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Take That / Fan Works

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While fan fiction is (mostly) written by fans of a particular medium, sometimes the authors will use their stories to air their grievances about things they aren't fans of.

The following have their own pages:

The Amazing World of Gumball

The Angry Video Game Nerd


  • Eleutherophobia:
    • In Lost World, some of the channels Tom flips through contain real-life politicians who disbelieve that the Yeerk invasion happened and that everything regarding it is a conspiracy against them, certain showrunners who proudly do no mythological research when appropriating Andalite culture, sitcoms retconning character behavior as them having been infested by Yeerks, and so on.
    • Jodi O'Shea in THX 1138 is named after a character from The Host (2008), a book that the author loves... except for the ending, which treats vegetative people being used as hosts for a Puppeteer Parasite species as a good thing. In this fic, Tom makes it clear that Jodi should be treated as a person, not a piece of furniture.
    • In Ghost in the Shell, when a police officer questions the boys about who would want to shoot Jake, one of their first guesses is PETA.


  • To Hell and Back (Arrowverse):
    • Chapter 13 is littered with ones to The Twilight Saga, culminating in Eobard Thawne commenting on how, in the future, the movies were banned in France and the books burned en masse in the United States.
    • PART IV of the Prologue is one to Arrow Season Four; three H.I.V.E. leads easily dismantled it in two months.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

  • Bring Me All Your Elderly! is one long (hilarious) Take That! against The Last Airbender, with everything from the names to the Battle Cries being mocked or parodied. Even Shyamalan himself isn't safe, as he's portrayed as a no-talent hack with delusions of grandeur.
  • Kyoshi Rising also pokes fun at The Last Airbender; Kyoshi's self-taught Earthbending is very similar to the Bending in the movie, with plenty of arm motions and stomping to look big and impressive. However, this method only ever moves a few small rocks, and her Earthbending instructor says that excessive arm movement dissipates a person's energy.
  • In The Stalking Zuko Series, the author makes no secret of her disdain for Kataang and Maiko, or her disappointment in the sequel comics. In the final chapter, which is essentially a "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue, she describes Aang's future in which, among other things, he has multiple lovers to help the airbenders return.
    In my head canon, Aang is not the last air bender, nor does he pass such a terrible legacy onto his son. [...] None of this manogamous [sic] relationship with a woman from the age 12 for Aang. Boo to only having three kids, of which only one is an airbender. Blergh.

Ben 10

  • Ben 10: Guardians: The infamous video game incident which caused Ben and Julie to break up in "Rules of Engagement" in canon still happened in this continuity, but didn’t result in them breaking up. Why? Because unlike in canon, Julie told Gwen, who then figured out the misunderstanding and arranged for them to talk about it intelligently like adults. They even get a laugh over how silly the incident was.


  • Bleach: Fan Works has quite a few of the less intelligent in-story reviewers be fans of The Twilight Saga, and liking the poorly written Fanfics because they remind them of Twilight, even when they're not that similar to it (although it often says more about the reviewers' intelligence). On the flip side, some of the in-story reviewers bring up a resemblance to Twilight as a point against the fics they review.
    Oshikko: You're trying to mimic that shit Twilight. You are successful in that but then... that isn't hard to do.


  • The Bolt Chronicles:
    • Several works of art and culture are mentioned in "The Seven" as examples of guilty pleasures, or as the story describes it, "artistic statements that fall short in some abstract sense of 'taste' or 'quality', yet are still worth experiencing anyway. Though perhaps we don't readily admit to it." Examples include the musical work Romanian Rhapsody No. 1 by George Enescu, the poem "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer, the painting Washington Crossing The Delaware by Emanuel Leutze, the TV show Gilligan's Island, the films The Magnificent Seven (1960) and Ghostbusters, and the novel On the Road by Jack Kerouac.
    • In "The Walk," Penny is portrayed as disliking a song by Miley Cyrus — which is ironic given that Cyrus is Penny's voice actor in the movie.
      Penny: So what am I supposed to do, pretend Miley Cyrus's “Party in the USA” is the greatest song ever just 'cause Jenny the majorette thinks so? Sorry, but that's not my style.
    • Baseball talk shows are lampooned in "The Baseball Game."
      Rhino: Oh, just wanted to make sure. Baseball games on TV — real or not?
      Bolt: [reassuringly] No, no — those are real. When it comes to sports, it's just WWF wrestling that's fake.
      Rhino: [earnestly] Hmmmm — and baseball talk shows?
      Mittens: [laughing] Jury's still out on that one, Rhino. I’d guess there's a cocktail weenie of truth wrapped in a great big bun of show-biz malarkey there.
    • The fanfiction Penny and her friend make fun of in "The Cameo" lampoons real-life Bolt and Penny smut stories on the Internet.
    • In "The Paris Trip," Rhino sees a listing for TV-Con presentations related to Bolt's TV show. Many are porn fanfic readings (including a "four-part trilogy" of Bolt/Penny smut), with the rest being paper presentations featuring absurd comparisons between the TV show and scholarly topics such as "'Bolt' and the Berlin Wall: the ideal metaphor" and "Freudian imagery in 'Bolt': sometimes a helicopter is just a helicopter." The hamster decides he isn't interested.
    • In "The Car," Penny says that her unsatisfying English class experience was probably dumbed down for the Jurassic Park film series crowd.
    • In "The Clouds," Mittens speaks disparagingly of the film Meet the Robinsons, saying her jaunt to New York City's Chelsea neighborhood to dumpster dive was the biggest waste of time since she snuck into a theater to watch this movie.
    • "The Blood Brother" is a social commentary story critical of bigotry and prejudice.
    • "The Guide Dog" is in part a social commentary fic critical of fake service animals.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

  • Buffy the Vampire: Awakenings is a story where Buffy becomes a vampire after biting the Master before he killed her. At one point Xander calls her a Slaypire (the canon name for a Turned Slayer) only for Buffy to tell him the name sucks.
  • Chosen to Destroy: In the author's own words, it "sums up my opinion on the Buffy Finale: Chosen". The fic is an expression of the author's hatred and contempt for Buffy (and to a lesser extent Angel), having the First destroy the entire world, what should have been the best demon-fighting team ever (Xander, Giles, Willow, and Faith) fail to form, and the First Good itself try (and fail) to set Buffy up to die, all because of Buffy's stupidity and ego.
  • Memory pokes fun at Spike getting his soul back as it turns out he wanted to have his chip removed and go back to being the vampire Drusilla sired. He even notes he wanted to be "what he was" and he'd never been an ensouled vampire. He's further irritated that the demon didn't go all the way and turn him human again.

Calvin and Hobbes

  • Calvin & Hobbes: The Series, being very-self aware, has a few.
    • Among the scary things Calvin is shown in one episode include Dora.
    • "Wild Movie" starts with Calvin being disgusted by the mere prospect of a sequel to The Incredible Hulk (2008).
    • When terrifying Sherman in "Sherman Goes to the Vet":
      Hobbes: The vet shall attack you, young Vermin! Be afraid! Be very afraid! Think of that 1997 Batman movie with George Clooney! Terrifying! Not terrifying entertainment! Just terrifying!
    • Calvin spends part of "Hypercube" complaining about the Star Wars prequels.
      "Alternative title: Star Wars III: A Trip to the Dentist."
    • After encountering Creepy Monotone clones in "Electronic Invasion":
      Hobbes: Are you all going to become Ben Stein stand-ins?
    • From Klein's long speech in "Attack of the Monsters":
      " pagers, no iPods, no iPhones, no iTunes, no PDA, no laptops, digital cameras, no video cameras, no mini-DVDs… In fact, no technology that essentially does the exact same thing, but Apple says are each incredibly different in a scheme to make money."
    • Earlier than that, "Calvin Gets Professional Help" had jabs towards Barbie of Swan Lake, Bratz, and The Lost World: Jurassic Park.
    • Andy's story in "Tales of a Tiger" reveals that at least one of the authors isn't too fond of video games, and more explicitly thinks Bluetooths are stupid (or at least make figuring out if someone's a loony harder).
    • And Socrates' idea for making the funhouse scarier in "Dark Laughter"? Having Bad Romance play in every room.
      Andy: Yep, after several failed attempts, they have succeeded in making her more terrifying than she already is.
  • From the same universe as the above, Retro Chill mentions that The Backyardigans is available on VVV (which is shown to be a very painful means of watching something).

Chainsaw Man

  • What if Chainsaw Man was written by... is a short series of comics based on the conceit of the book being written by other famous mangaka like Eiichiro Oda and Tite Kubo instead of Tatsuki Fujimoto. Besides the one involving how Koyoharu Gotōge might've done Chainsaw Man, these scenarios are not depicted in a flattering light, often highlighting how the most controversial idiosyncrasies of each potential author would've harmed the story. It's capped off with a strip that posits that Kōhei Horikoshi would've made the final battle against Makima over forty chapters long rather than the three it actually took at the conclusion of Part 1. Its "commentary" section is a big Author Tract on the thought that went into each gag and the opinions of each manga that informed them.

Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars

  • Tiberium Wars has a few of these, directed at the official novelization of the game, including a choice jab at the novel's act of having a raw private dropping his loaded rifle and scoring a headshot at long range with a pistol - by having the same thing happen, except the man doing it is Havoc.
    The Nod biker was a hundred meters away, with a dozen Nod soldiers between him and the man by Nigel's bike. A normal soldier, straight out of boot on his first day, would never have made that kind of shot with a pistol. Even an experienced target shooter might find it difficult.
    But that was why they called him "Havoc."


