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Foreshadowing / Live-Action Films

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  • A Wedding (1978):
    • The first lines of dialogue have the camera crew debating whether Regina is glassy-eyed or has a "beautiful glaze" in her eyes. It later turns out that the glass-eyes comment was more accurate, as Regina is a drug addict.
    • After seeing the replica restaurant in the basement, Snooks asks if Luigi owned a restaurant back in Italy, and he vaguely replies "something like that." Later scenes reveal Luigi is a former waiter whose mother-in-law forbids him from discussing his past profession.
  • Alien franchise:
    • Alien (1979)
      • Combines with Tempting Fate. Kane is the first crew member to die.
        Kane: Oh, I feel dead.
        Parker: Anybody ever tell you you look dead?
      • Dallas and Lambert note that the space jockey's ribs seem to have "exploded" from inside and wonder what could have caused it.
      • Ash never eats. The only thing he consumes is some milky-white fluid. He's later revealed to be an android, with white liquid for blood.
      • "Where's the rest of the crew?" is a very good question that's never brought up again, but a deleted scene from Alien shows that the xenomorph has a habit of turning its victims into more eggs.
    • Aliens
      • In the Special Edition, the "bees and ants" conversation foreshadows the appearance of the Queen.
      Hudson: She's badass, man, I mean big.
      • Newt reckons the scenario will turn ugly again for the humans, despite the presence of the Space Marines.
      Newt: It won't make any difference.
      • Ripley promises that she won't leave Newt, "cross my heart and hope to die". She gets a chance to prove that she means it when the xenomorphs capture Newt with only minutes before a nuclear detonation will occur.
      • Ripley suggests nuking the site from orbit and Hicks agrees. The site ends up nuking itself when the damaged power plant explodes.
      • After Ripley is fired from the Company Burke comes to visit her and mentions that she's been working in the docks, "running loaders and forklifts." Fast forward to the scene of the Marines prepping their mission and Ripley demonstrates her skill with a big loader, much to the amusement of Apone and Hicks. And then the payoff comes when she stomps into the bay in the loader for the climactic battle with the xenomorph Queen, uttering one of the most famous lines in sci-fi.
    • Alien³. There's a "blink and you might miss it" moment during the scene just after the xenomorph has attacked, some inflammable liquid caught alight and a large fire has been set off through the passage shaft. They activate the sprinklers to put the fire out, there's a view of the carnage and there's one brief shot of a bucket that was holding the inflammable liquid and was dropped and as the water hits it, the metal expands and snaps. This is how the xenomorph is actually killed at the end, they hit it with molten lead, it survives, they hit it with cold water and the rapid contraction causes it to implode.
  • The Amazing Spider-Man Series:
    • The Amazing Spider-Man:
      • Peter swinging around on chains at the abandoned warehouse foreshadows his web-swinging.
      • If you look closely during the scene where Peter puts in the equation that allows the mouse to regenerate its leg, you can see the words "severe mutation detected".
      • In the scene where Spider-Man is fighting the Lizard at the school, he quickly tells Gwen he's going to throw her out the window and he catches her with his web. But he does so using a single strand - which causes her to be forcefully yanked backwards in a way that noticeably would be harmful if she were going any faster. This mistake is precisely what caused her death in the comics, which also comes true in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
      • Captain Stacy makes Peter promise to keep his daughter, Gwen, out of danger. Cue the sequel, where Peter's failure to do that causes her death.
    • The Amazing Spider-Man 2:
      • Gwen Stacy's entire graduation speech is chock full of hints towards her eventual death by falling down an entire clock tower.
      "I know we all think that we're immortal. We're supposed to feel that way. We're graduating. But, like our brief four years in high school, what makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever. What makes it precious is that it ends. And I know that now more than ever. And I say it, today of all days, to remind us that time is luck."
      • One of the pictures Peter tapes to the wall when he tries to solve the Roosevelt mystery is Gwen's, with a note saying "Do I have to lose you too??" pinned below that. The lyrics of the song that plays during this scene that follow the shot of the picture are "Baby, I'm not moving on/I'll love you long after you're gone".
      • Also, Captain Stacy's appearance when Gwen shows up during the Electro fight pretty heavily implies the outcome.
      • The movie blatantly displays Dr. Octopus' robotic arms and the Vulture's wings among the weapons technology at Oscorp. This would be a spoiler if they didn't slowly pan the camera to give both of them a good showing before zooming in on the Rhino's suit.
  • The Andromeda Strain (1971). When Dr. Leavitt first enters Wildfire, she avoids looking at a flashing red light. Later on she looks at a flashing red alarm light and goes into a grand mal seizure, whereupon another character realizes she's epileptic.
  • Anna and the Apocalypse:
    • In the beginning (before any zombies appear), Anna, John, and Tony hear a news broadcast about a mysterious virus before Anna switches the car radio to something more festive.
    • The film's Signature Song "Hollywood Ending" is about how This Is Reality, and real life doesn't have a happy ending like a movie. This foreshadows the movie's "ending" where the only three survivors of the main cast get in a car and go....somewhere.
    • John hurts his ankle several times over the course of the film, and each time he does, he briefly walks with a zombie-like gait. Guess who the first character we lose is?
  • Annie (2014):
    • Annie is a clever girl who can hustle with a twinkle in her eye. She manages to give her report on the New Deal by turning it into an audience-participation spoken word performance piece that involves the whole class. She convinces the woman in Social Services to describe the information on her background request. It is only later when she's stuck in a situation she can't hustle her way out of that Annie reveals the prior two events were because she can't read, despite being ten and in school.
    • The little dog who eventually gets named Sandy has a nervous behavior she exhibits early in the film. Once when we see Annie trying to rescue her from bullies. Once in the pound. And last when Annie's "real parents" show up to pick her up from Stacks.
  • The Artist
    • The first scene shows George Valentin's latest silent adventure film. As his character is being subjected to Electric Torture, he is seen speaking, with the accompanying title card reading "I won't talk! I won't say a word!" Later, his refusal to do talkies leads to his film career falling apart.
    • Later in the film, Peppy Miller, the young starlet whose first screen role was an extra in one of Valentin's movies, is seen starring in a movie called "Guardian Angel". She ends up becoming a guardian angel to Valentin, inviting him to stay in her mansion while he recovers from injuries sustained in a fire, and trying to help him get back into movies.
  • In Avatar, it's practically a drinking game. Observe:
    • Grace: "I'd die to get a sample [of the Tree of Souls]." When she's dying later on they take her to the Tree of Souls, she says "I should get a sample."
    • Grace:"What're you gonna do, Ranger Rick? Ya gonna shoot me?" Quaritch:"I can do that." During their escape, one of Quaritch's shots hits her.
    • Trudy:"And I was hoping for some kind of tactical plan that didn't involve martyrdom." During the battle between the humans and the Na'vi, she attacks Quaritch's ship directly and ends up being shot and blown up.
    • Neytiri mentions that there has only been five Toruk Makto and that they brought all the tribes together, in times of great sorrow. Jake becomes the sixth Toruk Makto.
    • Colonel Quaritch's first speech to the new marines at (the aptly named) Hell's Gate makes it very clear that Pandora's natural beauty belies a dangerous planet populated with extremely lethal alien wildlife. At the end, when Ewya directs her vengeance at the RDA forces, we see this borne out. A charging ten-ton Hammerhead Titanothere, heavily armoured and twice the size of a terran elephant, knocks down armoured battlesuits like toy soldiers.
  • The Avengers (1998)
    • While Mrs. Peel is having tea with Sir August, he says that he very rarely gets trespassers on his property because "we shoot them". Guess what happens to John Steed (who is trespassing on Sir August's property) a minute or so later?
    • While in Wonderland Weather Steed and Mrs. Peel see globes filled with weather patterns, including snowfall and a tornado. When Sir August attacks London with his Weather-Control Machine it causes heavy snowfall and tornadoes.
    • Steed says "I'll stick to swordplay" just before his big sword fight with Sir August.
  • In the The Avengers, when Loki arrives on the SHIELD airship, he briefly smirks at Bruce. Guess what or who his plan for escaping is?
    • Steve tells Tony that Tony isn't the kind to sacrifice himself for a greater cause.
    • The Galaga gag becomes a subtle foreshadowing for the final showdown. Much like the unwinnable video game, the heroes fight endless hordes of alien ships.
  • In Avengers: Infinity War Black Panther faces Thanos's troops at the border of Wakanda and proudly declares to Proxima Midnight that Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood. Which is exactly what Thanos gets after he wins: after spilling a lot of blood he snaps his fingers and reduces half of all life in the Universe to dust.

  • In Babe: Pig in the City, all of Esme's outfits throughout the movie have some sort of floral pattern on them. Fugly Floom's clown costume also has a gold and red floral pattern embroidered on it, and Esme ends up wearing it in the third act.
  • In the Back to the Future trilogy, there are many examples, including:
    • Back to the Future:
      • The TV mentions the theft of plutonium by terrorists, the same who show up trying to kill Doc.
      • George McFly flexes his hand defensively during a confrontation in the unaltered 1985, foreshadowing his final fight with Biff in 1955.
      • The opening montage of the film (in Doc Brown's garage) foreshadows later parts of the film, including Doc's hang off the clocktower.
      • The DeLorean's ignition troubles once Marty arrives in 1955.
      • Early in the movie, Jennifer and Marty see a black 4x4 pickup truck and Marty says how great it would be to drive it up to the lake. At the end of the movie, after Marty has altered history, he discovers that his family now owns the very same truck and they are fine with he and Jennifer driving it up to the lake.
      • The following exchange at the beginning:
      Strickland: No McFly has ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley!
      Marty: Yeah, well history is about to change.
      • Lorraine says the following to her children at dinner, all of which she ends up doing to "Calvin Klein":
    "I think it's terrible. Girls chasing boys. When I was your age I never chased a boy, called a boy or... sat... in a parked car with a boy."
    • Back to the Future Part II: is filled to brim with foreshadowing for Back to the Future Part III:
      • Biff watching A Fistful of Dollars, foreshadows Marty's boiler plate armor trick
      • A documentary mentions "Mad Dog" Tannen being Biff's great-grandfather.
      • In Part II, Doc's shirt has trains on it. And if you look carefully, you'll notice that it becomes Doc's bandanna in 1885 in Part III.
      • Doc Brown's home has portraits of Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Sir Isaac Newton, and Benjamin Franklin, all foreshadowing elements of Doc's characterization. Einstein for his dog, time-travel, nuclear physics, his hair and the setting (Einstein passed away in 1955), Edison for his status as an inventor, Newton for modern physics, and Franklin for the lightning strike climax in 1955.
      • In Part II, when Doc and Marty prepare to travel back to 1955 to fix the timeline, the time circuits start malfunctioning, with the destination time display glitching and showing a destination time of January 1, 1885, 12:00 AM. Later, when Doc starts flying the DeLorean to pick up Marty after he steals the almanac from Biff, the car gets caught on the advertisement sign for Lyon Estates. Doc shifts gears to break free, accidentally activating the time circuits, which again malfunction and give the same glitched destination time. Sure enough, at the end of the film, when the DeLorean gets struck by lightning, guess when it jumped to.
  • The Batman Film Series has quite a few:
    • Batman (1989) film: Jack Napier (soon to become The Joker) wears a purple suit, carries around a deck of cards for good luck... and when we first see him, he's watching television in a room hung with glamour portraits of young women with snow-white skin and ruby-red lips, just like the Joker's later female victims. He's also called a "psycho" by one character, even though we haven't yet seen him do anything particularly evil.
    • Batman Returns:
      • Oswald Cobblepot (the baby who will grow up to become the Penguin) picks a fight with a cat in one of the film's opening scenes, foreshadowing his later adversarial relationship with Catwoman.
      • Catwoman herself is (unintentionally) foreshadowed in a scene showing Selina Kyle working in her office at night: light from a lamp on her desk distorts the shadow of her spectacles, making it appear to be a Catwoman mask. (This happened purely accidentally, and the filmmakers decided to leave it in because it was so fortuitous.)
      • The Mayor: "You don't have an issue, Max - and you sure as hell don't have a candidate."
      • Max Shreck provides two: one that turns out to be especially ominous ("I wish I could hand out world peace, and unconditional love... wrapped up in a big bow") and one that foreshadows his own death ("I am the light of this city...").
    • Batman Forever:
      • "It just raises too many questions." This line is spoken by Bruce Wayne to Edward Nygma, who eventually becomes the Riddler. Nygma drives the point home by angrily repeating the "too many questions" part to himself over and over.
      • There’s also when Alfred and Richard are talking about the design on the Latter’s motorcycle helmet Alfred gets a bit philosophical,
      Alfred: Robin will fly again.
    • Batman & Robin: Alfred tells Bruce, "I shan't be around forever."
  • Battleof The Bulge
    • During a scene in the American headquarters before the German attack, an American soldier says "I got a Christmas cake from home today. Think I'll still be here to eat it?" During the attack, Colonel Hessler shows off a Christmas cake captured from an American soldier.
    • An American observation plane runs Colonel Hessler off the road and Hessler's driver runs away, leaving the engine running. Hessler reminds the driver that he has ordered him never to leave the engine running because "Petrol is blood". During the German attack, the Germans run low on gas and eventually run out when they can't obtain the Americans' gas supplies.
  • Big Bird in Japan is about Big Bird and Barkley visiting Japan and meeting a girl who sis leaving Japan soon. She explains, in a melancholy tone, that she wants to say goodbye to some of her friends. Big Bird and Barkley notice how the girl has a tendency to disappear when Big Bird turns his back, and at one point they catch her standing in the garden, singing an achingly melancholy song to the moon. It turns out she's the Bamboo Princess from The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, and soon will return-against her wishes-to the moon, where her memories of earth will be wiped.
  • Big Eyes:
    • When Margaret and Walter are painting side by side in a park, Jane notes that Walter's canvas is blank, and in fact he does not paint anything for the entire scene. He isn't actually a painter.
    • When Walter and Banducci are fake arguing to attract attention Walter shouts "AND I'LL SUE YOU FOR SLANDER!" Guess who ironically gets sued for slander? Walter, by Margaret.
  • Black Lightning (2009):
    • Dima notes Maxim's and Kuptsov's Mercedes-Benzes and is envious of them, especially after receiving a Soviet car that was unearthed from god knows where. Kuptsov later transforms his own Mercedes-Benz Class-S into a Weaponized Car, and Dima has to get rid of both of them.
    • The retired scientists tell Dima that Black Lightning has a backup battery that works only for 30 minutes in case Nanocatalyst is removed. Which comes in handy during the climatic fight.
    • Dima and Nastya notice a bus making three rings, which is a romantic signal meaning "seeing you outside". This is later used to tell Nastya to perform a Leap of Faith.
  • There's a few hints that Eli in The Book of Eli was blind before you actually know for sure, e.g. his innocuous statement "I walk by faith, not by sight."
  • The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas: There are certain scenes in the movie that foreshadow Bruno's failed attempt to find Shmuel's father by dressing up as a Jewish prisoner, and eventually dying by deadly gas:
    • Before Bruno leaves his old home, he plays mock soldiers with his friends, with him being the final fake casualty. Bruno dies in the last five minutes of the film.
    • When Bruno's family move in to their new home, Bruno is seen sitting on the stairs, lost in thought over his new surroundings. The camera is framed so that the black stair railings are in front of Bruno, resembling him being in a prison. In the last act, Bruno goes through Auschwitz's gates, for the first and last time.
    • While retrieving his football in the dark attic, Bruno is horrified by a pile of Gretel's naked dolls, stacked altogether on one side. In Auschwitz, Bruno and Shmuel meet their makers by being forced to strip and go into a confined, locked room, with other Jewish prisoners, in the pretense that they will have a shower. Instead, poison gas is used to kill everyone inside.
    • When Elsa doesn't see Bruno on the swing when coming back from town, she asks Gretel if she seen her brother who claims he is on the swing and Elsa frantically goes to check and to her relief sees he is safe. This foreshadows Bruno reported being missing from the premises near the end of the film.
    • Notice the colour of Bruno's pyjamas in two scenes. They're white, blue, and vertically striped, exactly like his outfit to get into Auschwitz.
  • Brick: Pay very close attention to Emily's phone call at the beginning of the film.
  • In The Brothers Lionheart, during the song at the inn, the paintings on the wall depict things that will happen later in the story.
  • Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. While talking with Butch and Sundance, Sheriff Bledsoe tells them "Your times is over, and you're gonna die bloody, and all you can do is choose where." At the end of the movie, Butch and Sundance are killed in a volley of bullets in a literal Bolivian Army Ending (for which it was the Trope Namer).

