individual programming and company management, which also includes family and kids content.
  • Billiam [hipster trash]: A millennial and Gen-Z focused media and toy commentary channel with some surrealist humor. Apolitical video content, slightly left-leaning social media.
  • Binging with Babish: Cooking channel, apolitical but temporarily hosted Sohla El-Waylly in the wake of the Bon Appetit racism scandal and raised funds for Black Lives Matter in 2020, suggesting left-of-center leanings.
  • BlackLightJack: A bisexual, anti-woke commentator who agreed with JK Rowling's controversial beliefs on trans people. Regularly makes content bashing Webtoon creators (including amateurs), to the point of having a second channel dedicated to such content; said channel is a lot less political compared to his main channel. Despite his more conservative leanings, he gave the Daily Wire's Lady Ballers a negative review. A friend of DannPhan.
  • Blaire White: A Republican trans woman who is highly critical of the far-left and many topics in the LGBTQ+ community. She voted for Donald Trump in 2016 though has been quite critical of many of his policies. She is anti-authoritarian and very anti-woke. She self-identifies as center-right but she's been labelled multiple times by media sites as far-right due to her beliefs. She was exposed as a grifter after being caught lying about her political compass test results as well as deliberately cropping off a medical article about trans women getting cervical cancer.
  • Bleeding Fool: Not to be confused with Bleeding Cool, this alt-right Comicsgate leaning website is focused on reporting pop culture news through that lens.
  • Brendan Blaber: Better known by his channel name JelloApocalypse. Mostly keeps politics out of his videos, but infamously made a now deleted video in 2018 titled "vote," which quickly devolved from a politically neutral encouragement for his fans to vote, no matter the inconvenience, to a hardcore endorsement of left-wing causes and disapproval of right-wing causes. Attracted backlash after admitting in a Patreon post to rewriting the Lovely★Complex dub to "fix" elements he disliked (such as the poorly-aged portrayal of a trans girl).
  • Adam Blampied: Professional Wrestling journalist, former WCPW personality, and host in multiple wrestling and Board Game channels, most known for his Top Ten Lists and fantasy booking videos. Generally apolitical and often voluntarily skirts around discussing modern, politically-charged controversies (such as the personal politics or actions of wrestlers or other talent), but is often critical of regressive attitudes throughout wrestling culture, from destructive machismo that enabled ruthless hazing culture and unnecessarily dangerous spots that shortened the lives of pro wrestlers, to casual racism, misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia in WWE, especially during the Attitude Era and the Ruthless Aggression Era. He was also one of many vocal critics blasting WWE for doing business with the Saudi Arabian government in light of its poor human rights record.
  • Brentalfloss: Generally left-wing, has added content warnings to the descriptions of many of his older videos apologizing for jokes he now considers problematic. Wrote a song celebrating Donald Trump's defeat in 2020.
  • BobbyBroccoli: YouTuber who makes science history codumentaries and some video game reviews. Describes himself as leaning progressive, arguing that the practice of science itself is not political in nature but that it turns political because of regressives deliberately ignoring scientific data to argue their points.
  • Bobsheaux: Subscribes to many right-wing YouTube channels (Candace Owens, Turning Point USA, etc.), but his jokes are typically apolitical and he only makes cracks at "SJWs" occasionally, no more than any other people.
  • The Bonebridger: An anti-woke reactionary channel with a glaring distaste for women characters in modern media. They claim to be a channel about "movie rumors, entertainment and parody".
  • Bounding Into Comics: A right-wing, Comicsgate-supporting news website that covers pop culture through an outrage lens. Some YouTubers that cite this website may be affiliated with their causes.
  • Bowlestrek: Anti-woke and anti-feminist, known for his scathing reviews of Jodie Whittaker's tenure as the Thirteenth Doctor.
  • Braedon Alberti: A film and television YouTube reviewer that tends to peddle derisively culture war-adjacent topics about Marvel, Velma, and Star Wars. Their topics on "The MCU Villain Problem" erroneously includes Captain Marvel's Carol Danvers as an example main villain.
  • Brian David Gilbert: Surreal comedy YouTuber, hosted Unraveled. Not overtly political, but he has made statements in his works that lean towards progressive beliefs, such as calling out the crunch culture in the gaming industry and the unfair treatment of addicts in America.
  • Brian Tyler Cohen: Progressive YouTuber who showcases politics-related clips and breaks down each one with an in-depth commentary.
  • Brutalmoose: A very surreal channel focused on Ian's bizarre experiences reviewing unusual foods, VHS recordings, video games, and more. Otherwise apolitical, but he did take care to warn about poorly-aged content in "Mystery Tapes #5" from Joan Rivers' obscure raunchy TV movie Rabbit Test.
  • Bryson Gray: Indie Christian rapper. Extremely anti-LGBTQ+, to the point that he's denounced fellow Republicans for either being more tolerant of the community or LGBTQ+ themselves.
  • C&Rsenal: Gun/history channel that primarily covers World War 1 era fireams. Othias and Mae do not bring politics into their videos.
  • Caddicarus: Jim Caddick's YouTube channel where he reviews video games and other content in a wacky and surreal style. Mostly apolitical, though he tends to poke fun at certain right-wing leaning people on his social media.
  • The Canipa Effect: Callum May's anime-focused channel that talks about Japanese animation (2D and 3DCG) and its related industry, informing and debunking misconceptions. Occasionally talk about Korean animation in the case of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Social media presence is more progressive-leaning, with opinions towards better workplace treatment and anti-monopoly.
    • He also does editorials for Anime News Network and OTAQUEST.
  • Cartoonshi: A generally progressive and left-leaning cartoon reviewer who makes many edgy, alt-right style jokes that are clearly sarcastic and not meant to be taken seriously.
  • Casey Neistat: Liberal, because of his critical feeling towards Republicans and other conservatives, especially Trump.
  • CellSpex: Liberal, especially on Twitter.
  • Chris Stuckmann: Never discusses politics in his movie reviews but has retweeted some anti-Trump / pro-BLM takes on Twitter when he still had an account. note  He also consistently stands on the side of artists over audiences.
  • CinemaSins: Gave Home Alone 2: Lost in New York a literal billion sins just for Donald Trump's cameo. In general, any racist, sexist, homophobic, or any other bigoted content, even if they're "jokes", will rack up a sin.
  • Cinema Wins: While his videos aren't overtly political, he posted a scathing "The Reason You Suck" Speech to JK Rowling on Twitter for her views on transgender people.
  • Cinematic Excrement: While he has gone after Trump, he's criticized Democrats as well and makes it a point to entertain his audience instead of pushing any political message. Commonly shares progressive posts on social media.
  • ClippedCoin: Also known as Chiseled Coin, they're another anti-progressive, culture war pushing YouTuber reviewer that covers pop-culture. With episodic videos titled "[insert media] is bad", they seek to destructively criticism modern age media, while plugging their "Don't Worry, It's Get Worse" merchandise. They have been featured on two episodes of Every Frame a Pause podcast.
  • Clownfish TV: A married couple of geek media enthusiasts and self-proclaimed centrist liberals, very anti-woke, really hate Disney, DC Comics, Marvel Comics and identity politics. Race Lifting and Gender Bending characters (especially redheads) often irks them a lot. Their video titles tend to be very inflammatory and tend to mostly cover events, announcements and/or incidents that validate their biases such as the idea that both DC Comics and Marvel Comics are on the verge of closing down in no small part for their "open hostility" towards their more conservative fans and creators. They also were one of the YouTubers who decried the redesigns in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power for not being feminine enough.
  • Colin Noir: Black American GunTuber who does reviews of guns and covers firearms news. Very pro-gun, often criticizing countries for restricting/banning citizens access to guns/weapons for defense when an attack happens, as well as criticizing celebrities/groups/governments who take anti-gun stances or support anti-gun measures (red flag laws, gun buybacks, "assault weapon" bans, etc.).
  • Comics! By Perch: An American-comics YouTube channel specializing in talking about the comic book industry, its sales history, and individual comics in a podcast format. He's acquainted with Bleeding Fool and The Fandom Collective, groups that tend to support ComicsGate rhetoric, and he has taken a part in the past. While not overly against progressivism in media, he believes that geek fandoms are mostly composed of white heterosexual men with socially-conservative beliefs and that people that demand/promote progressivism/inclusion in comics are a loud minority with an agenda that (most of the time) don't even read comics, but also believes that most of them are not malicious, but simply don't know how to respond to opposition to their beliefs and opinions online and assume the worst from those who don't agree with them.
  • ComicArtistPro Secrets (Ethan Van Sciver): A former DC Comics artist who was one of the earliest proponents of the Comicsgate movement, warts and all.
  • Comics MATTER w/Ya Boi Zack (Richard C. Meyer): An infamous comics YouTuber, originally named Diversity & Comics, he was one of the earliest proponents of Comicsgate and its anti-leftist ideology. He tends to collaborate with Ethan Van Sciver.
  • ComicDrake: Pretty progressive, has spoken out against "SJW are ruining comics" attitudes.
    • Notably, he was able to tactfully talk about once controversial topics like Ironheart's initial characterization, or the reboot of The New Warriors, without falling into the rhetoric of progressive-leaning comic topics being inherently bad, but their execution and willingness to improve in the future.
  • Computing Forever: Dave Cullen's political online channel. Very right-leaning, and promotes conspiracy theories such as the Great Replacement and COVID-19 being a hoax.
  • ContraPoints: One of the most popular progressive essay channels. She focuses on social and cultural topics from a leftist point of view. Considered part of BreadTube.
  • Cr1TiKaL: Relatively apolitical, frequently discusses online drama and calls out idiotic behavior regardless of ideology. His podcast The Official Podcast features guests across the political spectrum, and at least one of the four hosts, Kaya, is a rightwinger, but Critikal himself frequently takes social progressive stances on matters like gender and racial equality, and a popular target of his criticisms are incels and the alt-right. That said, Critikal is a centrist overall, as he never truly lands on the left or right on his main channel.
  • The Critical Drinker: Author Will Jordan's Caustic Critic persona who reviews various movies and TV shows in media with the titular trait. He is a conservative Scottish critic who frequently belittles and harshly criticizes media that pushes back against traditional values. Expressly anti-woke and anti-feminist. He very much wears his political beliefs on his sleeves despite his claims of wanting to keep his videos purely apolitical. Certain videos also seem to imply he’s pro-capitalism, and his attitude towards the 2023 Writers Strike suggests that he's anti-union. He has become much more open about being right-leaning as time goes on, going as far as to have far-right political commentator Ben Shapiro as a guest for ranking Star Wars films, and being uncharacteristically soft on his critiques about the transphobic sports comedy Lady Ballers (helmed by Shapiro's Daily Wire streaming service).note  It's been shown several times that he is indeed capable of having nuanced takes like when he defended Star Wars director Obaid-Chinoy against harassment due to interviews in the past, however, his conservative beliefs and anti-woke audience means that he almost always caters to having at least some anti-woke content in his videos. Fully evidenced by his review of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, a film he thoroughly enjoyed but he somehow had to complain about Peter B. Parker supposedly being mocked in the movie as being an "attack" on cishet white males. it is quite clear he only did this to appeal to his target audience due to it feeling completely out of place in the review, making him a grifter.
    • Also an occasional guest on MauLer's Every Frame A Pause podcast and a member of the Fandom Menace.
  • Critical Role: The most famous online Dungeons & Dragons series, starring voice actors Matthew Mercer, Marisha Ray, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Liam O'Brien, Sam Riegel, Taliesin Jaffe, and Ashley Johnson. Everyone involved in the show is left-of-center to some degree, with Liam probably being the most moderate and Matt probably being the most outspoken, and the universe Matt has created is staggeringly diverse; nonwhite characters are commonplace to the degree of barely standing out and LGBT+ characters of all stripes are abound.
  • Council of Geeks: Geek culture review channel run by the genderfluid Vera Wylde/Nathaniel Wayne. Strongly leftist and critical of capitalism, she has praised works with an anti-capitalist messagenote . She advocates for LGBTQ+, in particular trans and non-binary, represenation and rights, as well as other socially liberal causes.
  • Cultmoo: The primary channel of Herr Pink, Senor Guerro, and Loafy Molasses, three drunk stoners who do food reviews. It rarely comes up on their channel proper, but all three of them are well past left of center, with Loafy (who is admittedly very unfiltered and occasionally known to crack off-color jokes) being the most politically vocal on both their channel and his own, as well as on Twitch and Twitter. Additionally, Loafy is openly bisexual and Pink's brother Warpig, an occasional guest on the show, is flamboyantly gay.