  • Avenger Goddess:
    • A minor one to the canon story of The Incredible Hulk (2008), where Bruce was hiding in a Favela at the start of the film. When Logan hears that Natasha faked a lead to Bruce there, he wonders why Ross would fall for that kind of tip, because Bruce hiding in a Favela would be stupid for person looking for peace and tranquility.
    • In Chapter 31, Thor mentions one time he thought his birth mother wasn't Frigga but a host for the Phoenix Force, only to later learn it was one of Loki's pranks. Reyel is evidently not a fan of a certain retcon in The Avengers (Jason Aaron).
  • The Bridge (MLP):
    • The fic takes numerous potshots at the "Tyrantestia", "Waifu Luna", and "New Lunar Republic" memes.
    • Xenilla mocks the fact that Princess Cadance and before her King Sombra rule the Crystal Empire, commenting that Empires are ruled by Emperors and Empresses.
    • After several Flash Sentry haters complained about his brief scenes (including a cameo where he didn't even say anything) and demanded he stop appearing in the fic, the author responded by giving him more scenes and promising to expand his role when the fic gets to the Rainbow Rocks timeline. The author also expressed displeasure that Flash became Demoted to Extra, stopped getting Character Development, and was made to look like a total chump in Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games just because of several fans complaining to Hasbro about him. The author pointed out that like Flash, Sunset Shimmer used to be hated by the fans, but became popular because Hasbro chose to give her more screen time and Character Development in the later movies.
    • After several rude comments bragging that the Godzilla from Godzilla (2014) would make mincemeat of the fic's version of the grown-up Godzilla Junior and demanding Tarbtano replace the fic's version with 2014's version, Tarbtano wrote a semi-canon blog of the Mirror Universe's 2014 version losing to the Mirror Universe's Godzilla Junior. Though to soften the blow to the 2014 creature itself, as Tarb's gripe wasn't with it but its overzealous fans, the 2014 Godzilla did put up a good fight, and the bout ended logically.
    • His words in the same blog imply Mirror Godzilla is one to the people complaining and demanding a Darker and Edgier Godzilla story. They got it: as the Big Bad of a Mirror Universe story.
    • In the April Fools' Day special, where Pinkie Pie, Sonata Dusk, and Megalon travel the multiverse, when they get to a blend of The Legend of the Titanic and Titanic: The Legend Goes On, the trio are disgusted and call it an atrocity, especially the octopus and the rapping dog. When the trio arrives in Pokémon: The Series, Sonata calls the adults in that world irresponsible for letting ten-year-olds wander a wilderness full of creatures that could easily kill people unsupervised.
    • The villain Jeog is a playful jab at the Magical Girlfriend trope, as Tarbtano would like us to know, just because something is a hottie in mythology does not make it "Waifu" material.
  • Child of the Storm occasionally — and gleefully — mocks and subverts any number of fandom conventions, namely, harems (repeatedly), the Fandom-Specific Plot of Super!Harry and Lord!Harry (which usually involve him becoming mysteriously hypercompetent at everything, an inexplicable Sex God and completely different from his canon incarnation), the inexplicable slashing of every straight male character in sight* and Harry/Hermione, among other things.
    • The entire fic is stated by Word of God to have begun as a Take That! aimed at everyone who writes bad Wish-Fulfillment Harry Potter fic, basically saying, 'this is how it's done properly'. However, the main inspiration was Harry Potter And The Invincible Technomage, which he harshly deconstructs in an A/N after someone recommended he model his fic more closely on it, in the process scathingly describing it as "how not to write a crossover."
      • More generally, the author isn't shy of taking shots at writers of Revenge Fic, describing it as the mark of a childish and incompetent writer.
    • And then there's the usual mockery of Twilight when Harry Dresden points out that in a world where vampires are very real and very dangerous, taking the book seriously is like hanging a 'please eat me' sign around your neck. He then adds that fatal vampire attacks have at least quadrupled since the publication of the first book and speculates that Meyer is The Renfield to either the Red or White Court.
    • During the chaos of the first book's Final Battle, Dumbledore says that if it weren't for the presence of civilians, he'd let the rampaging demons currently destroying the Tate Modern finish the job, considering it a service to British art and culture.
    • It is also very hard to see the proclamation by General Lukin, one of the villains of the Forever Red arc, that he's going to "Make Russia Great Again", something shown to be a vainglorious, foolish, and downright insane ambition, as anything other than a very intentional jab at a certain President of the United States.
  • Children of Time has this as a Running Gag with Holmes and Watson taking shots at certain elements of their fandom, or at their image in pop culture.Beth Lestrade occasionally lampshades this.
  • In The Chronicles of Tanya the Holy, the Alliance is renewed even without Lordaeron falling or the Horde being a threat, with the author stating that the canon insistence the Alliance would fall to in-fighting if Arthas didn't purge Stratholme is utterly ridiculous.
  • Citadel of the Heart:
    • Truth and Ideals:
      • Ash's Oshawott as depicted in Truth and Ideals is a massive potshot to the characterization of his Oshawott from the canon, due to the key fact that Ash's Oshawott in Truth and Ideals is an Expy of Ash's Greninja more in terms of personality, the fact it evolves to final form, and a hidden form change.
      • Once it evolves into Samurott, it displays a few of the characteristics of Ash's Charizard, such as a notable Proud Warrior Race Guy mentality. However, he keeps his Undying Loyalty to Ash despite that. This is meant to be a potshot towards Ash's Charizard disobedience issues when it first fully evolved, as part of the first of many things the author didn't like about the original series anime.
      • Alain gets the biggest case of Adaptational Wimp applied to him because of how sick and tired the author was with dealing with Diabolus ex Machina loses for Ash in the leagues. Several things happen; Alain is Related in the Adaptation to Ash as his younger cousin, and he's given many of the same Idiot Hero characteristics of Canon!Ash, and in their first battle, Warlord Samurott completely demolishes Mega Charizard X without even trying. One must wonder if the entire reason Warlord Samurott is classified as Water/Ground had more to do with countering Mega Charizard X, even though the offending episode was not even released at the time Warlord Samurott first appeared.
    • Ash's friends having an Undying Loyalty complex to them (especially Cheren and Bianca the most) could be interpreted as one towards the infamous "betrayal fics" that Ash is put through, but it wasn't meant to be taken as such.
  • Code Prime:
    • In one of the author's notes for a chapter of R1, while admitting he screwed up earlier in the story by having Suzaku forget that he met Euphemia while talking to Nina, Iron117Prime admitted that when considering Nina's character, he doesn't feel that bad with his goof.
    • In the R2 chapter Nerves of Steel, during a conversation about Autobot combiners Lelouch proposes a theoretical combination of Bumblebee, Strongarm, Grindcore, and Sideswipe, only for it to be shot down by the Autobots, as they lack the combiner technology; Ironhide even wonders where he got that combination. The author stated in the author’s notes that he didn’t like Ultra-Bee or any of the combiners from Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015), feeling it led to Uniqueness Decay after Transformers: War for Cybertron made them out to be such a rarity.
  • Codex Equus:
    • Moon Ray Vaughoof expresses annoyance that his fellow Trimortidae have been frequently requesting him to play "Thriller" ever since they discovered he can control the souls of both dead and living creatures through music. The only reason he could give for his annoyance is that the song's creator is "...controversial".
      Moon Ray Vaughoof: Fer the last time, I ain't playin' Thriller!
    • The Codexverse also harshly condemns the Greek Pantheon, whose members are depicted here as the Old Orosian Pantheon. Most of the Orosian deities behaved like vindictive, spoiled, hedonistic, and immature brats who abused their mortal worshipers/subjects by raping anyone who attracted their lusts, punishing them for perceived slights, and using them as cannon fodder in wars started by petty rivalries. Unlike the Greek Pantheon, who received no punishment for similar actions, the Orosian Pantheon was eventually wiped out once their victims decided they had enough - an event that would be called 'Twilight of the Orosians'. The surviving Orosians either were genuinely benevolent people or realized what monsters they were and strived to atone for their sins.
  • The original Dante's Night at Freddy's criticizes the often fanatical and poorly written nature of fictional news headlines, including those of Five Nights At Freddys itself and one against Jeff The Killer (2011).
  • In Daughter of Darkness, even Alucard's hypnosis can't make someone praise The Twilight Saga.
  • A Discordant Note:
    • Adrastia Zabini notes that that not only is Cersei Lannister a monster to even her brother, but she's also "a rather stupid monster".
    • Rhaella is disgusted with her son's suggestion that her daughter and his future son marry in his hopes to fulfill an ancient prophecy. Besides general disgust at the idea of her daughter marrying her nephew, she remarks that even the most undedicated of smallfolk know better than to breed cattle with their siblings if they want to keep the herd strong. Furthermore, even though their House used to have a ritual to protect them from the perils of inbreeding, Rhaella compares it to drinking from a dirty pool of water rather than a clean one simply because you have the means to cleanse it.
  • A Divine (Romantic) Comedy:
    • Luz is comically horrified when she learns that Lilith was a fan of the Demon Realm version of The Twilight Saga.
    • At one point Camila mentally shudders at a Cosmic Frontier episode involving salamanders, a reference to the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Threshold".
  • Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship:
    • Sunset's rant to Timmy near the end of the story, telling him he shouldn't listen to people who say the world would be better off if he was never born, is a swipe at "It's a Wishful Life" and its horrible moral of "Timmy has to give up his life to make the world a better place."
    • The second chapter of the sequel Journey to the Mind of Timmy Turner has a massive attack on both the character Chloe and The Fairly OddParents: Fairly Odder, and also a swipe at modern TV shows that take beloved older properties and make them so commercialized and full of shallow pandering to political correctness that they're basically parodies, by featuring a commercial for a new Crimson Chin series that is barely connected to the franchise and stars a Mary Sue of a female main character surrounded by flat one-dimensional supporting characters who are only there to make her look better.
  • Flashpoint 2: Advent Solaris has its Chapter 6 build up a Big Bad Wannabe and her cohorts, who all are named for the writers and producers of Justice League Dark: Apokolips War. All of these characters not only get depicted as villains but also die at the end of the chapter as well - in ways that mirror certain character deaths from the movie as well.
  • Finishing the Fight has a scene near the end where Johnson and Keyes, who survived the events of Halo 3 in this story, reminisce about how Keyes was able to successfully rescue Johnson from the Covenant because she didn't make the mistakes that got her killed in the game.
  • Matt Ward's pets do not fare well in The God Empress of Ponykind; most of the Ultramarines are Killed Offscreen, and Kaldor Draigo is reduced to a smear by Abaddon without much effort. The only notable Ultramarine who survived was Captain Titus Endor, who was a deliberate effort to defy Ward's vision of the Chapter.
  • In The Great Starship Battle, Madame Vastra eats Ender Wiggin offscreen in a not-so-subtle dig at Orson Scott Card for his homophobic views.
  • The Harry Potter/Buffy the Vampire Slayer story A Jedi, a Wizard, and a Scooby walk into a bar throws in a dig against Hermione's habit of writing far more for her assignments than asked. When Xander becomes the Assistant Professor for History Of Magic, he notes that anything more than a certain amount above what he asks (such as blurbs more than three inches when he asked for two) was going to automatically get a zero, though he doesn't mention it's mostly because he doesn't want to read that much.
  • Infinity Crisis
    • In the tie-in one-shot Infinity Crisis Aftermath: Double Dragon, the titular characters meet Will "Triumph" MacIntyre, who has become a companion of the Fifth Doctor. His dialogue implies that he is from the mainstream DC Universe, and that when he returned, there was massive confusion over whether he existed or not. Per the writer's notes at the end, this was a shot at DC Comics endlessly rebooting and retconning their fictional universe's timeline so much that it has become nigh impossible to figure what is and what is no longer canon.
  • J-WITCH Series:
    • The beginning of "A Demon's Wings in the Witches' Town" has a couple jabs at the current political climate of Americanote  as well as calling the Catholic Church of the time of the Salem Witch Trials a cult. Jade sums it up best.
    Jade: Religion and politics. Two things that should never mix.
    • "Down to Earth" has Irma and Martin talking about some of the things that they hate in superhero comics, like the repetition, and heroes dying and having a successor take their place, only for the old hero to revive and them to share the mantle, etc.
  • At one point in Kingdom Hearts: An Ed, Edd n Eddy Story, a Ed, Edd n Eddy + Kingdom Hearts crossover, the bad guys blow up the world of Johnny Test.
  • Kwami Magi Homura Magica has Homura at once point catch a glimpse of a 'Salt Fic' universe after her fight with Marinette briefly pushes the two to the outskirts of their universe. Homura is not impressed by the behavior of anyone in the salt universe, considering them not who the heroes and citizens of Paris are meant to be. This is a opinion shared not only by the Homura Akemi of the salt universe, who even as she guns both the Saltverse Ladybug and Cat Noir down to take their Miraculouses looks disappointed in what they are like, but also Ultimate Madoka, who finds that world a waste of time to see and considers everyone in that world sad.
  • The Light of Abyss:
    • When Luz is telling Amity about the Superhero Civil War, she explains how it was all engineered by Mephisto as part of his plan to manipulate Spider-Man into giving up his marriage. She writes it off as a petty act by a "complete loser", with Luz speaking dismissively of his ranting about "Spider-Man being more relatable when he was single", which was the official explanation given for One More Day by Marvel.
    • Disney briefly used "Luzity" as a ship name for Luz and Amity instead of "Lumity", which Hooty uses as a suggestion when trying to come up with a ship name himself, Eda saying that it sounds like an herbal supplement from a 3 am infomercial.
    • When Luz and Masha are telling Amity and Vee about the various power players of the Marvel Universe, the fact that Wakanda is withholding all its advanced technology because the rest of the world doesn't "deserve" it is presented in a fairly negative light.
  • A Man of Iron:
    • When Margaery Tyrell is introduced in the second book, Theon notes that the "duckface" she makes when upset is very unflattering. This is a jab at a notorious acting quirk of Natalie Dormer's that the author can't stand.
    • When Doom is angrily listing the ludicrously complex rituals needed to go through to speak to the Pureborn of Qarth, Daenerys is left flabbergasted, noting that it sounds like something a demented writer would come up with to pad out a story. This reflects the common view of Dany's needlessly engorged, and thus rather pointless, storyline in A Clash of Kings.
    • Tywin hates the excuse "It's magic, I don't have to explain it," which in the real world was Joe Quesada's notorious statement on the various logic and plot holes of One More Day.
    • When talking about the importance of symbols to Rhodey, Tony says that if he changed the color pattern of his armor to all gold with red highlights, or if his Chest Insignia was a triangle instead of a circle, the image of the Iron Man would lose impact. These are clear digs at the Mark 42 and Mark 6 armors. Rhodey even says that the former would look "ugly as hell".
    • Nikolos Fury flat out states that "Young Griff" is not Rhaegar Targaryen's son Aegon, who died before his second nameday, but is instead just an orphan whom Jon Connington seized upon in his madness and grief. In the author's notes, Mr. Chaos admits to having "nipped the Young Griff thing right in the damn bud" and adds that he isn't even a Blackfyre but a mixed race stray, with just enough Valyrian blood to feasibly pass as a Targaryen.
  • Miraculous Knight sees some shots at things the authors on DeviantArt made clear they don't like.
    • During the Joker's introduction, he's channel-surfing and calls the Marvel Cinematic Universe boring.
    • Alfred at one point wishes Bruce doesn't have a son—that matched the description of Damian Wayne.
  • Monsters In Paradise: In the first chapter, Remilia is told that a certain visitor to the Mansion is a newcomer from outside Gensokyo. Remilia is rather cross after being woken up mid-day, so she immediately complains about having to put on the "haughty ominous noblewoman" act and wishing that Yukari wouldn't drag in people from outside left and right.note  Sakuya is quick to cut off the rant before she gets too far.
  • Naruto Rend: While Gaara is giving Naruto, Hinata, and Lee—all of whom were considered "failures" and "losers" in Part I of the series—a quick rundown of the situation between the Gotei 13 and Aizen, Naruto asks what Aizen's goal is. Gaara and Ichigo respond with becoming a God. Naruto asks with irritated sarcasm if Aizen has a Sharingan.
  • NoHoper is a huge one against The House of Night series.
  • Not the intended use (Zantetsuken Reverse): After Soma is kidnapped and drugged by a cult, he remarks that he's more drugged than an Olympic Athlete.
  • Of Gemstones and Watches:
    • Driba is fired after the Grimm attack on the Rushmore base, having made multiple blunders before he let Ben and Ruby get away from him.
    • Chapter 20 has one for the "Ultimate Alien" era, primarily about how the ultimate forms were underutilized.
      Ben: It's kind of a shame that he doesn't use the ultimates more often.
      Ruby: Yeah, kind of defeats the whole gimmick of the series. And even when he does, they're usually small. Remember when he used it against the Lord of all Evil during the Hero Generation finale? That was a cool time to use it. Not during some stupid battle in a tunnel.
      Ben: Yeah. Plus, when anti-Ishyama used it against him? Totally awesome. Seeing the Jurassic techniques at their fullest were some of the coolest moments of Hero Generation.
      Ruby: I'm glad someone sees where I'm coming from! Mega Sumos is just a lame continuation of Hero Generation.
    • Albedo being able to transform on his own gets a jab, and his Galvan Ultimate form is also different.
    • Chapter 57 has one to all the Kissing Cousins interpretations between Ben and Gwen, with one of the aliens who created unlicensed rip-offs of Ben and Ruby's adventures making Ben and Gwen an item. It also jabs at the Faux Action Girl concept.
  • Louise hates the imperial system of measurement in Overlady and declares that having 1,760 yards to a mile is stupid compared to much simpler 1,000 meters to a kilometer. Any system that requires memorizing such random numbers is ridiculous.
  • The Owl and The Frog: In Chapter 50, whilst showing Sprig and Amara the internet, Luz and Anne encounter a Cynthia's Coven fanfic titled Loyalty Among Covens by CaptainCT5. The quartet end up criticising the fanfiction for the author, who is in their late 20s, having a self-insert serve as the love interest for the 13-year-old main character. This is a jab at another Amphibia fanfic, Loyalty Among Worlds by AdmiralDT8, with Anne even ending the critique by stating how disgusted she'd be if someone wrote a story like that with her, followed by an Aside Glance.
  • The Owl House of Amphibia:
    • Luz makes a rather snide remark towards the ending of "War of Thrones", though it's somewhat obvious judging from the dialogue what show the story is taking a jab at:
    Marcy: I'm not sure that one really counts. The series caught up with the books pretty quickly so they had to kinda go in a different direction. Not to mention the final season...
    Luz: Ugh, tell me about it! So many important plot points and world building, all thrown out the window! They even made the dragon queen the bad guy! That came out of nowhere! They should have had at least one season to build on that!
  • Minor example in Paper Mario X 2, where Link seems to be unaware of Fire Emblem. Keep in mind that nearly every single Nintendo game is connected in this 'verse... although this may just be a jab at the fact that Marth Debuted in "Smash Bros.", so Link most likely has yet to visit the Fire Emblem world.
  • Peter Parker Needs A Hug: Tim Drake/Red Robin can't start a patrol without coffee... but he won't drink anything from Starbucks.
  • When Xander has to clone the Joker in The Plagiarist, his first two attempts spawn the The Dark Knight and Suicide Squad (2016) versions. Alfred calls the first to be nothing like the original and the second "closer, but still a failure".
  • Pokémon Crossing has several jabs through the series:
  • The Danny Phantom and Kim Possible crossover A Possible Encounter for a Phantom has jabs at Bueno Nacho that are made by the cast of the former. This is because Bueno Nacho is written as a stand-in for Taco Bell, which is mocked for Americanized Mexican food and banned from Mexico as a result.
  • The Return: The Return takes several potshots at Magical Girl series, and Sailor Moon in particular, Tropes (Fanservice outfits, Flowery Speeches about The Power of Love and Catchphrases, themed names. Did we mention it is Sailor Moon/Ranma Fuku Fic?
  • SAPR: In "P v P, Part 2" Pyrrha tells Jaune not to cut his hair. This is a direct reference to Jaune's change in hairstyle from Volume 7 of canon RWBY.
  • The Secret Return of Alex Mack: Having fought real vampires, Alex is unimpressed by Anita Blake romancing them, and stops reading the series.
  • A Shadow of the Titans:
    • At one point, Gadjo goes back in time specifically to Ret-Gone Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain.
    • Later on, Gadjo eats (and badly digests) the pie containing Mother Mae Eye, thereby expressing the author's disgust at both the character and her episode.
    • Chapter 12 contains a couple of jabs at Teen Titans Go!.
  • Spark of Creation has Naruto summon the soul of Rin Nohara during the Fourth Shinobi War, where she lambasts Obito for causing untold suffering and countless deaths because she died, declaring that he's a monster and the real Obito died on that fateful mission years ago.
  • In Chapter 6 of A Special Kind of Magic, Naofumi explicitly calls Sword Art Online trash after seeing that Raphtalia was watching it, before going off on a list of better anime to watch. Ren's reaction to being called Kirito indicates that SAO is considered terrible across universes.
  • The Spectacular Spider-Man: Lost in Gotham:
    • Jason learns that Tim has read The Twilight Saga and teases him for it, saying that he thought Tim of all people would "read something more highbrow."
    • During a meeting between Dick Grayson, Barry Allen, Wally West, Peter Parker, and Duke Thomas, it's stated that Dirty Dancing is Wally's least favorite movie (he told Barry that he'd had fights that were less painful than sitting through that film). When Peter reveals that said movie doesn't exist in his dimension, he asks Duke if he should watch it. Duke winces and tells him not to.
  • Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane has a satisfying take on Jameson. Twilight buys out the Daily Bugle, and fires Jameson. This is something every Spider-Man fan wants to happen.
  • Spider-Ninja: During Chapter 40, Petra admits to her family that her eyesight hadn't been too good before the spider bite, and remarks that she's glad she didn't need glasses, as she'd probably have to wear them over her mask. Donnie says that glasses with a bandanna would look pretty strange. The author admits that this is a dig at Donatello's design in the most recent TMNT film.
  • In Stormwolf Adventures, apart from the elevation of wasted characters, there are these following potshots at bad writing:
  • At one point in The Story to End All Stories, the characters all shout SHUT UP, LEMONY SNICKET!.
  • Survive the Night: Freddie Harris runs into Michael Myers and tries to fight him, only to be killed in a matter of seconds. The author notes said they hated Halloween: Resurrection.
  • There Was Once an Avenger From Krypton:
    • The author doesn't like how easily removable the Omnitrix became throughout the Ben 10 canon, so it's made clear that here, it's pretty much permanently merged with Ben now.
    • Also in regards to Ben 10, Krabb assuming that Gwen is Ben's mate, and not getting why Ben is disgusted even after the latter corrects him they're cousins, could be a jab to the Kissing Cousins portrayal they sometimes get in the fandom.
    • Another Ben 10 example: The author takes a dislike to the stance of Ben never getting to keep the Master Control active, viewing it as an annoyance even in the animated shows where Status Quo Is God is in effect, so it's here to stay after the Azmuth A.I. unlocks it so Ben can fight Vilgax, though it just removes the time limit, and doesn't allow him access to any more transformations than he already had.
    • Vilgax's lambasting of Thanos' plans, Ben's agreeance with the utter insanity of it, and, as noted by the Tumblr preview of Chapter 17 of Changing of the Guard, is this towards anyone who thinks Thanos' genocidal plans that are riddled with Insane Troll Logic at best are a good thing when they highlight how utterly demented he is.
    • The author admits that J.K. Rowling's transphobic actions have made her a Broken Pedestal to them, and the Harry Potter elements of the setting have been altered rather extensively to work out some of the nastier elements of the canon. This is also why Harry was given a Gender Flip and is now entirely neutral on the subject of their sexuality, as another jab at Rowling.
    • The author hates the modern interpretation of zombies, so during one of Strange's Info Dumps about magical creatures in the setting, it's established that they're more akin to the classic Voodoo Zombie archetype.
  • Thousand Shinji has one against the Gainax Ending of the original Neon Genesis Evangelion:
    "For those of you prepared to rant at me, there is one more chapter to this story, so unlike Gainax, you will actually get an explaination (sic) as part of the denouement."
  • Time and Again:
    • An original House-Elf is used to mock the idea of someone in Harry Potter earning the Undying Loyalty of a magical creature/race through manners. When Hermione thanks Xander's personal House-Elf Ripper, he only gives her thanks as much attention as a normal person would, making her wonder why he "didn't immediately make a great show of how wonderful [she] was for showing him such kindness".
    • There's also a quick shot taken at a scene the fourth film when Hermione says the Unforgivables are called as such because "they're unforgivable". Xander tells her that merely repeating their description does nothing to explain why they're called unforgivable, and lets his students puzzle out that the reason they're called the Unforgivables is that you have to enjoy their results (Mind Control, Cold-Blooded Torture, and instant death) to successfully cast them.
  • The Unexpected Rookie: While he has a rare moment of free time, Optimus Prime decides to get a paint job from Ramone. Ramone gives him one that looks just like his paint job in the Michael Bay movies (flames and all). Prime politely tells Ramone that he doesn't like it, and asks for his old paint job back. Like many G1 fans, the author disliked Optimus Prime's design in the Bay movies.
  • Universe Falls:
  • In Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supergirl story The Vampire of Steel, the loudest parts of the anime fandom are put down briefly:
    "Is that all right?" Buffy grasped Kara’s hand. "Oh, Kara. Punch me if I start acting like one of those anime fangirls I see at the vid stores."
  • With Pearl and Ruby Glowing:
    • Lucy Loud's story in Water of the Womb namedrops the incestuous fanchildren featured in the Sin Kids AU... by depicting them as characters Lucy designs to cope with her trauma and highlighting how creepy Lincoln finds the idea.
    • The same story shows the extremely Dumb Blonde Leni being kidnapped and forced to wear a tracking device, which she remembers to remove when escaping, albeit because she didn't want her kidnapper's "gift", and lampshading how stupid it would have been to keep it with her. One of the writers reviews at Das Sporking and had their Berserk Button pushed by a character in a novel doing exactly that just because the writer couldn't think of a better way for her to get caught again.
    • Boo Boo's chapter, taking inspiration from her treatment of "freaks" in canon, depicts her as a particularly extreme member of the anti-shipper movement, self-appointed Moral Guardians who campaign against Dark Fic (like this one).
    • Several chapters have jabs against the 'exclusionist' and transmedical communities, showing them as harmful to the LGBTQ+ community.
    • Mary's chapter includes one to her song lyrics about Bert in the movie, pointing out that "a lady needn't fear when you are near" ought to be expected as the bare minimum, not praised.
    • A throwaway line mentions that Harry Potter is a trans boy in this universe, because of Rowling campaigning against trans people in real life.
    • Certain tropes get a Take That! as well. Too Smart for Strangers is lampshaded and contradicted when a stranger just picks up DW and carries her off when she refuses candy, telling passersby he's her father and she's just throwing a tantrum, Clueless Aesop when Lola Loud makes a False Rape Accusation because she was never told exactly how bad that was and thought she could just use it to get Lori grounded, Double Standard Rape: Female on Male (or rather feminine on masculine) when the public favours the more butch Jasper over the feminine Lapis as often happens in real cases, and Beautiful Sexual Assault Victim when the Gangreen Gang suffer Prison Rape.


