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Characters from the eighteenth season and eleventh sidequest show of Dimension 20, Mentopolis.

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Prefontal Private Investigators

    In General 
  • Anthropomorphized Anatomy: All of our heroes are manifestations of emotions, mental processes, or brain chemicals.
  • Floating Limbs: Anastasia, Conrad, Hunch and Imelda all have floating heads, with Hunch having floating hands as well.
  • Punny Names: In spades. Every single one of their names is a reference to some kind of mental process or brain chemical.
    • Curiosity: Hunch Curio, as in “hunch” and “curiosity”.
    • Impulse: Imelda Pulse, which can be shorted into “Im. Pulse”.
    • Attention: Anastasia Tension, which, when only taking the initial of her first name, reads “A. Tension”.
    • Pleasure: Daniel Fucks, whose last name is an apt description of his role in the brain.
    • Conscience: Conrad Schintz, or “Con. Schintz” (conscience) for short.
    • Hyperfixation: The Fix, as in his role as destroyer or "fixer" of unnecessary distractions, and also as in "hyperfixation".
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: An eccentric cast consisting of a way-too-curious private investigator, an impulsive heiress, a determined reporter, a salacious nightclub owner, a too-young newsie, and a gigantic hitman.
  • Wild Card: They all represent different mental processes, and will often feel compelled to act against their best interests if it conflicts with who they are; Imelda and Dan are the biggest offenders, but every character has at least a few cases where they struggle to keep themselves from getting distracted from the case by whatever they're experiencing. This ties into the central theme of the season: there's a time and a place for every one of them, but they cannot act alone.

     Hunch Curio 

Detective Hunch Curio, Gritty Gumshoe

Played by: Mike Trapp

Concept: Curiosity
"Case closed."

The private detective of Mentopolis. Recently put onto an unusual case by a new client.

  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: He outright admits that his attention span is garbage.
  • Bad Liar: He tries a series of lies in order to get into the memory banks of the Hippo Campus, and they're so awful that even after Imelda smoothes over the situation, he still gets punched for it.
  • Beef Bandage: Exaggerated; he has a whole locker of frozen meat in his office that he uses to patch himself up after his frequent beatdowns. They even manage to patch up The Fix's broken leg.
  • Constantly Curious: What makes him such a good detective. He has questions about everything, and he’s not afraid of getting his nose broken sticking it into other people’s business.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He fails a lot of what he attempts to do in this season, but when it comes to action, he's not to be messed with. Enforced by his character build: while all characters benefit from the Moxie system (granting points after failures that can be spent to boost future rolls), Hunch has a special trait that gives him twice as much Moxie as anyone else.
  • Dented Iron: He carries many scars from all the time he was beat up in the course of his investigations.
  • Exact Eavesdropping: Does this to every single conversation that he is not directly involved in. Even when it leaves him in a sticky position, like listening to the door of the ladies’ restroom.
  • Friend to All Children: Makes a point of trying to protect Conrad from any physical harm when he can.
  • Gag Nose: As befitting his curious personality, his character portrait shows him with a huge schnoz.
  • Hardboiled Detective: Tough, determined, and a frequent customer at Sugah’s, he's a dead-ringer for the classical image of the noir detective.
  • Made of Iron: The man's survived a lot. At one point, he gets punched so hard that his head spins 360 degrees, and it is explicitly stated that this should have killed him. Even a brainwashed Ivana Popov punching him clear out of the train station, through a wall, and sending him skidding a quarter of a mile while eating railroad track the whole time (she rolled an exploded 59 and he rolled a nat 1) only puts him down for a few moments, and a filched shot of adrenaline later, he's back up and kicking.
  • Nice Guy: One of the kindest members of the party, as he tries to protect Conrad from the moment he meets him, cheers up and rallies Dan, Imelda and Anastasia when all hope seems lost, and even wingmans for the Fix to get him the number of a forensic scientist he likes!

     Imelda Pulse 

Ms. Imelda Pulse, Femme Fatale

Played by: Siobhan Thompson

Concept: Impulse
"Oh fine, I'll whisk a thing every now and again, just for fun, but I've never whisked evidence!"

A wealthy, reckless daughter of the city. Takes whatever actions she feels like.

  • Every Man Has His Price: She frequently gets out of sticky situations with the city's lowlife by slipping them a few bucks. It's practically a character feature with her.
  • The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Has this with Anastasia, despite them being cousins. The two bicker regularly over Imelda’s reckless behavior and Anastasia’s attempts to distance herself from the family, but do love each other at the end of the day.
  • Idle Rich: A wealthy young woman with a reputation for doing crazy things as the mood strikes her. However, given that she’s prone to Rich Boredom
  • Lazy Alias: Uses Stacy Fakename as an alias when talking to Hunch. Subverted when the other characters establish that the Fakenames’ are a real and influential family in Mentopolis.
  • The Kid with the Remote Control: As a member of the Pulse family, she is in possession of a key that, when inserted into one of the control switchboards around Mentopolis, allows her to command the Big Guy directly.
  • Reckless Sidekick: As the embodiment of impulse, she serves as a rare, positive example of this trope.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Well, screw the rules in general, but she was the one who made Elias take the manilla folder with his corrupt employers’ secret plan, and this has landed her and Conrad in hot water.
  • Spanner in the Works: Decided to have the Big Guy hold onto the packet rather than turn it into his boss, setting off the events of the whole series.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Notes that her family is old money and tends to coast on their reputation as “being there before the city even began”, but treats everyone around her like an equal.
  • Uptight Loves Wild: Her relationship with H.V. Lance.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: She read a newspaper which happened to have a largely obscure story switched to the front page. As a result, she prodded the Big Guy into taking a packet of research he had been working on, which has had drastic consequences for the whole city.
  • Wild Card: As a literal representation of impulsivity, whether she is working towards the Big Guy's best interest at any given time is pretty much decided by her mood. She is just as likely to try and make him do the right thing in an attack of conscience, as she is to try and make him scratch his groin in public.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: She feigns being a poor young woman in distress in order to coax Millie into helping her search the memory banks.

     Anastasia Tension 

Anastasia “A” Tension, Reporter of Renown

Played by: Danielle Radford

Concept: Attention
"A body?! Oh, I mean, a body ..."