  • Cyael: Starting off as a channel that covers Reddit stories, the focus shifted to anti-woke outrage video editorials about video games and televised pop culture in 2021. Much like similar channels, their videos are cluttered thumbnails with buzzwords and sexualized AI women art.
  • The Cynical Historian: Center-left. Covers history and politics. Dislikes reactionaries (this includes leftist tankies as well as conservative extremists) and Woodrow Wilson.
  • The Cynical Thinker: Apolitical, but does occasionally touch upon political topics such as the Xinjiang/Hong Kong-related controversy surrounding Mulan (2020).
  • Dan Murrell: A movie review and box-office analysis YouTuber. He usually doesn't talk about politics, but he seems to lean progressive.
  • DannPhan: An anti-woke/anti-feminist comics YouTube channel created by comic creator Trisha Cuffari, who published the boxing series Orgasm Girl. They are proudly associated with the ComicsGate movement, supporting other listed personalities like Eric July and Mike Cernovich. Part of her content focuses on pushing misinformation about the anime and comics industries, riffing on DC Graphic Novels for Young Adults/Kids line-up, or grifting on the latest culture war topic. Furthermore, they made multiple IStandWithVic videos, while their most popular video is "Anime Will NEVER Be Politically Correct".
  • Mr. Dapperton: An anti-woke Libertarian YouTuber who often mocks leftist channels and content.
  • DarkMatter2525: A center-left atheist animator and a member of the skeptic community. He is known for brutally criticizing organized religion, which to him mostly originates from the right but he will mock extremists from both sides. With leftists sometimes being portrayed as angry oversensitive activists.
  • Dark Lord Jadow 1: Leftist YouTuber who reviews video games and the occasional movie.
  • David Stewart: A conservative-leaning commentator, writer and music enthusiast who focuses on literature and culture. Has claimed that he's not against progressivism in media but also feels that inserting racial and gender diversity in historical media is wrong and only done to pander to critics and twitter activists. He also against Postmodernism in geek media, since he feels that it focuses too much on castigating the audience that enjoys the genre or franchise, using The Last Jedi as an example of a worse case scenario.
  • Dead Meat: A horror-themed channel most famous for The Kill Count series, hosted by James A. Janisse. James is very left-wing, being pro-feminism and mocking those who use "woke" as a derogatory.
  • Defunctland: Kevin Perjurer's documentary series on closed or revamped amusement attractions. Similar spin-off Defunct TV focus on 80s-2000s television. Videos are generally center on the spectrum, with some positive mention of progressive ideas mentioned if they're relevant to the video.
  • Despot Of Antirm: An anti-woke reactionary channel created by a UK video essayist currently living in South Korea. They originally started off doing low-viewed book reviews in 2019, where they suggested the climate change denial book "Inconvenient Facts" as a "must-read". This eventually spiraled into videos about alarmist rhetoric about his recent visit to UK and complaining about the lack of "hot women". This has lead to one of his highest video videos, "Worst of Woke Awards". Since then, he's realized his most popular content is explicitly appealing to the anti-woke crowd and pursues this angle. Is pro-capitalist or at the very least despises people who hate capitalism.
  • diesel patches: A right-wing reactionary YouTube commentator and grifter fond of mocking woke culture and aspects of it in media.
  • Dinka Kay: Bisexual streamer and League of Legends partner who served in the Israel Defense Forces. Very much on the left side of the spectrum and unsurprisingly spoke out against Hogwarts Legacy for J. K. Rowling's transphobic views and the game's alleged antisemitic content.
  • Disparu: An anti-woke YouTube commentator. They initially started doing Overwatch videos in 2017, then shifted to Valorant coverage in 2019 to little fanfare. 2021 is when their shift to clickbaity outrage content started to net viewership.
  • Dominic Noble: A very progressive YouTuber who mainly talks about movie adaptations of books. He was a more liberal-leaning snarker but became an avid progressive and ally of the LGBTQ+ community in 2018, and in most of his post-2018 reviews he tends to add Trigger Warnings every time he has talk about sexual assault, racism, sexism, homophobia, White exceptionalism, and/or Law enforcement being portrayed positively or sympathetically by an author. However, he's very confrontational with people that don't share his beliefs in social media.
  • Don Stever: An anti-woke bully known for mocking LGBTQ+ people online, for fun.
  • Doobus Goobus: Seemingly centrist, as he has playfully made fun of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden. He's made several cartoons where the joke is him trying as hard as possible to be apolitical.
  • Doodletones: A prominent member of the Slideshow Commentary Community. While she was initially quite edgy and anti-SJW, she has mellowed out over the years and tries to avoid politics in her videos, though she seems to lean left of center.
  • Double Toasted: A pop-culture movie and TV video group podcast YouTube channel lead by animator Korey Coleman. The channel tends to lean center-left, usually bringing up topics regarding African Americans and social issues whenever relevant to the media they're reviewing. They reserve their overtly political content as separate videos, leaning more left.
  • Dicktor Van Doomcock (Overlord DVD): A pop-culture Fandom Menace news YouTuber primarily known for alleged leaks regarding comic book media, Star Wars, and Star Trek. His leaks tend to be outrage-fueling, if otherwise wrong, material leaning towards anti-left wing sentiment in media.
  • Doug Walker: Not overtly political, but generally center-left, treating the alt-right and men's rights activists with scorn but still making some Political Overcorrectness jokes.
  • Echo Chamberlain: Anti-woke video essayist and music enthusiast. Hides under the veneer of being a centrist or moderate but is it's quite clear he leans right.
  • EEVBlog: Science and tech You Tuber; has made transphobic comments in the past, and is friends with Thunderf00t, a science blogger and skeptic who is also a known misogynist.
  • ENDYIMONtv: A "video game commentary channel" from a self-described "cynical Canadian man". Best known for videos covering Elden Ring, Mass Effect and Dark Souls, their channel gained traction after diving into the usual anti-woke video essays in 2021. They've complained about how "today's media ruins men and women", and how Western media "attacks their audiences".
  • E;R: Edgelord whose gimmick is being edgy so intentionally says offensive things. Unclear if he believes them. His political views are highly ambigious are subject to much debate. In a review of Death Note he promoted and joked about a right-wing conspiracy theory that a feminist died of a heart attack when in actuality she was deliberately run over by a far-right activist.
  • Egoraptor: Began his career making more edgy and sometimes even racist jokes, but in modern times he has strongly denounced that culture and is generally left-wing and progressive, supporting Black Lives Matter and LGBT rights. His content typically isn't political but he has used his social media platform to boost the aforementioned causes at times.
  • EmpLemon: Centrist, may lean right. In his video titled "Jimmy Kimmel Represents Everything Wrong with American Entertainment," he says that he's not a fan of Trump, but applauds his attempt to make peace with North Korea, and blasts late night talk show hosts for their relentless anti-Trump coverage fueled more by bias and anger than by any desire to make funny jokes. However, in the same video, he expresses outrage at Kimmel wearing Blackface for a sketch.
  • Every Frame a Pause: A group media analysis podcast hosted by MauLer and Rags, with occasional crossovers with folks like E;R, Shadiversity, and Jeremy from Geeks + Gamers. Topics tend to be multi-hour videos, with most of the hosts coming from conservative-leaning backgrounds.
  • EZ PZ: Edgelord animation reviewer who infamously spread allegations about the animation industry from a blacklisted source. Similar to E;R, it's unknown if he believes any of the offensive remarks he makes but given how more inconsistent he is in his beliefs than the mostly consistently right-wing E;R he could be genuinely joking around.
  • Extra Credits: A series that started focused on game design but has since branched out into to other topics. The original team was moderately progressive, criticizing Gamer Gate, and praising positive depictions of homosexual characters in video games. The more new team is much more overtly progressive, including a controversial video which suggested World War II games that auto-assigned players to the Axis would encourage alt-right conversions.
  • FailRace: British video game channel focused on racing and other vehicular shenanigans. Almost entirely apolitical, but several tracks used in GTA V races have had blimps with scrolling messages supporting Black Lives Matter and trans rights; this is never commented on, but does suggest most if not all of the regular group is at least somewhat progressive.
  • Fascinating Horror: Short documentaries about historical disasters and tragedies, as well as the occasional video about famous serial killers or missing persons. Generally apolitical, though capitalistic practices that prioritize profits over safety do seem to receive slightly harsher treatment in the narration in instances where such practices led to the disaster in question.
  • F.D. Signifier - African American Youtuber who analyzies Black culture and media through a progressive lens. Frequently calls out homophobic, misogynistic, or other regressive trends and attitudes within parts of the Black community as well as issues facing the leftist community such as a penchant for constant infighting.
  • Fiction Addiction: A pop culture film and series review series hosted by Esh, with a special interest in covering the Usage Yojimbo franchise. While he admits to borrowing some formats from other internet reviewers, he doesn't play the Caustic Critic trope straight, often trying to level his critiques and praises of a central work. While his commentary on social political content relatively downplayed in most reviews, he's shown to be pretty open-minded towards LGBTQ+ content (evident in his Steven Universe reviews).
  • Film Courage: A YouTube centering on filmmaking advice to viewers, delivered through interviews of various creatives working in the indie space. The channel's in the middle, containing commentary from progressive figures like David F. Sandberg (From YouTube to Shazam!) and conservative figures like Chris Gore (How to Alienate The Audience).
  • Film Threat: An typically formatted anti-woke reactionary pop-culture channel ran by Chris Gore, an alumnus of G4's Attack of the Show as well as an anti-woke conservative.note  He tends to blame anything considered progressive as the downfall of modern Hollywood blockbusters he cares about, and engages in juvenile skits. Gore has occasionally collaborated with Nerdrotic.
  • Filmento: Film analysis channel. Moderately anti-woke and even promotes slightly manosphere beliefs, but otherwise apolitical.
  • The Flophouse: A podcast that has some YouTube presence. 2/3 of the main cast have been writers for The Daily Show so unsurprisingly they're unabashedly left-leaning.
  • Folding Ideas/Dan Olson: Canadian YouTuber who analyzes deeper meanings of media both in terms of intentional symbolism in the work and choices made behind the scenes. Plenty of work is apolitical but he has a progressive bent but with neutral wording and does often do explicitly political work in the form of media criticism. Considered part of BreadTube.
  • Foundation For Economic Education: A libertarian think-tank that has done some popular pop-culture video essays on Marvel's Wakanda, Captain Marvel (2019) and The Boys (2019).
  • Forgotten Weapons: GunTuber who focuses on covering obscure and rare firearms, in addition to doing 2 gun challenges with oddball weapons and occasional questions about firearms topics. Run by Ian McCollum, who deliberately avoids talking about politics.
  • FreedomToons: A animated parody YouTuber where they make fun of Democrats, especially Joe Biden. However, they often times deconstruct and criticize any actions from democrats they deem to be ludicrous and illogical. They also dislike neoconservative foreign policy.
  • FritangaPlays: An anti-woke gaming channel with clickbaity thumbnails, with console war rhetoric against PlayStation. Their Twitter account was suspended for hate speech violations. Likewise, the same reason they received a strike on their "Spider-Man 2 Wokeness is Too Much Even for Angry Joe" video, featuring an unflattering caricature of the caustic critic. With that said, he frequently makes fun of Synthetic Man's anti-woke rants, and also mocked HeelvsBabyface's Starfield pronoun meltdown.
  • GameFAQs: Once had a "Make America Great Again" message board, and it also has a message board regarding politics.
  • GamingMagic13: Left-wing, as he starts off his Lightyear review by calling out homophobes who complained about the lesbian kiss and telling them to leave his channel, something that an apolitical commentator would feel no need to acknowledge.
  • Gaston The Ginger: Seems to be conservative.
  • Gardiner Bryant: Pro-open source. Content is mostly politically neutral, but he did make a video passionately urging people to support Black Lives Matter.
  • Geeks + Gamers: A YouTuber group of sports and geek media enthusiasts. Extremely anti-woke and anti-feminist (with some of them being open Trump voters) and often considered the face of the Fandom Menace. They are infamous enough that they were denounced by Zack Snyder during a charity livestream. Also, unknowingly used an Indigenous slur in a review for Prey (2022), when they found out, they kept it because apparently it's historically accurate and the movie takes place in the past and that somehow makes it okay. One of the channel's main hosts, Jeremy, has seemingly grown tired of grifting anti-woke content and simply wants to talk about media he does like now, implying that he's distancing himself from the Fandom Menace.
    • Park Hoppin': G+G's theme-park-focused channel. Less political than the main channel, but still critical of Disney's generally progressive positions.
    • Sports Wars: The sports news channel of Geeks + Gamers. Particularly anti-trans, perhaps moreso than the main channel. The channel frequently targets politically outspoken sports figures they disagree with, such as LeBron James, Megan Rapinoe, Colin Kaepernick, and the WNBA as a whole.
