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Web Animation / Mashed

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Mashed is a UK-based channel dedicated to animated parodies of video games on YouTube, owned by Channel 4. Mashed works with numerous animators to produce their work.

Works by them with their own pages:

Mashed provides examples of:

  • Adaptational Badass: Waluigi in the Waluigi Battle Rap. Canonically, being as generous as possible, he's maybe on par with Mario and co, only featured in sports games, and his Smash Bros appearance is as an assist trophy who isn't much, if at all, stronger than the actual fighters. In the battle rap trilogy, he slaughters the entire Smash roster (albeit with difficulty), specifically noting different skills he's learned to fight with. He takes this even further in the One Jump Man vs Shaggy Ball Z series, although he ultimately cannot match either of the two protagonists in a straight fight.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: A lot of beloved characters have the douche dial turned up to 11 with Sonic, Link and Mario being the best examples.
  • Adaptational Sympathy: Dr. Wily is typically portrayed as resentful with his quest for world domination motivated by his own ego in contrast to the good-natured Dr. Light. "Secret History of Mega Man" instead has his villainy motivated by a mass Trauma Conga Line that includes his son ending up in a coma, his wife leaving him, disagreements with his former best friend that are much more morally gray on Dr. Light's end compared to canon, and Mega Man being his own son rather than a robot solely built by Dr. Light.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Tails suffers one of these in a few Sonic videos. He's potrayed as a psychopath and a mass murderer.
  • Adaptation Distillation: "Cult of the Lamb: Doom & Shroom" messes around with how mushrooms work. In the video, the Lamb's spouse refers to them as "wild mushrooms" while in-game they're called Menticide Mushrooms. The Lamb makes them into a soup, which isn't possible in-game as Menticide Mushrooms can only be given to Sozo or used in the Brainwashing Ritual. When brainwashed, the followers start attacking everything with iconography of the Lamb, including the Lamb themself, while the Brainwashing Ritual does the exact opposite and locks their faith for a few days. The attack the Lamb uses at the end is a Sacrifice, but they use it on the entire cult while in-game you can only sacrifice one follower at a time. Finally, the Lamb had a husband who died during their crusade and marries another follower onscreen, but also declares a fight pit match. At the time of the video's release, it was impossible to have both the Marriage and Fight Pit doctrines at the same time, although the Relics of the Old Faith update would allow the player to enable the doctrines they are locked out of in the post-game, which itself conflicts with the Lamb recruiting Eligos which can only happen the first time you fight them, i.e. before you defeat Heket and the final boss.
  • Affably Evil: In "Baldur's Gate 3: Launch Party", The Dark Urge is briefly shown quietly knitting a scarf with words such as "KILL" and "MAIM" on it.
  • Affectionate Parody: The "Mario & Luigi: Super Anime Bros" series serves as this, with the three parts being parodies of various mainstream anime.
  • All There in the Manual: While only a few of the cultists in "Cult of the Lamb: Doom & Shroom" were named onscreen, this post on animator Jan Sorrentino's X account confirms that they were all named in the script. In particular, the Lamb's cat partner is named Ruri, while the horse and mouse followers were called Bojack and Mortimer, respectfully.
  • Ambiguously Bi:
    • In "Sonic vs Rule 34 Part Three," Sonic (or Krinkles) uses his "sexy dream powers" to create not only a sexy woman made of fruit, but a sexy man made from a brazier as well.
    • When Genji asks McCree if his butt is still a killer, McCree nervously responds to his question.
      McCree: Yeah, sure. It's still a killer butt. Not that I would know. I mean how could I? It's not like I'm an expert on guy's butts or anything like that.
  • Amusing Injuries: Spyro goes through quite a lot to get all of the things in "Spyro's Bad Day". To wit, he is smacked in the face with a hockey puck, being Too Fast to Stop and crashing into a wall, electrocuted by an enemy, eaten by a robotic shark and getting frozen solid. And that's only the ones we see happen.
  • The Bad Guy Wins:
  • Bad Liar: As said by Ganon in Pause attacks, "I am the king of lies, and would never... wait."