  • Three-Point Shot: A good portion of chapter 62 is spent pointing out flaws with the concept of the 'Gofer Project' plotline from the game, such as putting the fate of humanity in the care of fifteen teenagers (and a robot that can't reproduce) with no knowledge of agriculture or anything else needed to rebuild society. The author's note at the end of the chapter also brings up some Fridge Logic (how did K1-B0, the Ultimate ROBOT, forget his talent?).
  • Where Talent Goes to Die
    • The fic makes fun of Talent High School (and by extension, the very similar Hope's Peak)'s layout. For example, Sakuragi's shocked to hear that there aren't any elevators, save for the one to the courtroom, and wonders how wheelchair users and people with heavy loads are supposed to get around.
    • An omake after the first investigation period makes fun of pink blood.
    • At the end of the first trial, Miura, having cleared her name and found the killer, is less than happy about the outcome, since it means that the killer will have to die. Monokuma then tries to "reassure" Miura, taking a shot at the first trial of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (specifically Kaede's death) in the process.
    Monokuma: Now, now, Miura-san, it could've been worse. You might've taken the fall for the murder, and then we'd need a new protagonist. A lame plot twist like that this early on in the game wouldn't even be funny.
    • An April Fools' Day omake shows an alternate ending to the first trial, in which Miura is found guilty of the murder. Edogawa protests that it's unreasonable to conclude that Miura killed someone who was in another room while all the readers were viewing her actions and thoughts, as yet another shot against V3's first trial.
    • Near the start of Chapter IV, the group finds what will be the fourth motive- a video game titled "Final Dead Room: VR Edition." Monokuma insists that he means it when he says that the game will be coming out soon, noting that the game isn't called "Final Dead Room Forever."
    • Edogawa mentions her "friend" Matsukaze, and how she didn't have much of a chance as a writer, Miura wonders what Edogawa means.
    Miura narrating: I had to wonder what kind of story we were talking about- perhaps that of a high school girl who falls in love with a vampire, or that of a billionaire with a passion for bondage and the poor unfortunate woman who happens to be his lover- but didn't ask.
    • Chapter V has one against the Gofer Project from V3. Miura points out that they'd need at least 500 genetically diverse people to repopulate the world if the Tragedy wiped out humanity, rather than the sixteen they have (down to seven people- three boys and four girls by this point). She also realizes that not only would most of their talents be of little use, but none of them are remotely prepared to live in and try to rebuild a world that's been changed so drastically.
    • In Chapter VI, Monokuma hands out several photos of the surviving students at school, each of which is missing the recipient. He asks Miura if she can explain why she isn't in the photo, and she proposes that she could have taken the photo, or maybe she was absent that day. This is a jab against some of the classmates in the first game assuming that everyone else was the mastermind when faced with a similar situation.
    • Also from Chapter VI, when it's revealed that Talent High School was founded as a place to send the families of the school's founders and administrators (even if they don't possess the Ultimate talents they're said to have), the headmistress' diary reveals that even they had to reject a board member's nephew who wanted to be the Ultimate Pirate, a Take That toward some of the more unbelievable Ultimate titles found in Fanfics.
    • Midway through the final trial, after the mastermind's identity is revealed, Monokuma plays a joke on the remaining students, by claiming that, like in the third game, the students are in the fifty-fourth season of Danganronpa. Miura refuses to believe it, noting that it's hard to believe that the world would let a show that twisted become popular, that no show could stay popular for 54 seasons, and that the Roman numerals for 53 are "LIII," not "V3".
  • Where Talent Goes on Vacation
  • Valhalla's Angel: Hajime notes that "Super High School Level" sounds stupid and is extremely wordy, causing him to prefer "Ultimate".

Danny Phantom

Death Note

Demon King Daimao

  • On chapter 6.5 of Keena & the Defendants of Constan Magic Academy, quite a notable use of this trope (and perhaps Author Filibuster, as well) about the current anime industry and pretty much Harem anime overall. Here's just a taste of the rant:
    Michie: No one wants to fucking see that. It's sexist, it's desperate, and the worst part is this shit always sells! It's sexist for BOTH genders! It's sexist for females because it shows how desperate they are just to get one guy and battle each other for him, despite the fact that there are more fish in the sea and at least learn to communicate with other possible males around, not just get one fucking guy! And it's sexist for males because the writers make it seem that if you're boring, generic and uninteresting; you're no doubt the perfect guy! That's a big "fuck you" for males who actually do have unique quantities, trying hard to even try to get a girl, no matter if they look ugly or pretty and have difficult lives

DC Comics


  • In the Digimon Adventure 02 fanfic Digimon Adventure 02: The Story We Never Told, Oikawa's password to take control of the Armor-Digivolved Digimons is "Champions of the Digital World" which is a reference against the dub version of Brave Heart, "Hey Digimon". Haruhiko even embarrassingly admitted that it's one of his catchphrases back when when he was adventuring as one of the five Original Digidestined.


  • In the first chapter of Discworld Fanfic Whistle, and I'll come to thee, boy, a younger Mustrum Ridcully fires quite a lot of sideways digs at the Harry Potter/Hogwarts school of thought re: training young Wizards.
    Give adolescents access to spellbooks and magic wands and things, and there's no tellin' what the little sods'll get up to. It'll all be School Houses with peculiar names, or just dam' silly ones, in competition with each other...

Disney Theme Parks

  • All over the place in The Little Hitchhiker, an Affectionate Parody of The Little Mermaid (1989) starring one of the Hitchhiking Ghosts. For example...
    • When Gracey is chewing out Ezra for ruining the preview for the revamped Haunted Mansion, Ezra claims that he was boycotting it, bringing up the Journey into Imagination disaster and the ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter being replaced by Stitch's Great Escape!. Gracey then brings up that "nothing could top the time the Country Bears went pop."
    • Immediately after that, Ezra goes into a rant about how much he hates DisneyMania.
    • Near the beginning of Chapter 5, Ezra comments that he hates Mike's Supershort Show.Hades agrees.
    • Gus, Phineas, and Ariel (not the mermaid, "Ariel" is just the name of Ezra's Love Interest), to figure out how to save Ezra and defeat Ursula, put a copy of The Little Mermaid in the VHS player at Ariel's apartment. When they turn on the TV, American Dragon: Jake Long is on, and we get this...
    Jake: I'm goin' ghost! Uh, I mean, dragon up! Wow, I hope no one heard that.
    • Immediately after that, Phineas and Gus comment that in a lot of other parodies of The Little Mermaid on, the main character isn't a mermaid and the story doesn't take place underwater, yet the authors don't change the nautical lyrics of "Fathoms Below" or the fish references in "Under the Sea", and that they make almost no changes to the original script. Ariel then points out that despite all of this, they get a ton of praising reviews.

Doctor Who

Dragon Age

  • In one installment of the Skyhold Academy Yearbook series, Dorian makes a crack about "Fifty Shades of whatever ghastly monstrosity against literature that thing was." Varric responds by growling and declaring, "We do not speak of that."

EarthBound (1994)

The Familiar of Zero

  • Zero no Tsukaima: Saito the Onmyoji has one to canon's relationship between Saito and Louise. While writing up a Master/Apprentice Contract, the two are told that the Deflowering Punishmentnote  has to be included for it to be legal, they set it to "maliciously casting ten explosions at Saito within five minutes followed by beating him with a whip" to make it as unlikely as possible.
  • Soldier of Zero likewise takes a shot at Louise's canon abuse of Saito when the latter semi-jokingly asks if Louise would beat him with a riding crop if he admitted to lying about possibly being a noble. Louise quickly insists that such a thing would be completely unbecoming of her. No mage would beat their familiar and the fact he's human makes such a thing even more unacceptable.
    • A more minor one is made about the idea of any romance between Louise and Saito. Regardless of anything else, they'd always be Master and Familiar which would complicate any relationship they had. Worse, if a relationship didn't work out between them, they'd still be stuck with each other for the rest of their lives.

The Fairly OddParents!

  • Oneshot Fairly Odd Stalkers has Veronica and Tootie comparing their planned lives with Timmy. When Tootie says she plans to be a doctor, Veronica is surprised.
    Veronica: Really? Doctor? Not some granola munching limp-wristed activist?
    Tootie: What do you think this is, a Nickelodeon Original TV movie?

Fate/Grand Order

  • In Daughters Of The Wicked Witch, when visiting Singularity F, the narration can't help but take a few potshots at the problems with the level in the game, such as the tedium of farming the skeleton enemies for their bones and the unreasonably difficult (for that stage in the game) boss fight with blackened Berserker.

Family Guy

Fire Emblem

  • A Brighter Dark has its share of digs at its parent game's characterizations of Corrin and Garon, some subtle (Corrin denying Azura's assertion that she Used to Be a Sweet Kid and explaining her confrontational nature as a result of her getting "better with age"), some not (the comparisons of Garon to a past Nohrian king who never got anything done because he always prayed to Anankos for answers).
  • An Eagle Among Lions takes several shots at Byleth's Enlightened One outfit. Rhea dresses Byleth and Edelgard up in Enlightened One-style regalia during Aelfric's funeral, with both of them laughing at how tacky their clothes look. Edelgard assures Past Byleth that her present-day counterpart only wore it once before burning it. Seteth (or, more accurately, a friendly Agarthan posing as Seteth) and some of Past Edelgard's classmates and friends take turns making fun of her outfit after the service is over.
  • The Savior King, the Master Tactician and the Queen of Liberation is filled to the brim with shots at the Crimson Flower route of Three Houses and Edelgard in general, portraying her as a Too Dumb to Live Know-Nothing Know-It-All Smug Snake who is quickly and effortlessly put in her place when the Agarthans backing her decide she’s become a liability and who dies with no lines and with nearly zero fanfare.

Fullmetal Alchemist

Game of Thrones

  • An Empire of Ice and Fire: When planning the defenses at Winterfell against the White Walkers, it's suggested that the civilians take shelter in the crypts (as was done in canon). Bronn laughs this off, saying that only dumbasses would do this when facing off with an enemy that can raise the dead.
    • In the one-shot sequel Something About Dragonstone, Daenerys reveals that she's been having nightmares of succumbing to her father's insanity (essentially, what happened to her in Season 8 of the show). Missandei states that only an idiot would believe that would ever happen to her.

Gossip Girl

  • The story Coming Home has one where Rufus decides that dating Lisa Loeb sounds completely absurd. In the end, he ends up getting back with his ex-wife Alison instead.


  • In Hunting the Unicorn, the Warblers constantly lampshade Kurt and Blaine's Sickeningly Sweet relationship and lack of sex drive. It becomes Harsher in Hindsight when we find out that Blaine tried to invoke Sex Equals Love at sixteen and ended up heartbroken.
  • In the story Never The Same, the main character Charlie tells Will that there are more than two kinds of performers than just Katy Perry and Lady Gaga and that Katy is not as family-friendly as the show wants you to believe.
  • In the story Good Directions, Faith is offered a chance to star in a movie remarkably similar to the latter half of Season 5. She mentions that she turned it down.

Harry Potter

  • Harry Potter & the Azkaban Parody, Exactly What It Says on the Tin, is a Take That against the usual Harry in Azkaban plot where everyone demands (not asks, demands) that he immediately forgive them for wrongfully imprisoning him in Azkaban Prison for "one year, three months, two weeks, four days, seven hours, thirteen minutes, and twenty-six seconds," killing his owl right in front of him, stealing from him, and destroying his property. And instead of taking him to a doctor or allowing him to recover from the effects of starvation and the Dementors they immediately force him back into school "where you will be constantly bombarded with all the people you don't want to see until you break down and forgive us." Needless to say, Harry is less than impressed.
  • The Parselmouth of Gryffindor, Chapter 70, offers a much-needed Take-That to the fandom-decried way Cedric Diggory turned evil because he was embarrassed at losing the Tournament in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Cedric is not chosen as a Champion at all in this continuity — Helen Monroe is. This seems to offend him. But then this happens:
    Before he could protest, however, a friend of his forcefully sat him down and made clear to him the many good reasons why joining the Death Eaters to kill Helen Monroe was not an acceptable reaction to this situation.
  • Harry Potter and the Something Something is solidly made of these, to every Fandom-Specific Plot on FFN. To whit: Dursleys being jerks, Dumbledore being a Knight Templar, hidden siblings, hidden parents, harems, Crack Fic, reverse-gender fic, Harry in Azkaban...
  • Chapter 9 of Deritine's (canon-compliant to book 6) Fanfic Warping Circumstances explains that the canon series is the result of Harry's failure to defeat Voldemort (in the universe of the Fanfic). The "Powers That Be" were going to replay the major players in the prophecy repeat it with "karmic debt". As the explanation of what would happen to who and why, it quickly becomes clear that the PTB, and by implication canon, are both horribly unfair and needlessly sadistic.
  • Many post-Deathly Hallows Fanfics that ignore the epilogue still manage to fit the name Albus Severus in somewhere and have someone comment on how awful it would be to be named that.
    • The Dark Lord's Equal gives us a fan theory for Albus Severus's sucky name: Harry got drunk and began listing the names of all the people he hated in his life on his future son's birth certificate so the kid ended up being named "Albus Severus Tom Vernon Potter."
  • HJG: The Smartest Witch of Her Age is a one-shot dedicated to tearing apart the popular fanon idea of Hermione being the smartest witch ever who knows absolutely everything.
  • In this AU of Goblet of Fire, the author went on record stating that Hermione's unsympathetic depiction is partially in retaliation to constantly seeing her propped up as the greatest thing ever by her fans, having found her less sympathetic upon reading herself.
  • For Love of Magic takes a few shots at various Harry Potter fanon such as magical cores (there's no such thing, the magical ability is more about intelligence and willpower). Also, the common insistence that Snape's Occlumency lessons were nothing but attacking/raping Harry's mind is thrown out as well. Such actions are the fast way of learning Occlumency: getting a Legilimans to attack your mind repeatedly until you instinctively throw them out.
    • The occasionally done "Harry sues someone for writing fictional books about him" is turned on its head when the author in question is mortified and admits she never intended to publish said books until a friend talked her into it. She also immediately offers Harry 40% of all future profits along with a large sum for past ones. Harry ends up feeling rather uncomfortable when he realizes this.
    • A mild one is given to the Fandom-Specific Plot of arresting Harry for killing Death Eaters. Fudge thinks to himself that even if the families of said Death Eaters insisted it was a prank that Harry overreacted to, the public outcry would destroy anyone involved in such a debacle.
    • The idea of a soulbond is brushed off as the idea of airheaded nitwits. The closest thing is The Joining which is brainwashing someone and making them addicted to you via sex magic.
    • Harry snarks that Fifty Shades of Grey is a manual on how not to have a BDSM relationship, being the story of the emotional manipulation and breakdown of a very naive and inexperienced girl.
  • Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches contains a dig against Peggy Sue stories where the hero tries to preserve the timeline so they can rely on their knowledge of the future. Death and Fate note that when they sent Harry's twin brother John back in time to fix things, he did it all wrong by trying to preserve the timeline despite needing to Set Right What Once Went Wrong. When they send Harry back (because despite what John thought, they only give a single second chance to anyone), they insist Harry use every advantage he possibly can as soon as he possibly can.
  • Chapter 3 of Don't Be a Dobby Downer takes a jab at how evil!Dumbledore wants things done his way. The dialogue below takes place after Harry transfers to Beauxbatons in his 2nd year:
    Severus: (to Dumbledore) I'm surprised you aren't panicking.
    Dumbledore: Sometimes I think neither of you give me nearly enough credit, he's {Harry} a boy and learned about our world, Beauxbatons is a fine institution, and he will be safe there, Madame Maxine is a careful Headmistress, they in fact have a better safety record than Hogwarts herself.
    Minerva: It really doesn't bother you?
  • In A Year Too Soon, the plot to dump Tom Riddle's diary on one of the Weasley children is a ploy to bring it to the Ministry of Magic's attention so they'll know Voldemort had Horcruxes and destroy them before he returns. The one pulling off the plan (Goyle Sr.) notes that any child old enough to attend Hogwarts would know better than to trust strange books, especially ones that put off such an evil aura.
  • Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality is full of digs at canon.
    • In the very first chapter, Aunt Petunia recounts how she stopped dating Vernon Dursley, and how she thought to herself, "what kind of parent names their child Dudley Dursley?"
    • Harry is completely baffled upon hearing that a sixth-year was foolish enough to cast a high-level dark curse on a fellow student without knowing what it was supposed to do except that it was "for enemies."
      Harry: I do not understand how anything with that small a brain could walk upright.
  • Too Many Champions takes a poke at Triwizard Tournament fics where Harry is emancipated after his name comes out of the Goblet of Fire.
    Harry: Hey, couldn't you claim to be emancipated because you compete in a tournament for of-age wizards and witches?
    Hermione: No, Harry, that is not how this works. Why would you think that? That would be as if I went into a liquor shop, somehow managed to buy a bottle of Whisky despite being only fifteen, and then claimed that I, therefore, ought to be considered of age. Do you see how ridiculous that would be?