A plucky reporter for the Daily Observer. Hankering for a bigger scoop than her usual fare.

  • Badass Bookworm:
    • She's a brainy reporter that doesn't seem too tough, but during the ambush in De'lux, she's one of only two people to be able to react before the then-hidden enemies can act.
    • Reinforced in episode 5, where she manages to escape from Don Avaricci's men by holding them at gunpoint, then singlehandedly takes down the real Stacey Fakename with nothing more than her investigative reporter skills and a thrown high heel.
  • Crusading Lawyer: She takes on the role as Dan’s legal counsel during his case for getting the mayor's emergency powers.
  • Ghostly Glide: She doesn't have legs, but rather floats just above the ground.
  • The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Has this with Imelda, despite them being cousins. The two bicker regularly over Imelda’s reckless behavior and Anastasia’s attempts to distance herself from the family, but do love each other at the end of the day.
  • Going for the Big Scoop: Is tired on having to write puff pieces and so pursues big stories and lead with perhaps too much enthusiasm.
  • Intrepid Reporter: She’s really invested in her stories and acts more like a detective in the case of the manilla folder than a journalist.
  • Never Bareheaded: Anastasia is never seen without her Press Hat (using it as a thrown weapon notwithstanding) and even has a giant pile of them at her house big enough for Imelda to hide in. When she removes her fedora to give to Dan as a disguise, a trilby magically appears on her head, and when she later takes off the trilby, another fedora materializes in its place.
  • Nerves of Steel: She can act as levelheaded in high-stakes situations as in normal everyday life. This trope is also the name of one of her special traits, enabling her to spend Moxie tokens to make a planned action and average her die roll when she otherwise wouldn't be able to.
  • Non-Idle Rich: Revealed to be a cousin of the Pulse family, but has shed all of her connections in the hopes of making her own way as a reporter.
  • Noodle Incident: She apparently once made Elias stick his finger in a birthday cake and regretted it.
  • Open Mouth, Insert Foot: When she first sees Norell Ojiccle's body, she's ecstatic about the juicy scoop, pushing her to excitedly yell out "A body?!", before she realizes it was inappropriate and quickly repeats the exclamation in a more somber tone.
  • Rich Kid Turned Social Activist: In a way. She refuses to abuse the generational wealth and power that her family has out of principle, and wants to focus on stories that matter more in the long run, rather than temporary roadblocks in the big guy's life and career. She lives in an out-of-the-way apartment and keeps her switchboard key in her freezer.
  • Weaponized Headgear: Uses her trilby to trip up a would-be ambusher during the ambush at De'Lux.
  • Worst News Judgment Ever: This is her main gripe with the paper and its choices to focus on the day to day small issues with Elias’s life rather than larger issues in his life.

     Danny Fucks 

Daniel “Danny” Fucks, Speakeasy Scoundrel

Played by: Freddie Wong

Concept: Physical Pleasure
"Listen to me, it’s not sexual, but it’s not not sexual."

Owner and purveyor of Sugah’s, an illicit club. There is nothing he’s not into.

  • Benevolent Boss: He’s a hardworking businessman who treats his workers well, listens to what they have to say, and is pretty tolerant of their eccentricities. He’s also discerning and compassionate to his clientele, refusing to give Donny Urges a free drink before turning around and giving the poor memory Donny knocked flat a taste of a new pleasure on the house.
  • Brass Balls: And they can even deflect bullets! For a while, at least.
  • Catchphrase Insult: He constantly refers to Conrad as “Conrad, you little shit” to the point that the genuine hatred in his voice when he says it manages to convince a mook he genuinely wants Conrad dead. After Conrad becomes a teenager and they go into business together he changes it to the more polite but still insulting “Conrad, you medium sized rapscallion.”
  • Draw Aggro: Does this on two occasions by walking out into danger and making a scene. It doesn't work out well for him on either occasion.
    • Announcing to a group of Shock Troops that the Big Guy is about to get some just gets him subjected to a police beatdown.
    • Following Imelda's lead of Sexy Coat Flashing, he whips out his member in front of a bunch of gangsters - prompting everyone to shoot at him in horror.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He's quite salacious and is implied to be very into a variety of kinks, but even he is a little put off by the joy Hans takes in his role.
  • A Fool and His New Money Are Soon Parted: Manages to win big gambling on prizefights while investigating with PI’s, which is mechanically represented by him gaining the ability to pay a massive bribe to someone once before losing all the money he gained. Since he never ends up spending it over the course of the investigation, he ends up using the money to revamp his club and buy other businesses in the area, actually investing it successfully.
    "Just one time, yep that's the difference between Old Money and New Money."
  • Felony Misdemeanor:He is on both the giving and receiving ends of this trope.
    • He wants Conrad dead for being slightly annoying and putting post it notes on the door of Sugah’s politely asking him to consider his actions.
    • Dan's criminal trade is pleasure, whether it be memories or hormones, and while pleasure can come from harmful places, the biggest, most prohibited substance is oxytocin, an hormone primarily associated with love and affection.
  • Good Feels Good: Realizing he can make the Big Guy happy by doing good things makes him ultimately decide to mellow out on Conrad.
  • Guile Hero: He's not very good with investigative work or fighting, but he is a smooth talker and he makes use of that talent to facilitate his partners' endeavors.
  • Jerkass to One: Dan is a self interested but mostly polite and charming businessman who serves a wide variety of clientele politely and treats his staff well. This all falls away when he's dealing with Conrad the little shit.
  • La Résistance: Revealed to be one of the founding members of a nascent “pleasure revolution” alongside Wilton.
  • Large Ham: A braggadacious personality, mercurial temperment, and loud voice solidify him as this.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: Dan is less interested in getting Elias to do the right thing and more interested in getting him to loosen up and enjoy himself more, which means he is easily tempted by other avenues to get pleasure. Ironically for the trope name he is actually a leader of a nascent revolutionary group trying to make Elias more hedonistic, meaning that is more like the other PI’s are not in it for his revolution.
  • Pervert Alliance: He leads a small group of revolutionaries dedicated to making the Big Guy more interested in enjoying himself. What makes it this trope rather than any other tropes tied to revolution, is how much he and Wilton are concerned about sexual pleasure compared to other types of pleasure.
  • Sleazy Politician: Following Freeze abdicating as mayor he manages to get appointed as the interim mayor, with part of his argument for doing so being that, as a criminal, he would know exactly how to blackmail the other political figures to get things done. Within the hour of getting the position he starts considering going into business with prominent criminals.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: A recurring gag comes from Danny claiming that his last name can be spelled however somebody wants, and thus leading to the editors coming up with the different spelling every time his character files comes up. Some notable ones include: "Fuchs", "Fūks", and "Phucks". The character file itself is labeled "Dan Fuxxx".
  • Sitcom Archnemesis: Has decided that Conrad, a young child, is his, for the crime of sticking easily removable sticky notes to the door of Danny’s club.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: Manages to weird out the chief of police with his reaction to getting handcuffed.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Dan is deeply self interested and hedonistic, only interested in ensuring that Elias has more fun. This can make him overly hostile to anyone who he sees as opposed to his goals, and easily tempted by villains who promise that their plans will make Elias happy.