  • In Cabaret, Sally's first musical number on stage, "Mein Herr", talks about how the subject of the song is a free spirit who's unable to be truly faithful to one man for any length of time. Sally is exactly the same way, her romance throughout the movie failing due to similar reasons by its end.
  • Cadaver (2020): Leonora sees a couple of paintings of lambs on serving trays in the hotel. This is to hunt that they're all going to be made into food by the people in white.
  • In Captain America: The First Avenger, when Red Skull acquires the cube, the old monk warns him that its power will burn him. In the climax, when Red Skull tries to use the cube himself, he is seemingly disintegrated by it.
    • When we first see Red Skull without his red skull face there is a shot of blood dripping onto the silver skull on his jacket.
    • A bit later we see a painter painting a portrait of Schmidt. He's using mostly red paint...
    • In the beginning, a group of Nazis are scrambling to lift a lid off a tomb without any success. Minutes later, Schmidt walks over and effortlessly shoves the lid off by himself. We find out later that he had also taken the Super-Soldier serum.
    • When Steve asks Bucky where they're going, he simply replies, "The future." This is foreshadowing for the sequel, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, wherein the identity of the eponymous Winter Soldier is a Foregone Conclusion for comic readers.
  • In A Christmas Carol: The Musical, after Scrooge rebuffs the blind beggarwoman who later becomes the Ghost of Christmas Future, a hearse drives by with a coffin; specifically that of Mr. Smythe's wife.
  • The Climax: The first time Angela visits Dr. Hohner's surgery, she remarks that the surgical instruments frighten her. Later, Dr. Hohner will those same instruments in an attempt to remove her tongue.
  • Cloud Atlas: All over. Just a few examples, more can be found here [1].
    • Ayrs talks about a dream he has in "Letters from Zedelghem" — of a restaurant where all the waitresses have the same face, in a reference to "An Orison of Sonmi~451".
    • As Cavendish travels through the countryside, he mentions one area has been turned into a facility for "cloning humans for shady Koreans". A bit later, as Cavendish escapes Aurora House, he makes a crack about Soylent Green. The nurse also threatens to make him eat soap. These all apply to "An Orison of Sonmi~451".
    • And in Half-Lives, Luisa Rey and Dr. Sachs discuss the notion of past lives, and Sachs tells her about feeling the two have met before. But it turns out to be a Flash Forward instead, when characters played by Tom Hanks and Halle Berry meet again in Sloosha's Crossin'.
      • There's another moment in Ghastly Ordeal, when Hoggins flirts with an Indian woman. Again, they're played by Tom Hanks and Halle Berry.
  • Code 8: Nia is frequently summoned by her boss, Marcus, when he experiences an episode of his persistent cough, and displays a similar cough herself. Her job becomes clear when she reveals to Connor that she can heal people by touching them. What she doesn't reveal until the end of the film is that her Healing power entails taking on the wounds/illness that she heals in someone else...hence her cough every time she heals Marcus.
  • Con Air: Poe's heroism in refusing to just escape at his friend's expense was foreshadowed with him being an Army Ranger, who have No One Gets Left Behind as a part of their creed (even recited at the beginning of the film).
  • Constantine. Papa Midnite tells Constantine that his soul is the only one Satan himself would come to collect. He's right.
  • Early in Corvette Summer, Kenny's shop teacher Ed McGrath tells him, "They're mechanical devices. They always let you down. You buy them, you drive them, you break them, you fix them, you sell them. Goods in the marketplace. Easy come, easy go. Don't get too attached to this car." Turns out McGrath was planning to steal the car and sell it, and he was trying to prevent Kenny from getting too upset about it.
  • Crazy Rich Asians:
    • In the beginning, Rachel's monologue about TA Curtis playing not to win but to avoid losing is relevant to Eleanor. Eleanor is so afraid of losing that her behavior means that there will be no real winners among them in the end. Because even if she succeeds in driving Rachel away to preserve the reputation of the family, Nick will resent her forever.
    • Upon hearing that Nick is dating someone, Nick's aunt Alix suggests a private investigator to look into her earlier on. Eleanor does take up this idea and the investigation of Rachel's background comes to a head in the climax.
  • Cries from the Heart: When Jeff puts his hands on Michael's shoulders, Michael repeatedly shrugs him off, although he doesn't normally dislike being touched. This is because Jeff is a pedophile, and even though no molestation has occurred yet, Jeff's behavior is already making Michael uncomfortable.
  • Cube 2: Hypercube. In one of her rare lucid flashes, the senile Mrs. Paley assures Kate that "it's only a matter of time", foreshadowing the hypercube's eventual collapse.

  • Daft Punk's Electroma has a recurring scene where a fire burns in slow motion whenever things get bad for the main characters. This alludes to the Guy-man robot's despair-induced Self-Immolation at the very end.
  • Daredevil: We see a young Matt Murdock standing behind his father, who is wearing a red hood with devil's horns on it, that casts a shadow onto Matt.
  • The Dark Knight is packed with foreshadowing.
    • The first we see of Bruce Wayne is him tending a wound he received from an attack dog. The last shot of Batman in the film is him fleeing from a pack of police dogs.
    • Multiple lines foreshadow Harvey's transformation into Two Face:
      Harvey Dent: You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
      Bruce Wayne: Gotham needs a hero with a face.
    • ... and multiple other references to Harvey Dent's "face."
    • This exchange:
      Harvey Dent: You've known Rachel her entire life, haven't you?
      Alfred: (Laughs) Well, not yet sir!
    • When a few characters discuss the fact that the Mafia has spies among the government, Gordon snaps, "Obviously Marioni has men in your office." Harvey retorts "My Office?! You're sitting down there with scum like Wuertz and Ramirez ..." These two officers would be the moles inside Gordon's unit.
  • Dead Birds: Clyde finds a doll with a crudely sewn pair of eyes and mouth. Guess what happens to him?
  • In The Dead Next Door, a doctor working on cure for zombification tells his associate that he stakes his "life and hat on it". The cure fails, and he loses them both, with the hat going first.
  • In Dead Poets Society:
    • The ghost story Neil tells at the first meeting can be interpreted as a cryptic bit of foreshadowing of his own death.
    • For that matter his surname, Perry, sounds similar to "Perish" or "Bury".
    • Also, Todd calming euphoric Neil when he gets the part, by telling him his father might discover it, foreshadows his father...well, discovering it.
    • When Mr. Keating explains "Carpe Diem", saying "believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold, and die.", the camera focuses on Neil as he's saying "stop breathing and turn cold...".
    • During one lesson, Mr. Keating stands upon his desk to remind the students they must force themselves to look at things from a different perspective. By the film's end, many of the class members (with Cameron being one of the few exceptions) stand up on their desks, looking at things from a different perspective.
  • Death Note Series:
    • Death Note (2006):
      • During Light's and Shiori's visit to the art gallery, the two spot a couple kissing. When Light asks Shiori if she wants to do the same, she refuses, claiming she'd only do it in private, unless if it was their last one. Before passing away from a fatal gunshot in the third act, the last thing Shiori does is kiss Light in that same location, as armed policemen enter the building.
      • When Naomi kidnaps Shiori in the art gallery, they are standing aside a painting: Ekusuhso Kenak's Mask and Death. It depicts the Grim Reaper being stabbed by his own scythe, with the weapon being guided by many masks. This is symbolic of Light eventually losing to L and the Investigation Team in Death Note: The Last Name. As a bonus, look where the scythe is embedded. It's in the chest, alluding to Light's fatal heart attack in that future installment.
    • Death Note: The Last Name:
  • Death on the Nile (2022):
    • Early in the film, Poirot is being served dessert and demands the waiter to remove one dessert as it was not visually pleasing to him. With the remaining plates, Poirot would arrange them to form a pyramid.
    • When welcoming everyone to board the Karnak, Linnet gets startled by a loud popping sound that turns out to be Simon opening a champagne bottle. The sound is similar to that of a gunshot, and Simon is the one who shoots her.
    • When Jacqueline starts confronting Simon at the bar, Simon scoffs "get ready, she's about to do a scene". The whole confrontation is a performance for her to "shoot" Simon.
    • Linnet and Jacqueline met during a school production of Antony and Cleopatra where Linnet was Cleopatra. Just like those lovers, both of them, and Simon, end up dead in a twisted romance.
    • Jacqueline repeatedly mentions that she cannot live without Simon. When the two lovers are caught, Jacqueline kills both Simon and herself rather than be separated from him.
    • Poirot tearfully tells Jacqueline the story of his lost love the night of Linnet's murder which he blames on the champagne. It wasn't all the champagne, as Simon is revealed to have tampered it so he could drug Poirot.
    • Louise's body is found with money used to bribe them still in their hand. Jacqueline and Simon who paid her had enough money (or would eventually have if their scheme was successful) that they didn't need to take it back before they dumped her body, eliminating half of the suspects on the boat.
  • In Deep Rising, there are several allusions to the revelation that the monsters are actually the tentacles of a humongous octopoid monster, most notably Finnegan's anecdote about the octopus and the bottle.
  • In Demolition Man during John Spartan and Simon Phoenix' first battle in the beginning of the movie, Simon jokes that he'd "lose his head if it wasn't attached". In the climax, John freezes Simon's entire body and kicks his head right off.
  • In The Descent, Juno's affair with Sarah's deceased husband Paul is foreshadowed several times:
    • In the opening, Paul helps Juno with her helmet and she gives him a tender look.
    • Juno has a necklace and kisses it for luck before she crosses the crevasse. Of course, Paul got Juno that necklace as a gift. Earlier, Sarah quotes Paul's personal motto and Juno gives her a look; she has that motto engraved on the necklace.
    • The line, "We all lost something in that crash."
  • In Des hommes et des dieux, Luc gives Amédée a health examination and concludes "You'll outlive us all." Amédée does indeed outlive all the others except one by evading capture.
  • In The Devil's Advocate, John Milton (who is eventually revealed to be Satan in human form) is shown always taking the subway when he moves around New York City, hinting at his "underworld" connections (both literally and figuratively, as he also turns out to be the mastermind of a worldwide crime syndicate). He also strews the film's dialogue with remarks that sound mundane in context, but by way of Fridge Brilliance are shown to be allusions to his past as the rebellious angel Lucifer and his being cast out of Heaven by God: "Underestimated from Day One!" and "You think I never lost before?"
    • John Milton's plan to setup Kevin with his half-sister is foreshadowed when he talks Mary, Kevin's wife, into changing her hairstyle from what Kevin found attractive. He knew this would cause Kevin to start losing interest in his wife sexually, and become more focused on his work. And at the same time notice another woman wearing a similar hairstyle.
  • Die Hard:
    • Die Hard: "Glass? Who gives a shit about glass?!" You will, John, after someone shoots out a window and you have to run across it barefoot...
    • Die Hard 2:
      • There's quite a few hints that Major Grant is working with Colonel Stuart, both in the different color tape for the gun magazines and a moment near the beginning, when Garber is telling Stuart that someone got sick and a replacement was brought in. Grant's radioman is the replacement.
      • He even grabs the note Carmine is writing, with the location of the bad guys, and says they had their location, without even reading it or hearing any announcement.
      • Also, when Grant is snarling threats at Stuart on the communicator, Stuart and his men are smiling broadly. While it looks like they're just chuckling at the boasts, it turns out they're getting a kick out of Grant hamming it up for the cops.
    • Die Hard with a Vengeance:
      • When McClane and Samuel L. Jackson successfully disarm a bomb and hand it off to some cops who are actually the Big Bad's Mooks in disguise, the "cops" agree they had better hang onto the bomb in case some kids get a hold of it. They say this even after the good guys have left the scene. Of course, much later in the movie it turns out the bomb in the school is a fake. The bad guys are willing to lie, steal, and kill, but aren't willing to kill children.
      • When Simon and his men enters Reserve Bank, one of the bank guards notices the guys in business suits wears combat boots for some reason.
      • When the police scramble to find the bomb in the school, Simon, who is watching from the roof, tells his crew, "They bought it", indicating that the bomb is a dud.
    • A Good Day to Die Hard: When Chagarain visits Komorov in the prison, Komorov plays a white chess piece before flipping to the black chess side of the board. This hints at his duality later in the film.
  • In the early scenes of The Divergent Series: Insurgent, Tris is told that to be a member of Amity means forgiving others and yourself. At the end of the film, she passes the Amity simulation by declaring that even if no one else forgives her for what she's done, she will forgive herself.
  • Early in Do the Right Thing, Sal shouts (only meaning it as a figure of speech), "I'm gonna kill somebody today!"
  • In The Double, the scene with the jumper and the cops near the start foreshadows Simon's plan at the end.

