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Wham Line / Web Animation

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Wham Line in Web Animation.

  • Among Us Logic:
    • In Episode 5, Player, who has been expressing a sudden and completely inexplicable Irrational Hatred for Mr. Egg, finally corners him.
      Mr. Egg: I don’t understand, Player! What did I do to you?
      Player: Oh, you didn't do anything to Player... but my name's not Player...
      Mr. Egg: What?
      Captain: No! It. Can't. Be!
      Player: MY NAME...
      (removes his disguise, revealing himself to be none other than Mr. Cheese)
      Mr. Cheese: MR. CHEEEEEESE!
    • At the end of episode 13, after cheating to win, Player finds himself in an unfamiliar lobby.
      Player: Wait, where am I? What is this place?
      Sir Clogsworth: You got caught kid. You're in the Cheater's Lobby. And now you're going to be stuck here forever, like the rest of us!
    • In Episode 15, where the culprit behind the Zombie Apocalypse is revealed. Note that the Wham comes from who says it rather than what's being said.
    • In Episode 17, when after telling the story of how he got his dog Cheddar and Player shouts at him for wasting their time with said story rather than reveal who the Impostor is (As at the time it was just them and Captain), Mr. Cheese decides to tell Player WHY he told that story.
      Mr. Cheese: You see, I didn't tell you that little story to reveal the Impostor, no no no. I did it to waste time for my sabotage cooldown!

  • Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two, at the end of “Getting Puffball to Think About Rollercoasters”, The S! And Team8’s are both tied at last place with 0/10. So Clock asks Two how they’ll break the tie.

    Two: Well it hardly seems fair for the other teams to give you another shot, and earlier Clock, you did point out this game was going too slowly…((flashback)) So I think a way to speed up this competition is to have TWO teams up for elimination!
    Contestants: Gasp!
    Marker: Oh, I get it, cause your Two~

