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Heartwarming / Not Always Right

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     Not Always Right 

From Not Always Right

  • A few of these as well. Both involve men cheering up women who dislike their weight and eventually getting together with them.
  • Also: Sometimes, the customers are the better people. A woman puts two boys, who are saying racial slurs, in their place and they listen to her.
  • This, too. When a Grumpy Old Man swears at the cashier just because a video game was more expensive than he thought, two other customers stick up for her, calling the old man an idiot and a jerk and pointing out that the woman is just doing her job.
  • A boy starts listing things he's thankful for, then asks the man he's with, "Are you thankful for me?" He responds in the affirmative.
  • The best part of this one is she wasn't actually his girlfriend, just a sympathetic stranger with good acting skills.
  • And this one. The cashier notices a man being desperate to buy a candy bar despite having no change. They correctly guess that he has a pregnant wife with insatiable Wacky Cravings, so let him give her the chocolate right then and pay later.
  • That was sweet of him. A man accidentally cuts the head off his photo, so asks the submitter for help making a dating photo. Later, his new wife shows the submitter the thank you card he wrote.
  • Anytime the customer or whoever realizes and apologizes for being stupid/psychotic/irrational. This shows that not all customers intentionally think they're better than the storekeeper/whatever.
  • This, in an odd sort of way. A woman finds out that a customer named her daughter after her.
  • Everyone needs hugs. A little boy hugs the submitter, having heard that "retail people need more hugs".
  • "Why don't you take a break? We don't mind waiting." The submitter finds out that the customer is her stepmother.
  • A customer is rude to a waiter with a disability that makes him drool, claiming he'd slobber on the food. His coworker defends him, but then the rude man calls her fat. The waiter retorts that she's pregnant, not fat, then she apologises for how mean people are to him. He replies, "Don't worry about it, Jesus and my mama still love me!"
  • One big hearted postal employee. The customer wants a present sent to him because he's lonely, so the postal employee sends him a present even though he didn't send away for anything.
  • It might have been a joke, but this customer definitely qualifies. A cashier jokes that they don't have their own home and are caged at the place where they work. The customer believes the joke and is appalled at the idea that the place has slaves.
  • One customer, upon realising it's the submitter's birthday, gives them a whole lot of chocolate and declares, "Happy birthday!"
  • It's customers like this woman who make working in retail a little more tolerable. She gets some lotion from her coupon, and then gives it to the cashier.
  • Not heartwarming in the usual sense, but it's hard to read this without going "D'awwww." A man with a Sweet Tooth wants to eat cotton candy and cake batter ice cream mixed together with a cone on top like a hat and a smile made of gummy bears.
  • This inversion of the Peking Duck Christmas. A group of Chinese people become regular customers of a kosher deli to "return the favor".
  • This cashier certainly had his day improved after serving a kind older couple.
  • There's a little boy who wants a chocolate ice cream and is polite to the ice cream lady, but his mother tells him that he shouldn't say please to strangers. The ice cream lady makes him a really fancy ice cream and says, "Thank you, young man, for battling the forces of rudeness and for making the world a better place!"
  • This story of acceptance triumphing over bigotry. A man stops being friends with his ex-wife upon finding out she thinks homosexuality is a sin.
  • This story. An Irish woman gives a man who bullied a teenage barista a "The Reason You Suck" Speech, then ends up marrying the submitter.
  • A true guardian Angel in action. A woman twists the arm of a man who was swearing at, making false accusations to, and beating up, another woman who works at the store. She also gets angry when the worker's manager only says, "Oh" after hearing she was attacked. When the girlfriend of the woman who was attacked thanks her, she introduces herself as Angel.
  • A little girl cheers up a worker having a bad day.
  • The Customer Is Sometimes Alright. A man wants to tip his waitress but doesn't have enough money. Then, another man gives him $10 to tip her with.
  • With all the stories of Abusive Parents on the site, it's nice to read about a man who's ecstatic about becoming a father.
  • This is really cute. An old lady tries to hook the cashier up with her granddaughter, then when he reveals he's gay, she decides to try to hook him up with her grandson instead.
  • The story of a customer who came back to say sorry.
  • One man was feeling rich after his last round of chemotherapy, and decided to pay it forward.
  • One customer buys a few items for people in his homeless shelter, and a second decides to chip in.
  • There are still decent people somewhere. When a mean man berates a woman, claiming she doesn't need to park in the disabled zone despite both her kids being disabled, and then drives over one of the kids' walker, two young men help her load the medical equipment into her car.
  • Why Nurses Should Rule The World A retired nurse helps someone with heatstroke to the hospital.
