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Precision F Strike / Web Original

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  • Every time Nine swears in 17776, it comes off as this.
    • During their increasingly dour messages in the first chapter:
      "Please answer me.
      Please fucking answer me.
      Fucking answer me.
      Fucking answer me."
    • After a lengthy discussion about humanity's reaction to immortality and seemingly wasting time in chapter 5:
      "God damn."
    • Once Juice goes too far in insulting them in chapter 9:
      "You know what, fuck you."
  • An O.O.C. Is Serious Business occurs in AJCO when Egg, the quiet teenager who had sworn only once up until this point (and even then she was only mimicking Kube in a friendly fashion), swears at A_J following her removal from the hangar and the news that she will be expelled to the radioactive outside world.
    <Egg> F-fine. Fine. I'll take the bullet, or the gas, or the radiation. But at least I was liked. And loved. Unlike you, you heartless bitch.
  • The Angry Video Game Nerd:
    • While he prefers the Cluster F-Bomb, his video on NES Accessories had a rare case of a literal Precision F-Strike. When talking about a headset that fired based on voice, he learns you can say anything and it will work. Leading to...
      Nerd: FUCK! [hits duck] Wow, I just shot down a duck by saying fuck.
    • And a more literal example in part 3 of his CD-I review
      Nerd: It's time to start dropping some f-bombs! FUCK [bomb explodes] FUCK [bomb explodes] FUCK [bomb explodes] FUCK [bomb explodes]
    • He does it again while reviewing Ghosts 'n Goblins.
      Nerd: [rage builds up] F...F... Curse! Curse, Goddamn it! Mnh! I used up all my fuck points during the last 107 episodes. I don't have anything new. I gotta rely on the old tricks. [begins to fight the game cartridge RPG-style] All right. Let's try the Cluster F-Bombs. Fuck this fucking piece of shit fucking shit fucker game! [game attacks the Nerd] UGH! Uhh, gotta go for the Precision F-Strike. Oh, how this game lures you in with its appealing gameplay, and charming atmosphere, and then bends you over and FUCKS'' you to Hell!!
  • Robyn of Anime America is not a sweary person at all. Well, not extremely sweary, at least. She does speak in a sort of sarcastic tone, but rarely surpasses words like "crap," so when TOP 10 WORST CLICHÈS IN ANIME came out and she got to the No. 2 spot, "Underaged Fanservice," she goes on to say this:
    Robyn: I know Rule 34 states if it exists, there's porn of it, but this is just—
    (cue Boku No Pico)
    Robyn: FUCK NOOOO!
  • Atop the Fourth Wall: Linkara makes a point of avoiding to use stronger profanity, especially the F-Word. Sometimes he plays around with this "rule", by including a Curse Cut Short, but at a rare, selected times he has been known to drop some slightly crasser words than usual and even full-on F-bomb or two.
    • Notably, Linkara (who never uses stronger language) actually referred to a character as a twat in his JLA: Act of God review. Also in that review, he uses the word "goddamn," which is all the more appropriate as the comic was partly written as Christian propaganda.
    • In a crossover review of The Fantastic Four with Bennett the Sage, he had Bennett do the Precision F Strikes for him. Linkara paused when most people would curse, and Bennet said the F-word for him. Immediately followed by a subversion of the gag:
      Sage: Are you, uh, done here?
      Linkara: Bitch, I haven't even gotten started yet.
    • And then when he made an appearance in Bennett the Sage's Masterpiece Fanfic Theatre in which he was tied to a chair and forced to listen to his own teenage fanfiction, he WOULD have dropped an f-bomb...if Bennett hadn't conveniently gagged him.
    • He does say "Son of a bitch!" (his strongest swear, aside from a bad imitation of him by The Nostalgia Critic, who made him say the F word in a faked apology video) when he reaches his breaking point, much to Bennet's amazement.
    • Cry for Justice had him as close to dropping the f-bomb as he'll probably will ever get: "This is a freakin' joke!!!"
    • In the Forget About It "review" of Titanic, Linkara is heard saying "well MOTHERFU-" before being cut off by a montage of Phelous, Obscurus Lupa, and Sad Panda lip-syncing to "My Heart Will Go On".
    • In the bloopers for the Wonder Woman review he swears uncensored.