  • In Charlie the Unicorn Pink and Blue drag Charlie on another of their deranged quests to stop a giant millipede from destroying “the Cavern of Red Wind”, which is located in the Moon. After the millipede explodes after singing a Villain Song to Charlie, Pink and Blue demand Charlie enter the Cavern and he complies after they inform him if he does, they’ll never bother him again.
    Charlie: (enters the Cavern) Alright, so we’re in. What do I do?
    (A large, ticking bomb rises from a nearby pit)
    Charlie: Uuuuuh, what is that?
    Blue: We’ve gotten kind of bored.
    Pink: We’re also bored of the moon!
    Blue: Sooooo we’re gonna blow it up!
    Charlie: What? O-okay. How do we get back to Earth?
    (Pink and Blue begin floating away)
    Pink: Byyyyye, Charlie!
    • In Bill Cipher Vs Discord, Bill has Discord's soul in his hand, only for Discord to reveal that he wasn't actually trying to defeat Bill, but to save Equestria from him:
    Discord: It was worth a try. But still, I'm surprised you don't recognize your old home.
    [The scenery of Equestria is replaced with that of the Nightmare Realm]
  • Don't Walk Home Alone After Dark: The Worm ends with one. Shortly after the doctor relays Sparrow's explanation of how the Worm is spread – simply by telling someone else about it – he speaks directly to the viewer: "You have to believe me. I am sorry for this. Now that I’ve told you, I don’t know when, but sooner or later in your dreams the mist will come…And with the mist always comes the Worm."
  • Hero High, a High School AU based on The Legend of Zelda originally from Machinima, has its third and final episode feature Lincoln say "She took my headphones!" - note half the comments are people losing it at seeing Link, one of the textbook Heroic Mimes, Suddenly Speaking.
  • JAMIEvstheVOID: In "Why I changed my Name.", after spending the first three minutes of the video getting the viewer up to speed on why they changed their name, Jamie reveals what said name is at the four-minute mark. It counts as this trope as during the summer of 2021 they'd removed their name from all social media and their channel name to maintain an air of secrecy/drum up hype.
    Jamie: I think it's time for a new introduction. So hey, my name is Jamie.
  • Minilife TV:
    • In "A New Terror Arrives", when Chris and Ian come to see Jack at the hospital after he gets his head knocked off in a car crash, the doctor tells them that Jack has snapped out of his amnesia:
      Chris: He had amnesia?
      Ian: That must've been a pretty serious blow to the head.
      Doctor: Yes. Strange how it caused him to think he was a janitor.
      Chris: What are you talking about?
      Ian: Yeah, Jack is a janitor.
      Jack: No, I'm not. I'm the mayor.
      [organ chord]
    • In "The Lost Undead", when Snowball asks where Rob is:
      Bartender: Oh, you don't know?
      Snowball: Know what?
      Bartender: He's...he's gone.
  • Red vs. Blue
    • The Blood Gulch Chronicles:
      • The very first, just as Tex has been captured:
        Church: I never said I hated Tex. I just said that she was the reason why we never got married.
      • After cornering the final copy of Wyoming, Tucker explains to Church and Tex that he plans to infect his alien son Junior, who is worshipped as a messiah by the Sangheili, with O'Malley to end the Great War. This is the moment when the show changes direction into a proper storyline instead of just being a series about wacky hijinks.
        Church: Now that we have you, all we need to do is stop O'Malley. And Tex is more than happy to do that.
        Wyoming: Oh, on the contrary, my friend, now that she knows our plan, not only will Tex not stop us; our dear Tex is going to join us.
        Church: Oh, yeah. I'm sure she'd be happy to help O'Malley. Isn't that right, Tex? Tex?
        Tex: He's right. This is Freelancer Tex, broadcasting on an open channel.
    • The Recollection:
      • The end of "Chapter 16" has a major one. After revealing to Church the history of Project Freelancer, and how it created the AI fragments by psychologically torturing the Project's AI Alpha, Washington tells Church where the Alpha is.
      • The end of "Chapter 19" also has a bombshell in the closing narration revealing more on the Alpha's origins.
        Director: Sincerely yours, the former director of Project Freelancer, Dr. Leonard Church.
    • The Project Freelancer Saga:
      • At the very end of Season 9, Carolina, who thus far had only appeared in flashbacks, shown nothing but Undying Loyalty to the Director, and was presumed dead for most of the series, reveals herself to be the one behind the Reds and Blues' rescue of Church. This kicks off an entirely new direction for the show, involving the Reds and Blues effectively cleaning up the Freelancers' mess.
        Carolina: You're going to do what I should have done years ago. You're going to help me kill the Director.
      • "May I suggest Flowers?" "You mean Agent Florida?" The line that completely changed who Butch Flowers was and what his purpose in Blood Gulch was.
    • The Chorus Trilogy:
      • In "Cloak and Dagger", Felix arrives to rescue the Reds and Blues from Locus's ambush and orders Tucker to toss him the grenade he's been hiding. But when Tucker does:
    • Season 14:
      • The prequel episodes have a major Cerebus Retcon, where they take a random joke from the early days of the show and retcon it into a massively important plot point:
        "The world will never forget Private Jimmy."
    • Season 15:
      • Episode 10, in which Wash and Carolina are looking at Temple's collection of Freelancer armor.
        Washington: Ugh. I think you need to check your plumbing. That smell...
        Carolina: That's... not... sewage. (Carolina and Washington look at Illinois' armor) I don't think... these are just suits of armor...
  • Shadowstone Park:
    • From Episode 1 of Fall, we get this bit of Mood Whiplash as Noodles' final "beaver riddle" is cut off as Lark realizes they're not alone:
      Noodles: Smells from the anus are not all I secrete / My castor sacks brew their own special treat! What am I?
    • A double whammy in Fall Episode 3, as Oboe hears Zoot reprimanding Ava and drops this pair of lines; the first one being a comedic reveal that they've misunderstood the situation... and the second revealing who actually kidnapped Binky:
      Zoot: Ava, please! This is...very stressful!
      Oboe: ...Ava? Wait, this is Ava?
      Zoot: Is this not who you saw dragging Binky away?!
      Oboe: The bird I saw was a blood-covered harpy eagle!
