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Creator / Dross Rotzank

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The character, 2008
The man, 2018

Ángel David Revilla (born July 16, 1982) is a popular Venezuelan writer and Youtuber, known for his horror-related material, top 7 topics, and certain disputes. He later moved to Argentina in 2007.

Revilla had his start as a videogame reviewer in Meristation before moving to his own blogging site, "El Diario de Dross" (Dross's diary), where he published reviews, short-stories, and prank material. Later, he went to Youtube, becoming one of the most subscribed channels of Argentina and later Latin America. He originally focused more on comedy sketch materials with a exaggerated version of himself called Dross Rotzank, known for his Iconic Outfit and hat, vulgar humor and disputes against other youtubers, but by 2013 he decided to focus entirely on horror and conspiracies material.

By 2015, he became an author, joining the "boom" of writers who gained attention thanks to Youtube, with his book, Luna de Pluton", which he kindly likes to remind you is a best seller in many countries (even fictional ones) Read it, he knows you will love it. Thank you very much. Despite no longer making content related to the character, he decided to publish his books with his character's name.

Dross is quite controversial in certain parts of the internet due to his material and his audience, but he is also known for being a promoter of cult material, be it movies or trivia.

Books published by Dross

  • Luna de Plutón (Pluto's Moon) (2015)
  • El Festival de la Blasfemia (The Blasphemy Festival) (2016)
  • Luna de Plutón II: La Guerra de Ysaak (Pluto's Moon II: The War of Ysaak) (2017)
  • Valle de la Calma (Valley Of Calm) (2018)

Tropes involved in his videos:

  • Aliens Are Bastards: His video called "7 tipos de extraterrestres más aterradores" (Translation: "The 7 most terrifying types of aliens").
  • Arc Number: The number 7. He always makes videos about seven topics.
  • Artifact Title: "Dross Rotzank" is an Internet persona created to review video games and troll. He has kept that name for his accounts although he has long discontinued the use of that persona in favor of his horror videos. He explained the reason why in one of his videos:
    Dross isn't just a character anymore; it's turned into a brand.
  • Catchphrase: Dross has been known for catchphrases in his videos and video-vlogs. His insults have become memetic in the Latin American community.
    • "Te ha hablado Dross y te deseo... buenas noches." (this was Dross speaking, and I wish you... a good night).
    • "La realidad supera la ficcion." (Reality surpasses fiction). Used a lot in his horror videos.
    • "El orden de los factores no altera el producto" (You can reverse the terms in a sum left-to-right, and the result will be the same).
    • "Bizarro en el sentido anglosajon de la palabra." (bizarre in the English meaning of the world). In Spanish, the word "bizarro" doesn't have the same meaning as in English, as the word means "valiant" or "brave" instead of "weird".
    • "La cerecita sobre el pastel" (the cherry on top/the last nail on the coffin. Since he mostly uses it when talking about bad things and horror topics).
    • "Pasa y resulta." (What happens and comes from it).
    • "Triunfo el estilo sobre la sustancia" (Emphasis on style rather than substance.). This quote was used to directly attack Final Fantasy XIII, RoboCop (2014) (which he had high hopes for), among many other works.
    • "Te lo juro por la mamá de Hugo Chávez y que se muera" (I swear it, if I am lying, Hugo Chavez's mom shall die), mostly used in video vlogs.
    • And of couse, all the insults. With the most prominent one being COÑOOOOOOOOOOOOO!Translation. Largely abandoned in his main channel, they still appear from time to time on his vlogs, and his fanbase remembers them fondly.
  • Hey, It's That Sound!:
  • Iconic Item: The hat and sunglasses combo are staple of Dross' image even long after the character was retired.
  • Large Ham: Even if the content its not scary at all, Dross always make his serious voice, getting moments like this where can easy to get out of context and be funny instead of spooky "Si esto fuera una broma ¿Donde está el chiste? ¿Donde esta la gracia? Para empezar; ¿A quien le hicieron la broma? ¿Con quién bromearon? O en un todo ¿Donde está el proposito objetivo de hacer esto?" (If this is a prank, where is the joke? Where is the funny thing on this? For start, who was pranked? who made the joke? In a whole, what is the point of doing this?)
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: This guy is great at setting up a creepy ambience for his horror videos. To the point where they're his main talent.