  • Never Again features a few wannabe bikers and an ex-cop arguing over their tattoos at a bar, when the owner's elderly mother breaks it up by showing off her tattoo: a concentration camp number. One of the wannabes recognizes its significance, and pays for his and his friends' drinks before escorting them out. As for the regular, they left a $100.00 tip.
    • Another of the wannabes got a moment when they recoil in disgust when they thought the ex-cop killed a child.
  • A customer gives the submitter one of his twenties, then says, "A little cash back for you."
  • The submitter tells a crying woman, "So your total comes out to $0.00.", because the previous customer gave them a gift card and told them to give it to the next person. To boot, this story took place on Christmas.
  • This little boy seems perfectly willing to protect innocent people. He sees a fight scene during the show and tells the actors not to beat up the actress, not realising it isn't real.
  • This businessman's heart is hewn out of a giant chunk of platinum.
  • He is a good boss. A gay couple meet an older man, and fear that he will be homophobic as he's "conservative-looking", but he's just the Benevolent Boss of one of the young men, and is talking about how his employee is a pleasure to have around and being gay isn't a sin.
  • Never bully a Chinese kid. A young Chinese boy was bullied for being small, so he and a vendor, who was also Chinese, worked together to trick the bullies into thinking Chinese people had superpowers.
  • This customer apologizes for being rude to the worker and even tells her supervisor about how well the worker handled it.
  • This owner knows that good help doesn't always wear the best clothing. He was told that a man might be a thief, but the woman who suspected him was racist about him being Hispanic. The boss is nice to him and buys him a new suit, then the Hispanic man, who was homeless at the time, got a new job as manager and married the owner's sister.
  • One nice old man makes a woman's day, here. She's having a tough time with rude and/or indecisive customers, but then he compliments her on her green eyes.
  • How to comfort a kid after he lost his dog. He assures him that when someone dies, remember that if you gave them the best life, they'll be happy in the afterlife.
  • This one. Can also double as a Tear Jerker. A woman lends a sympathetic ear to a grieving, pregnant, poor, divorced woman.
  • "Mommy, was that lady an angel?" "Yes, baby, she was." "I’m sure you’re making sure your daughter eats, but when’s the last time you did?” "How did you—” "Because you're a mother."
  • A man ends up engaged to a waiter he saved from some homophobic bullies. This entry was pointedly added the day the United States Supreme Court struck down the most insidious part of the Defense of Marriage Act.
  • The Convergence Of Kindnesses A man asks if an Indian man has ordered yet, and fears he will be racist, when in actuality, he wanted to put the Indian man's dinner on his bill.
  • At a fundraiser to rebuild a burned library...
    Customer: No, I don’t give money to poor people. If they want money, they have to work for it like the rest of us. I don’t like lazy layabouts.
    Customer's Husband: Do you really feel that way, dear? I wonder if you felt this way 27 years ago when we had an infant, no jobs, no money, and had to ask my parents for an allowance so we could live. Now that we have money in the bank, a Volvo in the driveway, and a designer handbag on your arm, suddenly we are too good to help others? [to the cashier, indicating a large pile of books next to the cash register] Are these the books you're selling? We'll take them all.
  • This woman decides to help a random family without leaving her name.
  • This man helps a pregnant girl who was kicked out of her home by her ex-boyfriend who not only hit her but cancelled her food stamp card. The man not only is paying for her groceries, but offers her both a home and a job at his apartment complex.
  • An employee cheers up a little kid.
  • This story. A kid steals something from a store, and the employee, instead of calling the police or chasing after him, decides to call him instead. The kid comes back, admits he wasn't thinking straight, and returns the item. Furthermore, he does a complete 180 of his original behavior, coming in regularly and helping to fix up the store at times. Sometimes, all a person needs is a second chance.
  • You know how some people like to hold on to the last thing someone ever gave them? This manager does.
  • A man pays for a kid's meal.
  • This little girl helps Superman back to work.
  • Just imagine the ending to this story taking place in your head. It's a really adorable image. A little girl is revealed to have been stealing her brother's dinosaur toys since she was one.
  • This customer complementing her waitress and her explanation of why she did it.
  • These customers are perhaps among the nicest and most accommodating customers on the site.
  • These guys come into a store late in the evening, and upon finding out that two workers haven't had dinner, immediately give them their leftover takeout pizza. Random acts of kindness always feel good.
    • These teens come to a restaurant, share their food together, then decide that the pizza they have ordered is too much for them to eat and give it to their waiter, leaving before (s)he has a chance to say 'thank you'.
  • An eight-year-old boy whose best friend's father recently died, leaving his mother badly pressed to support herself and her three children, makes it his personal mission to ensure that his friend's family can still have a nice Christmas.
    Eight-Year-Old: [Name] is my best friend. I'm going to give him my presents for Christmas. I asked Santa to bring him an Xbox, too, but Santa might be busy. So I'm going to give him my Xbox.
