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Better Than It Sounds / Video Games: A to C

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Ah, video games. No other media allows Refuge in Audacity so often. And most of the time it works.

Please sort new titles alphabetically to avoid duplicate entries.

  • 100% Orange Juice!: Cute anime girls (and veeery few guys) meet the Random Number God.
    • Alternatively, a bunch of anime girls use dice to decide fate.
    • A generic boy's wallet is stolen in a grand effort to justify giving the perpetrator top billing in a shmup crossover.
  • 1213: A clone busts out of a prison in a laboratory complex in space, finds out he shouldn't even have bothered. Note: This also perfectly describes Mystery of Time and Space.
  • 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim: 13 overbearing, overemotional humans who can pilot giant robots are the only thing that can fight giant aliens to prevent the end of the world.
  • 1916 - Der Unbekannte Krieg: A guy tries to avoid getting killed by velociraptors so he can get killed in the Great War instead.
  • 3D Dot Game Heroes: A The Legend of Zelda homage In a World… made of billions of tiny cubes.
  • 3 in Three: A personified number 3 has to fix the computer she lives in by solving puzzles.
  • 3-on-3 NHL Arcade: Bobbleheads play hockey.
  • 720°: A skateboarder tries to raise enough money to keep skateboarding. This annoys the local insects.
  • The 7th Guest: Walk around a house solving puzzles. While dead.
    • The 11th Hour: Do the same thing, but the house is a total fixer-upper now. And it had sex with a woman.
  • 8 Eyes: In a post-apocalyptic future, a falconer defeats and has tea with the world's royalty in a grand effort to solve a logic puzzle.
  • 99 Spirits: A wandering samurai kills ghosts masquerading as everyday objects.
  • AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! – A Reckless Disregard for Gravity: You go BASE jumping. It's a very long way to the ground.
  • Abobo's Big Adventure: A bunch of NES characters has kidnapped your son. Are you a bad enough Abobo to rescue him?
  • Abuse: A convict armed with a combat suit escapes from a hellish prison when a biological agent that turned everyone into murderous mutants.
  • Ace Attorney: A visual novel series set in a courtroom where you play as lawyers.
  • Ace Combat series: Shoot Em Ups for aircraft fetishists.
  • Achievement Unlocked: An elephant must do everything that can be done. Including kill itself several times.
    • Achievement Unlocked 2: Now the elephant has to do even more things, like eat its own poop and flood a building.
    • Achievement Unlocked 3: A fat guy tells the elephant to go buy him food.
  • Action 52 Owns: Remakes of 52 of the most horrible games ever made.
    • Jigsaw: A man saves his girlfriend from workbench tools. And kills her.
    • Illuminator: Save your sister from monsters... with nothing but a torchlight.
    • Meong: A Gentleman Thief explores a dungeon.
    • Non-Human: A Humongous Mecha that lacks the ability to turn around fights organic horrors.
    • Streemerz: A guy with rope avoids clowns.
  • ActRaiser: God and his sycophantic sidekick lead the people to salvation. Or destruction.
  • Action Henk: Butt-ugly toys try to prove they've "still got it" by jumping and sliding across race tracks designed for toy cars.
  • Adventure Island: A fat, diabetic man wearing nothing but a grass skirt and a baseball cap kills animals and eats lots of fruit in order to rescue his girlfriend.
    • Adventure Island II: Same as above, except now he enlists dinosaurs to help carry him around.
    • Super Adventure Island II: Fat diabetic man suffers from amnesia. He forgets about his malady and starts wearing clothes.
  • Adventure Of Valkyrie: Some guy drops the keys to his house; you play an angel who is sent by God to help him pick them up. The entire population of the world conspires to stop you.
  • The Adventures of Batman and Robin: A Video Game adaptation of a beloved superhero cartoon. Due to the gameplay, said superhero is out of character. Eschews the usual orchestral soundtrack for acid house. You're very likely to die in the first stage.
  • Adventures of Lolo: To save his girlfriend, a furball steals hearts from demons and traps them in eggs. When a more marketable puffball comes along, the couple make a Face–Heel Turn.
  • Adventures to Go!: Freelance warriors become real heroes by going on simulated quests.
  • Aero Fighters: A dolphin, baby, mother and daughter, Steampunk-style cyborg, J-pop idol, ninja, viking, gender-confused punk rocker, among others are recruited to stop an alien menace.
  • Afterlife (1996): Being in charge of heaven and hell is a lot like being a city planner.
  • Agarest Senki: A man dies in the first few minutes. He gets revived, ends a war, and bangs one of three chicks. Rinse and repeat four more times.
  • You're a cell in a cell-eat-cell world.
  • Age of Empires: Reenact historical battles with a mouse, three times over.
    • Prove your dynasty is the greatest by micromanaging everyone in your empire.
    • When all else fails, just use the Wololo chant.
    • Age of Mythology: Stop one-eyed guy from releasing ancient god-monster.
      • Age Of Mythology: The Titans: Break said god-monster free, then put it back together again.
      • Alternately: The entire game culminates in a fight between a black man and an environmentalist woman.
    • Age of Empires III: OC Mighty Whiteys fight in historical battles to stop an Ancient Conspiracy.
      • The Warchiefs: Native Americans defeat their enemies with the Power of Dance.
      • The Asian Dynasties: Things take a turn for the Rule of Cool as samurai, Shaolin monks, and elephants join the fun.
  • Agents of Mayhem: A paramiltary team of dubious morality is pitted against an Always Chaotic Evil terrorist organization.
  • AI: The Somnium Files: Perverted cop from a top-secret branch of the police force invades people’s dreams to solve a murder case. His partner is an eyeball hamster that can assume human form in said dreams.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Wipe out a cheating AI who can stomp you flat at any point and often will.
  • Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed: Otaku gets turned into energy vampire. To fight other energy vampires, he must strip them down to their underwear. Stealing the clothes takes tearing dozens of them first or reading books. Meanwhile, here's Akihabara, Japan for you to run around.
  • Alan Wake: An uninspired author in hipster attire and his chubby manager try to save the author's wife by fighting off the contents of his last book, pointing flashlights in people's faces and tapping into The Power of Rock - all while trying to avoid jail.
    • Alan Wake's American Nightmare: An author in Arizona runs around a small-town rest stop, looks at the stars in an observatory, and tries to watch a movie. The movie doesn't work, so he does it all again. And again.
    • Alan Wake II: An FBI agent takes a break from investigating a small-town cult to read a book. Meanwhile, a struggling author walks around a city block in the hopes of finding some inspiration. They're both looking for a light switch.
  • Alien: Isolation: A young woman discovers the aftermath of a stomach cramp that got out of hand while wondering why her mom hasn't called her lately.
  • Alien Soldier: A tiger tries to kill a bird.
  • Alley Cat: A homeless tries to impress his love interest by engaging into acts of vandalism. Brooms try to prevent this.
  • All Points Bulletin: A massive group of Virtual Paper Dolls play cops and robbers.
  • Alone in the Dark (1992): Guy or gal gets stuck in a house and cannot leave.
    • Alone in the Dark 2: Guy gets stuck in another house and cannot leave. Pirates.
    • Alone in the Dark 3: Guy goes looking for gal from first game, gets stuck in town and cannot leave. Cowboys.
  • Alphacat: Star Wars with cats. It's a Match-Three Game.
  • Alpha Protocol: Secret agent has been sent to assassinate a terrorist. Turns out said terrorist has received assistance from said agent's own agency. Lots of people are going to die.
    • Alternately: A betrayed secret agent's mission of revenge leads him to shoot-outs with cape-wearing spies, crotchety old men, and a Russian gangster wearing a really tacky jacket. At the end of the story, he surrenders, has a long talk with a man with poor fashion taste, and hundreds of people get killed.
  • Altered Beast (1988): Two guys come back from the dead as lycanthropes to rescue the daughter of a god who kinda sounds like Elmer Fudd.
    • Seven word summary: The Great Steroid Scandal of Ancient Greece.
  • American McGee's Alice: When returning to a place she visited, girl discovers it became Darker and Edgier. To fix it, the girl brutally murders playing cards and chess pieces with toys and commits regicide. This makes her more sane.
    • Alice: Madness Returns: Girl discovers that the fire that killed her family wasn't accidental and goes through her memories to see who started it.
  • American McGee's Grimm: A sarcastic, unhygienic, Sophisticated as Hell dwarf fouls up classic fairy tales wherever he goes.
  • Amnesia: The Dark Descent: You walk around in the dark trying to remember why you're walking around in the dark.
    • Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs: You walk around the bowels of a giant machine chasing ghost children and trying to remember what the machine is for.
    • Amnesia: Rebirth: You walk around in the desert trying to remember how you and your unborn baby managed to survive after the plane crash.
    • Amnesia: The Bunker: You walk around in the bunker trying to get the hell out of there. You do have a gun, bullets for it you may as well count on a single hand.
  • Among the Sleep: A toddler goes on an adventure with his teddy bear.
  • Among Us: A crew of people in multicolored space suits attempt to perform maintenance tasks. However, their efforts are plagued by disguised saboteurs.
  • Amorphous+: A guy goes around whacking Blob Monsters while getting killed a million times.
  • Anatomy: Collect tape recordings that compares a house to the human body. Much scarier than that sounds.
  • Angband: In order to become powerful enough to defeat the Big Bad, you must kill color-coded monsters and acquire items, most of which are named based on obscure passages in The Silmarillion.
  • Angry Birds: Some eggs get stolen, so the victims retaliate by going kamikaze on their houses.
    • Or: An extremist group takes offense at a nearby civilization's eating habits and stages a long series of suicide-bombing attacks with the goal of total annihilation.
    • Or put more simply: Hey, let's throw birds at pigs!
    • Or: Superpowered avians take offence at green porcine absconding with their offspring. They decide the best way to solve this problem is to literally launch themselves at it. Out of a slingshot.