  • Eastrail 177 Trilogy:
    • Unbreakable:
      • Every establishing shot of Elijah through his life is of him being framed in a glass object (mirror, television, picture display panel). This hints at The Reveal of Elijah being the hidden villain in the movie, with his supervillain name being "Mr. Glass".
      • His mother’s remark that whatever God has planned for him will happen seems to portent Elijah’s apparently inescapable destiny as a supervillain.
      • When Elijah was a kid and received his first comic book, his mother notes “They say this one has a surprise endin'!” Since this film is directed by M. Night Shyamalan, whose signature style is twist endings, this alludes to the final twist of Elijah actually being the bad guy the whole time.
      • When Elijah is trying to sell a comic picture, his description of a typical supervillain describes himself.
      • The morning after David rescues the family, Audrey mentions that they should make it a family rule that if they see Elijah again, they call the police. David looks hesitant but agrees anyway. The next time David sees him, he discovers Elijah was responsible for a number of mass deaths incidents, and the subtitles indicate David led the police to him.
      • The line Elijah's mother gives about the "soldier villain" who fights the hero with his hands. While this is likely a reference to the janitor that David just took down in his first superhero foray, with the release of Split, this line doubles as retroactive foreshadowing for the emergence of Kevin Wendell Crumb as the Horde, with the Beast persona in particular becoming the "soldier villain" who fights David in Glass (2019).
    • Split:
      • The twist that the film is set the same universe as Unbreakable is foreshadowed by monumental amounts. Firstly, the 'two types of villain' thing established in the first film fits Dennis and Patricia like a glove: the 'soldier villain' who fights the heroes with his hands (Dennis is the most physically powerful of Kevin's personalities sans the Beast, but subservient to Patricia) and the 'brilliant and evil archenemy who fights the hero with his mind' (Patricia, who is the mastermind of the entire thing). While the Beast is very powerful, he also shows some degree of intellect by taking out the lights so Casey can't target him effectively, showing traits of both types. Secondly, the arch villain is the exact opposite of the hero. Depending on who the hero is, this works both ways. While Kevin and Casey have similar pasts, their ways of dealing with it are complete opposites, with Casey relying on learning ways to deal with it while Kevin created Dennis to deal with it for him. If it's the Beast and David Dunn who are the opposites, then it's their worldview: David is a Reluctant Hero while the Beast revels in its power and believes itself superior. Thirdly, Patricia and Dennis were called 'the Horde' by the other personalities long before their Split-Personality Takeover. Just like Mr. Glass got his moniker a long time before he became a supervillain. The Beast was referred to as such by the Horde for some time before it actually emerged, as it was the reason they were locked up in the first place. Fourth, Kevin's evil personalities are shown several times with their eyes wide, fitting the 'villains have large eyes' rule. Fifth, Patricia, who's the leading evil personality, is introduced wearing a red shirt. Red is one of the colors associated with villains in Unbreakable. In addition, Hedwig is introduced wearing a yellow jacket, which was also one of the colors associated with villains. On top of that, Casey starts the film wearing a red plaid jacket, subtly implying her seeming obstructive behavior. The jacket gets taken, leaving her in a grey long-sleeved shirt. The shirt gets taken, leaving her in a thin white t-shirt. The t-shirt gets torn off in a scuffle with the Beast, leaving her in a small tank top colored olive green, green being David Dunn's heroic color. Sixth, Dr. Fletcher talks about what people with Dissociative Identity Disorder, Kevin in particular, are capable of accomplishing mirrors the same rhetoric that Elijah would use when describing how people could have actual superpowers. She even mentions that it could be a connection to the paranormal. Seventh, The Beast emerges as Kevin is in a train car. David was also put on his path due to being on a train. And finally, (With this example being something of a Spoiler Title), "Split" is one word and thematically similar but opposite to "Unbreakable." One poster even has a cracked glass look, similar to the posters for Unbreakable, and in fact the two posters' cracks line up if the two are set side by side.
      • A subtle indication that the Beast is an actual alter ego and not just a story Patricia and Dennis made up: the opening credits are shown with large text in the center of the screen, with the background split into a grid of twenty-four smaller versions.
      • Kevin mentions that he followed Claire and Marcia for several days before the abduction, meaning he carefully planned his target. He did not plan on taking Casey, but had to given the circumstances. He chose Claire and Marcia because he viewed them as shallow, sheltered girls, making them impure because they didn't understand pain and trauma. When the Beast sees Casey's self-abuse scars, he acknowledges her implied trauma and declares her to be pure because of it, and leaves her alone.
      • The location that the girls are being held is kept somewhat vague until the end, but is given plenty of hints that are obvious in hindsight. An incident mentioned with some teenage girls indicates it's a public place that schools visit, there are frequent mentions of comparing animals to The Beast, one tank mentions chlorine, Hedwig's room is filled with animal figurines, the Horde displays some detailed knowledge of tigers, and Dennis uses a handheld CB radio for work. Casey finds out she was being held under the Philadelphia Zoo.
      • Hedwig notes how odd it is for Casey to wear so many layers. It's later revealed that she's covering self-harm scars.
    • Glass (2019):
      • At several points in the story, people question the fact that if superhumans really exist, then why there are only just three of them. The answer is because there is a powerful Ancient Conspiracy that makes it its work to kill or neutralize any super that draws the attention of the world.
      • Observant viewers will note that for all of Dr. Staple's talk about how she doesn't believe Elijah, Kevin and David are superheroes, she puts multiple safeguards in place, like a steel door and waterpump for the Overseer, to keep them from escaping, despite the fact there'd be no reason to if they were normal. She also refuses to shake hands with David... until it's too late.
      • Similar to the above, Dr. Staple never takes the easy way out and simply asks them to demonstrate their powers.
      • In a Deleted Scene taken from Unbreakable and used for this movie during Elijah's self-sabotaged laser surgery, he tried a carnival ride as a child. Because of his brittle bone disease, he decides to put a big stuffed teddy and lion on each side of his seat, to cushion him. However, as the ride gets faster, the stuffed animals fall off and he is flung onto his left shoulder, breaking that first. More collisions occur afterwards, breaking more of his bones. They actually tell us how he dies. Firstly, Joseph informs the Beast that Kevin's father died in the same Eastrail 177 train disaster that Elijah orchestrated to find super-powered beings. Like the stuffed lion lost in that carnival ride, Elijah loses the Beast's trust in him in one fell swoop. As retaliation, the Beast crushes Elijah's left shoulder with his hand, referencing the first aforementioned carnival ride injury. And then, to continue his fight with the Overseer, the Beast shoves Elijah back hard, rupturing Elijah's organs. Finally, Elijah tries to get off his wheelchair, but falls and breaks more bones in the process, sealing his fate.
      • When Casey goes to a comic shop to get some comics, the owner of the shop (who's played by the same actor who yelled at Mr. Glass to get out of the comics store in ''Unbreakable''), he mentions how superheroes in comics pretty much all started when Superman picked up a car with his bare hands. During the climax of the movie, the Beast does the same when dealing with the riot police and with that footage, it leads to the age of supers coming into the public.
      • A subtle blink and you'll miss it foreshadow. The shot of the water tank outside of the hospital is framed in a strange way where you see part of the parking lot earlier in the film, including a pot hole with a construction guard marking it. During the final climax, that pot hole, full of water from the tank being popped open, is used to drown David.
  • Elysium:
    • The tie-in websites for the Med-Pod state that it only takes a minute to completely reconstruct a destroyed face. Guess what happens to Kruger.
    • Max takes out one droid by jumping behind and ripping off its head. Guess how he disables Kruger's exosuit.
    • Max's parole officer predicts that he'll fall back to old vices: hijackings and robbery. This is exactly what he does.
    • The lone woman shown to manage getting her crippled daughter healed in an Auto Doc foreshadows Fray and her daughter.
  • At the beginning of Enchanted when Giselle is building a mannequin of her true love, of whom she dreamed, the mannequin is wearing Robert's blue jacket from the ball, not Prince Edward's poofy-shouldered maroon outfit.
    • After finding Giselle, Edward sings the line "Yes, somewhere there's a maid I've never met, who was made..." He hasn't yet met Nancy at that point.
  • In Equilibrium, the fact that DuPont, the suit-and-tie wearing politician, can keep up with Preston in Gun Kata for far longer than anyone else in the move almost seems like an Ass Pull...except for a scene earlier in the movie where he's shown teaching a class on the technique, which would mean he himself knows it.
  • Ex Machina:
    • Nathan watching Caleb specifically is foreshadowed in the very first scene of the film: When Caleb finds out he won the contest, there is a camera angle from the POV of the camera on his phone, which shows patterns from a face-detection algorithm on him and those around him. Later on, in Nathan's home/research facility, when Caleb is in his bathroom and cuts his arm, there is a POV from the camera inside his mirror, which shows the same pattern.
    • The cracked glass in the room that Caleb uses to interact with Ava. When Caleb watches the video recordings of the previous gynoid models, there's a recording of Nathan interviewing Jade who wants to get out but he refuses and she bashes the glass in anger.
    • One of the lyrics of the song that plays in the dance scene is "work your fingers to the bone". Later when Caleb watches the video of Jade banging her arms on the door, her fingers are the first to disintegrate. Additionally, her arms worked to the bone.

  • In A Face in the Crowd, Lonesome ends one conversation with Marcia on the sentence, "Marshy, what would I do without you?" "One of these days you may find out," she answers. She says it lightly enough that Lonesome takes it as a joke, but it's no laughing matter when she finally betrays him.
  • Fallen: Azazel taking the form of a cat is foreshadowed when he possesses a cat earlier in the movie, making sure the end isn't an Ass Pull.
  • Fatal Attraction
    • During her second seduction of Michael Douglas's character over the telephone, Alex Forrest (Glenn Close) says, in response to him explaining he needs to work and take the dog for a walk, "Just bring the dog over. I'm great with animals. And I love to cook." By the end of the movie, those two things are not mutually exclusive. Just ask that bunny.
    • Her overall demeanor starts to give hints as to her obsessive personality — calling him the day after, refusing to take "no" for an answer. Not to mention the way she flips out (even before she slashes her wrists) when he gets ready to leave a second time.
  • Fight Club alludes to the big reveal that The Narrator and Tyler Durden are the same person:
    • The Narrator mentions in his very first dialogue with someone else (not just narration) that he's worried about narcolepsy and that he could die if he "nods off and wakes up somewhere strange." Nodding off is how Tyler takes control, potentially taking him to new locations.
    • A far more blatant one happens in the airport when he muses "If I fall asleep, could I wake up as someone else?" The camera blatantly pans to focus on Tyler when this happens.
    • When the narrator is beating himself up to frame his boss, his narration says that for some reason he's reminded of his first fight with Tyler. A flashback ultimately reveals that he beat himself up during his "fights" with Tyler.
  • The Final Destination movies use this to warn the characters of how Death plans on dealing with them. Unfortunately (for them), it serves more to the viewers as foreshadowing on what's going to happen soon enough.
  • At a press conference in First Man, the Apollo 11 astronauts are asked what else they'd like to take to the Moon, and Neil Armstrong answers "More fuel". In the climax, the Lunar Module almost runs out of fuel during the landing.note 
  • Flatliners. Before Rachel goes through her near death experience, she sees a picture of her father in her room. During her near death experience she remembers her father's suicide.
  • The Fly (1986) foreshadows Seth Brundle's Slow Transformation into the horrifying Brundlefly with the opening line of the movie: "I'm working on something that will change the world, and human life as we know it." Boy, ain't that the truth.
    • Listen closely to the noise Brundle's computer makes. Sounds a lot like buzzing....
    • At one point in the first act of the film, Seth rolls over onto a sharp edged circuit board, one that literally stabs him in the back. A few scenes later his telepods do this figuratively.
  • Forrest Gump:
    • "I wanna be up on a stage with just my guitar and my voice..."
    • At the very beginning of the movie Forrest opens his suitcase and we see not only the Curious George book (which Mama reads to him and Forrest Jr. takes to show-and-tell) but also his Bubba Gump hat and his ping-pong paddle. We also see he's wearing muddy Nikes, which he wore when he ran for two and a half years. Even the box of chocolates shows up in his story when he gives Jenny a box at college.
  • Fans of the Friday the 13th who pay close attention will pick up on subtle oddities in the behavior of Jason in Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning, most notably how in other films Jason is reluctant to or otherwise uninterested in harming children, while in A New Beginning he actively pursues and tries to murder the child Reggie. This is of course because the killer in the movie isn't Jason, but the paramedic Roy Burns.
  • Frieda: After the Christmas party, Frieda stands on the bridge looking at the fast flowing river passing underneath it and Robert asks if she is thinking about taking a swim. Later, Frieda jumps from this spot in an suicide attempt.

  • The General's Daughter: While Brenner and Sunhill are looking through Elizabeth's belongings after her death, they see old news photographs of General Campbell holding his daughter in his arms while visiting a recently pacified warzone to prove to the press that the area under his command is now safe. Sunhill notes that the little girl looks terrified. This foreshadows that Campbell is not above using his daughter to advance his own career, ultimately denying her justice by covering up her rape at West Point for his own advancement in the chain of command.
  • In Ghostbusters (1984), when Dana puts the groceries on the counter, just before the eggs start spontaneously cooking and she hears the voice from the fridge, you can see a pack of Stay Puft marshmallows just to the left of the eggs. Later in the film, the evil god who is about to bring the end of the world, takes form of the mascot to stomp around New York.
  • In Ghost Rider (2007), the Caretaker's identity as another Rider, who knows what it's like to be one first-hand, is implied by his having left exactly the right number of cups of water for Johnny to guzzle when he wakes up.
  • Ghost Ship. After the Arctic Warrior explodes with Santos on board, Dodge gets into a scuffle with Ferriman and accuses him of causing his mate's death because Ferriman got them there in the first place. He has no idea how right he is.
  • When Zartan is introduced in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, he makes some remarks about the American political system based on the book he's reading.
  • The Godfather:
    • A point is made during the wedding to show Vito's bodyguard Paulie staring greedily at all the money going into Connie's bridal purse, and he makes a comment that if only it was somebody else's wedding ... His greed makes him vulnerable to being paid off by the Corleone Family's enemies, which is how Sollozzo is eventually able to have Vito gunned down in the street. Paulie was "out sick" that day.
    • "Fredo, you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever." In Part II, Fredo does do it again, and Michael kills him for it.
  • In Godzilla (2014), the collapse of the Janjira plant has one shot where four origami crane figures are seen in a way that makes them look like Giant Flyers soaring over the plant, which hints at the Giant Flyer form the MUTO in the plant takes later in the film. There's also a bug crawling over a toy tank. And a few toy soldiers fighting with a plastic dinosaur.
    • In Kong: Skull Island, at one point someone comments to Bill Randa that there's an agency out looking for aliens. He dismisses this as lunacy. The next film in the Monsterverse has a giant alien monster as the main antagonist.
    • In Godzilla vs King Ghidorah, when we first see the three creatures called Dorats, a few notes from King Ghidorah's theme plays.
    • Two movies later, Godzilla vs Mecha Godzilla 2 has the main human characters walk by two eggs. One is already hatched, and they mention the island has been radioactive for some time. A short time later Rodan shows up!
  • At the beginning of Gone Girl, Nick gives his sister a board game called ' Mastermind'
    • Amy's line "I thought I'd buy a gun. That is how crazy I've become." might foreshadow Amy's true nature.
      • Amy: Nick, I don’t get it. It’s like you’re daring me to be someone I don’t want to be. The nagging wife. The controlling bitch. I’m not that person. I’m your wife.
    • Even the title Gone Girl might be a subtle hint reffering to Amy's mental state.
  • In Gran Torino, Walt reading the paper on his birthday about a sudden life change that will occur that will come to a dramatic, yet seemingly anti-climatic ending. Guess what happens next? Immediately the Hmong girl walks over and invites him to their dinner where he makes new friends and works with a young boy that he comes to mentor. Oh, and the movie ends with him getting anti-climatically shot when everyone was expecting a major shootout.
  • In Gregory's Girl, Dorothy is shown in the cafeteria and the girls' bathroom talking to Susan, with the audience only able to hear parts of their conversation. It turns out they're working on a plan to set Gregory up with Susan.
  • In Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter's mother foreshadowed Peter's alien parentage (and why Yondu took Peter) early in the movie, describing Peter's father as "an angel that came down from the stars" and that he was going to come get Peter when she was gone.
    • And in the sequel, when Peter expresses doubt about going with Ego, Gamora assures him that "if he turns out to be evil, we'll just kill him." He does, and they do.

