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Characters / Pixie Trix Comix

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The character page for Pixie Trix Comix. Many characters appearing in this webcomic are likely to have originated in Ménage à 3 or Sticky Dilly Buns, so expect a lot of cross-referencing.

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"Man... Amanda Conner really needs to draw She-Hulk."

Also known as "Dexter" or "Poindexter", but that's just Zii's nickname for him. Aaron is technically a returning character, having first been seen in Ménage à 3 as one of the background geeks at the comic-book store; he is even named in that comic and gets some conversation with Zii when his advice is needed during the Precious Overlord incident. He resurfaces much later in Pixie Trix Comix, where he becomes more of a major character. He is revealed now to be employed in the shop, and desperately wants to get involved in the new publishing venture; unfortunately for him, his attitude rapidly annoys Ramona, who's in charge of hiring for that, but he gets around her anyway.

Aaron is 19 at this point, but not exactly mature for his age; Ramona describes him as "19... going on 12." He also turns out to have a twin sister, Sharon, who is attractive (and voluptuous) in a setting-typical way that Aaron just isn’t; given that they really don't get on very well, they can be considered Polar Opposite Twins. He and Sharon also turn out to Kiley's cousins. Her name, glimpsed on her Instagram page, seems to be “Sharon Martell”, so presumably “Martell” is these two’s family name.

  • Ambiguously Bi: It turns out that Aaron has bisexual tendencies which he himself hadn't noticed before the comic starts — but the impressively hunky Julian soon triggers twinges in his loins. This leads to them having sex, so the ambiguity disappears, except in Aaron's head, where he continues to delude himself that he's totally straight and the sex he has with Julian is just "two straight guys being bros".
  • Armoured Closet Gay: Aaron is seemingly a fairly mild instance, and mostly confused; he initially displays a lot of hostility to the Yaoi Genre and gives a general sense of unthinking-annoying-teen homophobia, but he subsequently starts displaying some twinges of interest regarding Julian — who admittedly is so hunky this could be a case of Even the Guys Want Him, but Aaron acts on his desires, has sex with Aaron as the bottom, and then the minute Julian wakes up happily goes down on him. However, he keeps the new relationship secret from his other work friends, so the closet endures.
  • Ascended Extra: Aaron is originally a nameless comic-shop geek, occasionally glimpsed in the background or delivering minor dialogue, and then proves somewhat useful to Zii that one time. He then vanishes again for many volumes, apparently having been just a one-shot character, before he reappears again in the very first Pixie Trix Comix strip, and he becomes a significant character in that comic.
  • Basement Dweller: When Pixie Trix Comix begins, the nerdy Aaron is living in his parents' basement. They're charging him a stinging $700 a month rent ("It's like they're trying to kick me out"), and are incapable of hiding their joy when he announces the intention to move out ("Woo-hoo! I can build my man cave!").
  • Bi-Wildered: This trope is Played for Laughs; Aaron really cannot handle the idea that he’s anything other than straight, despite having lots of sex with Julian.
  • Casanova Wannabe: He's convinced that he's irresistible to girls, despite being a gawky teenager. After picking up on Julian's attraction to him, he even becomes convinced that he's turning Julian gay. The "wannabe" part gradually starts to slip a little, as his social skills begin to improve marginally, he's persuaded to start using a gym which maybe improves his appeal a little, and sex comedy plotting and sheer luck get him a few flings.
  • Cassandra Truth: His sister really is just as awful as he says she is, but his claims are easily dismissed as the delusions of a geek who has issues with women and thus go ignored.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Aaron absolutely will not get the hint that Julian is gay, constantly interrupting him whenever he tries to say as much.
    Julian: I'm actually—
    Aaron: Shy? Aw, dude! I shoulda guessed, you were always shy!
    Julian: No, Aaron, I'm g—
    Aaron: Girl repellent? Well, stick with me, man. I'll teach you all my tricks!
    Julian: No, Aaron, I'm hom—
    Aaron: Homely? C'mon, man, now you're really being too modest!
  • Distracted by the Sexy: As a Hormone-Addled Teenager, Aaron is highly susceptible to sexual distractions, as when he tries to ask Tracy out on a date while she's modeling and finds himself literally talking to her breasts.
  • Endearingly Dorky: Despite his actively annoying dorky habits, Aaron eventually catches the interest of Julian, Nikki, and Tess, who presumably find him endearing. It may help that he (very slowly) improves in the personality department, and also starts working out, which may shift him from “skinny” to “wiry”.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: Aaron eventually begins to accept that Julian might be gay... and concludes that this is because he himself is so irresistible that he's turned Julian gay. It's actually closer to the other way around.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Aaron actually confirms full consent when jumped by Tess, even though she initiated it and this must come close to some of his fantasies. It's possible that the writers are trying to avoid having their "Everybody Has Lots of Sex" stories look too careless on this point — or maybe they just liked the comedy in that scene as it came out.
  • Everyone Is Related: It turns out that the Martell siblings and Kiley from Mà3 are cousins.
  • Flexing Those Non-Biceps: Aaron, being deludedly vain (but not good at working on his physique), is probe to demonstrating this gesture, and as it turns out, has been this way for years.
  • Gay Bravado: Aaron finds that he can't duck out of dancing with Theo because doing so would suggest that he is insecure in his own heterosexuality ("I'm t-too manly to be ho-homophobic!"). Of course, the joke is that he is actively bisexual.
  • Geek: When Jung calls on you for expert advice on geek matters (specifically relating to Transformers in this case), you have some geek credibility. Aaron turns out to be an obsessive enough comics fan that Jung can bribe him to wear female anime cosplay outfits with modest amounts of shop credit. He also turns out to write Fanfic and to be a Yuri Fan; it's not clear how much he combines the two.
  • Geek Physiques: Aaron fits the “skinny geek” pattern fairly well, possibly because he’s a gawky teenager. When Julian makes him realize that a more toned body might make him more sexually attractive, he heads for the gym, and although he doesn't visibly change very much, judging by the way that people are subsequently more attracted to him (and his demonstrated capacity for marathon sexual performances), his efforts there pay off.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: Aaron is 19 when he appears in Pixie Trix Comix, but (like many characters in this set of comics) acts a few years younger than his age, is clearly somewhat obsessed by the hopes of sex (though he also has a lot of geeky interests), and frequently behaves like an idiot as a result.
  • Hypocrite: Aaron derides yaoi (gay male erotica) when Ramona brings it up, but sings the praises of yuri (lesbian erotica) in the next panel. That becomes extra-hypocritical once he ends up getting feelings for Julian and eventually has sex with him.
  • Implausible Deniability: Zadie and Roxie catch Aaron making out with Julian while both men are shirtless. Cue Aaron claiming that he is most emphatically not gay and that the sex he has with Julian is just two straight guys "bro-in' out", to the disbelief of everyone else present.
  • Plot-Powered Stamina: Despite his Geek Physique, he’s able to have sex with Tess, a professional wrestler, for literal hours, with minor breaks (this verges on Anatomically Impossible or at least Idealized Sex, though of course it's written this way for the sake of comedy). Granted, by the end, he’s often so worn out that he’s barely conscious, but Tess is very satisfied (and no worse for wear). Readers have noted that his gym training by Roxie must be really effective.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Initially, Aaron almost seems determined not to be told that Julian is gay; a little later, he finds himself clearly attracted to Julian (who, for added fun, he still hasn’t realized is very gay), but thinks of himself as straight, to the point of homophobia. This leads to increasingly frantic and sweaty attempts at denial to himself. Then, when they do start having sex, he seems to think of it as something that straight guys can do for fun, and doesn't think of what they have as any sort of serious relationship. He later transfers this relationship onto Tess when they start having sex—they’re not in a relationship and they’re not friends with benefits; they’re just friends who hangout and occasionally have sex-marathons.
  • Situational Sexuality: He thinks he and Julian are two totally straight dudes who are only having sex with each other because they don't have anyone else to have sex with, but that's clearly not true for either of them.
  • Straw Character: Aaron initially comes across as rather homophobic (at least when it involves two dudes, two ladies is clearly just fine with him), making him seem quite out of place in the Everyone Is Binote  Mà3-verse. However, he soon starts suffering confusing twinges regarding Julian, so the setting norm is maintained.
  • Theme Twin Naming: The rhyming version, with his twin sister Sharon.
  • The Twink: After his bisexual awakening, Aaron tends to fall into this pattern, especially by contrast with Julian. He's young, slim, boyish, and pale, and even if he's more geeky than pretty, he isn't hideous.
  • Transparent Closet: Both Sharon and Kiley note that his mom has been taking bets that he's attracted to men. Though at that point, he wasn't in the closet so much as in massive denial.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: Adding to his already-long list of queer tendencies, Aaron discovers he actually enjoys wearing women's clothing, becoming quite skilled in putting on makeup, and playing a woman in his roleplay with Tess. While his overinflated ego might have something to do with it, Aaron also has sexual fantasies where he's a large-breasted woman having sex with Julian.
    [Zadie starts taking picture of Aaron crossdressing for blackmail purposes]
    Aaron:Whatever, I make this look gooood!
    Zadie:S-Stop enjoying the blackmail!
  • Youthful Freckles: Aaron has a faint scattering of freckles, and is one of the younger members of the cast — though other characters of similar age don't demonstrate this trope.
  • Yuri Fan: It's established early that Ramona knows or easily guesses that Aaron likes the Yuri Genre but disdains Yaoi — which probably implies that his interest isn't entirely about artistic quality, whatever he may say.