    • In his 200th episode review of One More Day, he called Joe Quesada (or whoever wrote this particular part) a dickhead for essentially calling comic book readers and gamers losers.
    • In Obscurus Lupa's review of Evil Dead 2, after the rest of Channel Awesome gave Lupa a "Reason You Suck" Speech, Linkara summarizes what they have said.
      Linkara: Add up everything that you have ever done, and what do you have to show for it? Jack and shit. And jack left town.
    • Someone decided to rant on Linkara's blog about seeing another JewWario video. Linkara (basically the biggest Nice Guy on TGWTG) ended his response with "Fuck you. Fuck you and never come back." This happened AFTER JewWario committed suicide, it's no wonder why Linkara was so ticked. That said, given after the allegations against Carmichal came out and Lovhaug made it clear he believed them, he probably ended up regretting defending a suspected predator.
    • During ConBravo D20 Live 2014, Linkara slips up and says fuck while arguing with Big Mike, before correcting himself immediately.
    • During one of the TGWTG charity Livestreams, Linkara offered viewers who donated more money the chance to hear him say "fuck." Doug pointed out that he just said it, to which Linkara replied, ", I didn't."
    • The best example would be during the final battle with Mechakara during the movie.
      Mechakara: I shall paint these walls with your blood!
      Linkara: Yeah? Fuck you too.
    • He dropped one in this tweet in regards to Channel Awesome's "response" to the #ChangeTheChannel document.
  • B. Dylan Hollis usually doesn't swear in his cooking videos, although the Spam pie recipe proved to be an exception.
    Noooo! Goddamn...this is severe. Tastes like an IHOP kitchen floor.
  • Matthew Buck of Bad Movie Beatdown swears when it is appropriate, and usually bleeps out the word "f*ck." Except at the end of his famous monologue at the end of Seven Pounds
    Matt: This movie is literally saying that it's okay to kill yourself as long as you donate your organs. What the fuck kind of message is that?
  • Board James:
    • Happens during their playthrough of Shark Attack when Bad Luck Bootsy arrives wanting to play, much to the annoyance of James and Mike. Bootsy responds to this by pretending to reel in a fish, and flipping the bird while playfully chanting and singing. Then he straight up says "Fuck you, you motherfucking piece of shit!" in a very hostile manner, dumbfounding both James and Mike.
    • That same episode, towards the end, Board James suffers a bit of a breakdown which turns into a "Reason You Suck" Speech due to Mike's cheating, and Bootsy's hijinks.
      Board James: Come on, really guys?! This is a really simple fucking game! Why can't we just play a fucking board game?! IT'S NOT FUCKING FUNNY! Like this is the most dysfunctional group of friends I've ever had! Like, you're over here cheating, you're over here trying to make love with the damn shark, I'm bored, I wanna play a fucking board game, and YOU'RE FUCKING PISSING ME OFF! FUCK YOU GUYS! WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR GUYS' FUCKING PROBLEM?! FUCK!
  • CaptainSparklez:
    • Captain Sparklez rarely swears in most of his videos beyond anything stronger than "god damnit", and that's generally reserved for his non-Minecraft videos. But in his appearance on React when the subject was The Farting Preacher, he found out that his theory on the subject was wrong (he had assumed the videos were a church using viral video as a promotional campaign), and commented "I am so fucking gullible". A year later, he dropped an F-bomb when going for the "Try Not to Laugh" video, vowing to "fucking ace it".
    • And again in "Coffee Tactics". He also throws out the no swearing rule while playing Slender, because he finds it that terrifying.
  • Critical Role combines this with a particularly badass Pre-Mortem One-Liner when Percy gets the drop on an NPC who had used and betrayed the party:
    Percy: Some people have no sense of fucking honour!
    • Vax doesn't even need the F-bomb to make it simultaneously awesome, heartwarming and a complete tearjerker when trading the goddess of death for his sister's life:
      Vax: Take me instead, you raven bitch.
  • Dawn of a New Age: Oldport Blues:
    • Ivy is more foul-mouthed than her meek reputation would lead one to believe, but she still doesn't do it a lot. This makes it stand out more when she asks a pointed "What the fuck is wrong with you?" when Hyeon shoves her during the Mass Super-Empowering Event.