  • Generation Tech: Self-described "radical centrist" Star Wars YouTuber. Relatively socially liberal seeming, videos are more about lore rather than fandom drama. What overtly political commentary that's come out was very vocal against Russia's invasion of Ukraine and trying to counter an "us vs. them" mindset.
  • Giant Freakin' Robot: A Washington State-based nerd and pop-culture news website, with a companion YouTube channel. Despite the website boasting a rigorous credibility process, the site has often been correctly accused of misinformation and fake leaks. In March, they defensively pushed back on 'X-Men '97 having any sociopolitical allergies, only for the following day to express major concern on the Communism commentary in Netflix's adaptation of Three-Body Problem.
  • Giga Rorz: Anti-woke reactionary shitpost channel.
  • Grace Randolph: Previously could have been considered center-right, as she has previously sympathized with Star Wars fans who feel the franchise had become too female-dominated when Disney took over, she has since moved considerably to the left, breaking down box office numbers by race and gender and feeling a movie's audience skewing to a certain demographic means it has limited appeal. Nevertheless, commonly regarded as something of a Conspiracy Theorist all across the political aisle, even if her beliefs take on a more progressive tone these days.
  • GradeAUnderA: Started out as a somewhat anti-woke centrist YouTube rant comedian, commentator, and animator (of the minimalist kind) who often makes apolitical observational comedy videos. At one point took a deep dive into politics wherein he expressed his dissatisfaction with both Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton during their presidential election. He's made a couple of jabs at "SJWs" in a few of his videos. Despite a few jokes at their expense, Grade seemed very pro-LGBT as he expressed sorrow at a shooting of a gay night club and commended Caitlyn Jenner for her transition. However, his videos in 2019 and especially 2024 revealed him to be an anti-woke reactionary who despises political correctness and started expressing negative sentiment towards the LGBT community by criticizing neo-pronouns and disagreeing with trans women being in women's sports. Also makes several fatphobic jokes throughout his videos.
  • GrahamCast: An anti-woke pop-culture vblog channel, featuring Graham "complaining about our once-favorite franchises and how they are being destroyed", per his channel description.
  • The Gravel Institute: Leftist education. Founded to counteract the right-wing establishment channel PragerU, backed up by thorough bibliography and narrated by experts in the field.
  • Greg Owens: A self-improvement YouTuber aimed towards young males. He's critical of alpha male mentality, Twitter as a whole, and "meme stocks". While seemingly inoffensive in advice, his videos are also expressively anti-woke and parroting common (misinformed) talking points about nerd culture.
  • Griffin Gaming: Apolitical but will call out woke culture.
  • grizzy1989: An anti-woke YouTuber and streamer who regularly (and harshly) mocks fans of the MCU, the Disney era of Star Wars, etc., typically by dubbing them "shills," among other things. Has also made a number of bigoted tweets.
  • HateWatchers: An aptly named pop culture film and television reviewing channel. Generally using the same outrage, anti-woke content tropes within their videos, thumbnails and titles (including "Toxic Feminity", "A Female Supremacist's Fantasy", "A Big FAT (Lizzo) Problem/Lizzo The Hutt, Diabetes Diva). This includes covering the usual Disney and their adjacent properties (Star Wars, Marvel) mostly to lambast. Rarely, they have an opposite "GreatWatch" video which covers a show they like (which is only Succession and 1923 so far).
    • Backseat Gaming: A spin-off gaming channel primarily on Star Wars video games, with some Hogwarts Legacy, Diablo, and Baldur's Gate 3 content.
  • h3h3productions: Used to be centrist as they made fun of SJWs and anti-SJWs, but later became leftist as they debated with several well-known right-wingers and hired Hasanabi for his political podcast. Before they became political, they were mainly focused on making "edgy" jokes and parodies on certain YouTube trends.
  • Hasanabi / Hasan Piker: One of the well-known (and controversial) leftist streamers on Twitch (his most infamous incident was him claiming that Americans deserved 9/11 - where he then unsuccessfully tried to backtrack by saying it was in reference to the government of the United States) as he often times covers topics of socialism and sometimes communism. In addition, he usually have a debate with conservative YouTubers, but argues with leftists as well.
    • Also, he is quite an obsessive fan of AOC due to her same political views as him, excessive or not.
  • HeroHei: A right-wing commentary YouTuber that focuses on Anime and videogames. Very anti-SJW and his videos tends to be outrage-fuelling with clickbait titles, also very #IStandWithVic.
  • H.Bomberguy: Leftist, made his name responding to reactionary movements. Still does overtly political videos in addition to his media analyses. Though some folks considered him apart of BreadTube, Harris claims he doesn't considering himself in his "Plagiarism and You(Tube)" video.
  • HeelvsBabyface: Very anti-woke, anti-feminist reviews, commentary, and rants about popular media properties, usually sci-fi, fantasy, and superhero works. Frequently collaborates with Nerdrotic, The Critical Drinker, MauLer, and Geeks + Gamers. Became infamous for having a meltdown over the game Starfield having the option to select pronouns, along with a moment where he complimented Patti Harrison for "having a nice rack" and then immediately felt disgusted upon learning that she was trans.
  • Histocrat: History channel with a focus on European and British history as well as cultural folklore. Not overtly political, but has expressed criticisms of historical instances of sexism, racism, and imperialism, and referenced the Public Universal Friend as an interesting figure of note who rejected the gender binary, so not a reactionary at least.
  • Historia Civilis: History YouTuber known for portraying historical events with colored squares. Focuses primarily on antiquity, with a large swath of his videos being dedicated to Alexander the Great and the Fall of the Roman Republic/Rise of the Empire era of history, but also with some analysis of more modern events such as the Congress of Vienna, or ancient ones like the Bronze Age Collapse. While the topics of his videos keep him mostly apolitical, he has expressed anti-imperialist attitudes when reflecting on the actions of people such as Octavian and Marc Antony. Then he released a video in late September 2023 titled "Work", describing how capitalists lengthened the work day, expressing very leftist stances on the subject.
  • History with Hilbert: Dutch YouTuber with a specialty in ancient English and Germanic history but covers all kinds of historical topics. Seems to be left-of-center as he has called out white supremacists and Nordicists for hijacking legitimate study of European history to promote bigoted and pseudohistorical agendas, and does a lot of collaborations with other history channels of a more diverse or outspokenly progressive nature. Has also spoken out against the ongoing Uyghur cultural genocide in China.
  • HowMoneyWorks: A (personal) finance and business channel that explains various social-economical factors in capitalism, and how they affect "middle" and low class people. Some videos tend to be more critical of the system than others, with notable rich CEOs and "hustle culture" YTers being given jabs. Their video on "Do Companies That Go 'Woke' Actually Go Broke?" analyszes common culture war talking points about modern marketing like Bud Light and Disney. He overall concludes that companies that have clear and firm political stances (like Chick-fil-A's Christian conservativism) ironically gain more compared to politically neutral companies, and it usually trickles down to their workers' staff diversity and positivity, according to cited studies.
    • They have a secondary channel entitled "How History Works", which applies the same video thought process.
  • Hunter Avallone: One of the unique examples as he is a Conservative-turned-Liberal. He is, just like Actual Justice Warrior and other political YouTubers, mainly focused on controversial topics and analyzing them. However, he has gained notoriety among right-wingers for his pro-censorship views.
  • Illymation: Not explicitly political at all but is generally progressive and speaks about problems women face and encourages body positivity. She became forever associated with the left after commentary channel Think Before You Sleep called her "woke" in a critique video. This led to TBYS' fans aggressively commenting on her videos with anti-woke rhetoric. Became infamous after she allegedly asked her fans deplatform TBYS despite not watching the video.
  • ImDOntai: Anti-woke reaction channel and Twitch streamer.
  • Internet Historian: A New Zealand-born YouTuber who makes informal and surreal documentaries about equally weird Internet history. They were caught plagiarising a whole article in their video "Man in Cave", which was brought to widespread attention as a side example in HBomberGuy's "Plagiarism and You(Tube)" video. (A section of the "The Cost of Concordia" video appears to have been plagiarized as well.) Notably, they've been accused of consistent alt-right and Nazism dogwhistles within their videos, and their association with certain personas.
  • It'sAGundam: Anti-woke and Anti-SJW anime enthusiast and media enjoyer. He was formerly liberal and then turned either center-right or far-right.
  • It's Just a Show: Canadian Mystery Science Theater 3000 podcast that's also hosted on YouTube. Not politically-focused, but the hosts are progressive and frequently call out regressive ideas in riffed movies and episodes of the series.
  • It Was A Sh*t Show: A casual documentary and podcast discussion channel created by Jo Blo Originals, as a spin off of their "WTF Happened to this Movie?" videos. Their videos cover the production history of various notable films, noting the difficulties of getting the off the ground with some humorous observations. On their community tab, they pushback on the toxic behavior spawning in their coverage of Ghostbusters: Answer The Call, noting they don't encourage "gatekeeping and conspiracy theories", while people are free to have a difference in opinion.
  • Izzzyzzz: Discusses Internet history with a focus on fandoms that skewed primarily female. Not overtly political but has progressive sympathies and will call out fatphobic or bigoted sentiments where they rare up.
  • Jacksfilms: Not overtly political but leans more to the left, often making fun of Trump and raising money for causes to fight discrimination.
  • Jacksepticeye: Liberal, as he supports LGBT rights and other social justice issues around the world.
  • Jacob Geller: Video essayist analyzing various aspects of pop culture and fiction. He expresses many left-wing views throughout his videos, such as criticisms of colonialism, fascism, and torture.
  • Jake Tran: A documentary style YouTuber who publishes videos with the goal of exposing infamous mainstream corporations and true crime. The likes of Dupont, Nestle, the war industrial complex and the American college institution are notable topics he's covered. In late 2022, Tran faced criticism for supporting NFTs and a couple fraudulent companies, despite being against similar MLM scams in past videos. Additionally, through his YouTube shorts counterpart, he showed support for the prominent manosphere personsonality Andrew Tate and downplayed allegations for his arrest as a conspiracy.
    • He opened a food-centric spin-off channel, Evil Food Supply, that keeps the same editing and having him as one of the voiceovers. Yet he seems to keep it distinct from his main channel.
  • James Rolfe: Creator of The Angry Video Game Nerd and considered by many to be the face of Cinemassacre. James himself is strictly apolitical, with his video on why he refused to see Ghostbusters (2016) not even touching upon the controversy surrounding the female cast.
  • JAMIEvstheVOID: His storytime animations are mostly apolitical but outside of that he's quite left wing and very pro-LGBT (with a major focus on trans rights after coming out as trans in 2021) and feminist. Made a video about transgender bodily autonomy following the Roe v. Wade repeal and has posted left-wing content on his Twitter, TikTok and Instagram stories.
  • Jay Exci: Center-left YouTuber that occasionally features on MauLer's Every Frame a Pause podcast. Made an over 5 hour critique of Chris Chibnall's Doctor Who without complaining about feminism or wokeness. She occasionally still joins EFAP’s streams but not as much as before, most likely due to her being uncomfortable with the podcast cultivating transphobic guests as well as her being very busy editing MauLer’s videos in addition to her own videos.
  • Jedi Brooks: A timely reactionary anti-woke channel, generally talking about Disney properties, through various series like "Why "X" Sucks - A Scene Comparison", "The Desecration of 'X'", and "A Critique of X".
  • Jenny Nicholson: Humorous riffs on contemporary media. Mostly apolitical, but with progressive leanings (pro-LGBT, pro-female representation).
  • Jerma985: Video game streamer who also does live-action segments from time to time. Usually apolitical, but broke character to speak out against transphobic and homophobic posting in his community.
  • Jim Sterling: Leftist, moderately anticapitalist, also non-binary.
  • JJ McCullough: Very Canadian YouTuber that covers cultural and domestic topics. McCullough is a Conservative and supported Stephen Harper. McCullough tends to withhold his actual political views on his show (with some notable exceptions such as his outspoken opposition to a government regulation of Canadian YouTube) but engaging in his content outside of his YouTube channel such as his articles on National Review, his entries on Quora and his blog posts and opinion pieces it’s abundantly clear that he’s a man of the Right albeit a moderate Conservative.
  • Jesse Cox: YouTuber who mostly does Let's Plays and covers gaming news. His content is typically not very political but he has described himself as pro-union, and generally sides with progressive and left-of-center causes such as BLM.
  • Jessie Grant: An Australian video essayist on YouTube who talks about various films and television shows, picking out notable elements that made them work. At least, at first, as those videos were typically lower-viewed. Starting in 2023, they gradually shifted to anti-woke outrage content, with accusatory thumbnails featuring actors with rotating adjective of "Flop!", "Toxic!", "Liar!".