"Attention, Pixie Trix Comix! Your star patron has returned!"

A regular customer at the comics shop who turns out to have ambitions as a comics colorist, and possibly some talent in that field. He's also one of Sharon's many exes.

His visual design appears to be based on that of Ace in Giz's older comic Eerie Cuties, but his personality is completely different.

  • The Grunting Orgasm: Axl is evidently prone to getting loud during sex. Unfortunately for him, that leads him to a Wrong-Name Outburst.
  • Jerkass: Axl projects a rather theatrical vanity. Also, although he's dating Nikki at the time, he proves very susceptible to being distracted by Sharon's offer to get together again — after which, he talks his way back into the susceptible Nikki's good graces (though it turns out that he is still fixated on Sharon).
  • Shout-Out: Axl's appearance makes him a clear shout-out to Ace of Eerie Cuties.

"You know, I love a woman who knows how to be forceful..."

Becca originally appeared as one of a group of porn stars with minor roles in Ménage à 3. She subsequently reappeared (alongside Chanelle) when Aaron and Roxie needed a couple of pinup-style actresses for a video they were making, and took the opportunity to make a very open pass at Roxie, becoming a more developed character in the process.

  • Lipstick Lesbian: Becca is blonde with "pinup" looks appropriate to her profession, while making it clear that she's an "out 'n' proud" lesbian (limiting herself to girl-girl scenes in her work).note  She also makes it clear that she has a liking for more Butch Lesbian, physically capable partners — hence her immediate interest in Roxie. Her very forward approach combined with her liking for tough girls suggests that she may be a bit of an Aggressive Submissive.

"Sorry, but..."

A woman who worked as Dante's nurse after a wrestling injury, who then entered into a relationship with Dante and Gwynn. She has now split up with them, amicably, and is seen only in Flashbacks. She's also notable for not being an obvious expy of any of the creators' previous speaking-part characters.

(Note: A character also named Brigitte previously appeared in a couple of panels in Sandra on the Rocks; different art styles make it hard to say for sure, but she does not appear to have been the same person.)

  • Polyamory: Her relationship with Gwynn and Dante was a "throuple"; in fact, she introduced them to polyamory.

    Dante and Gwynn
"Relax. He won't actually put any moves on you unless I give him permission. I keep him on a very tight leash."
"I'm sorry, who was wearing the leash last night?"

A couple of wrestlers (previously glimpsed in Ménage à 3) who unintentionally get Zadie involved in a rather messy plotline. Their relationship in the wrestling promotion's plotline isn't just Kayfabe.

  • Fanservice: The wrestlers in this promotion are clearly selected for looks as well as skill, and both of these two are fully qualified on that basis.
  • Polyamory: They have a semi-open relationship, previously a "throuple" with Brigitte, and are openly looking for a new third person — specifically a woman, it seems, as Gwynn is bisexual whereas Dante doesn't seem to be.

"Cool, cool, Wanna dance?"

A girl who Tess meets while out on the town, dances with, and accidentally gets a date with despite being straight. Dora is attempting to start a career in Practical Effects work, and has a lot of props lying around her apartment.