Haruhi Suzumiya

High School D×D

Infinity Train

  • The Sun Will Come Up And The Seasons Will Change
    • The fic has absolutely no qualms about taking the piss out on organizations like Autism Speaks, Autism Warrior Parent memoirs published behind the autistic child’s back, and snake oil therapies that claim to cure autism.
    • Chapter 9 reveals that Dana and Todd's first date was them going to see American Beauty after one of Todd's cousins gave him two tickets for it. Both of them didn't like it, with Todd pointing out how creepy it is that a middle-aged man fell in love with a teenage girl.

Invader Zim

  • Invader Zim: A Bad Thing Never Ends: The author does not like ZADR or ZADF, so in Chapter 15 has Dib quite clearly overjoyed at the thought of causing Zim harm by seemingly causing the deaths of his minions, in order to make it clear that there's no positive emotion between the two of them.
  • At one point in Journey to a New World, Tenn — who has been familiarizing herself with Earth literature — describes Fifty Shades of Grey as a case of a desperate, naive woman who lets herself be talked into an abusive relationship by a man who happens to be rich and handsome.
  • The New Adventures of Invader Zim:
    • In Season 1, it's made clear that even Norlock — an actual vampire — hates The Twilight Saga, finding it an insult to his kind. Episode 12 even sees him attack a fan convention for a Serial Numbers Filed Off version of the franchise, taking the time to air a lot of the same complaints people have about Twilight in real life (though the story also takes the time to lampshade how petty some haters of the series can be).
    • In Episode 6 of Season 2, while Dite is saying she likes gritty Anti-Hero stories, she specifically says that she doesn't like Dawn of Justice, calling it a "bloody, nonsensical mess".
    • Also in Season 2 Episode 6, Red dismisses the idea of always flying in a straight line as moronic, a direct jab at the Too Dumb to Live behavior he portrayed in the movie, which the author found as being OOC for him.
    • Season 2 Episode 9 contains numerous jabs at how overpriced a Fan Convention can be, as well as the toxicity that can sometimes be expressed by fandoms.
    • In Season 2 Episode 12's Trapped in TV Land plot, Steve at one point dismisses slasher movies as having one-dimensional characters that only exist to be moved around until they die in entertaining ways. The author explains that this is his opinion of most movies in this particular sub-genre (while stating he likes the sub-genre in general).
    • At another point in Season 2 Episode 12, the group ends up in the cartoon Floopsy Bloops Shmoopsy from Issue 20 of the IZ comic series, which is the author's second least favorite issue. They all dismiss it as a terrible show, then Zim blows the characters up.
  • In the horror-comedy fic The Pod People Invasion, the Pod People deny having converted Tommy Wiseau, stating that he's that weird on his own. Conversely, Mark Zuckerberg is a pod, but it took them years to be sure he'd converted, noting that he was "soulless as a piece of toast" even before they got to him.
  • Chapter 6 of RebelZ has Gaz and Zim discussing at some length all the things wrong with Season 8 of Game of Thrones.

Jackie Chan Adventures

  • Ages of Shadow: The entire Yu-Gi-Oh! homage/parody Story Arc is full of these, lampshading said series' various plot holes, odd plot mechanics, and bizarre character designs. One outstanding moment is at the end when Alonso asks Brenner about rumors that he intends to start a school dedicated to teaching the card game. Brenner responds by stating that the whole concept is stupid; how could you build a whole school year curriculum around a game?
  • Jackie Chan Adventures: Olympian Journey:
    • In the author's notes for the first chapter, Green Phantom Queen notes that Myanmar is very slow on the uptake for democracy — as in sixty years slow — before telling people to look it up. And in the notes for Chapter 14, she essentially delivers a "The Reason You Suck" Speech aimed at the 2021 Military Coup that took over the country and is doing a terrible job of guiding it through the COVID-19 Pandemic.
    • In the author's opening notes to the second chapter, Green Phantom Queen (who's working on a AU crossover) states she doesn't keep her expectations high so she won't be disappointed, before remarking on the ending to Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V.
    • In the closing notes to the seventh chapter, MultiplePersonas and PA2 state that it's better to have high-quality writing that's updated infrequently than low-quality that's published frequently, citing James Patterson as a reference.
    • There are repeated jabs at commercial air travel, with Eris even listing it among mankind's worst crimes during the Humanity on Trial sequence.
    • Jade is disgusted at the Downer Ending to Nineteen Eighty-Four, seeing it as a cop-out.
    • Eris is not a fan of Seth MacFarlane and his habit of using tons of references as the joke instead of informing said jokes, and tells the Monkey King off for doing the same.
  • During one of the glimpses inside Jade's mind in Queen of All Oni, the Aspect representing Love is stuffed in a barrel and thrown overboard, because "things are complicated enough; we don't need lovey-dopey stuff in the mix." Word of God is that this is meant to be a statement against unnecessary Shipping making stories more complicated than they need to be.
  • The Stronger Evil: The author closes the eleventh chapter with a line borrowed from The Mummy (1999)note  to give their opinion about how much the 2017 reboot pales in comparison.

Katawa Shoujo

  • In Reconciliation, Sho talks about the perks of his job as the publicist for Hanako, a successful novelist, resulting in a Take That! at The Twilight Saga}}.
    Sho:"And I got to tell that woman who wrote those trashy teenage vampire novels how much her books suck."
    Hanako:"I-I... I... I remember that. She… she tried to tell you that you just 'didn’t get it,' and... and y-you said..."
    Sho: “What’s to get? Vampires… don’t... s-sparkle! You hack!”

Land of Oz

  • The one-shot Patient is one against the MGM The Wizard of Oz film. Both feature a teenage Dorothy (though MGM's Dorothy is likely meant to be a preteen) who realizes Oz was All Just a Dream. But, in Patient Dorothy's loved ones are actually pretending that "Oz" isn't real. Dorothy has amnesia and they're softening the blow by pretending she's still in Kansas. In actuality, Dorothy has been living in Oz with her family and her lover Ozma for a century now. The twist that Oz is real after all is a snark against MGM version for changing the entire premise of Land of Oz series by making Oz just a fantasy of Dorothy's.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

  • League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Tempest Rewrite:
    • Rather than being Alan Moore's mouthpiece against superheroes, Captain Universe defends them against Moore’s arguments (and mocks Moore's use of the term 'fascist')
    • After killing Jimmy, Emma plays a tape in which he mocks the futility of her plan as well as Moore’s take on spies.
    • Mina’s talk with Harry Potter is a rebuttal of Moore’s views on the character.
    • The US government gave in to the demands of John Galt just to make him stop speaking
    • The wedding from The Twilight Saga is the one massacred by the zombies from A Little Piece of Heaven.
    • The main cast of Teen Titans Go! is part of Prospero's horrors released on the world.
    • Orlando/Futura is sent to Gor, where sexual slavery is realistically portrayed as horrific.
    • Ender Wiggin’s repressed bisexuality is a jab at his creator's homophobia.

The Legend of Zelda

The Lion King (1994)

  • In The Lion King Adventures, a Take That! is directed at My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Apparently, Death isn't a fan.
    Death: It was all me, Simba! I've been laying traps for you all along – ready to bring you to this exact moment! It's brilliant! It's ingenious! Better than when I burned down FernGully! Better than when I crushed the Powerpuff Girls! Better than ripping the heads off of all those annoying, colorful ponies who don't ever shut the hell up!

The Loud House

  • In Babysitter from Heaven, There is a Jab Towards Soil and Trouble's depiction of Lisa in during Lincoln's conversation with Lisa in Out of the Way. The nanite brain modification idea is mentioned, before being tossed aside as too risky. In said fic, Lisa is willing to do such a dangerous procedure to Lana without thinking of the potentially lethal consequences.
  • Life of Pets have three pot shots:
    • Walt takes a jab at the people complaining about his behavior from What Wood Lincoln Do? in "Bone Sweet Bone".
    • There's a subtle jab to a certain part of the Loud House fandom, endlessly complaining about a certain episode in "Post-Terrier".
    • In "If It Ain't Broke", Cliff talks about how running away is such a tired trope that it's not even interesting anymore.
  • The Loud House: Flowing Star: During the second chapter of "Early Days Arc", Liberty was reading a comic about the show she watched and snarked towards the fact that the entire thing started because of a clearly fake photo between a teenage girl and a boy kissing. However, she was disgusted because she saw... something in it and gave up on it. This is a subtle jab towards the comic It's (Not) Your Fault due to the characters acting dumb and the infamous page 130 where a drunken Sam lured and raped Lincoln.
  • Many stories in Loud Kids React To are meant to be jabs towards the darker side of the fandom especially when Loudcest is concerned.
  • Nicely Done: The fic is a big deconstruction of fans dividing the Loud girls in Nice Sisters/Mean Sisters; something that used to be quite a cliche within the fandom but has since died out.
  • Really Isn't Your Fault is basically a potshot towards the webcomic It's (Not) Your Fault. Chapter 5 especially has Sam mentioning a nightmare heavily implied to be the events of the comic leading up to the infamous scene, with her calling it something from a “messed up dark webcomic”.
  • Stories and Tales from Dimension 63:
    • Chapter 12 in particular; when recalibrating the interdimensional goggles, Lincoln is shown a reality where Linka and Lynn are in a relationship. Disgusted, Lincoln asks the goggles to filter out all dimensions where either he or Linka is in a relationship with one of their siblings, resulting in 95% of all dimensions getting eliminated. Which unfortunately doesn't filter out dimensions where her siblings are in relationships with 'each other'.
      • Chapter 19 contains another gem. We learn that one of the fragments is in Cristopher’s house, and this is the reason his computer keeps redirecting him to Loudcest fanfics and fanart. Cristopher has had enough of it and gives quite a rant against such stories being shoved in his face every time he uses the internet.
    • Chapter 20 contains a jab at fics that put an OC or a self-insert into a story, whose existence doesn't cause anything to be different from canon.
    Lincoln: It's like the multiverse just spit out a random person and added them to the family, only for them to do nothing to change stuff!!
    William:Sometimes the universe has lapses in creativity is all.
    • Chapter 39 takes several jabs at the show itself, like the Negative Continuity between episodes, or plot holes like Lincoln somehow not knowing about the sister fight protocol.
    Lisa: The show doesn’t appear to be a linear requirement in the program’s viewing outside of the episodes containing our former brother’s romantic interests.
  • Thicker Than Blood: At one point, Ronnie-Anne jokingly asks if she should worry about one of the girls Lincoln lives with stealing him from her since they now know they're not biologically related. Lincoln, predictively, reacts with utter disgust at the idea of being romantically involved with one of his sisters and asks why everyone keeps asking about him and his sisters in that context, likely as a jab at the infamous Loudcest ships in the fandom… and possibly a bit of Self-Deprecation on the part of the author, who has dabbled in that themself.

Lyrical Nanoha

  • In the Service is itself a subtle but fairly long Take That! against the tendency of Lyrical Nanoha Fanfiction to make the Time-Space Administrative Bureau even more Mildly Military than it actually is in canon, or to outright forget it exists in favor of AU or semi-AU NanoFate stories. It also delivers a few more direct ones.
    • The offshoot story A Numbered Existence spends several chapters on the Huckebein from Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force, culminating in Jail Scaligetti's Combat Cyborgs curb-stomping most of them in "What We Were Born To Do" and Veyron's belated acknowledgment that a large multi-planetary government has a whole lot more resources and people to throw at the Huckebein they could ever have dealt with in "Flipside".
      • A lesser but related example is Tre's taking one look at Cypha's oversized swords during their first encounter and dismissing them for being too easy to step inside the arc of. Tre then immediately demonstrates this problem by getting in close and nearly destroying one of Cypha's hands.
    • The concept of Mindlink Mates comes into play during a discussion of inter-Wolkenritter relationships, where it's revealed that because that trope would ensue the Wolkenritter can't have physical relationships with each other: no longer being an individual is scary.

Macross Delta

  • How Roid's Plan Could Have Backfired Horribly is a series of one-shots making horrible fun of Roid's master plan by showing how things could have backfired on him, starting with the canon scene where Roid declares Windermere the heirs of Protoculture being interrupted by a Zentraedi Main Fleet wiping out the planet in the odd chance he was right.

Marvel Universe

  • In Deeds (or To Be Worthy) Loki has this to say about Mephisto:
    Loki: He is beneath me. His idea of villainy is to play practical jokes on Spider-Man.
  • To Intervene sees Tony Stark get his hands on an early version of the Sokovia Accords just after Avengers: Age of Ultron. One of the proposals he deems unacceptable is the Superhuman Registration Actnote , which Tony states absolutely can never be allowed to pass.
  • Ultimate Sleepwalker: The New Dreams has several jabs aimed at things that bug the author:
    • Rick and Cyrus are discussing the notion that Spider-Man got his powers from a spider-totem, and immediately dismiss it as the stupidest thing they've ever heard. They then discuss the only things that could be even stupider, such as the idea of Spider-Man unmasking himself.
    • Kenny criticizes Matt Groening for allowing The Simpsons to stay on the air years after it stopped being funny. He then proceeds to mock the (at the time) ridiculous notion that Family Guy had gone downhill or was plagiarizing The Simpsons.
    • The villainess Lullaby, who's a bleach-blonde slut with an atrocious singing voice, is a thematic representation of Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and Paris Hilton. Her fellow villainess Spectra is a thematic representation of revolutionary whackjobs like Che Guevara.
    • Red describes his List Of People I Want To Punch In The Face as including: Heather Mills, Jimmy Fallon, Richard Dawkins, Michael Moore, Ward Churchill, Ann Coulter, John Kricfalusi and Alex Rodriguez.
    • Both Red and Alyssa's father Elliot go on separate rants about Alex Rodriguez, giving him nicknames such as A-Fraud and A-Choker-In-The-Playoffs while ridiculing Rodriguez's absurdly bloated $25-million-a-year salary.
    • While watching a soccer game on TV, Red, and Cyrus laugh at the notion that what they deem "the most boring game on the planet" has provoked everything from riots to murders to political upheaval to wars. When Cyrus asks why they're watching it, Red snarks that sometimes he likes to remind himself why America seceded from the British in the first place.
  • A notable subversion occurs in Ultimate Sleepwalker's sister series Ultimate Spider-Woman: Change With The Light. Mary Jane Watson loves the The Twilight Saga novels and reads them regularly, but this is not used as a Take That! against the Stephanie Meyer series. The depiction of the Twilight novels is entirely neutral, mentioned in passing a few times, and otherwise ignored.

Mass Effect

Miraculous Ladybug

  • In Archenemies to Superfriends, Lila mentally compares her rivalry with Marinette to Batman versus Superman. After talking things out with Marinette and realizing that they'd both had dramatically different views of the situation and that the classmates whom she thought they were competing over weren't worth the effort, she laments that this is worse than the ending of the Batman v Superman movie.
  • Funhouse Mirror is one long shot at the constant demonisation Alya often receives in "salt fics". In it, Alya meets an alternate version of herself who is a stupid, mean-spirited, and entitled shrew and is greatly appalled by her, afterward telling Nino to slap some sense into her if she ever starts acting like the other Alya. To further drive the point home, the author says that everything Other!Alya did was based on actual salt fics they'd read.
  • As its title suggests, Salt Trope Parody Oneshots is essentially this towards Salt Fics in general, with emphasis on how Marinette is characterized in them. For example, the first chapter lampoons the Fandom-Specific Plot of Marinette no longer being Class Representative, cutting ties with her classmates and befriending some people from Ms. Mendeleiev's class. While in most salt fics Ms. Bustier's class would collapse without Marinette around, no such thing happens here.
    Marinette continued to get her hopes up of watching them crash and burn. However, no such thing happened. They continued using their talents to progress their careers further, even as high school kids. It's almost as if their lives didn't revolve around her, which was an insane thought.
  • There's More Magic Out There: The day after learning that Chloe and Alix are actually close, following fighting them as Little Red and Wicked Witch, Marinette tries to figure out what their dynamic is; especially since Alix now proves to be able to instantly calm Chloe's usual Alpha Bitch tendencies. Among her immediate theories is that they're secretly half-sisters, before calling the idea of Chloe having a secret sister "a dumb plot twist in some dumb kids show"; a direct jab at the source material's then-recent reveal that Chloe has a secret half-sister named Zoe.