    • Her mother, a teacher at the school, is introduced letting a 'shit' slip out while she's going through work e-mails, showing that she's more casual around her daughter than she is her husband or students.
  • Dragon Ball Z Abridged is not averse to swearing, and often lets swears as far as "shit" go uncensored. It does, however, regularly use a Sound-Effect Bleep for the word "fuck". The very first instance of it being uncensored was in Episode 34, in which, after having sex, Bulma asks why Vegeta didn't put on a condom and he asks "the fuck's a condom?" making this a rather literal example. In episode 60 Vegeta, known for his pride and arrogance, apologizes to Gohan because his actions got Gohan, the only person who can defeat Cell, seriously injured. Gohan responds to this with a simple, uncensored, "Oh wow, we are fucked..." This comes after Cell unleashes a fully bleeped Atomic and Cluster F-Bomb and before Vegeta has "Fuckin' better" bleeped out. In the Buu Bits shorts, the power Mr. Popo gave to Goku for his Spirit Bomb (with only one hand) was so massive that it got Goku, not prone to swearing, to say "HOLY SHIT!".
  • Brad Jones in the DVD-R Hell review of Rock: It's Your Decision. He was perfectly willing to let the worst stereotype Christian ever rail against Rock Music (which he quite likes apparently) and he would just laugh. Then he brought up lifestyles of these people, that being their homosexuality.
  • Epic Rap Battles of History:
    • In one episode, the F-bomb is dropped by Mr. Rogers, of all people, shortly after his opponent, Mr. T, accuses him of being a pedophile. Link
      Mr. Rogers: I'll say this once Laurence, I hope it's understood./Get right back in your van, and get the fuck out of my neighborhood.
    • Chuck Norris vs. Abraham Lincoln: "I AM CHUCK FUCKING NORRIS!"
    • Hitler vs. Darth Vader: "Now stand at attention, and Sieg fucking Heil!"
    • Martin Luther King Jr vs Ghandhi: "I am passively resisting the fact that you suck/I am celibate because I don't give a fuck."
    • There's generally one per video, after they stopped used a Cluster F-Bomb early on (though not always).
  • Extra Credits one F-bomb in the show's entire run was in the episode talking about the game Call of Juarez: The Cartel. Bleeped, but it still counts.
  • At the end of FilmCow's Detective Mittens: The Crime Solving Cat:
    Good work, Mittens. [Beat] You scary fucking cat.}
  • French Baguette Intelligence: In the opening of The Million Dollar Puzzle - Reflection on Intention, Fuck Cares explains that YouTube required him to renamed himself 'Faux Cares' and remove most swear words from the video so that it wouldn't be demonetised, less than five seconds later, the Judge appears with the name 'Fucking Goddamn Fucker'.
  • Freshy Kanal: "Norman Bates vs. Jack Torrance" is mostly swearing-free, so Jack's first two swears ("Now they sent me both cases with one goddamn person" and "Then, fucking play with me, Norman!") hit much more strongly, especially since he is relatively calm at first and starts being more direct with his insults after the second one.
  • The Happy Video Game Nerd: Nekbone, who normally only speaks by shouting his own name, shouts out "OH SHIT!" when confronted by Nightshade.
  • Of the three hosts of How Did This Get Made?, June Diane Raphael is the one least prone to swearing. In the course of their episode on the film Howard the Duck, June claims that there are points where it looks like Howard is trying to fly. Everyone scoffs but at the end of the episode, opt to try and find what June's talking about. June shouts triumphantly when they find exactly what she's talking about (a scene in which Howard is flapping his arms as if trying to fly).
    June: Right there! Right fucking there!
  • Kurtjmac barely ever swears, preferring "crap" and "nuts to you" and occasionally dropping a "hell" or a "damn". In the most recent episode of the Mindcrack Ultra Hardcore series (in which well-known Minecraft Let's Players duke it out last-man-standing-style while running a difficulty-increasing mod), he goes from full health (and a very complete player-killing kit to boot) to dead, in less than a second, by glitching into a block because his (four) dogs teleported to him while his boat was near land, in memory-intensive terrain, on a laggy and crowded server. His response? "Motherfuck-" *cut to old-timey We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties slide*
  • The LoadingReadyRun video Son of a Bitch tends to leave viewers with the impression that it is a Cluster F-Bomb. This is not actually, true, it's just that few F-bombs in the video are done with such intensity.