  • Animal Crossing: You become the indentured servant of a raccoon. Your neighbors randomly hand out pianos, computers, and beds as rewards for completing minor chores.
    • Alternatively: You move into a town inhabited by talking animals who give you big screen TVs and works of art for asking another animal to return a mundane item they borrowed.
    • Animal Crossing: Wild World: The same, however, there's more emphasis on the now-defunct online play.
    • Animal Crossing: City Folk: The same, except you have the new feature of going to a city. Most of the people you see there are Out of Character when it comes to thier personality.
    • Animal Crossing: New Leaf: You accidentally get elected mayor of a small town of eccentric talking animals. You have to pay for municipal improvements mostly out of pocket.
    • Animal Crossing New Horizons: You travel to a deserted island to get away from it all, and end up bringing some of it with you when you get some new neighbors. You still owe money to a raccoon, but you can also build your own furniture and tools instead of having to go to the store.
  • Animal Jam: Animals live in an impossibly biodiverse country, host parties and keep smaller animals as pets. Occasionally they fight against the only evil animal species in the world, created when a bird was sad about God dying.
  • Antichamber: Escape a minimalist labyrinth of Alien Geometries (and learn some life lessons) by shooting cubes out of a gun in the right place, at the right time, in the right way.
    • Or: Help a lost black floating cube find its way home, by doing the above.
  • Ape Escape: Monkeys with magic helmets steal time machines, and you have to catch them.
    • Ape Escape 2: More monkeys try to Take Over the World. The first hero's cousin tries to catch them, aided by a Head Pet.
    • Ape Escape 3: This time the monkeys just want to make you watch crappy television. Their leader is aided by a man with an afro. Two kids try to catch them this time; one is an Idol Singer.
  • Apex Legends: A Fortnite-esque battle royale with Overwatch-esque abilities.
  • APICO: You have to repopulate an archipelago by managing as many open tabs as you can.
  • A Plague Tale: Innocence: French royality girl takes care of her brother to survive through a severe rat problem.
  • Aquaria: A young girl embarks on a voyage of self discovery, finds love and murders an entire pantheon. She also makes a hell of a pierogi.
  • ARMA: Ultra realistic war crime simulator where you are just as vulnerable as everyone else.
  • ARMS: Imagine if Blitzcrank from League of Legends got his own game.
  • Ar tonelico: Technology is operated by girls singing in fictional languages.
    • Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia:
      • The stupidest psychologist who ever lived fights computer viruses on the magical island of Shining Sky.
      • Sealed Evil in a Can causes computer problems. Among the people trying to stop this are a moron, a teenager with self-esteem issues, and the world's oldest woman.
    • Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica:
      • A more competent psychologist and a mage who can't use magic escort a bitchy priestess around a different magical island while two factions try to either save or destroy it.
      • Girl throws tantrum upon being separated from BFF. The entire world is dragged into it.
    • Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel: Hot female singers with multiple personalities strip down to their underwear during combat. A thirteen year-old does a favor for the first game's Big Bad.
    • Ciel nosurge: The kidnapping of a girl causes the end of the world.
      • Alternately: The sun notices people using an Eldritch Abomination to get free high-speed internet; decides self-destructing is the best option to deal with it. Clearly, the best way to avert disaster is to summon another Eldritch Abomination and have them figure it out.
      • Alternately: A real-time Raising Sim that could send you text messages on your phone. You, the actual player, is explicitly one of the main characters.
    • Ar nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star: Second kidnapped girl regains memory, attempts to stop first kidnapped girl from destroying a Generation Ship.
      • Alternately: The second Eldritch Abomination couldn't stop the sun from exploding. Millennia later (but minutes from the events of the previous game); you, the actual player, is controlling a robot body and one of the other main characters and expected to fix this somehow.
  • Arc Angle: A program that can't attack at all faces foes that fire loads of bullets.
  • Arc the Lad: The Chosen One tries to stop The End of the World as We Know It by becoming the Magic Knight version of Bin Laden; three sequels deal with new heroes trying to clean up his mess.
  • Arcana Heart: High-School girls beat the crap out of each other with Elemental Powers for no apparent reason. Ma-Ti's equivalent of the game kills an evil angel.
    • Arcana Heart 2: More girls beat the crap out of each other. The evil angel's younger sister wants you dead.
    • Arcana Heart 3: Even more girls beat the crap out of each other. A Yandere tries to blow Japan sky high.
  • Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura: Magic and technology coexist by canceling each other out. Someone uses this to open his can.
  • Area Flat: Origami shoots other origami IN SPACE!
    • Area Flat 2: Origami shoots other origami IN SPACE with better bosses!
    • Area Flat 3: Origami shoots other origami with much better graphics and gameplay!
  • ARK: Survival Evolved: You wake up in your underpants on a prehistoric island where you can befriend the dinosaurs, admire the scenery, and die repeatedly from the dinosaurs, the scenery, the elements, your friends, and your own stupidity.
  • Arkanoid: An evil facelike entity intercepts the escape pod of a doomed starship. To escape, the pilot allows the vessel to be struck repeatedly by a destructive projectile.
    • Break Quest: To foil an evil corporation's plan, you have to destroy a few thousand bricks.
    • Arkanoid DS: the Prince's cousins Alien Sentai must fight off a lawsuit from Namco invading hoard of blocks.
    • Block Breaker Deluxe: Breaking blocks is Serious Business.
  • Arknights: A pair of divorced doctors made a pharmaceutical company to cure magic rock cancer, and then made their 14 year old daughter the CEO. They end up recruiting exceptional animal people from all walks of life to their landship to brave disasters.
    • Hour of an Awakening: You, one of the aforementioned doctors, is awakened from your cyro-sleep by your CEO daughter... right in the middle of a war against the rock cancer sufferers' La RĂ©sistance-turned-terrorist army. Now you have to direct your pharmaceutical company-slash-PMC to fight them.
    • Shatter of a Vision: Your pharmacy company helps a police chief fight her big sister, who became the aforementioned La RĂ©sistance-turned-terrorist leader because she got possessed by a very, very old man.
    • Shadow of A Dying Sun: You find out the incident that sent you to a cyro-sleep is a succession war that your CEO daughter was a designed heir to. Now you go to not!Britain to fight her essentially-Evil Uncle, who allied himself to not!Vortigern, with the help of not!King Arthur.
  • Armored Core: Two MegaCorps take the term "hostile takeover" a little too seriously.
    • Armored Core: Project Phantasma: A Battle Couple fight to stop a crazy man from hooking himself up to a computer.
    • Armored Core: Master of Arena: A young man takes time off from a Roaring Rampage of Revenge to compete in giant robot cage matches.
    • Armored Core 2: A retelling of the American Revolution on Mars only everyone is Benedict Arnold.
    • Armored Core 2: Another Age: A mercenary travels the world doing odd-jobs for various employers. He accidentally allows a terrorist to gain access to a space elevator. It's really quite boring.
    • Armored Core 3: A conspiracy nut makes REALLY good case for destroying society.
    • Silent Line: Armored Core: Three MegaCorps blatantly ignore the world's most obvious KEEP OUT sign.
    • Armored Core: Nexus: A corporation wants to make the world a better place, yet ends up destroying it.
    • Armored Core: Nine Breaker: Learn how to play the last eight games you just finished playing.
    • Armored Core: Last Raven: An endangered social class exterminates itself.
    • Armored Core 4: A young idealist and her boyfriend inadvertently start a society-collapsing war. Their elderly mentor may or may not have wanted this to happen.
    • Armored Core for Answer: A faceless, voiceless, personality-less character somehow manages to come across as a complete asshole.
    • Armored Core V: A mercenary joins La RĂ©sistance against Big Brother right after intentionally murdering its leader.
    • Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon: An illegal immigrant joins all three sides of a three-way war over access to sentient petroleum.
  • Army of Two: A bickering couple of Heterosexual Life-Partners run around in painted ski masks, complain about the military, and blow all their money on shiny guns.
  • Art of Fighting: Martial artists seek to pimp-slap a pimp for kidnapping one of the martial artist's sister.
    • Art Of Fighting 2 Martial artists and the one martial artist's sister and father seek to pimp-slap a pimp in a tournament run by a familiar sponsor.
    • Art Of Fighting 3 The other martial artist's friend is kidnapped by a rich guy who wants to be the Hulk. A young girl who tells people to "grow up" is the only memorable and most successful new character.
  • Assassin's Creed: Two groups try to get people to pretend they are assassins because they can't get along. Gods also turn out to be aliens.
    • Assassin's Creed: A bartender pretends to be the world's greatest assassin on a quest to steal the power of God, who was an alien from Earth.
    • Assassin's Creed II: Same bartender relives the life of a guy who punched The Pope because extinct people killed his family.
    • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood: Same bartender, same pope puncher, more Borgias, less Leonardo Da Vinci.
    • Or: A childish hacker, a snarky British man, a psychotic blond, and a confused bartender are the world's last hope.
    • Assassin's Creed: Revelations: Same now super confused bartender finally figures some stuff out with the help of an imaginary friend by continuing to follow the life of the pope puncher who has gone on a field trip to follow the life of the first guy the bartender pretended to be. May or may not have intentional symbolism from the Christian Bible in the title.
    • Assassin's Creed III: After the bartender stabs his girlfriend (not by choice) he must pretend to be a crotchety British man and his hot blooded but warm hearted Native American son to help his friends and his dad open a door. The fate of the world hangs in the balance.
    • The Tyranny of King Washington: The Native American and George Washington have a bizarre shared dream.
    • Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag: You have to pretend to be the pirate ancestor of a dead bartender so that your boss can make video games.
    • Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry: The aforementioned pirate's former quartermaster gets shipwrecked and decides to spend his unplanned vacation helping people.
    • Assassin's Creed Rogue: You have to pretend to be an Irishman or your boss will kill you.
    • Assassin's Creed: Unity: You pretend to be a Frenchman because a pair of hackers tell you to.
