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Drinking Game / Dhar Mann

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A Drinking Game for Dhar Mann. Take a shot when:

  • Someone says "You See" before telling the villain their entire “tragic backstory”, and follows it up with "So You See". Take another if in a rare occasion, they don't say either one of them or neither at all.
  • The villain responds to the aforementioned "You See" story by having an instant Heel–Face Turn. Take two shots, however, if they remain unchanged by the spiel or respond by laughing at/mocking the protagonist.
  • Take a shot if a protagonist narrates a flashback story to the antagonists and villains.
  • Take a shot if Dhar Mann himself narrates midway through the video.
  • Dhar Mann is mentioned, take another shot if the protagonist is a fan of him, while the antagonist mentions that they don't like him. Take yet another shot if Dhar Mann appears in the video as himself or if a character can be seen watching a Dhar Mann video.
  • Every time Mikey gets in trouble or comes up with another new plan, take a second shot if he tries to convince one of his friends like Jay to go along with it. Take another shot if Jay or someone else like Mikey's younger brother Jaden attempt to talk him out of the plan to no avail.
  • Take another shot if Mikey gets a happy ending.
  • If someone plays video games or uses a device like an iPad.
    • Take two if the device is complained about in the following shot.
    • Take two if, to show a character is spoiled, said character demands one of these.
  • If some sort of designer brand is mentioned/shown.
  • If a bully comes up with an insult that's an Alliterative Name.
  • When there's clearly bullying going on in a school setting, but there's either no adults around to stop it, or the adult that is around doesn't do anything to stop it.
  • Someone quits their job after getting tired of their boss's cruel/corrupt behavior. Take two if that someone is instead fired for standing up to their boss's cruelty.
  • Frank The Prankster says "Let's get it!" before starting a prank.
  • The villain lets out an Evil Laugh.
  • A racist villain yells some variation of, "I know a criminal when I see one!" when confronted about their bigotry.
  • The villain remorsefully says something along the lines of, "I never should've judged you before getting to know you." Take another shot if they follow it up with a variation of, "Can you ever forgive me?"
  • The protagonist forgives the antagonist in the end. Take another shot if they follow the forgiveness up by helping the antagonist out of whatever trouble they're in.
  • If there's a Recycled Script. Double shots if the current protagonist did something a previous antagonist did but instead its treated sympathetically or if its a current antagonist to a previous protagonist.
  • If a rich kid is the focus of a video, down your glass if they make fun of a poor person, only for them to have to deal with exactly everything they put the poor person through. Don't say we didn't warn you.
    • Take another if this is accomplished by the rich and poor families somehow swapping children.
    • Down the bottle if a poor kid suddenly becomes rich and immediately becomes incredibly hostile.
  • If the rich kid's parents say something along the lines of "just because we're rich, doesn't mean we treat people that way".
  • If someone uses someone else for their money.
  • In "Girl Gamer Cyberbullied At School", take a shot everytime Jordan says Sam isn't a "real gamer".
  • If a female adult bully is named Karen.
  • If a character, usually the protagonist or supporting character says the moral of the video.
  • If the title of a video has "instantly regrets it", "they live to regret it" or "what happens next is shocking". Good luck.
    • Take another if a relatively minor inconvenience (ex. kid sleeping late) is followed by one of these.
    • Triple it if the title mentions something that never happens in the video.
  • If the Jerk Jock character plays football, take another if there's a whole football team present.
  • If there's a goal or career on the line if the character who's the focus of the video messes up, such as someone having to get a perfect score on a test to play a sport or go somewhere they were looking forward to going. Take another shot if they don't end up doing what they wanted because they tried to cheat there way to what they wanted.
  • If the protagonist does what the antagonist did, but doesn't get called out for it.
  • The Rule of Three method is used.
  • In "Shy Kid Gets Humiliated At School", every time Brandin gives Ali some actual good advice.
  • If Mikey's older brother Owen mentions the Super Mario Coin.
  • If the preview picture shows a character completely overexaggerating their expression.
    • Double the drink if the preview picture shows the character's expression is blatantly photoshopped (e.g. overexposed whites in the eyes, fake tears, a prop that is never used or referenced, etc.).
  • In "School Janitor Shamed by Mean Girls", drink everytime Brie's friend Morgan complements one of her roasts of Jordan or chimes in with her own insult. Take another drink for everytime Brie calls Jordan Jordan The Janitor.
  • If one of the actors or actresses is typecasted into one of their usual roles. Take another drink if they play a different role than their usual one.
  • If one parent of a child is calm while the other is understanding or more of a pushover.
  • If a character pulls a prank...
    • Take two shots if it's Eddie or Frank the Prankster.
    • Take a shot if the prank "goes too far".
  • If the villain's backstory is never explained and they only exist to be a jerk, such as the bully character Billy who appeared in two videos.
  • If Jay gets into an argument with his mom.
  • If the child of the antagonist turns out to be a brat while the child of the protagonist is a complete saint.
  • If the person being bullied by the antagonist turns out to be the antagonist's boss or in some other position of power over the antagonist in some way.
  • If the protagonist gets offered money or any kind of help only to turn it down.
    • Take two if the person offering the help says "I insist" afterwards.
  • If an episode ends with a character being assaulted.
  • If a protagonist says "I need this job" when it's announced they're fired.
  • If an authority gives an unusual punishment instead of a standard one.
  • If an authority gives a punishment that's unreasonably harsh for the wrongdoing or the child's age.
    • Take another if the punishment is so harsh, it borders straight-up torture.
    • Take another if the punishment is unreasonably light instead.
    • Take another if the punishment is being given by a parent.
  • If the video involves a rich person scamming or bullying a poor person.
    • Take another if the title contains the word "immigrant".
  • If the premise of the video is two rival parents arguing.
    • Take two if the argument happens in front of children. Take three if the argument happens in front of their children.
    • Take another if the argument escalates into violence.
      • Down the bottle if this happens in front of children.
  • If a scenario was revealed to be a prank to teach the antagonist a lesson.
    • Take another if the scenario would have been life-threatening had it not have been a prank.
  • If the title of a video contains "X time to live" but the scenario was really "X time to live if the character keeps living an unhealthy lifestyle".
  • If a character fakes a status or situation for money.