     Conrad Schintz 

Conrad Schintz, Noble Newsie

Played by: Alex Song-Xia

Concept: Conscience
"All right, I'll go learn French and then we'll circle back."

A too young newsie. Recently taken to switching around the pages of the newspapers he sells.

  • Badass Driver: Despite his small size, he is amazing at driving, easily dodging many of the cars following his car in episode 3 with relative ease.
  • Being Good Sucks: He keeps a pair of ice skates from the time when Elias stood up for his little sister and got badly cut up by her bullies, in order to remind himself that he should not be listened to.
  • Children Are Innocent: He is easily the kindest of the PI’s and always tries to look for the good in people.
  • The Conscience: His role, natch. However, he is extremely undersized and young for the adult brain he inhabits, as Justin points out that if everything was okay in the Big Guy’s head then Conrad should be grown up and working in City Hall alongside the bigwigs.
  • Drives Like Crazy: As great as he is at it, he drives like someone with a death wish, to the detriment of his co-passengers.
  • Grew a Spine: As the series goes on, Conrad learns to stand up for himself more and speak his mind about what’s going on in the city. He even manages to call Dan Fucks by his name!
  • Helpless Good Side: As the conscience Conrad should be an adult leader of Mentopolis and a driving force for many of The Big Guys' actions. Instead he is a child living in squalor selling newspapers and trying low impact ways to make change. He has not been able to do anything to seriously influence the big guy for years until his paper ended up in the hands of Imelda.
  • I Got Bigger: He gains a few inches in episode 5 as Elias gains a renewed determination to do the right thing.
  • It Was with You All Along: In episode 5, Conrad manifests his own switchboard key when saving Justin from the White Key's control. Conrad's key fittingly manifests from the Ice Skates.
  • Kid Hero: A young newspaper boy trying to better the city in small, almost unnoticeable ways.
  • Kids Driving Cars: Apparently, the only one of the Prefrontal P.I.s that can actually drive.
  • The Kid with the Remote Control: Becomes this when he finds his own switchboard key.
  • Morality Pet: The sorry state of his life and his innocence are what brings out The Fix's selfless and sentimental side.
  • Never Grew Up: Most of the residents of Mentopolis are adults having grown up as the Big Guy aged. Conrad has never grown up and has instead been stuck as a young child the same age Elias was the last time he listened to his conscience.
  • Phrase Catcher: Conrad’s insistence on being as inoffensive as possible, combined with a disregard for his own wellbeing in the face of pleasing others, often means he’ll say or do something which causes someone nearby to let out a horrified “Jesus Christ”.
  • Security Cling: His first instinct when in danger is to go hug Justin.
  • Socially Awkward Hero: He's hopeless in social situations due to him constantly trying to be as undisruptive and inoffensive as possible.
  • The Power of Friendship: How he saves Justin from the influence of the White Key.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: His switching around the pages of the Daily Observer is what gave Imelda the impulse to make the Big Guy take the packet.

     The Fix 

The Fix, Hardboiled Hitman

Played by: Hank Green

Concept: Hyperfixation
"So, would you like to turn around and go the other way, or would you like to see if I can keep myself from punching you too hard?"

Muscle for hire for the bigwigs of Mentopolis. Usually prides himself on his job.

  • The Big Guy: He is ginormous to say the least, to the point where he had to have a gun specifically designed to accommodate his massive, muscled hands, and is considered to be the team's muscle.
  • Birds of a Feather: With Pasha N. They hit it off so much by telling each other fun facts that the DC for the Snoop check to figure out if he was smitten with her was an impossible to fail 1.
  • Break Them by Talking: The Fix often eliminates adversaries by merely sounding so threatening that they disappear or injure themselves to the point of unconsciousness just to get away from him.
  • Bring My Brown Pants: He manages to scare at least one mental process into shiting itself without actually meaning to be threatening in this case. His attempt to get the Vagus Nerve to calm down not only manages to make the entirety of the Las Vagus casino shit itself in fear, but makes the Big Guy shit himself too, reducing the pressure as he does so.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Ends up acting as this when Hunch Curio is too enthralled by the pawn shop wares.
  • The Dreaded: He is absolutely menacing, despite mostly just talking. So menacing that he causes an intrusive thought to completely disappear by just talking to him.
  • Eating Solves Everything: He's mentioned to have eaten a lot of weird things. He even uses eating as a Weird Euphemism for his job. When he gets the White Key in his hands, after a moment of fighting off its influence, he swallows it.
  • Friend to All Children: Has a large soft spot for all the abandoned kids at Madame Loathing’s Home for Wayward Interests, and experienced the only moment of doubt in his career over killing Conrad, a young child.
  • Genius Bruiser: He's an incredibly strong and intimidating hitman with a plethora of various fun facts ready to intimidate his targets at a moment's notice.
  • Gentle Giant: Downplayed. While he is a giant, intimidating hitman who can kill people with his sheer presence, his interactions with Madame Loathing's wards and Conrad show that he is far nicer and caring than his appearance suggests.
  • Hitman with a Heart: Despite his thorough enjoyment of his job, he does have a moral compass, and thus refuses to kill Conrad. He's also very loyal to and protective of those he considers his friends.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: The terror he inflicts is mostly carried out by just stating random, niche facts. Often without even really meaning to.
  • Physical Scars, Psychological Scars: After jumping out the window to escape The Key, he gains a bleeding scar on his forehead which matches the one Elias himself as, as the Fix inadvertently mirrored the Big Guy’s escape plans.
  • Reformed, but Not Tamed: He stops being a terrifying killer working for the villains running the city but remains a terrifying hitman capable and willing to kill anyone he views as a distraction.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: He hardly ever raises his voice even as he's threatening someone of killing them, but he is a professional killer who enjoys his job greatly.
  • Spell My Name with a "The": Consistently referred to as "The Fix", or even "Mr. The Fix". When asked, he actually prefers to be addressed this way which makes Mark Bition’s Insistent Terminology of just “Fix” come across as that much more demeaning.
  • Token Evil Teammate: The Fix is a contract killer who has worked for a bevy of city figures, with him mentioning Mark Bition, Don Avaricci, and the Pulse family as prior clients. He starts the series hunting Conrad to murder him on Bition’s orders and even after joining the rest of the group he still does not regret many of the kills he carried out over the years.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: His arms are described as being longer and thicker than his legs.
  • Trouble Entendre: How The Fix takes care of his targets, usually by way of niche facts. Hunch ends up trying to copy it, but it doesn’t have quite the same effect.
    • Humorously, it's implied that the Fix often doesn't intend for his facts to be threatening or have any sinister hidden meaning, he's just that frightening of a presence.
      The Fix: [holding a thug in his hands] Did you know that more than half the bones in your body are in your hands and feet?