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

  • In Wings to Fly, several characters discuss the concept of a War To End All Wars; Lady Une regards it as foolishness, while Lucrezia Noin says they last a generation at most and cites her family's history with the World Wars; victory at Vittorio in WW1 and later defeat at Beda Fomm in WW2.
    • Ironically, Lady Une appears to have a very low opinion of Trieze Kushrenada for leaving others with the task of creating the world he envisioned and choosing to die rather than help make it happen. This is in sharp contrast to their canon relationship.
    • The "total pacifism" doctrine espoused by the show is occasionally raked over the coals as encouraging the use of unrealistically simple solutions to complex problems.
      • The opening lines of the story offer a subtle yet damning indictment of the doctrine: a government is an entity that can maintain a monopoly on the use of force and punish those who infringe it. Mariemaia's coup succeeded because the ESUN had forgotten that definition of "government" and could not protect itself or its citizens.


  • Abraxas (Hrodvitnon): As revealed in Chapter 8, apparently a Monarch operative named McGraw used to argue that Ghidorah (who's referred to as a dragon by Vivienne and Mothra in the fic) shouldn't be called a dragon because it doesn't have the correct number of legs and heads, to a Monarch biologist's exasperation. Anyone who has enough familiarity with dragon fantasy will know there are actually staunch McGraw's in Real Life.

Monsters vs. Aliens

  • God Help the Outcasts: The author's notes state at several points that certain scenes were written to deconstruct certain tropes found in 1950s sci-fi films (such as the trope of the monster always falling in love with the leading lady).



My Hero Academia

  • Another Form of Power takes a quick potshot at Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone when the League of Villains steals the government's cache of Quirk erasing bullets.
    They were being stored in a government building. Apparently UA wasn’t considered safe enough, which makes sense. It is a school. It has good security and the actions of the League have ensured that security there is tight and robust but it is still a school. You do not store things that Villains might be after in a school.
  • Dekugate as a whole is a Take That towards fans who engage in real-life shipping and bully others for not agreeing with their over-the-top or even ludicrous beliefs and theories.
  • My Hero Playthrough: Chapter 36 gives one to all the fanfics stating Shinsou would be in the Hero Course if not for the entrance exam's prejudice towards destructive Quirks. Aizawa carefully explains that not only are both Ojiro and Hagakure in the Hero Course despite having Quirks with no destructive ability, but that Shinsou has very clearly not physically trained himself at all, and is in fact barely passing Gen Ed's physical education class. Furthermore, multiple top ten heroes think Shinso's quirk is amazing and it's his personality that's a dumpster fire, citing how he actively sabotaged other students in a way they couldn't defend against in the Sports Festival. In the end, the only one truly stacking the deck against Shinsou is the teen himself.
  • Quantity of Quirks: The seventh oneshot blatantly mocks two separate plots.
    • First, the idea of Shinso being The Woobie who only didn't make it into the Hero Course because of a bias against non-destructive Quirks. Instead of feeling sorry for him, everyone who's met the teen seems to think he's a Jerkass.
    • Second, the concept that Izuku can instantly analyze a Quirk in its entirety after seeing it used once or twice. Ochako mentions that some of Izuku's ideas regarding her Quirk were so incredibly wrong that she smacked him for it.

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

  • In Chrysalis Visits The Hague, the lawyer Estermann and judge Mullan briefly muse about the possibility of the changelings abandoning their warlike ways and sharing their love instead of stealing it... before breaking out in derisive laughter and beginning to analyse how that would make no practical sense. That's a Take That! against the actual series' episode To Where And Back Again Part 2, where the changelings are convinced by Starlight and Thorax to do exactly that and, as a result, undergo a rather controversial magical Evolution Power-Up.
  • The Conversion Bureau is one of, if not the most controversial fanwork created in the MLP fandom, so it's no surprise a great number of Fanfics that came out after its initial publication aren't above issuing a middle finger at it. Indeed, TCB has even inspired a Recursive Fanfiction subgenre of sorts with numerous authors writing hate fics which either deconstruct the universe or just kill all the characters. Thus Saith The Lord in particular is an extremely blatant attack on the entire premise of the fic. And it's nowhere near the only one that was this blatant.
  • The Conversion Bureau: The Other Side of the Spectrum is a long Deconstructor Fleet of everything about the TCB genre, culminating in many unapologetic Take Thats.
    • An early chapter has Prime Twilight Sparkle goes on a long-winded speech about how the typical TCB plot element of Equestria just appearing in the middle of one of Earth's oceans is not only scientifically impossible but would also result in many problems of its own. On top of that, there's numerous magical problems as well — according to Twilight, it would require such an impractically large amount of magic that she says it's impossible.
      Twilight: Is that what you're saying? That somepony popped Equestria out of our reality and crashed it onto his? How's that even meant to work? Several trillion tons of continent does not make a gentle impact on another world, not without mega-tsunamis and earthquakes that would level entire cities, followed by a dust cloud that would blanket the world in an artificial winter lasting decades! And what about the world we leave behind, what about Equus? Would it just carry on spinning without a care, despite having a hole several-thousand-miles-across gouged out of the planet's crust? Even if you didn't breach the mantle, creating a supervolcano that would pull the planet inside-out, the change in mass and absence of the Princesses would throw the sun and moon out of their orbits, causing them to collide, or even worse, to impact with Equus itself! Anypony – anything, left behind would die, horribly! Every griffon, every dragon, zebra, reindeer, whatever!
    • Discord, during the gag version of the chapter "The Writes of Passage", breaks down the fourth wall and says, "If you want characters to suddenly start acting out of character like this, go read a Chatoyance fic!"
    • Another potshot is leveled at Chatoyance, specifically at her story The PER: Michelson and Morely - The Speed of Right, where a side character named Victor Kraber reveals that his children were ponified at their birthday party by TCB!Pinkie Pie working with PER agents, and he was not at all happy to find out about this. In fact, subsequent appearances and references to Kraber make mention of him killing swaths of PER agents, including one incident where he and his friend Kagan Burakgazi stabbed a PER "squire" named Nutmeg Morely to death with a ceramic rat.
    • Yet another middle finger is shot at Chatoyance in the Case Files side story, where it's revealed the founder of the PER was a misanthropic doctor named Jacqueline Dionna Reitman. In other words, she shares the same initials as Chatoyance's real-life name (Jennifer Diane Reitz). For that matter, the names even sound phonetically similar.
      • An unintentional example occurred in the chapter detailing the Human Liberation Front, where a former HLF member named Andrew Silas recounts having known a few transgender people that ended up regretting going through with their sex change operations (while the newfoals never stopped telling other people how great ponification is no matter how long it's been since they were transformed). There is the fact that Chatoyance once infamously put up a "support" website for transgender people advising them to cheat on psychiatric tests that would determine whether they were actually transgender and thus in need of surgery. And there probably are people out there that took her advice to heart. Co-author Doctor Fluffy retroactively turned it into a straight Take That! later on, because he thought it was hilarious.
      • The PHL chapter has TCB!Lyra as a mouthpiece against Chatoyance's depiction of Earth as a dystopia.
      Lyra: (to Aegis) I've seen most humans, and I've visited many places all over Earth. Let me tell you this: they're not living in some dystopia where everything is owned by a greedy minority and every religion is some corrupt scam church like so many newfoals claim! Sure, it isn't perfect, but it's not as though they're riddled with kill-happy criminals, murderers, terrorist fanatics, and whatever else you can think of! They seem happy!
    • The Starvation side story is set in a dirty dystopian version of Rio de Janeiro that's reminiscent of Chatoyance's dystopian vision of Earth in her TCB stories, complete with overpopulated slums, mass murders and rampant starvation. However, it's made abundantly clear that the barrier and the Solar Empire's campaign is very much responsible for turning Rio and many other places on earth into disease-riddled hellhole slums.
    • There's also the pony Catseye, a "white unicorn pony with an orange-pink mane and gold-rimmed glasses". This image is a dead-on match for Chatoyance's profile picture and her avatar on Fim Fiction Dot Net. Not only does she hate humans as well as the other races living on Equus (to the point that she considers only ponies to be pure and good), but there are also quick blurbs in her introductory scene in the main story that her prejudices extend to half-pony hybrids of other species, and that she herself is some kind of hybrid and hates that about herself, taking great measures to keep her heritage hidden. This is a not-so-subtle reference to the fact that Chatoyance is a transgender woman who has a reputation for coming off as rather misandric.
    • In one chapter, Prime!Celestia showing a distaste for eugenics is a subtle Take That! directed at Chatoyance, where one story states that her Celestia actually used eugenics to make the ponies better by breeding out any "undesirable" traits.
    • It's very easy to miss, but in "Training Days: The First Month", one of Catseye's followers considers using the word 'adamant' in their group's name. Chatoyance once wrote a story called The Reasonably Adamant Down With Celestia Newfoal Society, a none-too-subtle potshot leveled at her critics and critics of the TCB universe in general.
    • In "Training Days: Second Month", Prime!Discord makes a couple quick potshots at conservative pundit Dinesh D'Souza and the notorious evangelist/actor Kirk Cameron.
    • While it was completely unintentional on the author's part, the Last Train from Oblivion side story reveals that the ponification potion only recognizes the biological sex of the human converts (meaning a transgender woman would get turned into a stallion and a transgender man into a mare). As co-author Kizuna Tallis pointed out, it could be read as a potshot at Chatoyance, herself a transgender woman who's sometimes expressed Otherkin tendencies. Making this funnier (or more disturbing) is that the transgender woman that this is demonstrated on was named Jason when she was male... which is widely believed to be Chatoyance's birth name. Author TB3 later clarified that it was all coincidental, but Kizuna, Doctor Fluffy, and Vox Adam all agreed it was hilarious nonetheless.
  • The ultimate potshot is leveled at Chatoyance in the story "The REAL Conversion Bureau"; this is because a character named Cat's Eye is quietly removed from a position of power, drugged up to the gills, and locked away in the rubber room for calling for the mass ponification of the humans that kept showing up thanks to a Negative Space Wedgie. After all, only a small fraction of them were dickish enough to warrant the process; all that needed to be done was get most of them to fit in was to change the gaudy art projects they called money into good, honest bits and send them on their merry way.
  • The Fanfic The Conversion Bureau: Worlds Where It Wouldn't Work, involves "Xlestia" and the TCB going to other fictional worlds only for their attempts to convert the local population to end horribly.
    • The first reader suggestions chapter end with a fairly jarring one to "Fall Of Equestria".
    • There are many jabs at the very idea of the "Tyrantlestia" interpretation. Including, but not limited to, portraying her as childish and hypocritical, comparing her to canon Celestia, and of course, having her plans fail miserably, get her and Equestria killed, if not worse, and/or having other characters telling her off.
  • All-American Girl (Shinzakura) briefly mentions an in-universe movie called The Converters directed by a misanthropic pony named Catseye. To add further insult, the film is depicted as a common propaganda film for the Purehooves (a pro-Equestriani/anti-human hate group).
    Discord: Would you care for a cupcake? Never cared for them myself. Too bloody.
  • Numerous examples in Diaries of a Madman, from comments aimed at other works showcasing humanity negatively to taking shots at the plot of the show itself.
  • A Diplomatic Visit:
    • A minor one to Cupcakes (Sergeant Sprinkles) when, in chapter 20, Pinkie mentions some rumors about her and meat cupcakes, which Rainbow Dash tells her were started by a PVE (Pony Vegan Environmentalists) member after she didn't fall for their way of thinking.
    • In chapter 4 of the second sequel, Diplomacy Through Schooling, to the canon set-up for the School of Friendship.
    Moondancer: "You're really putting in all the effort possible Twilight,"
    Twilight: "Well of course I am, I couldn't just announce I was planning to open a school with just the girls and myself out of the blue, could I?"
    • Season 9's plot of putting Twilight in sole charge of the country gets one in chapter 8, when Twilight says that "forcing one pony to run the country, with the help of assisting councils or not, is not something that any rational being would do", and points out that Starswirl asked two alicorns to run things together rather than just one for a reason.
    • Season 9's plot of putting Twilight in sole charge gets another zing in chapter 14, when Magic tells Twilight that another Celestia had told her Twilight, completely out of nowhere, that she and Luna were leaving the throne to her, and tells her to make sure her Celestia understands that she doesn't want to be running the country, even if there is another newer alicorn to rule with her.
    • Celestia's retirement plan from canon gets another zing in the epilogue. This time though, it's explained that the Diplomacy-verse's Celestia, though she would love to retire from her status as an active ruler, is not going to just abandon her responsibilities and hand them over to someone who's unprepared for them, and is explicitly willing to wait another thousand years for her successor to be ready if that's what it takes, or just to keep it up forever, because Twilight's happiness means so much to her.
    • The epilogue of the fourth story, The Diplomat's Life, has one to the Wonderbolts' habit of giving their members cruel nicknames, revealing that unlike in canon, Rainbow Dash did not just let this slide and informed them directly that it's what her foalhood bullies used to call her, thus prompting Spitfire to drop the whole thing.
  • My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic:
    • Titan blowing up Equestria and the author turning the main cast into losers who can't do anything without the Unicornicopians' help may be one, taking the Revenge Fic nature of the story into account.
    • A more explicit example is given later on. In a flashback chapter, we see the Grand Ruler as a teenager being constantly bullied by a unicorn with the name Dusk Shine (who would later grow up into King Sombra). Said character is based on someone who posted on fimchan and asked the author about various plot holes.
    • The entirety of Chapter 5 of Starfleet Magic 3 is a prolonged attack on all his critics.
    • Fall of Starfleet, Rebirth of Friendship, in turn, is a big one to the fic in general.
  • In Prince Staghorn's Known World, the Kingdom of Tricornucopia, home of the amphibious tricorns, is one to My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic itself. Tricornucopia’s immortal Grand Ruler Celesto styles himself as a living god and “rightful master of all things under heaven”, ruling with absolute power over a country that presents itself as the greatest of nations, defended by a grandiose Star Fleet. In reality, Tricornucopia’s an isolationist North Korea-esque dictatorship centered on Celesto’s cult of personality, the country itself a useless jag of swampland on the coast of the Badlands, home to nothing of any interest (not even the weird fauna found everywhere else in the world) and with no imports or exports. Celesto is a coward and a bully, and both he and his country are complete non-entities in world politics (although Equestria maintains an embassy to help oppressed Tricornucopians flee their country), and Star Fleet is just Celesto’s most blindly loyal and ruthless soldiers. To add insult to injury, tricorns as a species are descending into nonsapience.
  • Of Mares and Magic had some fun with the creepy fan-made game "Story of the Blanks".
  • The author for Pink Personal Hell And Altering Fate has taken a habit to referring to Hasbro as "Ha$bro".
  • The Powers of Harmony takes a stab at a major plot point of The Immortal Game (Celestia manipulatively training Twilight to be the greatest warrior ever) when Luna asks Celestia if Twilight knows any offensive magic:
    Celestia: If she does, she didn't learn it from me. We covered a few theories on why certain spells have been declared forbidden, but it's not like I was prepping her for war. The next thing I'm going to hear you say is that I was secretly turning her into a brilliant military strategist so that she'd rise up and become the ultimate weapon.
    Luna: Now that's just absurd.
  • The Unexpected Love Life of Dusk Shine contains more than a few, but probably the most notable are the two that Vinyl Scratch and Pipsqueak deliver. You see, Pipsqueak was raised by his parents to be a teen pop star, releasing a song loved by fillies everywhere that went by the name of "Baby." And he hated it. Likewise, Vinyl didn't have the singing talent, so her parents invested in autotune to make a video of her singing "Friday."
  • There are a lot of Take Thats aimed at the infamous Dark Fic Cupcakes in MLP fanworks, ranging from the gentle (The Light in the Darkness) to most of the things described here:
    • Cupcakes A$$ Kicking is a massive jab at Grimdark fics and their writers in general.
    • Progress makes a jab at the story.
    • As did Rainbooms and Royalty's sequel Hot Heads, Cold Hearts, and Nerves Of Steel, when the bushwoolies mention that they wanted to bake Pip, Alula, and Dinky into pastries. Pinkie's reaction borders on Berserk Button-pressingly angry, adding the double-whammy as Pinkie Pie was the antagonist of the Cupcakes story:
      Pinkie Pie: Trying to bake ponies into pastries? That's disgusting AND stupid! Who would ever even THINK of doing a thing like that?!
  • Hands: At one point, Andrew and Nurse Redheart are discussing literature, and Andrew states his hatred for The Catcher in the Rye, calling it boring and deriding the protagonist as a whiny hypocrite.
  • The Rise of Darth Vulcan: The titular Villain Protagonist serves to point out flaws in the setting that fans of the show have ever noticed and complained about, as well as flaws in several versions of Equestria in Fanfiction, mostly regarding the actions of the Mane Six and Celestia, and how Celestia is perceived by the fandom. That being said, at one point he also takes the time to deride The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, seeing both as overrated and running on plot holes. That last part, however, is not the author's opinion, but the character's; the author is fond of Lord of the Rings, and the Villain Protagonist is an arrogant teenage bully who thinks he's more clever and knowledgeable than he actually is, and his ignorance regarding why the Eagles didn't take the fellowship to Mordor may actually be a stealth jab against pretentious people that have levied those complaints before.
  • The Two Sides of Daring Do: AK Yearling mentions a past adventure she had that closely resembles the plot of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. When she published a Daring Do book about it, her fans thought it sucked.
  • Integration: Sunset, both Twilights, and Dog Spike all react to disgust and horror seeing fan art of Daydream Shimmer and Midnight Sparkle doing things to each other. Sunset also complained earlier that despite humans having every computer in the world connected the majority of people just use it to complain about TV shows, a certain example being not liking the newborn (an obvious take on the recent Real Life fan reaction to the birth of Shining and Cadence's daughter Flurry Heart).
  • The Origins of Sentient Life as narrated by Discord briefly mentions that AOLon of Marville origin was destroyed. Discord comments that no one really should care that it was destroyed.
  • My Little Pony: Totally Legit Recap:
    • Celestia describes the girl's toy aisle as an unholy land, where friendship means nothing and only money matters.
    • The Narrator repeatedly criticizes Equestria Girls not because Hasbro decided to do the project, but because they could have put a lot more effort into making dolls of the same quality as their Monster High competition.
    • "If just talking things out was a viable plot option, the teen-drama genre would just disappear into thin air."
    • The Humane Five make fun of "Brad" (Flash Sentry) in his first scene in the sequel and even tell Sunset that while they can get over the whole turning into a demon thing, they will give her crap for dating him.
    • Also from Rainbow Rocks:
      Adagio: Aria, if you can figure out a way to absorb negative energy through the Internet, we can take over the entire fucking multiverse in a day.
    • The second part of Rainbow Rocks has the girls playing "Nookie" by Limp Bizkit, with Spike calling it "shit." Rainbow Dash says that rap-rock is just a genre that works when it's done well; Applejack counters that rap-rock is never done well, and that playing it at the Battle of the Bands will give everyone AIDS.
  • ...That's It? is all about Twilight Sparkle having this response regarding Starlight Glimmer's Freudian Excuse (in contrast to her canon reaction). When Starlight says that the reason she almost caused The End of the World as We Know It is because her friend Sunburst moved away when they were kids after he got his cutie mark, Twilight is utterly dumbfounded, reacting with the fic's title. Twilight proceeds to explain how childish, petty, and selfish this all is to Starlight, who listens.
  • The Flash Sentry Chronicles: At the end of Season 6, the author's notes refer to My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree as "the legend that never should have been written". The author has announced previously that the film is his least favorite in the series, due to how it mistreated Flash Sentry (his favorite character), and that he plans to "right the wrongs" that were done to him in it for his adaptation.
  • Estee is evidently not a fan of the tsundere trope, and when it appears in the Triptych Continuum or its spinoffs, it always gets presented in a negative light.
    • In the Continuum fanfic A Duet For Land and Sky, original character Akane Mutsu is a Type A tsundere and presented as a volatile, unpredictable, self-centered jerkass whose Arranged Marriage is on the rocks because her fiance has repeatedly tried to run away rather than marry her. Given the character is also clearly a Shout-Out to Akane Tendo, also doubles as a Take That! to Akane.
    • In Triptych-adjacent fanfic Anchor Foal, living book Harem Fantasy brings up the existence of the Tsundere trope in Equestrian romantic novels, before noting that such characters almost never end up winning the protagonist's love.
  • Twilight Sparkle, You're Being Ridiculous
    • The fic is a Take That! to the "Canterlot Wedding angst" fics, especially the ones that make Twilight's friends and family into monsters while ignoring her mistakes, but in a different way. Many such fics have Princess Celestia exiling Twilight over her misbehavior at Canterlot's wedding. Celestia herself laughs at the idea of banishing Twilight: Princess Celestia is a Reasonable Authority Figure who would never banish her prized pupil and a Bearer of the Elements of Harmony over a minor slight. Instead, they talk their fears and concerns out.
    • The sequel takes a sledgehammer at the idea of Twilight undergoing a Face–Heel Turn: despite being hurt over the wedding, Twilight would still be too nice to be truly villainous and she immediately regrets hurting somepony, even accidentally.