  • In Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later, Laurie Strode (who now goes by the name Keri Tate) is teaching an English literature class on Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein. Molly, one of the students, responds to a question about the book and fate with this: "I think that Victor should have confronted the monster sooner. He's completely responsible for Elizabeth's death. He was so paralyzed by fear that he never did anything. It took death for the guy to get a clue." She goes on to say that Victor finally confronts the monster because he "had reached a point in his life where he had nothing left to lose. I mean, the monster saw to that by killing off everybody that he loved. It was about redemption. It was his fate." This foreshadows the final scenes in the movie where Laurie finally decides to stop running from Michael Myers and confront her monster. After 20 years of living in fear and seeing her loved ones murdered, she had nothing more to lose. It was time to face her fears and end the nightmare.
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone has some movie-specific examples not in the book.
    • Professor Quirrell noticeably does not shake Harry's hand in the Leaky Cauldron, hinting that he may be aware of the magical protection that protects Harry and that would hurt Quirrell if he touched Harry.
    • When Harry's scar hurts the first time when he sees Snape at the head table, the back of Quirrell's head where Voldemort lies, is facing Harry, meaning Voldemort was staring at Harry all along. Also, watch Snape's reaction when he sees Harry press a hand to his scar. He looks over at Quirrell suspiciously.
    • Doubling as Freeze-Frame Bonus, during the Quidditch match, when Hermione sees Snape muttering an incantation and staring unblinkingly at Harry, just behind Snape, it is briefly seen that Quirrell is doing the same. Snape was actually using a counter-curse to save Harry while Quirrell was the one saying the curse. And when Hermione sets Snape's robes on fire, Snape is seen accidentally knocking Quirrell over, thus breaking the curse.
  • The Haunting (1963): Nell asks to borrow her sister's car, to which her sister replies: "How do I know you'll bring back my car in good condition?" Nell is killed when she crashes the car into a tree.
  • A Haunting at Silver Falls: There are a few clues laid out that point to Kevin and Anne being the killers:
    • They joke about having dead bodies in their basement.
    • When buckling Jordan's seatbelt, Kevin pauses for a moment and strokes her hair.
    • They both know how to imprison someone in a bathroom.
    • While on their "date night", it's mentioned that they're glad Jordan didn't "find their stash".
  • A Haunting in Venice:
    • When his bodyguard Vitale tells Poirot that a friend (Ariadne) has come to visit him, Poirot remarks he does not have friends. He is right as Ariadne and Vitale were working against him.
    • Dr Ferrier tearfully recounts to Poirot how he and his fellow doctors accidentally killed some starving Holocaust survivors by feeding them milk, saying "We didn't know." Later it's revealed that Olga accidentally killed Alicia by feeding her too much poisoned honey, repeating "I didn't know" when told the truth.
    • Leopold turns down Olga's offers of cake during the Halloween party because cake is meant for "orphans". Leopold would become an orphan by the end of the film.
    • Rowena kept every single detail in Alicia's bedroom the same exactly before her daughter died, yet allowed Alicia's garden to fall into disrepair. Rowena had repurposed the garden to cultivate poison and didn't need them anymore after Alicia died.
    • After cutting his finger, Maxine puts some honey on his finger, but sniffs it and remarks that it's not wildflower honey but can't determine what it is. The honey was actually extracted from rhododendrons and is poisonous and hallucinogenic, the same honey used to poison Alicia. Maxine, being a cook, would know the scent of wildflower honey.
  • The Hobbit does this with hints of things to come later in this film and in the upcoming films.
    • When Gandalf gives Bilbo his elvish sword, he tells him that true courage comes from knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare a life.
    • After seeing Elrond reveal the names of Orcrist and Glamdring, Bilbo wonders out loud whether his sword has a name. Balin then tells him that swords gain their names depending on their deeds.
    • Annoyed at Thorin's stubbornness and refusal to confide in Elrond, Gandalf mutters that Thorin's pride will be his downfall.
  • Home Alone:
    • Kevin rants about wanting to live alone early in the film. He would be home on his own for the next few days.
    • Kevin's brother throws a luggage bag down the stairs and it narrowly misses Harry standing at the door at the bottom of the stairs. The next time something comes down the stairs to meet him, he won't be as lucky.
    • When Old Man Marley is first seen, Buzz tells Kevin how he murdered his family which is why they are no longer around. While that was not the case, Marley was not on good terms with his family because of an argument he had his son years before.
    • While at the Paris airport, Peter tells Kate that the only booking for the whole family would be on Friday morning, something Kate doesn't want to wait for. In the end, that is how Peter and the rest of the family was able to arrive back home to meet with Kevin and Kate.
    • Peter tells Kevin to pick up his Micro Machines because his aunt also broke her neck stepping on one. Later on, Kevin uses his micro machines as one of his traps.
    • In a Freeze-Frame Bonus, after Kevin tackles Buzz and spills some drinks, Peter, in the chaos of trying to clean up the mess, can be seen accidentally throwing out Kevin's plane ticket with the wet napkins, which is why the family doesn't catch on right away that Kevin wasn't with them on the plane.
  • Hot Fuzz, alongside its military-grade Chekhov's Armoury has copious amounts of foreshadowing to the fact that the Neighbourhood Watch Alliance are murdering people to make sure Sandford is perfect so they'll win the Village of the Year Award.
  • The Hour of the Pig: Jeannine's prophecy says the towns people will be delivered from their wickedness by a knight. In the end, one arrives... with the plague, which they'll be "delivered" from permanently.
  • The Hunger Games: When Peeta remarks that he doesn't want the Capitol to change who he is, nor be a pawn in their games. Two films later...

  • In Inception, Fischer says to Saito after the avalanche, "Couldn't someone dream up a goddamn beach?". Later, Saito dies and goes to limbo which starts on a beach.)
  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
    • When Indiana Jones gets captured by the Nazis after getting betrayed by Dr. Elsa Schneider, she says to him, "Don't look at me like that. We both wanted the Grail. I would have done anything to get it. You would have done the same." To which Indiana replies, "I'm sorry you think so." This minor exchange actually foreshadows the climax of the movie when Elsa tries to leave the temple with the grail. In that scene, Elsa almost falls into a crevice she created when she crossed the seal of the temple, but Indiana catches her. True to her earlier words, Elsa pulls a hand free to reach the grail below her instead of letting Indiana lift her up. Before she can get it, the glove on her other hand pulls off and she ultimately falls to her death. Indiana is then placed in the same situation, only he chooses to "let it go" and let his father save him.
    • Donovan says to Indy that they're only a few steps away from finding the Holy Grail, which prompts Indy to say "That's usually where the ground falls out from underneath your feet." Guess what happens when the Grail is found towards the end.
    • In the scene where Indy is teaching his class, he tells his students that "We don't follow maps to buried treasure, and X never, ever, marks the spot," and "90% of all Archaeology is done in the library. Research, reading." Naturally, one of the locations they visit is a library where they don't do any research, but instead break through a giant "X" in the floor, and a major plot point is following a map that Dr. Jones Sr. made.
  • Inglourious Basterds:
    • Hitler expresses fear of the "Bear Jew" and the idea that he's a golem summoned by the Jews. At the end of the movie, the Bear Jew mows Hitler down with gunfire and continues to blast his head to a fine jelly.
    • There's quite a bit of evidence that Landa isn't entirely in line with Nazi ideology, foreshadowing his betrayal of them. In the opening scene, he speaks negatively of Reinhard Heydrich, saying that he deserves his nickname "the Hangman." He also admits that he doesn't completely agree with Hitler's propaganda about the Jews. He even spares the Jewish Shosanna. In his later scene with Shosanna, he admits that black people might be very good at a profession (if condescendingly) and sidelines Marcel only to appease Nazi high command.
    • Aldo complains of their meeting spot being in a basement, since it's very difficult to fight there. It soon turns out that he's right, with a gunfight there getting nearly everyone soon killed.
    • A very brief Reaction Shot of Hellstrom's expression as Hicox orders three drinks foreshadows the fact that he's deduced Hicox's true identity.
  • In Interstellar, Murph says the mysterious happenings in her room are caused by a "ghost" because it felt human. She's right. The "ghost" was her father reaching out to her from the future.
    • Doctor Brand mentions that nature is never evil — destructive and terrifying, but never evil. Cooper mentions that this means that evil is what they (humans) are bringing with them. Dr. Mann's selfishness/insanity nearly kills the entire species.
    • Cooper earlier complains that the farming people are too complacent, fooling themselves that next year will have a better harvest. His son Tom becomes one of those people when he is an adult.
    • Before ejecting himself into Gargantua, TARS tells Cooper, "See you on the other side". At first glance, it sounds like TARS's usual Deadpan Snarker quips but he knows that Cooper plans to follow him into Gargantua.
  • Into the Forest:
    • When Nell complains that she can't study without electricity, her father tells her that she must use the "ancient technology" of books. Much later, she actually realizes that she can use the family library to learn some useful survival skills.
    • Eva and Nell complain that nothing works in the house that their father built. This foreshadows both his death due to a poorly reassembled chainsaw and the house's eventual collapse.
    • Eva warns Nell not to get pregnant after she starts seeing Eli, since they taking care of a baby would be difficult for them. Later in the film it's Eva who becomes pregnant due to rape by a man they met briefly before. Despite what she said and Nell suggesting an abortion, Eva decides to keep it, with the pair making things work.
  • Lord Halifax, early in Into the Storm (2009), sternly warns Churchill that Britain cannot win the war without a devastating loss of life and resources that will probably cost them the British Empire. He's correct.
  • In Iron Man 2 before even the Thor stinger, we get a hint about the Cosmic Cube. Note the Tesseract in the various archive notes from Tony's father that he pages through.
    • Before The Reveal about her identity (not that it was a surprise to comic readers or... well, anyone who just saw the freakin' trailer) "Natalie" is given an early allusion as to her true role. When Tony and Rhodey are fighting in the mansion and burst from the ceiling, Pepper screams and cringes in horror. "Natalie" takes an Ass Kicking Pose.
      • This is well after the scene where she beats Happy Hogan in the ring, mind you. As we learn later on, that's not so hard.
    • Agent Coulson recognizing the Captain America shield in Tony's lab, showing his knowledge of the superhero.
  • I Spit on Your Grave: Near the beginning of the film Katie demonstrates how an effective mouse trap can be made to the handyman who works in her apartment building. Later on, she uses a man-sized one to catch Georgy in the sewers.

  • The Jaws films:
    • Midway through Jaws, Hooper warns Brody about fiddling with his scuba tanks, explaining how they could blow up if not handled properly. There is also a blink-and-you'll-miss-it bit of foreshadowing along the same lines: watch the illustrations in that picture book on sharks Brody flips through very carefully. Quint remarks on this.
    Quint: Yeah, that's real fine expensive gear you brought out here, Mr. Hooper. 'Course I don't know what that bastard shark's gonna do with it, might eat it I suppose.
    • In Jaws 2, it is foreshadowed on two separate occasions how the shark is killed in the end. The marine biologist investigating the orca carcass caused by the shark mentions how sharks are attracted to rhythmic underwater sounds. When Brody's deputy and another assistant are searching for bodies on the sea floor, they find an electrical cable, and quickly drop it back to the bottom. At the end, Brody finds another electrical cable, and attracts the shark by bashing the cable with a bat, causing the sounds. The shark bites the cable, and gets electrocuted.
  • Jennifer's Body:
    • At the very beginning, Needy kicks an orderly at the prison psych ward with such force that she ends up flying across the table and even knocks out one of her teeth. It later turns out that she gained some of Jennifer's demonic powers, such as Super-Strength.
    • When the teacher is mentioning the victims of the Melody Lane fire, Jennifer giggles after he says the name of Ahmet, the Indian exchange student. As it turns out, Ahmet was Jennifer's first victim.
  • In Jojo Rabbit, Jojo's mother Rosie is almost always shown with a Feet-First Introduction and many shots are dedicated to her very distinctive red and white heels looming over Jojo. At about the 2/3 mark of the film, Jojo first notices her shoes when she's hanged from the gallows in the town square and they're all you can really see of her body.
  • In The Jungle Book (2016), in the beginning of the film, Bagsheera is chasing Mowgli, teaching him what to do when he faces a dangerous predator. At the ending, Mowgli is being chased by Shere Khan in the same forest area.
    • The animals often speak of Man harnessing fire in hushed tones. Mowgli attempts to harness fire in a fight against There Khan.
    • Throughout the film, monkeys are in the trees watching Mowgli's escapades. They are King Louie's spies and reporting to him about Mowgli.
  • Throughout the fourth Ju-on movie, Toshio repeatedly shows himself to be placing his hand on Kyoko's stomach. When one takes the ending into account, it becomes chillingly obvious why.
    • Not to mention the entire "Tomoka" vignette in the same movie. When the reason for the mysterious "banging" on her wall every night is revealed, it's downright horrifying.
  • In Jupiter Ascending, Kalique admitting that her people may have inspired the myths about vampires foreshadows the later revelation that their youth serum is made from people.
  • In Jurassic Park (1993), Alan Grant is in an airplane when he is told to buckle his seatbelt, but an error during the plane construction means that his seat only has two anchors or "female" parts, so he has to tie them together for a makeshift belt. This foreshadows what later happens at the park, where there are only female dinosaurs to prevent reproduction: some of them become male.
    • There are lots of little moments that suggest at serious design flaws at the park. The very first scene of the film has a high-tech looking method of transporting dangerous dinosaurs that fails relatively easily (the gate has to be opened manually from the top by an unfortunate worker who falls into the compartment and gets mauled by a raptor). Grant, Ellie and Malcolm break out of their seat restraints during a moving presentation. Tour vehicles are electrically powered and move on rails so the guests are stranded if the power ever cuts out, and they lack locks on the doors so people can jump out mid-tour and wander off. A Triceratops is made sick by eating toxic plants used to decorate the park. Several times, it comes up that park features were poorly thought-through and meant mostly to look cool or wow visitors, and Hammond skimped massively on the actual nuts and bolts of what would make the park safe and enjoyable for guests.
    • And of course, there's Dr. Grant's speech to the little boy at the dig site where he describes Velociraptor hunting behaviours that are later shown and used by the living creatures to deadly effect. Take notes, Muldoon.
  • In Jurassic World, there are numerous subtle signs that the park is not being run as competently as it should be, given the severe threat represented by the animals being contained within. The woman in charge of most of the place is more interested in bottom lines and financial issues than the fact that she is essentially in charge of several animals, many of them extremely dangerous. It is implied that certain dinosaurs (like the Pachycephalosaurus) are frequently getting out of containment and need to be retrieved manually. Communication problems are rampant with phones and radios not reaching areas where they might really be needed. The whole place gives off an air of We Have Become Complacent that seems to suggest that everyone has lowered their guard after running the park successfully for several years.
    • The I. rex has Velociraptor-like quill feathers on her back. She later recruits the raptor pack to her side.
    • Owen repeatedly warns everybody that the raptors are not tame and will kill anyone besides himself on sight. They later turn on the humans and attack everyone except Parental Substitute Owen.
    • The ViewMaster reel that Gray plays with at the beginning shows the ending of the movie: a dead Brachiosaurus, and two rexes fighting each other.
    • Earlier in the film, it is made abundantly clear that one of the Velociraptors has it out for Hoskins. He gets attacked and killed by the very same raptor, Delta, towards the end of the film.
    • The guide mentioning that the Mosasaurus hunted by snatching prey from the shoreline. The Indominus Rex really shouldn't have stuck around that close to her tank...
    • Hoskins claims that Masrani's corporation is too big and diversified for him to know everything about it; Hoskins himself and Dr. Wu are experimenting with Living Weapons without Masrani's approval.
    • Flares are used to draw Rexie out for a daily feeding show; Claire later uses a flare to capture Rexie's attention and draw her into battle with the I. rex.