  • This ten-year-old donates $50 for charity and tells off a mouthy customer all at the same time.
  • This is adorable. A seven year old girl uses her pocket money to buy gifts for her puppy, while the father secretly buys her a lot of candy for all her hard work. The cashier's response?
    Manager: "Want to go take five to cry in the bathroom?"
    Cashier: (tearing up) "Yeah, I’d really appreciate that. Thank you."
  • It's small, but when the customer in this story saw the cashier's fake black eye (it was Halloween and she was dressed as a biker), he immediately asked if she was OK and even said he would've beaten up the guy who did it to her.
  • Needs To Give That Caller A High Five. A caller makes absolutely sure he's not on the phone after closing time.
  • This guy gives his thanks and apologizes for yelling at the same time in buying the workers at the bank a box of doughnuts.
  • A caller asks, "Can I sing for you?", and breaks into a beautiful rendition of "Smile" by Nat King Cole.
  • A young woman can't provide for her upcoming baby girl, so is about to put her up for adoption. After an old woman is rude to her, thinking she's a teenager, a man approaches the pregnant woman and says, "You are doing the best thing for your daughter, and you are the best mother I know."
  • It's small, but the second customer in this story sees how awkward the submitter feels about a story the first customer is telling, so interrupts and makes the first customer leave.
  • While this customer starts out like most we see on this site, he realizes how awful he's being and not only apologizes for yelling, but calls back later in order to tell the supervisor that the submitter is excellent at their job (which eventually leads to the submitter getting a promotion).
  • A family buy a waitress a slushie on a particularly hot day.
  • This customer set off a chain reaction by accident after doing a good deed for a driver he cut off.
  • This lady admits to not paying for some milk on her last visit, and insists on paying it on her current visit.
    Customer: Well, I just couldn't live with doing that! Your selection might not be as big as [Chain Competitor]'s, but I've been shopping here since the current owner’s father was running the place. Everyone is always so helpful. I just couldn't do something so unethical and mean!
  • After a man is harangued by a homophobe, a priest says, "Bless you, son. I’d like you to have this to make up for those of us who are less then their best." and gives him a gift card.
  • Security guard defends a mute woman from a bigot.
  • A boy gets to meet Thor undercover as a cashier. The heartwarming part is that the cashier runs with it, and it apparently makes both of their days.
  • This story, where a set of twins goes to a coffee shop and ends up providing sympathy for a worker whose husband has lost his twin sister.
  • These workers go out of their way to let a girl who lives in a group home do her homework in the restaurant without getting teased by her friends, because it's the only place where she can find some quiet time.
  • A customer orders a cup of coffee that costs just over a dollar... and gives the waitress a $500 tip with a note saying "For Mama and Baby", because she's been having a very rough year.
  • This sweet young girl forgoes extra candy in order to have enough money to tip the worker. It was only 6 cents, but it's the thought that counts. Also, the candy was worth 14 cents so that makes it an almost 50% tip!
  • This mother shows some kindness to a fellow mother whose husband has just left her.
  • One kid missed his chance to meet Spider-Man, but the cashier manages to salvage the situation, and make both their days.
  • This worker manages to put two Jerk Asses in their place for harassing his niece, and when his/her manager comes up, they worry that they'll be fired.
    Manager: You’re not in uniform; they don’t know you work here. Besides, if someone talked to my kids like that, I’d knock them out.
  • A bunch of teenagers decide to help the employees clean up so they can leave work sooner.
  • This story, all of it. From the the submitter buying flowers for their mom because it was their parents' anniversary and their dad couldn't get off work that day to an old lady letting them go ahead as she was buying a lot of stuff, and then covering the bill of a broke woman with a kid and another on the way (about 300 dollars), to the submitter giving the old lady a tulip from the flower bouquet and offering to help her with her groceries.
  • After a long, rough day, this submitter gets a hug from a six-year-old who saw she needed one.
    • Even better, he was apparently told by his mother that "retail people need more hugs". Considering all the stories about parents being horrid to retail workers and sometimes even discouraging their kids from treating them like human beings, it's refreshing to hear a story of parenting done right.
  • A man says, unprompted, to a mall worker, "I just wanted to make sure you know that there's a lot of bad stuff going on in the world, but if you keep smiling, things will start to get better."
  • A pizza restaurant gets an unusual request — a five-year-old girl who is in hospital would like a "rainbow pizza" for her birthday. The chefs enthusiastically step up to the challenge, producing a small work of art: red tomatoes, orange capsicums, yellow cheese, green capsicums, bechamel sauce with blue food dye and purple cauliflower, with garlic poppers as clouds, while their dessert girl prepares a box of brownies to accompany it. Half an hour later, they're treated to pictures of the little girl's face lighting up at the sight. The last paragraph adds that her condition is now improving and she's sometimes brought to the restaurant, where she is always delighted to see her friends, and that after some refinement, rainbow pizza has been permanently added to the menu. A lot of the commenters note that the restaurant clearly employs many onion-chopping ninjas.
