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Red's Videos

    Trope Talk 
  1. Beginnings
  2. Realism
  3. Writing What You Know
  4. We're Not So Different
  5. Strong Female Characters
  6. Evil Empires
  7. Mary Sue
  8. Paragons
  9. Rule Of 3
  10. Manly Men!
  11. Five-Man Band
  12. Reformed Villains
  13. Fallen Heroes
  14. Damsels in Distress
  15. Character Deaths
  16. Planet of Hats
  17. Power Of Friendship
  18. Chosen Ones
  19. Save The World
  20. Romantic Subplots
  21. The Hero's Journey
  22. Magic
  23. Dystopias (with special guest Hello Future Me!!)
  24. Mind Control
  25. My Powers Are Gone!
  26. Time Travel
  27. Post Apocalypses
  28. Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
  29. Pure Evil
  30. Tournament Arcs
  31. Robots
  32. Plot Twists
  33. Evil Minions
  34. Amnesia
  35. Darkest Hours
  36. Nemeses!
  37. Kaiju
  38. Antiheroes
  39. Mentors
  40. Macguffins
  41. Urban Fantasy
  42. Sequels
  43. Lancers
  44. Accents
  45. Dragons
  46. Immortals
  47. Grimdark
  48. Superpowered Evil Sides
  49. Loners
  50. Greatest Fears
  51. Tragedy
  52. Magnificent Bastards
  53. Fates Worse Than Death
  54. Powerhouses
  55. Sins Of The Father
  56. Timeskips
  57. All A Dream
  58. Queer-Coded Villains
  59. Detectives
  60. Fridging
  61. The Smart Guy
  62. Ancient Superweapons
  63. Pure of Heart
  64. Love Triangles
  65. Cursed Artifacts
  66. Magical Otherworlds
  67. Are We The Baddies?
  68. Space Horror
  69. The Right-Hand Man
  70. Conservation of Ninjutsu
  71. Deus ex Machina
  72. Lampshading
  73. Doomed Heroes
  74. Idiot Plots
  75. Powerups
  76. The Heart
  77. Betrayal
  78. Those Dang Phones
  79. Bathos
  80. Faustian Bargains
  81. Pinocchio Plots
  82. Unreliable Narrator
  83. Prison Break!
  84. Character Development Coma
  85. Personifying Death
  86. Welcome to Super School!
  87. Tone Armor
  88. Small Mammal on a Big Adventure
  89. Last Of Their Kind
  90. Noodle Incidents
  91. Trickster Heroes

    Miscellaneous Mythsnote  
  1. Perseus
  2. Icarus
  3. Pygmalion and Galatea
  4. Bellerophon
  5. Momotarō
  6. Niobe
  7. Kusanagi No Tsurugi
  8. Kaguya
  9. Huitzilopochtli
  10. Theseus and Pirithous
  11. Endymion
  12. Pele
  13. Cú Chulainn
  14. Eros and Psyche
  15. Atalanta
  16. Sekhmet/The Eye of Ra
  17. Epic Of Mwindo
  18. Sisyphus Captures Death
  19. Heracles
  20. Hyacinthus
  21. Pandora
  22. Fionn Mac Cumhail
  23. Amaterasu and the Cave
  24. The Journey of Ra
  25. Mt. Mayon
  26. Quetzalcoatl
  27. Pwyll, Prince of Dyved
  28. Ra's Secret Name
  29. Anansi Wins Stories
  30. Dionysus
  31. The Tarasque
  32. Kali Tries To Kill Everything
  33. Hou Yi and Chang'E
  34. Arachne
  35. Narcissus
  36. Ragnarok
  37. Jorogumo
  38. The Theogony (Greek Creation Myth)
  39. Hippolytus
  40. Aphrodite
  41. Nerites
  42. The Five Suns
  43. Hermes
  44. Rainbow Crow
  45. Io
  46. Atlantis
  47. Utgard-Loki
  48. Animal Brides
  49. Krisna
  50. Tantalus
  51. Typhon
  52. Loki's Wager
  53. Pride Tales
  54. Orion
  55. Book Of Invasions
  56. Ares Abduction
  57. The Wild Hunt
  58. The Zodiac
  59. The Snow Queen
  60. Hades and Persephone
  61. Enki and Ninmah
  62. Loki
  63. Prince Lindworm
  64. Medea
  65. Zahak The Serpent King
  66. Athens
  67. Urashimo-Tarō
  68. The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl
  69. King Midas
  70. Werewolves
  71. The Wrath of Demeter
  72. The Great Norse Seal Fight
  73. The Sun Maiden and the Crescent Moon
  74. Actaeon
  75. Aphrodite's Affair
  76. Thoth Gambles With The Moon
  77. Tokoyo and the Sea Monster
  78. Hera Crashes Zeus's Wedding
  79. Ursa Major
  80. Artemis and Apollo
  81. The Boy Who Found Fear at Last
  82. Yuki-onna
  83. Loki Nearly Kills Everyone (Again)
  84. The Great Zodiac Race