      • Alternatively, Paris during the Revolution is meticulously, gorgeously, and lovingly rendered so that a bunch of hilariously glitchy things can happen.
    • Assassin's Creed Syndicate: You pretend to be a pair of gang leaders so that the same group of hackers can find a blanket.
    • Assassin's Creed: Chronicles: Three people in three different points in history sneak, jump, and kill their way through various strongholds to get a box. Out of the three games, only one features a character pretending to be an assassin.
      • Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China: The elderly Pope Puncher gives a former dancer a box. She loses the box.
      • Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India: A princess' boyfriend is looking for the box that the former dancer lost.
      • Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia: The ancestor of a crazy guy that got killed by the confused bartender is looking for the box that somehow got lost again. He teams up with Princess Anastasia, who is pretending to be the former dancer after opening the box.
    • Assassin's Creed Origins: An Egyptian-American woman pretends to be an Egyptian man in order to find an ancient artefact so she can have a promotion. The dead bartender's father returns to make sure she works for him.
    • Assassin's Creed: Odyssey: An Egyptian woman pretends to be a Greek mercenary who uses a magic stick to fight their dead sibling, find Atlantis, and discover another magic stick because her former bosses have a rather hostile attitude towards her resignation.
    • Assassin's Creed: Valhalla: Same Egyptian woman pretends to be a Viking in the 9th century that tries to find a new home in England because they don't like how many roommates their home in Norway now has. The fare of the world once again hangs in the balance.
  • Astal: A young strongman meets a flying animal that won't stop following him. The strongman and the bird must travel through a world made of shiny minerals to defeat an evil god.
  • Astebreed: A cleanup man gets drafted to pilot a mecha save the world from mechanical Horde of Alien Locusts.
  • Asteroids: Break rocks into smaller rocks. Try to shoot anyone else who enters this field of rocks.
  • Asuka 120%: A bunch of High School girls beat the crap out of each other to get funds for their clubs. The protagonist uses chemical implements.
  • Asura's Wrath: Unstoppable Rage: The Game.
    • Alternate: The angriest father in the history of the universe sets out on a quest to save his daughter by applying his fist with great force to every single face he can find. He succeeds.
    • Alternate: A Hindu cyborg is framed for treason, his wife is killed, his daughter kidnapped, and then he's thrown from orbit to Earth. He comes back pissed. And every time they kill him, it just makes him angrier.
    • Alternate: A man with breathtaking anger-management issues punches a large man in the finger until he dies from it. He then punches a masked guy in the face, then an old man in the face, then another old man, then an entire fleet. It culminates in him punching a third old man in the face, followed by the planet. Then, after some impromptu heart surgery, he punches God in the face. Then he finally calms down.
    • Alternate: A shirtless man with spiky white hair screams a lot and punches his way through a band of moronic demigods who back-stabbed him on a personal level and their robot minions via simplistic/barebones actual gameplay.
  • Atelier Series: Item Crafting: The Game.
  • Athena: The Goddess of War gets bored and takes a walk. There are no survivors.
    • Psycho Soldier: A young girl who looks just like the heroine of the first game gets psychic powers, teams up with a kid who looks like Rambo, and goes out to kill things. Several years later the Rambo look-alike changes his look and they join a major fighting tournament.
    • Crystalis: The girl and kid pose as shapeshifting sages, one more effectively than the other, in a post-apocalyptic world. They help an amnesiac find his friend and destroy The Empire. Then they die.
  • Audiosurf: Pilot a ship listening to music through an amazing Technicolor highway and grab the blocks.
  • Avalon Code: The world is going to end, and you're the one charged with writing the epilogue.
  • A Very Long Rope to the Top of the Sky: A mixed-race teen suffers from narcolepsy and dies of hypothermia, causing her sister to slip into delusion. Meanwhile, in the distant past, everyone dies.
  • Aviary Attorney: Early 19th century Ace Attorney, with birds.
  • Awesomenauts: Team Fortress 2 IN SPACE!
  • Ayakashi: Romance Reborn: You have to break the law by becoming an exorcist who exorcises people by ringing bells.
  • Azure Dreams: Your dad goes missing after climbing a very steep monster-infested tower. Naturally, the proper thing for you to do is go there yourself and rescue him.
  • Azure Striker Gunvolt: A freakshow who likes shocking himself goes to shock other freakshows, aided from far away by her loli not-as-freakshow girlfriend by chance. Collecting shiny stones for your girlfriend unlocks the True Ending.
  • Baba is You: You have to make a bunch of sentences with poor grammar to win.
  • Backpack Hero: Five furries must seriously consider how they're packing their things as they explore the dungeons.
  • Back to the Future: The Game: The long awaited sequel to everyone's favorite trilogy.
    • Episode 1: It's about time.: A teenager goes back to the prohibition era to prevent his Mad Scientist friend to die against a gangster. It is acomplish by befriending his friend's younger self.
  • Backyard Sports: 30+ neighborhood kids play sports in sand and mud.
  • Bad Dudes: Find Ronald Reagan so he'll buy you lunch.
  • Bad Mojo: A man embezzling funds from a government grant tries to get out of his apartment building. Household pests and an heirloom from his late mother complicate things.
  • Bad Time Simulator: Practise getting beat up by a skeleton in case you ever decide to murder all your friends.
  • Balatro: The best way to win poker is by using cards that aren't allowed in it. If you don't or are unlucky, a floating clown head laughs at you for it.
  • Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning: Math teacher tries to kill you for failing his awful math equations. Everything in the school looks cheaply made.
  • Baldur's Gate: Siblings argue over how to inherit their father's legacy.
    • Baldur's Gate: Tales Of The Sword Coast: Filler.
    • Baldur's Gate II: Shadows Of Amn: An interloper who otherwise has nothing to do with the dispute tries to steal said legacy.
    • Baldur's Gate II: Throne Of Bhaal: Siblings argue over how to inherit their father's legacy.
    • Baldur's Gate III: A cleric worshiping an Obviously Evil goddess, a walking nuclear bomb who needs to eat magic relics to survive, a sassy vampire who can walk into the daylight, a tiefling slave with a burning reactor, a monster hunter who is half-monster, an amnesiac with an urge to kill and a githyanki are all in dire need of a lobotomy.
  • BallisticNG: Classic-era WipEout-styled racer with a modding sandbox.
  • Balloon Fight: Up to two fighter pilots whose flight patterns are difficult to maneuver kill birds.
  • Bangai-O: Stop fruit contraband by destroying everything in your path with a Humongous Mecha fueled by vegetable oil.
    • Spirits: The above entry but with no story beyond the tutorial.
    • Missile Fury: The above entry but with no story AT ALL. And in HD.
  • Banjo-Kazooie: A redneck and a snarky girl team up to crush an old woman under a boulder and do jigsaw puzzles. Redneck's sister narrowly escapes transformation into an ogre. Lots of shameless dirty jokes. Rated E.
    • Banjo-Tooie: Redneck and snarky girl team up to blow up animated skeleton of old woman and do jigsaw puzzles. Redneck's sister mysteriously vanishes forever. Numerous direct references to porn, masturbation, and vag-hair; a gay bar with a trans waitress; and you murder a loving husband and wife for the sake of collectibles. Rated E.
    • Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge: Redneck and snarky girl IN THE PAST! Bee lady gives you an extension. Rated E.
    • Banjo-Pilot: Redneck and snarky girl team up to play Diddy Kong Racing, but find their copy is defective, only having airplanes available to race.
    • Banjo-Kazooie Nuts And Bolts: Redneck and snarky girl team up to play Grand Theft Auto, but find their copy is defective, being rated E and having some assembly required.
    • Alternatively, a bear comes out of retirement to stop his home being redeveloped into tower blocks and malls. To end the struggle, a capricious higher power engineers a bear/witch showdown through worlds of the imagination...IN VEHICLES!
  • The Bard's Tale: Snarky musician seeks coin and cleavage, while maybe saving the world, and all the while bickering with the narrator.
  • Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden: In a post-apocalyptic world, a retired basketball player runs from the police on a quest to rescue his son and save the world.
  • Barry Steakfries: A businessman with classified scientific propulsion technology gets in red-nosed scientist's way.
    • Age of Zombies: A businessman without classified scientific propulsion technology kills red-nosed scientist, goes back in time to slaughter living dead and befriends a dinosaur.
    • Monster Dash: A businessman slaughters even more living dead, except now he can't stop running.
    • Jetpack Joyride: A businessman steals classified scientific propulsion technology.
    • Jetpack Joyride 2: A businessman with classified scientific propulsion technology shoots down the laboratory's security system. Red-nosed scientist turns out to have several friends with their own labs, which become businessman's next targets.
  • Bastion: A kid, an old guy, a homeless girl and a former ambassador try to rebuild a floating society After the End. There are complications.
  • Baten Kaitos: Winged Humanoids use cards to save a World in the Sky with no ocean.
    • Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean: Winged Humanoids with terrible voices search for shiny cards.
    • Baten Kaitos Origins: Two Winged Humanoids and a sarcastic puppet stop the Industrial Revolution.
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum: An animal-cosplayer spends a night visiting a hospital, beating up patients and the personnel currently in charge, and hiding on statues.
    • Alternatively, billionaire dresses up and punches the criminally insane.
    • Batman: Arkham City: Several months later, the same animal-cosplayer is thrown into a ghetto prison and helps a clown with a terminal illness. Many accurate comparisons to Adolf Hitler are made.
    • Batman: Arkham Origins: Two years earlier, a guy who almost always wears a mask really doesn't like animal-cosplayers, so he asks people to kill the previously-mentioned animal-cosplayer. Those who take up the offer include a drug addicted Luchadore, a ninja, a man with a skin condition, a woman with a reptile fetish, a trash talking electrical outlet, a professional wise cracking sniper, a corrupt cop, a member of a murderous cult, and a burn victim. The cosplayer's butler keeps talking about ham.