  • Kill List foreshadows several events late in the film in its apparently innocuous early scenes:
    • Jay and Gal's drunken play fight at Jay's dinner party becomes a real fight when their relationship is tested late in the film.
    • Early on, Jay finds the cat has left a rabbit with its entrails hanging out — this mirrors how he finds the mortally wounded Gal in the tunnels late in the film.
    • Jay's play fight with Shel and Sammy foreshadows how the cult force him to fight and kill them for real at the climax.
  • The original King Kong (1933) begins with a (made-up) proverb about a beast being placated by a beauty, and how "from that day forward, it was as one dead" (said proverb is also quoted in the 2005 film). Later on, Carl Denham tells Jack Driscoll the story of the movie he's making: "The Beast was a tough guy... He could lick the world. But when he saw Beauty, she got him. He went soft, he forgot his wisdom, and the little fellers licked him." Guess how the movie ends.
  • Kingsman:
    • Kingsman: The Secret Service:
      • At the beginning of the film, Eggsy crashes into another car to avoid hitting an urban fox; if one remembers that scene when he's told to shoot JB, his dog, his reaction seems a bit more predictable.
      • In the next scene, Eggsy refuses to roll over on his two friends, who bailed when Eggsy crashed. When faced with a Secret Test of Character, he refuses to rat out the Kingsmen and passes. By contrast, Charlie folds during the same test and winds up at Valentine's party, where he blows Eggsy's cover.
      • Before Harry mops the floor with all of the hoodlums at the pub, he says he wants to finish his Guinness. Next to Eggsy is an old Guinness ad that proclaims "Guinness for Strength," as if Harry drinks it for the additional fighting power.
      • At the beginning of the film, we see Eggsy lift a set of car keys from someone. And then, later on, he switches his and Arthur's glasses when he realizes his has likely been poisoned. Light-fingered indeed, Eggsy. We even see him use the exact same misdirection technique before the glasses switch occurs, in the scene with Harry in the armoury, when he tries to steal a hand-grenade lighter.
      • After Harry's death, Arthur invites Eggsy to take a seat next to him at the table — the one directly at Arthur's right side: Harry's seat or, more specifically, Galahad's, thereby hinting that Eggsy will take up the mantle and become the new Galahad in Harry's place.
      • The previous Lancelot's investigation: the two events reported by Merlin to Arthur and Galahad were very likely Valentine's first experiments with ways to make people kill each other.
      • If you listen carefully when Charlie fails the loyalty test, you hear him say "I'm the fucking son of the...". Later, he shows up at Valentine's secret base because his family were all among Valentine's chosen people and have gathered to ride out the Hate Plague. It was already pretty obvious that he was rich from the beginning, but apparently Charlie's blood runs just a bit bluer than that.
      • During the final test, Arthur holds the gun directly on Eggsy's face before passing it to him, and Eggsy returns the favor afterwards. Merlin, by contrast, exercises proper gun safety by never letting the barrel point at Roxy and warns her that it's carrying a live round. This is a pretty clear hint of where their true loyalties lie, and that Eggsy will turn Arthur's plan around on him.
      • For one of the tests, the candidates have to seduce a female upper-class target, and Eggsy implies that he's bound to pass since "posh girls love a bit of rough". By the end of the film Eggsy gets propositioned by the Crown Princess of Sweden — so apparently he's not that far off.
      • A minor and possibly accidental one: look at the main poster. Notice how Eggsy is above Harry, as Eggsy is being molded to become a Kingsman just like Harry. Merlin and Gazelle are together, as the assistant to a superior, they're both doing the same job. Now note how Arthur and Valentine are together, because they're both leaders? Or because, like Eggsy and Harry, they're on the same side?
    • Kingsman: The Golden Circle:
      • The film opens with a rendition of John Denver's "Take Me Home, Country Roads" as a mournful bagpipe dirge. At the film's end, Merlin dies in a Heroic Sacrifice while loudly singing his favourite song by his favourite singer: Denver's "Take Me Home, Country Roads".
      • At the end of Eggsy's scene with his friends, the camera pans to a stash of cannabis which transitions to Poppy's estate. This hints that the drugs his friends are using ultimately come from Poppy's empire.
      • During the ambush in Italy, it looks like Whiskey deliberately knocked the antidote out of Eggsy's hand, but then proceeds to kill all of Poppy's henchmen. This hints how while he never worked for her, Whiskey was trying to stop the others from getting the antidote.
      • After listening to the recording of the President saying he plans to let all the drug users die, Whiskey seems to agree with the plan for a moment. And he shows up at the very end to stop Eggsy and Harry from releasing the cure to save everyone due to his hatred of junkies.
    • The King's Man:
      • A young Conrad tells Shola that out of the Knights of the Round Table, he wants to be Lancelot. If you watched the past two Kingsman movies, you would realize that everyone who took the Lancelot position in the Kingsman organization died. As such, it tells us that Conrad won't make it out of this movie alive.
      • On top of the above example, Conrad is correct in naming Orlando as Arthur and Shola as Merlin, during that same scene.
      • Rasputin the Mad Monk doesn't so much walk as he glides across the floor, something the Orlando notes is part of a dance routine. A couple scenes later, Rasputin proves himself an adept Dance Battler.
      • Conrad's eventual status as a Decoy Protagonist is hinted at by his dismissal by Rasputin when he tries to seduce him in favor of Orlando.
      • Morton always has his left hand out of sight. This conceals that he's wearing a Flock Ring on it - The Shepherd's, no less.

  • There's a conversation in the beginning of L.A. Confidential where Capt. Dudley Smith asks Edmund Exley, intending to join the detective bureau, if he's willing to do certain unethical things to bring a criminal to justice: plant evidence, beat a confession out of a suspect, and shoot a criminal in the back lest he be acquitted. Exley claims he won't... but by the end of the film, he's been complicit in all three.
    • The whole introduction scene of "bloody Christmas" has the three main characters foreshadowed, with Bud White hitting everybody on his way without thinking despite good intentions, Jack Vincennes paying off and getting a blood spot where he'll get shot, and Ed Exley playing smart and lecturing his superiors. Oh, and Dudley already shows part of his dark side, being OK with torture.
  • The Last Samurai: Algren, to Bagley: "For five hundreds bucks a month, I'll kill whoever you want. But keep one thing in mind: I'll happily kill you for free." Sure enough, Bagley ends up with a bad case of katana through the chest.
  • Close to the start of The Last Witch Hunter, Kaulder mentions that any curse can be broken by killing the one who cast it. Yet despite the Witch Queen dying in the prologue, Kaulder continues to be immortal, and a later reveal confirms that the Queen isn't truly dead.
  • The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. During a discussion with Captain Nemo, Quatermain says "Old tigers, sensing the end, they're at their most fierce." Later in the movie, Quatermain has an encounter with a tiger (which may or may not have been real) and says "Just an old tiger sensing his end. Perhaps this was not his time to die after all."
  • Legend (1985)
    • At the beginning of the movie Darkness says "I require the solace of the shadows and the dark of the night. Sunshine is my destroyer." Just in case the audience forgot, while Darkness is in the underground cave with Lili he says it again. Guess how the good guys defeat him at the climax?
    • When Lili enters Nell's cottage she sees a clock on the wall. While she looks at it, it is suddenly covered with frost, a warning of the winter that will descend when one of the unicorns is killed and has its horn cut off.
  • Several examples in Let Me In.
    • On their first date, Owen tells Abby that he hates the city he lives in and that one day he will be leaving. Abby offers Owen her hand as if inviting him to come with her. In fact, both leave the city together at the end of the film.
    • On a date, Owen tells Abby that he was bullied and beaten up at school. Abby tells him to fight for himself. She also promises that she will help him if he is too weak. And so it happens during the film. First Owen defends himself and injures one of his bullys. When the four of them attack him and either drown him or want to mutilate him, Abby comes and kills them one after the other in the most brutal way.
    • The ending of the film about Owen is ambiguous. He could either become Abby's new caretaker or be turned into a vampire by her. During the film, Owen looked pale and vampiric several times. In some scenes light was broken through glass (telescope, peephole), fell on his eyes and made them look as yellow as Abbys vampire eyes. And the first real kiss he had with Abby had blood on his lips. These scenes can be seen as implications that it is Owen's fate to be turned into a vampire by Abby.
  • Level 16:
    • Grace, when she receives the gift dress with her name on it asks Miss Brixil what does it say. Also Vivien and Sophia are seen struggling to read a label.
    • While pretending to sleep, Vivien and another girl, Olivia, are carried to a lounge. Miss Brixil, presents the sleeping girls to an aging couple, who choose Olivia and make plans to purchase her, instead of adopting her, as the girls are told. These are hints that they are not in a boarding school.
  • Liz in September'': Liz counts down as she submerges herself while swimming and then bathing. At the end, as she's being euthanized, she dies the same way.
  • The Locals: Paul’s death. The cover page shows Paul grasping his chest area, indicating his injury related to his death.
  • The Lone Ranger:
    • Tonto says silver made Cavendish, and it would kill him. While this seems to be foreshadowing the silver bullet, it's ultimately how Cole meets his end; crushed under the very silver he spent all this time mining that made him and Cavendish the people they are. Though that silver bullet does end up saving Tonto's life.
    • Also a hint that the story being told about the kid who got his tribe killed was indeed Tonto.
    • The fact the chief mentions two white men that Tonto lead to the silver.
    • when you first see Cole, he flips his pocket watch before reading it. You later see that watch flip again during the story of Tonto's backstory. It's not only your first clue to who one of those men are, but it also hints slightly later at Cole's connection to Cavendish.
  • In Looper, the Urban Legends about the Rainmaker.
    Old Joe: There are stories he has a synthetic jaw, saw his mom shot, shit like that.
    • Later on, when Old Joe tries to kill Cid (who will become The Rainmaker in the future), he shoots him in the jaw, and his mother jumps in front of him in order to shield him from getting killed.
    • Not to mention the double Chekhov's Gun. With Seth as an example, telekinesis is suggested to be worth basically nothing. Then we find that Sarah is a much stronger than Seth. And finally there's Cid, who is much stronger than her...
    • The posters, drawings and action figures of a man in black wearing a wide-brimmed hat in Cid's room, just like the outfits worn by the Rainmaker's mooks in the future.
  • In The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring:
    • Boromir narrowly misses being hit by arrows in Moria. He won't be as lucky later on.
    • There is a brief moment where Aragorn notices that Boromir left his shield behind when they first reach the banks. It would have came in handy if he had it with him.

  • Early on in Madame Curie (1943), Marie asks Pierre a higher-mathematics questionnote . After he sees her to her house her question causes him to go off in full mumbling Absentminded Professor mode. It's now pouring rain, he's wandering in the middle of the street, and a horse-drawn wagon almost runs him down. Guess how he dies. And the film shows it exactly as it happened.
  • In Madame Web (2024), it's not obvious, but Cassie's first vision when she drowns shows a lot of what happens in the climax, including where it happens, her triple astral form and how Ezekiel dies.
  • In Mad Max: Fury Road, whenever the camera focuses on the skulls adorning the War Rig, the next scene is going to contain death.
  • In Man of Steel, during the final fight between Superman and General Zod one of the many things that gets destroyed in the process is an oil tanker with a company logo on it. The name of the company that the logo belongs to? "LEXCORP"
  • Mandalay:
    • Tony's excuse for taking Tanya out is that they are going to travel to Mandalay (they are in Rangoon). Later in the film, it's Mandalay where Tanya flees to after running away from the brothel.
    • Tony fakes his own suicide by poison and drowning to fool the police. Tanya ends up poisoning him with iodine and then his body falls down the water to sleep with the fish.
  • The Mask:
    • Early on Stanley orders his dog Milo to "Get the keys" (his car keys which he lost). Later, after Stanley is arrested, he tells Milo to "Get the keys" again — the keys to his cell.
    • There's also a Pun example when, while he and his men are tailing the title character in a park, Kellaway, the police lieutenant, remarks: "We're gonna have a full dance card" (i.e., we're going to have a lot to deal with). That sequence ends with The Mask starting up a spontaneous Latin-themed dance party (which eventually shifts to 1940s swing jazz) and persuading everyone on the street (including the cops who have shown up to arrest him) to join the fun. The action is captured by TV news cameras, and a later scene has Kellaway's partner informing him that a few of those cops have been offered jobs as professional dancers in Las Vegas.
  • Maria Full of Grace: Maria is recruited to be a drug mule and she befriends Lucy, who has been a drug mule before. Lucy prepares Maria for swallowing the drug pellets by practicing with grapes. She also warns Maria to dress nicely but nothing flashy, to avoid eating for 24 hours before the trip, and to make sure the pellets are carefully wrapped, because if a pellet ruptures while inside Maria, she will die. This is exactly what happens to Lucy herself later on.
  • In Master and Commander, this happens several times.
    • Blakeney makes Calamy promise that if he dies, not to stitch him 'through the nose' when wrapping his body in his hammock. After Calamy is killed in the final battle, Blakeney asks to personally take care of his friend's body to make sure that the last stitch doesn't go through his nose.
    • An albatross appears and the Captain of the Marines tries to shoot it. Moments later, the bird dives low, the shot misses and hits Dr. Maturin.
    • The man posing as the French ship's doctor has no blood on his hands, foreshadowing that the real doctor died months earlier and that the "doctor" is the captain in disguise.
  • Woody Allen's Match Point: The opening speech about everything depending on luck as to whether you'll win or lose is accompanied by the shot of tennis ball hitting the net and eventually falling to desired side. This foreshadows the later moment where the old woman's ring falls to the floor instead of into the river, thus allowing an addict to pick it up and take the fall for Nola's death. Also, Nola telling Chris that her new apartment is prone to burglary.
  • Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials:
    • In the abandoned shopping mall, the first Crank that Thomas and Minho see after turning on the power is a female that has bloody, eyeless sockets. Later on in the film, Teresa reveals to Thomas her recovered memories: when she was young, her mother ended up catching the Flare, inducing hallucinations. To stop them, she gouged out her own eyes..
    • During the rave party scene, while under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, not only does Thomas see Winston (even though he was already dead earlier), he also sees Newt as a Crank. The next movie has this exact horrible fate befall Newt, and it is emotional as it sounds.
  • In Mean Girls, in the beginning of the movie, Cady narrates her immediate crush on Aaron and almost gets hit by a yellow bus, which foreshadows a much later event in the movie.
    Cady: But this one hit me like a big yellow school bus.
  • Memoirs of a Murderer:
    • Before Makimura and Taki go in the former's apartment to seek the next victim's body of the Tokyo Strangler, Taki stops Makimura from going in, having smelt gas. It hints at the booby trap the Tokyo Strangler has set up: a noose that will cause a propane bottle to explode if pulled on.
    • At the beginning, Toshio explains that he became a reporter by going over every document about the Tokyo Strangler and writing about it in 1995. This has more significance when he turns out to be the Tokyo Strangler everyone's looking for.
    • Before one of his interviews, Toshio talks about a pen his friend gave him, claiming that it's mightier than a sword. He wasn't wrong, because Masato does use it as a weapon, to angrily slash the "real" Tokyo Strangler's face.
    • Look closely at the flyaway shot of Toshio's final meeting, where all four men are seated at the "eye" table. Horizontally, each chair is a distance apart from the opposite side, meaning that the top and bottom chairs on the left and right ends of the table hint at secret allegiances. Wataru and Masato are on the left, working together to bring the Tokyo Strangler to justice. Meanwhile, Toshio and the "real" Tokyo Strangler are on the right. Toshio actually hired a man to dress up as the Tokyo Strangler for money, to detract attention from himself.
    • When Rika's murder video is shown to Toshio, Masato and Wataru, there is a building of interest seen on the left. It's the Tokyo Tower, which is clearly illuminated in the night sky. Camera cuts show that the building's lights are on at one moment, and off the next, during Rika's last throes of life. In reality, the Tokyo Tower usually turns its lights off at midnight. Since Rika's death happened the next day, this meant that the 15-year statute of limitations law can be applied to this murder. This allows the real killer to be incarcerated for good.
  • Men in Black. Near the beginning a bug smashes into the immigrant smuggler's van and he says "Goddamn bugs!" Later on an alien Bug with "unlimited strength, a massive inferiority complex, and a real short temper" almost causes the destruction of the Earth.
  • Mission: Impossible Film Series:
    • Mission: Impossible:
      • In the elevator scene at the beginning, the team panics when Golitsyn suddenly takes the elevator down, blocking off Ethan and Sarah's escape route. Jack can't get the elevator doors open so Ethan and Sarah can hide beneath the box, but fortunately Jim saves the day from his hotel room. This shows that Jim has superior access over the elevator. So when Jack dies minutes later in a freak elevator 'accident', it becomes rather obvious who the actual mole is.
      • Also, in the opening briefing scene, the team ribs Jim about him being put up in the posh Drake Hotel in Chicago during a recruiting trip. This becomes important as Ethan is able to link Jim as "Job", when he finds out the Bible he took from Jim's safehouse was taken from the Drake Hotel.
      • When the team is being ambushed, you can clearly see the assailant's arm crooked around so that the gun is facing Jim's camera. The flashback where Ethan puts it together in his mind shows Jim doing precisely this to fake his death.
      • When Ethan gets ready to copy the NOC list, he initially takes out two discs from his suit, then shelves one. The audience doesn't know why he has two discs on him, but in the next scene, Kreiger boasts about having the NOC list Ethan handed him, only for Ethan to bluff him with a con with the other (blank) disc in order for Kreiger to toss away the real one for Ethan to retrieve.
    • Mission: Impossible III: IMF Director Brassel's very first scene establishes him as an intelligent, driven man. So when Ethan finds a recording that says a call to Big Bad Davian came from Brassel's office, why on Earth would he contact Davian from the computer in a personal place that would most likely be under heavy surveillance? The movie deliberately interrupts both Ethan and the audience before they have time to think about it.
    • Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol:
      • The phone booth console near the beginning that gives Ethan's mission doesn't self-destruct until he applies some Percussive Maintenance, presaging the technical problems plaguing the IMF team throughout the movie.
      • In Dubai, Wistrom orders someone over the phone to release a scientist's wife and kids. Except that Hendricks' organization is basically just him and Hendricks. Hendricks is his boss, so he can't order him to do anything. As it turns out, "Wistrom" is Hendricks in disguise.
    • Mission: Impossible – Fallout:
      • In Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, Solomon Lane, that film's villain, says a line that could easily be seen as foreshadowing the events of Fallout, given that this film is meant to be about "the best intentions coming back to haunt you". The events of the film are set to be about a mission gone wrong; Ethan's luck might just have run out.
      Solomon Lane: Ethan Hunt is a gambler. And one day his luck will run out, and thousands of innocent people will pay the price.
      • En route to Paris, Ethan points out Walker's violent tendencies, saying the reason agencies haven't found John Lark yet is because Walker killed an informant who was going to provide more information about Lark. After the reveal that Walker is John Lark and has been working with Solomon Lane the whole time, it is evident that Walker killed the informant so he wouldn't be found.
      • Walker's real intentions are hinted at when he accuses Ethan Hunt of being John Lark, and while his reasoning is sound, he frames Ethan by handing Sloane false evidence.
      • When Ethan told Walker how to catch John Lark, he used the mask maker gadget to scan Walker's face in order to show how he plans to do the same with Lark. Which foreshadows that August Walker & John Lark are one and the same person.
  • The final lines of the movie Mommie Dearest, after Christina Crawford and her brother find out that their mother Joan Crawford had disinherited them, suggest that Christina would truly have "the last word".
  • One scene halfway through the fully-CGI Monster House has three kids stuck inside the titular Monster House's mouth, and the Smart Girl points out all the similarities to human anatomy, including an uvula. The token fat kid somehow misunderstands and goes "oh, so it's a girl house". Turns out he was right - the house was possessed by a giantess who fell to her death in its foundations.
  • MonsterVerse:
    • Kong: Skull Island: Captain Cole erroneously quotes The Lion and the Mouse in reference to Kong, thinking (thanks to his mother) that the fable is about the mouse killing the lion, only for Mills to point out that the mainstream fable is about the mouse befriending the lion, to Cole's surprise. This foreshadows the reveal that Kong is basically Good All Along despite massacring the Sky Devils after they (from Kong's perspective) fired the first shot by burning his home unprovoked and then literally shooting at him first when he intervened.
    • Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019):
      • Several hints to the fact that Emma Russell is Evil All Along, and that she isn't really a Reluctant Mad Scientist but is a misanthropic eco-terrorist who's in cahoots with her "kidnappers" from the beginning to save the Earth using the Titans, are dropped. Her daughter Madison's email folder is mostly filled with emails pertaining to environmentalism and fears of a manmade mass extinction. She says when urgently ordering Monarch's containment team to stand down while the Mothra larva is aggravated, "you are scaring her", hinting that she cares more about Mothra's well-being than her own people's lives.
      • Mark Russell is introduced taking pictures of wolves eating a carcass. Later in the movie, he deduces using the (outdated in real-life) wolf pack alpha theory that the Titans follow the same hierarchial structure, submitting to either Godzilla or King Ghidorah as their leader depending on which one of the two monsters is currently on top.
      • Ghidorah plays the scientifically-inaccurate Harmless Freezing trope straight to a T when he's thawed out of a glacier after thousands of years trapped inside, none worse for wear apart from a little sluggishness. He also creates a downright alien-looking hypercane which looks like it belongs in an artist's painting of Jupiter's atmosphere, and threatens to engulf the entire Earth in endless storms. These foreshadow the reveal that Ghidorah is unlike the other Titans and unlike any other organism anywhere on Earth, because he's actually a uniquely extraterrestrial Titan from another world.
  • Morgan: Lee shows no emotion, is the only one able to fight Morgan without being taken out in seconds, and later endures a wound that would kill or at least put down other people. It turns out she's an artificial human Super-Soldier too, from an earlier model.
  • Most Likely to Die: The Graduate's M.O. – killing his high school classmates based on their yearbook captions, e.g. first victim Ashley, aka "Most Likely to Have Her Name in Lights," who's found dead with her name in Christmas lights. As The Graduate turns out to be class clown/prankster DJ, his caption of "Most Likely to Have The Last Laugh" is eerily prophetic, though he obviously doesn't get to kill all of his targets.
  • The Mountie: When Grayling first meets Cleora, she is attempt to shoot down the body of the mountain man, which is hanging from a tree branch. He takes the rifle from and uses it to Shoot the Rope, cutting the mountain man down. Later, Cleora will save Grayling from being lynched by performing a similar stunt.
  • Several in Mulholland Dr..
    • "... and now I'm in this... dreamplace!"
    • "It's strange, calling yourself."
    • "Come on, it'll be just like in the movies...we'll pretend to be someone else."
    • "This is the girl" (albeit this is more of an Ironic Echo)
    • "We don't stop here"
    • "You will see me one more time if you do good. You will see me two more times if you do bad."
  • Murder In Coweta County: Sheriff Collier is seen touching his heart in his first scene and taking heart pills later on. He eventually dies of a heart attack.