  • This store owner is implied to have responded to a customer insulting one of his female employees by getting furious and pretending that the employee was his daughter to make sure the customer understands that he won't let people insult his employees.
  • This pizza store worker, upon learning that a Domestic Abuser stole his single mother girlfriend's last twenty dollars and her car to go get pizza when their baby is almost out of formula, runs and buys some baby things himself.
    • Even more heartwarming? The rest of the employees, as well as the boss, all help make the the poor woman some food for herself and her child, as well as chasing the boyfriend out of the store.
  • A father and son pair of regulars comes into a restaurant when the waitress who has served them during all their previous visits has the day off. Upon hearing the information, the son asks if they can have the restaurant's "second-best waitress" instead.
  • A trilingual lawyer gets a pair of clients who somehow got married despite very little overlap in spoken language, making him an impromptu Translator Buddy for both. At the end of the meeting, the husband has one last request: "Um, would you mind telling my wife I love her?"
  • This one starts out seeming like it's going to be yet another story about a non-tech-savvy customer demanding something impossible - namely, fixing a self-taken photo where his head isn't in frame, which he wants to use for a dating profile. However, the submitter realizes the easiest fix is to just borrow the customer's digital camera and quickly take another photo in-store - the customer is grateful and offers to make the submitter his best man, to which the submitter says a thank you card would do. Nine months later, the customer's wife, who he met through the ad, delivers the card with a photo of the two of them.
  • When this story starts, the submitter is about to move in with a coworker to save money and the main conflict involves finding a place that will accept the three cats they have between them when most places have a two-pet limit. After a non-official solution is found, fast-forward a few years: the submitter and their coworker are now moving into a house as a couple, while their cats have become friends.
  • This Good Samaritan helps pay the layaway of various kids, elderly and people on tight budgets.
  • This story. An employee at a 24-hour supermarket encounters a customer putting misplaced items back on the correct shelf, explaining that she's had a bad day and doing so calms her. When they tell the manager about it, he remarks that it must be the "shelving fairy" who has been leaving whole sections in perfect order, and jokingly suggests offering her a job if she shows up again. When she does so the following week, the employee chats to her and learns that she is, in fact, looking for work, but hasn't been able to find any due to being "weird" (she's on the autism spectrum and has difficulty relating to people). The employee tells the manager, who promptly offers her a job, for real, and is able to accommodate her needs (working nights, no dealing with customers, and Tuesdays off to play with her cats). She quickly passes through the training and even has her pay backdated to when they started noticing her efforts. The cherry on the cake comes a month later:
    Customer, Now Coworker: "I'm glad I am here. It's nice to have friends who aren’t cats."
    • There's also this similar story involving a teenage boy and a hardware store. After seeing him rearranging their chronically disorganized fastener section, the manager asks him to come in with a parent. When he comes back with his mom as requested, the manager explains to them that she can't have someone doing work for the store if they're not an employee. While the boy is clearly disappointed at losing this outlet, he seems to accept this reasoning... but he accepts it a whole lot more when the manager pulls out an application form and asks what hours he'd like to be scheduled for. The boy ends up working there until his family moves out of state a few years later, at which point the same manager tracks down a similar store in the town he's moving to and personally calls them to recommend the employee for a position there.
  • In this story a young kid is trading in some old games in order to hopefully purchase a new release when an older gentleman sees his copy of Pokémon HeartGold and says he's been looking for it. The two have a conversation about how one is never "too old" to enjoy a particular hobby and the man buys the copy of HeartGold with enough money to let the kid buy the game he was saving up for.
    Old Man: "You don’t stop playing because you get old; you get old because you stop playing."
  • When the neurodivergent worker who makes nice displays in the produce section, but tends to avoid customers, has to take a two-week leave for a funeral, customers notice. As a result, some of them make sure to give kind words to the worker when he returns. This is his response:
    Produce worker: I had to go away for two weeks because my grandad died. My mum was there, and she told me that I wasn’t going to ever make anyone happy in my life. But since I got back, I’ve been told that I’ve made six complete strangers very happy.