  • Ambiguously Brown: Dora is drawn with a darker skin tone than most of the cast, but not as dark as Felix and Tracy. Her two-tone hair is obviously at least partly dyed.
  • Cosplay: Because she's still trying to make a name for herself, Dora advertises her skills by posting a lot of cosplay selfies on Instagram,
  • Phoneaholic Teenager: Dora's exact age is unstated, but she's certainly young, and she's frequently shown staring at her smartphone, even while, for example, asking someone else to dance.
  • Practical Effects: Dora doesn't mention it until she takes Tess home, but her passion for effects work is one of the few things that makes her drop her facade of detached cool a little.
  • Shout-Out: Dora is one of the comic's many, many shout-outs to the creators' past work in general and to Dangerously Chloe in particular. Giz has acknowledged that she recycles character designs, treating them like actors who get cast in different roles — but she also chooses names that allude to earlier uses of the design. In this case, Dora is a shout-out to the earlier Pandora.

"Haha! Pretty and funny. Your partner's one lucky person."

An artist who shows up at the new operation looking for work. He turns out to have been directed there by Gary of Ménage à 3, and to be the brother of Tracy, also originally of Ménage à 3. He's apparently not above using his looks to charm Ramona into hiring him, though as it turns out, his flirtation with her is entirely sincere.

  • The Ace: Bordering on Flawless Token. There seemingly isn't anything he's not perfect at; he's good-looking, not prejudiced, intelligent, soft spoken, a charmer, nice, bi, and a talented artist. He's unlucky in love, though.
  • Chubby Chaser: To judge by what he says in their first meeting, Felix can't keep his eyes off Ramona and loves her curves. Even if he’s just buttering up a potential employer, he sounds plausible about it — and later, when he's about to have sex with Sharon, he finds himself imagining Ramona, so apparently the interest is genuine. This is further confirmed when he finds out Ramona is not single, and admits to being very disappointed.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Felix definitely has the hair, and has a noticeable effect on women.
  • Token Minority: Felix, along with his sister, is one of the few characters of color in the setting.


"You sound a little disappointed I grew up, man!"

A guy who Dillon used to babysit when Dillon was a teenager and Julian was a little kid. He first shows up aged 18 in Sticky Dilly Buns when he drops by to visit, and it turns out that he's not a little kid any longer. He gets a bit of plot of his own there, but when he later shows up in Pixie Trix Comix, now aged 19, as the new start-up's graphic designer, he becomes much more of a central character. That job is part-time, as he's using it to pay his way through college.

Julian's surname, Wood, is revealed in passing in a Pixie Trix Comix strip.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Around the time of his first appearance, Julian wants Dillon to teach him to kiss — or even more, perhaps. Dillon, who still sees Julian as a child, is squicked out by this.
  • The Bear: Julian is a big, physically impressive mostly gay guy, with a Perma-Stubble if not that much of a chest rug, and contrasts with Camp Gay Dillon, Straight Gay Jerzy, and Aaron, who's essentially The Twink. And he gives bear hugs.
  • Bear Hug: Julian is evidently a tactile sort of guy, and happily gives Dillon a hug when they meet up. Unfortunately, it looks like he Does Not Know His Own Strength, and Dillon looks more than a little crushed. Coincidentally, he also fits the Bear character type.
  • Bi-Wildered: Julian, who thinks of himself as exclusively gay, is clearly confused to feel twinges of desire for Kiley. He gets over his confusion.
  • Closet Key:
  • Gentle Giant: Julian is taller than, for example, Dillon, who's not short, and well-built with it. However, he comes across as mostly a cheerful, nice-natured person.
  • Has a Type: Julian originally identifies as gay, but when he finds himself attracted to Kiley, it turns out that he’s more interested in a type; slim, more or less androgynous, and maybe tending blond. This may be tied up to his early fixation on Dillon.
  • He Is All Grown Up: See the Sticky Dilly Buns main page.
  • Hunk: Julian is one of several characters in these comics who could plausibly be called a hunk, but is one of the few with the Perma-Stubble that guarantees that he fits the trope definition. He's so hunky that, in Pixie Trix Comix, the only character to not show any sign of attraction towards him is Jung (which isn't saying much). Even Aaron, who has proclaimed that he thinks the idea of two dudes getting it on is gross, has a bisexual awakening when he sees Julian naked.
  • If It's You, It's Okay: Julian initially identifies strongly as gay. However, he finds himself attracted to Kiley, and they soon begin a satisfactory sexual relationship. This is explained as not so much her being his one exception, as him having a type — slim, blonde, and a bit androgynous — which usually draws him to men, but which she also fits.
  • I Got Bigger: The adorable kid whom Dillon used to babysit is now very fully grown. This causes some immediate problems for Dillon when they meet up again, as Dillon is incapable of seeing Julian as anything but a kid, despite Julian being the sort of guy to whom Dillon is usually attracted.
  • Manly Gay: Julian is a massive hunk with Perma-Stubble.
  • Nice Guy: By first appearances at least, Julian seems to be quite polite and easy going. He does prove to be worryingly obsessed with Dillon, but he's polite about it; when he gets over that, his niceness becomes a fairly central feature of his personality. He can be a little thoughtless at times, though, and his jealous possessiveness regarding Aaron hints at a darker side; he’s also quick to fixate a little on Kiley.
  • Old Friend: A minor variant — Dillon remembers him as a nice kid to babysit, and hence is willing to treat him as an old friend. Julian has similarly fond memories of Dillon, though he adds a worrying twist.
  • Perma-Stubble: Julian is the only character in this comic, and one of the few in the shared setting, who goes in for the designer stubble look, perhaps because it fits his big, amiable hunk style.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: For a hunk, Julian can do awfully good puppy-dog — which hits Dillon right in the Achilles' Heel.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Julian initially seems to be singlemindedly attracted to Dillon, fantasizing about him since childhood and saving his first kiss for him. While he's very willing to take things as slow as Dillon wants to take them, it's still very clear that he's obsessed. However, the trope is eventually averted when he finally comes to understand that him hooking up with Dillon just won't happen, and he lands a date with Jordan. Then, in Pixie Trix Comix, he develops a full romantic life.
  • Situational Sexuality: He gets a self-described "confused boner" when passing by Kiley changing herself. He then tries to justify it in a way that does not help Kiley's mountain of issues ("Being boyish enough to attract a gay guy isn't exactly candy to my self-esteem, you know?").
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: His relationship with Aaron causes the previously amiable Julian to become increasingly jealous and possessive.
  • Younger Than They Look: While it's not impossible for someone to look like him at 18, it's certainly a bit out of the ordinary. Dillon is surprised to be reminded that he's that young, and immediately asks "What are they feeding you?"