  • In A Teacher's Glory, combines this with Speak Ill of the Dead, in which Asuma and Anko bash Kakashi, or better said, his potential teaching style (which is what he did in canon), who had just been accidentally killed by Team 7 during the bell test:
    Anko: Imagine Kakashi trying to deal with this bunch!
    Asuma: He'd have shown up late, given them minimal instruction, wandered off to read his porn, ignore the girl and the Uzumaki, and tried to pretend Sasuke was Obito as a young genin.
    Anko: And ruined the boy, alternating indulgence, attention, ignoring cries for help and applying misunderstood discipline. He'd been such a prodigy in his own that had no idea how normal kids develop. How many potentially good teams did he fail, five, six? He was a good jonin, and sometimes fun at a party. But he wasn't cut to teach anyone anything. Of his thousand stolen jutsus, how many would he have taught to his students, if he'd ever allowed any to pass?
  • In Bashed, the author expresses their hatred for generic Possession Sue Naruto fics which people use as an excuse to bash the characters they just don't like. And how people tend to Flanderize characters, exaggerate their flaws, or make them downright horrible people as a thinly veiled excuse to bash them when they could come up with much more valid reasons to do so.
  • Black Flames Dance in the Wind gives one to not only the typical '90s Anti-Hero but, to a lesser extent, the story's own design of Naruto. OC Ken exclusively wears dark armored clothing with lots of pockets, only goes by a nickname, and uses a mask with built-in voice changer to make himself sound more impressive. His teammate notes that originally, Ken seemed awesome and like "an anime antihero" but after a while it just comes across as annoying and immature.
  • The Omake at the end of chapter 86 of the AU Fanfiction The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn is one long Take That at Uke!Iruka, Purple Prose, Gratuitous Japanese, Ukefication, beast-men, Mister Seahorse, and Yaoi Fangirls. The last part also counts as Self-Deprecation, since the fic is written by a yaoi fangirl for yaoi fangirls.
    Impatient, I reached over and pulled down the quilt, revealing my stunning, immaculate, Adonis-like, statuesque, perfect husband. I wasn't quite sure when we had gotten married – probably about the same time I had gotten pregnant – but I was fairly certain we were married.
  • The entirety of the one-shot Incense is how pathetic the kunoichi from the Konoha 11 are.
  • In Naruto: The Gamer Files, when Sasuke reveals the genjutsu used to weed out the hopeless prior to the Chuunin Exams, Kin outright calls him a complete dumbass for making more competition. After Sasuke gives his name and boasts about beating her in the exams, Kin insists his name is dumbass until he proves otherwise.
  • Escape From The Hokage's Hat jabs at Naruto being banished by the council after succeeding/failing the Sasuke retrieval mission. In the first chapters, before the advisors even explain why, Tsuande makes it clear it shouldn't be for "injuring that little traitor". She also doesn't cave in like most fics portray her as doing, and decides to retaliate by punishing all guilty parties who have attacked and even placed additional seals on Naruto, leaving the village with Naruto for "medical leave" while bringing Shizune and Hinata with her, and places Jiraya in charge of the village while she is gone to handle the advisors for her.
    • The Third Hokage's law is also jabbed, with Ino and Choji getting frustrated with their parents for not explaining why Naruto is hated. From their perspective, it appears as if the village simply hates Naruto and has done its best to abuse him and sabotage his career just for being annoying.
  • The Last Prayer takes a shot at Sakura's canon relationship with Sasuke, particularly Kishimoto declaring that Sakura would be a terrible person if she gave up on him. Ino uses blackmail she has on Sakura to break her obsessive love with Sasuke, stating that what Sakura feels for him is extremely unhealthy.
    Ino: I bet Sasuke could beat you, could try to kill you, could try to kill your parents, your teammates, or even everyone in this village, and you would still "love" him. Do you think that's normal? Do you? Because that sounds like the delusional fantasy of what some anti-social man thinks a woman's love is.
  • New Chance has LOTS of them, but worth mentioning is an omake that makes extensive use of Bland-Name Product to point out all the plot holes and inconsistencies in the manga that many fans complain about.
    • There is one against Jiraiya when he's introduced, with Minato beating him for neglecting his duties as Naruto's godfather and not taking care of him all those years, as well as the poor training he gave Naruto during the time skip in the original timeline.
    • Kushina goes to great lengths (up to threatening to castrate the Hokage (Jiraiya) and Iruka) to make sure Naruto doesn't end up in Team 7 again. She considers Team 7 from the original timeline "an utter disaster".
    • Also, when Naruto returns to Konoha after playing a big part in repelling the Iwa-Oto invasion, he finds the villagers outside and laud him as a hero. Kushina notes that this scene is similar to when Naruto defeated Pain in the original timeline, except that "there is no Sakura congratulating Naruto with a punch while the girl who always believed in him has to watch in the background."
    • When Naruto learns that they made a(n admittedly campy) superhero show based on Shino, Naruto wonders if he could convince the same producers to make a series about him, based on the data he has on the original timeline...but discards the idea, guessing that the series would end up completely focusing on the Uchihas.
    • Like The World's Greatest Chunin Exam Team below, there's another one to the infamous ninth OVA in which Naruto is banned from using Sage Mode in the Chunin Exam. Before the last phase of the Chunin Exam begins, Jiraiya proceeds to ban not just Sage Mode, but Bloodline Limits, specialized clan techniques, summons, Chakra Gates, animal companions, poisons, weapons and tools other than kunai and shuriken, and bijuu powers, for the sake of having a "fair fight". After the initial shock, Jiraiya reveals he was just joking, and that only a retard who doesn't get the true meaning of the Chunin Exam (a war simulation between villages) would do that.
  • In Not Hokage Material, even after saving the world, Naruto is blocked from becoming Hokage. With the head of the Sarutobi Clan citing the many, faults and fundamental issues with Naruto's character than make him unfit for the position.
  • Team 7 in A Political Perspective makes sure all their plans rely on an accurate assessment of their abilities, rather than rely on sudden and unexplained power ups in the middle of a fight, no doubt a shot at canon.
  • The Promise gives a quick shot to The Last: Naruto the Movie when Hanabi talks about how obsessed Hinata is with Naruto:
    Hanabi: I'm telling you Naruto, if there was a genjutsu to make you fall in love with her, then she'd use it in a heartbeat. It'll probably make you into the type of scumbag that would say he only liked Sakura because of Sasuke or something. Even I wouldn't want you to claim that.
  • Son of the Sannin has quite a few:
    • When discussing how the teams of Naruto's graduating class were formed, Jiraiya points out that a lot of thought has to go into it. He specifically mentions how grouping Naruto and Sasuke together would have been a very bad idea due to how competitive they were.
    • The Fanfic's take on Uzushiogakure's downfall is one towards its general depiction on most other Fanfics, in which Uzushio is portrayed as a Utopia with the Uzumaki being an uber-badass Too Good for This Sinful Earth clan, ruled by an "Uzukage". In the story, it was Uzushio's leader's delusions of grandeur that brought the wrath of Kumo and Kiri upon his village when he declared himself a Kage and attempted to invade Kiri while they were busy fighting Kumo, with Konoha begging them not to do such a foolish thing since their forces were spread thin and wouldn't be able to help Uzushio.
    • In the interlude between the Chunin Exams preliminaries and the finals, Shizune brings both Sakura and Karin to continue their training. When Karin asks why she brought Sakura too, Shizune replies "Just because she didn't make it to the finals it doesn't mean I should forget about her. What kind of neglectful sensei would do that?". It's even highlighted with a Sneeze Cut to Kakashi elsewhere.
    • In Chapter 67, there's one towards Rin happily welcoming Obito into the afterlife despite all the atrocities he committed in her name. The story portrays her visibly outraged and hurt for all the pain and deaths he caused, and makes it clear she'll do everything in her power to stop him.
    • The same chapter also includes a subtle one about how the fights in canon became more focused on power than strategy as the series went on.
    • The Chapter 68 omake has a potshot at the Filler episodes at the end of Part I of the anime. Itachi traps an Amegakure ninja in his Tsukuyomi to extract info from him, and proceeds to torture him by forcing him to watch the entire filler season of an In-Universe animated series, calling them "seventy-two hours of mediocre writing, forgettable characters, cheap animation, and nonsensical yet predictable plots".
    • In Chapter 122, Itachi dismisses the idea of a secret time-loop genjutsu as nonsense, referencing how he defeated Kabuto with Izanami in canon.
    • Chapter 126 has Naruto and Fu meeting the spirit of Hagoromo Otsutsuki, who only tells them his story, and when Fu asks if he's not going to give them any new power-ups, he politely reveals that, unlike in canon, he cannot influence the world of the living, meaning that he can't give them new powers or enhance their current ones.
    • In Chapter 130, Naruto says that unless Madara has a way to magically seal all Tailed Beasts back into the Ten Tails in a matter of seconds, he's pretty much screwed. After an awkward silence and him asking whether he can actually do that, Madara admits that even someone as powerful as him can't do such a feat, even comparing it to being able to use Susanoo without his eyes.
  • Sorry's Not Enough gives one to Naruto scolding Boruto for acting just like he did as a child when his reaction to his son Haku trying to paint to Hokage Monument is to take the rest of the day off and spend it with his family. Being Hokage is important, but being a father and a husband is more important.
  • Time Braid has one to Chunin Exam Day in the form of Sakura's number one rule: Don't act like a psycho. Especially noting that "spending years cutting out Sasuke's eye every loop" violates her "Don't act like a psycho" rule.
  • True Potential:
    • It's subtle, but chapter 95 gives one to the fanon idea of Naruto actively being physically abused by Konoha's citizens during his academy days, with the ROOT agent Kido saying that only a fool would willingly assault Konoha's only jinchūriki.
    • In chapter 140, it's mentioned that all the rebel genin who took part in the Kirigakure Civil War were given a Field Promotion to chūnin (and some to jōnin) as a reward once the war was won. Upon hearing this, Naruto says that remaining a genin after helping win a war would suck a lot. This is clearly a jab at how Naruto was never given a promotion in canon despite all his amazing deeds through the series:
      Dosu: I mean, that makes sense. I can't imagine helping end a war and then having to remain a genin in the aftermath.
      Naruto: [nodding his head in agreement] Yeah, that would suuuuuck. I know I'd raise hell if I was a genin and then they refused to promote because of some stupid 'you didn't do the Chūnin Exams' bullshit technicality.
  • The World's Greatest Chunin Exam Team gives one to a Filler episode where Naruto retook the Chuunin Exams but was banned from using Sage Mode and lost as a result, costing him a promotion. Not only does Tsunade immediately slam the idea of making a rule that only affects a single ninja, but also points out the precedent it'd set, potentially causing future exams to ban Bloodlines or Clan Techniques. Besides, even if Naruto lost, no one would deny an experienced ninja who's also a Sage and possibly the World's Strongest Man a promotion for failing to beat up a few genin.
    • On top of the possibility of banning Bloodlines, Tsunade mentions that the Sharingan is way more overpowered than Sage Mode, as it gives its user new powers whenever the user needs them.
    • There's also another one against the "Naruto retakes the Chunin Exam but ends up fighting surprisingly powerful opponents" Fandom-Specific Plot. The story builds up a certain team from Kiri as a threat, who are more powerful than they look, and want to kill Naruto in revenge for Minato killing their parents during the Third Shinobi War. When they finally are about to fight, they reveal themselves and how powerful they are...only to be defeated by Killer B (one of Naruto's teammates) in less than fifteen seconds in a very anticlimactic way. Even if they were more powerful than the average genin, they had no chance to defeat an S-class ninja, much less three of them. To drive the point further, the author mentioned in a note at the end of the chapter how much he hates this Fandom-Specific Plot as well as superpowerful OCs, and the fact that he created these characters in an incredibly lazy way: he used a Japanese random name generator to choose their names, as well as writing "Naruto OC" on Google Image Search to choose their appearance.
  • As the title suggests, the fic Why a Civilian Council is Inappropriate not only jabs at the concept of a civilian council but also at how prevalent it is in Naruto Fanfiction and how it’s utilized.


  • In Shards To A Whole, when Tony and Ziva officially get together, Tony asks Tim (who enjoys an active if mildly kinky sex life with Abby) for advice when Ziva mentions that she is interested in "ropes and things". When Tony mentions "this book they're making into a movie soon," Tim immediately replies, "No, don't go reading Fifty Shades of Grey," saying that he and Abby read it and found it unintentionally hilarious but not even remotely sexy.
    • This becomes a Brick Joke in a subsequent chapter set about 2 years later (the story's a bit of a Door Stopper), when Tim is decorating a "harem" themed bedroom for himself and Abby.
      Tony: So what, Palmer and Breena have the real bedroom and this is your 'red room'?
      Tim: I told you not to read the book.
      Tony: I didn't. Watched the movie. Waste of eleven dollars.

Neon Genesis Evangelion

  • Advice and Trust: Chapter 6 devoted a long paragraph to explain that Gendo's strategy used to fight Bardiel in canon was incredibly stupid:
    Shinji gripped the controls harder. He didn't like this. They wouldn't give him any information about what they were about to face, and worse, he couldn't even see his friends. His father had ordered them to deploy in a line, not across the axis of advance, but parallel to it, ensuring that they'd meet the enemy one by one instead of together. They were out there in front of him, somewhere, hidden from his sight behind the small hills and ridges of the area, but in such a way that none of them could cover the others until they'd fallen back from where they were located now. For all the cover and supporting fire he could offer, Shinji might as well have been back in Tokyo-3. He knew he was no general, but it made no sense to him. He really wished Misato was in command. Asuka was at the front of the line, in the position of maximum danger, and he couldn't even see her, much less support and protect her in a fight.
  • The fic New Champion Evangelion is one long truly Facepalm-inducing Take That! against Shinji as a character, intended to show what would happen if a "MANLY NON PUSSY guy" took his place. A more specific example when Ramiel (which is never named) is described as "A HUGE BLOCKY THING IT SEEMD KIND OF LIKE A REFRENCE TO THAT SHITTY MOVIE FROM THA 60S THAT WAS REALLY FUCKING BORING I THINK IT WAS DIRECTDED BY THAT GUY CUBICROCK OR SOMETUING"
  • Shinji And Warhammer 40 K contains a Take That! against Neon Exodus Evangelion.
    "I wanted a Shinji that could go; DJ Croft? Who's that?"