Mentopolis Citizens

     Justin Fication 

Justin Fication

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Justification
"I know it's true. You're my best friend too, but we just tend to say it after something real sad's happened."

A very Good Boy. He's Conrad's pet and best friend.

  • Angry Animalistic Growl: Resorts to this whenever Conrad’s in danger.
  • A Boy and His X: He's often described as Conrad's best friend, often sticking by him no matter what.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Is struck by the White Key and turned into a feral dog growling insults at everyone, until Hunch, The Fix and Conrad calm him down.
  • Canine Companion: He constantly follows Conrad around and serves as his best friend and closest confidant. This trope is probably why he is a dog rather than a person like every other mental construct, he serves as sidekick to anyone he's with backing up and Justifying their actions rather than directing the Big Guy to do anything on his own.
  • Straight Man: To Conrad and the other Prefrontal PI’s, most often when Conrad is being too nonconfrontational.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: He spends most of his time as a big friendly dog hanging out with Conrad, but its shown when Madam Loathing brainwashes him that he can be easily turned into a truly terrifying monstrous Right-Hand Attack Dog for anyone who gets him on their side.
    "I'm lucky I ended up with Conscience because justification paired with anything else can get really bad."
  • Talking Animal: He can easily talk to and understand the humanoid characters.
  • The Power of Friendship: His bond with Conrad which saves him from the White Key's control.

     Ms. Anna Lysis 

Ms. Anna Lysis

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Analysis

Detective Curio’s faithful receptionist.

  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: One of her main functions is making sure Hunch's boundless curiosity and lack of attention span don't prevent him from getting paid.
  • Sassy Secretary: An older lady who ensures Hunch is fully stocked on coffee and doesn’t declare cases closed before he can get paid.

     Norrell Ojiccle 

Norrell Ojiccle

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Neurological

A poor switchboard operator who was working the Synaptic Switchboard at the wrong time.

  • Badass Bystander: He was just a regular employee of Cerebell Pacific who took it upon himself to destroy his workstation and get himself killed to stop the Psychometer from taking control of the city.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Bought a copper gun with metal-piercing rounds from Thalamus & Sons before his shift at Cerebell Pacific. Not just to defend himself from an attacker, but in the worst-case scenario, to destroy the switchboard to prevent the White Key from mind-controlling the Big Guy.
  • Fling a Light into the Future: He stopped Elias' mind from becoming overrun by the Psychometer by destroying the Cerebell Pacific Switchboard shortly before his death.
  • Functional Addict: He was a hard drinker, but he seems to have maintained healthy relationships with his loved ones and was a fine employee of Cerebell Pacific.
  • Innocent Bystander: A Cerebell Pacific employee who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or so it seems.
  • Massive Numbered Siblings: The eldest of seven siblings according to his sister.
  • Nice Guy: His sister and the owner of Thalamus & Sons have nothing but kind words for him, and for the latter, even before he knew of his death. He also saved everyone in Metropolis by stopping the Psychometer from taking effect.
  • Plot-Triggering Death: His sudden murder helps kickstart the main plot.
  • Walking Spoiler: He's the murder victim in this murder mystery and any discussion of who he was, beyond an employee of Cerebell Pacific, or why he died will involve major spoilers.
  • Working-Class Hero: He was a worker at Cerebell Pacific and had enough money troubles that he was a regular at a pawnshop and even became personal friends with the owner. He was also one of the only ones to realize the threat of the Psychometer and manages to stop it long enough to save the city at the cost of his own life.

     Freddy Focus 

Freddy Focus

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Focus

Head editor of the Daily Observer, Mentopolis’ city paper.

  • Da Editor: Head honcho of the paper, who threatens Anastasia with a long ''talk'' should her insistence on investigating Norrell’s case fail to turn a good story.

     Joey Sneezes 

Joey Sneezes

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Sneeze Relief

The congested bartender at Sugah’s.

  • The Bartender: He works as the main bartender at Sugah's, though he doesn't offer the sage advice most bartenders would have.
  • Ironic Allergy: Reveals he’s allergic to Sugah’s building, explaining his constant sneezing while on the job. Dan still expects him to work.

     Libby Longshower 

Libby Longshower

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Mental Process: Pleasure from Long Showers

The steamy waitress at Sugah’s.

     Hans Schadenfreude 

Hans Schadenfreude

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Mental Process: Schadenfreude ("harm-joy")
"I delight in seeing their torment."

The bouncer at Sugah’s who gets a little too much enjoyment out of his job.

  • Bouncer: He works as the bouncer and security guard at Dan's club and takes great joy in hurting unruly customers.
  • Eat the Rich: He admits that he would absolutely love to see the rich leaders of the city brought down a peg.
  • Meaningful Name: Schadenfreudenote  is a German term referring to the pleasure gained from viewing someone else's misfortune.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: It's even in his name! While Hans appears to be a fairly nice person, he loves seeing people's pain and discomfort, especially if he's the one doing the job.