  • Bait-and-Switch:
    • "There's Something About Knuckles" features a squad of kaiju fighting mecha-piloting warriors, one of them being a red mech with spiked balls for fists and the leader being a tall, blue, humanoid mech with Sonic's quills. One would think that Knuckles is in the red mech and Sonic is in the blue mech, but when the latter removes the former from duty, it's revealed that the red mech was piloted by Silver, with Knuckles actually piloting the blue mech; it's implied that he inherited the position of leader from Sonic.
    • "Cult of the Lamb: Doom and Shroom" opens with the Lamb beating a boss and then dragging their de-powered form down a portal after rejecting their pleas for mercy... only to warmly introduce them as a new member of the cult and having a good-natured laugh about their fight right after.
    • In "Baldur's Gate 3: Launch Party" Launch!Astarion marvels at what initially appears to be a bashful Karlach... Only to walk by her and fawn over his Early Access self.
  • Big "NO!":
    • The reaction both Link and Ganon have when Sidon sleeps with Zelda.
    • The Bokoblin, after finally getting away from Link, having a family with a Lizalfos and peacefully passing away as an old man, only for him to be resurrected back at his camp to continue the cycle of resurrection and getting brutally murdered by a psychopathic elf man.
    • Among Us: Fresh Meat: This happens before the end of the game:
      Green Crewmate: Wait, there's only 3 of us.
      Blue Impostor: Oh yeah. (heads to kill Green)
      Green Crewmate: NOO- (gets Killed Mid-Sentence, ending the game in defeat)
  • Bittersweet Ending: In the ending of "Spyro's Bad Day", he's doomed Avalar to be conquered by Ripto, but in doing so, he's both managed to go home and inadvertently remove the Sorceress' source of magic, as well as having killed Gnasty Gnorc earlier, and he ends off the video by relaxing on the beach at Dragon Shores with Sparx.
  • Body Horror: Shows up in quite a few shorts to varying degrees of horror.
    • In "There's Something About Amy Part 2" we get to see the results of her body surgery from Part 1. Her arms and legs look like they were cut apart and crudely stitched back together to make her taller. Her arms have rings of scar tissue around them. And the surgery did no wonders for her crumbling sanity, either. Not to mention, it's caused her immense pain.
  • Both Sides Have a Point: While Postman Pat was upset at Thomas for running over his cat, the tank engine told him that he should've waited for him (Thomas) to pass the railroad crossing before he (Pat) can proceed.
  • Break the Cutie:
    • Amy, throughout the "There's Something About Amy" series. She tries to get Sonic's affections with Tails' help; but unfortunately, Tails is actively making her attempts worse than before. Ultimately, he comes to the conclusion that Amy has to "change" in order to be with Sonic. When Sonic doesn't fall for her, she goes crazy and kills him in a blind rage. She snaps out of it once the deed is done, but this only makes things worse. Tails drives the nail in further by telling Amy that Sonic really did love her from the start, but couldn't act on it due to being afraid of his feelings.
    • Bob does this to Roley twice. The first time that happen is when Roley pointed out that he and the machines were alive and didn't need maintenance, but Bob threatens to put Roley back in the shed, and the green road-roller was so scared, that he told Bob "I'll be good." and ends up having teary eyes. The second time that happened when Scoop and Roley tried to counsel Bob, Roley mentions that Bob took it hard when Wendy ran off with Farmer Pickles though it wasn't Bob's fault, this causes Bob to snap at Roley not to mention them, this also frightens the machines as well.
  • Brooklyn Rage: The Bokoblin that confronts Beedle in "Anger Management" over his possession of Bokoblin Guts has a heavy Brooklyn accent.
  • The Bus Came Back: Who would've expected "Secret Histories" Tails to become a recurring character?
  • Can't Spit It Out: Sonic in "There's Something About Amy." According to Tails, Sonic was just as in love with Amy as she was with him. But unlike Amy, he couldn't act on it. Tails gave him... "advice" on it, much like he did with Amy.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: This happened with the "There's Something About Amy" series. The first part started out being Lighter and Softer than the "Secret History of Sonic and Tails" short with the short mostly being about Amy trying to get Sonic's affections. But then Part 2 rolls out and things get Darker and Edgier from that point forward...
  • Combat Pragmatist: Waluigi in the "One Jump Man vs Shaggy Ball Z" series may be a Blood Knight seeking a good fight, but make no mistake, he is still definitely as dirty and underhanded as ever and will do whatever it takes to ensure he wins said fight — including poisoning Shaggy, which gives Waluigi the edge until One Jump Man shows up.