  • The earlier episodes of Lonelygirl15 were like this. Bree swears precisely once in the entire series, in "I Probably Shouldn't Post This...", when she is defending the Hymn of One in a heated argument with Daniel: "It's my beliefs! There's a million fucking different religions in the world!"
  • YouTube microwave show Microwave Me fits this trope, especially with the most common variation of the opening tagline. "Hello, and welcome to Microwave Me, the show where I microwave shit so you don't have to!", but beyond that, it's rare for him to use sexual innuendo or swear words more severe than "damn", "hell", or "ass", although this trope is subverted in this case because he considered "shit" to be equivalent to the three listed above, and not up there with words like "fuck" or "cock".
  • While the Minecraft Championship is no stranger to content creators who tend to swear, there are also several who make an effort to keep their language family-friendly... which made it all the more shocking when, during MCC 19, the normally clean CaptainSparklez dropped an F-bomb out of frustration during TGTTOSAWAF. Cue the shocked reactions from both his teammates and his Twitch chat as he futilely tried to claim he said "fork".
  • Mr. Coat: Typically avoids swearing, but has used some light words like "damn" and "hell". He's also called one particular Oscar decision "the most dickish move". However, in his slam on the Animated Adaptation of The Wizard of Oz, he makes this bleeped comment about how the show revived the Wicked Witch:
    There's magic, and then there's bullshit. This. Is bullshit.
  • Mystery Science Theater F1: Cluster F-Bombs later became this in the show, apart from special occasions.
  • Compared to other Navy Seal Copypasta variants, including the original, the pirate version is the least profane, with the strongest language being heard in the second-to-last line, "I will shit fury all over ye, and ye will drown in the depths of it."
  • You know you're in deep shit when GOD swears, as The Nostalgia Critic found out the hard way when he called God benevolent when in fact he was vengeful.
    God: Your ass is grass.
  • Oceaniz usually doesn't swear in his voiceovers for The Arc that broke MHA, although he does occasionally drop an F-bomb in onscreen text, but he uses this trope for poignant effect in the final sentence of the video(not counting thanking his viewers, patrons and other supporters).
    My Hero Academia was a story that once built toward a bright future, toward stories and characters full of potential. It is now a story that builds toward nothing but the next firework, the next cliffhanger, and ultimately, its own nonexistence... and that is just so fucking sad.
  • Party Crashers:
    • In "Don't EVER betray me in Mario Party", Nick says this to Vernias after beating him by 11 milliseconds on the minigame Pokey Pummel:
      Nick: (sighs of relief) GET FUCKED, VERNIAS!
    • In "Least Toxic Mario Party game...", Sophist says this to Nick after losing the first minigame:
      Nick: Hey, Brent, Eevee. You guys got it next time, kings. Don't worry.
      Sophist: FUCK YOU!
    • In "The most TRAGIC ending in a Mario Party game...", Vernias says this in response to one of Toad's statements after losing to Brent on his birthday:
      Vernias: "Not quite first, but still a great showing!" FUCK YOU!
    • In "Mario Party but LAST PLACE WINS", Sophist says this to Brent when the latter successfully swaps his 2 Stars with the former's 0 via Chance Time:
      Sophist: Well, you can't spell Wario without FUCKING WAR!!
  • Passing Those Who Inspire Me by Matthew Santoro includes one use of "pretty damn good", but no other swearing.
  • Petscop: Whatever Paul saw in episode 9 has him give this reaction.
    Paul: What the fuck?
  • PieGuyRulz doesn't usually swear in his videos, apart from the occasional "crap". But in a video regarding his experiences in college, he says that he uttered an "expletive" at his roommate.
  • Player Two Start: Used twice by Sega of America Presidents, in response to catastrophes:
    • Tom Kalinske utters a singular "Fuck." in response to Nintendo's Thanksgiving price cut, realizing that the Sega CD is doomed to failure.
    • Reggie Fils-Aime repeats Kalinske's response after being informed that Chris Chandler, the culprit of the Valentine's Day Massacre, was a fan of Sega, figuring out that the company is going to be blamed for Chandler's crimes.