"I love superhero movies! I always thought it would be trop cool to be one, you know?"

Nikki (short for Monique — French is her first language) is introduced as Axl's rather gullible-seeming girlfriend. (She may not be a very good judge of character.) Aaron is attracted to her, and she's nicer to him than a lot of girls — it eventually turns out that she likes and is attracted to him enough to sleep with him. Once she gets over her gullible infatuation with Axl, she switches right around and starts stringing multiple men along simultaneously.

  • Animal Lover: When Nikki moves into an apartment with two other characters, she shows up with a whole string of pets (two rats, a rabbit, a fish, a bird...); challenged about this (frankly rather presumptuous) behavior, she says that “Animals... are my life”
  • Extreme Doormat: When she first appears, Axl treats her like a disposable object, yet she keeps giving him chance after chance. However, this problem is moderated after she gets hit with a dose of Kiley’s Hollywood Psych.
  • Idiot Hair: Nikki's single strand of sticking-up hair is floppier than some instances of the trope, but does perhaps still go with her gullible and wide-eyed personality.

"Are... are these those 'consequences' Kiley's always talking about??"

Aaron's twin sister and (as it turns out) Kiley's cousin, who Julian remembers from school and contacts over Aaron's protests. Aaron has some issues with her, presumably based on some degree of Sibling Rivalry; she's not much like him, being unambiguously attractive and sexually successful, and they may rate as Polar Opposite Twins. He casts doubts on her morality from the first ("She's a succubus!"), and though his opinions may not be objective, the way that a glimpse of Julian's picture causes her to consider dumping her boyfriend and making a move on Julian soon shows that Aaron has some justification for this. As soon as they are in the same room, she instantly demonstrates a negative attitude to him, and she continues to be openly hostile to him much of the time. Her surname, glimpsed on her Instagram page, seems to be “Martell”.

  • Big Brother Bully: A gender-inverted version: she may only be twenty minutes older than Aaron, but Sharon definitely plays the bully with her attitude towards him.
  • Black Bra and Panties: When invited to model for Felix, Sharon proves surprisingly modest, but is willing to strip down to quite fetching black underwear.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Sharon is a very selfish and callous person, but even she is horrified when Ramona informs her of the very real existence of unwanted transition surgeries.
  • Fan Service With A Smile: When the shop starts serving coffee as an additional source of profit, Sharon lands the job of barista (which serves the plot purpose of allowing her to be around when the plot needs her for events taking place in the shop), and adopts a "uniform" that is essentially a French Maid Outfit (designed by Jung). This could count as a fairly mild instance of the trope, in that the outfit isn't very tight or too revealing, but, well, it is a French Maid Outfit, and this is Sharon.
  • Handsome Lech: Sharon is a rare female example of the trope, and a bad case. She has a sociopathic habit of using men for sex and whatever other services she can extract from them, and her looks enable her to make this work.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: Sharon, like her brother, is 19, and hence as old as a character can be and still qualify as a teen, but the pattern seems to be established with her; she has the trope-standard boy obsession and fondness for provocative clothes.
  • It's All About Me: Sharon rapidly demonstrates this as practically her defining feature, to the level of parody; she immediately dumps her boyfriend to go after a more attractive guy despite the fact that she made him dump his girlfriend for her, and she stole Aaron's Vampirella comic books when they were kids and lied about it.
    Aaron: You told me Mom threw those out!
    Sharon: Yes, but... you had them, and I wanted them. You can see the dilemma I was in.
  • "Just Joking" Justification: How she sees her harassment of her brother, seemingly more out of ignorance than outright malice. To her, setting up an funding page for Aaron to have gender reassignment surgery is simply "teasing" because she thinks its funny to see him squirm and honestly doesn't believe it could actually happen. It takes someone chewing her out and outright telling her that unwanted surgery does happen to make her realize that its not something to joke about and is outright cruel to even entertain the thought of.
  • Karma Houdini: Sharon rarely if ever suffers any comeuppance for her relentless harassment of Aaron, having apparently charmed every other character in the comic to the point that she can bully him right in front of them without them noticing. Likewise, her Serial Homewrecker habits only cause negative comments from Nikki and Kiley, and the latter mostly seems irritated by the way that they make it hard to retain anyone else to share their apartment. This eventually changes somewhat, but the question then would be why it took so long — and anyway, this comeuppance turns out to be relatively limited, and she is given permission to continue to put Aaron down, so Sharon's Houdini status may persist.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Although all of the female cast are depicted as easy enough on the eyes, Sharon is generally shown as being the most distracting for straight men (and possibly-bi women), and exploits it mercilessly. She would class as a Shameless Fanservice Girl, except that she proves seriously modest about being seen naked by anyone except her many lovers.
  • Really Gets Around: Although the comic doesn't judge any of the female cast who have highly active sex lives, Sharon's exploitative attitude toward the many men who fall for her, and Serial Homewrecker tendencies, make her sexual behavior look like a very bad habit.
  • Serial Homewrecker: Although none of her conquests (seen so far) are actually married, Sharon represents a sort of junior version of the trope. She has seduced several guys away from their girlfriends (and in one case boyfriend) and then dumped them on whim as soon as the next hot guy comes along. She also amuses herself by tempting and taunting Axl in front of Nikki — which presumably contributes to the break-up of that relationship. The actual home she most significantly wrecks is her own, however; she keeps seducing and sleeping with her roommates' boyfriends, which causes said roommates to move out in anger, leaving her and Kiley struggling to cover the rent.
  • Shout-Out: Her creator has invoked acknowledged that Sharon is a doppelganger of Chloe from her earlier supernatural comics line (Eerie Cuties and Dangerously Chloe) — a fact emphasized by the fact that she models for "Infernica Sinn", a character in Aaron and Felix's comic who, like Chloe, is a succubus. (For that matter, Aaron refers to her as "a succubus" when she is first mentioned in the comic.) She's not an expy; in fact, her personality is markedly different to Chloe's sweet naivety. The fact that she can also look plausible as a twin sister for Aaron while resembling Chloe is just a fortunate accident.
  • The Sociopath: Sharon has a thin veneer of niceness that rapidly falls away when she is around Aaron or something she wants, and has little care for the consequences of her actions. For instance, she and Kiley require a third roommate to make rent, but every one they've had up until this becomes a plot point moved out shortly after moving in. Why? Because they all had boyfriends Sharon found attractive and thus proceeded to seduce and sleep with. She literally only cares about what she wants, so much that she is risking homelessness just because she wants to get laid. Although, given the ease with which she can get laid, she probably isn't too worried about herself becoming homeless since she could most likely easily convince one of her conquests to let her move in with them, and it's only Kiley who will really be in trouble.