     Not Always Romantic 

From Not Always Romantic

     Not Always Related 

From Not Always Related

  • These two boys really want to be uncles. Awwwww!!
  • This one. OP's grandma, a fervent Catholic prayed to Mary (Jesus' mom Mary) for aid and sure enough, the dress was back.
  • Don't let that idiot scare you. This family looks out for each other.
  • A trans man remembers when he was born, his brother announced that he had a baby brother, only to be told that he didn't; he had a baby sister instead. The brothers' grandma says, "I guess he was right after all."
  • A kid comes out to their parents as asexual, and the parents' reaction has them fearing the worst. When the Pride Parade happens, they reveal they reacted that way because they didn't have specifically asexual-supporting items, only general LGBTQ+ ones.
  • A four-year-old with social anxiety meets her half-brother's intimidating grandfather. Her family expects her to get scared. Instead, she latches on to him immediately.
  • A woman wears a mask due to a scarred face. Her fiance's niece asks why she wears it, and when the woman says she's ugly, the girl insists she's not and puts a flower in her hair, saying, "All pretty girls need a flower!".
  • This post in its entirety. After hearing that his grandchild was called a swine in school the grandfather says this:
    “Yeah, sounds about right. [...] Strong, courageous, and intelligent animal, who routinely stands up to hungry wolf-pack, and who, when grows up, becomes the most caring mom in the whole forest? Yeah, I´d say it sounds about right.”
  • OP comes out to their family, and she's worried how her 11 yr old sister will take it. The next day?
    "My sister is a lesbian, which means she likes girls, and if you’re gonna be mean about it, you can kiss my a**!"
  • OP's boyfriend protecting her younger sister, all while paraphrasing The Man Your Man Could Smell Like.
  • Never Too Old To Fight For What’s Right features a girl who recently came out as gay and her cousin's grandfather. Said grandfather was complaining about all the arguments about gay rights, leading to an amusing case of Hypocritical Heartwarming:
    Papaw: “Because you’re my granddaughter and I’ll always fight for or beside you no matter what we’re fighting for.”
  • This story about an excellent test to see if the kid's really ready for a dog. Good parenting at its finest.
  • This boy lived with his mother, aunt, and grandmother for his youth due to his father leaving when he was an infant, meaning that he'd picked up on several habits that were, unknown to him, feminine (he'd simply never realized that he didn't need to wrap a towel around his head if he didn't have long hair, or that mascara was makeup). When he gets a stepdad, the man makes sure to gently correct him and tell him how men usually do things, while reassuring the kid that he would be supportive if he was doing those things on purpose. That there is a keeper.
  • This little girl is the reason why her uncle met her aunt and his now-wife.
    • As icing, the uncle goes out of his way to give his niece a crash course on service dogs, and how they're not to be disturbed when they're on duty, which she understands very quickly. The girl then politely asks the lady if her service dog can go on break so she can pet it, and the lady happily complies. With the handful of stories out there where people think they or their children are entitled to pet dogs regardless of the owner's protests, it's a refreshing change of pace.
  • A mixture of a heartwarming and tearjerking, this grandpa was always a great support to his grandchild. As he reached his nineties, his mind started going, but still managed to recognize the submitter as his grandchild.
  • The submitter's mother plans a surprise for the submitter from across the world.
  • This story of adopting and rehabilitating a severely mistreated rabbit. The rabbit, despite allegedly being aggressive due to being mistreated, likes the submitter right away. She would have Past Experience Nightmares and had attention issues, but the owner nurtured her through it all, and the rabbit is much happier now.note 