  • JoCat: Animator and artist most known for his "Crap Guide" series, being comedic tutorials on Monster Hunter, Dungeons & Dragons, and Final Fantasy XIV. While "Crap Guides" tend to be light on politics, he's shown in other videos and on social media to be progressive, displaying plenty of awareness and advocacy for social issues, including feminism and trans rights. Was infamously the subject of a massive hate campaign in late 2023 by both anti-woke/"alpha male" and far-left crowds over his 2021 Lizzo parody, "I Like Girls", leading him to enter an indefinite hiatus.
  • Jonny Law: A very anti-woke pop culture reviewer. Best known for their "Why Everyone Hates..." series, which goes after the usual grifting targets of the early 2020s (Marvel, LOTR, Star Wars) with unflattering thumbnails of their subjects. In late 2023, they proudly became associated with The Critical Drinker after being invited to their After Hours channel.
    • Talking Flicks Podcast is a side brand hosted by Jessie Grant. Like the main channel, it initially focused on straight forward film discussion, including some rare interviews like Candi Milo. It gradually shifted to exploiting anti-woke outrage content.
  • Jester Bell: A pop-culture YouTuber hosted by indie actress and filmmaker Theresa Campagna, with a focus on Star Wars, Marvel and DC, and Disney. While she's stated on a few occasions that her content isn't politically motivated, her content tends to mirror similar pop-culture trendy doomsaying reactionary channels, with the fanbase to match. Her particular disdain being Harley Quinn adaptations that leave The Joker. That being said, she's also a supporter of the 2023 Actor's Strike, and condemns folks who are only supporting it as an attack on "modern Hollywood".
  • Johnny 2 Cellos: An YouTube video essayit who tends to talk about adult animation shows and films (complimented by their podcast, Toons That Curse, which is co-hosted by Toonific Tariq). On social media, he's very vocally pro-trans, and shown to critique low-brow anti-woke sentiment.
  • Jonas J. Campbell: An anti-woke and conservative American channel with the goal of trying to trying challenge media companies' "never-ending quest to destroy traditional values". The titular YouTuber analyses "woke media" through a CinemaSins-like format, to give them "all the credit they deserve" with social political tropes and commentary that could be perceived as "harmful to future generations". Barring a ironically self-aware April Fool's video on Top Gun: Maverick, their opinions in their videos and Twitter are played straight. Campbell is also a columnist for The Park Place, and assocaites with likeminded YouTuber WDWPro and ValliantRenegad.
  • Jon Del Arroz: A very anti-woke media commentator. Vehemently transphobic as he claimed actor Morgan Davies (a trans man) "threw their beauty away" and then proceeded gawk and show attraction to underage, pre-transition photos of him. Is a grifter as well, as he called Vivienne Medrano a "member of Hollywood" despite how she came from YouTube.
  • JonTron: Jon Jafari's show where he reviews media that catches his attention with plenty of surreal humor and energy. Considers himself liberal but has held anti-woke beliefs and has repeated some far-right beliefs in the past such as western exceptionalism and protectionism. However, he has walked back most of his statements and has tried to be apolitical following a disastrous stream in 2017 with streamer Destiny where he stated his far-right beliefs while apparently drunk, which got him in trouble. However, he has posted conservative and pro-Trump sentiments on his Twitter, including promoting unfounded claims of election fraud in 2020 and criticism of Anthony Fauci in 2021.
  • Jose: Generally discussions of media through a progressive lens, if not outright confronting regressive politics and their media.
  • JosiahRises: Anti-woke media and pop culture commentary and news, with the host also frequently appearing in Geeks + Gamers videos. Often uses clickbaity video thumbnails and titles.
  • Just Some Guy: Naruto enjoyer, voted for Trump, anti-SJW; unironically used "virtue signaling" in a video title. Has also criticized the right equally for a number of topics. His constant trashing of both sides signifies that he's likely an "enlightened centrist", though he denies being one.
  • Kat Blaque: Breadtuber with a focus on social justice issues, particularly racism, feminism, and trans activism.
  • Katzun: Very strongly left-wing on Twitter and Instagram with a focus on LGBT+ issues, largely owing to him being bisexual and trans. Ran a support channel for LGBT+ youth on YouTube called Katzun's Kloset (the videos have since been hidden/deleted). Also makes merchandise with LGBT+ and neurodiversity themes.
  • The Kavernacle: Highly left-wing, communist channel who often discusses political figures or the political views of certain YouTubers. One of the most outspoken detractors or MrBeast.
  • KBash: Video games YouTuber who does series retrospectives. Appears to be at least left of center, since he supports LGBTQ+ rights and has criticized potential misogynistic undertones in games, as well as made jokes mocking homophobes and alt-right figures like Jordan Peterson.
  • Knowing Better: Leftist (previously self-described moderate) who makes videos explaining political issues for moderates and the non-informed. Occasionally brings up his perspective as a US military veteran who served in Iraq.
  • Kommander Karl: A parody channel generally centered around making fun of glitches, NPCs, and reload animations in video games. He isn't a political person generally, but he did make a video mercilessly lampooning the right-wing outrage at Starfield's pronoun options.
  • Layman's Journal: A YouTube commentator with a hard right-wing view on pop-culture and politics, especially involving Black (male) media, personalities, or content that could affect Black men. Their pinned tweet on Twitter is emblematic of their anti-vaccine position, among other anti-woke bigoted positions in their videos (like claiming Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is good because "it doesn't feature the rainbow flag").
  • Leafy Is Here: A controversial edgelord commentator. Appears to lean right, but similar E;R it's not truly clear where he lies on the political spectrum. When he made a comeback in the 2020s, a time where Anti-SJW content was all the rage, he expressed views and thoughts that aren't all too different from right wing anti-woke channels like diesel patches or HeroHei, validating many who theorized he was right-wing.
  • LegalEagle: Progressive, but his videos aim for neutrality.
  • Lily Orchard: An alt-left (bordering on far-left, though she despises Stalin) trans woman known for her extremely controversial and contrarian takes on media.
  • The Literature Devil (S.A. Rivera): A conservative-libertarian media analysis YouTuber who claims to support "making literature great again" and has supported Comicsgate for woes in the media industry, their main argument being that creatives need to return to more traditional models of storytelling due to them being more proven than "post-modern" styles. Their popular videos include "Is Superman Relevant Today?", "Western vs Eastern Storytelling," and "Why Rey is a Mary Sue and Luke Skywalker is not". That said, despite regularly making fun of "woke" media and those on the left, they have proposed solutions for media they have issues with like High Guardian Spice and Turning Red as opposed to merely slamming them.
  • Lindsay Ellis: Liberal to leftist, focuses on literature and film examination. Very progressive but also very jaded and an expert Deadpan Snarker. Considered part of BreadTube.
  • The Little Platoon: A UK-based podcast and YouTube channel focusing on "film and cultural criticism", alongside "politics and affairs" as their description states. Their content runs into the usual "anti-woke" Caustic Critic material, specifically supporting Comicsgate in their podcast episode "Stop Killing Comics - Gay People Don't Need Gay Superman". They cite original characters "Wiccan and Hulking"note , while demanding they make "original gay characters" in typical gatekeeping fashion. Their episode on "Britain is no longer a Christian country" showing shades of Islamphobia, using an uncited claim of replacement growth for a sarcastic remark on how no one seems to be troubled by it. His review of Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire has him make an erroneous comparison of kaijus causing literal monumental damage, to BLM protesters and the removal of slave owner statues (claiming it was founded upon "invented claims of racism").
    • LostChord: Originally starting off posting music covers, this spin-off channel recently shifted to media reviews that exploded in viewership by comparison. These videos are much shorter in length and doesn't include the main channel's co-host Ozkii. The same rhetoric from the main Little Platoon applies here, tackling the "toxic myth" of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and how "The MCU has a Woman Problem".
  • Louis Rossman: Sane libertarian
  • thelovelyliz: Nonbinary lesbian content creator primarily focused in The Owl House's fandom. Very much progressive, especially when it comes to LGBT+ related topics.
  • MacDoesIt: Black gay vlogger, much of his channel is dedicated to gay culture and mocking bigots, though he's not very overtly political.
  • Man Carrying Thing: An American YouTuber who tends to do topical one-man quick skits parodying pop and internet culture. Though he's also known for discussing books, along with their adaptations (such as Wheel of Time), which occasionally becomes a video essay. "When your favorite YouTuber starts posting anti-SJW content" is a notable skit about the titular phenomenon, claiming how most pivots to this for the sake of high viewership pulls in the algorithm.
  • ManlyMovie: Anti-woke action movie review website.
  • Mannix: Anti-woke.
  • Markiplier: He doesn't often get into politics, but often takes left-of-center stances on matters such as LGBT+ rights, welfare, and Black Lives Matter.
  • Mark Kern: Mostly known online as Grummz, Mark Kern is an ex-Blizzard employee who is often seen posting gaming and political content on his Twitter account. This content is often anti-woke and reactionary in nature. Right-leaning content creators frequently cite him in their videos and he has even regularly appeared as a guest speaker on channels like The Quartering and Side Scrollers. Once started a petition attempting to convince Shift Up and Sony to reverse post-launch changes to the game Stellar Blade that made slight edits to certain outfits, which were perceived by some as censorship. Despite all of this, he denied being far-right and claimed to be left-of-center in a recent tweet. Is also infamous for his involvement in the ill-fated MMO Firefall as the team lead, where he was said to have been a Mean Boss who often fired people he personally disliked and spent millions of dollars on elaborate promotional stunts for the game while it was still in pre-alpha, including (most notably) a Firefall-themed custom tour bus.
  • The Matrixx and Rhodes Show
  • Matt Walsh: Anti-woke, anti-trans activist of the Daily Wire. Also the author of "Johnny the Walrus", and the man behind the documentary "What is a Woman?"
  • MauLer: A very Caustic Critic best known for their extreme multi-hour critiques of pop-culture ("An Unbridled Rage/Praise/Meh") through an "objective" point of view. Generally, their views tend to be conservative and anti-woke in terms of how they view media, and cultivating a similar-minded audience, despite MauLer claiming to be apolitical. Though compared to most of his associates, he’s far better at hiding his political beliefs, on his main channel at least. He's also called out certain conservative personalities, such as Paul Joseph Watson and No Bullshit.
  • Maven of the Eventide: Progressive
  • Maximilien Robespierre: Progressive, mostly gives counterpoints to Brexiteers.
  • McElroy Brothers: Producers of various forms of web content, most famously podcasts such as the comedy/"advice show" My Brother, My Brother and Me and Actual Play series The Adventure Zone. While generally avoiding being outright political, they're still very much on the left, sharing progressive opinions and advocating for diversity, with The Adventure Zone featuring various prominent LGBTQ+ characters. The brothers strongly discourage new listeners from listening to the first hundred or so episodes of My Brother, My Brother and Me, believing that they were far more mean-spirited and insensitive back then, since making efforts to be more informed and inclusive across the board.
  • MeatCanyon/Papa Meat: An enlightened centrist edgelord, who thinks "both sides suck" and ruthlessly mocks anyone of any political alignment in his animations.
  • MechaRandom42: Very anti-woke and anti-feminist pop culture commentator, especially against Disney's Star Wars and the "M-She-U". Her video titles and thumbnails are very sensationalized and incendiary. She outright put in the thumbnail for the presence of black people like Reva in Obi-Wan Kenobi a racial slur, mocked Zack Snyder's daughter's suicide, and stated she didn't care about the Robb Elementary school shooting because she hates kids. Such actions have gotten her denounced by even members of the Fandom Menace, such as Ryan Kinel.
  • Mediaholic: A pop-culture review channel hosted by political commentator and Turning Points USA's Lauren Chen. Many videos appeal to cover anti-woke and conservative perspective topics, assisted by clickbait thumbnails and titles. They proudly boast their 2022 interview with Bounding Into Comics.
  • Memeology 101: Right-leaning as his video often shows the ridiculousness surrounding liberal's actions and policies and debunking them in a concise way unlike most of the conservative YouTubers.
  • Metatron: An Italian-born British YouTuber that loves to discuss various historical topics. He is very much apolitical though he is a critic of political correctness and Race Lifts in "Inclusivity and history are a bad match" and "Black Washing History? Troy and BBC Cartoon Debunking".
  • Moviebob/Bob Chipman: Progressive, sometimes confrontationally so. Something of a contrarian, he tends to side with creators/authors anytime their fanbase gets angry, especially if the creator(s) are politically and/or culturally left-wing (He infamously sided with BioWare during the Mass Effect 3 ending controversy, and supported Anita Sarkeesian and other divisive progressives during the mid-2010s). He's a fan of BreadTube, most notably Lindsey Ellis.