  • Crooked Contractor: "Bob the Cowboy Builder" reimagines the beloved children's TV character as a crass, rude and criminally negligent contractor who mistreats his machines, tears the roofs off houses and uses garbage as construction material. His machines eventually tire of his antics and bury him in a concrete foundation.
  • Darker and Edgier: The series loves to dabble in dark fics, a good chunk of them usually ending in death, The Bad Guy Wins or just bad endings in general.
  • Deconstructive Parody:
    • Unintentionally or not, Sonic the Hedgehog: Time Trouble deconstructs a common joke that was especially popular around the time Sonic Generations was announced: the "Classic" version of Sonic learning from his current "Modern" self that the quality of his games have fallen over the years and that Mario beat him in the console wars. Whereas most of these jokes would typically end with something like Classic Sonic not taking it well or Modern Sonic preparing to soften the blow, Time Trouble extends and examines this joke further. While the "current" Sonic (a pastiche of his "Modern" and "Boom" selves) does initially warn his Classic self to not do any 3D games, this only leads to even more unsavory timelines being created: underfunded, glitchy, freemium, Merchandise-Driven, sex toy and Rule 34 Sonics equally struggling to survive in the entertainment industry. At the same time, another Sonic from the future insists that the lack of 3D Sonic games was what caused the Saturn to fail, which isn't entirely false given how adamant a focus the industry had on 3D at that time. A possible message to take from this animation, if any, is that as unsatisfying as Sonic's Audience-Alienating Era may have been, there isn't a sole obvious reason for as to why it occurred, and there were still plenty of other ways in which it could've turned out for the worse.
    • Spyro's Bad Day rips apart the premise of the Spyro classic trilogy:
      • Spyro is repeatedly annoyed that for some reason, it's all up to him to save the day. He doesn't want to do it, basically gets forced into doing it, and all he wants to do is go home.
      • He also calls out that he's basically forced to be the hero in Avalar, since he can't go home otherwise:
        Professor: Well, it looks like you're stuck here; you're going to have to collect all of the things and then defeat Ripto!
        Spyro: No, this is extortion; this is bullcrap!
        Elora: Please, Spyro? We don't want to try anything else.
      • Turns out that getting all the things is a very, very painful process.
      • Instead of paying Moneybags, Spyro just charges through him.
      • Ripto realizes that the best way to deal with the angry Spyro is to simply give him what he wants: to go back home and never have to deal with this "extortion and bullcrap" ever again. It works, and Ripto wins.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: In the fourth installment of One Jump Man vs Shaggy Ball Z, Shaggy ends up saving the defeated Waluigi from certain death at One Jump Man's feet, because he is impressed by his cooking and fighting skills, and can simply undo the consequences of his villainous actions using the Shaggy Balls. This greatly annoys the much more pragmatic One Jump Man. Then Shaggy and Waluigi end up unknowingly killing his brother, and things take a turn for the worse.
  • Disproportionate Retribution:
    • In "Tears of the Flower Lady", the titular Flower Lady responds to Link stepping on her flowers by ripping out his spine. (Thankfully, the whole ordeal is censored, and a red fairy quickly fixes Link up.)
    • The whole "Man Vs Train" series begins with Postman Pat being impatient to cross a railway and has Jess accidentally run over by Thomas.
    • In "Minecraft Steve is a PSYCHO!", Steve responds to King Dedede breaking his flower pot by shrinking himself small enough to enter Dedede's body, to then use his insides as decoration for the inside of his home.
  • The Dog Bites Back:
  • Downer Ending:
  • Dragon Ascendant: After Eggman (apparently) gets vaporized in "Sonic: The Incredible Shrinking Hedgehog", Orbot and Cubot decide to take over his empire, and even attempt to make Metal Sonic and Sage their own lackeys.
  • The Dreaded: In "One Jump Man vs Shaggy Ball Z Part 2", Shaggy takes issue with a moustache hair in his food and shouts for the chef. When he sees Waluigi walk in, Shaggy — one of the strongest fighters in the Multiverse — briefly gets an Oh, Crap! expression on his face and promptly swallows any complaints he may have had. This is made all the more impressive by the fact that he doesn't even seem to actually know Waluigi — he just backed down from the sheer intensity of his menacing aura.