    • Batman: Arkham Knight: The animal-cosplayer now has to deal with chemical terrorism, seeing the clown he killed sharing his head, and the fact that he made his own villain. At the end he decides cosplay just isn't worth it anymore.
  • Batman: The Telltale Series: The son of a brutal crime lord helps elect a terrorist to the mayor's office and shuts down a group dedicated to helping the wrongfully convicted.
  • Battle Arena Toshinden: Eight traveling fighters come together at a secret fighting tournament that's being hosted by a mysterious group. Such fighters include two Ryu and Ken expies, a dominatrix, a miner, an elderly old magician/assassin, an emotionless ninja warrior, an arrogant knight, and a cheerful dancer. There's also a man decked in samurai armor who happens to be the father of the cheerful dancer, a mysterious swordsman who happens to be the older brother of the Ryu expy, and a mysterious woman who speaks in cryptic riddles and messages.
    • Battle Arena Toshinden 2: The mysterious group from the first game invites the eight traveling fighters back, along with two newcomers in the form of a female Cowboy Cop and an Ax-Crazy psychopath. Other characters include the man who no longer wears the samurai armor, the mysterious swordsman, a woman with an angel motif, the psychic leader of the mysterious group who is often mistaken for a girl (or a boy depending on the version of the game), and a mysterious gunslinger.
    • Battle Arena Toshinden 3: A new mysterious group takes over the previous mysterious group's place and begins to hunt down the traveling fighters in order to use their blood so that they can sacrifice them in order to bring forth their God of Evil. Amongst the ranks of the new mysterious group is Captain Ersatzes of Michael Jackson, Jason Voorhees, and Catwoman.
    • Battle Arena Toshinden 4: The nephew of the Ryu expy (who happens to be the son of the Ryu expy's older brother and mysterious woman from the first game) seeks to find his missing uncle and participates in a new secret fighting tournament alongside other characters such as the foster daughter of the Ken expy, a nunchaku-wielding photographer, a choir singer, a cowardly fencer, a smart-mouthed fisherman, a malevolent sorcerer, an amnesiac kunoichi, a military cyborg, an angel-like android, an artificial android, the Ryu expy, and finally the mysterious gunslinger.
  • BattleBlock Theater: A survivor of a shipwreck finds himself trapped in a theater which turns out to be a sadistic gladiator game run by cats.
  • The Battle Cats: Conquer the world using cats.
  • Battle Chess: A popular board game with deaths thrown in.
  • Battle City: A tank has to protect a bird surrounded by bricks from enemy tanks. Was only popular in places it wasn't officially released.
    • Tank Battalion: An obscure prequel of the game above with harder controls and only one environment tile. Every third stage is empty.
    • Tank Force: An obscure sequel of the game above with slightly more features.
  • Battle Garegga: Two brothers sign a contract to make some weapons for The Empire. The weapons destroy everything in their path. The brothers then make Super Prototype planes and destroy the weapons they helped create. And die. A lot. All to make sure they don't die too much later. Oh, and the bullets are hard to see.
    • Armed Police Batrider: Fight crime in New York and take down a MegaCorp owning an island. And die. Also, half of the playable roster and some of the bosses aren't even from this game.
      • Battle Bakraid: Participate in an airshow that's actually war. And die. You get a lot more lives this time.
  • Battlefield 1942: Fight over a bunch of meaningless flags with outdated weaponry.
  • The Battle of Olympus: A musician brings his girlfriend back from the dead using brute force, taking credit for the actions of his contemporaries along the way.
  • Battle Racing Stars: A businessman with classified scientific propulsion technology, his Robot Dog, some guy in a Hazmat Suit, a dinosaur that businessman befriended, a pineapple kid, a strawberry girl, an old man who is also their teacher, a silent video game protagonist, his pregnant girlfriend, a royal skeleton and a bear try to determine who is the fastest.
  • BattleTanx: Blow up a post-apocalyptic America with tanks while stealing women from other people with tanks.
    • Battletanx: Global Assault: Same as above, though add tanks that shoot lasers, tanks that hover, and most of northwest Europe to blow up with them.
  • Battletoads: Three anthropomorphic frogs must defeat a dominatrix by ramming their bikes into drywall. Nobody ever gets past the third stage.
  • Bayonetta: Witch with amnesia kills angels. Lots of Fanservice ensues.
  • Beat Hazard: Shoot a bunch of random ships and asteroids until you have a seizure.
  • beatmania: Make musical sound effects by pressing buttons and turning a plastic disc.
    • Or: Keysmash in exactly the right way, because yeah, that's totally what a DJ does.
  • Before the Echo: College graduate gets Trapped in Another World and has to play DDR against monsters and national stereotypes to make it back to his world.
  • The Beginner's Guide:
    • Okay, so you're playing this game, right? And this game is by a guy who makes games. But the game is of the guy who makes games showing you these games by this other guy who makes games. And the guy who made the game really likes the guy whose games he's showing you. But then it turns out that the guy who's showing you the other guy's games was being really obnoxious to the other guy, and the other guy starts making games about how obnoxious the guy who's showing you his games is being, but the guy who's showing you his games doesn't get the hint. Then the guy whose games the guy is showing you puts in one of his games that he hates the guy who's showing you his games, and reveals that the guy who's showing you his games was actually modifying his games to make them work differently because he thought he knew better than the guy who made the games, and then guy who's showing you the other guy's games feels bad. The end. It's super meta!
    • Critical Dissonance: The Game.
  • Bendy and the Ink Machine: A man turns on a machine, then really wishes he hadn't. Also, his trousers get really dirty.
  • Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure: Two kids get lost on a hiking trip while the animals try to kill them.
  • Berzerk: Green man kills robots and is stalked by bouncy smiley face in electric maze.
  • Best of Three: A woman has to survive a reunion with some guy she hated back in high school.
  • Betrayal at Krondor: A Well-Intentioned Extremist starts a war so that he can study a big gemstone in peace.
  • Beyond: Two Souls: A Stupid Evil caricature of the American government decides to enslave a little girl and her guardian angel. This does not end well.
  • Beyond Good & Evil: A sassy photographer, a talking pig, and a rule-obsessed soldier save the world with propaganda.
  • Big Bang Mini: Kill It with
  • Bikini Karate Babes: A large group of attractive women leave themselves abandoned on an uninhabited island, all but one wearing nothing but bikinis, and proceed to lightly tap the crap out of each other. The Sub-Boss has the amazing ability to remove bikini tops and likes it so much she uses it on everyone INCLUDING HERSELF.
  • Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg: A boy and his three friends get transported to a land of chickens, dress in chicken suits, then proceed to spend game rolling around eggs. Oh, and they make the eggs hatch into creatures/hats/items by feeding them fruit. Oh, and all the enemies in the game are lots of crows clumped together.
  • Billy vs. SNAKEMAN: You are a ninja. The god of luck hates ninjas.
    • Reaper plotline: Collect flower petals to lose strength.
    • The Trade plotline: Collect apples to lose stamina.
    • Monochrome plotline: You have pants. Mr. T hates pants.
    • Wasteland plotline: Lose stamina to collect junk.
    • Burger Ninja plotline: You flip burgers. Your boss hates ninjas.
    • r00t plotline: Collect time to lose rare equipment.
    • Pizza Witch plotline: You deliver pizza. The god of luck hates pizza.
    • Hero's Quest plotline: You are in the god of luck's hometown. Mr. T hates the god of luck.
  • The Binding of Isaac: There are lots of enemies. Cry on them to defeat them. In-game items you can pick up let you vomit, urinate, or bleed on the enemies instead.
    • Alternatively: Crybaby attempts to stop a Human Sacrifice by killing his mom.
    • Or, to quote the Video Games Awesome! pals: "There's blood and shit everywhere!" "Oh my God!"
    • A naked child with mommy issues tearfully mutilates himself in a world designed to mess with you and play up the edginess of Christianity.
    • You climb into a box and die. Great replay value.
    • A game where you can kill yourself after you've already killed yourself while you're trying to kill yourself while you kill yourself. Got that? explanation
  • Bio-Hazard Battle: Giant organic creatures have taken over a planet. Exterminate them with...another giant organic creature!
  • Bio Menace: Guy with a mullet and mustache runs around shooting mutants. One level requires him to rescue someone from a completely different game.
  • Bio Metal: The galaxy is under attack by metal aliens! Exterminate them!
  • Bionic Commando: One-armed soldier must defeat thousands of well-armed troops. Without the ability to jump.
  • BioShock: The survivor of a plane crash fights an underwater city of drug addicts for custody of a group of Creepy Children, before deciding whether he wants to adopt them or extract sea slug juice from their bodies. The latter option turns him into a Hitler-analogue if he does it more than once.
    • Or: Male Ayn Rand (Ayn Manned? Man Rand?) fights The Mafia, twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Then you show up and resolve the situation. With a magical hand that shoots bees.
    • Or: A mysterious man investigates an underwater city and kills a man who resembles Walt Disney with a golf club, which was all part of the Mafia's plan.
  • BioShock 2: Another custody battle Under the Sea, this time between a zombie and a cult leader. The zombie faces the same moral dilemma of adoption versus sea slug juice, but this time the adoptions are only temporary.
    • Or: About ten years after the first game, a man in a diving suit stabs people with a drill in order to save a girl from an evil altruist.
    • BioShock 2 Multiplayer: About eleven years earlier, a football player with an obsession with winning, a southern Corrupt Corporate Executive, a man wearing goggles named after a Memetic Badass, a deranged housewife, Amelia Earheart, a sociopathic psychic, Blance, Captain Ahab, a prison inmate who knew Knuckles the Echidna, and a black guy with a love of cats fight for either Man Rand or The Mafia, ultimately going insane in the process.
  • BioShock Infinite: A cult leader, an ex-soldier, a mechanical bird, a reanimated dead woman, and a pair of Mad Scientist twins fight to the death in a floating city over yet another custody battle. Everyone except the twins turns out to be wrong about who the girl's parents were, including the girl herself.