  • Napoléon (1927) has literal foreshadowing. Some of Maximilien Robespierre’s pieces of stationery cast a shadow eerily reminiscent of a guillotine's on a book by Cromwell that he's reading after Danton's execution. Saint-Just points it out to him, and Robespierre promptly flings the stationery across the room.
  • The Ninth Configuration: In the beginning of the film, the newly arrived military psychiatrist Colonel Kane is given a guided tour of a military insane asylum, only to discover that his tour guide is not a doctor but a patient of the ward. This foreshadows that Colonel Kane is himself a mental patient under the delusion that he's a doctor.
  • No Name on the Bullet:
    • The Judge knowing that his time is about to run out.
    • A drunk Lou Fraden exclaiming, "You want me to," when Gant is daring him to draw.
    • Luke's ability to nail a target with a thrown hammer.
  • The Now You See Me's tagline, "The closer you look, the less you'll see." What character does the film follow the most closely? Dylan, who it turns out is the fifth Horseman.
    • When Merritt's reading Rhodes, he mentions that he has "daddy issues" hinting at his being the Big Bad on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge
    • The Horsemen trick everyone into thinking Jack Wilder died in the car explosion. Now, who got the "death" tarot card at the beginning again?
    • Tarot knowledge also lets a bit more foreshadowing be known; the first card we see in the film is the 7 of Diamonds. The Suit of Pentacles represents martial wealth; all the Asshole Victims in the film have Greed as at least one of their motivations. The 7 of Pentacles itself represents reaching a new level or a prediction of future success, which in both cases is the prediction of the Four Horsemen.
    • Dylan being called The Fool. The Fool tarot often represents an innate cleverness hidden by an apparent foolishness, foreshadowing that he isn't as stupid as he seems.
    • You need five cards for a Tarot reading. The five cards are in order of appearance: King of Spades/Swords, Lovers, Hermit, High Priestess, Death. The hidden card is revealed to be the one hidden in backstory magic trick and is the last one that the Horsemen see so for them the reading is: Lovers, Hermit, High Priestess, Death, King of Spades/Swords.

  • Oblivion (2013) :
    • Beech expresses the desire to see the look on the Tet's face when they detonate the bomb. He got his wish.
    • Jack's conversation with Victoria at the beginning about the last Super Bowl before the Alien Invasion (especially, that the last play on it was a "Hail Mary" pass) becomes pretty important later on in context (the plan regarding the Trojan Prisoner is a "Hail Mary" play).
  • Orphan: First Kill:
    • In many parts of the movie, Tricia can come off as somewhat nit-picky when questioning Esther about her interests and mannerisms, as well as repeated insistence that "Esther's not coming back" (as the real Esther went missing when she was 3 years old), and Leena impersonates her as 7, Tricia seemingly ignoring the fact that "Esther" was supposedly kidnapped and possibly traumatized, and that children can grow up to have different interests than they would a few years ago, like when she noted that Esther was more into painting now than when she was younger). But after the reveal, it makes sense since Tricia covered up for Gunnar killing the real Esther, she knows that the Esther that found them wasn't really her, and she's trying to call her bluff or make her slip up.
    • When coming home from an event, Allen hopes that the house is still standing, telling a story about how he nearly burned down the house when he was sixteen. Cue the climax where the house is set ablaze thanks to a running stove as Tricia tried using that to kill Leena.

  • Pan's Labyrinth:
  • Paper Man:
    • Abby's room is clearly shared between two people, containing two beds and a pair of desks with obvious signs that someone else lives there, though she never mentions or is shown having a sibling. It's later revealed that she had a sister who died when she was younger.
    • Pay close attention to when Christopher shows up on screen, and you'll realize that he never interacts with anyone other than Abby, with no one else really acknowledging him. While this at first seems to be because he's a social outcast, it's because he's Abby's imaginary friend.
    • A game of "would you rather" between Christopher and Abby ends with her asking him if he'd rather have no friends or no parents. Christopher, being an Imaginary Friend, doesn't have any parents.
  • The Phantom of Crestwood: When the guests are playing darts in the games room, Mack walks in front of the dartboard and almost get hit by the steel-tipped dart. Looking at the dart, Mack comments "that could kill someone". Jenny Wren later dies with a steel-tipped dart embedded in her neck.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean:
    • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest:
      • The sailor's mention of the long pork on the island of Peligostos, which we learn later on is home to a cannibal tribe.
      • Where we find Jack, believed to be a god by island natives who attempt to release him from his human form. Tia Dalma is later revealed to be the sea goddess Calypso, and released from her human form.
      • When discussing the story of Davy Jones' tragic love, the pirates can't agree on whether it was the sea he fell in love with or a woman tameless as the sea. Tia Dalma tells them that both versions are true, for they are one and the same.
      • And during the same visit to Tia Dialma, you can see Barbossa's boots and the heart medallion which forms a pair with Davy Jones'
    • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides:
      • The pub where not-Jack actually Anjelica is hiding is named The Captain's Daughter.
      • Blackbeard describes Angelica as "a fitting last sight for a doomed soul".
    • All throughout the films, Will Turner ends up the sole survivor of shipwrecks. The first wreck foreshadows the second, and it's retconned in the sequels into foreshadowing Will's destiny as captain of the Flying Dutchman in the third film, which doesn't pan-out until the bottom of the last act. The second film has several, including Jack arriving in a coffin and later falling into an open grave, foreshadowing his death in the last act. It also had a few for the third, such as Gibbs explaining the natives of Pelegosto thought Jack was a god in human form and intended to release him, just as Barbossa intended to do for Calypso.
  • Pixels:
    • The final game of 1982 World Championship is Donkey Kong. Guess what's the final game the aliens send against the heroes.
    • Ludlow is completely in love with the character of Lady Lisa. When he has to fight her, he can't bring himself to attack her.
    • Eddie is shown adjusting his glasses when he's taking part in the finals. It later turns out that their frames are inscribed with the cheat codes for Pac-Man and Donkey Kong.
  • Planes, Trains and Automobiles: Quite a bit of it involving Del...
    • Take a close look at the stickers on Del's suitcase. They're all just from hotels.
    • The address on Del's suitcase is to the company he works for, rather than a proper home address.
    • Whenever Del takes his shoes off, he lets out a pleasurable moan. Hilarious, until you discover he’s been homeless for nigh on eight years.
    • Del's personal motto is "Like your work, love your wife." After the plane fails to make it through to Chicago, while Neal calls his wife, Del calls a hotel.
    • Look at Del's photograph of Marie. Doesn't it look like a headshot picture you'd have at a funeral?
    • "I haven't been home in years."
    • The face he makes when Neal says he's lucky to have a wife to grow old with.
    • Before that, when Del is sitting by himself in the burned-out car, he wishes that Marie was with him:
      Del: But I guess that's not going to happen. Not now, anyway.
  • Among the hints to the twist ending of Planet of the Apes (1968) is a map in a certain scene, showing New York City's islands, only with less water around them.
  • Pokémon Detective Pikachu:
    • Detective Pikachu tells Tim that he is Tim's best bet for finding his dad. Harry's consciousness is inside Pikachu as he speaks and Pikachu made a deal with Mewtwo to preserve Harry's body.
    • When a black van pulls up next to Tim, Pikachu tells Tim "that's a bad guy's car." Who walks out of it? Ms. Norman, Howard's assistant (and actually a Ditto), who is taking them to see Howard, the real villain of the film.
    • Early on, a Ditto could be seen shifting into a human to wheel Howard away. We later find out Ms. Norman is said Ditto that was experimented on.
    • There are plenty of hints about Harry's consciousness being inside Pikachu.
      • It's established that Pokemon cannot understand human language, yet Pikachu can read and understand humans perfectly and can even grasp human concepts like an address.
      • Pikachu is the only Pokémon not sent into a berserk state when he inhales R. He's immune because Harry's mind is already in Pikachu and R only affects the consciousness of Pokemon.
      • In spite of all the amnesia, Pikachu seems to be pretty sure of the feeling Harry had for Tim, which could be attributed to the connection of humans and Pokémon. It's actually because those feelings are his own.
      • When being chased by the Aipom, Pikachu reacts by trying to shout for help. This unusually human behavior makes sense given that Harry’s personality is in control.
  • Preservation: As Wit, Mike and Sean hike through the playground, the camera lingers on the slide and then travels inside it, revealing a huge pile of shoes. These shoes were stolen by the hunters from their earlier victims.
  • In The Prestige:
    • Borden tells one bird out of a pair that it was the lucky one today, having avoided being killed to act out the trick. One of the Borden twins died while the other lived and was able to act out their revenge.
    • Sarah commented how there are some days that Borden didn't love her. She's right. On those days, the Borden twins have switched places. Also, Borden said that a part of him loved Olivia. He was referring to his other twin who did love Olivia.
    • Very early on, Borden says he can do an amazing trick that no else can do it. Not everyone has a secret identical twin like him.
    • Cutter tells Borden that on some days he just doesn't get it. It's the Borden twin who wants to do the Langford Double and who fumbles the initial knot on Julia.
    • Cutter rebuffs Borden for wanting to do the bullet catch trick, as all it would take for someone to stick a button or bullet in the gun to cause some serious injury to the magician. This is exactly what happened to Borden later on, as he would do the bullet catch trick and Angier would sabotage the gun, leading to Borden to lose two fingers.
    • Borden says "he asked himself" many times regarding the knot tied on Angier's wife and tells Angier he doesn't know which knot was used. Borden is referring to arguing with his twin about the knot and he is the twin who did not tie the knot, thus not knowing which the knot actually used.
    • Cutter and Olivia repeatedly tell Angier that the only way for Borden to do the Transported Man is with a double. They are right, Borden is using a double, his own twin.
    • Borden immediately understands how the fishbowl trick works and how the magician is so dedicated to maintaining his act as a weak old man even when off-stage. Borden would know as he is doing the same with his trick.
  • Early on in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, Norman Bates, taxidermist and mama's boy extraordinaire, defends his mother to Marion by saying, "Why, she's as harmless as one of those stuffed birds!" Guess what we find out at the end of the movie...