Omen IV: The Awakening

  • Always Visible: In the third act, from Heathrow Airport to the "Stait of Snow Lake" Galbraith was driven by a taxi driver, who starts a conversation with the passenger on the topic of how modern literature panders to the base instincts of the audience and cites Stephen King's "Carrie" as an example, quoting a line from the very first page of this work. This passage itself is a reworking of the short quote "Like Carrie setting fire to the prom powerful?" that was said by a random character in the movie Omen IV: The Awakening, who inspired this work.

Odd Squad

  • OSMU: Fanfiction Friction has so many jabs at so many things that it's almost enough for its own page. Needless to say, the author is very fond of taking potshots at things in general, from actors to media to everything in between. Among the potshots taken include:
    • Oswald remarking that the majority of Odd Squad fanfics are bad, followed by Opal having an addendum in the form of "but they mean well".
    • The entirety of Chapter 4, which is targeted at one person on Deviantart in particular known for making stories involving naked agents (who are children) being teleported to random places and/or stripped of all their clothing. In particular, the agents are rightfully weirded out about the stories' core concept and about the action itself of being suddenly teleported while nude, and Oswald is also scarred after being put in the shoes of the protagonists of the stories.
    Olympia: I mean, can you honestly imagine [me and Oona], the Big O, and Olive going around to waterparks and using a gadget that makes boys' swimtrunks disappear? [shakes head] Not only is that awful, it's causing oddness! We'd all get kicked out of Odd Squad!
    Oscar: D'you really think I'd be using these showers if they could zap me somewhere else? I mean, obviously I would never. As President of the Scientists, I have my dignity to maintain...
    • Todd remarking that Dr. Phil isn't a real doctor in Chapter 6, and the same chapter then taking two shots at two things in rapid succession.
    Orla: We have heard rumors someone is organizing all of the villains into a super-group!
    Todd: You mean like ABBA?
    Opal: [shakes her head] No, no. Someone is creating a villain network!
    Todd: Oh. You mean like Fox News.
    • Elon Muskrat, a Bad Boss who doesn't pay his employees fairly and looks down upon poor people, stating that when they're given money, they spend it on "silly things, like food and shelter". Bonus points go to him taking care of a creature made out of origami-styled dollar bills and needs to be milked for money, which he sticks Opal with doing.
    • Orla watching The Lawrence Welk Show and Oswald asking her why she wants to watch it since it's for old people, followed by her answering that she's 500 years old, to which Oswald responds with, "Yeah, that's basically the target demographic..." Doubles as hilarious Self-Deprecation against the author.
    • The Hotter and Sexier revival of Bizarre Brigade featured in Chapter 14, which is a three-way potshot aimed at bad revivals of TV shows, people who sexualize children and teenagers, and TV show writers who only add black characters as a Ratings Stunt while only giving them one Mandatory Line.

One Piece

  • In Marie D. Suesse and the Mystery New Pirate Age!, there are quite a few, especially against and One Piece Fanfic cliches. For example, Mar goes up against Hana and Slashfang, two obvious copies of Luffy and Zoro, and who are driven by a desire to prove that their Abusive Parents were wrong about them. Even though the two are overpowered by One Piece standards and Mar has virtually no combat potential whatsoever, Slashfang dies because his Devil Fruit power is impossible, and Hana is knocked overboard, with her Water Devil Fruit powers not overriding the Super Drowning Skills granted by the Devil Fruit.

The Owl House

  • Adventures in the Human Realm: The racist woman who wrongfully profiles Gus uses people who leak TV episodes early onto the Internet as an example of why life isn't fair.
  • Emperor Belos: Great Dictator, Average Father: In Chapter 3, when the Blight children are trying to figure out where to run away to, Mewni is briefly referenced in the context of being inhabited by a crazy butterfly demon that tried to destroy all magic in the universe, and the idea is shot down because they want to live, but they don't want to live that badly.
  • First Date: Tiny Nose pops up at one point to rant about how they're all playthings of the "Giant Mouse" who will destroy them all once they "no longer fit its brand" (the official excuse for why The Owl House was cancelled). Luz and Amity don't take this seriously, and ask what that's even supposed to mean.
  • Luz Clawthorne
    • The Book 1 prologue has Eda make one to The Twilight Saga, stating every vampire and werewolf in the Isles would stake her if she tried to sell one of those books.
    • "Incidents and Family Secrets" has Luz be confronted by students of Hogwash School of Magic for attacking one of their own. She proceeds to mock him for thinking he was "the chosen one", saying that pressuring some poor kid with high expectations for your own needs wasn't healthy.
      • The same chapter mentions a criminal known as Stary Watterfly was arrested for magical terrorism over "not getting a boyfriend".
    • In "The Reveal", Puck (now revealed to be the real Peter Pan) makes a dig at Peter Pan for both the stereotypical Native Americans of Neverland and how messed up it was for Pan to cut off Captain Hook's hand and feed it to the crocodile.
    • The Love Potion trope is looked down on by both authors, and its use here is also a jab at the Harry Potter theory that Harry only loves Ginny because of them.
  • Owl House & Hexside Watches the Owl House:
    • At one point Cornholio warns Luz that if she calls him ‘Corny’ again, he will make her watch the Cats movie.
    • Anti-vaxxers are mocked when Gwendolyne enters the show and exhibits similar viewpoints in regards to potions.
    • Chapter 48 has Cornholio take a potshot at Endeavor and his controversial redemption arc when lamenting about Alador turning out to be nowhere near as bad as Odalia.


  • Quiet Snow criticizes the common misconception that Yukiko's deciding to inherit the inn rather than leave Inaba is a betrayal of her Character Development. It's pointed out in Chapter 6 that Yukiko inheriting the inn is not only a way to support everyone she cares about but is also harder than striking out on her own, and that if she'd inherited the inn merely because she was too spineless to make her own decisions, she would inevitably have failed.


  • A Professor and a Student has one aimed at the infamous G.S Ball, referring to it as 'The premier example of a failed research experiment'.
  • The (Edit) War for Ash’s Freedom to not be Betrayed has several.
    • The entire fic is one against those who use Darker and Edgier in their fanworks to an unrealistic and childish degree. Betrayal fics in particular are treated harshly.
    • Darkern also continually mentions high-ranked and "fierce OU" Pokemon and “downgrades” Ash makes from high-powered moves, taking a jab at overly competitive players.
    • One occurs against Ashes of the Past when Arceus briefly mentions a terrible timeline where the entire Squirtle line became anime fanatics.
    • Arceus tells Darkern that, if he likes pain so much, He could always send him to Zashono Academy.
    • A jab is made at Whitney's Miltank, which Darkern claims is a demon cow. Though as it was Darkern who says it, how much it was meant as an actual take is debatable.
  • Beautiful Light contains a scene where Saturn complains about how he hates the Show Within a Show Kanto Shore. The author's note states that it's a riff of Jersey Shore.
  • The one-shot Tobias Is Arrested, Yo is a jab against the Fandom-Specific Plot where Tobias is stripped of his Sinnoh League win. As Tobias points out to the two cops who are trying to arrest him, if it was really illegal to use a Legendary-only team to do the League challenge, he would have been informed and/or stopped way before his win. When they call him out for denying Ash Ketchum a victory, Tobias admits that he admires Ash, even if he has a tendency to handicap himself when it comes to major competitions. And then it's revealed that "Tobias" never existed in the first place; the identity was created by a group of Legendary Pokémon that wanted to try out the League challenge for themselves. Darkrai in particular is peeved at the officers for trying to claim their win wasn't legitimate.
  • A Ghostly Encounter is set in a universe based on Pokémon: I Choose You!. And given how much the author hates the movie, he makes casual roasts against choices like having Pikachu speak and replacing Ash's companions with new characters. Bonus points for when he compares Ash's companions to the 2008 Detroit Lions.
  • Pokémon: A Marvelous Journey: Chapter 54 is a whole take that to Karen Brewer from The Baby-Sitters Club. The character Abby has based on Karen as there both annoying, self-absorbed, obnoxious little brats; the only difference is that Abby is punished for her actions, and the main characters dislike her. Despite being nice people and would normally help someone in need, Julia, Perrine, and Caiseal all dislike Abby for her bratty behavior. After they return Abby to her parents, they're relieved she's gone.

The Powerpuff Girls

Power Rangers

  • Power Rangers GPX has several, some of them humorous, some of them not so much. There's one bit early on where the main characters trash the pizza they're eating and Code Geass as well. The fic also takes shots at the franchise it was inspired by, calling the show a "twenty-minute toy commercial".

Pretty Cure

Professional Wrestling

Puella Magi Madoka Magica

  • In Prelude to Caribbean Rim, none of a Mexican bar's patrons care when Madoka pulls out a gun "because, seriously, it’s Mexico".


Regular Show

  • The fanfic Potty Mouthed Pops did a not-so-subtle jab at King of the Hill by having Benson and Skips mentally express their displeasure of watching the show. Pops, on the other hand, liked it.


  • Coeur Al'Aran:
    • ARC Corp: At The Twilight Saga and similar vampire romance fiction when Jaune reveals that the vampire myth originated in a gruesome anomalous blood disease, and the revelation persuades Blake to burn her fantasy novels.
    • Arc Royale: Leviathan!Jaune (the only Jaune who's from Earth) comments that the inhabitants of Remnant not knowing what World of Warcraft is means that they're blessed by not seeing the evil of Activision Blizzard.
    • The Entertainer: Jaune can't figure out why Pyrrha has feelings for him as the only noteworthy thing he's done is pretend he didn't know she was famous and thinks to himself how ridiculous it would be if that was her reason.
    • Professor Arc II: Headmaster Arc: The Chapter 33 omake mercilessly mocks Jaune's infamous post-Volume 7 hairstyle change in the show, with Ruby begging to have her eyes gouged out at the sight of it and with it being called a form of evil that only Salem herself could dream up. Another chapter's omake chides Jaune's canon weapons upgrade in Volume 4 to be fancy-looking but completely pointless and impractical.
    • A Rabbit Among Wolves: Takes a potshot at the infamously dialogue-filled "fight" scenes of the show's fifth volume when Blake and Ilia's "fight" in the fic involves them doing nothing but arguing, and Jaune putting himself physically between them doesn't even in any way endanger him.
    • Relic of the Future: It's at one point mentioned that Remnant has its own flat-world theorists, who Jaune regards with absolute derision.
  • RWBY: Destiny of Remnant:
    • A small one to RWBY Volume 4. In chapter 46 Neptune wonders if one of their Semblances brings bad luck, Qrow (who suffers from this in canon) tells him not to be stupid.
    • This fic essentially is a Take That! to how the writers of RWBY handled Pyrrha's death, her character arc, and the second half of Volume 3's story and Volume 4 as a whole.
  • Wizard Of Ships: Ozpin takes a jab at the popular fan theory that he let Jaune into Beacon Academy because he 'saw his potential'.
    [in response to Jaune suggesting it] Ozpin burst out laughing. "Hahahahahahahahaha *snort* Ahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh, dear Monty, I haven't laughed like that in a long time. Thank you, Mr. Arc, I needed that."
  • Emergence (RWBY):
    • After Sam comments that he doesn't think the show RWBY is that good, Cliff points out Sam loves The Expendables and proceeds to blast its shallow plot and over-reliance on action and explosions.
    • Blake uses the alias Bella in high school, only for her classmates to laugh at her for having the same name as the main character of The Twilight Saga. Blake is annoyed as she doesn't like Twilight either. Later, Weiss says it is a piece of shit.
    • After watching Season 2 of the real show, Weiss finds Neptune repulsive and doesn't understand why her animated counterpart likes him.
  • RWBY Alternate: In Chapter 13 of this reaction fic, the characters are learning about Kirby lore and muse how weird it is for these games to have most of their worldbuilding hidden in the pause menus. They then reason that it makes sense for a video game to use that approach, so players can feel free to Play the Game, Skip the Story, before agreeing on how "trash" it would be if someone tried that with any other medium, like a TV show offloading all the important lore concepts into a miniseries. The end notes confirm this was the author expressing their annoyance that RWBY did just that during its earlier seasons with the World of Remnant videos.

Sailor Moon

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

  • Cat-Ra: Catra turns the sword into a collar in Season 4 to make it easier to carry, as since she has started to properly groom herself, her now voluminous and fluffy hair gets in the way when trying to remove it from the sheathe she carried on her back. When asked why she chose her neck of all places, she explains that carrying it on her arm in the form of a bracelet (which Adora did in canon) would make it way too easy for an enemy to take.

The Smurfs

  • Empath: The Luckiest Smurf:
    • "Smurfnip Madness" was a commentary on the American War on Drugs kind of drug prohibition and how costly and ineffective it is to get people to stop using drugs. The moral is less Drugs Are Bad and more "treating recreational drug users like criminals is bad," as Brainy and Hefty go throughout the story as police officers that bust Smurfs for even having a smurfnip joint in their possession.
    • "The Smurf Village Revival" was a commentary about so-called "Christian revivals" in the modern age, with Benedictus being a Composite Character version of Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen.

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Netraptor's Door Stopper series of Sonic the Hedgehog Fanfiction "The Netraptor Sonicverse", contains a few generally subtle ones, generally towards the Sonic fandom. Perhaps one of the more notable examples would be Amy's subplot in "In Pursuit of Revenge", where she attempts to play Operation: Jealousy by attempting to go out with three different people, Tails, Shadow, and Metal Sonic. Tails goes on one awkward date but really is more interested in machines than anything else. Shadow lets her stay with him for a while, but is far more busy with his own subplot and quickly grows tired of her. Metal Sonic (who had long since performed a Heel–Face Turn), turns her down on the spot, albeit in the least rude way of the three, as he is far more interested in his subplot and taking care of his chao.
  • Sonic X: Dark Chaos has several examples in both its setting and its prose.
    • The entire Angel Federation is a truly enormous Take That! to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Especially the Emirate of Mecca, which is basically a damning insult against Muslim theocracies in general and Islam itself as a whole. It's such a huge Take That!, in fact, that it sometimes crosses into borderline racism - the Jews and Muslims are depicted as groups of Future Primitive brown-skinned Human Aliens who prefer fighting each other all the time over petty tribal squabbles, for example. All three countries represent the author's beefs with their religions, even though the recent rewrite balanced their depiction by making them the gray to the Demons' black.
    • The pre-rewrite versions had numerous Take That! moments towards 4Kids Entertainment, who originally dubbed Sonic X. When 4Kids went bankrupt, the author decided the insults weren't needed anymore and removed them.

Star Trek

  • Bait and Switch (STO) mentions that the USS Bajor has a completely redesigned warp core whose ejection system relies on the deadman switch principle, referencing the inevitable Failsafe Failure in the canon shows.
  • The Headhunt:
    • Eleya is overheard ranting at somebody who wants to have the Bajor be used as the set for a movie, which meant to poke fun at one of the other prompts in the literary challenge The Headhunt was written for. The author mentioned in a forum post he couldn't see any of his characters letting that happen.
    • A pair of them directed at the Vocal Minority wanting to see Constitution-class and Miranda-class starships playable at endgame in Star Trek Online, an idea to which the author is vocally opposed on the forums. The fact that the Miranda-class USS Brisbane is still in one piece despite being over a century old is described as miraculous, while the USS Bajor, a Galaxy-class starship launched in 2409, delivers a massive Curb-Stomp Battle to the USS Enterprise-A, even after letting the enemy shoot first.
  • Reimagined Enterprise: A few aimed at the canon Star Trek: Enterprise for which the work is a Fix Fic.
    • The rest of the crew can't stand this "Faith of the Heart" song Rocia listens to...
    • In "The Giant's Foot", Mayweather pretends not to know the name Rigel in order to get a rise out of Al-Hamdani, who points out it is one of the most well-known stars in Earth's night sky. This being a reference to how the canon pilot episode "Broken Bow" bizarrely seemed to think Rigel was an alien name that none of the human crew had heard of before.
  • "Shakedown Shenanigans" aims one at Star Trek: Generations regarding how stupid it was to launch an unfinished starship.
  • "Solaere ssiun Hnaifv'daenn" has one aimed at another Star Trek Online Literary Challenge author, for writing his captain stealing a Hazari vessel that responded to her distress signal. Tovan tells Jaleh in passing that the Eireth nnea Ortaimainote  just issued an arrest warrant on charges of piracy and war crimes, and Jaleh derisively wonders aloud who the hell made that guy an admiral.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil

  • The writers of Janna vs. the Forces of Evil are pretty open about their dislike of the actual show from season three onwards in the authors' notes, with this occasionally slipping into the Fanfic itself. One such example is Pony Head, who is never seen and only described with phrases like "the worst person you know multiplied by cancer" when others ask about her. Another is when Marco and Jackie go on a date and end up at a carnival pier. Marco notes that if their lives were a TV show, despite just having spent a fantastic time together, this would be the moment where they break up. Jackie laughs and immediately says that such a thing would be terrible writing.

Star Wars

  • The Unabridged Memoirs of Darth Plagueis the Wise: When story commentators brought up the possibility of Darth Maul still being alive, like in the Disney Canon, the author made it clear that Maul is dead in this universe, and that no amount of "handwaving or space voodoo" is going to change that.
  • Tarkin's Fist: In Tarkin's Fist II:Dirtside, the Holo Net News is derided by an Imperial civilian as Imperial propaganda. Jason Bogan, an escaped abductee from Earth hiding from Imperial authorities, thinks it sounds no different than anything he'd heard on Fox News or CNN.