    • Or: An amnesiac private investigator attempts to save a woman imprisoned by her neglectful father, only to remember that everything is really his own fault.
    • Or: A man growing a beard and finding religion drives his daughter to destroy the world. He saves her by preventing himself from getting baptized.
    • Or: Girl enlists a traumatized, alcoholic mercenary to kill everyone standing between her and her vacation. They ruin a preacher's career by outing him as an extra-dimensional kidnapper.
    • Or: An adoption goes so horribly wrong, the only way to save the multiverse is to go back in time to prevent it from ever happening. The lunatic responsible avoids being separated from his daughter by having eight more of his daughters kill him after he kills himself so he won't give her up.
    • Or: An unhappily sheltered girl gains superpowers by losing a finger, then rewrites the fabric of the multiverse in order to have a better childhood. In the process, she helps her father commit suicide so she can be a baby again.
    • Or: Man visits a woman he met nineteen years ago but forgot, and takes her to Disneyland's Main Street USA. She finds some discarded loose change and they steal some clothes.
    • Or: Basically an old-timey Half-Life 2, but with religious fundamentalists instead of aliens, set in the clouds instead of Bulgaria.
    • Clash in the Clouds: Traumatized, alcoholic mercenary constantly gets denied the blue ribbons he's trying to earn in museum competitions.
    • Burial at Sea Episode 1: A girl helps the man who killed her fail to save an orphan and then get killed so he'll feel bad.
      • Or: Girl seeks roundabout revenge on the aging detective who decapitated her during her botched adoption.
    • Burial at Sea Episode 2: Girl realises she was a Jerkass, goes on suicide mission to make up for it and kill the man who will kill her.
      • Or: Girl gives up cosmic powers in favor of setting up the downfall of Man Rand and The Mafia.
    • Or: In all chapters of this game, DLC and all, you die, you die, you die.
  • BIT.TRIP BEAT: Pong...AS A RHYTHM GAME! On drugs!
  • Black & White: It's you and your magical pet against God.
    • Alternatively: God's pet simulator.
  • Blast Chamber: Four suicide bombers fight for their lives.
  • Blast Corps: A group of demolition experts clear a path for an extremely volatile missile carrier by destroying buildings that are in its way.
  • Blaster Master: A boy commandeers a military vehicle while searching for his irradiated pet frog.
    • Blaster Master Zero: A young man commandeers a different version of the same military vehicule while searching for an alien that looks like a frog, and picks up a chick along the way.
      • Alternativaly, guy lost his frog and gains a waifu. literally.
    • Blaster Master Zero II: The chick (now with breast enhancement) is afflicted by space aids, so the young man must scour the galaxy for a cure. Meanwhile, a crazy stalker keeps attacking them.
  • Blast Works (originally TUMIKI Fighters): Ships are made of building blocks.
  • BlazBlue: A guy with Mystical White Hair wields a BFS and the power of darkness to fight against the government due to a Dark and Troubled Past after being saved by an Elegant Gothic Lolita.
    • Alternatively: The hero is an outlaw with a black arm who's a Butt-Monkey. Virtually everyone has a bone to pick with him, including a psycho boy and his doll (who he calls his "sister"), a living blob of BEES, and a misplaced ninja.
    • Alternatively: Man has a series of awkward reunions with his sister. Plot also includes brainwashing, superweapons, time travel, reality warping, many boob jokes, several apocalypses, the world's worst father and the world's greatest troll artist.
    • Alternatively: God puts the universe on repeat (and occasionally on pause) because she misses her brother. Her adoptive brother, that is. Her direct brother is too busy being a dick to everyone.
    • The developers actually made this into a Twitter contest. Some choice examples:
      "Very unlucky guy gets trolled by the embodiment of hate so badly, he is forced to stop existing."
      "Angry red man gets bullied by literally everyone, especially green snake murderhobo. Turns out his sister is god and everyone wants her dead too. So angry red man decides to make it so that no one else can bully them."
      "Local snake ruins everything for everyone. Local angry man tries to get revenge, makes things worse. This loops like a hundred times. Angry man finally succeeds in getting revenge, still makes things worse."
      "Boy loses arm, gets adopted by cat dad. Grows up to fight government and gets sister harem along the way. Snake man trolls supercomputer to death. Ninja hammers the world's biggest nail to fix global warming. Fanfic Author RagnasPrimegf1 meets her OC irl. The end."
    • Calamity Trigger: Said outlaw and other characters are minding their own business before they all get inevitably erased from history, except for said outlaw, who instead jumps to the past with a Robot Girl and becomes a monster. The whole thing repeats until the heroine stops him from jumping to the past.
    • Continuum Shift: The blonde heroine is now the focus of the bad guys instead of said outlaw. The bad guy with green hair trolls everyone and turns the heroine into another Robot Girl (by trolling her).
    • Chronophantasma: The green hair bad guy put all of his plans in motion. The blonde heroine's redhead best friend turns bad. A blue-haired predator is released from his prison. Meanwhile, a mysterious brown-haired girl captivates everyone including our outlaw, who traveled to the past to meet the same-looking girl.
    • Central Fiction: The purple-haired embodiment of death creates a new world so she can destroy the old one properly. Everyone becomes an Amnesiac Hero to varying extents, and are encouraged to pursue their dreams in the hope that doing so will cause universal Cessation of Existence. It turns out most of the series' problems originated in the world before the world before the one the game takes place in. Then it becomes a metaphor for determinism. Or not. Oh crap, I don't even know anymore.
    • Cross Tag Battle: A computer plays at crossover-writing and encourages heroes to waste each others' time so she can make the world a place. A better place for preference, but any kind will do.
  • Blazing Star: Will you destroy the evil organism that has taken over mankind, or will YOU FAIL IT?
  • Bleed: A girl with big dreams and a bigger heart wants to become the next greatest video game hero by gunning down the previous heroes.
  • Blood: Deadpan Snarker zombie from the Wild West runs around lighting cultists and zombies on fire.
    • Blood II: The Chosen: 20 Minutes into the Future, the Deadpan Snarker zombie from the Wild West runs around lighting business executives and leeches from the sixth dimension on fire. The leeches from the sixth dimension turn out to be his fault.
      • Alternately: A MegaCorp tries to build a really big gun that shoots black holes to kill a zombie that's been kicking around since the Civil War. Their gun turns out to be so useless at this purpose that it actually brings back all of the zombie's buddies.
      • Alternately the second: A man goes to register a complaint with a company's CEO over poor subway safety standards. Everybody dies in the process.
    • Blood II: The Nightmare Levels: Deadpan Snarker zombie from the Wild West and his buddies camp out in the sixth dimension and tell stories about the times they ran around lighting cultists, zombies and sideshow attractions on fire.
  • Bloodborne: In a world where blood is everything, you go and hunt werewolves, insane villagers and ungodly monsters to stop a vicious plague. You will die... a lot.
    • Alternatively: A person gets a blood transfusion and then goes on a night-long killing spree ending in them either willingly getting killed by a man in a wheelchair (only to wake up in the morning), killing the wheelchair man (and then ending up being confined to the same wheelchair), or becoming an eldritch god.
      • Alternatively: Getting high on the blood of alien gods turns out to be a terrible idea, who'd have guessed it.
    • The Old Hunters DLC: The orphaned child of a dead god is saddened by its mother's death, so the blood transfusion patient kills it despite several people telling the patient to let it be.
      • Alternatively: You need to kill the bastard son of a fish goddess and several human men so he can be released into eternal peace. In order to do so, you must first fight a dude who thinks that moonlight is guiding him and a lady who suffers from PTSD.
  • Blood Over: A Gun Fu demon hunter and her Gatling gun-toting maid fight off supernatural monsters with style.
  • Bloody Roar: Furries beat the crap out of each other.
    • Bloody Roar 1: A research organization hires a kung-fu assassin, a 60-year-old ninja, and a transsexual to protect itself from a teenaged street fighter, a one-eyed Frenchman, another teenager who cut her shorts a little too short, a mostly-clueless circus performer, and Rosie the Riveter as they attempt to rescue a little girl that the organization turned into a really buff devil.
    • Bloody Roar 2: A furry Yakuza, lead by a Mad Scientist and his clone of the kung-fu assassin, starts causing trouble (including kidnapping Rosie the Riveter) in an extended allegory for racism; most of the furries begin beating the crap out of each other in the process of trying to stop them. Almost all of them also somehow mistake the clone for the one-eyed Frenchman, who actually turns out to be the fighting game equivalent of Nelson Mandela.
    • Bloody Roar 3: Furries find magic tattoos on their bodies that will eventually kill them. They decide to fix this by beating the crap out of each other, which somehow leads them to a White Hair, Black Heart who turns into a beast with prehensile spikes all over its body.
      • Bloody Roar: Primal Fury/Extreme: An effeminate tango danger who turns into a penguin accidentally causes trouble because of his tendency to blow everything up by turning into a phoenix, or his mother. The game ends up being basically the same as the above, but for non-Sony consoles.
    • Bloody Roar 4: A monk starts losing control of his power because he turns into an overpowered dragon. His tiny assistant looks for help and finds a furry Spotlight-Stealing Squad, who the other furries from before decide to beat up before dealing with the dragon.
  • Blooming Panic: Discord Server Simulator.
  • Bloons Tower Defense: The most complicated game of pop-the-balloons ever. With monkeys.
  • Blue Dragon: A bunch of kids put the balls in their mouths, scare the crap out of monsters (literally), get excited over nothing, and try to stop a dude from killing people For the Evulz. There's also a giant robot ostrich. Just because.
  • Blueberry Garden: Run around a garden throwing seeds while the local wildlife overpopulates.
  • Blue Fire: 3D Hollow Knight clone.
  • Blue Reflection: High school student who took an arrow to the knee becomes a Magical Girl and fights to protect her classmates from themselves and titans named after a Jewish tree.