     Donny Urges 

Donald “Donny” Urges

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Intrusive Thought

A rough and rowdy thought plotting a birthday cake heist.

  • Bank Robbery: Albeit an unusual one. He’s planning to push the Big Guy to steal a bit of a birthday cake intended for someone in another department.
  • Bit Part Bad Guy: Really just here to show us the rougher side of the subconscious and give the Fix a target.
  • Posthumous Villain Victory: Despite being dead before the end of the first episode Imelda eventually pushes the Big Guy to steal the birthday cake like he wanted. And the whole thing to boot!

     The Pervert 

The Pervert

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept:Pleasure/Desire to spit into your own hand?

A pervert and regular at Shugah’s who represents a very specific thing the Big Guy finds enjoyable.

  • Big Damn Heroes: He arrives at the final battle just in time to help save Dan’s life.
  • Catchphrase: Ends every encounter declaring "You’ll never see me again!" Even when he's talking to Dan, whose club he's been a regular at for years.
  • Connected All Along: He claims to be Dan’s Father as hes rescuing him in the final episode.
  • Odd Job Gods: Most other characters represent a broad or important element of cognition or a physical piece of anatomy, he represents a very specific source of pleasure, wanting to spit into his own hand.
  • The Peeping Tom: He is fond of listening at the door of the ladies’ bathroom in many establishments, including Sugah’s and Nostalgia’s Diner. Hunch is very displeased to be grouped together with him.

     Madame Loathing 

Madame Self Loathing, Guilta

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Loathing, Self-Loathing, later Guilt and Shame
"Focusing on me is not going to do anything but make me stronger."

Owner and proprietor of Madame Loathing’s Home for Wayward Interests. Unsure if she loves or hates her job.

  • The Atoner: She becomes this in the final episode, giving up her orphanage to Pasha and The Fix who are better equipped to run it while she goes to reexamine her life. Since she is Elias’s guilt and shame this is also what she is meant to induce in him.
  • Big Bad: As the true identity of the White Key and the killer of Norrell Ojiccle, she's the primary antagonist of the season and the Final Boss standing between the heroes and saving Elias Hodge.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: She appears for one scene midway though the first episode before not appearing again until the penultimate episode where it's revealed she is the main agent that the key is using to destroy Elias and she's the one who killed Norrell.
  • Child Hater: Hates her young charges, along with everyone else. She seems to be turning this around when the Fix visits the orphanage again later, even taking the kids on field trips... but all of that was just a cover for her actions as the Psychometer Key.
  • Evil Orphanage Lady: Embodies this trope. She's a domineering and nasty orphange-runner who has zero kindness of patience to spare for the kids under her watch.
  • Failed a Spot Check: She somehow managed to completely miss that the Prefontal PI’s arrived at her house in her brothers stolen car.
  • Hates Everyone Equally: She openly admits that she hates everyone in Mentopolis and herself. Since everyone in Mentopolis is aspects of Elias’s brain this is pretty significant Foreshadowing that she is not externalized hatred but Elias’s own self hatred.
  • Heel–Face Turn: In the final episode, Conrad is able to convince her to accept all of the disparate parts of Elias' mind rather than just drowning in self-hatred, and she is able to break free from the Psychometer's influence and help the heroes to get Elias out of Gobstopper Industries. She later changes her name to Guilta, turns over her orphanage to The Fix and Pasha to run in the epilogue, and decides to go traveling.
  • Light Is Not Good: Glows with the unearthly white light of the Psychometer Key when she reveals her true nature, and is the main antagonist of the season.
  • Never Mess with Granny: She appears as an elderly woman, and is one of the only people in Mentopolis who is completely unintimidated by the Fix. And then comes The Reveal of her true identity and that she was the one who killed Norrell Ojiccle. During the Final Battle, she ably holds her own against most of the Prefrontal P.I.s all by herself.
  • Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: Conrad realizes in the final episode that she is not just Self Loathing an inherently harmful concept, but also Elias’s sense of guilt and shame two important motivators that can do a lot of good if focused the right way.
  • Orphanage of Fear: Runs one for all the non-work interests that the Big Guy holds, and appears to despise her charges.
  • The Power of Hate: Fittingly for the mental embodiment of hatred, she seems to run on this trope — the Fix losing his temper with her only makes her more powerful and intimidating. During the Final Battle, she grows stronger and stronger as the fight wages on and she takes more injuries. Conrad has to try a different tactic to finally defeat her.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: She delivers a poignant and short one directly to Elias himself in the final episode telling him that his own failings got him to where he is and if he doesnt do everything he can to fix it he deserves all the suffering that's coming his way.
  • Walking Spoiler: As you can probably tell from the amount of white on her tropes page, it's really hard to discuss Madame Loathing without revealing that she's actually the killer and Big Bad of the season.

     Ronnie Reptile 

Ronnie Reptile

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Interest in Reptiles

A sweet young manifestation of an interest in reptiles. He lives in the Home of Wayward Interests, not developing beyond a child form as "The Big Guy" has grown outgrown his fascination with reptiles.

  • Adorably Precocious Child: Small, cute, and loves reptiles of all kinds.
  • Lovable Lizard: His reptillian appearance combined with his charming characterization makes him a solid depiction of this.

     Max Medulla 

Max Medulla

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Medulla (Oblongata)

Stationmaster of Oblongata Train Station. Sees more than they’re comfortable with.

  • Could Say It, But...: How they end up telling Anastasia and Danny Fucks about the shock troopers storming the train from the scalp. Anastasia even nervously asks them if they’re safe after they testify.
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat: They are just doing their job, but having not been in the loop for all the exposure of corruption and the deadly situation that the Big Guy is in, they become an obstacle to the group in the final episode, trying to physically stop them from using their keys and pulling the alarm as their presence in Oblongata Station doesn't follow the usual legal procedures.



Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Sperm Production
"We're drowning in cum down here!"

A pleasure courier who works with Dan Fucks. Travels to Mentopolis from the gonads.