  • Midnight's Edge: An anti-SJW leaning YouTuber group that makes film retrospectives, commentary and thinly-veiled "insider" videos about modern Star Trek and Star Wars, often being wrong about their insider info. They tend to portray themselves as apolitical professionals but their anti-woke biases are very obvious, most notably with Norwegian host Andre who is the most aggressive of the group when it comes to their hatred of progressivism in media. In all fairness, their documentaries on Sony's Spider-Man and Fox's Fantastic Four are well-researched and well-written.
  • MIKE ZEROH: A Star Wars-focused YouTuber infamous for his clickbait "insider" videos which always have false information clearly pandering to people that don't like the Sequel Trilogy such as multiple videos claiming that Kathleen Kennedy was fired and Dave Filoni was put in charge of Lucasfilms or that the Sequel Trilogy would be retconned out of continuity. He's infamous enough that The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson directly made fun of him on Twitter.
  • MrBeast: Apolitical but appears to be a capitalist based on how he runs his channel and handles his wealth. Pro-LGBT, as he posted a tweet defending one of his friends Kris, a trans woman, from transphobic comments and fans.
  • Monster Island Buddies: A channel focused on nostalgic Godzilla and toy content (and especially Godzilla toy content). Almost entirely apolitical in his videos, but supports the idea of BLM and other non-regressive causes in occasional social media posts. Also hates Texas' Republican Governor Abbott.
  • Moon: A British video essayist YouTuber that covers various political and pop-culture topics, with a manosphere slant to them. They're another reactionary anti-woke channel with conspiratorial vibes in their think pieces, such as "TikTok being designed to weaken the male youth in the West", along with "milk, soy, and tap water" causes reproductive deficiencies. They been caught, and later apologized and took down, for plagiarism of Overlord Gaming's retrospective on Reddit. However, they were caught plagiarizing again regarding their "Why I Hate The Wonka Movie" video, taking verbatim from Jack Saint's "Modern Wonka Doesn't Work" video. While Saint's video was a pre-release video assuming the 2023 film would've been vapid (he changed his mind upon seeing it), Moon repurposed his words to push more anti-woke and homophobic rhetoric, venting about "modern Hollywood" and actively pushing The Daily Wire as an alternative to woke Hollywood.
  • Moon Channel: Not related to the above, American lawyer who discusses trends in video games and the video game industry, including copyright law. Socially liberal, as he supports LGBTQ rights (including trans rights) criticizes sexist double standards in the industry that treat women as less capable or intelligent.
  • Monty Zander: A UK-based video game YouTube essayist who analyzes the themes and gameplay mechanics of various mainstream and cult titles. Self-proclaimed as a left-wing individual in their Watch Dogs: Legion analysis "B is for Brexit"; they reflect on their strong anti-Brexit stance and disappointment in Ubisoft game's wishy-washy "apolitical" execution that directly referenced a real-life political event as the game's backdrop.
  • The Movie Cynic: Anti-woke movie reviewer but will still praise a left-leaning film/show if he considers it great.
  • MrBallen: Covers strange, dark, and mysterious stories in video and podcast form. The host, John Allen, is a former Navy SEAL, but the channel is almost completely politically neutral. One video indicates an extremely rare exception: when describing a plotted terrorist attack on a Pride parade in Amsterdam, John clearly takes absolute relish in describing the foiling of the plot, which involved the conspirators being brutally beaten and torn apart by police dogs. This is followed by equally obvious joy as he reveals that the event went off without a hitch.
  • Mr. Beat: A history teacher and YouTube historian, Matt Beat's videos largely cover the history of American government and lawmaking, with a particular emphasis on important Supreme Court cases and the lives, views, and accomplishments of the U.S. Presidents. His content has almost no political bias, but a couple of videos he did on his favorite and least favorite presidents (Cleveland and Coolidge high among the former, Bush and Nixon low among the latter) seem to suggest that he's personally somewhere in the vicinity of libertarianism or classic liberalism. One of the few overt stances Matt takes on his channel is the preservation of representative democracy in America; he expressed outright revulsion at the January 6th Washington D.C. insurrection on Twitter and has openly called upon Congress to support the Freedom to Vote Act, which would vastly expand voting rights and voter engagement.
  • Mr. H Reviews: Anti-woke pop culture/movie commentary and reviews, usually focused on fantasy, sci-fi, and superhero properties. Has a tendency toward clickbaity titles and/or thumbnails for more politically-charged videos.
  • MR. OBVIOUS: One of the right-leaning YouTubers who makes fun of left-leaning people and the ridiculousness surrounding them. However, he mostly targets any far-left movements such as antifa or BLM extremists.
  • Mr TARDIS Reviews: YouTuber that, as his name suggests, mainly focuses on Doctor Who. TARDIS himself is liberal, and occasionally does commentaries on more right-leaning content creators such as Nerdrotic and Bowlestrek.
  • MrRepzion (or simply Repzion): Self-described "Jack of All Trades" YouTuber who makes videos on various topics, but is primarily known for his criticism/commentary videos on politics, religion, online drama, and other current events. Was raised Christian and initially presented as such, but became an atheist in 2012 (where he publicly discussed his history of suffering various forms of abuse from the church) and has taken a strong anti-religious stance since. Initially expressed center-left and generally progressive leanings (even as a Christian, he strongly believed in theistic evolution, which earned him much scorn in his church), but took a hard turn for anti-SJW/anti-woke clickbait following GamerGate, especially after making heavily critical rants against Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency.
  • Mr. Sunday Movies: Two Australian blokes with progressive leanings.
  • Mumkey Jones: A centrist edgelord known for making offensive jokes. His more casual demeanor outside his usual videos imply he's just joking around doesn't actually believe in the edgy things he says.
  • Musical Hell: Reviews musical movies. Generally progressive leanings, which come up more on her social media than in her videos. Removed two videos due to regrets over racial insensitivity (although one of them was restored soon after).

    Creators N-Z 
  • Nardwuar the Human Serviette: Canadian musician and journalist, known for hosting interviews with various celebrities through his eccentric Keet persona. Most popular for interviewing musicians (especially hip-hop artists) but has also done the occasional interview with politicians, most often in his native Vancouver, Canada. Such interviews with politicians tend to be politically neutral and consciously light-hearted, with Nardwuar running a gag of requesting his subject play a quick game of "Hip Flip" with him; nearly all of them across the political spectrum have accepted (the only subject to not accept was then-prime minister Stephen Harper, who had Nardwuar escorted out by security).
  • NativLang: Animator with a focus on linguistics. Has used his platform to bring attention to less represented language families, and to speak up about protection for endangered languages and the various issues indigenous peoples face.
  • The Needle Drop/Anthony Fantano: Music review channel. Fantano is an outspoken liberal who often highlights and praises socially progressive music and artists while condemning those with regressive, anti-woke, and/or hateful work, though he does criticize those on the left he feels are disingenuous, ill-informed, or have bad intentions (he's been openly critical of Donald Trump since the 2016 US election, but also criticized his Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton as being corrupt). He used to frequent (and became popular on) 4chan during the channel's start in the early 2010's, and occasionally indulged in its style of edgy, meme-based humor on his personal side channel "thatistheplan", but gradually distanced himself from the scene, finding it to be "toxic and problematic". In late 2017, he was subject to a hit piece by music magazine The Fader which accused him of pandering to the alt-right by sourcing "thatistheplan" and its humor, which Fantano would refute (leading to a private settlement, the article being removed, and "thatistheplan" being shut down), and he directly cited this incident as having led him becoming more outspoken about his actual politics and advocacy for social justice issues.
  • NegativeLegend: An American non-binarynote  pop culture reviewer, covering different Western cartoons, comics, anime, video games and card games. They're best known for their retrospective "What Happened to..." and "Deep Dive" series, giving equal focus to any typically "gendered" franchises, compared to some nerd channels that tend to be predominantly cover "male-centric" franchises. In spite of their username, they're not centered on a Caustic Critic persona, as Negative tries to view media through a balanced, yet subjective lens. They take a center-left position, as they've been occasionally open about supporting textual LGBTQ+ representation, and don't care for gender norms. On the flipside, they've been critical of toxic fandoms that happen to be co-opting leftist rethortic, and one talking point in their "The Real Reason Manga is Beating Comics" that critques "forced" bad representation in major American cape comics compared to manga.
  • Nerdrotic: A pro-ComicsGate and anti-woke commentary YouTuber who talks about geek culture through an "anti-political" lens. Highly anti-feminist and anti-affirmative action, with a tendency to use incendiary video titles. Considered part of the Fandom Menace.
  • NerdSync: Became explicitly progressive/anti-capitalist after the 2016 US election, and such views often appear in his videos from since then.
  • Nerdsfeed: A pop-culture reviewing channel, with a recurring interest in Transformers (with a couple of video essays dedicated to analysing Transformers: Prime). They're expressingly anti-woke and queerphobic, which is the subject of on their video on We Baby Bears entitled "Baby WE Can't Bear to Let YOUR Kids be Kids". In reaction to a brief conversation of friendly pirates addressing themselves to the Baby Bears with preferred pronouns, they claim to "logically" retort with misconstrued studies about gender dysmorphia. They further double down on this sentiment regarding Transformers: Earthspark, "Manipulating Kids and Destroying a Legacy", which is currently their most popular video at 97k views.
  • NFKRZ: Real name is Roman Albertovich Abalin, a Russian YouTuber who makes videos about Russian politics and culture for Western audiences. Openly identifies as a progressive social democrat, and his recent output since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has shifted towards criticisms of authoritarian Russian politics under Putin as well as USSR-style communism, and calling out Westerner apologia for both.
  • Nitro Rad: A videogaming YouTuber, largely apolitical but has expressed support for progressive causes like the 2020 Black Lives Matter Movement protests. This got him in hot water with parts of the far right, a thing he has subsequently leaned into.
  • Noah Caldwell-Gervais is a YouTuber that specializes in hours-long retrospectives of (mostly PC) videogames with him using his vast knowledge of space and fantasy fiction (and sometimes his personal life experiences) to make the viewers see the themes of the games in a different light. He has admitted to be a leftist "apologist" due to a need to explain his political beliefs to people on and offline when people confront him for being a leftist.
  • No Bullshit: An ironically named anti-woke channel. Notable for being target of both the left AND the right.
  • The Mysterious Mr. Enter: Controversial animation reviewer who has since skewed into political content. His reputation nosedived in 2020 when he became more of a center-right doomer, making videos that were against mask mandates, the right to free healthcare, and political messages in cartoons. With that said, he is pro-LGBT, as he apologized for using Bounding Into Comics as a source after being informed of their anti-LGBT views, and raised $500 for The Trevor Project.
  • Non Compete: Anarcho-communist.
  • Not-So-Average Fangirl: Real name Elijah DeJesus, an actress, a music creator, and YouTube reactor. Unabashedly a lesbian and very much progressive.
  • Off The Cover: Deeming itself to be a reprieve to "the latest bad movies, TV shows, and video games", this channel functions no differently from similar anti-woke grifting channels with misinformed thumbnails and clickbait.
  • OMB Reviews: A member of Geeks + Gamers. Extremely anti-woke and openly religious movie reviewer.
  • One Angry Gamer: An infamous alt-right video game news website that used to churn out reactionary anti-LGBT and anti-diversity articles. They're perhaps best well known for their Traitors of America list that they made following in the wake of the Black Lives Matter 2020 protests. The backlash to the list eventually led to Billy D selling the site, which has since become less reactionary.
  • Optimus: A centrist commentator. Slightly anti-woke but often tries to take a moderate stance.
  • Organized Chaos: Hardcore progressive grifter who dedicates a good portion of his channel to responding to Fandom Menace-adjacent channels such as Geeks and Gamers, Nerdrotic, and Critical Drinker. He watched MauLer's review of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness mainly to see if he complained about America's lesbian parents, then expresses disappointment when MauLer doesn't complain about it.
  • The0utsyder: YouTuber that makes This Is How You Don't Play montages of DarkSydePhil. His social media shows him to be expressly anti-woke. Additionally, while his videos are mostly apolitical, one of their running gags is the arguably transphobic "It's Ma'am!" Last of Us Part II meme. His TIHYDPs on the aforementioned Last of Us Part II and LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga are where his anti-woke views are most apparent.
  • Overly Sarcastic Productions: A progressive YouTube channel about tropes, literature, history and mythology, known for their titular style of humor.