  • Blue Reflection: Second Light: A bunch of Magical Girls try to escape summer school, but they'll have to sit through a bunch of flashbacks first.
  • Bob Came In Pieces: Affix your ship with pipes and magnets to fly around unhindered in tunnels.
  • Boktai: The only game series able to actively cause skin cancer in its players.
    • Lunar Knights: The cancer part is now optional.
  • Bombastic: Five cousins attempt to stay alive in the deadliest game of Yahtzee ever created.
  • Bomberman: Robot whose only ability is blowing things up goes through mazes to stop mad scientists.
  • Boom Blox: Jenga with flying bowling balls and explosions.
  • Boppin': Angular figures throw objects around to clear the field in such locations as a sheet of paper and a Go board. When they lose all their lives, they commit suicide in an uncharacteristically graphic fashion.
  • Border Down: Mars's new mind-controlled drone program accidentally destroys a Space Elevator. Except it wasn't an accident.
  • The Borderlands series: Alien technology can be yours if you can survive a deserted planet. Be sure to bring plenty of ammo!
    • Alternately: Fight with your friends over who gets the best gun.
    • Borderlands:
      • Borderlands: The Zombie Island of Doctor Ned: Zombies. Guns. Also, a doctor with a mustache.
      • Borderlands: Mad Moxxi's Underdome: A lady with heavy armaments and a love for violence throws a gladiatorial combat.
      • Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx: A general who really doesn't want to invade a deserted planet brings his army of Helghast-lookalikes. You interrupt his attempt to commit suicide after an argument with a five-year-old.
      • Borderlands: Claptrap's Robo-lution: An angry robot tries to Take Over the World. Bullets and badasses are needed to stop him.
    • Borderlands 2: A Jerkass in a mask takes over a deserted planet. The only hope to stop him is a lunatic commando, a bookworm with superpowers, a heavily-armed midget, a really weird ninja-thing no one knows anything about, a runaway high school student, and "THE CONDUCTOR OF THE POOP TRAIN!"
      • Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlet and Her Pirate's Booty: Pirates search for hidden treasure, and plot to betray you. Also, you blow up a perverted hermit.
      • Borderlands 2: Mister Torgue's Campaign of Carnage: EXPLOOOOOSSSSIONS: The DLC
      • Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt: A Gentleman Adventurer sends you out to kill big, scary things. A loser and his army of savages get in the way.
      • Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A friendly game devolves into psycho-analysis, force-feeding a thirteen-year-old girl a salad, and shotguns that shoot swords that explode into smaller swords which also explode.
    • Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!: Some crazy soldiers are trying to blow up the very Australian moon with a space station. Fortunately, a programmer had already hired a former assassin, a disgraced mercenary addicted to cybernetic enhancements, a bloodthirsty gunslinger, a glitchy and annoying robot, the programmer's own body double, and an evil aristocrat for a different job, so now they get to save the day.
      • Claptastic Voyage: The characters venture inside the resident comic-relief character's mind. None of them are thrilled by this prospect. It ends up being surprisingly sad, but hey, at least you can find some cool weapons!
  • Boulder Dash: A guy digs through a cave filled with explosive wildlife, because gems or something.
  • BoxxyQuest: The Gathering Storm: A 2018 JRPG about an internet meme from 2009.
  • A Boy and His Blob: A kid tries to dethrone an evil emperor by going on a treasure hunt to purchase jelly beans and multivitamins for his friend.
    • A Boy and His Blob (Wii) Same thing, but the Anvilicious health message doesn't apply anymore because the kid is immortal and already has an infinite supply of jelly beans. Before the kid challenges the evil emperor, he takes a nap in his Evil Tower of Ominousness.
  • Braid: A guy does jigsaw puzzles in his efforts to track down his ex-girlfriend. When he finally touches her, she explodes.
    • Alternately: Retcon: The Game.
    • Alternately: How one man loved the bomb and learned to start worrying.
  • Brain Age: High school SATs as a video game. May make you remember what you said you had for breakfast a few days ago.
  • Brain Lord: A dragon rider in a world with no dragons learns to loathe his enemies' big balls. Many puzzles get in the way, and tiny fairies don't help a lot.
  • Brawl Stars: 37 people (and a cactus) beat the crap out of each other. Some of these people include a sentient arcade cabinet, a porter in a Goofy Suit that throws luggage, an undead Phoneaholic Teenager, a Crazy Is Cool and/or Drunken Master pyromaniac pirate, several Gadgeteer Geniuses, three gangsters (one of which is a crow,) a Bob-omb expy, and a Southern Belle who won't hesitate to pop your skull open like a watermelon. And did we mention giant robots are involved in this? 'Cause they are.
  • Bravely Default: A priestess, an orphan, a playboy, and a knight slaughter an empire and take their jobs upon the advice of a chatty fairy who wants them to revive the crystals to save the world...and revive her demon lord master.
    • Alternatively: A game whose moral is "Go against what's expected of you". Doing so gets you the bad ending.
    • Alternatively: Spend four chapters doing the exact same thing over and over again.
  • Bravoman: A guy who can move his arms real far beats up an old man who has a very bad fashion sense.
  • Breath of Death VII: Four undead adventurers must bring crystals to the last man alive so that he can undo their very existence.
  • Breath of Fire: Several identically named dragon boys and bird girls team up with various furries and attempt to kill God.
  • Bricks Of Egypt: Destroy an ancient tomb by throwing marbles at it. Disembodied eyes will assist you by crying.
  • Brink!: Either commit terrorist acts or be a racist.
  • Broken Age: A boy tries to throw off the shackles of his overprotective mother. A girl tries to kill a monster. At first, these two stories seem to have nothing in common, but they turn out be related.
  • Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars: The only man in the entire world who wants to shake your hand also wants to kill you.
  • Brutal: Paws of Fury: Furries use martial arts to beat the crap out of a llama who pit them against each other.
  • BrĂĽtal Legend: An escapist metalhead rounds up a bunch of friends to beat the bloody shit out of (mostly harmless) Hair Metal fans, goths, and BDSM addicts with an axe and an E-guitar.
  • Bubble Bobble: A curse transformed two human boys into cute little dragons. They defeat enemies by blowing bubbles and jumping on them to rescue their girlfriends from a drunken giant.
    • Alternatively: If you touch a wind-up toy, your eyes get literally crossed off with a black line. Or if you trap said toy in a bubble and pop it, you cross its eyes off before it turns into food.
    • Rainbow Islands: Two boys who die easily because they suffered under the curse throw rainbows and climb islands.
    • Bubble Bobble Part 2: A boy (or two boys) get cursed and must rescue his/their friend(s) from a skull by blowing bubbles and inflating himself/themselves.
    • Bubble Symphony aka Bubble Bobble II: Two boys and two girls get cursed by a relative of the aforementioned drunken giant, then get banished and must get back home by blowing bubbles.
      • Bubble Memories: Two boys get cursed and blow bubbles while climbing up a tower.
    • Bubble Bobble Plus: Four cute little dragons who die easily blow bubbles and jump on them.
    • Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: Two plushies of a cute little dragon and a green-hooded beer bottle thrower come to life and chase each other around a kid's bedroom.
    • Rainbow Islands: Towering Adventure: Two boys race a Mad Scientist up a tower to meet a comet. Or rather, a comet girl.
    • Puzzle Bobble aka Bust-A-Move: Two duplicate cute little dragons must run a machine that shoots bubbles at bubbles to pop them and prevent them from building up too much. Letting that happen kills them.
      • Puzzle Bobble 2: The duplicate twins are no more, and a cute little dragon leaves the machine running to you and watches your progress. This time, letting bubbles build up too much makes him very panicky or really upset.
      • Bust-A-Move Again: Same as the above but two hands replace the cute little dragon. But they are NOT Master Hand or Crazy Hand.
      • Puzzle Bobble 2, VS CPU mode: Go around the world picking shoot-bubble duels with random strangers, some of which cheat.
      • Puzzle Bobble 3 aka Bust-A-Move 3: Same as the above, but the cute little dragon looks more like he's from an anime, and the Descending Ceiling is replaced by hovering flashing dots.
      • Puzzle Bobble 3, VS CPU mode: Go inside a bunch of arcade machines to pick shoot-bubble duels with their characters. First you have to face yourself.
      • Puzzle Bobble 4 aka Bust-A-Move 4: Same as the above, but the boy cute little dragon looks normal again, and pulleys join the flashing dots. A bunch of random characters join in on the fun. This time, letting bubbles build up makes them very dizzy or something, and dropped bubbles automatically fly back up to pop other bubbles.
      • Puzzle Bobble 4, VS CPU mode: Go IN SPACE to pick shoot-bubble duels with others to get all of an implied Plot Coupon.
    • Puzzle Bobble DS: Same as the above but on a Nintendo DS and only Japan got this one.
    • Bust-A-Move DS / Hippatte Puzzle Bobble: Same as the above but the duplicate twins (of the cute little dragons and other random characters) are back with a huge ribbon slingshot.
  • Bubble Tanks: Everything is bubbles. Pop or be popped.
  • Bug: An insect is a movie star.
    • Bug Too!: Three insects play movie stars, and have to finish filming six movies in a day.
  • Bugdom: An everyman saves the kingdom from a tyrannical despot by kicking everything. Also, you're all bugs.
  • Bugsnax: A journalist interviews a bunch of sad sacks who eat all day.
  • Bug Fables: Royal insects desire to consume a plant to live longer. This results in heroic contracts, mad science and politics. Comparisons to plumbers are inevitable.
  • Bulletstorm: Two angry mercenaries end up on a vacation resort island. Many people die in incredibly horrible ways.
  • Bully: The good guy out-bullies those school bullies.
  • Bunny Must Die: A little bunny girl who really hates her ears.
  • BurgerTime: Armed only with pepper shakers and his own ingredients, a chef who makes enormous sandwiches must ward off homicidal foodstuffs.
