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Creator / Izztreme

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Izztreme is a fanfic author whose main specialty is rewriting bad and/or obscure media, tolling away on TV Tropes, and generally being a weird kind of person.

He mainly posts on Archive of Our Own, as you can see here.

He also has a YouTube channel and a Tumblr.

Works with dedicated pages:

Tropes he associates with:

  • Attention Deficit Creator Disorder: Due to being autistic, he has a bunch of ideas and series bouncing around in his head and can't simply sit down and focus on just one.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Izzy adores this trope. Almost every work that has a pair of siblings in it will have the older one be immensely protective of their younger sibling. This is despite the fact that Izzy has no siblings of his own.
  • Humans Are Flawed: Firmly believes in this perspective, as almost all of his characters have at least one or two major flaws in their personalities.
  • Schedule Slip: His upload schedule is... horrendous, to say the least.