  • Oversimplified: The famed flagship series of Irish-American historian Stuart Webster. At no point in any of his videos does he express any overt political leanings or identity, and for the most part he lampoons and pokes fun of world history and the figures therein with perfect political neutrality. That said, his video on the American Civil War very bluntly debunks the Lost Cause myth, he never hesitates to call genocides for what they were, even those done by Turkey and Japan, and he wasn't above taking a small potshot at Donald Trump making a barbed comment about his label of "stable genuis". Also, as his video on the Pig War heavily indicates, he does not like imperialists.
  • Owen Likes Comics: Dubbed "The History Channel of Comics", a typically apolitical retrospective channel focused of the behind the scenes development of movies, TV shows and characters. Social media's the same time.
  • Pancho: Anti-woke commentator. Has made blatantly transphobic videos despite his denying he is.
  • Panels to Pixels: Covering video game adaptations of comic book media, alongside general Top 10 lists and media analysis.
    • Though not prominently, they lean on progressive ideas evidently with their "The Toxic Masculinity of Hulk" video, which praises the film for handling the damaging cycle of "alpha male" expectations regarding Banner and other "masculine" figures in the film.
  • Patrick Cc: : A YouTube documentarian and indie musician who covers celebrities and other musicians and YouTubers (such as the history of provocative comedian Filthy Frank). Their video on Disney ("Disney is Perfectly Happy With Their Catastrophic Downfall") shows, despite framing their information as an observer, they're peddling misleading talking points from the usual anti-woke reactionary channels. The video's thumbnail alone frames Mickey as a demonic vampire figure proudly wearing a LGBTQ+ flag pin, while crossing off their "kills" with Disney's subbrands like Star Wars and Pixar. This also extends to their coverage of comedian David Chappelle in a dedicated video, describing him as "escaping from being cancelled".
  • Paul Joseph Watson: An affiliate of InfoWars that once infamously claimed that depression is "nothing more than dissatisfaction with life".
  • PF Jung: A proud centrist who seeks to reclaim the term "enlightened centrist" from a slur to a term of pride.
  • Pillar of Garbage: A British YouTube channel primarily devoted to video essays extolling The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, along with other nerd culture subjects like the MCU, Star Wars, LOTR, etc. His videos can be generally apolitical, but has shown more left-leaning analysis as time goes on. He's made several videos analyzing the growing outrage, anti-woke nerd channels and their tactcis on YouTube, including "Wokespotting", "The 'Woke Mind Virus' Explained", and "Does She-Hulk Hate Men?". He has also made a videos criticizing Jordan Peterson, The Critical Drinker, Nerdrotic, HeelVsBabyface and Ben Shapiro, usually about how their bad faith analysis and politics.
  • r/politicalcompassmemes: A subreddit that spans, as the name suggests, the entire political compass. However, the subreddit glorifies centrists and often treats them as "the sane ones" by employing Horseshoe Theory.
  • The Pop Arena: Mostly known for his on-going Nickelodeon retrospective history series, Nick Knacks, along with review series dedicated to covering all things Animorphs and Goosebumps. Progressive ideologies on social media and a few of his Animorphs videos, joking referring to his anarchist tendencies.
  • Pop Culture Detective: To quote its channel, "looking at media through a critical lens with an emphasis on the intersections of politics, masculinity and entertainment" with a progressive eye. The show is hosted by Jonathan Mcintosh, former associate of Postmodern feminist critic Anita Sarkeesian.
  • Possum Reviews: Previously ran a channel called Dr Shaym dedicated to debunking feminists and SJWs. His new channel is dedicated to reviewing schlocky bad movies with little to no politics involved. Occasionally discusses politics on his Twitter, but is more willing to criticize right-wingers as much as left-wingers.
  • Price of Reason: A reactionary anti-woke film and television review and pop culture news channel, littered with pushing misinformation about whatever media falls under the culture wars of the week. In response to Picard Season 3, a titular Star Trek spin-off that quickly healed it's mixed reputation through its release, he argued it was "annoying" that playing to their usual rhetoric wouldn't work in this instance.
  • pukujiji: A Japanese language drama and reactionary pop-culture news channel, usually covering Western anti-woke stories with misinformation.
  • The Punk Rock MBA: Makes videos covering music and music fandom, with a particular focus on Punk (obviously) and it's various offshoots (but he does cover metal as well. Usually apolitical, (in that he acknowledges an artist's political leanings and praise them for being outspoken but never explicitly his own views) but has criticized racism and sexism within said fandoms. Would be surprised if he didn't lean left given he covers punk rock.
  • TheQuartering: An infamous anti-woke channel that's best known for complaining about She-Ra in the 2018 reboot not looking feminine enough, and responding to a tweet saying "Fuck Hitler" with a "YIKES". He's also known for his tendency to pick fights with other YouTubers by accusing them of "selling out" or going "woke" over minor things, and for being banned from multiple Magic: The Gathering conventions for his attitude.
  • TheQueerKiwi: An extremely left-wing feminist video essayist channel who mainly makes videos on pop culture.
  • Quinton Reviews: A variety reviewer who focuses on cartoons, animated movies and YouTube personalities, best known for his Fallen Titans series about YouTubers that fell from grace, tarnished their reputation and/or left YouTube. Formerly a more liberal-leaning snarker, he became disillusioned with the Commentary and Skeptic communities for political reasons and became an avid progressive with a strong dislike of conservatives, reactionaries, anti-SJW personalities and centrists.
  • The Rageaholic: A highly anti-woke YouTuber that's infamous for his contrarian takes on popular media. He's also defended controversial figures such as Joseph McCarthy and Bill Cosby. Made an hour long video explaning why he thinks Abraham Lincoln is a dictator. He also defended HeelVsBabyface after his infamous pronoun meltdown.
  • Raging Golden Eagle: ComicsGate-affiliated comic book author who regularly hosts livestreams on his YouTube channel discussing political and pop culture-related news. Aggressively anti-woke and supportive of movements like GamerGate, ComicsGate, and ISWV. Has very unfavorable views on marriage, LGBTQ+ people (trans women, especially), feminism, abortion, BLM, and people/organizations who hold/agree with progressive views. Regularly shouts out and collabs with fellow anti-woke commentators/creators, and often cites news sites like pre-2021 One Angry Gamer, Bounding into Comics and Not the Bee for his news stories.
  • Rags: A very anti-woke gamer and YouTube commentator. Despite being openly bisexual, he denounces the LGBTQ+ community and doesn’t find queer pride necessary.
  • Randy Rainbow: A very liberal Song Parodist who often mocks Donald Trump and supports Hillary Clinton.
  • The Rap Critic: Reviewer of rap music of new and old, usually discussing hip-hop from a culturally reflective standpoint. Often praises hip-hop with socially progressive messages (both inside and outside the "Conscious Hip Hop" label) and dismisses conservative or otherwise outdated viewpoints towards race, gender, and other similar topics.
  • Reaction & Review: One of the original Reaction Video channels, run by the late Emerson "Emer" Prevost, also known as Hellsing920. Though he was pretty anti-woke in some of his livestreams and Q&A videos, Emer also described himself as being a moderate liberal, in his own words. He didn't get into it much, but he described himself as pro-choice and staunchly anti-war in his reaction videos, and quite a bit before that, he made a video absolutely excoriating right-wing outrage over a mosque being built near the site of the Twin Towers.
  • Real Crusades History: A channel that talks about historical events during the Crusades. Despite their name, their videos are historically inaccurate as critics and Historians accused the channel of being a Crusades apologists and anti-Muslim where they try to justify the actions of the Crusaders by portraying them saving Europe and Western Civilization while portraying Muslims as Barbarians.
  • Reaper: An anti-woke grifter and blatant conservative who despises anything with even a hint of diversity.
  • RebelTaxi: An animation and video game-focused video reviewer hosted by Pan Pizza, an artist and animator known for Loki IRL and the unproduced Mortal Kombat Ultra Girls. The channel is stylized after Creator/Toonami's review segments, and general 2000s aesthetics, covering various mainstream, nostalgic, and/or obscure media (sometimes lost media, via the "The Midnight Society" segments). Despite his predilection for self-aware immature and edgy one-liners, he doesn't engage in an anti-woke mindset or share those talking points. Covering controversial content, especially caught in culture war talking points, is usually when Pan is at his most tactful and constructive ("How Disney's "OYE PRIMOS!" Pissed Off Everyone"). Pan has Izzy Rae Brown, a trans woman, as a frequent guest on his podcast, meaning Pan is pro-LGBT. He's also currently dating a Neoncaffiene, a trans man.
  • Redeemed Zoomer: A self-described "former Leftist" who is now a Reformed/Calvinist Presbyterian, seeking to learn and educate about Christianity. In their videos, they have actively condemned the "wokeness" that has been incorporated into Presbyterian religion. Their most popular videos are their take on the "History of...I guess" format, talking about the Church and The Bible.
  • Rekieta Law: A far-right lawyer that is aggressively #IStandWithVic. He also believes that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, and even supported the release of Bill Cosby.
  • Renegades React: A reaction channel, as the name suggests, made up of founder Nate Hamilton and a number of shifting regulars and guests. Most of their content is apolitical, and what political opinions they do express make it very difficult to put a clear label on their beliefs, other than broadly anti-authoritarian (with gold-star libertarian Micah being the only exception), pro-capitalism, and noted to be very ardent supporters of Elon Musk. At the very least, it can be safely assumed that they're pretty socially progressive, given that one of their rotating guests, Quinn, is a trans man whose top surgery was partially paid for by fundraising on Nate's part. He also once mentioned that he thinks both sides suck. Their reaction content tends to reflect this, as while they react to plenty of left leaning creators like The Nostalgia Critic and Scott The Woz, they also tend to still react to and support right leaning and/or highly controversial creators like Internet Historian and JonTron.
  • RetroBlasting: An 80s-90s centric toy and cartoon reviewing channel, dedicated to topics such as Star Wars and Ghost Busters.
    • Channel author Michael French claims that he isn't a part of the Fandom Menace community, but finds sympathy with their known pundits like Midnight's Edge, Doomcock, and WorldClassBullshitters, comparing their collective dislike of The Sequel Trilogy to Tombstone's dynamic (Michael being the Doc Holiday analogy) and parrots their talking points.
    • Notably with WorldClassBullshitters on a personal level, where French complains about "injected politics" ruining modern Star Wars with Kathleen Kennedy.
  • ReviewTechUSA: A YouTube commentary channel that focuses on gaming and technology (and also his pet cucumber), has condemned anti-woke sentiment in the gaming community but admits that doesn't like/agree with modern feminists and has declared himself a center-left person.
  • Rev says desu: A YouTuber who covers news on anime and posts memes. Also covers controversies surrounding some anime shows, often through clickbaity anti-woke commentary and thumbnails.
  • RK Outpost: A Geeks + Gamers employee/associate, now with his own channel. Like many Fandom Menace channels, it is very much anti-woke with criticism towards left-leaning politics or messages in popular entertainment as well as praise for individuals with right-wing viewpoints. Though he has called some right-wing/anti-woke figures/YouTubers such as MechaRandom42.
  • The Right Opinion: A YouTube commentary channel that focuses on old YouTube drama, incidents and events. James, the host of the channel, is a self-admitted leftist liberal but tends to try to understand (and sometimes sympathize with) opposite viewpoints and beliefs, also James is gay.
  • Robert Reich: Former US Secretary of Labor under the Clinton administration. Covers the details on economic policies, big business corruption, and leftist/socialist subjects.
  • Robert Storms: Anti-SJW. Most famous for going on an anti-woke, borderline-xenophobic rant about Parasite winning the Academy Award for Best Picture over Joker, while also admitting he had not yet seen Parasite. He was widely mocked by many across the political spectrum.
  • Robot Head: Relatively mild Fandom Menace associate, though has been rather vitriolic on Twitter and often associates with more overtly hateful channels. He got more open about being anti-woke as time went on. He called Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse woke in his review for the film and got pushback from even his own fans.
  • Ryan Long: Center-right comedian who usually makes fun of left-wing trend such as feminism and woke culture. In addition, he does an interview with random strangers on amusing questions. Despite his target, he makes fun of mainstream media and how both liberal and conservatives aren't really that much different on certain topics.
  • Saber Spark: Discussions and reviews of animation. Usually not overtly political, but will call out racist/bigoted content and praise well-done diverse characters.
  • Sam Aronow: Jewish historian and American expat who covers the world history of the Jewish peoples. Had a secondary channel (now defunct as of 2022) where he would summarize contemporary Israeli politics, and for this is sometimes described as the Israeli equivalent of JJ McCullough. Self-described social democrat/democratic socialist and progressive who supports the Israeli Labor party and opposes the Israeli religious right. Is a Zionist, albeit a left-aligned Labor Zionist who is opposed to anti-Arab discriminatory policies and Israeli expansion into Palestinian territory and favors a two-state solution, believing the one-state solution to be fringe at best within the country.