  • Easily Forgiven: Shaggy is awfully quick to forgive Waluigi for killing his friends and almost killing him, although admittedly he can easily bring them back from the dead with the Shaggy Balls. The more pragmatic One Jump Man, who is not used to actions having so little consequence, is not amused.
  • Enemy Mine: Reaper teams up with Overwatch to interrogate Sombra about the Omnileaks.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: In "Grand Theft Loco: Tommy 2 Trainz", three teenagers were teasing Sir Topham Hatt due to his weight, Thomas runs over the teenagers to teach them a lesson. This implies that Thomas still cares about Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Sidon in Link and Sidon. When Link first hears about him, he’s prepared to challenge him to battle. Upon meeting him, he falls in love like everybody else. Even Ganon wants him.
    Link: (to Ganon) What? No! You want Zelda. She's all yours. You can keep her.
    Zelda: Great! Real heroic, Link.
  • Everyone Has Standards: In Kirby: The King's Gambit, Dedede challenges Kirby to a game of chess in an effort to finally beat Kirby at something. However, he soon finds out that Kirby doesn't even know anything about chess let alone how to play. As such, he takes the liberty to teach Kirby how to play in order to make things fair.
  • Expy: In One Jump Man vs Shaggy Ball Z Part 2, Waluigi (the very same one from the Waluigi vs Smash Bros trilogy) takes on a role very similar to that of Boros in the original One-Punch Man. Apparently, after decimating the entire Smash Bros cast, he became so powerful that nothing else in the multiverse could pose a challenge to him, so he seeks to fight the titular characters in hope that they will prove a good match for him, but ultimately proves to be no match for either of them. He also channels a bit of Vegeta, ultimately becoming Shaggy's friend despite his earlier loathsome actions, much to One Jump Man's disapproval.
    • Amy in "There's Something About Amy" ends up being one to Harley Quinn, being a hammer user who primarily wears red, is driven to insanity and evil by love, never having that love reciprocated, and being the evil sidekick of a crazy, cackling murderer. Amy even starts to show Harley's Bostonian accent in Parts 2 and 3. The difference between them is that Amy wasn't in love with Tails as Harley is with Joker, and is instead accompanying him to find the real Sonic.
  • Fan Disservice: After her surgery, Amy has a taller and curvier figure and wears a dress with a Cleavage Window, but scars on her arms and legs show that her limbs have been crudely attached together, her dark makeup looks unnatural, and she is so physically and mentally broken by the operation that the simple idea of hanging out with her sounds like an abuse of weakness.
  • Fetish: In "Sonic vs. Rule 34 Part 2," Sonic ends up in Kink Castle, which, as name suggests, is housed by fetish-specific audiences. After long enough, Sonic ends up becoming one of them, wearing a diaper and having the power to turn inanimate objects into sexualized humanoids.
  • Forgot About His Powers: Played for Horror in "There's Something About Amy", where Sonic is too shocked by Amy's state of being to defend himself from her with his Super-Speed or Rolling Attack.
  • Gilligan Cut: Played for Drama in "Cult of the Lamb: Doom & Shroom". After the Lamb finds out that they accidentally fed their followers hallucinogenic mushrooms, they reassure their partner that they'll all be fine, just harmlessly goofy for a bit. Cut to later that evening, with half the cult site on fire and all of the cultists rampaging due to a catastrophically bad Mushroom Samba trip.
  • Gratuitous Japanese: Donkey Kong's Bizarre Adventure has everyone speaking in Japanese with English subtitles.
  • Groin Attack: "Super Smash Bros: Blood Suckers" begins with Simon hitting a painting of Dracula in-between the legs with an axe, causing said painting to scream in agony.
  • Hopeless with Tech: In "Soldier 76 Sucks", Soldier 76 struggles figuring out how to work the computer so badly that he ends up going to Omnibook instead of Google to find answers. Reaper mocks him for this.
  • Hope Spot: In "Wario Kart: Frantic Finish", Wario and Waluigi find themselves shrunk down and attacked by Bowser and Donkey Kong. Despite this, they manage to land extremely close to the finish line while still in first place. Just before they cross it though, they are hit by a barrage of attacks by all of the other drivers sending them from first to last.