  • Burnout: Drivers use their cars as weapons and completely ignore the rules of the road.
  • Bullet Witch: A witch who wields a broom that transforms into high-powered guns and destructive magic fights with a resistance group from a demonic invasion.
  • Bushido Blade: Easily-killed assassins fight to keep one of their number from leaving. It's impossible to tell when exactly this is supposed to be taking place.
  • Caladrius: Magitek fantasy shoot 'em up with Clothing Damage.
  • Calendula: Getting this game to run properly proves surprisingly difficult...and unsettling.
  • The Caligula Effect: A group of high school students attempt to run away from their school, and use superpowers to beat up those who actually like being here.
  • Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth: While investigating the disappearance of a grocery store clerk, a man angers some alien fish who then try to kill him. May or may not involve blue lights.
  • Call of Duty series: Yet another series of World War II simulations.
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: An angry old Russian causes trouble in a sandbox.
  • Call of Juarez: An elderly preacher looks for a young delinquent who ran away from home.
  • Captain Rainbow: A washed-up superhero from Eagleland heads to an island where he can beat people up to make kids watch a television show about him. Along the way, he must help a transgendered dinosaur pick-up some men, help a lazy army become volleyball superstars, give a Cute Witch a hand with her allergies, and aid a samurai-in-training in controlling his urges around women.
  • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker: Take a franchise that helped spawn a genre. Make another game in that franchise, very similar to the last one, and remove the one thing that defines both the franchise and the genre. This is the result.
  • Captain Tomaday: Attack of the hero tomato.
  • Carmageddon: A racing game that puts the "laughter" back in "vehicular manslaughter".
    • Alternatively: demolition derby in population-dense area.
  • Carmen Sandiego: Fight a gang of thieves with silly names, led by an Impossible Thief in highly visible clothing, with the power of social studies, literacy, or basic math.
  • Carrion: Escape out of a research facility to get back to your natural habitat.
  • Castle Crashers: The heroes actually get some. Then get rickrolled.
  • Castlevania: Family tradition dictates the murder of an old man in his own home. He gets better.
  • The Cat Lady: A forty-something cat lover wants to die; rethinks after partaking in vigilante justice.
  • cat planet: Girl with wings talks to disembodied cat heads who speak broken English.
  • Catherine: An everyman cheats on his girlfriend. Puzzles ensues.
    • Or: Get drunk and push blocks.
    • Or: Man who can't keep his damn mouth shut and digs himself deep with every word has to sort out long term life goals and face the perverted manifestations of his fear of commitment.
  • The Cave: Seven complete strangers form groups of three and go spelunking.
  • Caves of Qud: Be a horrific mutant, set out for adventure, befriend random creatures by giving them water and die in a post-apocalypse so messed up even the plants want to kill you.
  • Cave Story: Amnesiac soldier steals a sleeping old man's gun and blasts his way through a cave in the sky. His only friends are bunnies.
    • Or: Amnesiac soldier carries dogs and his girlfriend on his back. He saves the world by abandoning a mortally wounded old man, then euthanizing an even older man.
    • Or: Ten years ago, there was a war over a hat. This is the aftermath.
  • Celeste: Climb a mountain to get over depression.
    • You consider climbing a mountain while climbing it. Once you've made up your mind, you can now climb it several times faster.
  • Cell Craft: Space platypi save their species from extinction with the help of molecular biology and an extremely bored robot.
  • Centipede: You kill centipedes.
  • The Chaos Engine: You and a teammate (it's obligatory) must shoot additional pylons.
  • Chaos;Head: An anime fan daydreams a lot.
  • Chaos Field: Pilot a dimension-swapping Space Fighter to fend off an invasion from the Dark World.
  • Chaos Legion: A Church Militant Magic Knight harnesses the powers of demonic entities to find the answers of his friend's betrayal and descent into wickedness.
  • Cherry Tree High Comedy Club: Hyperactive funny-girl runs around town trying to force her friends to join a new school club to deny her snobby Student Council President rival from shutting it down before it gets started.
    • Cherry Tree High Girls' Fight: The funny-girl is nowhere to be seen as the Student Council President organizes a tournament where girls from various school clubs beat the crap out of each other.
  • Chex Quest: A Game Mod of Doom where you shoot slime aliens to teleport them back to their dimension. The game came in a box of cereal as a prize and the player is dressed as a piece of said cereal.
  • Chibi-Robo!: A sentient android who is also a Heroic Mime discovers alien life, travels through time, and saves the world from evil robot spiders. Does that sound a bit too normal for Better Than It Sounds? Highlight that spoiler tag.
  • Child of Eden: In the 23rd century, a virus is attacking the virtual projection of the first girl born in space. You are the antivirus. On your quest you'll battle a giant whale, a giant flower, and a giant satellite.
  • Child of Light: A young princess looks for celestial objects. Everybody in the world speaks in rhyme.
  • Chimera Beast: A Horde of Alien Locusts destroy a planet. You are one of the locusts.
  • Chippy: You shoot clusters of tiny pixels. To twist the knife, some people who bought this only care about a certain item in another game.
  • Chip's Challenge: Computer geek risks his life in a series of devious mazes filled with monsters and riddles to win reputation among fellow students, including his love interest.
    • Kid takes a computer club's hazing ritual a little too seriously.
    • Chuck's Challenge: Alien abducts a video game designer and forces him to create dangerous mazes for him (the alien) to play in.
      • Designer of an obscure puzzle game gets kidnapped by a racist Loony Fan because he wants the designer to help him live out the game in real life with his mistreated pets. Stockholm Syndrome ensues.
    • Chip's Challenge 2: In this long-awaited direct sequel, computer geek and his love interest venture into newly-designed mazes with all sorts of crazy traps, enemies and gimmicks.
      • Kid is applauded for overcoming the aforementioned hazing ritual and put through a slightly more professional version of it.
  • Chroma Squad: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Tactics.
    • Or, five stuntmen including, but not limited to, a beaver, an alien and a robot are making their own tokusatsu show where they fought a Gender Bender Lady Gaga. First for the ratings and, after that, for the sake of the world.
  • Chromehounds: A mercenary pilots a Walking Tank across three fictional countries. Everyone he meets expresses their hope that war doesn't erupt. War erupts anyway because otherwise there wouldn't be a reason to include multiplayer in the game.
  • Chrono Trigger: A teenage boy goes to a fair. Apocalypse ensues.
    • Radical Dreamers: A teenage boy helps a wizard and his sister break into a mansion with the power of friendship and turning pages.
    • Chrono Cross: A teenage boy is made to fight a cat and the local gods in between two timelines in order to free a girl from an alien parasite monster. Beating the final boss triggers the bad ending.
  • ChuChu Rocket!: You place arrows on a flat surface, causing numbers to go up and down.
  • CHUNITHM: You hit a wide rectangle in time to music and sometimes wave your hands in the air.
  • Chulip: Kiss everybody in town!
  • Chuzzle: Matching three or more puffballs of the same color in order to make a potion of some sort.
  • Chzo Mythos: A Gentleman Thief, a construction inspector and a fake psychiatrist fight against an insane murderer, a deranged cult and a Lovecraft reject, two centuries apart from one another.
    • Alternately: An adventure game series with a stealth platformer spin-off.
  • City of Heroes: Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.
    • Or: Put on a silly costume and beat up gangsters, monsters, and aliens in what is clearly the most doomed city on planet Earth.
    • City of Villains: Start your new life in a tropical island nation.
      • Or: Move to the worst place on Earth and fight to make it even crappier.
  • Cirno Training: A fairy shows that she is the smartest by teaching math.
    • Or: An Edutainment Game staring a famous character from a famous video game series that uses an unorthodox method to teach math.
  • Civilization: The main character is the leader of a small band of primitive nomads. He is told that he must either conquer the world or take his people to another. He is given a very long lifespan in order to do so.
  • Clayfighter: Circus freaks mutated by a meteor from space beat the crap out of each other.
  • The Cliffhanger Edward Randy: Shameless ripoff character misses a date with his girlfriend.
  • cloudphobia: A mecha pilot darts through the skies while protecting a mothership from being attacked by escaping enemies.
  • Clock Tower: Girl runs away from a midget who wields a pair of hedge-trimmers.
    • Clock Tower 2: Girl, guardian and cop run away from the midget's brother. Psychiatrist and assistant dress up in an attempt at self-therapy.
    • Clock Tower: Ghost Head: Girl with a manly voice shoots her own niece, then repeatedly beats her father over the head with a fire extinguisher.
    • Clock Tower 3: An old man comes up with an overly convoluted scheme to murder his own granddaughter, never realising that she never would've suspected him if he had just greeted her normally.
  • Clockwork Knight: A man must save the woman who wakes everyone up every night.
  • CLOP: A Jerkass whose grammar would give Weird Al fits attempts to Uriah Gambit a very ungainly horse for the lulz.
  • The Closer: Game of the Year Edition: A New York Yankees pitcher has to improve his skills before the final game of the World Series. He is aided by his coach, a philosopher, someone from a hentai Visual Novel, and Twitter.
  • Cloudberry Kingdom: Embittered platform hero jumps through death traps galore to rescue a princess he's already saved hundreds of times before.
  • Club Penguin: Hang out in a cold island where you can't swear, become a black belt in a card game, adopt weird furry things whose personality depends on their fur color, and join an organization whose main purpose is to prevent a grumpy guy from warming himself up.
  • The Clue!: A young man wins a free taxi pass, and proceeds to pursue a life of crime.
  • Code of Princess: Princess with a giant sword and a tiny metal bra attempts to save her kingdom from a queen running a Monster Protection Racket.
  • Code Name: Viper: An agent is sent to destroy a South American drug the guy who runs it.
  • Code Vein: Come for the soulsborne gameplay, stay for the waifu character creation.
    • Alternatively: Turns out you were in the God Eater universe the entire time!
  • Coffee Talk: Barista Simulator, where most of your conversation topics with your customers are about racism.