  • Better than Sex: Says that the rush of endorphins and dopamine released when Elias escapes with the Psychometer documents is better than nutting.
  • Dirty Old Man: He's depicted to be an old man who loves talking about sexual stuff, especially with Danny.
  • La Résistance: Is a member of Dan Fuck’s underground pleasure revolution, devoted to bringing the attention of the bigwigs in Mentopolis to all the physical issues Elias has been ignoring.
  • Pervert Alliance: He’s a loyalist of Dan’s revolution and is dedicated to making Elias give up everything else in his life to focus on sex.

     Mr. Thalamus 

Mr. Thalamus

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Hypothalamus

The owner of Thalamus & Sons pawn shop. A huge fan of Imelda Pulse.

  • Pajama-Clad Hero: Since our Prefrontal PI’s have roused him from bed, he opens his shop for them like this.
  • We Sell Everything: His pawnshop holds odds and ends that even he’s not entirely sure of the provenance of. Including the copper bullets to the gun that Norrell Ojiccle tried to use to take down The Key. Just don’t complain about his unicorn fur coats…

     Ivana Popov 

Ivana Popov

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: The Fight Response

Elias's fight instinct. She was fired years ago along with the other 3 "F"s, and is now currently a boxing coach.

  • Big Sister Instinct: She's the eldest of the Four F's, and still looks out for the others fondly despite their messy history and years of estrangement.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: During the Final Battle, she's stabbed by the Psychometer Key and brainwashed into fighting the heroes.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: Is meant to be one of Elias’ key survival instincts, working alongside her siblings and the higher functions up in Cortex City. Instead, she’s stuck training up other concepts for an illegal boxing ring after being ignominiously fired for her role the Ice Skates Incident, with no idea where any of her siblings are.
  • Husky Russkie: She’s an experienced fighter with a Russian accent in a city of mental constructs with American accents.
  • One-Man Army: Fittingly so for the Fight Response, she's probably the most dangerous woman in Mentopolis in a straight fight. She takes out all the guards singlehanded when storming Cerebell Pacific with Imelda, and later on, Madame Loathing brainwashing her with the Psychometer Key is nearly enough to turn the Final Battle all by itself.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives Conrad a brief one about how his complacency and fear of confrontation have caused many of the cities problems.
  • Retired Badass: She clearly knows the most about fighting out of anyone in Mentopolis but spends most of her days training boxers like Dom Nuntz and SD.
  • Sixth Ranger: She joins the Prefrontal PI’s shortly after they meet her and stays with them for the majority of the conflict.
  • World's Best Warrior: She’s the embodiment of Elias’s fighting skills and reflexes and has the highest sharp skill, the skill covering fighting, possible for an NPC. During the finale she even manages to roll a 59 on an attack due to multiple critical rolls in a game system where getting anything above a twenty is extremely difficult.

     Dominick Nuntz 

Dominick Nuntz

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Dominance

A wannabe fighter who cannot hide his extreme insecurity.

  • Bait-and-Switch: In two different ways. When Hunch originally sees Dominance is a prize fighter he thinks he is looking for the hulking brute of the pair who is actually SD. He also thinks that either SD or Dom is Elias’s fight instinct working under an alias. That's actually their trainer.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: The little guy to SD’s big guy.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He’s naturally pretty weak and clearly is not a mental process that gets exercised much. This is reflected by him only having a d4, the lowest dice possible on his Sharp skill. But with training from Popov he explodes on anything but a one (the die is rolled again and the new roll added to an accumulating total) managing to put Hunch in serious danger during their prizefight.



Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Self Doubt

A terrifying giant heavily tattooed prize fighter. Hunch and Dan are convinced he's secretly the Fight reflex.

  • Bait-and-Switch: In two different ways. When Hunch originally sees SD, he believes the hulking brute is the one he signed up to fight, until SD calls the reedy Dom Nuntz over. He also thinks that either SD or Dom is Elias’s fight instinct working under an alias. That's actually their trainer.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: The big guy to Dom Nuntz’s little guy.
  • One Degree of Separation: Is the brother of Madame Self-Loathing. Their family name "Self-" comes first.
  • Hero Stole My Car: The Prefrontal PI’s and Ivana steal his car following the prize fight and use it for the rest of the investigation.

     Don Avaricci 

Don Avaricci

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Greed

A mob boss for Mentopolis's criminal underworld.

  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: Makes these to people in positions of power to ensure he gets his way, such as DA Mark Bition and emergency mayor Dan Fucks.
  • Co-Dragons: He is one half of the Key/Madam Loathing’s main forces in the city with the other being Mark Bition.
  • The Don: Don by name, mafia don by profession.
  • Greed: What he embodies in the Big Guy's mind. He will assist anyone who he thinks will elevate the Big Guy above everyone else, from Mark Bition to Danny Fucks.
  • His Name Really Is "Barkeep": Is a crime boss - a don, in other words - and it's revealed in episode 5 that, rather than a title, his first name is actually short for Donald.
  • Not Brainwashed: He remains fighting against the PI’s even after Madam Loathing surrenders meaning that he was either never actually brainwashed to begin with or that after being freed he still wanted to oppose them.
  • Post-Final Boss: After the Final Battle at Oblongata Station reaches its conclusion and Madame Loathing surrenders, he's the final antagonist left standing, still determined to force Elias to pursue his greed and ambition over everything else. By this point, most of his backup has been turned or taken out, and it doesn't take much for Hunch and the Fix to finish him off.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Has it out for Conrad Schintz, and is perfectly willing to have the kid whacked.

     Fanny Fawnsworth 

Fanny Fawnsworth

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: The Fawn Response
"Ooh! Well, you know what I always say- I'll change myself for absolutely anybody."

An arm-girl and assistant for Don Avaricci.

  • Birds of a Feather: She ends up with Anastasia in the finale because they both enjoy paying attention to each other.
  • Extreme Doormat: She will literally do anything anyone asks of her because she is convinced that is the only way she can keep herself safe.
  • Fan Disservice: Flirts with anyone she meets but it is clear that every time she's flirting is motivated by an all encompassing fear rather than any real attraction.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: This applies to all the F’s except Freeze to an extent, but she’s suffered more than most. She was at one point a major drive capable of overriding the decisions of the city hall if she needed to but she's been reduced to being eye candy for a crime boss in constant terror for her life.
  • Please, I Will Do Anything!: Her standard response to any form of threat, which, given what she represents in the brain, isn't surprising.
  • Pragmatic Pansexuality: Will flirt with and fawn over anyone, from Don Avaricci to Anastasia, if it means that she'll be safe.