  • Hypocrite:
    • In "Luigi's Lament", Bowser states he doesn't like Luigi's song because it's depressing, even though it's all about how Luigi was tricked into allowing Bowser to destroy the Mushroom Kingdom and enslave everyone, with Bowser being the primary reason for all the sadness.
    • In "Man vs Train":
      • Postman Pat reproaches Thomas the Tank Engine for him having said swear words, though he does the same.
      • Pat calls the tank engine a "murderer", yet he murders, without any remorse, both Bob and Harold.
      • He bullies and attended to kill Thomas to avenge his cat Jess, despite the cat's death being accidental (Thomas was apologetic for this) and indirectly and irresponsibly caused by Pat himself.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong: The ending of "Spyro's Bad Day" has this happen.
    Elora: I'm sure he'll be back soon! I bet all the gems in the world he-
    Ripto: (bursts down the door) GUESS WHO'S HOME?! (lets out an Evil Laugh as he starts raining down lightning)
    Elora: ...He bailed on us.
    Hunter: Woah, this sucks!
  • It Makes Sense in Context: Ripto lampshades the absurdity of Spyro's comment towards the end of "Spyro's Bad Day", when it's in fact an actual quest that occurred in Spyro 2.
    Spyro: Now, you listen to me!
    Ripto: Uhh...
    Spyro: I have been through ice!note 
    Ripto: Okay?
    Spyro: I have been through the ocean!note 
    Ripto: Right.
    Spyro: I have spent two hours in a maze with snail elephants LOOKING FOR A PENCIL!note 
    Ripto: ...What?
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While it wasn't a good idea of Bob to use weak material to build houses, he does have a valid point that he needed the money to pay some bills and keep his machines maintained.
  • Karma Houdini: In "Fire Man Sam: Spitting Fire", Fireman Sam set the whole town on fire and got away with it, however, in the end, he sees all the damage he did and gives the audience a worried expression.
  • Lost Food Grievance: Donkey Kong's Bizarre Adventure has DK going ape on the cast of Super Smash Bros by giving them Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs while shouting BANANANANA a la Star Platinum.
  • The Main Characters Do Everything: Discussed in "Doom & Shroom". The Lamb goes out on a crusade for roughly three days, and finds that their husband has died. A simple enough 'fix', until they find out that because they've done everything for the cult, they've been completely unable to do anything from feeding themselves, cleaning up after themselves, and even burying their ex-husband's body.
  • Mega Manning: It is implied that Smash!Waluigi has somehow gained this ability as of the One Jump Man vs Shaggy Ball Z series, wielding a wide array of abilities from the various fighters he has defeated in the past.
  • Merging the Branches: "Cult of the Lamb: Doom & Shroom" has the Lamb assign two of their followers to the fight pit, but they mention a husband and marry a follower onscreen; Ritualistic Fight Pit and Wedding are mutually exclusive Doctrines in the original game.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: The entire premise of ''Yu-Gi-Oh! Poker Night" involves a basic game of poker being intertwined with the absurdity of a standard Yu-Gi-Oh! episode.
  • Mondegreen Gag: From "Game in 60 Seconds: Street Fighter V":
    Ryu: Are you Ken? note 
    Ken: Yes I am Ken! Stop asking me that!!!
  • Mood Whiplash: The "Super Smash Bros: BLOODSUCKERS" video starts with Simon Belmont and Kirby on a Looney-Tunes-esque plot as Kirby causes unintentional trouble for the vampire slayer. Then, after Kirby inhales Dracula, things get worse...
    • In general, the channel's animations can be this. One moment you can be viewing the "Mario & Luigi: Super Anime Bros" series which is a fun Affectionate Parody to various anime with a Mario & Luigi flavor to it, and the next you could be seeing something from their "NSFW Cartoon Collection" which is about as mature and/or vulgar in humor as you can get while being themed around video games.
  • Motor Mouth: The "Game in 60 Seconds" videos , wherein Nic Cage reviews games in, well, 60 seconds.