  • Red Notice: There are many hints foreshadowing the big twist, serving as a Rewatch Bonus. So many in fact that Honest Trailers was able to do a whole montage of them on their honest trailer for the movie.
    • The method the Bishop used to frame Hartley makes no sense, as it would only have worked to get him arrested initially. Once that happened, it would have been all too easy for Hartley to contact the FBI and prove his identity... had he been a real FBI profiler.
    • Hartley saying "I'm the bad guy."
    • Hartley managed to swipe Sotto Voce's phone from him in an impressive display of close-contact pickpocketing. Not exactly a skill that an FBI agent needs for the field.
    • Inspector Das saying she hadn't heard of Hartley before the latest robberies.
    • Hartley himself points out that chess is played with two Bishops.
    • Hartley's willingness to shoot at law enforcement officers, be they the guards at the Russian prison or the Argentinian cops accompanying Inspector Das to arrest them in the Nazi treasure vault.
    • The logo the Bishop sends to agent Dias can be either seen as a bishop chess piece moving back and forth or two bishops alternating.
    • When confronting Sarah in Sotto Voce's vault, after she grabs a lance, Harley breaks the glass to recover a shield. It's very close to him, but he has actual weapons within reach (Booth immediately goes for a gun). This way he and Sarah can pretend to fight while minimizing the risks of actually injuring each other.
    • When Das catches up to the three of them in the Vault, there's no reason for Hartley to keep aiding Booth and definitely no reason to help Bishop escape. Once he grabbed the machine gun, he could have turned it on Bishop and forced her to surrender to Interpol, where she could have cleared him. That he didn't, and instead teamed up with her to escape, is really when Booth should have realised what was going on.
    • In a real game of Chess, it's impossible to checkmate using one Bishop, or any single piece for that matter note . This foreshadows the reveal Sotto Voce was a Pawn to her, Hartley was the second Bishop and Booth was yet another Pawn.
    • Hartley is decidedly unlike the usual musclebound Cloud Cuckoolander Dwayne Johnson is known for in similar movies. He has a noticeably hard time fighting even physically inferior opponents like the Bishop, and whenever he's forced into a hand-to-hand confrontation, he does rather poorly. He's also remarkably willing to shoot at law enforcement officials, and outright steals a car in the intro. All of this foreshadows that he isn't actually an FBI agent.
    • Black claims to have framed Hartley by intercepting Das's call to the FBI, lying about having ever heard of him. Needless to say, this would not hold up as a reason for Interpol to arrest a legitimate FBI agent in real life, which is why it's handy that Hartley is not a legitimate FBI agent at all; Black only wanted to allay Booth's suspicions long enough to pull the wool over his eyes.
  • Reservoir Dogs: The very first scene foreshadows Mr Blonde's sociopathic tendencies, as well as the identity of the rat. A later scene drops a clue unintentionally as well, when an orange balloon is shown flying around.
    • The initial dialogue also shows Mr. White as the "protective" guy (defending the waitresses), as well as foreshadowing his clash of authority with Joe, Mr. Blonde's loyalty to Joe ("Shoot this piece of shit for me, will ya?") and Mr. Pink's individualist attitude.
    • The friendship between Orange and White is foreshadowed without either saying a word to each other - most of White's shots (especially when he's expounding an opinion) include Orange looking at him and reacting to him.
    • Mr Orange's Conflicting Loyalty (and Nice Guy Eddie's raging reaction) is foreshadowed when he is easily convinced by Pink's tirade.
    • In a rare case of foreshadowing that isn't in the first scene, Mr Orange asks his boss to "take care" of Long Beach Mike, the guy who got Orange into the group. His boss very specifically tells him that Long Beach Mike is a piece of shit who he can't trust. Later, Orange tells his friend White that he's the cop. White (maybe) shoots him in response.
  • The Retreat (2021):
    • The gas station Renee and Val stop at sells sinister-looking masks that their captors wear later.
    • Renee mentions while walking in the woods with Val how she'd cull deer with her family in the past. At the end, they "cull" their tormentors using Renee's skills.
  • In R.I.P.D. Nick's partner doesn't wear armor during the raid. Not to mention the little charm he wears in the beginning..

  • In The Sadist, Doris is spooked by a snakeskin when Ed is trying to remove the fuel pump from the junked car, indicating that there are snakes in the area. At the climax, Charlie falls into a hole while chasing Doris and is bitten to death by a rattlesnake.
  • Sappho: Near the beginning, Sappho is told about the rock where her namesake allegedly jumped to her death over a lost love. She later kills herself over Helene's rejection.
  • Scarface (1983):
    • When Frank tells Tony that Sosa will send a squad of hitmen after him if he doesn't make good on the new deal that Tony negotiated with Sosa on his behalf. Guess what happens to Tony at the end?
    • While Frank and Tony hit it off famously at first, Tony privately tells Manny later that while he likes Frank, he thinks that Frank's too soft to be a major player for long. Tony is proven to be correct.
    • An immigration officer points out Tony's pitchfork tattoo and says it means "an assassin or something". Tony is soon revealed to be a ruthless serial killer.
  • In Searching:
    • The ABC7 news article that David pulls up in the beginning of the film foreshadows upcoming events, such as a weather report on an incoming storm and a story about how a hiker was lost for nine days before being found by a search party.
    • When David goes through Pamela's old files on Margot's grade school friends, one of them is a boy named Robert who had a crush on Margot. Robert is revealed to be Detective Vick's son who had been stalking Margot for years and responsible for her disappearance. The notes even mentioned that the mother is in SVPD and she is divorced, which is why his last name is not Vick.
    • Vick tells David a story of how she once covered for her son when he made up a fake charity to scam their neighbors of their money. She covers for him again after he is responsible for Margot's disappearance.
    • Early on, a picture shows that Margot's school mascot is the Catfish. The climax of the film shows that Margot's attacker created a false online persona to get closer to Margot, an act otherwise known as catfishing.
  • There is a cut in Se7en after detectives talk about the case directly to Pitt's character's wife's head. At the end, her head is delivered to Pitt's character.
  • In See How They Run, Leo Köpernick creates some storyboard art of how he envisions the climax of his version of The Mousetrap. The climax of See How They Run plays out in the exact same way.
  • See You Yesterday: In an argument Claudette has with her brother Calvin he says "I'm the only older brother you've got." alluding to his demise.
  • Serenity. River's comment about the Reaver that managed to get aboard the ship after their narrow escape ("He didn't lie down. They never lie down.") mirrors Inara's later comment about the victims of Miranda who didn't become Reavers and how they just lay down and died as an unexpected result of the Pax.
    • In the first Reaver chase of the movie, Mal and the others crashland their small hovercraft into Serenity's cargo bay. They start to relax when a sharp piece of the pursuing Reaver vehicle comes flying at Mal, which he barely dodges. Guess how Wash dies at the end?
  • Edgar Wright's Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are both FULL of foreshadowing. Almost every word and many images appearing in the first 30 minutes are full of foreshadowing and references to the whole plot. The Shaun of the Dead DVD, or at least the special edition, has something similar— the Zomb-O-Meter.
    • Shaun tells the football kid messing around outside the house that "You're dead!", and Ed also says that Pete is dead the next time he sees him. Yep, they both end up as zombies.
    • When Shaun and Ed are drunkenly fooling around after the break-up with Liz, Pete is awoken by the loud electronic music and berates Ed with "Go live in the shed, you thick fuck!" The last time we see Ed in the film, he's chained up in the shed as a zombie. Also, Shaun wearing his red work tie like a Badass Bandana as a joke, which he starts doing seriously later when things start going to shit.
    • Barbara gets complimented on her zombie impression, but it turns out she was just staring into space and thinking about something else. If you look closely at some moments where she is in the background, she is wincing in pain and rolling her sleeve up to look at her wrist...
    • Overlapping with Establishing Character Moment, David's first onscreen act is to belittle Shaun's ability to be a good boyfriend for Liz, and David seems to know more about Liz than his own girlfriend Dianne. It later turns out that David has always fancied Liz and was a particularly twisted and predatory kind of Dogged Nice Guy for her throughout the film.
    • The newest film of the trilogy The World's End does not disappoint when it comes to this.
      • As the rest of the group becomes increasingly drunk, Oliver (the first one to fall in the original attempt at the Golden Mile) remains perfectly sober, hinting at his being replaced early on.
      • Oliver's also the only one wearing a suit during the pub crawl. This makes him stand out as the 'odd man out' (i.e. the only one who's not like the others in some way or is worth keeping an eye on for some reason). Wearing a suit is also typically a symbol of being part of the 'system' (or the Network) and being a conformist (i.e. a 'robot'). He also permanently has his Bluetooth attached to his ear reinforcing that he is / will be linked to the 'Network'.
      • Oliver is the first one to fall on the original attempt at the Golden Mile, followed by Peter. They're the only two replaced by Blanks in the second attempt, and in the same order.
      • "I think they missed out on having five musketeers, cos' then you could've had two die and you'd still be left with three." This hints at the replacement of Peter and Oliver later on in the movie.
      • Andy bitterly telling Gary that he doesn't need to check with his wife for permission, hints that his wife recently left him.
      • Gary seems surprisingly knowledgeable about the psychology of depression when he tells Pete not to repress his bad memories. It's later revealed that he'd been attending grief counselling after a failed suicide attempt, explaining where he picked this tidbit up.
      • The same teenagers Blanks defeated in The Cross Hands are briefly seen sat on a wall outside The Beehive.
      • Andy says that the mobile phones aren't working because of the network. He has no idea how right he is.
      • The conversation concerning teetotalling between Gary and Andy. Gary says that King Arthur didn't drink water at Camelot after winning the Battle of Hastings. Andy counters that to go into a pub full of hard men and order a tap water takes serious balls. In the end, Gary King walks into a bar in the wake of a great battle, and orders a water when surrounded by hard men. He has some serious balls.
  • Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Holmes warned Irene about working for Moriarty. When Irene outlived her usefulness to Moriarty, he kills her.
    • When Holmes officially meets Moriarty, he tells him that if it one-hundred-percent guaranteed Moriarty's destruction, he would gladly accept his own. He follows this when he does a suicide leap off a cliff bringing Moriarty with him.
    • Earlier than that, when showing Watson the web of conspiracy, Holmes told him he'd give his life to see Moriarty's demise.
    • The fate of the Parisian bomb-maker who kills himself to protect his loved ones from Moriarty.
  • At the beginning of Short Cuts, the downdraft from helicopters spraying pesticide over Los Angeles to combat a medfly infestation causes young Casey Finnigan to tell his parents he thought they had been hit by an earthquake. At the end of the film, an earthquake does hit Los Angeles.
  • The Silence of the Lambs. In a scene at the FBI Academy, Clarice Starling goes through an training exercise. After she enters a room containing "hostages", a hidden trainer points a gun at her head and tells her she's dead because she forgot to check behind her when she entered. At the climax of the movie Starling is hunting Buffalo Bill in the dark and he sneaks up behind her wearing Night-Vision Goggles. As he cocks his gun in preparation to shoot her, she hears the *Click* Hello, turns and shoots him.
  • The Sixth Sense: After watching this film for the first time without spoilers, many clues to The Reveal become immediately apparent:
    • All the ghosts are wearing what they wore when they died. And Malcolm is always wearing the shirt he wore on the day he was fatally shot.
    • When Malcolm visits Cole in the hospital, Cole looks down directly at Malcolm's wound. Doubly important, it's what he does immediately before saying his famous "I See Dead People" line.
    • Pay attention with scenes where Malcolm is amongst other people. They shiver and put on jackets, but nobody ever talks to him or acknowledges his presence. Also Malcolm is calm around Cole but in the one scene where Malcolm raises his voice to the boy, Cole's breath becomes visible when it wasn't before, as though the temperature suddenly plummeted.
    • Red is used throughout the film to hint a ghost is about to appear - people wear red, environmental objects are red, sometimes the ghosts wear red. Malcolm's wife wears red in many of the scenes where he appears with her, and the doorknob to his office is red as well.
  • Small Soldiers: Subtly done. Initially, the plan to market the Commando Elite toy line with the Tagline "Anything else is just a toy", but In-Universe Executive Meddling changes it to "Everything else is just a toy". As a result, when the Commando Elite are installed with military chips and become sentient, they can make use of Improvised Weapons and attack human beings because their worldview includes any people who help the Gorgonites as part of their programmed conflict.
  • Throughout Smosh: The Movie, Ian voices how "awesome" Anthony's embarrassing video is, and Anthony learns that Ian records him in his private moments For the Lulz. So it should come as no surprise when it's revealed that he was the one that uploaded the embarrassing video Anthony was trying to get rid of this whole time.
  • Sneakers
    • Early in the film, a security guard is watching Orson Welles' Touch of Evil. Pay attention to the brief piece of audible dialogue.
    • At the party Carl says "I'd like to have a deep relationship with a beautiful woman who melts from the very first time our eyes meet." At the end of the film he meets a beautiful NSA agent who is impressed by him and gives him her phone number.
  • Even if you don't know that Lot's wife gets Taken for Granite when, in a moment of weakness, she looks back at the destruction of the title cities in Sodom and Gomorrah, an exchange between her and Lot when he first declares his love for her spells it out very clearly:
    Ildith: It's not for what I've done. It's for what I may do some day. I may never believe in this Jehovah of yours!
    Lot: You will!
    Ildith: [looking at the coarse fabric of her dress] I may never be happy dressed in clothes like these.
    Lot: You will be.
    Ildith: Perhaps... perhaps something in me will betray us. And I will want to go back to Sodom.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (2020):
    • Tom wanting to leave Green Hills for a police job at San Francisco, the latter city of which is where the climax begins.
    • Sonic describes the "mushroom planet" throughout the movie. At the end, that's where he sends Robotnik.
    • After Dr. Robotnik's sunglasses are broken during his initial confrontation with Tom, he asks Agent Stone to call a glasses retailer for new lenses, cryptically adding that they "know which ones [he] like[s]." When he shows up at San Francisco during the climax, he sports his trademark goggles as replacements.
    • The entire Bullet Time sequence during the Bar Brawl foreshadows Sonic's eventual use of it during action scenes.
    • Sonic's "bucket list" gets crossed off almost entirely at the bar and motel, and includes entries such as "run along GREAT WALL" and "making a friend". During the chase sequence with Robotnik, Sonic does get to run along the Great Wall of China. Furthermore, at the climatic battle at Green Hills, Tom admits Sonic was his friend, which ends up rejuvenating Sonic before he dies.
    • Wade, after being intimidated by Robotnik and government agents at his office, asks if they're going to mindwipe him before shouting he will tell people. At the climax battle at Green Hills, he shows up with the townsfolk armed and ready to shoot the Eggman's death robot.
    • Several times throughout the movie it pans slowly across Sonic's old, ugly, mismatched, duct taped shoes, making his eventual upgrade to his trademark red sneakers all the more anticipated.
    • When Dr. Robotnik first shows up at the Wachowski residence, Tom has Sonic hide in the attic. The same attic that will become his new home in the end.
    • Sonic giving Tom and Maddie food-based nicknames, Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady, sets up Robotnik's nickname Eggman.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022):
    • Sonic falls out of the fishing boat that him and Tom are in and panics as he can't swim. When Sonic decides to save Knuckles from drowning, he almost drowns himself before Knuckles decides to help him.
    • When Tails deciphers the pictograms in the Siberian temple, he explains that the Master Emerald is forged from the seven Chaos Emeralds, which no-one in-Universe had heard about until then. When the Master Emerald breaks apart after Knuckles punches it out of Robotnik, the Chaos Emeralds are revealed, which Sonic unintentionally uses to transform into Super Sonic.
    • During the climax of the film, Tom and Maddie arrive at Green Hills in a G.U.N. chopper with "SA-2" marked on the side. Cue the post-credits scene, and a certain someone has arrived...
  • Spider-Man Trilogy:
    • Early on the third film, after Peter and Mary Jane visit Harry Osborn in the hospital, a nurse comments to him how they really seem like good friends. Harry proudly states they're the best, and that he'd die for them. Guess what happens to him during the final battle?
    • In the first film Harry Osborn says of his father "If I'm lucky I'll be half the man he was". Come the third movie, we find out what exactly is meant by this.
    • Another foreshadowing moment for Harry is the green bowtie he wears in 2.
    • In the second film, when Otto Octavius reveals his cold-fusion machine, listen to the musical score. It shares quite a few moments with the score of the freaking Hellraiser! Kind of hard to expect anything good from it after that.
  • Splice: In the interim between Fred's birth and the shareholder meeting, Gavin comments to Clive that Ginger, the other organism they created for a source of proteins, has lower estrogen levels than she used to. At the presentation, Fred and Ginger turn on each other and fight to the death in front of the shareholders because Ginger changed from a female into a male. Also, it's stated that Dren has much of the same chemicals that Fred and Ginger had. As such, by the end of the film, Dren has also turned from male to female.
  • Star Trek Into Darkness:
    • Khan explains that Marcus' ship, the Vengeance, is constructed so that it can easily be controlled by one person. Khan unsurprisingly uses this feature after the Vengeance's crew is taken out.
    • A model of the Vengeance appears on Admiral Marcus's desk, alongside several other Federation vessels and early air/spacecraft, near the start of the film.
    • Khan mocks Spock by saying the latter would never break regulation, let alone bone. At the end of their No-Holds-Barred Beatdown, Spock grabs Khan's arm and breaks it horribly at the shoulder.
    • Harrison's first appearance is saving Uhura from being killed by a Klingon, due to still needing the crew. Uhura later saves him from being killed by Spock on the grounds that they still need him.
    • Spock strongly objects to their mission objective of finding and killing John Harrison without a trial on moral grounds, but stands by without a word of objection while Kirk pummels Harrison after accepting his surrender as payback for Pike's death. At the end of the movie, guess who nearly beats Harrison/Khan to death with his bare hands as payback for Kirk's death? Uhura has to put a stop to it both times.
    • Several times early in the film, characters survive certain death by being beamed to safety. Thus, when Carol Marcus tries to act as a human shield for the Enterprise, Admiral Marcus simply beams her away to his ship.
    • Spock explains his ability to not break Starfleet regulation and still attempt to preserve a primitive species as "embracing technicality". Spock Prime reinforces this flexibility with regulation when he agrees to tell Spock about Khan, despite the Temporal Prime Directive. What does Spock do when presented with the dilemma of giving Khan back the torpedoes or facing the death of his captain and crew? Gives him back the torpedoes. Just the torpedoes. Hell of a technicality.
  • In Stroker Ace, Clyde Torkle is fooled into thinking that the Miller Brewing Company wants to purchase his franchise, with part of the bargain being that Torkle fires Stroker. Torkle asks for a deadline for the end of the race to make the decision, which then locks Stroker into a Sadistic Choice. Lugs jokes that maybe the race will incur a number of cautions to make it last longer. It only takes one massive one, courtesy of Stroker's rival Aubrey. Between the delay in the race and Stroker's position in sixth, Torkle agrees to the sale and announces to the press booth that Stroker is fired. Word gets back to Stroker at the last minute, allowing him to win the race without having to deal with Torkle anymore.
  • In The Stepford Wives, a robotic wife starts malfunctioning, and is clearly at a party, where she keeps repeating "I'll just die if I don't get that recipe," which is both a hint at what is going to be Joanna's fate and at the horrifying reality of the Stepford Wives system, which has women literally die - and be replaced by placid robot clones for their husbands' desire of a prim and proper hausfrau, who cleans and cooks.
  • Superman: The Movie.
    • While baby Kal-El is in the starship his father Jor-El tells him "You are forbidden to interfere in human history." Guess what Superman has to do before the end of the movie to save Lois?
    • While Jonathan Kent is changing the tire on their truck, Martha warns him to take it easy because of his heart condition. Guess what happens to him later in the movie? That's right, a heart attack.
  • Suspect: There are subtle indications Judge Matthew Helms is the murderer. He maneuvered with a colleague to get Carl's case, so it could be steered toward a guilty verdict. Then, after Kathleen finds another possible homeless suspect in the murder, he lets a detective talk about where homeless people live in Washington D.C. so he can find and kill him.