Steven Universe

  • The Darkness Between Stars, as a Hate Fic and Deconstruction Fic, is filled with these.
    • While it follows the broad strokes of the canon plotline quite closely, several scenes play out differently thanks to Steven making a host of different decisions, with characters often pointing out how some alternate choice that the canon Steven made would have been awful and morally bankrupt.
    • The canon twist of Rose Quartz secretly being Pink Diamond is called out as absurd and impossible on multiple levels, with the Crystal Gems ending up shocked that the diamonds are stupid enough to believe it when they come up with it themselves.
    • Connie performing a similar maneuver against Blue Diamond as she did in canon results in her being swatted like a fly by the titan, gruesomely injuring and nearly killing her. Bismuth also points out how irresponsible it is to let her fight alongside the Crystal Gems at all when, as a human, she is so much more vulnerable.
  • Flawed Crystals, created by the same people as The Darkness Between Stars, is a fan-made text-based RPG that straddles the line between Fix Fic and Hate Fic. For the most part, though, any jabs made are restricted to the postmortem developer's commentary.
    • When talking about the creation of the battle system, the developer segues a comment on Garnet being a Game-Breaker in Attack the Light into a sarcastic jab at the direction Steven Universe took in its final episodes and particularly in Steven Universe Future:
      "And [letting one party member steal the show is] antithetic to Steven Universe! This show is supposed to be about working together and valuing everyone's contributions, not one person being the center of the universe and single-handedly solving every single problem with overpowered abilities!" *looks directly into the camera*
    • The developer commentary contains more jabs specifically at Attack the Light:
      I called [Pearl's energy blast attack] "Meteor" instead of "Fireball" because I don't pigeonhole cool ideas into bland RPG tropes, Attack the Light.
    • According to the author's notes, Steven's blithe acceptance of his transformation in the bad endings is meant to be a metaphorical jab at the fans who saw nothing wrong with the show's tonal shift in the final episodes.


  • Kara of Rokyn:
    • Dream of the Endless sets in motion a plan to save The Multiverse by altering the outcome of the Crisis on Infinite Earths. The Anti-Monitor gets destroyed, Dream's sister Death claims the Superman of Earth-Two instead of the Supergirl of Earth-One and all infinite worlds continue to exist... including a particularly awful reality, defined as a nightmare.
      There was, of course, another reality in which terrible things happened. In that realm, Kara Zor-El never existed. Barbara Gordon was shot in the spine by the Joker and lost the use of her legs. The Joker went on to beat the second Robin with a pipe, and then blow him and his mother up with a bomb. The Batman would have his back broken by a hulking villain, have to be replaced for a time, and then have his spine reconstructed so that he, impossibly enough, could go back to crime-fighting. Nightwing's and Starfire's wedding would be polluted by a Raven gone demonic. The noblest Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, would go crazy and kill his best friends, try to take on a role like unto that of the Anti-Monitor, and mold his Truth's destiny into a different shape. Superman would die, and not be taken by Death, and would return to life. Millions of others, in Coast City, were not so lucky.
      And the Dreamsmith of that realm died, too.
    • There's another "Take That!" aimed at the fan misconception that Pre-Crisis Lex Luthor hated Superman because of his alopecia:
      Starfire: So your cousin essentially wanted to conquer the world, and kill Superman, and kept at it all these years, just because he lost his hair?
      Nastalthia Luthor: It's not just that. It's losing that early life-form he made, too, but it's not just that. I think it's like... scratch that, I know what it is. It's a competition. Lex is showing that he's as great as the most powerful guy on Earth, and he's doing it just with the power of his mind. But there's more to it, now, even than that.
    • A subtle one to The '80s style headband which Supergirl started wearing at the movie's makers' request.
      She also wore a version of her old Supergirl outfit, blue skirt and all. The headband from her last outfit had been abandoned long ago. It might have been intended as an equality statement, since men were traditionally only headband wearers, but after a while she just thought it looked stupid.

  • A Force of Four aims a subtle shot at an infamous storyline where Superman executed three Kryptonian criminals. As the last law-abiding Kryptonian alive, Power Girl has to decide what must be done with three Kryptonian criminals. Rather than executing them, she gets them thrown in the Phantom Zone.

Super Mario World ROM hacks

Super Smash Bros.

Teen Titans (2003)

  • Beast Boy and Raven Join PETA is a big fat "Screw you!" towards, well, PETA.
  • New Tamaran
    • In chapter 37, Control Freak becomes a piss-take at Adam Conover.
    • Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl both at one point say, “Sometimes we need to destroy what we hate to protect what we love” – a blatant inversion of a line by Rose Tico.
    • Chapter 8 of Justice Returns has jabs at Teen Titans Go! And Titans (2018).
    • Abner Smith from Wonder Girl’s origin is a middle finger to Bradley/Chelsea Manning and Wikileaks.
    • Conversely, Cheshire’s origin begins as a condemnation of drone strikes and civilian casualties in The War on Terror.
    • In Bumblebee’s origin, her followers devolve into a parody of Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
    • Kid Flash’s origin involves a school shooting, and contains some harsh commentary on how modern society responds to mass shooters:
      “Then it was just me and the shooter. I knew I should have just left him bound for the authorities. But this was hardly the first school shooter in my lifetime, and I recalled what had happened to the others. All given life in a luxurious prison cell, three square meals a day, letter correspondence with their admirers, and voting rights. I didn’t want that scum to get off so easy.”
      “The nation couldn’t stop talking about the shooting. Gun control advocates used it to push for stricter gun bans (even though the shooter was too young to legally purchase any firearm, and anyone who pointed that out was accused of hating children). On the flip side of the spectrum, alternative radio hosts accused the shooting as a government set up, and the grieving families were crisis actors who needed to get summer jobs.”
      “Thankfully, Aunt Iris finally shut the media off. She knew what we needed was time to grieve. To realize that we couldn’t save everyone, and how rage can easily take us over.”
      • And this line directed towards the security guard at Parkland:
        “This man … whose sole job was to protect the students … failed to do so … acted like a coward … and was showing no remorse for it. A second later, Uncle Barry was standing where that coward was - right leg sprawled out in front of his left, his right arm punching forward – and the coward was replaced with a blood explosion.”

The Legend of Korra

  • Book 5: Legends has one to shippers:
    Korra "Is my love life always going to be such a huge source of gossip?"
    Mako "People Talk. And you're the Avatar, people talk about you more than most."
    • Princess Koko could be seen as a light-hearted one to Friendship is Magic and Word of God is that it was indeed meant as a humorous jab at the My Little Pony Legend series by MaggieHeartsLove.
    • Also, to the supposed superiority of Aang’s era vs Korra’s:
      "The world needed Aang to be the Avatar when he was. We were at war... in more ways than one... and we needed a peacemaker and a savior. But in this day and age, we don't need that. We’d already been saved. Worse, we'd become stagnant and... complacent. Boring even. What we needed was someone to shake up the status quo and get big change started."
  • Forced to Be a Family
    • While the show tended to take Suyin's side in the fight between siblings, this story takes Lin's side, emphasizing that Su used up all her chances with Lin, not to mention her association with the Triads got four people killed. Worse, they were Lin's squadmates, so Su's declarations of "I've changed" fall on deaf ears, backed up by Aang's children pointing out both sides of the Su's story. "I was a stupid kid who saved her sister's life and now she won't even acknowledge I exist," sounds a little different from "She made lots and lots of mistakes, and while she saved my life, she did it at the cost of four of my teammates," which is how Lin tells the tale.
    • Tenzin was presented as a wise mentor character in the show, offering platitudes advocating peace and centering oneself. Lin does not even slightly listen, making it very clear to him that while those high morals are all well and good for the monk, she lives in a world where she has to deal with homicides, violence, and terrorist armies. Advocating patience or calm could get people killed in those situations.
  • In Instincts of a Fearful Body when Malina (Unalaq's widow) explains to Eska and Desna Unalaq's plan to become the Dark Avatar the twins and her comment on how underwhelming the plan is and that it lacks subtlety. Jinora lampshades that they seem almost disappointed that Unalaq didn't have a better evil plan.
  • The Saga of Avatar Korra:
    • In "Crystal Skies", Korra tells Mako about a book she bought with the gift certificate that he gave to her about a girl entering into a relationship with a guy who practically stalks her and ties her up and whips her a lot. Sound familiar?
    • Also in "Crystal Skies" when Bolin is talking to Kuvira about her plans for the future and he asks her about Chin the Conqueror, she calls the historical figure stupid for challenging the Avatar to a duel and expecting to win. One can imagine that this Kuvira would have some choice words about some of the actions of her canon counterpart.

The Rising of the Shield Hero

Total Drama

  • In Keepers of the Elements, the author makes jabs at The Twilight Saga and Rebecca Black more than once. She also has one that takes a jab at the show Jon & Kate Plus Eight.
    Deanna: Yep. My boys Tony, Adrian, and Eric are identical triplets. After that experience, what sane person would want more?
    Heather: Jon and Kate?
    Deanna: Like I said- what sane person would.

  • Total Drama All-Stars Rewrite:
    • Sierra dishes one out to those who ship Dawn and Scott upon finding out that Dawn's attracted to Noah.
    "Ooooh my blog readers are gonna FLIP!!! For some reason they keep wanting Dawn to hook up with Scott... (giggles) and they say I’M crazy!"
    • Another one is dealt at the shipping of Jo and Brick. In one of the Aftermaths, Sierra tells them that a lot of bloggers want to see the two as a couple. Jo and Brick laugh at the idea.
    • Also to the Ship-to-Ship Combat of Gwen/Duncan against Gwen/Trent and Duncan/Courtney. Bridgette and Geoff reveal they've received hundreds of angry letters about Gwen hooking up with Duncan, and Trent has to step in and tell viewers to put an end to it and that he's okay with Gwen being with Duncan. Duncan himself later says he no longer wants to return to Courtney as well, due to being fed up with her behaviour.
    • One to the canon version of how Mal is defeated. When Lindsay asks on the Aftermath if Scott hitting Mike on the head with a shovel cured Mike of his MPD, Harold furiously rants about how a mental disorder cannot simply be cured at the press of a button.

  • Monster Chronicles:
    • This story takes several shots at Duncan and Gwen's relationship arc, as both characters receive heavy criticism for their actions along with the fact that they inadvertently caused Cedric to be released.
    • This story can be also as this for Duncan's story arc in All-Stars. Like in All-Stars a dangerous person is in the game, yet Duncan is more focused on still being seen as a bad boy rather than stopping them. This was seen as very cowardly and dumb in the story, with even Cedric calling him out on his actions.Duncan realizes this and decides to give up his reputation in favor of stopping Cedric, even performing a Heel–Face Turn.
  • In Chapter 35 of You're on Total Drama Island, Charlie Brown!, when Chris McLean greets the campers in the morning and asks how they're feeling, everyone responds with retorts like "Bite me," "Stick it down your throat," and "Eat it, McLean." When Izzy snaps, "Go watch Jersey Shore!" Tyler yells, "Izzy! Too harsh!"

The Twilight Saga

  • Luminosity: Edward and rational!Bella discusses what to name their child. They want to root her to the family since she's going to be so rare a species that she may only see someone else like her once. The obvious way to do so is to combine Bella and Edward's mothers' names, but they decide that any combination of Renée and Esme sounds like a Pokémon.
  • Since As Dreams Are Made On starts from the premise of a fictionalized version of the author landing in the body of Bella Swan on the day of her arrival in Forks, and the protagonist has read the books (as well as some supplementary material and Fanfic), there are a few instances of this scattered throughout the story. Most notably, when the protagonist Cass explains hybrids to Carlisle and goes on to explain how vampires and Quileute shifters are meant to have additional chromosome pairs compared to humans, Carlisle blinks before remarking, "All of that sounds extremely unlikely."
  • Tough Love: Charlie says that, since Bella isn't good at much else besides complaining and crying, maybe she could become a movie critic because they do that a lot.

The Vampire Diaries

  • In the first chapter of "The High Road", Damon says Katherine is like Snooki...with fangs

Voltes V

  • Do No Harm is a Troll Fic designed to deconstruct the popular "Underfell" Alternate Universe, with several jabs at the way Underfell fics normally go (particularly their obsession with the skelebros). But it's not until the ending that it really pulls the trigger, where the monsters are not redeemed by The Power of Love, and releasing a bunch of over-the-top evil monsters into the world instead results in another human-monster war. The final scene then has Asriel chew Frisk out in a thinly-veiled allegory for Underfell writers themselves, accusing them of creating the dark Alternate Universe because they were bored of the happy, wholesome canon.
  • Undertale: Papyrus's Belief: The Underevent showcase in which the project was first revealed pokes fun at the original "Disbelief" Alternate Universe by having the trailer start with Disbelief Papyrus giving his "complex emotions" speech to the player...until he's interrupted halfway through by someone off-screen, who turns his SOUL blue so they can lift him out of view as he stares on in surprise. That's when this game's version of Papyrus jumps into the place he was standing.
    Disbelief Papyrus: Human. Allow me to tell you about some very complex feelings. Feelings like...losing someone you lo—WHO ARE YO--

Warhammer 40,000

  • In The Age of Dusk, there's a fair few to both the parent work and other works:
    • Warhammer 40000 writer Matt Ward takes a few whacks courtesies of The Age of Dusk. One of the more notable examples is having Kaldor Draigo become of the highest Angyl Princes of the Star Father (the God-Emperor who has died and become a ruthless Chaos God of Order) while the other Grey Knights oppose the Star Father, claiming he is an affront to the Emperor and all he stood for. Oh, and the famous saying that Matt Ward only created Draigo because he wasn't allowed to bring Roboute Guilliman back to life? In this story, Roboute Guilliman does just that, gives Draigo the ass-kicking of a lifetime and then banishes his sorry ass back to the Warp.
    • One of Matt Ward's other poorly-received creations also gets this treatment. The Dreadknight was a sort of Humongous Mecha introduced in Codex: Grey Knights, and while powerful, the model was mocked for having an exposed head for the driver. In this story, Brother-Captain Stern is killed piloting one with a single headshot from a lasgun, probably the weakest weapon in the entire setting.
    • There's also a big one to The Salvation War. A war is fought between the Tau Empire and their allies against the Chaos Realm of the Terran Hells. The allies are convinced the war will be a cakewalk as they are armed with modern tanks and energy weapons while the Daemons are armed with spears, bows, axes and other Iron-age weapons. They are wrong in that assumption.


Yin Yang Yo!

Young Justice (2010)

  • Now We Can Be Diamonds Together is one towards the Fan Dumb portions of the Steven Universe fandom. Will Harper's daughter Lian draws her dad as "Orange Diamond", and Will puts it up online to share with their friends. While a number of the comments on it are positive and encouraging, there are also plenty of assholes who bash the drawing for various reasons ("only girls can be Gems", "Diamonds OCs are super lazy", "you stole my gemsona", "you're a fake fan who's ruining the fandom", etc.), insult the quality of the art (it even ended on a "bad SU fan-art" blog, which is how most of the jerks found it), and outright call Lian racial slurs, never mind that she's three. The worst offender (which sets off the Papa Wolf/Mama Bear instincts of the entire team) is someone who threatens to track down Lian and do vile, unspeakable things to her; he's later shown to be an unpleasant person who thinks it's his job to harass fans who "deserve" it (and is implied to have participated in the online bullying and harassment of Zamii070) and uses a "Just Joking" Justification towards it. Needless to say, no sympathy is spared for him when Barbara leaks all his "jokes" to every person he's ever known after wiping out his bank account and Cheshire kills him.


  • A Mother's Touch bashes the idiotic writing that had Reiji and Sylvio commit so many crimes for Yuya's cards. In Chapter 5, the author, admiting that while she has her own Accusation Fic written in the past, that she despises how there are so many Ladybug salt fics clogging up tvtropes.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! The Thousand Year Door and its Redux have a few:
    • The original version had Wanda Underwood, who was a fanmade sister to Weevil Underwood. The majority of her dialogue involved trashing the character, and every single conversation she was involved in ultimately led to Weevil being bashed.
    • Chico considers the "Palace of Heart" card to be a bad remake of Splatterhouse. He is embarrassed after saying that since the game had a remake that flopped.
    • Grodus levels an unsubtle one directed at Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series by completely disagreeing with its opinion that a "children's card game" being Serious Business is, by villain standards, a bad thing.This is even though many villains and enemy mooks wouldn't need to play a usually luck-based game to take out the heroes due to their power, particularly when they don't need them alive anymore.
    • Grodus levels yet another take that against fans who feel the heroes cheat just as much as the villains do by pointing out that his associates got their cards from evil sorcerers working from Graz'zt. In other words, what the author feels is exactly what characters like Dartz, Saiou, and the like did with their powerful cards. This is despite said fans' theories claiming the protagonists stack their decks and rig their draws in their favor, which itself would be cheating.
  • Yu-Gi-OH: Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings treated atheists as Always Chaotic Evil, including the Big Bad who was only damned because he refused to believe in higher powers.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh: Tilting the Balance has the character Fuu, who's a rather harsh parody of the character Jade Valentine from Occam Razor's Yu-Gi-Oh Jr. series. Like Jade, Fuu is a blonde American self-proclaimed samurai who speaks in samurai-movie cliches; many of her cards are taken directly from Jade's deck. She's also an Occidental Otaku, her armor is made of cheap plaster, the main character Gerald notes that all of his heritage is Western European and he still looks more Asian than she does, and when she's called on to commit seppuku, she breaks down crying and admits she can't do it. The author of Tilting the Balance, Man Called True, made no secret of the fact he hated Jade; Occam Razor, for his part, was very unamused by Fuu.

Alternative Title(s): Fanfic