  • Mushroom Samba: "Cult of the Lamb: Doom & Shroom's" second half revolves around this, mixed with a zombie apocalypse, when the Lamb mistakenly brings Wild Mushrooms back from Anura to make into a soup as food for their followers, only for their newly married partner to bring up that you shouldn't eat them. The followers that did eat the soup (which is to say, all of them but the Lamb's partner and Peter) start to cause anarchy around the cult's grounds and attack the Lamb under the pretense that they're a demon putting voices in their heads. Ultimately, the Lamb is forced to use The One Who Waits' power to kill them all in self-defense, leaving the cult's grounds burning.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Yuki says they like where this is going when the Lamb summons tentacles from the ground to kill all of their followers, although they were previously established as a massive Blood Knight and they were under the effects of the wild mushrooms at the time.
  • No Fourth Wall: Such is the case with Deadpool JRPG, but considering who the toon focuses on, this shouldn't be a surprise.
  • Noodle Incident: While trying to counsel Bob, Roley tried to mention that Bob took it hard when Wendy ran away with Farmer Pickles, though it wasn't Bob's fault, and it was never explained why that happened due to Bob snapping at Roley for saying their names.
  • No One Could Survive That!: The assumed reaction of the surviving Smash characters after Waluigi's last resort in Waluigi Vs Smash Part 2 blasts a massive hole in the landscape. Their reactions when they see him emerge from the rubble with a fearsome expression on his face are telling.
  • Obliviously Evil: The titular firefighter-come-rapper in Fire Man Sam doesn't seem to realise that spitting fire is not a good way to rescue people, at least until he notices that he's just burnt down the entire town of Pontypandy.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Winston's reaction when he finds the Virus almost completely downloaded and setting the base to self-destruct.
    • Amy's reaction in There's Something About Amy Part 3 when she finds out that the Tails she was talking with the whole time was actually the Tails from the "Secret History of Sonic and Tails'' world.
    • Bob from Bob the Cowboy Builder has the biggest one when Scoop with Glowing Eyes of Doom was about to show him the true meaning of power.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Very heavily implied with Tails in the There's Something About series. It is heavily implied that Tails's obsession with Sonic has lead him to a point where he has become willing to destroy every single world where Sonic exists and create one where everything is fit for him. It doesn't help that Tails's portal seems to not just be made to take him and Amy to other worlds, but also drain them.
  • Only Sane Man: The Lamb and their partner share this role in "Cult of the Lamb: Doom and Shroom". The Lamb constantly gets annoyed by his followers' stupidity and inability to do anything for themselves. Meanwhile, the Lamb's partner is wise enough to tell them about the Wild Mushrooms and she avoids eating the soup that caused the followers to go beserk.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: After Bob threatens to scrap the miffed machines if they mention his past, Lofty joined the machines and he was very miffed at Bob, too. Lofty even knocked out Bob with his hook without hesitating before the cowboy builder could make his phone call.
    Bob: (after the machines were growling at him, he noticed someone was missing) Hang on a tick, (the camera zooms out to reveal Lofty was right next to him and preparing to knock Bob out) where's Lofty...? (Lofty drops his hook onto Bob head, knocking him out)
  • Pretentious Pronunciation: In "Baldur's Gate III: Launch Party", Gale declares that they are leaving the lands of "Ee-Air-Lay Ax-Sees" (Early Access) to move onto the realms of "Luh-Aunch". He also tries to pronounce "Quality Assurance" (a dragon) as "Quail-Ate-Tee Ass" before it roasts him and all other beta content locked in a cage.
  • Parental Sexuality Squick: Exploited by Tails to get Sonic out of his sexy coma; he brings along the least sexy thing possible to get him out of it, Sonic's mom. Then Eggman shows up, and the two get along rather fast. While Sonic doesn't get out of the coma (at the very least, he's back in the sexy dream world by the next video), he's knocked out of his "Krinkles" persona... at least until Eggman pisses him off sufficiently.
  • Pokémon Speak: Betty from "Betty Help?". All she ever says throughout the entire skit is "Betty help".
  • Punch-Clock Villain: The entire premise of "Baby Mode" difficulty in the animation DOOM BABY, where the Monsters instead of trying to fight and kill the DOOM SLAYER instead play and take care of a baby DOOM SLAYER like doting parents. Immediately going on the offensive to try and kill a higher difficulty DOOM SLAYER after putting the Baby DOOM SLAYER to bed, fighting quietly as to not wake him up in the next room.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: After Bob got knocked out by Lofty and getting buried in concrete, Scoop gives Bob a speech on the true meaning of power:
    Bob: (trying to get out of the concrete) YOU TREACHEROUS BASTARDS! I should've had you all CRUSHED when I had the chance!