     Ichabod Ice Skates 

Ichabod Ice Skates

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Enjoyment of Ice Skating/Nostalgia

The brother of Pasha N. who disappeared when he was a kid.

     Stacy Fakename 

Stacy Fakename

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: The Flight Response

A ”waiter” infiltrating Don Avaricci's manor for her own reasons.

  • Fragile Speedster: Is extremely good at running and dodging, as you’d expect from Flight. Not the best if she ends up in a more physical confrontation, however.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: As the very representation of the Flight Response she basically lives by the idea that it is always the time to fold 'em. She is introduced trying to swipe a second key so she can escape the impending destruction of Mentopolis.
  • Percussive Pickpocket: Pulls this off on Anastasia when they first meet to pickpocket her key.

Mentopolis Government and Law Enforcement

     Officer Connell 

Officer Connell

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Unknown

A beat cop at the scene of Norrell Ojiccle’s murder.

     Officer Joie de Vivre 

Officer Joie de Vivre

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Enjoyment of life

A shock officer in Mentopolis. Very lackadaisical.

  • Blithe Spirit: Extremely laid back, and willingly gives Anastasia all of his keys and his wallet to boot when she asks with no questions.
  • Mellow Fellow: Very difficult to excite or alarm, as Anastasia quickly discovers. However, this means he also takes Anastasia stealing all his personal belongings with no ill will whatsoever.
  • La Résistance: Revealed to be a member of Dan Fucks and Wilton’s pleasure revolution, working from the inside.
  • The Mole: He eventually reveals himself to have been working as a spy in the police force against the reign of Bition and the Police.

     Pasha N. 

Pasha N.

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Passion

A forensic scientist on the police force. Catalogues stimuli in the evidence room.

  • Birds of a Feather: Underneath her polite exterior, Pasha has a deep love for little known facts and enjoys sharing them with people and learning new ones. The Fix, when he discovers this, is enamored.
    Mike Trapp: I’d like to roll to see how horny the Fix is right now.
    Brennan Lee Mulligan: Yeah, that’s gonna be a snoop one.
  • Fiery Sensuality: A little more straitlaced than your typical example, but she has fire instead of legs and flames licking out from her Prim and Proper Bun. Intended to subtly show off her status as Passion.
  • Hot Librarian: The Fix certainly seems to think so.
  • Precious Photo: Has an old one on her desk of herself and her late younger brother Ichabod Ice Skates. Later subverted when Elias asks the coffee girl on an ice skating date in the finale, Ichabod is revealed to be Alive All Along, and has a Tearful Reunion with his sister.
  • The Quiet One: Rather soft-spoken and reserved initially. Even when the Fix gets her to open up, her voice gets slightly strained and breathy while trading facts with him, suggesting she’s not used to talking so much.

     Chief Tightass 

Chief Tightass

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Tightassery

Chief of police in Mentopolis. Has an understanding with Danny Fucks.

  • Accidental Murder: Manages to get hit in the head by Dan Fucks breaking out of his handcuffs with too much force. This kills him stone dead.
  • Da Chief: Head of Mentopolis’ police department.
  • Dirty Cop: Even without the dubious actions of his force (i.e. enacting Police Brutality on a whole train of pain couriers from the scalp), his backhanders to Danny Fucks show that he qualifies as this.
  • My Card: Revealed to have one that he gives to Anastasia, which just says “The Police”.

     Mark Bition 

DA Mark “M” Bition

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Ambition
"We're close to... making it."

The District Attorney of Mentopolis. Provides targets for The Fix.

  • Ambition Is Evil: He's the literal personification of Elias' ambition and is portrayed in an amoral light.
  • Amoral Attorney: He has no qualms of using his power to ensure that his goals are met, whether it's hiring a hitman to eliminate anything that is deemed a distraction or ordering Elias' pleasure centers to be shut down so that he can complete his work.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Revealed to have been taken over by the Psychometer Key, which is using his position of power over Mentopolis to either bring Elias to heel or destroy Mentopolis entirely.
  • Believing Their Own Lies: He believes that completing Elias' work will give Mentopolis the pleasure it needs for things to turn around, to the point where he completely shut down Elias' pleasure centers in order to make him focus better. He is good at ignoring things that should be obvious to him - like that Elias is depressed because of his dogged commitment to his work ambitions or that there might be moral issues with Elias’ project - making it easy for other characters to convince him of things that he wants to be true.
  • Big Red Devil: His character art has this as a motif, with his bright red skin, hair curls resembling horns and a tie that makes it look like he has a forked tail.
  • Corrupt Politician: Is revealed to be in cahoots with Don Avaricci, who gave him a campaign contribution check.
  • Never My Fault: He has banned the pleasure centers of the brain for distracting Elias from his work and blames them for getting in the Big Guys way and stopping the eventual dopamine rush of completing his project. He ignores that the only reason that Elias needs that rush so desperately is because Bition banned any sort of other joy.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Hires the Fix to erase young Conrad Schintz, presumably on Don Avaricci's orders.

     Mayor Logic 

Mayor Leon Logic /Frank Freeze

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Logic actually The Freeze Response
"It makes sense."

Mayor of Mentopolis, currently running for re-election.

  • An Ice Person: Prone to freezing up when shocked, which given that he’s The Freeze Response… Played for Laughs when Anastasia revealing he took a much bigger risk than previously stated has him turn into a block of ice.
  • I Never Said It Was Poison: Accidentally reveals himself when he starts yelling that Conrad doing the right thing has gotten them in trouble “like with the ice skates again”. As that memory was never processed, Leon Logic should have no knowledge of it. Freeze, however…
  • Mayor Pain: Of the incompetent variety, given his covering up of the Mentopolis’ sundry infrastructure failures as “planned maintenance”. Our heroes visiting his office to ask for his help results in him listing out all the ways things could go wrong rather than contributing anything constructive. Reveals that he knows this incompetency is likely why he was elected, so that other powerful players in Mentopolis can use him as a figurehead.
  • The One Guy: He’s the only man among his siblings.
  • Paralysis by Analysis: Prone to overthinking a situation and listing out all the ways things could go wrong rather than coming up with a constructive conclusion. Justified, as he’s actually Elias’ Freeze response.