  • Tales from the Hood: Mr. Simms's comment to his three thuggish visitors: "You'll get.. the shit. You'll be kneedeep in the shit."
  • A veeeeeeeeeery subtle one in Terminator 2: Judgment Day when the T-1000 shows up looking for John. In the first film, dogs were established as being used to spot infiltrators. John's dog Max, barely visible and audible in the background, is going nuts.
    • Also the look that the T-1000 shoots at the silvery store mannequin in the mall.
    • During the T-800's Establishing Character Moment, he notably doesn't kill anyone while acquiring the clothes and motorcycle that he uses during the events of the film, only injuring them in ways that almost play the scene for comedy, hinting that this Terminator isn't out to kill John and Sarah. This is in direct contrast to the first film, where the Terminator murdered the guy he took his clothes from on-screen.
  • From Thor, Loki's hand after he was touched by a Frost Giant. Also: "Allfather, you look ... weary."
    • In the beginning of the film, Odin tells a young Thor and Loki that both were meant to be king. It's later revealed that Loki was the son of the Jotun king.
  • Total Recall (1990)
    • "Would you like us to integrate some alien stuff? Two-headed monsters? (Kuato) We're doing alien artifacts now (the alien device in the mine)."
    • A blink-and-you'll-miss-it one: when Quaid is being put into the Rekall machine at the beginning of the movie, one of the techs says in the background "Blue sky on Mars, that's a new one." Cut to the end of the movie, where Mars is given an atmosphere.
    • When Quaid first arrives on Mars, gunfire from the guards blows out a window leading to the air blowing out. Quaid ends up hanging from a rail to avoid being blown out onto the surface, exactly the way he ends up doing just before activating the reactor.
    • "One minute you'll be the saviour of the rebel cause, next you'll be Cohaagen's bosom buddy!"
    • After Cohaagen is forced to give the order to kill his friend Quaid (Hauser), he angrily knocks over his aquarium full of goldfish. The fish lie on the floor gasping, the same way Cohaagen, Quaid and Melina do after they're blown out into the Martian surface late in the movie.
  • In the beginning of Transcendence, Will sets up a Faraday cage in his backyard just to give his wife somewhere they will truly be alone (no cell reception or other signals). She points out that turning off their phones would have worked equally well. While the cage itself becomes a Chekhov's Gun, the act foreshadows Will's behavior once he's uploaded; he's not acting out of malice or a sense of superiority, but to realize her dream any way he can.
  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon drops a few hints that something isn't quite right with Sentinel Prime, with the most obvious hint in hindsight being "I've seen this one. This is the one where Spock goes nuts.".
    • Also when Sentinel first wakes up, he accidentally attacks Optimus. The second time it happens, he attacks the Autobots intentionally.
    • A subtle one is how the Decepticons were public service vehicles, police, military and construction vehicles while the Autobots were regular private civilian cars. Sentinel's vehicle mode was a fire truck.
    • Mearing had earlier pointed out that Sentinel's pillars could be used to bring an invasion.
    • Carly's car is said to have a "deep throaty engine". Her car is Soundwave and voiced by Frank Welker.

  • In the film Unfaithful, Connie, the cheating wife in question, is on her way to meet her lover when she runs into some girlfriends. While having coffee with them, her lover shows up at the cafe. Unaware of Connie's relationship with him, one of the women proceeds to gush over how gorgeous she is, then half-jokes about how she wouldn't mind having a fling with him. The other woman denounces her for this, then reveals that she had an affair of her own and that it is the one thing in her life that she truly regrets. "These things always end in disaster. Someone always gets hurt". Despite this ominous and inadvertent (the other woman doesn't know about the fling either) warning, Connie continues the affair until sure enough, disaster strikes. Her husband finds out, kills her lover, and now they must contend with the possibility of him going to jail.
  • The Usual Suspects:
    • Verbal Kint is introduced early on as a short-con operator, which is the only job in the string that seems useless for the armed robberies they're doing. There is also the fact that his arrest is never shown, which at the time seems irrelevant but later we realize why.
    • One of the biggest reveals is said by Rabin at the beginning of the film. Him pointing out that Verbal's arrest led to all kinds of political uproar, which ultimately resulted in him getting total immunity of his involvement with the case, except a minor weapons charge. This prompts Rabin to say, "I'm telling you this guy is protected up on high by the prince of darkness," foreshadowing the involvement of Keyzer Soze into Kint's tale.
    • Agent Kujan tells Verbal that the way to spot a murderer is to arrest five guys for the same crime and leave them in a cell overnight. The next morning, whoever is sleeping is your guy. In the scene with all the suspects in jail for the hijacking, the one lying down Hockney is ultimately revealed to be the one who actually did it.
    • Before the interrogation by Agent Kujan, Verbal is shown looking around Detective Rabin's office, seemingly bored and annoyed. Turns out he was looking at the case wall, taking in different information to create the lie the viewers are shown during most of the film.
    • One shot shows Verbal staring fixedly up at Kujan as the agent takes a sip from his coffee. We later learn that "Kobayashi" is written on the bottom of the coffee mug, so this is when Kint first notices the name.
    • During the interrogation, Verbal is seen for a brief moment smirking before he puts his stoic face back on.
    • During the first meeting with Kobayashi, when Keaton demands the lawyer tell him who he's working for, Kobayashi's eyes briefly look Verbal's direction before he says "I work for Keyser Soze."
    • When Kobayashi reveals that it was Hockney who stole the truck full of gun parts, everybody in the group looks at him surprised, except Verbal.
    • After Kobayashi leaves, the group looks at the packets filled with information about their lives from the briefcase he left behind. The only one who's information isn't highlighted or commented on is Verbal Kint's.
  • Early in Jess Franco's ''Venus In Furs, the narration mentions several times that the narrator feels like a dead man. This could come across as a Wangsty metaphor—only it turns out to be literally true.
  • Vertigo:
    • Early on, Elster asks Scottie is he believed somebody of the past, someone dead, can enter and take possession of a living being. Scottie denies but this is precisely what's gonna happen to him later.
    • Midge's comment that "only another emotional shock" could cure Scottie's acrophobia foreshadows the final shot of the film.

  • WarGames:
    • "We're gonna barbecue tonight."
    • In a blink-and-you-miss-it moment, when David and McKitrick are discussing working with Steven Falken, McKitrick casually mentions that Falken "is a brilliant man..." not "was a brilliant man..." Later, David later finds out Falken is still alive.
  • We Are the Night:
    • Charlotte's depression over eternal life while her daughter has aged to an old woman is hinted when early on she fingers a baby's shoe in the store while staring at it wistfully before Louise draws her away then. Charlotte is eventually depressed enough at her daughter dying from old age that she ends her life.
    • Nora begs Louise to let her take a Russian mobster's yellow Lamborghini. Louise says no, since she already has two red ones and never drives either. However, we later learn Nora stole it anyway, which also leads the police to them and causes Nora's death.
  • The Wife: Joe doesn't recognize the name of one of his most famous characters, an early hint that Joan is the one who's been writing his books instead.
  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit has several examples:
    • Near the beginning, when asked if he has a car, Eddie says the he doesn't need one in L.A. since it "has the best public transportation system in the world." Turns out that a major plot point in the film was that Judge Doom was buying the Red Car so that he could dismantle it.
    • Roger crying, "Somebody musta made her [Jessica Rabbit] do it!"
    • The weasels' laughter, which is purported to be quite fatal.
    Smart Ass: Stop that laughing! You know what happens when you can't! Stop! Laughing?! One of these days, you're gonna die laughing!"
    • Roger: "A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."
    • Eddie: (to Roger) "I don't who's Toonier, you or Doom."
    • Pretty much everything about Doom's character. He's Obviously Evil in every sense of the word. In outfit, name, the way he presents himself, and even the way he talks. (And the fact that he never blinks.) While the other characters are played more realistically, he's not subtle in the least, in actions or appearance. This makes a lot more sense when it's revealed he's a Toon, who are by their nature over the top and quite obviously their role.
      • Even more revealing, when Eddie upturns a barrel of Toon-erasing solvent during a fight, Doom hastily backs away from the expanding pool of the stuff.
    • Cloverleaf, as in the shape of highway on-ramps.
    • R.K. Maroon: "Unless Acme's will shows by midnight tonight, Toontown's gonna be land for the free—" (gets cut off by a gun that is fired into his back by Doom, killing him)
    • Another Doom example; a fellow cop told Eddie that Doom got elected to be Toontown's judge because he "spread a bunch of simoleons around" and bought the election. Later, Eddie tells Roger about how a Toon killed his brother while they were investigating a robbery at the First National Bank of Toontown.
  • Wild Wild West
    • During Loveless' part in New Orleans, a musical group dressed in costume plays inside a framework of a giant painting. Later, Jim West shoots a group of assassins, each of whom is pretending to be a figure in a giant painting.
    • Played With. While Jim West and Artemus Gordon are in the desert, they see a tarantula hawk (wasp) attack a tarantula. Later on, Gordon uses this as an inspiration to create a flying bicycle to use against Loveless' giant mechanical spider.
  • In Winnetou III, Winnetou says he keeps hearing the bells of Santa Fe and that he knows his death is close. Old Shatterhand will hear none of it and insists that they both have a long life ahead of them. Little did he know that this part of the series is known as the one is which Winnetou dies.
  • The Wizard of Oz
    • Several characters in the black and white Kansas scenes foreshadow their alternate nature and events in Oz.
      Hunk (The Scarecrow): Now you ain't usin' your head about Miss Gulch. Didn't think you had any brains at all!
      Zeke (The Cowardly Lion): You lettin' that old Gulch heifer try and buffalo you? She ain't nothin' to be afraid of. Have a little courage, that's all!
      Hickory (The Tin Man): Someday they're gonna erect a statue of me in this town!
      Dorothy to Miss Gulch when the former is forced to put Toto in the basket: No, no, I won't let you take him! You go away, or I'll bite you myself!! (Aunt Em: Dorothy!) You wicked old witch!
    • Of course, we can't forget "Over The Rainbow". She even makes a reference to the song when she lands in Oz ("We must be over the rainbow!").
    • This all feeds into the All Just a Dream ending the movie has, since all of this would have been stuck in Dorothy's subconscious. In the books however, Oz is not a dream.
  • In The Wolfman (2010), inspector Aberline shoots a standing mirror which he thinks Lawrence Talbot is hiding behind. "Now there's some bad luck for ya," an officer says regarding the broken mirror. Near the end of the movie, Aberline is bitten by Lawrence, thus doomed to become a werewolf himself.
  • Wolves:
    • When Cayden meets Wild Joe and realises he's a werewolf too, he asks him how to control it. Joe laughingly tells him the wolf isn't meant to be controlled, implying that it should be allowed to kill at will. When others talk as if learning to control the wolf is perfectly doable, if difficult, it implies that Wild Joe is a less than stand up guy.
    • During the Fugitive Arc, Cayden attacks two thugs who were beating up a girl and ends up killing them. However, he doesn't hurt the girl, even though she's right in the line of fire. So Cayden's wolf is more controlled than previously implied, and able to distinguish between threats and bystanders, an early hint that he didn't kill his parents after all.
    • When discussing horrible things people have done as wolves, Angel talks about her and Gail's father, who was a drunk as well as a werewolf and killed their mother when in wolf form, then himself when he realised what he'd done. Looking back, Angel thinks he "always had it in him," but doesn't think she sees it in Cayden even though she knows by then that he killed his parents. He didn't. Wild Joe framed him.