    Scoop: (chuckles) No, Bob. The mistake that you make is thinking that the great collective is weak and that we cannot organize... (the camera cuts to Muck, Roley, and Dizzy looking at Bob) ...that our own best interests will outweigh those of our comrades. (the camera cuts to Scoop, now has Blank White Eyes) And this is where you are wrong! (The camera cuts to a terrified Bob shaking and whimpering nervously) You've gotten fat at the top, but now it is time to show you the true meaning of power. (the camera shows Scoop now has Glowing Eyes of Doom) YOU SEE, SOCIETY IS BROKEN, BOB, (Muck, Dizzy, Roley, and Lofty now have evil looks) BUT WE ARE THE ANSWER! WE! CAN! FIX IT! (Now Bob is even more terrified!) YES!
    Scoop, Muck, Dizzy, Roley, and Lofty: WE! CAN!!!!
    (the screen is now black and we can hear Bob's blood-curdling scream)
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Well, pink, but in “There’s Something About Amy,” used to highlight that she’s fallen prey to her delusions of her and Sonic. After she bludgeons him to death and she snaps out of her yandere mania, her eyes become green again and she’s left to take in the horror of what she’s done. The same applies to Tails, who has the same pink eyes once he reveals his true form.
  • Retcon: Tails in "Secret History of Sonic and Tails," after going missing, is shown to have become massively obese and torturing innocent civilians crudely painted to look like Sonic. "There's Something About Amy" ignores this, instead using Tails in his prime as its Big Bad.
  • Rule 34: Eggman browses some for... inspiration, blasting Sonic with a beam that throws him into a coma where everything is incredibly sexualized, incredibly kinky and incredibly horny.
  • Sanity Slippage:
  • Schmuck Bait: Sombra posts a link to what is obviously a virus for Soldier 76 to click.
    Sombra: This will fix everything, Jack... Trust me.
    Soldier 76: Thanks, Sombra. You're so good with this Gigabot stuff.
  • Shout-Out: Two of the cultist followers in "Cult of the Lamb: Doom & Shroom" are based off of Morty Smith and BoJack Horseman.
  • The Starscream: Luigi in the first two parts of the "Mario Anime" trilogy.
  • Stealth Sequel: "There's Something About Amy" initially features its own version of Tails, but part 3 reveals that this Tails is actually Secret Histories' Tails, who killed the original Tails and tricked Amy into killing Sonic. He brings Amy with him to find the real Sonic at the end of Chapter 1, presumably while killing the "impostors" along the way.
  • Take That!: In "Sonic Babies", Dr. Eggman catches the babified Tails watching something on the Miles Electric:
    Dr. Eggman: What!? No iPad in class! (looks at the video)
    Sing-A-Long Video: 🎵Five little hedgehogs jumping in a bin, one fell out and broke his skin! Yaaay!🎵
    Dr. Eggman: (stares in horror, then gives it back to Tails) Actually, this should mess you up pretty good.
  • Terminally Dependent Society: In "Cult of the Lamb: Doom and Shrooms", the Lamb's cult are so dependent on them, they don't know what to do with them gone. They didn't think to bury the Lamb's ex-husband's body after after he dies and starts to rot, never fed themselves for three days despite the abundance of crops due to one of their own crapping next to them, and refused to pick it up (they'll eat it out of a bowl, though). Even the Lamb is dumbfounded at their inability to take care of themselves.
  • The Stoner:
    • Mario and Luigi in Luigi's Nightmare. The whole Mushroom Kingdom and their good looks is nothing more than them high on drugs. In actuality, they are two ugly, old, stoned men in Vice City. Peach may be this as well.
    • Weaponized by Luigi in "Luigi's Lament 2", where he uses Mushrooms to break himself and everyone else out.
    • Unintentionally happens in "Cult of the Lamb: Doom and Shrooms", where the Lamb feeds their followers mushroom soup, not knowing they're hallucinogenic mushrooms until their life partner points it out. This results in everyone having a really bad Mushroom Samba trip that makes them try to kill the Lamb, forcing them to use The One Who Waits' power to kill them all in self-defense.
