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Playing With / Mildly Military

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Basic Trope: A military organization with very lax discipline and rules of hierarchy.

  • Straight: Pvt. Jones of Bravo Squad routinely calls Bravo Commander by her first name.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Pvt. Jones routinely calls Bravo Commander "Slappy".
    • Everyone in the Troperia Army from the lowliest private to the highest ranked general goes by their first names and can get away with gross breaches in protocol.
  • Downplayed: Bravo Squad is filled with veterans, and is slightly lax with protocol compared to others because they are all used to fighting with one another, and they're very close.
  • Justified:
    • Bravo Squad is an elite special forces squad so they get a little more leeway when it comes to regulations - or they're outright trained to regard themselves as separate from and better than the rest of the Troperia Army.
    • Bravo Squad is a hastily recruited Ragtag Bunch of Misfits.
    • Bravo Squad is a reserve unit that's not held to the same standards as the front-line soldiers.
    • Or due a protracted war, the military has been forced to lower their recruiting standards.
    • Bravo Squad's constant flouting of protocol is tolerated because their unorthodox methods get results.
    • Bravo Squad is the code name for a Barbarian Tribe allied to the army. They never heard of conventional military methods back in their wilderness country.
    • Bravo Squad is part of the Troperia Air Force, which by its nature is lax in terms of regulations.
    • The country of Troperia has not been involved in any major war in over a century. This peace has made its army much more relaxed when it comes to protocol.
    • Troperia's military is so big, that being too by the book leads to a case of bureaucracy slowing down the military. Bravo Squad is an experiment the military is testing to see how effective soldiers can be when not being weighed down by a long chain of command or bureaucracy.
    • The trope's setting is The Middle Ages or another preindustrial time, so modern hierarchies don't apply.
    • Troperia is a Crapsack World in a Forever War. Bravo Squad has lax regulations to maintain morale of its members.
    • Bravo Squad are not part of the Troperia Army but are members of a partisan group or a local militia.
  • Inverted:
    • The civilian group is run a lot like an army — complete with ranks, uniform, extremely strict protocol, hierarchy and discipline.
    • Pvt. Jones of Bravo Squad faces hard labor...for failing to salute his CO.
  • Subverted:
    • When Bravo Squad is first met, they are very loose and informal. But when they enter combat, they lose their informal attitude.
    • The local police force is more militaristic than what the regular army is in every aspect.
  • Double Subverted: Bravo Squad acts professional for the sake of appearances when inspected.
  • Parodied:
    • You get put in the brig for trying to enforce the regulations.
    • "The brig" is effectively the actual the barracks. When someone questions this, they're told that real soldiers are found in brigs. So they just cut out the middle man.
  • Zig Zagged: The discipline of Bravo Squad varies. Sometimes they are very loose and informal. Other times they are very strict about rules and regulations.
  • Averted: Bravo Squad has a strict emphasis on discipline and protocol.
  • Enforced: The creator knows nothing about the military.
  • Lampshaded: "Gee, the Bravo Squad doesn't seem to be very professional for a group of elite soldiers."
  • Invoked: Bravo Squad was specifically created out of hand-picked individuals and trained with little emphasis on discipline, in the hopes that they would work together naturally and be more effective for it.
  • Exploited: The platoon leader assigns Bravo Squad to duties befitting a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits, often letting them conduct unconventional operations or letting them do their own thing. After all, they tend to surprise the enemy as much as they surprise their commanders.
  • Defied: The platoon leader intervenes and starts working Bravo Squad into shape, replacing some sergeants and putting pressure on others, as well as the unit leader, to smarten up. "There are no cowboys in this platoon!"
  • Discussed: "I wonder if it's true that elite soldiers are less strict when it comes to regulations?"
  • Conversed: "Oh, this is another one of those wacky goofball units that apparently never went through basic."
  • Implied:
    • The soldiers on the base have somewhat sloppy dress uniforms.
    • Bravo Squad's soldiers have facial hair and long hair but all the other Troperian soldiers are clean shaven and have buzz cuts.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bravo Squad gets their ass handed to them during their first real battle due to their total lack of discipline.
    • Bravo Squad becomes the laughingstock of the Troperia Army and the public because of their lack of discipline.
  • Reconstructed: The lack of discipline leads to a disastrous defeat, but they partially redeem themselves because their focus on individual initiative and loose organization make them surprisingly good at guerilla warfare.
  • Played For Drama: The Forever War has resulted in lax discipline in an attempt to keep up morale. But this has a negative impact on performance, which further ruins morale. Someone has to break the cycle.
  • Played For Horror: Bravo Squad is an Army of Thieves and Whores, and the lax discipline imposed on them means that they are prone to Rape, Pillage, and Burn antics.

Just waltz on back to Mildly Military while not saluting that general over there.