    Legends Summarized 
  1. The Poetic Edda
  2. Underworld Myths
  3. The Monkey King (Journey to the West Part 1)
  4. The Journey to the West (Part II)
  5. The Journey to the West (Part III)
  6. The Journey to the West (Part IV)
  7. King Arthur
  8. The Journey to the West (Part V)
  9. Arthur's Knights
  10. The Journey to the West (Part VI)
  11. El Dorado
  12. The Journey to the West (Part VII)
  13. The Journey to the West (Part VIII)
  14. The Journey to the West (Part IX)
  15. The Trojan War
  16. The Saga of Grettir
  17. The Journey to the West (Part X)
  18. The Nine(?) Realms
  19. The Epic of Gilgamesh
  20. The Journey to the West (Part XI)

    Shakespeare Summarized 
  1. Much Ado About Nothing
  2. Hamlet
  3. Julius Caesar
  4. A Midsummer Night's Dream
  5. Macbeth
  6. Romeo and Juliet
  7. The Tempest
  8. Twelfth Night
  9. Othello
  10. King Lear
  11. The Merchant of Venice
  12. The Taming of the Shrew
  13. Titus Andronicus
  14. Antony and Cleopatra

    Modern Classics Summarized 
  1. Of Mice and Men
  2. Lord of the Flies
  3. 1984
  4. A Christmas Carol
  5. All Quiet On The Western Front
  6. Stranger In A Strange Land

    Classics Summarized 
  1. Oedipus Rex
  2. Iphigenia
  3. The Iliad
  4. The Odyssey
  5. Dante's Inferno
  6. Dante's Purgatorio
  7. Dante's Paradiso
  8. The Aeneid
  9. Beowulf
  10. Paradise Lost
  11. The Odyssey [PORTUGUESE DUB!]

    CLEAN Classics Summarized 
  1. The Iliad
  2. The Odyssey
  3. The Aeneid
  4. Beowulf

    Halloween Special 
  1. Edgar Allan Poe
  2. Dracula
  3. Frankenstein
  4. H.P. Lovecraft
  5. Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde
  6. Werewolves

Blue's Videos

    History Summarized 
  1. The Athenian Empire
  2. The Roman Republic
  3. The Golden Age of Piracy
  4. The Byzantine Empire
  5. The Roman Empire
  6. The Ottoman Empire
  7. Alcibiades
  8. Venice 1
  9. Venice 2
  10. Venice 3
  11. Venice 4
  12. Rise of Islam
  13. Spread of Christianity
  14. Ancient Egypt
  15. Persistence of Judaism
  16. Thebes' Greatest Accomplishment Ever
  17. Christianity, Judaism and the Muslim Conquest
  18. The Crusades
  19. Abrahamic Religious Philosophy
  20. Ancient Greece
  21. Africa
  22. Vikings
  23. Samurai
  24. Classical Warfare (Feat. Shadiversity!)
  25. The Maya, Aztec and Inca
  26. Iroquois Native Americans
  27. The Mongols
  28. Ancient Persia
  29. Alexander the Great
  30. The Athenian Temple at Sounio
  31. The Roman Republic
  32. The Punic Wars
  33. Julius Ceasar and the Fall of the Republic
  34. Hatshepsut
  35. Augustus versus the Assassins
  36. Akhenaten
  37. Augustus versus Antony
  38. Old West Outlaws
  39. Ramses the Great
  40. Buffalo Bill
  41. Cleopatra
  42. Pope Fights
  43. How Augustus Made an Empire
  44. The Ottoman Empire (Updated Version)
  45. The Portuguese Empire
  46. The Republic of Venice
  47. The Normans (Ft. Shadiversity!)
  48. Ancient China
  49. Ancient Spain and Al-Andalus
  50. Mesopotamia — The Bronze Age
  51. Medival China (Ft Jack Rackham)
  52. The Roman Empire
  53. Steel (Feat. "That Works")
  54. Pope Fights 2 — The Reformation
  55. Imperial China
  56. The Fall of Rome
  57. Hong Kong
  58. Scotland
  59. Malta
  60. French Empire (Ft. Armchair Historian!)
  61. Mexico
  62. Ancient India
  63. Byzantine Empire — Beginnings
  64. Ireland
  65. Florence
  66. Classical India
  67. Byzantine Empire — The Golden Age
  68. Ethiopia
  69. England
  70. The Meiji Restoration
  71. Pope Fights — The Italian Wars
  72. Colonial India
  73. The Cold War & Decolonization
  74. The Viking Age
  75. The Roman Republic (RE-Summarized)
  76. Hawai'i
  77. Wales
  78. The Fall of the Byzantine Empire
  79. Atlantic Exploration
  80. South Africa
  81. The Age of Augustus (RE-Summarized)