    • Much of the series hinges upon the fact that Lark- for reasons he himself can't properly explain- is able to see and communicate with ghosts, and that he's the only animal in the park with that ability. That all changes in Fall Episode 4, when Tumble the mouse ghost passes through the cavern in which Ava and Baggy are talking:
      Tumble: Aah! I'm gonna be late!
      Ava: What?
    • During the climax of Fall Episode 5, Lark finally confronts Ava about her strange activites and learns that she plans to go inside the Shadowstone. He protests that he can't let her do that, because the Shadowstone might be the only thing keeping the park safe... only for Ava to burst out in disbelieving laughter and drop this bombshell:
      Lark: What am I supposed to know?
      Ava: Oh wow... Cat, that rock hasn't been keeping you safe. That rock is what's making everyone lose their minds!
      Ava: You've been okay up 'til now cause it's been sleeping. But buddy, it's waking up! And when it does, this whole place is gone!
    • Fall Episode 7 is something of a Wham Episode, but a certain moment from it really stands out: during Lark's time in the strange ethereal waiting room, he's suddenly confronted by what appears to be a giant representation of Nil. However, what it says upon speaking not only completely recontextualizes Nil as a character, but also starts to overturn everything the audience believed about the setting of the series:
      Nil hologram: Greetings, humans, and welcome.
      Lark: Nil?
      Nil hologram: I am 2147, and I am the captain of this vessel. My name, as is tradition, comes from the number of crew whose lives I am directly responsible for. When we set off on this voyage, my name was 2149. Two of my comrades died on the difficult journey here. Their deaths are now permanently reflected in my name. It is a shame I will carry for the rest of my life.
      Lark: Oh, Nil...
    • Fall Episode 9 ends on an absolute doozy, with The Reveal of exactly what the "evil Gaia" responsible for stopping the Benevolent Alien Invasion and bringing about The End of the World as We Know It is... and the discovery that it's not even close to what the characters think it is:
      Ava: Lark, Pecan... meet Kaia.
      (The alien viewscreen turns back on to reveal the word "CIA")
  • Strong Bad Email:
    • From sbemail 41, "invisibility", which leads to the first time Strong Bad replaces the computer:
      Strong Bad: Don't need this anymore... [takes sticky note off of the Tandy 400] Don't need THIS anymore... [punches the Tandy 400 off of his desk]
    • From sbemail 200, "email thunder": Strong Bad is prepared to answer his 200th email. When he reads who it's addressed to, it leads to him learning that he's not the only person in Free Country, USA to have his own email show:
      Strong Bad: "D-d-d-dear Homestar?!" WTC??
    • Following the events of "email thunder", Strong Bad Emails went on hiatus for a few months as Homestar took over with his "Hremails". For a while, it seemed like sbemails had truly come to an end, only for "hremail 3184" to have Strong Bad crash Homestar's show to prove otherwise:
  • Supermarioglitchy4's Super Mario 64 Bloopers:
    • "Mario...And The Well" ended with resident Attention Whore Bob pulling Fishy Boopkins out of the titular well and started a chain of episodes that ended up proving that he had a heart underneath all of his usual behavior. Then came the ending to "The Mario Concert", when Boopkins had destroyed Bob's concert and Bob starts ripping into him for botching it all:
      Bob: To think... the lies I told... The scams I had to pull to get here, and now it's all gone. I even pushed you down a well for god's sake!
    • "Mario Babies" is a fun little video showing off the childhoods of various characters. Then, SMG4 gets asked what his childhood was like.
      SMG4: Well, it all started when...when...I was...I-I don't remember.
    • The climax of the 10 Year Anniversary Special sees the two hobos who have been following the cast around since "The Pursuit of Happiness" swoop in to save the day. When asked what their names are, the pair respond thusly:
      Hobo #1: Really? I thought it was obvious by now. My name is SMG1!
      Hobo #2: And I'm SMG2!
    • During the climax of "Absolute Betrayal", when Melony tries to point out Niles’ presence to her friends, Tari drops this:
      Tari: Melony... no one’s there.
  • From the Team Fortress 2 online short "Expiration Date", after the team believes that their teleported has given them tumors based off its effects on bread, the Medic discovers that the teleporter merely mutates bread into vicious monsters, and is harmless to humans:
    Engineer: [chuckling] So we're fine, as long as nobody teleports any bread!
    Soldier: ...question?
    Engineer: What's your question, Soldier?
    Soldier: I teleported bread.
    Engineer: WHAT?!
    Soldier: You told me to.
    Engineer: How...much?
    Soldier: I have done nothing but teleport bread for three days.
  • Turnabout Jackpot:
    • The defendant of the case, Jack Porter, thought to be a simple security guard at a casino, reveals a big secret about himself to Apollo and Trucy:
      Jack: I am... Special Agent Porter from the FBI Organized Crime Unit.
    • When the Masked Stranger (or rather, the person impersonating them) is finally unmasked in court and the man under the mask, whom neither the viewers nor the court recognizes, is asked to identify himself, he responds with this:
      ???: The name's... Richard Gunner. Attorney at law.note 
  • Underverse: Ink is the Guardian of The Multiverse, who has gathered different versions of Sans to stop Cross from going on a rampage across the realities, all while fighting against Error, Nightmare and his lackey Killer alike. So when Nightmare forces Cross into an alliance, and they go on a killing rampage in one of those Alternate Universes, and then Error captures those Sanses fully intending to kill them, you'd expect that he'd help his friends, right?
  • Helluva Boss: "The Harvest Moon Festival" has two of these:
    • The first one comes after Moxxie discovers the angelic rifle in Striker's room, revealing that Striker is planning on killing Stolas and making an otherwise lighthearted, comedic episode take a dark, serious turn:
      Moxxie: Why do you have this... mister? You are aware this kind of weapon can kill—
      Striker: Demon royalty?
      Moxxie: ...yes, that.
      Striker: No shit. [scratches the door with his claws as he closes it behind him] That’s kinda the point.
    • The second comes at the episode's end, where we learn who hired Striker in the first place:
      Striker: (calling someone) I failed to kill the target at the festival. But don't worry, ma'am — it won't happen again.
      Stella: It better not.