     Deputy Lance 

Deputy Chief of Staff H. V. Lance

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Hypervigilance
"You gotta be ready for everything!"

The Deputy Chief of Staff for Mentopolis. Very high strung.

     Judge Fusion 

Judge Connie Fusion

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Concept: Confusion
"Now, I'll be honest, I come into work every day having no clue how this city functions."

Lead judge of the Mentopolis court system.

  • Circling Birdies: Her character portrait show these circling her head.
  • Fantastic Legal Weirdness: She’s the head judge of the legal system of Mentopolis and her complete confusion makes any legal outcome a crapshoot.


     Elias Hodge 

Elias Hodge

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Often known as "The Big Guy", he is a scientist working at Gobstopper Industries who is constantly looking for praise and attention from his bosses. Many of his pleasure centers are currently suppressed in favor of his more logical thought processes, but that doesn't seem to be doing any favors to his psyche.

  • Anti-Hero: Given the state of his brain, it would seem Elias is far from the most morally upstanding or nice person. He's a deeply lonely, self-repressed workaholic with kleptomaniacal impulses who nevertheless harbours heroic leanings that cause him to turn on his corrupt corporate bosses.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Elias is noted to have worked in the projectiles department. One of the the projects appears to have been the grappling gun he uses to survive the fall from the window.
  • Crazy-Prepared: When confronting Mr. Henry, decided to bring a grappling hook to the meeting just in case. Also had been taking copper supplements to try to negate the effects of the Psychometer in case it was used against him.
  • The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes: He is a researcher with an interest in creating technology that lets people get a better understanding of the human mind. He also has a myriad of mental issues he scrupulously avoids ever reflecting on and treating.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: By the finale, his accomplishments include jumping out a window, grapple-hooking himself to safety, crapping himself in mid-air, punching out his boss, blowing the whistle on his company making a mind-control ray, and stealing a birthday cake.
  • Destination Defenestration: The current problems plaguing Mentopolis as of late are revealed at the end of the second episode to be a result of Elias Hodge being thrown out of a window when he confronted his bosses on the exact nature of his work. Later revealed to have been done by Elias himself as a desperate escape attempt.
  • Featureless Protagonist: While Elias does have a distinguishing facial scar, his actual appearance is otherwise undescribed - whenever we see his perspective of the outside world, he's wearing gloves.
    • It is implied that he's Black, or at least-dark skinned, as A. Tension has reported on him having ashy elbow.
  • Fetish: Dan implies many times and finally confirms in the very last episode that Elias has a repressed foot fetish.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Elias is shockingly capable and heroic and has a very prominent facial scar from the ice skate incident.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Has the Psychometer, the project he poured his soul into, turned on his own mind.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: He once stood up to bullies that were hurting his twin sister, and not only got slashed with ice skates for it, but his sister yelled at him because she liked the guy. It is heavily implied that the sheer trauma from the incident caused him to suppress his conscience. However, when Hunch finds the book containing the real memory (which has been dog-eared and distorted over time), he sees that his sister was actually standing up for him, yelling at everyone else to not laugh at him.
  • Only Known By His Nickname: Downplayed, he's mostly referred to as "The Big Guy" by Mentopolis' residents, though we do know his full name.
  • Physical Scars, Psychological Scars: He has a prominent physical scar on his face from the ice skate incident, which represents his trauma and emotional repression.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: He's a scientist working for a clearly corrupt pharmaceutical company, but he only does it as a job.
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: The figures in power in Mentopolis, Ambition and Greed effectively running things while Conscience is forced far out of public focus, paint him as a man who is probably unpleasant to be around. But because the series mostly takes place in his psyche the audience gets to understand just how sad, scared, and broken down he is on the inside.
  • The Stool Pigeon: Given the impulse by Imelda and Conrad to keep his research to himself, and demanding some explanations from his bosses on what exactly his work will be used for. The finale has him taking his research and the Psychometer blueprints straight to the newspaper, and the resulting scandal lands Gobstopper Industries in a lot of hot water.

     Mr. Henry 

Mr. Henry

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

Head of Gobstopper Industries and Elias's Boss.

  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: A major executive at Gobstopper Industries, he is notably involved in a number of shady dealings. Notably in the series are his questionable plans for the psychometer project, involving its potential capability to alter the minds of those it is used upon.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: He is another human being like Elias and is responsible for many of the issues in Mentopolis directly or indirectly. However since the protagonists can only interact with him through Elias and Elias is hurtling out a window they have more pressing antagonists to deal with.
  • Talk to the Fist: He gets decked by Elias in the middle of gloating to him.
  • Uncertain Doom: Elias is unsure if his punch killed Mr. Henry or just knocked him out and does not bother to check.

     The Key 

The Psychometer Key

Played by: Brennan Lee Mulligan

An outside perspective in Mentopolis.

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: What the Key manages to do to any mental function it hits, like the DA.
  • The Dragon: Functions as this for Mr. Henry, trying to seize control of Mentopolis and prevent Elias from questioning the misappropriation of the Psychometer project.
  • The Heavy: While it is ultimately a tool of Gobbstopper and Mr. Henry its the primary force working against Elias and the protagonists over the course of the show.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The very project Elias poured his soul into has been turned on its creator.
  • Light Is Not Good: Glows with a piercing white light, and it showing up spells a new threat for our Prefrontal PI’s.
  • More than Mind Control: It works by targeting and corrupting the emotions and parts of the brain most likely to be receptive to its goals and getting them to want to work with it.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: Its ultimately a non sapient piece of technology that is just doing what it was programmed to do. While it does express some hatred of Elias at points that is eventually revealed to be because it has taken over his Self Loathing as its primary operative in the brain.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: It mostly targets the impulses and drives in Mentopolis that are most likely to be receptive to its goals. Not because it wouldn't completely take over everything if possible but because it is programmed to spend less energy that way.
  • The Reveal: In two layers; first when they reveal their existence to The Fix in the D.A.s office, and secondly when it's revealed that the shadowy figure is actually Madame Loathing.
  • Walking Spoiler: This character’s appearance drastically shifts the power balance in Mentopolis itself.