  1. Homer
  2. Marco Polo
  3. Herodotus
  4. Machiavelli
  5. Dante
  6. Anna Komnena
  7. Shakespeare
  8. Confucius
  9. Thucydides
  10. Ibn Khaldun
  11. Sappho
  12. Aristophanes

    History Hijinks 
  1. Blue's Dumb History Tales
  2. Blue's Top Five Domes
  3. Blue's Dumb History Tales #2
  4. The Best Couples in History (Valentine's Day Special)
  5. Renaissance Antics
  6. Failed Assassinations
  7. Plague
  8. Greek Wise Guys
  9. 3 Dumb Italy Stories
  10. History's Best (?) Couples (Valentine's Day Special)
  11. Rulers Who Were Actually Good

    Overly Sarcastic Podcast 
  1. Blue Talks Beginnings!
  2. Blue Talks Machiavelli!
  3. Steampunk Romans
  4. Blue Talks Epic Poetry
  5. Blue Talks Plato's Republic
  6. Blue Talks the Trial of Socrates
  7. July 4th Special - The Social Contract
  8. Blue Talks Daoism and Confucianism
  9. The Pre-Renaissance
  10. Greeks and the Soul
  11. Ancient Comedy
  12. The Ptolemies
  13. Historical Bias

    City Minute #Shorts 
  1. New Series!
  2. Cathage
  3. Athens
  4. The Athenian Empire
  5. The Isles

    Armchair History 
  1. The Borgia
  2. The Epic of Gilgamesh
  3. Ajax
  4. Hecuba
  5. Gyges
  6. Clovis and the Vase of Soissons

    Historical Models 
  1. The Military Expedition
  2. Double World Wars
  3. Revolutions!

    Prehistory Summarized 
  1. The Early Universe
  2. Early Life
  3. Evolution

Mixed and Un-sorted Videos

  2. Where's the Fair Use?
  5. Q&A!
  7. I think we could all use a few lullabies today
  9. PATREON!!
  10. Musical Interlude
  13. Q&A!! [100,000 SUBSCRIBER SPECIAL]
  16. *obligatory holiday merchandising*
  17. HOLIDAY MERCH 2018!
  18. OSP's Recipes: Carthaginian Delight
  21. An Announcement!
  22. The Cleo Cameo

  2. OSPlays God Of War III (500,000 SUBSCRIBER SPECIAL!)
  3. OSP ANIMATED: Shadow of the Colossus!
  4. Zelda Dragon Rush! (Stream Highlights)
  5. Zelda Dragon Rush! — Part 2 (Stream Highlights)
  6. OSP ANIMATED: Ghost of Tsushima!
  7. OSP ANIMATED: Journey
  8. HADES (1)
  9. OSP ANIMATED: Breath of the Wild!
  10. HADES (2)
  11. HADES (3)
  12. HADES (4)

    di-VINE Deities 
  6. OSP
  7. OSP 2
  8. OSP 3
  9. OSP 4

    Unsorted Series (In Alphabetical Order) 

April Fool's Special

  1. Les Miserables
  2. Overly Sarcastic Plays Episode 1
  3. We're So Sorry
  4. Journey to the West

Historical Realism Review

  1. Assassin's Creed Origins
  2. Assassin's Creed Odyssey
  3. Assassin's Creed Valhalla
  4. Assassin's Creed Mirage

Holiday Tales

  1. Hanukkah!
  2. Christmas
  3. Easter!

How To School

  1. How to Read Books and Write Essays (In Florence!)
  2. How to Do Research

One Musical Scene

  1. Po Finds The Truth

One X-Cellent Scene

  1. Rage and Serenity
  2. Deadpool Makes A Splash

Summer Stupidity

  1. CHICAGO (City Review!)
  2. COPENHAGEN (City Review!)
  3. GODS OF EGYPT (Media Review!)
  4. HERCULES 2014 (Media Review!)
  5. GLADIATOR (Media Review!)

Travel Summarized

  1. Blue Visits Iceland
  2. Blue goes to Copenhagen
  3. Blue Goes to Greece

  1. Lego Venice
  2. THE TELLTALE HEART (a dramatic reading/shameless advertisement)
  3. Rome Survived Nero (A Post-American-Election Consolation)
  4. Historical Poetry (a dramatic reading)
  5. Spartan Poems
  6. Just For Funsies: College, Hell, What's the Difference
  9. The History of the Colosseum (In LEGO!)
  10. Neoclassical Architecture