  • Sam Hyde: An edgy and controversial comedian and boxer. From his tone and behavior such as donating $5000 to a self-proclaimed nazi publication, he has been called far-right or at least claimed by the far-right, and he doesn't oppose that label. That said, it isn't clear if he genuinely believes these edgy beliefs or is simply joking.
  • Sarah Z: Mostly in-depth analysis of early 2010s online fandom culture, with a progressive/leftist bent. Considered part of BreadTube.
  • Sarcastic Chorus: YouTuber who reviews and talks about topics in animated media with a generous helping of, as his name suggests, sarcasm. A progressive channel, describing those who bashed She-Ra and the Princesses of Power's redesigns as neckbeards.
  • Sargon of Akkad: Former-Libertarian YouTube commentator and currently a Far-right political activist and Brexiteer known for his nationalistic and Western (European) exceptionalist views and hostile opinions towards progressivism and socialism, opposition towards immigration from underdeveloped and Muslim-majority countries, and affirmative action in education and in corporate hiring.
  • Scott The Woz: Not really political but seems to skew towards the left. Attended a Black Lives Matter protest.
  • The Scoundrel's Cantina: A Christian Fandom Menace Star Wars channel. Expressly anti-woke and anti-LGBT, as in one video they decried homosexuality and being transgender as "unnatural".
  • Schaffrillas Productions: Left-leaning media analysis channel. Once raised money for Black Lives Matter by reenacting the entirety of Shrek 2. Seems to support firing people for their politics, as when he discusses Hercules in his video ranking every Disney film, he suggests Disney replace James Woods with Bob Odenkirk.
  • Screen Rant
  • Second Thought: Leftist. Very critical of America's international actions and especially capitalism. Identifies as a socialist. Has claimed Cuba and China are more democratic than the US.
  • Secret Galaxy (formerly Toy Galaxy): A nostalgia-focused YouTube channel that covers the history of various franchises from the 80s-2000s, especially toys. Their videos tend to be on the political center, but both creators express progressive stances on social media.
  • Seriously Strange: An Unsolved Mysteries-style horror series run by Rob Gavagan (formerly Rob Dyke). Originally fairly apolitical, he banked hard right over the course of the Trump era of American politics and has become more and more vitriolically hateful of feminism and social justice over as time has gone on.
  • Serum Lake: UK-based video essayist and production material archiver of DC Animated Universe content (with a lean towards Batman: The Animated Series). Their analysis is generally center-left, where most videos talk about the animated DC shows within their original context, while occasionally adding in some progressive observations that may or may not be intentional in the text. Videos such as "Lock-Up: The Right Wing Batman" and "How Renee Montoya Became A LGBTQ+ Icon" being more straightforward examples. Their channel also hosts full storyboards of certain B:TAS episodes, with no other commentary.
  • sensitive soci3ty: An anti-woke commentator similar to Leafy or diesel patches.
  • Sergio Antonio Cornejo: An anti-woke, right leaning author, best known for writing the Guilds of Avlaan series. Can regularly be seen commenting on other right leaning creators videos and posts, and expresses similar talking points to them on his own social media channels. Has outright stated that the creation of Guilds of Avlaan was partly inspired by Gamergate, to the point of the heir to the throne in said series being named "Vivian", after Gamergate's mascot Vivian James.
  • Shadiversity: A science fiction, medieval, ancient weapons enthusiast who covers related media like Game of Thrones. He's made some right-wing opinions in the past (including supporting Lauren Southern) and has been a guest in EFAP and Nerdrotic streams, although for the most part he is more-or-less apolitical. However, he has increasingly made his right-wing views more prominent in recent years, including accusing brief appearances of LGBT characters in fiction of grooming children.
  • Shane Hummus: A college and vocational school YouTuber who aims to teach people prospective career choices with or without college. On the surface, the content is fairly neutral (though occasionally short-sighted), but Hummus' political opinions about Art and Gender Studies in various ranking videos (The Most Useless College Degrees) tend to leak out. While he argues that college is too expensive to be pursuing an art degree when there are better low-cost options, he's more concerned about the "cringe [liberal] talking points you're going to hear from the media, Hollywood and social be a good little NPC student for college institutions" for taking them.
  • Shaun: Leftist.
  • ShortFatOtaku: Canadian liberal centrist YouTuber who mainly criticizes the left but makes several videos mocking the right as well.
  • Skip Intro: A TV-centric video essay channel covering the influencing nature of the medium, past, and present.
  • Smudboy: Anti-woke YouTuber known for his critiques of Mass Effect and Dragon Age. Also infamously defended Synthetic Man's God of War: Ragnarok review from EFAP.
  • Some More News: Leftie, anticapitalist with anarchist sympathies.
  • Speaknsee: A political vlog news commentator, with a conservative, Christian, and conspiracy bent. He has developed an audience talking about matters in Africa, usually on the basis of pushing back against "Western ideology being injected", supporting anti-woke/anti-LGBTQ+ laws. On one March 2024 occasion, he has disagreed with Tucker Carlson, who he is still "a big fan of". Also hosts a Rumble and TikTok account, "in case YouTube suspends him".
  • The Sphere Hunter: Suzi Hunter's YouTube channel that mostly focuses on Capcom games, but she'll cover other games she finds interesting. Mostly apolitical, though she does have progressive leanings, as she praised the depiction of trans character Claire in Cyberpunk 2077, and criticized the sexist depiction of Aya Brea in The 3rd Birthday. Suzi herself is trans, coming out as such in early 2022.
  • Star Wars Theory: A Star Wars channel that has ties to certain Fandom Menace channels such as Geeks + Gamers and Nerdrotic. SWT was not overtly anti-woke himself for some time, but has since jumped off the deep end and now expresses outright support for outright anti-woke channels and creators. Infamous for an incident where he used an AI- generated deepfake of Mark Hamill for a Star Wars fan film he made. When asked by a user on Twitter, Hamill himself stated he did not give SWT permission to use his likeness.
  • Stefan Milo: History and archaeology YouTuber with a focus on prehistory and human evolution. While his name is a bit unfortunate in its resemblance to a few of the more infamous figures among the alt-right, his content is usually apolitical, but occasionally covers topics that involve debunking racist pseudohistory or sympathy for indigenous rights against European colonialism, and he has collaborated with more openly progressive history YouTubers.
  • Step Back: Leftist. As a Canadian, covers Canadian news and subjects as well as those from across the border.
  • Steven Crowder: Anti-woke, right wing host of the Louder with Crowder show.
  • STRANGE ÆONS: Canadian nonbinary lesbian YouTuber who mostly covers social media and fandom history. Is clearly of a progressive bent and will criticize drama that is misogynistic, queerphobic, or otherwise bigoted in nature, but will also call out online Soapbox Sadie types who engage in misplaced, excessive, or bad-faith social justice activism.
  • Strictly Dumpling: Chinese American food reviewer and travel vlogger. Most of his videos are not political, but he has made some mentions in some videos and on his social media that he is a Falun Gong practicioner and has spoken out against human rights violations committed by the Chinese government.
  • Suris: Leftist VTuber who commentates on current events and videos by right-wing and anti-progressive figures, as well as discussing philosophy and religion.
  • Sydney Waston: A conservative Australian political commentator and journalist, self described as "a deplorable" on her YouTube page. Similar to other "anti-woke" Caustic Critics of the late 2010s-early 2020s, along with ties to The Quartering.
  • Synthetic Man: An extremely anti-woke, alt-right grifter channel who mainly makes videos talking about shows and video games. He is known for an infamous video where he called God of War Ragnarök "woke trash". A video that was mocked and critiqued even by right-leaning YouTubers.
  • The Take: Not political per se, but tends to analyze media from a feminist perspective and call out characters, writing, and tropes in fairly light-hearted works (read: sitcoms) that would be unacceptable in real life. Considered part of BreadTube. They became infamous for a now-privated video where they called the titular protagonist of Harry Potter a villain. They also defended Amber Heard twice in their videos covering the controversial Depp v Heard trial.
  • Tasting History with Max Miller: Casual history-based cooking channel that focuses on recreating old recipes, mostly European but multicultural in nature. While fairly apolitical, Max leans at least socially liberal as an openly gay man with a Latino partner.
  • Tatoruzu: A small TMNT-focused channel that dips into anti-woke talking points and misinformation about the franchise, with a particular dislike for the IDW universe.
  • TLDR Business: An economic business spin-off channel of the UK-based TDLR brand, that usually covers politics more head on. In "Is Going Woke Killing Disney...we ran the maths", they came to the overral conclusion that "Go Woke, Go Broke" is unfounded for the company, using data gathered from their box office and other sources of revenue.
  • That Star Wars Girl: Fandom Menace grifter, very anti-woke and anti-feminist. As her name implies, she tends to focus on Star Wars content. Known to not research her topics and/or present them in as inflammatory a light as possible. Supports #IStandWithVic.
  • That Weasel: Does Feeding the Trolls, a show where he makes fun of and debunks stupid people on the internet. He is very left leaning, by his own admission, and frequently goes after homophobes, religious wing-nuts, and other kinds of bigots. He has gone after left wing people as well, such as people who openly defend Stalinist Russia and people who think communism is a good idea. He is openly critical of religion (though mostly people who use it as an excuse to be bigoted or deny science) and has stated things like that he believes housing should be free but usually stays on the rational end of political discourse. Also a vehement critic of Donald Trump, who he frequently insults.
  • Thinking Critical: A podcast-style comic book critic with sympathies towards the ComicsGate movement, including videos dedicated to talking about SJWs impacting Western media.
    • They collaborate with the aforementioned "Comics! By Perch".
  • Thorias Unlimited: Anti-woke pop-culture skit review channel that empathizes the usual suspects (Disney and Marvel content), with disingenuous thumbnails and outrage bait titles. Uses Bounding into Comics as their primary source. Started off doing episodic reviews of CBS/CW's Supergirl (" Infantilism Disguised as Feminism) through this manner, becoming their consistently high viewed videos compared to their non-outrage positive reviews. In his community notes about the Johnny Storm casting for MCU's The Fantastic Four, he was worried they'd turn the character "into some ridiculous woke LGBTQUIABCXYZ parody".
  • Thought Slime: Leftist, primarily political content on this channel. Also does less political horror movie reviews on their other channel, "Scaredy Cats."
  • Thoughty2: Centrist, content is mostly neutral.
  • Thor Skywalker: A commentary YouTuber that focuses on geek media, Star Wars most notably. His videos are mostly discussions on geek media with his viewpoints tending to be very liberal-leaning. His most popular videos tends to be the ones discussing the Sequel Trilogy and why they weren't universally loved by the fanbase with him mostly sympathizing with the people that didn't like them but also saying that he has nothing against people that enjoyed them. However, he sees most attempts at progressivism and inclusion in media as opportunistic corporate-marketing made to appeal to/manipulate left-leaning journalists, minorities and people that are very into social justice, and dislikes it when creators attack and insult fans that don't agree with them politically and/or for their story choices.
  • TIK History: British You Tuber who covers WW2 history, primarily war logistics and why Hitler performed certain actions before and during the war. Holds anarcho-capitalist views and despies the state in all forms. Considers Hitler and the Nazi party to be socialist - which has earned him significant ire among leftists.
  • Tim Pool: Self-identifies as centrist, but has moved steadily to the right over the years, including debating leftist YouTubers in his podcast and being very critical of Biden and pro-Trump during the election of 2020. Anti-BLM, regularly donates to Republican politicians, and has expressed a desire to collaborate with alt-right and openly white supremacist figures such as Nick Fuentes and the Proud Boys.
  • Think Before You Sleep: A reactionary anti-woke commentary channel hosted by Sean. Starting off with #IStandWithVic with in 2019, the channel has grown to focuses on critique, "debunking", and shaming people who identify as queer, varying degrees of being overweight, feminism, and "woke culture". Rarely, they have branched out with videos like "Reality Shows That Were Faked" to appear more like non-social political factoid videos. "Why You Don't Support Addicts" has been their most viewed video at 7 million views. He became infamous for criticizing animator illymation for a video talking about fat acceptance.
  • Thor High Heels: LGBTQ Video game critic, analyst, and music composer. Openly identifies as a progressive and a leftist.
  • Three Arrows: German leftist who discusses German and American politics as well as German history. His username is a refrence to the Drei Pfeile, an anti-fascist, anti-communist, and anti-monarchist Social Democratic symbol first used during Wiemar era.
  • Todd in the Shadows: Music critic. Liberal, but he's not afraid to criticize progressive messages if he considers them pandering or insincere.
