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Drinking Game / Mega Man

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Disclaimer: TV Tropes cannot be held responsible for the debilitating effects alcohol may have on one's ability to play the games.

In General

  • Take a drink every time your buster is fully charged.
    • Two if you don't even particularly need it to be.
  • Take a drink in disappointment if you lose a life to the Spikes of Doom.

Classic Series

  • Take a drink if you do the bosses in any order recommended online.
    • Two if the order in question doesn't have you choosing a boss weak to the weapon you just got.
    • Three if you're not following any recommended order.
      • And four if you're not following any recommended order or choosing a boss that's not weak to the weapon you just got.
  • Take a drink every time your buster shot bounces off of a Met's helmet or a Sniper Joe's shield.
  • Take a drink every time you jump through boss doors.
  • Take a drink every time you encounter disappearing blocks.
  • Mega Man 2 only: Take a drink every time you use the Metal Blade.

X Series

  • Take a drink every time you dash or dash-jump.
  • Take a drink every time you have to wall-climb.
  • Take a drink every time you find an armor capsule.
  • Mega Man X4 only: Bottoms up after watching the "What am I fighting for?!" scene.
  • Mega Man X5 only: Take a drink whenever Alia contacts you.