     Not Always Learning 

From Not Always Learning

  • ...And then a new career path was offered to this security guard. He wanted to be an electrician, but ended up a security guard instead. After he changes a bulb with his bare hands after running into the room thinking he'd need to stop a shooting, The professor decides to help him become an electrician.
  • This guy standing up for his grandmother. He's a wrestler, and when customers are mean to the grandmother, he demands they apologise.
  • Student shows his support for his teacher. He has a policy of allowing the students to play a YouTube video at the start of each class, so long as it's appropriate. The teacher is gay, so the student (considered a "tough guy" and known for liking songs considered "off-color") plays "Same Love" by Macklemore , an anti-homophobia song.
  • This student was able to learn that people do care about him. His classmate kept pretending he was touching him in an attempt to get him barred from a trip. The dean, however, helps the student and the lying boy gets barred instead.
  • This one has a happy ending. A professor is unsympathetic to a student despite learning that he needs a new kidney. The student's sister chews the professor out, reveals that she can donate a kidney for him, and ends up marrying the submitter.
  • My Teacher The Dragon Slayer A little girl tells her teacher that she has dreams in which the teacher slays dragons.
  • A young student who is in the middle of transitioning to female (and has sometimes passed for a girl, despite not being finished transitioning.) is frequently bullied. Out of desperation she hides in the corner of the girl's locker room one day. The gym teacher kicks out the bullies by denying that the "boy" they were chasing isn't in the room. The gym teacher then tells the submitter that they know that she's transgender, but don't mind because she never tried to look at the girls changing once. The gym teacher then says that she can use the locker room anytime she needs to and that she can consider herself as one of them, something another student in the room also agrees with.
  • Things look bad when a loud-mouth classmate lets slip that a boy is gay. Fortunately for the boy, the class are behind him.
  • Honesty wins free food. A vending machine breaks and spills food. One girl wants to take it for free, but the submitter decides that would be taking money out of people's pockets and decides that the whole group should take it to the office instead. When they do, the principal lets them eat the spilled food.
  • This teacher hates it when people spoil book endings, so when her student is bummed that a book was spoiled, the teacher makes a new rule that everyone who spoils a book has to either write an essay or lose points.
  • It's nice to know that for every bad teacher, there'll be three nice ones who'll always stand up for you.
  • Faith is beautiful. An Islamophobic student thinks that their classmate is a terrorist solely because she is Muslim. Her Christian friend stands up for her and says that if anyone is a terrorist, it's the bigoted classmate.
  • So basically, a six-year-old scored me a boyfriend. Both adorable and hilarious. A little girl sees a woman blushing over a man and asks if he's her boyfriend. When the girl finds out that the man is not the woman's boyfriend but she wants him to be, she sets them up.
  • It's small, but in this story, a girl and a guy are practising a routine for a theatre class. They play an arguing husband and wife, and are practising in an not-so-well-lit part of their campus in the evening. When they're finally done, two guys they don't even know approach and admit that at first, they didn't know the two were acting and were coming to the girl's defence!
  • You can tell that this professor must really love teaching, especially after being called a nerd when he was a student.
  • A story that starts as Nightmare Fuel, but turns into heartwarming. A boy is racially abused by a teacher, and can't sleep without someone by his side. Then his parents get sick, and the boy's brother is off on a trip, only for their "guard dog" Commander to start licking his hands, and with the mother's permission, sleep in his room. (They'd prior not been allowed). Sure enough, the mother finds the boy peacefully asleep, with Commander next to him. The two were inseparable even when they adopted a trained PTSD dog, and when the dog sadly passed, was made into a pendant.
  • A girl sees a teacher who, probably unbeknown to her, has a sore throat from talking to new students. When the teacher asks the girl if she's a new student, she says, "No, I just had a question. But first, this is for you." She then hands them some tea.
  • While the story itself isn't heartwarming, one of the commenters talks about how she adored her private music teacher, and laments that Facebook didn't exist yet so they couldn't keep in touch back then. Then she remembers her name and goes to find her...and succeeds! And it turns out the teacher remembered her too! Too bad that story was lost when the comments switched from FB to Disqus.
  • A boy with an abusive Junkie Parent for a mother says to his teacher, "You’re like my mom, only you actually care about me.”
  • A kid masterfully defuses a potential situation. After bumping into another girl, he takes a fall himself and then helps her up, thus avoiding any outbursts.
  • After the OP admits that they'd never done an Easter egg hunt before, the teacher surprises them and their friends with one. The best bit? The teacher did it entirely of her own volition.
  • This OP has issues controlling himself on random days due to past trauma, but his anger is stopped because his friend showed him kitten grumpy at having to wear a hat, which completely removes the anger. His therapist even includes cats in his treatment plan, it works so well!
  • This story has a gay student change the views of a homophobic fellow just by being a good example.
  • This story has a teacher in a class with a reputation for being obnoxious, and some of them are even known drug dealers. One day, the teacher comes in with a bruise from falling down some stairs (they admit afterward to just being clumsy), tells this to the students' faces... and one of the toughest boys in class, who's been in enough legal trouble that he's got a tracking bracelet on his ankle, asks "Uh... Ms. [My Name], are you sure that's what happened? Or do you have a boyfriend the guys and I need to talk to?" Just goes to show, even certain law-breakers can be concerned about someone they think is being abused.