    Her characterisation undergoes something of a 180-degree reverse when she seemingly develops a conscience and even apologises to Aaron after being chewed out by Ramona in a Very Special Episode, but it remains to be seen how well this has stuck. A worst-case cynical reading might even assume that this was a sociopath faking a conscience to avoid personal inconvenience. A more generous reading would be that she was previously carrying too much of the comic’s load of Comedic Sociopathy.
  • Theme Twin Naming: The rhyming version, with her twin brother Aaron.
  • The Vamp: In the very first strip where we see her in person, it's made clear that Aaron's accusation of her being a "succubus" isn't too far off the mark, as she has just finished having sex with a man who she previously convinced to dump his girlfriend for her, only to immediately dump him the second she sees a more attractive man to go after (Julian). Appropriately, she likes Vampirella, a literal vampire with powers of seduction (albeit a heroic one).
  • Youthful Freckles: Sharon has a very faint scattering of freckles, probably mostly to emphasize her relationship with Aaron — but she is one of the younger cast members.


"Yeah, and I owe it to you, Aaron. You gave me the courage to ask Tracy out."

A customer at the gym where Roxie works and others of the cast train. He becomes friendly with Aaron, and subsequently starts dating Tracy after overcoming some initial mild shyness.


An artist that was introduced to the company by Gary to work on the "Carmen Chamelia" project. Umar is notable mainly for not being an obvious expy of any of the creators' previous speaking-part characters.

  • Distracted by the Sexy: Umar seems to be incapable of being in the same room as Sharon without getting completely distracted. Felix and Ramona decide that he’d better work from home (which drops him out of the comic almost as soon as he's first appeared in it).
  • Token Minority: Umar may have a Middle Eastern or Southeast Asian family background — and neither ethnicity was previously present in the comic.


"I'm looking for something new and challenging, and your publishing startup looks like a chance to hit the ground running."

Zadie Sullivan is a recent university graduate who applies for (and gets) an editorial job at the new publishing venture, becoming a core character in the comic and potentially something of a viewpoint character for any readers who are new to the comic..

  • Ambiguously Bi: Zadie initially identifies as entirely straight, and when she realises that she’s been on a date of sorts with Roxie, with another promised, her instinct is to back out. But she fails to do so at the last moment, apparently admitting to herself that she may have a bisexual side — which becomes increasingly clear as she anticipates the second date with enthusiasm. She even wonders if she might just be lesbian, for about five seconds until Theo crosses her line of vision. However, the ambiguity disappears quite quickly.
  • Bi-Wildered: Zadie initially thinks of herself as exclusively straight, and so is confused when she realizes that the idea of a relationship with Roxie may appeal to her. She gets over this confusion.
  • Cleavage Window: In a scene set at a swimwear/pinup photo-shoot where everybody else seems to be wearing Barely-There Swimwear, Zadie feels overdressed in a sundress with a cleavage window.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Like many of the cast of this comic (and others in the same setting), Zadie is highly susceptible to sexy distractions, such as when she glimpses Theo for the first time.
  • Idiot Ball: For the first few strips, Zadie comes across as smart and sensible, talking her way into the job, making useful suggestions, and looking understandably unnerved by Aaron's hysterical nerdiness. (She turns out previously to have made a poor choice of boyfriend, but anyone can make mistakes.) Then, suddenly, she goes off for a smoothie with Aaron, which Jung and Ramona can see is odd, and then she acts like a bit of an idiot when her ex-boyfriend appears. Her apparent IQ plummets again when confronted with the attractive Felix, and remains too low for her to realize that the attractive Julian is gay.
  • Lipstick Lesbian: Well, "Lipstick Bisexual" — but even once she accepts her own bisexuality, Zadie retains a distinctly feminine "girly" style, forming a lipstick/butch pairing with Tomboy-ish Butch Lesbian Roxie.
  • Naked Freak-Out: Zadie volunteers to model nude for Felix in a desperate attempt to attract his attention, but when she subsequently tries getting (partially) nude in front of Julian and Aaron, she finds it very embarrassing, and can’t handle it. It’s a mild case, but she does freak out.
  • Oblivious to Love: It seems Zadie's gaydar is straight-up nonexistent and not merely prone to malfunctioning around guys she thinks are hot, since she remains oblivious to Roxie's barely-concealed attraction towards her for some time. She only makes it worse by dropping Innocent Innuendo and thinking nothing of stripping down in front of the other woman, giving Roxie the impression that the attraction is mutual. She figures it out eventually, though, leading to the two women dating and even a happy relationship.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: Zadie demonstrates use of this tactic, voluntarily or not, here and here, which begins to suggest a pattern. She also displays similar expressions involuntarily when she is attracted to a man.
  • Straight Man: Or rather, Straight Woman, obviously. Although she's somewhat acquainted with manga, and has some useful editorial credits to her name, Zadie clearly isn't really familiar with the geek world, and some of her first scenes involve her being weirded out by Aaron. This sets up a certain amount of comedy regarding geeks.
  • Woman Scorned: Zadie is so annoyed to discover that her boyfriend has cheated on her that not only does she dump him, but her feelings on the topic become a recurrent feature of her character. She engages in a Fake-Out Make-Out with the nerdy Aaron when her ex shows up in the same coffee shop, she fantasizes about learning wrestling skills so she can beat him up, and she looks very angry when she hears of another woman being cheated on.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: After getting an erotic text from her boyfriend addressed to another woman in the middle of her job interview, she immediately pulls out the Puppy-Dog Eyes and uses her getting cheated on to essentially guilt Ramona into hiring her. She's so quick to do it and the timing of the text was so convenient that it initially seemed like a planned con with her boyfriend being in on it. Later strips show that it wasn't planned, he really did cheat on her and send her that text by accident, and it was her own quick thinking that allowed her to flip it to her benefit.

Characters Returning from Previous Comics


"Annnnd here comes Moxxy!"