  • Tony DiGerolamo: An anti-woke writer known for his YouTube series "A Screenwriter's Rant". Often complains about modern Hollywood and even indie films being "woke" while praising conservative content like Lady Ballers.
  • Townsends: A casual look into 17th Century United States history through its foods, clothing, tools and more. As noted on its video "The Intrusion of Modern Politics On Our YouTube Channel"note , they choose to explicitly remain apolitical.
  • Trainwreckstv: A centrist and proud of it. He believes centrist should be normalized.
  • TREY the Explainer: YouTuber who makes researched videos about paleontology, archeology, and cryptozoology. The videos are largely apolitical but explicitly lean pro-science, anti-Creationism (stemming from an ex-evangelical upbringing), and anti-bigotry, and his social media posting suggests him to be left-of-center.
  • Turkey Tom: An infamous centrist known for making videos exposing internet personalities of all sides of the political spectrum.
  • Two Best Friends Play: Group of Canadian Let's Players who have since parted ways, but all of their component members have expressed socially progressive beliefs and are pro-workers' rights, regularly criticizing video game industry labor abuses in podcasts and streams.
  • Tyrone Magnus: An anti-woke, right-leaning reaction/review channel.
  • Undertaker Freak 1127 (also known as AEWFreak1127): Commentary YouTuber specializing in rants about whatever subjects that bother him, from wrestling to global politics. He admits his political opinions on certain topics have changed and evolved over the years, but he generally sides towards the left. He chose to move to Finland following the presidential election of Donald Trump and made a big stink about it, briefly renaming his account to Undertakerfinland1127 and listing himself as "Former American" on his social media.
  • Unsubscribe Podcast: A video and audio-only podcast hosted by E Li Cuevas and Brandon Herrera, focusing on nerd pop-culture and the USA military/law enforcement. With the likes of (former) co-host Donut Operator, and guests like Turkey Tom, Wendigoon, and Nerdrotic ("Wokeness Is Ruining Hollywood"), their content tends to lean towards American conservativism.
  • The Unusual Suspect: Mostly apolitical, though he has made allusions to how toxic the Star Wars fandom can be and in his "Unpopular Opinions" video, he comments on how outdated and problematic older James Bond films are.
  • UrinatingTree: Almost entirely apolitical. Earlier videos seem to express right-leaning sympathies (a video condemning the 2016 election recount, a video decrying Venezuela as a socialist nation). An early 2021 saw him savage the Republican party in a "CONGLATURATION" video decrying the January 6th insurrection, but it's mostly filled with snark as opposed to political commentary but it could indicate more centrist or leftist leanings.
  • Vaush: Perhaps the most infamous leftist streamers out there. He often times cover topics in his libertarian market socialist lens and try to analyze and debunk them. However, he is well known for several questionable statements such as legal age of consent, racist remarks, and several baseless accusations.
  • Veritas et Caritas: History YouTuber. Identifies as a Christian Anarcho-mutualist and a leftist, and prefers to cover topics often under-explored by other history channels. In addition to making videos debunking bigotry and rightism, also has some videos dedicated to criticizing leftist YouTubers who perpetuate misinformation.
  • videogamedunkey: Will often make jokes about politics in his Twitter account, but seems to be left-leaning based on his tweet regarding his support for BLM.
  • Vinesauce: Collection of video game playthroughs and related content from livestreams. Vinny, the most famous and prolific member, is deliberately apolitical for the most part, but has expressed support for the LGBTQ community, alluded to sympathy with the BLM protests in 2020, and is anti-Nazi (controversial, I know), and is very outspoken against corporate exploitation and predatory practices.
  • Vito: An anti-woke centrist that makes video essays on movies with their "x Cinematic Failure" series, along with other hot button issues with clickbaity thumbnails. Social media presence is about on the same level.
  • Vivienne Medrano/VivziePop: An extremely left-wing bisexual animator known for creating Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. Infamously mocked Scott Cawthon after he got doxxed purely on the basis of Cawthon being a Republican and even before that sent her fans to harass Cawthon. She hypocritically complained when she got doxxed despite mocking Cawthon's doxxing several days before. Once Hazbin finally premiered on Amazon Prime, many religious conservatives started called falsely claiming her show to be part of the "woke Hollywood agenda", ignoring how she came from YouTube.
  • Vlogging Through History: The primary channel of historian Chris Mowery, whose videos cover a staggeringly large variety of historical topics. He identifies as leaning right of center, but fervently avoids discussing modern politics on his channel, other than recently doing a series of videos on Ukrainian history in light of its war with Russia. Despite his political leanings, which he has described as being heavily shaped by his devout Christian belief and history as a pastor, Chris largely comes across as being very moderate and rational; he openly enjoys Hamilton and Sabaton, he is very disdainful of Lost Cause revisionism, and he hates Nazi apologists and Holocaust deniers and instantly deletes them from his comments any time they show up. In a recent video, he went against his no-politics-ever rule to take a political compass test, and while he expressed some predictably conservative views (pro-life sentiments and interventionism, mostly), a substantial number of his other beliefs (on gay adoption, welfare, and corporate regulation, among other things) put his final result at center left.
  • Voxis Productions: Although he has criticized political correctness and race-based politics in the past, he openly admits in his review of Black Panther (2018) that he didn't want to talk about political topics.
  • The Wacky Delhi (Turkey Dog): A cartoon reviewer who discusses theatrical and televised animation through a variety of topics, sometimes through a topical progressive lens.
  • Wagner Knows Best: A anti-woke news and commentary pop-culture channel with the usual clickbaity, misinformed headlines and distorted caricatures of people.
  • WatchMojo
    • MsMojo
  • Weird Explorer: Channel about unusual fruits and plants. Deliberately apolitical, though Jared mentions support for environmental causes and is opposed to alternative medicine woo. Is vaccinated against COVID, so at least not a COVID truther or lunatic antivaxxer. Has also discussed the controversy with the makrut lime's alternate name (which contains a slur), so at least somewhat race-conscious too.
  • Weird Movies With Mark: Canadian YouTuber who seems to be actively avoiding politics in his videos, though did have a video parodying the danger of "cancel culture" and how it can affect anyone.
  • Wendigoon: YouTuber who posts about horror and true crime. Devout Christian, but is against the way Christians have used the Bible to promote anti-Semitism. Among his favorite topics are conspiracy theories and cryptozoology, but he most often approaches them primarily as interesting fiction and folklore, and regularly demonstrates an open mind towards scientific observation, even when they collide with his faith. Controversially, he used to be known as "boogalooboi", admitted to being one of the earliest members of the Boogaloo Boys and coined the name. In a Reddit AMA, he claimed to have distanced himself from the group after its politics had been muddled by a growing membership and news media, earning its reputation of being a "far-right militia extremist group".
  • The Wolfe Pit: A casual food-centric channel that reviews prepacked commercial meals, alongside low-cost cooking recipes. Most of the time, the videos are largely apolitical, aiming towards low to middle viewers to teach transparency about the foods they eat. He has occasionally made a social-political joke or explicit American patriotism regarding businesses. In "Who's Eating Red Lobster Frozen Parmesan Crusted Garlic & Herb Stuffed Shrimp", an inoffensive critique praising the product's usage of real whole shrimp goes into discussing how major companies outsource seafood processing overseas to save money, at the expense of American jobs. He urges and links viewers to support small American seafood businesses, and goes on a defensive rant assuming he'll be called a "racist, Trumper, etc..." for this viewpoint. "Kellogg's CEO Says If You Struggle..." is the rare "foods on a budget" recipe video centered on a socio-political topic. The video's about the titular cereal CEO suggesting lower-income people eat more cheap cereal for dinner, due to rising grocery costs in the USA. He makes a implicitly positive reference to the conservative backed Budlight protest in 2023, as a reference point for what people should do to Kellogg's products for their tone-deaf response.
  • Working Jellyfish: An informal pop-culture reviewing YouTuber, through the avatar of a blue cartoon jellyfish. Majority of their videos tend to focus on culture war talking points about Disney-era Star Wars (and LucasFilm) and Halo. While generally having sub 1,000 viewed videos, their most popular video is "Why Do People Hate Disney Star Wars?" at 175k views.
  • World of Antiquity: History professor who discusses ancient history and debunks various forms of pseudohistorical nonsense and conspiracy theories.
  • WorldClassBullshitters: A Fandom Menace-related pop-culture group podcast channel with daily videos constantly faulting Kathleen Kennedy for any misdeeds done during the Disney-era of Star Wars.
  • Xanderhal: Leftist commentary on news and pop culture, generally through reactions to right-wing takes on the same subjects. Despite this, he will not hesitate to ruthlessly criticize and/or mock left-leaning figures/streamers/YouTubers he considers either bad people or idiotic, such as Noah Samson and Hasan Piker. He claims CinemaSins to be right-leaning despite evidence to the contrary purely on his belief that "Anyone who grifts off or makes making fun of movies is right-wing and has to be a bad person". He also calls anyone on the alt-right a "nazi".
  • YellowFlash2: Rightwing-leaning anime and comics YouTube grifter who appeals to pushing misinformation regarding progressive content creators, Funimation, and strongly #IStandWithVic.
  • Yesterworld Entertainment: Openly admits to trying to make his videos as politically correct as possible, such as referring to African headhunters as Indigenous people in his video on the Jungle Cruise, and avoiding talking about Jeffrey Jones in his video on Howard the Duck due to Jones committing sex crimes involving minors later in life.
  • young defiant: A narcissistic edgelord YouTuber known for his contrarian tastes in anime, video games, and movies as well as his superiority complex. Despite his edgy nature, defiant's content is mostly apolitical.
  • YongYea: Gaming commentator and Amateur voice actor, similarly to Angry Joe, he hates exploitative microtransactions and DLC in AAA games and tends to be center-left politically as he has reacted negatively to progressive/left-leaning criticism of games but he's very pro-Union and pro-workers' rights and dislikes the greedy executives who control the biggest games' publishers in the world.
  • YoungRippa59: Eric D. July, a Black YouTube commentator, Blaze TV contributor, aspiring rapper, and geek enthusiast. Very right-wing partisan, anti-woke, anti-vaxxer, and believes that left-leaning Black-Americans are making life harder/worse for all Black-Americans in the USA with their "anti-white" beliefs; he tends to treat them as power-hungry traitors. That said, he's made videos criticizing both Democrats and Republicans. He also infamously despises Miles Morales, considering him to be a "tokenized" character who was only created for diversity points. He is also the writer of the comic book Isom.
  • A gay Canadian movie reviewer. His reviews are largely apolitical, but his editing highlights channel has videos of him mocking conservative pundits such as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Tucker Carlson and Nick Adams.
  • Zaid Magenta: An anti-woke brony analyst that has been critical of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and The Last of Us Part II. With that said, he is also anti-Trump, and is a fan of certain progressive media such as Steven Universe and The Legend of Korra. He also has sympathized with George Floyd in the past. Was later caught stalking and harassing people who disagree with him on certain media.
  • Zoe Bee: Moderately left-leaning.
  • Zeducation: Right-leaning as he often times calls out liberal hypocrisy in a very humorous way. He is known for You Laugh You Lose series and Meme Review.
  • Zero Punctuation: Author and notorious Caustic Critic Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw's podium for complaining about video games. He's been known to lean on offensive humor and he's not shy about going after woke narratives he finds badly-written - like many above examples, he hated The Last of Us Part II, though he mostly emphasized how disgustingly depressing he found it - but by and large he skews pretty heavily to the left, having once lampooned Nintendo for not allowing gay romance in Tomodachi Life and never missing an opportunity to land a quick barb about Donald Trump. Notably, Yahtzee holds Americans in general in pretty low regard for their policies on guns and healthcare, and some of his most vitriolic hatred has been toward American-made military shooters, most of all Call of Duty, which he views as shallow propaganda vehicles rife with thinly-veiled racism. He also hates Margaret Thatcher, as well as Brexit supporters in general.
  • ZF Clan: A loose collective of streamers and Let's Players, primarily known for its most popular member, Soviet Womble, who additionally produces extensively-edited "Bullshittery" videos compiling their gameplay. Often known for featuring collectively edgy humor regarding topics from racism to The Holocaust, often making stabs at both sides of the political spectrum. However, a lot of their racier humor tends to come from people within the group in question, and given the clan is quite nationally diverse, members often shrug these types of jokes off as ribbing among friends, and they do occasionally put their foot down when it goes too far (one member, "Holynevil"/"Nevil" — who is Vietnamese — was kicked from the clan after he made several racially-driven tweets against black people during the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020). In general, the clan is vastly more critical of right-wingers than anyone on the left, and SovietWomble is fairly active on Reddit discussing his political opinions, where he's shown to be strongly against the Conservative Party of his native UK and was extremely disappointed by Brexit.