  • Unexplained Recovery: Toad, Toadette, and Mario all end up exploding in "Wario Kart: Dirty Double" while Peach and Daisy are Eaten Alive by a Piranha Plant in "Wario Kart: Killer Weeds". All five of them are back no worse for wear among the drivers behind Wario and Waluigi in "Wario Kart: Frantic Finish".
  • The Unintelligible: In Super Smash Bros.: Pause Attacks. Kirby only ever speaks when Ganon has his foot or fist in his face while the game is paused.
  • This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: "Eat my Zerg Rush, BITCHES!"
  • Too Dumb to Live:
    • Soldier 76 downloads an obvious virus that Sombra sends him in Soldier 76 sucks.
    • Winston also gets this moment in Omnileaks where he reveals the password to Sombra's cuffs to be password. Even worse, he uses this password for everything.
    • The titular character in "Cult of the Lamb: Doom and Shrooms" is completely flabbergasted at their followers' inability to take care of themselves while they're gone for three days.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: The Cult of the Lamb cultists' bizarre, memetic affinity for eating bowls of poop is exaggerated in "Doom & Shroom", where seemingly the entire cult is borderline obsessed with having "poop inna bowl". It specifically has to be out of a bowl though, since just eating it off the ground would be disgusting.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Guy: While Scoop and Roley tried to counsel Bob, they reminded him that he used to make good homes for good people and he used to care about his friends.
  • Victory Is Boring: With the help of Svitlana Volkov, Eggman manages to effortlessly beat Sonic and have the blue blur at his mercy. However, he is unsatisfied due to how it ended up being too easy.
    Eggman: I guess it's been more about the chase than about the catch.
    • Implied in the "Waluigi vs Smash Bros Battle Rap" trilogy. After slaughtering the Smash Bros roster, Waluigi looks around the destroyed battlefield as if he's unsure what to do now, and only perks up when Mario finally invites him to the game.
    • Later played straight, again with Waluigi, in "One Jump Man vs Shaggy Ball Z", as he notes that he grew bored and felt unchallenged after the events of the battle rap trilogy, and sought out the titular duo for a proper fight.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: The Secret Histories series takes an in-depth look at what the public doesn't see about their favorite video game heroes, revealing quite a few of them to be horrible people. Mario is a ruthless mob boss draining the Mushroom Kingdom of its resources and abusing its people, Tails is a psychopathic murderer, Dr. Light turned Dr. Wily's son into a human weapon, etc.
  • Wham Episode: Parts 2 and 3 of "There's Something About Amy" ended up being this. In part 2, we finally see Amy's new appearance, which turns out to be horrifying towards Sonic, and she tries to get Sonic to fall in love with her. But unfortunately, Sonic is terrified of Amy's new appearance and insanity and ends up rejecting her. This then causes Amy to murder Sonic. Then in Part 3, we finally see Tails' true colors as he was the one who tricked both Sonic and Amy and he is revealed to be the Tails from the "Secret History of Sonic and Tails" short and he murdered the real Tails of that world. Part 3 then ends with Secret History Tails taking Amy with him to find the "real" Sonic.
  • Wham Line: This line, revealing something no one expected.
    Tails: I told you... (Tails's body shifts with a series of sickening cracks before he steps out of the shadows to reveal the Tails from Secret Histories!) I'M SONIC'S BEST FRIEND!
  • Who's on First?: The premise of "WHO KILLED NOOB69?" Besides Noob69 and Y Fronts, everybody has a name that results in Y and G2KE1SWU's investigation of the Impostor quickly devolving into a full blown argument with G2KE1SWU failing to understand Y, ending with G2KE1SWU accidentally claiming that he'll kill everybody starting with Y, resulting in him being ejected. The names as follows are: Who, What, Sus, IDK, Y Fronts, Lame, Noob69, FFS, WTF and Going2killevery1startingwithU.


Video Example(s):


Minecraft Steve is a PSYCHO!

When King Dedede breaks Steve's flower pot, the latter retaliates by shrinking himself small enough to enter the former's body while he's sleeping, to then dig out his insides and use them as decoration for his house.

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5 (3 votes)

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Main / DisproportionateRetribution

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