Roxie's partner in the wrestling Tag Team "Girl Crush" and sometime lover, who takes the ring name "Moxxy". (Roxie actually addresses her as "Moxx" quite frequently, even in private, switching to "Brandy" as a sign of seriousness — a variant First-Name Ultimatum.) She is a clear Shout-Out to the character of Brandi Jones from Giz's previous comic, Penny and Aggie, and may even represent a full Intercontinuity Crossover, although the personalities of the two characters aren't very similar.

  • Face: "Moxxy and Roxxy" play to this trope, albeit tending perhaps to the "Rebel" version.
  • Stage Name: "Moxxy" was presumably chosen for symmetry with Roxie/"Roxxy".


"Tiffany, really, but FiFi has been my nickname since, well, you know."

A secretary/receptionist at the big-time pro wrestling organization that seeks to recruit DiDi, FiFi LaMontagne shares some features both with her boss GiGi and with DiDi. She shows up first in Ménage à 3, then reappears in the same role in Pixie Trix Comix, where she proves to be GiGi’s trusted right-hand woman (and more).


"Annnd everyone calls me GiGi, 'cause, well, you know."

GiGi MacLaughlin is the acting boss at the big-time pro wrestling organization (“WW3”) that seeks to recruit DiDi in Ménage à 3; actually, her father is the boss, but she expects to inherit the job soon. (Which makes her the setting’s counterpart to Stephanie McMahon.) She later reappears in Pixie Trix Comix as a figure in wrestling-related plots there. GiGi shares some features with both her assistant FiFi and DiDi. Given her name and appearance, some readers assume that she may be something of an Author Avatar for Giz, but if so, it's probably only in her appearance and presentation — she comes across as a not-very-likable manipulative manager.

  • Big-Breast Pride: A subtle instance; GiGi acknowledges that DiDi's bust size is a consideration in recruiting her, especially as her father simply thinks it's good for viewership, but she herself wants to prove that there's more to large-breasted women like herself than cup size. This may also help explain why she employs FiFi as her secretary.
  • Depraved Bisexual: Although bisexuals aren’t automatically treated as depraved in this setting, GiGi's bisexuality is revealed when she turns out to be having sex with FiFi — on her wedding anniversary (though perhaps her husband doesn’t mind?), while simultaneously making sneaky plans against Roxie. And there’s a hint of Bondage Is Bad in the scene too.
  • Lady in a Power Suit: GiGi strolls in on her first appearance wearing a snappy pantsuit. The effect may be slightly but not irretrievably diminished by the fact that the suit has to wrap around her very, ah, feminine curves.
  • Manipulative Bastard: GiGi definitely has at least tendencies this way. When she comes to see Roxie as a threat to her wrestling promotion, she uses FiFi to transport Roxie's girlfriend Zadie to Mexico in order to study her and determine her weaknesses, in order to use her against Roxie.
  • Meaningful Name: Apparently, exactly like DiDi and FiFi, GiGi has a nickname that refers unsubtly to her bust size.
  • Nepotism: GiGi anticipates becoming boss of the wrestling promotion — in succession to her father. Which makes it a Family Business, of course.
  • Powerful People Are Subs: Bedroom scenes with FiFi show GiGi tied up and being spanked, though she's pretty clearly in charge of the situation.
    FiFi: Naughty CEO...


"She clearly put a lot of work into that cleavage. It'd be cruel to make her think it was for nothing."

Lynn Brooks is a successful professional wrestler with the ring name "Annie Conda", who shows up in Montreal on a scouting mission for her promotion's boss. She's admired to the point of excess by Maura and Tess, and rapidly falls for DiDi. She's also a very clear Shout-Out to the character of Brooke Lynn from Giz's fantasy comic, Eerie Cuties, verging on a full Intercontinuity Crossover in that she shares a snake motif, a sexual interest in women, and a strong line in cool-headed irony.

  • Animal Motifs: Snakes for her wrestling persona. Her ring name is a pun on "Anaconda", her outfit is scaly like snake skin, and she has a snake Animal Companion named Mojo.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: When she's out on a dinner date, Lynn switches to a smart suit. It may be generic lesbian-chic, but she looks good in it, verging on the Lady in a Power Suit look.
  • Butch Lesbian: Of the "dapper" sort. When dressing up out of costume, she favors suits and the like. Maura calls her handsome and compares her to Prince Charming.
  • Cool Shades: Lynn uses shades as part of an attempt to avoid being recognized at a low-level wrestling match. They end up enhancing her badass look.
  • Didn't Think This Through:
    • Finding herself very attracted to DiDi, she "autographs" DiDi's chest with "Call me" and her own phone number as a way of hitting on her. Five minutes later, she has 175 messages on her phone, all from men who thought they were calling DiDi.
    • Judging by her expression here, she probably didn't anticipate how deep a relationship with Maura was going to be.
  • Feather Boa Constrictor: She has a snake, "Mojo", which she wears as a prop in publicity shots shows and public appearances, matching her ring name. (She also seems to regard it as a pet, talking to it when she's thinking aloud.)
  • Has a Type: She seems to have a particular attraction to blondes, and also perhaps to large busts. Maura (especially when she's wearing a push-up bra) and DiDi push both those buttons.
  • Only Sane Woman: She (not surprisingly) instantly sees through Maura's attempts to pass herself off as DiDi, but chooses not to walk away because Maura is attractive anyway, and she can exploit the situation to her own advantage. She's mostly generally sane in other circumstances too, although sexual infatuation (especially perhaps, inevitably, with DiDi) can cloud her judgment.
  • Power Hair: While most of the female wrestlers favor glamorous "feminine" hairstyles, Lynn wears a neat bob. It suits her self-assured style, and she makes it work.
  • Punny Name: Her real life name is a pun on "Brooklyn", whereas her ring name is a pun on "Anaconda".
  • Stage Name: "Annie Conda" is another of the very obvious wrestling ring names seen in this comic.
  • Wardrobe Malfunction: Lynn apparently once suffered one on live TV. But she's a professional with a Feather Boa Constrictor...


"I don't know what that means, but I have a date tonight and you don't, so..."

Maura and her friend Tess are students at Damien's wrestling school, and are subsequently seen fighting as a Tag Team ("The Tempests") against Roxie and Brandy. (They initially look like an example of The Dividual — specifically, the Syndividual — but they subsequently develop as distinct characters.) They later make friends with DiDi while training with her, and Maura snags a date with Gary. Later again, they show up in Pixie Trix Comix. These two characters are a detailed Shout-Out; see the notes on that trope on the comic's main page. Maura is more of a The Ditz compared to Tess (or by any standards) and a compulsive flirt (which leads her to get that date).

