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Funny / Final Destination 4

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The Death by Racism scene.
    • Even funnier as Carter is being dragged along the road, the truck's radio starts playing War's "Why Can't We Be Friends". When the truck explodes, Carter's head lands on George's lawn, which still has his terrified face on it. Bonus points for the verse played being "The color of your skin don't matter to me/As long as we can live in harmony".
    • What's more, the scene cuts to a television playing a cartoon where a character goes "My ass is on fire! My ass is on fire!"
  • George's death. We see him getting hit by the ambulance before the mall scene, but it turns out to be just a vision. As soon as we snap back from the vision, we expect Nick to suddenly turn and tackle him out of the way of the ambulance. Instead, just as Nick realizes it George gets whacked, and he essentially ignores him to go act on his new premonition.
  • It may be morbid but George's many failed attempts to kill himself come across as pretty funny. He has gone from calmly accepting his death to being frustrated at how long it is taking.
    • In the above scene, George's line "I've been trying to kill myself all day!" tends to get more laughs than it should, due to the delivery, and all together unusualness of the line.
      • Think George is annoyed? Think how Death must feel! "Can you stop killing yourself; I have to keep sparing you because you're due to die the next day! Can you just let me get on with it and I'll grant your wish to die in about 24 hours time!"