     Not Always Friendly 

From Not Always Friendly

  • When this submitter reveals that they're afraid of puppets in front of their husband's friends, they're embarrassed, but then the friends reassure them that they have strange fears too and say, “Kiddo, we love you. You’re practically family. You’re always safe here.”
  • These two guys clearly care about their friend. They mistake her makeup for a black eye and point out that if someone actually had given her a black eye, they'd make them wish they were dead.
  • This woman really likes hugs! She, her boyfriend, and another woman have a big cuddle puddle.
  • Three commuters on the London Underground (who are total strangers to the submitter) help out when he/she starts to feel dizzy while on a busy train during rush hour. One gives up their seat while another offers orange juice, and they all look after the submitter and make sure he/she gets off safely at the right stop.
    • Heartwarming followup: A commenter tells of how they helped another girl on the Tube, the story matching up with the submitter’s details. Even if it wasn’t actually the OP that the commenter helped, it’s still lovely to see empathy for fellow humans in action.
  • This friend shows what it means to be a true friend when he tells off a petty girlfriend and breaks up with her due to the girlfriend insulting and brushing off another friend's troubles.
  • A little girl and her mom meeting a husky. The Mom makes the girl ask for permission to pet, to which she asks the dog. (Given it's a husky, it said the equivalent of yes)
  • The submitter's young daughter recently lost all her hair due to cancer treatment, and is admiring the long hair of a family friend. Said friend decides to cut off her own hair and give the daughter a wig made from it. She is overjoyed, and even more so when she is later confirmed to have made a full recovery!
  • This complete stranger defends a girl from a gang of overbearing men.
  • This little girl unknowingly made a complete stranger's bad day better.
  • An anonymous trucker and a nearby tire store rescue a stranded young woman after she radios for help. Bonus points for putting a much less selfless trucker in his place.
  • This hard-luck fellow attempts to give a veteran a penny, acknowledging they're one of those jerks who doesn't carry a lot of cash. The veteran gives a dollar in return, saying that it's his job to protect this country and help poor people.
  • One anime cosplayer is initially fearful when a biker approaches her at a restaurant and asks for a picture, but he winds up almost moving her to tears when she learns why he did: his son has cancer and the cosplayer happened to be dressed up as a character from his favorite anime.
  • This nerdy student had become so wary of Alpha Bitches that she herself ended up judging a book by its cover, and being cold to a girl who'd done nothing wrong just because her appearance was suggestive of the Alpha Bitch stereotype. Turned out the other girl was just as big a nerd as the OP, and now they are best friends.
  • This random stranger offers some of their pizza to the submitter, who is going through a rough patch of life, and their hunger is making their depressive thoughts worse. That pizza helped lift up the submitter's spirits that day and ended up being a minor thing that helped them work through their patch.
  • When OP's twin brother was harassed at the beach because he's transgender (or mahu to Native Hawaiians), she immediately protects him, stepping in and delivering a punch to the bigot. She actually answers a lot of questions in the comment section and reveals she's been doing that since they were thirteen, when he came out. Always protecting him from bullies, and she even goes so far as to state that they are best friends. Bonus points because she's the older twin.
  • This Christian woman hands an envelope to two strangers. Instead of being a Bible pamphlet, as they initially expect, the envelope has two tickets to a locally-playing metal band's concert. The woman's son worked at the concert venue and always gave her free tickets, and any that involve things that are not of interest to her get gifted to people who may find more enjoyment in it.
  • The woman in this story finds out OP's parents are having a nasty divorce, and offers OP impromptu counseling sessions to help them get through it. When the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic forces them to stop meeting in person, the sessions switch to Face-Time.
  • This couple is part of an MMORPG's guild and they discuss the new expansion coming out. When the wife of the couple mentions not getting the expansion immediately due to work-related money issues, their guild leader sets up a fundraiser for them, to the point that the other members gladly donate some money. This goes even further, to the point that their guild ends up getting enough money together to get the couple the deluxe edition of the new expansion. When the husband was shown this surprise, he cried Tears of Joy.
  • The dad in this story earned his dad card. When his kid and kid's friends go to a pub during a school outing, things go sour when some people decide it'd be funny to spike the drinks of the designated drivers, leaving them stranded at two in the morning. OP decides to call his dad for a ride home, reasoning that "He will be grumpy as h***, but given the choice between me calling him in the middle of the night or the police telling him I was in a drunk driving accident, the answer is simple”. OP's assessment is correct; His dad is far from pleased about what happened, but doesn't ream out the OP and makes sure that everybody gets home safely with the help of the father of another student.