  • Ambiguously Bi: Although she identifies as clearly heterosexual to begin with, Maura proves susceptible to Lynn's lesbian seductions. In fact, it really stops being ambiguous when Lynn's efforts succeed. However, the short-haired, wiry Lynn emphasizes her own physical strength in their interactions, and Maura refers to her as a female "Prince Charming", so Maura's taste in partners clearly runs consistently towards traditionally masculine features.
  • Competition Freak: Tess notes that Maura suffers from a "competitive flirting instinct" — when she's in a room with several other women and one guy, she automatically tries to get a date with the guy. She herself subsequently admits that she tends to "over-compete", leading her to shoot her mouth off catastrophically. This even seems able to send her Ambiguously Bi; after Lynn manages to pique her interest by exploiting her Bifauxnen physique, Maura learns that DiDi is also interested, and the rivalry drives Maura into a full lesbian relationship.
  • The Ditz: Maura isn't terribly bright and is prone to silly accidents (such as knocking her date unconscious) while definitely being attractive (and blonde).
  • Elemental Motifs: Maura's ring persona involves a lot of fire imagery (which fits with her status as a Shout-Out to Laura of ''Eerie Cuties).
  • Exact Words: Her "relationship" with Lynn is justified in Maura's mind by seeing her through the lens of a "female Prince Charming".
  • Fangirl: Both of the Tempests show an admiration for Lynn that verges on the worrying, but especially Maura, who tries to refuse to bathe ever again after Lynn autographs her chest.
  • Heel: Maura and Tess are still learning the wrestling game, and they can be quite sweet when encountered in the gym, but in the ring, they play the heels quite well and apparently enthusiastically.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Maura and Tess were school friends who became a synchronized swimming team (to Olympic standards), switched to become a wrestling Tag Team, and share an apartment. Their friendship is strong enough to survive some mutual snark and a little competition for the same guy. See the July 6, 2017 strip (somewhat NSFW) for some of the possible ambiguities in that relationship, but note that even when they fight, seemingly seriously, they can't stay angry for long.
  • Playing with Fire: Tess and Maura wrestle as "Frosti and Pyre", playing to these matched tropes, albeit purely as a visual and stylistic matter — they don't actually have superhuman powers. Maura is "Pyre", using fire imagery.
  • Only Sane Woman: Sometimes... Maura and Tess are mainly sane in relation to DiDi. They are among the few characters in the comic who don't seem to have their brains scrambled by her weird Even Girls Want Her sex appeal, they explain some aspects of wrestling to her clearly and usefully, and one of them even queries her tendency to Poirot Speak. At other times, though, they're a bit more flaky — especially Maura.
  • Parts Unknown: Where the Tempests are billed as coming from.
  • Stage Names: "Pyre" is a far-from-covert ring name.
  • Unknown Rival: while on their first date, Maura and Gary encounter Peggy, and Gary's socially incompetent behavior leads Maura to see the other woman as her rival, and to try to one-up Peggy.
  • Women Prefer Strong Men: Maura is one of the few women in the strip to manifest this trope very clearly, declaring or acknowledging, more than once, that she has a definite liking for muscular men. She's not doctrinaire about it, though; she's prepared to go on a date with the slim and mild-mannered Gary, if only because her competitive tendencies have been triggered, and even jumps him when he says something kind to her. Incidentally, she also proves susceptible to Lynn's attempts at lesbian seduction when Lynn demonstrates her own muscular physique.


"Not so loud! It's... not all for me."

Ramona is first seen in Sticky Dilly Buns as a regular customer at the shop where Zii and Jung work. Zii doesn't initially know that Ramona is Angel's sister, or that some of Ramona's purchases are actually for Angel; it's possible that Angel sends Ramona into the shop to avoid contact with Zii, who Angel hates. At this time, Ramona seems shy and nervous, but she soon proves willing to rebuke Angel for acting foolishly. Later, she shows up in Pixie Trix Comix, and becomes a significant character there, as she's working on the publishing venture that provides the main plot threads for the comic. She seems even more confident and assertive by this point; the fact that she is in a relationship with Jung may be something to do with this. (She also seems to be benefiting from an appearance upgrade; see Fanservice Pack below.)


"You'll pay for that, blondie!"

A new trainer at a gym attended by DiDi in Ménage à 3 who also turns out to be involved in a wrestling school; the two women get off on the wrong foot. After the end of Ménage à 3 as such, Roxie shows up in Pixie Trix Comix when Aaron and Zadie go to that gym, and she develops a relationship with Zadie.