  • raocow is not typically known for outright swearing (at least, not in English), but his incredulity at Shadow the Hedgehog's assertion that taking candy from a baby was fine by him led him to outright call Shadow an asshole.
    MrDjWalnut (commentor): Let it be known that declaring that you're fine with taking candy from babies is the final straw that drives even Raocow to call you an asshole
  • Scaramouche's Attic: When Scaramouche got to the ending of Flowers in the Attic in her review, she began the paragraph with "The fucking ending."
  • SeaNanners, a normally eloquent man, typically never uttering anything more intense than "damn", dropped the f-bomb after visiting the Nether in his Minecraft Let's Play. Interestingly, he began using more intense swears ever since that.
    "Seriously? I know this is inappropriate, but what the fuck."
  • Serina is a Speculative Biology project that normally features fairly tame language as it describes the inhabitants and biospheres of the titular moon. The end of the Ocean Age arc features the only use of profanity in the project, and it's Brighteye's dying words to the Observer after the latter manipulated him into causing a mass extinction. This being the only use of profanity in the project really helps highly the gravitas of the scene.
    Brighteye: Fuck you.

  • SF Debris isn't afraid to swear in his reviews, but even so, he's surprising adept at dropping laser-guided F-bombs to emphasize certain situations. This is demonstrated when he inserts his own dialogue into the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Where Silence has Lease," where black, redshirted Ensign Haskell proves just Genre Savvy enough to realize how screwed he is.
    Nagilum: Now would be a good time to learn about death by killing one of you.
    Riker: Oh, no!
    Picard: Oh, no!
    Troi: Oh, no!
    Data: Oh, no!
    Haskell: MOTHER FUCKER!
  • Fred Clark's Slacktivist blog has a great example in Stop Demanding That You Get Screwed, which has 20 or so paragraphs explaining calmly and patiently why healthcare reform isn't a bad thing, then emphasises it by finishing the postscript with "fuck you, you fucking moron".
  • Stuart Ashen is a generally deadpan person, and isn't known for swearing very often, generally only dropping an F-bomb if he's feeling particularly strongly about something. So it's easy to be caught off-guard to his reaction to 116-year-old chocolate being a combination of this and an Atomic F-Bomb, since the thing had essentially turned to solid rot.
    Ashens: Depending what it looks like, I may bite off a little bit, I might lick it, or I might not eat it at all. And here we go— FFFFUCK!! (breaks down laughing)
  • Used spectacularly in Survival of the Fittest. Yes, while most characters swear like sailors, cute, sugary sweet Louise "Lulu" Altaire manages to pull this off. When she meets Lenny for the third time, after he has just killed her friends the previous times, this time she's prepared. She's killed people, she has a gun and isn't afraid to use it.
    Lulu: See this thing, Lenny? Now you take your fucking hands off your handgun or I'll blow a hole through your head.
  • The narration for TED-Ed videos are very well-spoken and articulate, but in the video about phantom traffic jams, after setting the scene about a traffic jam with no discernible cause, the narrator finishes his intro by saying "So why the [BLEEP] is there so much traffic?"
  • In Shmorky's "Titanic" (a parody of the animated works of Dingo Pictures), Scrooge McDuck drops one out of absolutely nowhere, the only actual swear in the entire thing.
    Gaston: You are so bad, you could play for Latvia.
    Scrooge: GO FUCK YOURSELF!
  • Video Game High School has skirted the line in recent seasons, but in episode 5 of season 3, Calhoun vents his frustration in a particularly non-highschool friendly way at the Barnstormers.
  • Whateley Universe: In The Three Little Witches, Abra, a pre-teen, swears after a very humiliating failure in a long list of failures, but which also involved her best work:
    “It was a cluster fuck!” Abra snapped as she paced around the floor in Clover’s room.
    “Abra!” Clover gasped, “If Mrs. Nelson heard you, she’d wash your mouth out with soap!”
    “My best work, up in smoke, and we’re still not any closer to getting any essence!” Abra groused as she shifted yet a little more chalk dust out of an uncomfortable crevice. She plopped down on Clover’s bed, arms crossed, eyebrows beetled. “So, how’re we gonna fix this?”
  • Pherb tells Candis to go fuck herself at the end of both episodes of Fineas and Pherb (a parody of Phineasand Ferb).