  • Cold Fear: A Coast Guard officer investigating a ship struggles with the uncooperative crew and remaining upright on the deck.
  • The Combatribes: Remember: Cyborgs ain't ladies.
  • Comix Zone: A starving artist breaks the fourth wall.
  • Command & Conquer: The UN takes issue with a bald man who likes rocks.
  • Commander Keen 1-3: Boy genius fights aliens who intend to destroy the world. He uses stuff he made out of crap in his dad's garage and his mom's fridge. A classmate was behind it the whole time.
    • Keen Dreams: Boy genius refuses to eat his dinner and is transported to a land of evil talking vegetables. He fights them with flowers.
    • Commander Keen 4-5: Boy genius fights meaner aliens who intend to destroy the galaxy. He uses stuff he made out of crap in his dad's garage and his mom's fridge. A classmate was behind it the whole time.
    • Commander Keen 6: Boy genius fights meaner aliens who intend to eat his babysitter. He uses stuff he made out of crap in his dad's garage and his mom's fridge. A classmate was behind it the whole time.
    • Commander Keen: The Universe is Toast: Stymied by the inability of the boy genius to continue his tale, the internet sets out to defeat the classmate once and for all. People are all right with this.
  • Company of Heroes: A WWII game...if that doesn't worry you already, you're too idealistic.
    • Alternately: Get pinned down by MG fire, then blown to pieces by mortars.
  • Conception 2: Children Of The Seven Stars: A game about making babies by holding hands and using them to destroy monsters and save the world.
  • Condemned: Criminal Origins Although he's chasing a serial killer AND on the run from a Crime He Didn't Commit, a Federal Agent spends most of his time beating homeless people to death with a lead pipe.
    • Condemned 2: Bloodshot: A Federal Agent turned hobo fights against the ancient conspiracy whose sonic devices cause crime and paranoia among men. Now Special Forces on top of the homeless face his lead pipe wrath. Later he beats them to death by yelling at them.
  • Conker's Bad Fur Day: Lost squirrel tries to get home.
    • Or: A sociopathic rodent with an accent that likes to change regularly tries to find his way home after getting drunk and ends up becoming king.
    • You fight a literal piece of shit.
    • A drunk Funny Animal gets lost, insults and kills random people, and makes an ass out of himself. Everybody agrees he would make a good king.
  • Contact: A boy battles a band for Green Rocks before turning his sights on you.
  • Contra: Two supermuscled (but fragile) soldiers, equipped with nothing but a wimpy rifle and a pair of pants, shoot up alien baddies from an army base to the insides of some giant red alien.
    • Contra: Shattered Soldier: One of the soldiers is framed for global mass murder in an effort to cover up another soldier's death. Once the first soldier finds out, he decides to kill the other soldier again. By entering his body.
  • Control: Young woman trying to find answers to why the government took away her brother ends up becoming head of the agency responsible for the kidnapping.
    • The Foundation expansion: The new head of the agency has disagreements with her superiors over one of their former members.
    • The AWE expansion: It turns out that the events of the main game were masterminded by the uninspired author mentioned earlier in this page as a plan to break him out of his prison.
  • Cookie Clicker: Baked goods become life, the universe, and everything. Just don't anger the grandmas. Seriously, we mean it.
  • Cookie Run: Gingerbread people (and a donut from space) run super fast to avoid being eaten.
  • Cooking Mama: You prepare various exotic dishes for your diminutive starry-eyed mother.
  • Copy Kitty: A Cat Girl's training montage.
  • Corpse Party: High School students are trapped in a hellish dimension. Escape or die trying.
  • Cortex Command: Make a base, then defend it against hordes of idiots with heavy weaponry and the ability to headbutt through solid steel.
  • Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure: A naked green alien kid with chicken pox and plungers for hands wants to go to Disney World for his birthday. His ship crashes on a forbidden planet and, before he can find his missing parents, he gets eaten by a giant monster.
  • Costume Quest: Candy-stealing goblins and trolls are no match for a kid in his/her cardboard robot suit.
  • Counterfeit Monkey: Get new stuff by removing letters from old stuff.
  • Counter-Strike: Counter-terrorists attempt to thwart terrorists. That's about it.
    • Counter-Strike Source: Counter-terrorists attempt to thwart terrorists with physics and bloom effects.
    • Counter-Strike Global Offensive: Counter-terrorists attempt to thwart terrorists with both sides flexing colorful, expensive coat of paint.
  • Cragne Manor: Look for your lost husband while running into constant Big Lipped Alligator Moments.
  • Crash Bandicoot (1996): An anthropomorphic marsupial exacts revenge on the balding scientist who granted him sentience. Expect him to die a lot.
    • Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back: The same marsupial collects purple crystals for said scientist as a ruse to collect gems to destroy his space station.
    • Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped: A giant mask escapes from a mountain to collect crystals through time with the help of a man holding a giant tuning fork. You, led by another mask, have to stop them.
    • Crash Team Racing: An alien challenges eight of Earth's defenders, including a cat from Ancient China and a polar bear to a race with go-karts with the fate of the world at stake. Racing is serious business!
    • Crash Bash: 2 sentient mask rivals decide to settle it in a Party Game with their minions. Said minions die a lot, only to be resurrected again and again.
    • Crash N Sane Trilogy: The marsupial relives his first three adventures, and his memories look prettier than what really happened back then. Also, his sister messes with the timestream to join him on said adventures.
    • Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time: Marsupial and his sister, after many years of events that never happened, are fighting back against the balding scientist and genie guy with the turning fork as they uses mask that control space, time and matters. They are helped by a former friend who went from Buxom Beauty Standard to Hartman Hips, a former enemy from another dimention, the masks and the balding scientist himself... or is he.
  • Crazy Taxi: The world's worst drivers are hired as chauffeurs.
  • Creatures: Breed a bunch of complex aliens.
  • Crescent Pale Mist: A fantasy country was swallowed up by twisted dimension created by an ancient and dangerous form of magic, and a Magic Knight who wields said dangerous magical powers takes a daunting journey to confront those abusing its powers.
  • Criminal Girls: You apply for a summer job that involves whipping bad girls until they are able to nuke enemies to oblivion.
  • Crimson Glaive Sigma: Inattentive driver crashes into a living creature. You are the fruit of his years-long research into getting away from that creature.
  • The Crimson Room: You have to break out of a suicidal man's bedroom. How you got in there is never addressed.
    • The Viridian Room: To escape the apartment, you have to appease the guy's ghost. Fortunately, his life was so dull that this is easy to do.
  • Crimson Sea: Starship Troopers has been reimagined as space anime with some heavy musical theming.
  • Crimzon Clover: A Shoot 'Em Up superplayer makes his own CAVE-esque shoot 'em up game filled with more expansions than the 4th of July.
  • CROSS†CHANNEL: A group of cliche anime characters are deemed unable to adapt to society. Then they're forced to repeat the same things over again unless the pervert intervenes.
  • CrossCode: A amnesiac girl plays in a super-advanced MMO game in a search of her past.
  • Cross Edge: A gun-wielding delinquent and his mellow childhood friend team up with characters from other parallel universes to find their way back to their respective home worlds.
  • Cruelty Squad: A depressed drug addict (and it really shows with HOW he sees the world) gets hired as a Corporate Samurai in a world where almost everybody has access to resurrective immortality.
  • Crusader: No Remorse: After he and two co-workers are terminated, a corporation's star employee sets about getting payback.
    • Crusader: No Regret: A mute conquers the moon in about a week.
  • Crusader Kings: Family deals with inheritance, marriage and trips to foreign parts.
    • Alternately: Many bad things happen to your kingdom. Then your 2-year old son inherits everything.
    • Alternately: Welcome to a game where invading a foreign power is less important than marrying off your kids and where becoming a Lunatic only increases the options in your schedule.
  • Crusader of Centy: Bright up-and-coming RPG hero is proven guilty of mass murder.
  • Cry of Fear: A depressed man writes a book on his doctor's orders.
    • Doctor mode: The doctor reads parts of the book, immediately decides to burn it.
    • Co-op mode: Four cops get a little too engrossed in reading the book backwards.
  • Crypt Of The Necrodancer: A young woman explores the underground and has to dances her way to the bottom. Her deceased mother and grandmother are later joining her in her quest.
    • Cadence of Hyrule: The same young woman teams up with a boy and girl to fight a giant pig.
  • Crysis: A special forces soldier in a futuristic catsuit battles the Red Menace and robotic squids that spew ice.
  • Crystalis: A guy wakes up in a cave. He sets forth to accumulate a collection of balls and bracelets.
  • Crystal Quest: A six-legged Space Cow in a flying saucer vacuums up some crystals, then moans erotically. In the sequel, she alternates crystal collecting with destroying fine art and doing four-piece jigsaw puzzles.
  • Crystar: You killed your sister; cry a bunch and make a bunch of other people cry to bring her back.
  • Cthulhu Saves the World: An elder god sucks up to the narrator so that he can regain his eldritch powers.
  • Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest: Blocks eat and mate with other blocks. Nobody Poops is averted.
  • Cult of the Lamb: Babysit a bunch of animal people that can't even cook or clean up after themselves, so you can sacrifice them to a death god to pay off your resurrection(s). You get to murder a lot more animals in your off-time.
  • Cuphead: Two rubberhose cartoon characters become contract killers to pay off their gambling debts.
    • Alternatively: Two young boys are offered by Satan to cure their gambling habit at the cost of gaining a new habit: Murder.
  • Cursed Treasure: You are a villain trying to keep your stuff out of the heroes' hands.
  • Custom Robo: Children are encouraged to compete with each other using action figures modified to fight in warfare.
  • Cut the Rope: A monster wants candy and you have to give him one, every time.
  • Cyberpunk 2077: Thanks to a heist gone wrong, your mind is slowly taken over by Keanu Reeves. You spend the remaining weeks you have left dicking around a city doing gigs, enjoying activities and getting laid.