     Not Always Hopeless 
  • The whole website, really.
  • This story deserves a special mention. To summarize: A children's photographer who is usually booked months in advance meets a mother with a very ill girl. Realizing the girl might not survive until the next appointment, the photographer, when questioned about his booking, simply says to her, “Aww, that’s just for regular customers! I’ve been waiting all day to take a photo of someone as beautiful as you!” and proceeds to stay late for three hours taking photos of her, then proceeds to refuse the mother's payment. Several months later, the two return and the girl is shown to have made a full recovery. The mother tries to pay the photographer again, and when he refuses, he agrees to let the mother take him out to dinner. Seven years later, they've married, and a picture of the then-sick girl atop a unicorn hangs on the wall of their lounge, to the embarrassment of his now-stepdaughter. This story was so heartwarming that, when the site did a 10th Anniversary Poll for the best story, this story not only won, it got more than double the votes of the next runner up.
    • The current top comment for that post is a poem retelling it.
      You've got a brand-new family now, I wonder if that's fate?
      The end result was clearly worth a few hours staying late.
  • This story, as well. A teenage girl (the submitter) who was arrested for what may have been arson has been on probation for two years - far longer than her original crime warranted - and has essentially been bounced between probation officers and alternating between institutions and house arrest, all while being friendless and out of school. Thankfully, her latest probation officer realises how utterly wrong this is. Once he's done giving her an earful for not standing up for herself, he completely dismisses all charges on the condition that her mother "[gets] the poor girl back in school", allowing her to turn her life around.
  • This young woman being reunited with her cat after moving out of her parents' home; her father had dropped the animal off at a shelter as punishment for the cat and the woman not getting along with the rest of her family, and the woman had been searching all the local shelters for her beloved pet ever since she moved out.
  • A group of seventh-grade boys cheer up a frightened first-grader with SpongeBob and Disney songs during a tornado. And they say Kids Are Cruel...
  • A woman who recently lost her baby gets some kind words and a hug from a jewelry store worker. This is par for the course for NAH, but what makes this particularly poignant is the location; it matches that of a story posted roughly a month and a half prior of a long-time NAR patron and submitter losing her premature baby, who had previously posted three other stories regarding some difficult situations surrounding her pregnancy and new child (which makes the fact that the baby was lost all the harsher). If it's not a coincidence and it really is the same person, with more details of the backstory for the latest entry known to the reader, the fact that the grieving mother was able to find a sympathetic ear in the offline world is all the sweeter. And this was the clerk's first day; that "Awesome Workers" tag is well deserved.
  • A young girl and her own puppy meet three that are in the middle of training to be therapy dogs, she's sad that she can't play with them but understands that they're working. As a reward to both her and the puppies for their good behaviors, the submitter lets the animals take a break so they can play.
  • A friend described as being an annoyance to everyone else shows another side of himself when it's revealed that he talked a girl out of jumping off a bridge. The submitter gains respect for him, knowing that he'll go the extra mile for those truly in need.
  • The submitter in this story hits one rough patch after another and eventually decides to go to a bridge one night, and sits down. Some time later, another man sits beside them and says he'll stay all night if they want to talk. It is thanks to this man that the submitter steps away from the bridge, and goes on to live a fulfilling life.

     Not Always Healthy 
  • A veterinary office in an area with several assisted living homes has well-established protocols for clients with age-related mental health issues. In this scenario, one lady absolutely frantic about the health of her pet (really a stuffed animal) Fluffy, since he's just been lying there all day. The vet treats her like any other client, gives Fluffy an examination and a shot from an empty bottle, tells the receptionist not to request payment, and makes sure someone from the office sees both the woman and Fluffy home safely. The office keeps up this routine once a month for three years until the visits abruptly stop. Six months after the visits stop, the woman's daughter comes in to reveal that her mother can no longer care for Fluffy and wants the office to find a new home for him. They do - by making him their "supervisor".
  • This comment tells the story of a woman with Crohn's disease who desperately wants children and has poured money, time, and heartbreak into her fertility treatments, to no effect. Her doctor decides that a good way to check on the progression of her Crohn's disease is to send her for an ultrasound. When the technician asks, "Is there any chance you might be pregnant?" she snaps at him, then apologizes, as she understands that he has to ask that of everyone, even people who have fought and failed for years with fertility issues. Upon doing her ultrasound, both the patient and doctor discover that she is, in fact, pregnant.
  • This baby gets an infection and has to remain in the NICU for a while. He's also a total Cuddle Bug and the nurses secretly cuddle him, until the mother arrives. When the mother sees this, she says she's okay with them cuddling him — she has a toddler to watch over at home, so she can't be with her new baby as much, and is glad that he's getting the care and snuggles he needs. It's hard to say which is the more heartwarming part, the mother being pleased at the attention her son is receiving or the nurses being absolutely delighted at receiving permission to cuddle him.
  • A nurse trainee of German descent volunteers at a shelter for Holocaust survivors arriving in Chicago after World War II. She and the other shelter staff assume the traumatized survivors will resent her when they hear her accent... nope! Many of them are more fluent in German than English, and are grateful to have someone they can talk to in a familiar language.
  • In this story, a hospital administrator plays rules lawyer to let a patient's dog visit before the patient dies.
    Hospital Administrator: We still do occasional visits from support dogs for Pediatrics, right?
    Manager: We do.
    Hospital Administrator: I don’t care what it takes, but get something filed for Copper.
    Manager: On it.

     Not Always Legal 
  • An imprisoned gang member is inspired to turn his life around by the novelization of A Dog's Purpose and the memory of his own dog at home.
  • The background of this story involves a mother making an honest effort to get clean of her addiction so it's safe for her to see her biological son. She doesn't even argue the fact that it's not safe for him to see her right now. She has also received a lot of praise in the comments for being appreciative of her son's Mama Bear Good Stepmother.
  • This story is all manner of heartwarming. To wit, the OP's friend is a parole officer who tries her hardest to help the inmates she gets restart their lives, having a web of hiring companies (one of which is where OP works). One such former inmate, who is on his way to a higher position in the company, gifts her a PS5 during his farewell party. The parole officer gives it back to OP, saying she doesn't play video games. Instead of putting it back on the shelves, OP instead donates it, saying that he's sure both of them would approve.