  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: She's a muscular wrestler who projects a tough image, but is a softy when it comes to romance.
  • Butch Lesbian: Roxie is stocky and quite muscular, mostly avoids "girly" traits like dresses or obvious makeup — and expresses sexual/romantic interest only in women.
  • Butt-Monkey: Roxie is persistently sexually frustrated, and her attempts to get on in wrestling on her own terms are persistently foiled, while more attractive but less talented wrestlers succeed. In Ménage à 3 she also has to put up with DiDi’s unthinking flakiness, and in Pixie Trix Comix, she has Zadie seeming ambiguously to flirt with her, all of which exacerbates that frustration. She rarely wins much. Eventually, she and Zadie end up in a happy relationship and enjoy a good sex life, until Zadie's confession leads to Roxie dumping her to avoid complications with a poly relationship.
  • Closet Key: Roxie plays this role for Zadie in Pixie Trix Comix.
  • Embarrassing Old Photo: When DiDi is trying to return Roxie's dropped wallet, she looks inside it for some clue as to where to take it — and discovers a picture of Roxie in a Fantastical Cosplay-Style Dress. This really doesn't fit with Roxie's badass tomboy image, even the sweet-natured DiDi giggles at the sight, and it is subsequently strongly hinted that Roxie would indeed find that image embarrassing.
  • Face/Heel: When first seen wrestling in the comic, Roxie's persona is that of a face, albeit maybe tending to the "rebel" version. However, at the end of that match, she performs a classic wrestling Face–Heel Turn, attacking her own Tag Team partner.
  • Gamer Chick: Aaron introduces Roxie to video games and she promptly starts beating him; she evidently enjoys them and is an interesting opponent, given that Aaron is quite unhappy about her breakup with Zadie, since it may mean he will lose his gaming buddy.
  • Gym Bunny: Roxie is a kind of gender-flipped version; she’s gay, and not only a professional athlete, but obsessive about maintaining her physique, as this strip shows. She doesn’t do this to preserve her looks, but because she’s proud of her muscle tone for itself and determined to remain in peak fighting condition; still, Zadie seems to find it all quite appealing.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Roxie resorts to physical violence more than once in her first couple of appearances alone; at other moments, she merely engages in angry verbal snark. There are subsequent hints that actually, she’s easily embarrassed, especially by anything that might make her look weak or vulnerable, and this lashing out is a defence mechanism.
  • Head-and-Hip Pose: Roxie adopts an approximation of this pose when seeking to explain the benefits of exercise to Zadie in Pixie Trix Comix.
  • Idiot Hair: As noted elsewhere, in comics in this setting, this manga-style convention is mostly used to indicate surprise (often with a side-order of sexual stimulation) rather than stupidity. It shows up in this version on Roxie in Pixie Trix Comix in this strip.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Roxie's reactions to DiDi's behavior and Damien's flirtatious ways are often ill-tempered and sometimes ridiculously violent, but a lot of what she says about them is true.
  • The Napoleon: On her very first appearance, Roxie proves to be short-tempered, aggressive, and touchy about her height.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Roxie is fairly short, and sometimes touchy about her height, but she teaches gym classes, including boxing workouts, and is dedicated to wrestling; she has the skill to put the much larger DiDi on the ground and get a hold on her, at least when attacking by surprise. (DiDi does subsequently get the better of her, but the amazon has the advantage of size and trained strength, and has some combat skill herself.)
  • Real Women Don't Wear Dresses: Roxie is absolutely determined to project a tough image, in and out of the ring, and seems to lack some confidence in her own feminine attractiveness; hence, she frequently invokes this trope, not only not wearing dresses but, for example, avoiding going dancing. Both Brandy and Zadie (in Pixie Trix Comix) put some effort into convincing her to be a little more flexible. Note that this is very much a confidence issue with Roxie, rather than a matter of principle; she’s a lesbian who very much appreciates “girly” attractiveness in other women.
    Zadie: Dance aggressive! Tough girls dance all the time!
  • Stage Name: Roxie uses a slightly variant form of her name, "Roxxy", in the wrestling ring.


"You and your competitive flirting instinct..."

Tess is first seen in Ménage à 3 as a student at Damien's wrestling school, and is subsequently seen fighting alongside her friend Maura as a Tag Team ("The Tempests") against Roxie and Brandy. (They initially look like an example of The Dividual — specifically, the Syndividual — but they subsequently develop as distinct characters.) Tess and Maura later make friends with DiDi while training with her. Later again, they show up in Pixie Trix Comix. These two characters are a detailed Shout-Out; see the notes on that trope on the comic's main page. Tess is somewhat smarter than Maura, at least to the level of using three-syllable words and recognizing the obvious, although she gets a little ditzy about her desire for Damien.

  • Elemental Motifs: Tess's ring persona involves a lot of ice imagery (which fits with her status as a Shout-Out to Cess of Eerie Cuties).
  • Elemental Hair Colors: She has blue hair and plays an ice-themed character in the ring.
  • Fangirl: Both Tess and Maura show an admiration for Lynn that verges on the worrying, though Maura is markedly worse.
  • Give Geeks a Chance: In Pixie Trix Comix, Tess initially finds Aaron as annoying as everyone else does, only associating with him because she’s desperate for advice on various geeky topics. However, she comes to find him amusing, even likeable, and perhaps Endearingly Dorky, and ends up using him for nights of rampant sex, which go very well. They have a weird sort of chemistry; it helps that she’s really not as (metaphorically or literally) cool as her image, while Aaron has been working out physically and very slowly improving his personality. There's also the added factor of Tess trying to develop a "relationship" with Dora, so what she and Aaron are doing doesn't count in her eyes; she can tell herself that they are Just Friends (With Benefits).
  • Heel: Maura and Tess are still learning the wrestling game, and can be quite sweet when encountered in the gym, but in the ring, they play the heels quite well and apparently enthusiastically.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Maura and Tess were school friends who became a synchronized swimming team (to Olympic standards), switched to become a wrestling Tag Team, and share an apartment. Their friendship is strong enough to survive some mutual snark and a little competition for the same guy. See the July 6, 2017 strip (somewhat NSFW) for some of the possible ambiguities in that relationship, but note that even when they fight, seemingly seriously, they can't stay angry for long.
  • An Ice Person: Tess and Maura wrestle as "Frosti and Pyre", using "ice and fire" imagery, albeit purely as a visual and stylistic matter — they don't actually have superhuman powers. Tess is the "ice" element of the pairing.
  • An Ice Suit: Matching her ring persona, Tess wears a version of the bathing-ice suit pattern in the ring, with a fur-trimmed jacket sometimes worn over it.
  • Only Sane Woman: Both Maura and Tess seem exceptionally sane in relation to DiDi. They are among the few characters in the comic who don't seem to have their brains scrambled by her weird Even Girls Want Her sex appeal, they explain some aspects of wrestling to her clearly and usefully, and they even query her tendency to Poirot Speak. At other times, Maura is rather more flaky, leaving Tess to play the sane role. However, when she gets an extended plot strand without Maura in Pixie Trix Comix, Tess does rather grab the Idiot Ball.
  • Parts Unknown: Where the Tempests are billed as coming from.
  • Plot-Powered Stamina: Tess's sexual marathons with Aaron run for hours, and she only admits to being exhausted after twelve goes round. Admittedly she has the physical conditioning of a professional athlete (and Aaron is left completely exhausted), but this really verges on Anatomically Impossible or at least Idealized Sex (though of course it's written this way for the sake of comedy).
  • Stage Names: "Frosti" is Tess's far-from-covert ring name.
  • Symbolic Wings: Tess's wrestling persona is some kind of supernatural ice-being, and when Dora upgrades her costume, she incorporates a large pair of decorative gossamer wings, later switched to something less unwieldy and more ice-like; these are removed when she actually fights in the ring.

For DiDi, Gilbert, Jung, Kiley, Tracy, and Zii, see the characters page for Ménage à 3.

For Chanelle, see the characters page for Sticky Dilly Buns.

For Marie, see the characters page for Sandra on the Rocks.
